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761 datasets found
Recruitment of indigenous tree sp putaputawēta 2002–2014
Ministry for the Environment"The rates of establishment (recruitment) of indigenous tree species vary across New Zealand. Changes in the state of the environment (such as from browsing pests, large-scale weather events, or climate change) may change the rates of recruitment of particular tree species. This in turn may alter forest processes. Repeated surveys of the distribution of...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Estimated forest carbon stocks - Change in forest carbon stocks, 1990–2012
Ministry for the EnvironmentNew Zealand’s indigenous and exotic forests absorb and store carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. As forests grow, the carbon stored in them increases. These carbon stocks help offset greenhouse gas emissions from sources such as agriculture, energy production, and transport. Column headings: type = vegetation type of forest vol_tC = volume...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Total suspended particulate matter concentrations at Penrose, Auckland, 1965–16
Ministry for the EnvironmentTotal suspended particulate matter (TSP) consists of solid and liquid airborne particles that are smaller than 100 micrometres in diameter. Although, by weight, it is dominated by the larger particles it does also include the PM10 and PM2.5 sub-fractions that are responsible for most health effects, such as respiratory and cardiovascular disease, and some...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Sentinel2 2018 Chatham Islands Footprints
Ministry for the EnvironmentNote: Metadata relates to the mosaicked imagery. This layer has been provided to enable users to explore coverage and capture dates of the imagery. To enquire about ordering the imagery, please e-mail lucas[at] This imagery is a 10m, ten-band multispectral, cloud-minimised mosaic of Sentinel 2A and 2B satellite tiles over Chatham Islands made...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Recruitment of indigenous tree sp kāmahi 2002–2014
Ministry for the Environment"The rates of establishment (recruitment) of indigenous tree species vary across New Zealand. Changes in the state of the environment (such as from browsing pests, large-scale weather events, or climate change) may change the rates of recruitment of particular tree species. This in turn may alter forest processes. Repeated surveys of the distribution of...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Growing degree days trend assessment, by site, 1972/3–2015/6
Ministry for the EnvironmentGrowing degree days (GDD) measures the amount of warmth available for plant and insect growth and can be used to predict when flowers will bloom and crops and insects will mature. GDD counts the total number of degrees Celsius each day is above a threshold temperature. In this report we used 10 degrees Celsius. Increased GDD means that plants and insects...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Growing degree days trend assessment, for New Zealand, the North Island, and...
Ministry for the EnvironmentGrowing degree days (GDD) measures the amount of warmth available for plant and insect growth and can be used to predict when flowers will bloom and crops and insects will mature. GDD counts the total number of degrees Celsius each day is above a threshold temperature. In this report we used 10 degrees Celsius. Increased GDD means that plants and insects...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
He Pātaka Wai Ora Report_datasheet raw water nutrients
Ministry for the EnvironmentThis dataset has no description
Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Estimated global production of major ozone-depleting substances (1986–2013)
Ministry for the EnvironmentOzone in the stratosphere is destroyed in a catalytic reaction with a range of chemical species (mainly CFCs) that are emitted through human activities. The emission of these ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) is closely related to the amount of the chemicals that are produced. The ozone layer absorbs most of the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation....Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Global and New Zealand temperature anomalies, 1909–2016
Ministry for the EnvironmentThis dataset compares temperatures anomalies from NIWA's 'seven-station' temperature series with three global temperature series. More information on this dataset and how it relates to our Environmental reporting indicators and topics can be found in the attached data quality pdf.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Ground-level ozone annual trends, 2011-2020
Ministry for the EnvironmentGround-level (tropospheric) ozone (O3) exists at a natural background level but is also produced when nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds from vehicle emissions, petrol fumes, industrial processes solvents, and other human-made sources react in the presence of heat and sunlight. It is the primary component of photochemical smog. Ozone...Created 1 December 2021 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Drought, 1972 - 2019, trend
Ministry for the EnvironmentDATA SOURCE: National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) [Technical report available at] Adapted by Ministry for the Environment and Statistics New Zealand to provide for environmental reporting transparency Dataset...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Recruitment of indigenous tree sp hūpiro 2002–2014
Ministry for the Environment"The rates of establishment (recruitment) of indigenous tree species vary across New Zealand. Changes in the state of the environment (such as from browsing pests, large-scale weather events, or climate change) may change the rates of recruitment of particular tree species. This in turn may alter forest processes. Repeated surveys of the distribution of...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Estimated sea lion captures in all trawl fisheries (2003–13)
Ministry for the EnvironmentSea lions and fur seals are the protected species most directly affected by fisheries in New Zealand waters, along with seabirds and dolphins. Estimating the bycatch of sea lions and fur seals indicates the pressures they face from current fishing practices. The New Zealand sea lion Phocarctos hookeri is threatened with extinction and is classified as...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Cumulative occupancy of key non-indigenous species by port of first entry (2009–2015)
Ministry for the EnvironmentMarine non-indigenous (exotic) species arrive in New Zealand waters on the hulls of international vessels (biofouling) or in discharged ballast waters. Some have little impact or cannot survive in New Zealand waters; others have a negative impact on our native habitats and species and become pests. They can compete with, and prey on, indigenous species,...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Carbon monoxide concentrations and exceedances 2005–2013
Ministry for the EnvironmentCarbon monoxide (CO) is a gas formed by incomplete combustion of fuels, in particular from road motor vehicles and burning wood and coal for home heating. It also occurs naturally, for example, from wild fires. CO can affect human health by interfering with the blood’s ability to carry oxygen and by aggravating heart conditions. Road motor vehicles are...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Lake water quality trends 2008–2017 1998–2017 and 1990–2017
Ministry for the EnvironmentThis dataset contains ten lake water quality variables based on measurements made at monitored lake sites: chlorophyll-a, nitrate-nitrogen, total nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen, dissolved reactive phosphorus, total phosphorus, Escherichia coli, water clarity, and lake trophic level index (TLI3 and TLI4). This dataset includes: - Median values for the...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Ozone hole (1979–2014)
Ministry for the EnvironmentOzone protects the Earth from harmful levels of UV radiation. The ozone hole is an area of reduced stratospheric ozone that forms over Antarctica each spring, due to ozone-depleting substance. Reporting on the state of the ozone hole provides important context for the state of ozone concentrations globally. This dataset relates to the "Ozone hole" measure...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Recruitment of indigenous tree sp mountain horopito 2002–2014
Ministry for the Environment"The rates of establishment (recruitment) of indigenous tree species vary across New Zealand. Changes in the state of the environment (such as from browsing pests, large-scale weather events, or climate change) may change the rates of recruitment of particular tree species. This in turn may alter forest processes. Repeated surveys of the distribution of...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Nitrogen dioxide concentrations: council and unitary authority data, 2004–17
Ministry for the EnvironmentNitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a gas that is harmful to human health, ecosystems, and plants (US EPA, 2008). It can be emitted directly into the air but is often formed as a secondary pollutant when nitric oxide (NO) emissions react with other chemicals. It also contributes to the formation of secondary particulate matter (PM) and ozone, which have their own...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025
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