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25 datasets found
District Plan Flood Zones
Gisborne District CouncilThe East Cape has a history of “hits” from decaying tropical cyclones causing widespread flooding and disruption. There are also other events that are more localised and result from a weather system dumping a large volume of water in a small area. A recent study showed that there is a trend of less of these events, but when they occur more rain falls....Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Catchments and Hydrology (Geodatabase)
Auckland CouncilThe Catchments and Hydrology dataset contains the following features: Overland Flow Paths, Flood Prone Areas, Flood Sensitive Areas, Flood Plains and Stormwater Catchments. Currency: Overland Flow Paths - last update June 2013Flood Prone Areas - last update September 2013Flood Sensitive Areas - last update May 2013Flood Plains - last update July...Created 10 September 2019 • Updated 10 February 2020 -
BayHazards - Bay of Plenty Natural Hazards Viewer
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilAn interactive viewer of the Bay of Plenty's natural hazards. Explore this map to discover information on the natural hazards that impact our region.Note: the Resources Page is hosted on BOPGISAPP01. Go to D:\documents\BayHazards if you want to make any changes.Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Hawke's Bay Stopbanks
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilCouncil maintains a network of stopbanks, hydraulic structures and pump stations, as well as managing the river, stream and drainage channels to ensure they work as expected during floods. The overall aim is to reduce the risk of flood and erosion damage while maintaining a high quality river environment. The stopbanks on the major rivers are designed to...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Hawke's Bay Flood Risk Areas
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilMuch of the settled Hawke’s Bay region is low lying and built on river flood plains. This brings the risk of flooding, which is our most common natural hazard - a severe storm or flood happens every 10 years on average. Major storms affect wide areas and can be accompanied by strong winds, heavy rain or snowfall, thunder, lightning, and rough seas. They...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020
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