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24 datasets found
Environment Southland Flood Protection Network
Environment SouthlandFlood Protection maintained by Environment Southland on behalf of the Ratepayers.Created 5 November 2018 • Updated 10 September 2020 -
Environment Southland Significant Floodplains
Environment SouthlandWithin the floodplain areas, the likelihood of flooding varies considerably depending on the existence and standard of any flood alleviation works and the height of the particular site.Created 5 November 2018 • Updated 10 September 2020 -
GWRC Flood Hazards Areas for the Wellington Region
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilCombined regional flood hazards extent for rivers and streams in the Wellington Region. Data supplied in Feb 2017 from GWRC Flood Protection Dept for the GWRC public flood hazard maps project. Extra extent data supplied by KCDC and WCC was added in May 2017. If you want more information about Flood Risk in the Western part of the Region, please contact...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Flood Zones
Wellington City CouncilFlood zones are identified from a combination of historic flooding records and flood modelling compiled by Wellington Water. Data has been compiled from a variety of sources and its accuracy may vary. Information supplied is to the best of Wellington Water's knowledge, and must not be used for detailed engineering design. Please contact Wellington Water...Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
PNCC Flood Prone Area
Palmerston North City Council{{default.description}}Created 20 August 2018 • Updated 11 June 2020 -
NZ Flood Statistics Henderson Collins V2 Layer
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedLayer used in public web app to provide Flood Estimation for New Zealand 1. Modelled flood frequency estimates on river lines.NZREACH NZ digital network 1 ID no.River name where availableAreakm2 catchment area draining to the downstream end of this reach (square...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
New Zealand River Flood Statistics App
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedA map service and web application where users can extract flood statistics from a regional flood model, at-site flood statistics and annual maximum flows from flow recorders used in the model development, flood estimates based on rain intensity for use in the Rational Method. 1. Modelled flood frequency estimates on river lines.NZREACH NZ digital network...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
HIRDS v4 Rainfall Depth Surfaces New Zealand
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedThe High Intensity Rainfall Design System (HIRDS) provides estimates of high intensity rainfall at ungauged locations for a range of return periods and event durations. These surfaces can be used for design storm assessment and in the design of flood protection works and other waterway structures. They can also be used for flood modelling, including flood...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
Flood Statistics 2018 REC1
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedLayer used in public web app to provide Flood Estimation for New Zealand 1. Modelled flood frequency estimates on river lines.NZREACH NZ digital network 1 ID no.River name where availableAreakm2 catchment area draining to the downstream end of this reach (square...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
Rational Method HIRDS V3 REC1
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedLayer used in public web app to provide Flood Estimation for New Zealand 1. Modelled flood frequency estimates on river lines.NZREACH NZ digital network 1 ID no.River name where availableAreakm2 catchment area draining to the downstream end of this reach (square...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
Flood Statistics Flow Gauges 2018
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedLayer used in public web app to provide Flood Estimation for New Zealand 1. Modelled flood frequency estimates on river lines.NZREACH NZ digital network 1 ID no.River name where availableAreakm2 catchment area draining to the downstream end of this reach (square...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
Marlborough District CouncilLive river and rainfall information for the Marlborough District. Current flows are shown against know alarm thresholds.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 10 April 2020 -
MEP - Flood Hazard Areas
Marlborough District CouncilThis dataset is part of the proposed Marlborough Environment Plan, as amended by decisions. The layer identifies land subject to Level 1, 2, 3 and 4 flood hazard. For more information, check the Marlborough Environment Plan website. Symbology settings for display in GIS applications: Level 1 : Outline - None, Fill - RGB 179, 247, 255 Level 2: Outline -...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 10 April 2020 -
Gisborne Significant Flood Plains
Gisborne District CouncilThe East Cape has a history of “hits” from decaying tropical cyclones causing widespread flooding and disruption. There are also other events that are more localised and result from a weather system dumping a large volume of water in a small area. A recent study showed that there is a trend of less of these events, but when they occur more rain falls....Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Flood Protection Stopbank
Gisborne District CouncilStopbanks are continuous mounds of earth built near rivers to stop water from the river flooding nearby land. Americans call them levees. They may look like grassy banks, but they are actually constructed according to very specific engineering designs. When the river is in flood, they need to be able to contain the floodwaters without collapsing.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Additional Flood Zones (Non-Plan)
Gisborne District CouncilKnown flooding areas throughout the Gisborne district that are not part of the official Tairawhiti Resource Management Plan flood zones.Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Coastal Flooding
Gisborne District CouncilGisborne District Council (GDC) is required to identify areas in the coastal environment that are potentially affected by coastal hazards, over at least 100 years, as required by the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement (NZCPS) (DoC 2010). In 2014 NIWA developed a Coastal Calculator to derive coastal-storm inundation elevations and likelihoods as a result...Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Flood Hazard Areas
Gisborne District CouncilFlood hazard assessments have been carried out for several areas in the District. These include the Poverty Bay Flats, Gisborne urban area, and the Mangatuna/ Wharekaka Area for the Hikuwai/Uawa River. The flood hazard varies across liable areas. Generally towards the edge of the flooded area depths are shallow and floodwaters move at slow speeds....Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Additional Flood Zones
Gisborne District CouncilThe East Cape has a history of “hits” from decaying tropical cyclones causing widespread flooding and disruption. There are also other events that are more localised and result from a weather system dumping a large volume of water in a small area. A recent study showed that there is a trend of less of these events, but when they occur more rain falls....Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
District Plan Flood Zones
Gisborne District CouncilThe East Cape has a history of “hits” from decaying tropical cyclones causing widespread flooding and disruption. There are also other events that are more localised and result from a weather system dumping a large volume of water in a small area. A recent study showed that there is a trend of less of these events, but when they occur more rain falls....Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020
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