################################################## EFwjV ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 297 [[/preprinted]] [[table, 5 columns]] 22535 | Y/- | S. India Cloth Trousers used by Devil Dancers Travancore 6 | W22/28-11-11 | 12-6 22536 | Y/- | S. India Iron Trident used by Devil Dancers Travancore C | | 10-6 22537 | Y/- | S. India Iron Hand used by Devil Dancers Travancore C | W22/28-11-11 | 15-0 22538 | N/- | S. India Seal | L12/6-5-11 | 6-6 22539 | N/- | S. India Seal | L12/6-5-11 | 6-6 22540 | N/- | S. India Seal | L12/6-5-11 | 6-6 22541 | N/- | S. India Seal | L12/6-5-11 | 6-6 22542 | N/- | S. India Seal | L12/6-5-11 | 10-6 22543 | Y/S | S. India Money Counting Board. 31| F20/24-9-10 | 6-0 22544 | G/- | Board? | | 5-0 22545 | G/S | Shrine. wood. 4. | N9/17-10-10 | 5-0 22546 | GA/- | Bran Group. 22 | | 3-3-0 22547 | A/- | S. India Pair of rattle Armlets used by Devil Dancers. 13 | N9/17-10-10 | 10-0 22548 | Y/- | N. India Ancient stone fragment. Buddha 7"x5" Benares P. | N9/17-10-10 | 15-0 22549 | G/- | N. India Ancient stone fragment. l. Laud h: shell, Supta period. Benares R | N9/17-10-10 | 10-0 22550 | G/- | N. India Ancient stone fragment. Head Jaina period. Benares Q | N9/17-10-10 | 5-0 22551 | G/- | N. India Ancient stone fragment. Small head Benares T | N9/17-10-10 | 5-0 22552 | G/- | N. India Ancient stone fragment. Figure Benares U | N9/17-10-10 | 5-0 22553 | G/- | N. India Ancient stone fragment. Square block [[4 fig?]] Benares V | | 6-0 22554 | GY/S | New Guinea Drum | P16/7-6-13 | 4-10-0 22555 | GX/- | New Guinea Canoe Figure Head. | | 1-12-6 22556 | M/- | New Guinea [[?]] [[Knife?]] | P16/ 17-6-12 | 10-0 22557 | G/- | Africa head ring for carrying | P16/28-11-13 | 5-6 22558 | G/- | Africa Tattooing Knife | | 3-0 22559 | Y/S | Indian Agricultural Hoe. | | 10-0 22560 | G/S | Madagascar. Harp, "Valiha". Betsileo | C30/3-6-12 | 16-6 22561 | G/X | Madagascar. Harp C | F20/6-5-11 | 15-0 22562 | G/- | Madagascar. Spoon bone | | 10-0 22563 | G/- | Madagascar. Spoon bone | | 6-6 22564 | G/- | Madagascar. [[Snuff?]] Bottle. gourd. | P16/28-11-13 | 3-6 22565 | GX/- | Madagascar. Handle carved. | S4/13-11-11 | 1-18-0 22566 | M/- | Basuto Knife | | 10-0 22567 | Y/- | S. India Seal. Travancore | L12/6-5-11 | 6-6 22568 | Y/- | S. India Seal. Travancore | | 10-6 22569 | N/- | S. India Book Cover. Travancore | | 7-12-6 22570 | M/- | S. India Money counting Board Travancore | | 14-0 22571 | Y/- | S. India Devil Dancer's Trident Travancore | N9/17-10-10 | 1-18-0 22572 | Y/- | S. India Devil Dancer's Trident Travancore | W22/28-11-11 | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwjY ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 298 [[/preprinted]] [[5 column table]] 22573. | Y/. | S. India iron Rattle Travaucore 12 | N9/17.10.10 | 1-18-0 22574 | Y/. | S. India Spur Splitter Travaucore 12 | L12/6.5.11 | 8-0 22575 | A/. | Tibet Prayer Wheel. Cloth covered. | L12/6.5.11 | 18-6 22576 | GX/. | New Guinea Shield. Hula. | P16/7.6.13 | 2-7-6 22577 | M/. | New Guinea Ear Ornament. [[image - drawing of ornament]] Nenj ran. | P16/3.6.13 | 17-0 22578 | N/. | New Guinea Lune Spatula. C | F20/18.11.11 | 10-6 22579 | N/. | New Guinea Lune Spatula. | F16/18.8.11 | 9-0 22580 | Y/. | Hawaii Tappa. | C11/20.9.11 | 1-5-0 22581 | Y/./. | New Caledonia Axe head jade. See 34417. £13. | P16.7.12 | [[strikethrough]]3[[/strikethrough]]-3-0 22582 | T/. | W. Australia Axe. gum. | P16.7.12 | 1-0-0 22583 | S/. | S. Africa Head Rest. [[image - drawing of head rest]] | P16/28.11.13 | 15-0 22584 | GA/. | England F. L. Pistol. Silver Mask butt. | C10/1.2.11 | 1-15-0 22585 | G/N/. | England. P. C Pistol Club. | C10/1.2.11 | 1-17-6 22586 | I/. | Borues Fishing Rod | N9/17.10.10 | 15-0 22587 | A/. | [[strikethrough]]Celebese[[/strikethrough]] ^[[insertion]]Java[[/insertion]] Spear Silver mount. hair at base Madura} 3-100 | S35/21.10.16 | 1-17-6 22588 | M/S | Jana Spear bran mount hair at base Madura} 3-100 | S35/21-10-16 3-10-0 | 1-17-6 22589 | M/.| Jana, Spear plain mount. hair at base Madura} 3-100| S35/21.10.16 | 1-17-6 22590 | Y/S | 1 Jana Spear} | S35/21-10-16 hair at base Madura} 3-100 | S35/21-10-16 | 17-6 22591 | I/. | Celebese Harpoon Spear. | N9/17-1-10 | 1-0-0 22592 | M/S | Dutch New Guinea Spear forked point plain C | F20/17-6-11 | 12-0 22593 | M/S | Dutch New Guinea Spear sting ray point. cut barb C | F20/17-6-11 | | 15-0 22594 | M/S | Dutch New Guinea Spear 2 figures C | F20/17-6-1 | | 15-0 22595 | M/S | Dutch New Guinea Spear bark fine & Masks. C | F20/17-6-11 | 1-0-0 22596 | M/S | Dutch New Guinea Spear bark joined. plain. like Australia C | F20/17-6-11 | | 11-0 22597 | M/S | Dutch New Guinea Spear | P/16/28-11-13 | | 10-6 22598 | GN/. | West Australia Churinga. | T17/2-9-10 | 1-7-6 22599 | GA/. | Dutch New Guinea Paddle Dorei C | C11/6-2-12 | 2-15-0 22600 | GY/. | Dutch New Guinea Paddle | Dorei C | F20/17-6-11 | 3-2-6 22601 | T/S | Dutch New Guinea]] Sago Stirer Dorei C | F20/17-6-11 | 1-2-0 22602 | S/. | N. America Bead Bag C | H36/1915 | 12-6 22603 | 22603 | N/- | N. America Bead Bag FELIX. C | F7/7-3-11 | | 7-0 22604 | G/./. | N. Zealand Hani | F7/7-3-11 | 1-10-0 22605 | G/./. | N. Zealand Mat | F7/7-3-11 | 2-2-0 22606 | A/. | N. Zealand Paddle | F7/7-3-11 | 1-1-0 22607 | I/. | N. Caledonia Club. | P16/29-5-11 | 16-0 22608 | GX/. | Fiji Root Club | P16/29-5-11 | 1-15-0 22609 | GY/. | Fiji Gun Stock - carving on head. | P16/29-5-11 | 2-5-0 22610 | A/S | Fiji Chief Staff | P16/29-5-11 | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwk1 ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 298 [[//preprinted]] [[table, 5 columns]] 22611 | A/- | Solomon Club | | 1-1-0 22612 | GX/- | Australia Shield [[drawing]] Victoria | | 1-15-0 22613 | A/- | Australia Club [[drawing]] Victoria | | P16/27-11-11 | 15-0 22614 | Y/GX/- | N. America Basket & Cover. Tinkir C | P16/17-6-12 | 4-15-0 22615 | G/GX/- | N. America Box covered quilt work. C | H28/6-9-10 | 2-5-0 22616 | G/- | N. America 2 specimens modern quilt work C | 4-0 22617 | G/- | Korea Hat bamboo. | W22/1-14-13 | 4-6 22618 | -/S | [[strikethrough]] S. America [[/strikethrough]] Africa Skull Cap. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 22619 | -/S | Africa Skull Cap. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 22620 | /- | Africa Cigarette Case | | 6 22621 | /- | Cigarette Case | | 6 22622 | G/- | Africa Drum cut leather. Kordofan | C28/25-5-11 | 6-0 22623 | G/- | China Head-rest. bamboo. | | 3-6 22624 | /- | Persia Pen Case. | | 1-0 22625 | T/GX/- | New Zealand Club. Waha ike. whale bone. | B16/17-5-11 | 16 5-0 22626 | GX/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. 27" long. masks on lid. | B16/4-7-11 | 26-0-0 22627 | G/G/- | New Zealand Adze Haft. carved. late work | | 4-10-0 22628 | G/S/- | Javan & Benni Bells. | W22/28-5-10 | 1-8-6 22629 | GS/- | Aetian, Japanese & Swim Bells. | W22/28-5-10 | 18-6 22630 | G/-/- | Japan Netsuke | W22/28-5-10 | 1-2-6 22631 | G/G/- | 2 Japan Netsuke | W22/28-5-10 | 1-3-6 22632 | A/-/- | W. Africa Mask. v. large | F20/25-3-11 | 9-0-0 22633 | I/- | Congo mask. | N9/17-10-10 | 17-0 22634 | Y/S | Congo Amulet fine colour. | | 8-0 22635 | C/- | Congo Chiefs' Hat large beads | P16/28-11-13 | 1-1-0 22636 | G/- | Congo Knife | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 22637 | I/- | Congo Throwing Knife [[drawing]] Fan. C | | 1-2-6 22638 | -/S | Congo Elephant Tail | S4/1-1-12 | 2-6 22639 | G/- | Congo 2 Alligator Eggs | F25/10-6-13 | 1-0 22640 | GY/- | Ashanti Figures a pair. man & woman | N9/17-10-10 | 1-5-0 22641 | M/GX/- | France Pair F.L. Pistols with silver dog head | D6/1-5-11 | 8-10-0 22642 | GT/S | France Air Pistol | D6/20-8-10 | 2-2-0 22643 | M/GA/- | France Wheel-lock Pistol | S40/23-4-12 | 6-15-0 22644 | GX/- | India War Quoit large | F20/9-9-11 | 14-0 22645 | A/- | India War Quoit smaller | F20/9-9-11 | 14-0 22646 | A/- | India War Quoit smaller | F20/9-9-11 | 12-0 22647 | G/A/- | Hauan Sword. bells on hilt | | 22648 | GA/- | Hauan Sword. no bells | | ################################################## EFwk4 ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]299[[/preprinted]] 22649 | GY/. | New Guinea Breast Ornament of biscut tin | P16/7.6.13 | 1-10-0 22650 | G/. | Soudan Water Bottle silver mount | | 16-6 22651 | G/. | Soudan Water Bottle copper mount | P16/28.11.13 | 8-6 22652 | G/. | Soudan Water Bottle copper mount | | 22653 | Gx/. | N. America Pot of Bark. 12 x 6 1/2 c| P16/17.6.12 | 1-5-0 22654 | N/. | India Axe. painted half. | | 22655 | Y/S | Ceylon Bow. | J12/2.2.13 | 18-0 22656 | Y/S | Australia Boomerang | | 8-0 22657 | G/. | Australia Carved Nut. Queensland. c | P16/27.11.11 | 15-6 22658 | Y/. | A. Mexico Small Pot with ball. c | | 7-6 22659 | N/. | S. Africa Dance Staff. Qub c | | 14-0 22660 | -/S | S. Africa C. Box. carved | F20/9.9.11 | 5-6 22661 | -/S | S. Africa C. Box. carved | P16/28.11.13 | 4-0 22662 | Gx/. | England 3 Fragment chain mail | | 22663 | N/A/. | New Caledonia Axe. jade blade. | P16/29.5.11 | 12-10-0 22664 | G/./. | New Hebrides Dish | | 22665 | Gx/. | North America pair moccassins | | 17-6 22666 | A/. | North America Bag. c | | [[strikethrough]]1-4-0[[/strikethrough]] 17-16 22667 | A/./. | | | - - - 22668 | Y/Gx/. | | | - - - 22669 | G/A/. | Trobriand Club | | - - - 22670 | N/Gx/. | Mauzaia Symbolic Adze. | P16/17.6.12 | 6-10-0 22671 | T/Gx/. | New Zealand Feather Box Cracked 2 times. | 12/10/[[?]] | 13-13-0 22672 | G/T/. | New Zealand Maui with mat. | | 22673 | G/./. | New Zealand Maui with mat. | | 22674 | G/./. | New Zealand Maui with mat. | | 22675 | G/./. | New Zealand Maui with mat. | F17/10-8-14 | 1-5-0 22676 | GY/S | NW Australia carving stick or Hand Churn | | 2-15-0 22677 | G/G/. | S. E. Africa C Dish large | S4/1915 | 5-5-0 22678 | G/G/. | S. E. Africa Dish smaller. | N9/17.10.10 | 4-0-0 22679 | GA/. | England Club Pistol of bran | D6/20.8.10 | 2-2-0 22680 | M/GX/. | Fiji Kava Bowl v. large 28" dia | P16/27.11.11 | 7-10-0 22681 | G/./. | Fiji Kava Bowl smaller. carved rim | P16/27.11.11 | 2-5-0 22682 | Y/./. | Fiji Chiefi Necklet some teeth 8" long | P16/27.11.11 | 6-6-0 22683 | G/./. | Fiji Chiefi Necklet shorter | | 22684 | I/. | Fiji Spear fine | P16/27.11.11 | 15-0 22685 | G/. | Fiji Spear smaller | P16/27.11.11 | 15-0 22686 | G/. | Fiji Spear smaller | | ################################################## EFwk7 ################################################## [tl1_text] [page]299[/page] 22687 | G/. | Fiji Spear | | 22688 | G/. | Fiji Spear | P16/17.11.11 | 10-0 22689 | G/. | Fiji Spear | P16/17.11.11 | 10-0 22690 | G/GX/. | Fiji Club. oval section | P16/17.6.12 | 5-5-0 22691 | M/. | Fiji Club. straight. carved grip. very massive | | 22692 | M/. | Fiji Club. straight. carved grip. | | 22693 | M/. | Fiji Club. straight. carved grip. thin. | | 22694 | M/. | Fiji Club. straight. carved grip. binding pattern. | P16/27.11.11 | 1-0-0 22695 | M/. | Fiji Club. straight. plain. very massive | P16/27.11.11 | 1-0-0 22696 | GX/. | Fiji Club root. | | 22697 | A/. | Fiji Club. paddle type | P16/27.11.11 | 1-0-0 22698 | A/. | Fiji Chief Staff. | | 22699 | A/. | Fiji Chief Staff | | 22700 | Y/. | Fiji] Whale tooth Currency. | P16/27.11.11 | 8-6 22701 | Y/. | Fiji Whale tooth Currency. | C29/8.12.11 | 5-0 22702 | Y/. | Fiji Whale tooth Currency | C29/8.12.11 | 7-6 22703 | Y/. | Fiji Whale tooth Currency. chipped | C29/8.12.11 | 5-0 22704 | Y/. | Fiji Whale tooth Currency. | C29/8.12.11 | 6-0 22705 | G/. | Fiji Dancing rattle Kilt c | P16/7.6.13 | 10-0 22706 | /. | Fiji Woman's Belt | | 22707 | /. | Fiji Fan | | 22708 | | Fiji Fan | | 22709 | | Fiji Fan | | 22710 | | Fiji Fan | | 22711 | | Fiji Fan | | 22712 | | Fiji Fan | | 22713 | /. | Fiji Fan | | 22714 | G/GX/. | Solomon Club. rare form. [image: drawing of club] c | F20/18.11.11 | 3-10-0 22715 | G/. | Solomon Spear. | | 22716 | S/./- | Tibet. pair Water vessels | W22/31.10.12 | 8-0-0 22717 | G/G/- | Tibet. pair Brass Vases with handles. | W22/31.10.12 | 1-10-0 22718 | G/./. | Tibet. 2 Temple Trumpets bone & brass | W22/31.10.12 | 1-10-0 22719 | G/Gx/S | Tibet. 2 Temple Trumpets brass & copper | W22/31.10.12 | 2-0-0 22720 | M/Gx/. | Tibet. Cloisonné Tea Pot. | W22/31.10.12 | 5-0-0 22721 | C/Gx/. | Tibet. Devil Exorcising Dagger. | W22/31.10.12 | 12-10-0 22722 | Gx/Gx/. | Tibet. Temple Chalice | W22/31.10.12 | 13-0-0 22723 | A/./. | Tibet. Wine Vessel silver. | W22/31.10.12 | 6-0-0 22724 | G/I/. | Tibet. Salver silver. | W22/31.10.12 | 2-0-0 ################################################## EFwka ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 300 [[/preprinted]] [[table, 5 columns]] 22725 | G/G/. | Tibet Pair silver Bowls | W22/31.10.12 | 2-0-0 22726 | G/GX/.| Tibet 2 Bran Vases | W22/31.10.12 | 2-0-0 22727 | A/./. | Tibet Deity | W22/31.10.12 | 6-10-0 22728 | YG/./.| Tibet 2 Book Covers. | W22/31.10.12 | 27-0-0 22729 | GN/. | Tibet Seal | W22/31.10.12 | 1-0-0 22730 | C/. | Assam Fire Devil | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 22731 | S/S | Assam Fire Devil | N9/17.10.10 | 10-0 22732 | S/S | Assam Fire Devil | N9/17.10.10 | 12-6 22733 | S/- | Assam Fire Devil C | N9/17.10.10 | 12-6 22734 | Y/A/- | Tibet silver Charm Box in leather case Containing Sacred relics | N9/17.10.10 | 4-4-0 22735 | G/GY/S | Tibet Temple Trumpet telescopic | N9/17.10.10 | 3-10-0 22736 | G/GY/S | Tibet Temple Trumpet telescopic 6'6" 193cm | N9/17.10.10 | 6-6-0 22737 | G/./. | Tibet Temple Copper Vase inscription | N9/17.10.10 | 8-8-0 22738 | -/s | S. East Africa Large Gourd. dec beads | | 22739 | /. | S. East Africa Snuff Bottle. gourd | P16/28.11.13 | 2-0 22740 | /. | S. East Africa Snuff Bottle. gourd | P16/28.11.13 | 4-0 22741 | /S | S. East Africa Snuff Bottle. dec wire Work. black. from | P16/28.11.13 | 7-6 22742 | /M | S. East Africa Snuff Bottle. carved wood | P16/28.11.13 | 4-0 22743 | /M | S. East Africa Snuff Bottle. carved wood | P16/28.11.13 | 4-0 22744 | /N | S. East Africa Charm. carved horn. C | P16/28.11.13 | 12-6 22745 | /N | S. East Africa Charm. carved horn. | P16/28.11.13 | 10-0 22746 | /N | S. East Africa Charm. carved horn. C | P12/28.11.13 | 8-6 22747 | /M | S. East Africa Charm. Necklet. horn tips | | 22748 | /M | S. East Africa Snuff Bottle Cartridge Case. | P16/28.11.13 | 2-0 22749 | /M | S. East Africa Charm. cut horn beads tc| C28/12.5.11 | 3-0 22750 | -/S | S. East Africa Set of ivory Dice C| P12/28.11.13 | 12-6 22751 | -/S | S. East Africa Set of nut Dice C | P12/28.11.13 | 5-0 22752 | -/S | S. East Africa Neck Charm of hide Zambezi C | F20/6.5.11 | 10-0 22753 | -/M | S. East Africa Carved wood tube | | 22754 | G/. | S. East Africa Flute. C | F20/6.5.11 | 10-0 22755 | -/M | S. East Africa Rattle . moth cocoon cases. | C30/3.2.13 | 4-6 22756 | -/M | S. East Africa Head dress cut feathers.| W19/3.4.11 | 4-0 22757 | -/M | S. East Africa Powder Flask. | P16/28.11.13 | 4-0 22758 | -/M | S. East Africa Spoon. old. | P16/28.11.13| 2-0 22759 | /. | S. East Africa Spoon. modern | | 22760 | /. | S. East Africa Spoon. modern | | 22761 | /. | S. East Africa Spoon. modern | | 22762 | /. | S. East Africa Sound Ladle. | P16/28.11.13 | 4-0 ################################################## EFwkd ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]300[[/preprinted]] 22763 | /. | S. E. Africa Gourd Maui "Ornament" | P16/28.11.13 | 4-0 22764 | /. | S. E. Africa Axe Head. | | 22765 | /. | S. E. Africa 3 Gram Amulets. | P16/28.11.13 | 1-0 22766 | /- | S. E. Africa Milk Skimmer. | C28/29.10.10 | 1-6 22767 | M/- | S. E. Africa String Large Currency Beads. | C28/29.10.10 | 1-1-0 22768 | -/S | S. E. Africa Axe. | P16/28.11.13 | 4-0 22769 | -/S | S. E. Africa Hat Dish | P16/28.11.13 | 14-0 22770 | -/S | S. E. Africa Bowl. fancy stem. modern | N9/17.10.10 | 6-6 22771 | -/S | S. E. Africa Bowl. fancy stem. modern | N9/17.10.10 | 6-6 22772 | Y/. | S. E. Africa Vase raised ornament old. | N9/17.10.10 | 6-6 22773 | -/S | S. E. Africa Head rest. modern | S4/16.7.12 | 1-0 22774 | -/S | S. E. Africa Head rest. modern | N9/17.10.10 | 4-0 22775 | -/S | S. E. Africa Head rest. old. [[image: drawing of head rest]] | | 22776 | -/S | S. E. Africa Head rest. old. End broke. carved | P16/28.11.13 | 4-0 22777 | Y/S | S. E. Africa Head rest. old. perfect. carved | C28/25.5.11 | 10-0 22778 | Y/S | S. E. Africa Head rest. old. perfect. carved | P16/28.11.13 | 8-0 22779 | -/S | S. E. Africa Head rest. modern. perfect | P16/28.11.13 | 11-0 22780 | G/S | S. E. Africa Stool. | P16/28.11.13 | 8-0 22781 | /. | Niger Pair Gourds. | S4/1.1.12 | 1-0 22782 | GX/. | China Demon in pewter. | E1/10.2.13 | 1-5-0 22783 | G/. | China Tea root Figure 18" high. | E1/10.2.13 | 10-6 22784 | A/. | China Carved Bamboo Sacred Mount 10" high 1839 | E1/10.2.13 | 2-12-6 22785 | M/S | China Box Carving ink. | N9/17.10.10 | 18-0 22786 | -/S | China Box Writing Materials A. F. | N9/17.10.10 | 5-6 22787 | -/S | China Circular Box. | | 22788 | -/S | China Seal | | 22789 | G/S | China Box of Canton Enamel A. F. | | 22790 | G/. | China Rosary iron nuts | | 22791 | -/S | China Rosary comps. balls | N9/17.10.10 | 5-0 22782 | G/. | China Rosary peach nuts | | 22783 | G/S | China Rosary small. large wood balls. green stone | | 22784 | G/S | China Rosary small. large wood balls. black stone | | 22785 | -/S | China Specimen old iron money. 7. | | 22786 | -/M | China Pair Glasses | | 22787 | -/M | China Pair Glasses | | 22788 | -/M | China Pair Glasses | | 22789 | -/M | China Pair Glasses | | 22800 | -/M | China Pair Shoes | | ################################################## EFwkg ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]301[[/preprinted]] 22801| -/M | China [[deletion]]Pair[[/deletion]] Ladies Shoes. | | 1-6 22802| /- | China Ladies Shoes Sole. | | 6 22803| -/S | China Pair of Bedspread Ornaments. mirrors | N9/17.10.10 | 5-6 22804| /- | China Pair carved shell charms. C | N9/17.10.10 | 4-6 22805| /- | China Pendent of cash. | N9/17.10.10 | 6 22806| -/S | China Double Comb | N9/17.10.10 | 2-0 22807| /- | China Small Comb | N9/17.10.10 | 6 22808| /- | China Small Comb | L24/15 | 2-6 22809| T/. | India Figure of Parati. Wife of Viohum alabastar 25" length. | C30/1.7.16 | 1-8-0 22810 | G/. | India Model Juggernaut Car Travancove | N9/17.10.10 | 10-0 22811 | G/. | India Model Juggernaut Car Travancove | C30/1.7.16 | 17-0 22812 | -/S | India Ladle+Stand | C30/1.7.16 | 5-0 22813 | /- | India Ladle | C30/1.7.16 | 1-0 22814 | -/M | India Butter Lamp | C30/1.7.16 | 1-6 22815 | -/M | India Butter Lamp | C30/1.7.16 | 1-6 22816 | -/S | India Lamp. | C30/1.7.16 | 1-6 22817 | -/S | India Pedestal. | C30/1.7.16 | 2-0 22818 | -/S | India Mortar | S4/1915 | 3-0 22819 | -/S | India Bell | S4/1915 | 2-6 22820 | G/- | India Pair Cymbals Used by lama when offering income in their family devotion | S4/1915 | 12-6 22821 | -/S | India Libation Spoon | S4/1915 | 4-0 22822 | -/S | India Libation Spoon | S4/1915 | 4-0 22823 | -/S | India Libation Spoon | S4/1915 | 4-0 22824 | -/S | India Libation Spoon | S4/1915 | 4-0 22825 | -/M | India Shrine Back | S4/1915 | 6-0 22826 | -/M | India Shrine Back | S4/1915 | 6-0 22827 | /. | India Lamp | S4/1915 | 2-0 22828 | /. | India Lamp | S4/1915 | 2-0 22829 | G/. | India Pair Devil dancer's Anklets Travancove | S4/1915 | 10-6 22830 | -/M | India Tray | S4/1915 | 3-6 22831 | -/M | India Tray | S4/1915 | 2-6 22832 | /. | India Small Bowl | S4/1915 | 6 22833 | /. | India Small Vesel+Cover | S4/1915 | 1-0 22834 | -/S | India Small Diety | S4/1915 | 2-6 22835 | /. | India Lim Waist Belt | S4/1915 | 1-0 22836 | /. | India Horn Box | S4/1915 | 1-0 22837 | -/S | Burmah spelter-silt Shrine | S4/1915 | 6-6 22838 | -/. | Burmah spelter-silt Pagoda | 2-6 ################################################## EFwkj ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 301 [[/preprinted]] [[table, 5 columns]] 22839| G/S | MonteNegro Leather Kilt | S4/1915 | 15-0 22840| G/S | Herzigovina Leather High Boots | S4/1915 | 10-0 22841| -/s | Leather Boots | S4/1915 | 3-0 22842| G/- | India Pair Shoes turned toes die sequins very fine | S4/1915 | 1-2-6 22843 | -/s | India Pair Shoes turned toes smaller. | S4/1915 | 10-6 22844 | /- | India Sandals | S4/1915 | 5-6 22845 | y/, | S. Africa Hat black | F9/19-11-10 | 15-0 22846 | -/s | S. Africa Hat Natal | F9/19-11-10 | 3-6 22847 | -/s | S. Africa Hat Natal | P16/28.11.13 | 3-6 22848 | -/M | S. Africa Hat flexible Natal | P16/28.11.13 | 2-0 22849 | -/M | S. Africa Dish Natal | P16/28.11.13 | 2-6 22850 | -/M | S. Africa Dish Natal | P16/28.11.13 | 2-6 22851 | /- | S. Africa Beer Strainer | P16/28.11.13 | 2-0 22852 | /- | S. Africa Beer Strainer | P16/28.11.13 | 2-0 22853 | G/- | Uganda Bark Cloth | C28/20-11-12 | 10-0 22854 | /- | Madagascar Bag Sainva | 28.11.13/C16 | 2-0 22855 | -/M | Madagascar Sash | 28.11.13/C16 | 1-0 22856 | -/s | Philippine Dish | P16/28.11.13 | 3-0 22857 | -/s | India ? Fan | P16/28.11.13 | 4-6 22858 | G/- | S.E. Africa Pinao. damaged | P16/28.11.13 | 8-0 22859 | G/S | Bushman Quiver & contents Bechwana.| J12/4.7.14 | 16-0 22860 | -/M | Niger Brush | J12/4.7.14 | 2-6 22861 | -/M | Africa Snake Skin | F25/10-6-13 | 1-6 22862 | -/S | Bushman Quiver | P16/28.11.13 | 3-6 22863 | -/M | Africa Quiver | P16/28.11.13 | 3-0 22864 | -/M | Niger Quiver Mandingo | J12/3-3-13 | 4-0 22865 | N/- | Ashanti Stool. fine old piece damaged | P16/28.11.13 | 1-1-0 22866 | y/- | Somali Knife +sheath | P16/28.11.13 | 6-0 22867 | y/- | Somali Knife +sheath | P16/28.11.13 | 5-6 22868 | M/- | New Guinea Man Catcher | P16/7-6-13 | 1 0-0 22869 | M/- | New Guinea Portmanteau | P16/7-6-13 | 1 11-0 22870 | y/- | New Guinea Fish Spear | P16/7-6-13 | 12-6 22871 | y/- | New Guinea Shield [[image: drawing of shield]] | P16/7-6-13 | 2-5-0 22872 | G/M | New Guinea String of large ovalum Shells | P16/7-6-13 | 18-0 22873 | -/M | New Guinea String of smaller ovalum Shells | P16/7-6-13 | 17-0 22874 | -/M | New Guinea String of smaller ovalum Shells | P16/7-6-13 | 12-6 22875 | /- | New Guinea String of other Shells | P16/7-6-13 | 6-0 22876| /- | New Guinea 2 large Ovalum Shells | P16/7-6-13 | 3-6 ################################################## EFwkm ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]302[[/preprinted]] 22877 | -/S | New Guinea Length Currency [[image: drawing of length currency]] | P16/7-6-13 | 5-0 22878 | -/S | New Guinea Length Currency | P16/7-6-13 | 5-0 22879 | /. | New Guinea Pendant | P16/7-6-13 | 7-6 22880 | /. | New Guinea Amulet | C28/15.11.10 | 1-9 22881 | /. | New Guinea Amulet | C28/15.11.10 | 1-0 22882 | /. | New Guinea Ornament held in mouth | C28/15.11.10 | 1-6 22883 | /. | New Guinea Net Bag. | C28/15.11.10 | 1-0 22884 | /. | Tonga Comb. A.F. | C28/15.11.10 | 6-0 22885 | -/M | Uganda Currency Beads of metal Ja Luo. | T16/4.1.12 | 8-0 22886 | S/. | New Guinea Drum Fife May. | P16/7.6.13 | 1-10-0 22887 | /. | New Guinea Drum Fife May. | J12/3.3.13 | 2-6 22888 | /. | New Guinea Drum Fife May. | J12/3.3.13 | 1-6 22889 | M/. | New Guinea Pig Net Fife May. | P16/7.6.13 | 8-0 22890 | M/S | New Guinea Canoe Ornament Fife May. | P16/7.6.13 | 1-1-0 22891 | M/. | New Guinea Canoe Ornament Fife May. | P16/7.6.13 | 15-0 22892 | G/. | New Guinea Lime Spatula Fife May. | F16/18.3.11 | 4-0 22893 | G/. | New Guinea Lime Spatula Fife May. C | P16/17.6.12 | 5-0 22894 | G/. | New Guinea Lime Spatula Fife May. | P16/17.6.12 | 6-0 22895 | -/M | New Guinea Tobacco Pipe Fife May. | S4/1.1.12 | 5-0 22896 | -/M | New Guinea Tobacco Pipe Fife May. | P16/7.6.13 | 6-6 22897 | /. | New Guinea Net Bag. Fife May. | S4/1915 | 1-0 22898 | /- | New Guinea Basket. Fife May. | P16/7.6.13 | 4-0 22899 | /. | New Guinea Hat. Fife May. | P16/7.6.13 | 1-0 22900 | /. | Samoa Qappa | P16/7.6.13 | 4-0 22901 | /- | Samoa Qappa divided (4) | P16/7.6.13 | 4-0 22902 | M/. | N. America Pair Moccassins fine | P16/7.6.13 | 18-0 22903 | Y/S | N. America Pair Moccassins not so good | F7/7.3.11 | 10-0 22904 | G/S | N. America Pair Moccassins not so good | F7/7.3.11 | 10-6 22905 | G/S | Dutch New Guinea Amulet. | P16/7.6.13 | 12-6 22906 | -/S | Kordofan Amulet. | P16/28.11.13 | 2-6 22907 | G/Y/. | Europe Wheel lock | S4/1915 | 2-15-0 22908 | GS/. | Europe Wheel lock | E6/23.8.13 | 1-1-0 22909 | M/. | Gilbert J. Sling | E6/23.8.13 | 15-0 22910 | N/. | Eskimo Snow Spectacles. walrus ivory. K | | 22911 | M/S | New Zealand Fish hook. h. bone barb K | | 22912 | G/. | Eskimo Pins of Walrus ivory 4 | H36/5.2.18 | 7-6 22913 | -/G | Eskimo Pins of Walrus ivory 3 | H36/5.2.18 | 6-0 22914 | -/G | Eskimo Pins of Walrus ivory 3 | N9/17.10.10 | 6-0 ################################################## EFwkp ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]302[[/preprinted]] 22915 | -/M | Eskimo Bone Hand. | | - - 22916 | -/M | Arabia Bone Pin | N9/17.10.10 | 1-0 22917 | /- | A. Celtic Bone Ring | N9/17.10.10 | 3-6 22918 | -/S | A. Celtic Stone Pendants. | N9/17.10.10 | 3-6 22919 | /. | A. Egypt 3 pottery figures. | M36/2.3.16 | 3-0 22920 | G/. | W Africa Charm Necklet Bemi C. | P16/1.1.3 | 1-0-0 22921 | GX/. | Somali Shield large | P16/1.1.3 | 1-5-0 22922 | G/./. | England F. L. Gun. Early. | P16/1.1.13 | 2-10-0 22923 | GA/. | France Hunting Sword. Steel hilt. | P16/1.1.13 | 2-2-0 22924 | GX/. | New Guinea Adze Steel hilt. | P16/7.6.13 | 11-10-0 22925 | A/. | Pair of Engraved Porpoise Jaws. | S4/1.1.12 | 13-6 22926 | T/S | N. America Tobacco Pipe. red stone. c | H28/15.1.12 | 1-1-0 22927 | Y/- | New Zealand Fish Hook | | 22928 | Y/. | New Zealand Fish Hook | | 22929 | G/A/. | Congo Chiefi Stick silver mounts. | N9/17.10.10 | 2-7-6 22930 | G/A/. | Congo Fetish Figure Sold | N9/17.10.10 | 2-0-0 22931 | T/S | Congo Fetish Figure Bapeave | P16/28.11.13 | 17-6 22932 | /. | Hawaii Piece of Zappa. | P16/28.11.13 | 6-6-0 22933 | G/./. | Tibet Idol Daney Las C | P16/28.11.13 | 3-5-0 22934 | G/./. | Tibet Idol Seated Figure C | P16/28.11.13 | 2-15-0 22935 | M/GX/. | New Zealand Axe Head. 9 3/4 x 3 cc | P16/17.6.12 | 8-15-0 22936 | N/./. | Benin Leopard. | B14/27.6.11 | 12-15-0 22937 | A/. | N. America Club, stone head. Sioux | N9/17.10.10 | 1-10-0 22938 | A/. | M. America Club, stone head. | N9/17.10.10 | 2-10-0 22939 | A/. | N. America Club, stone head. c | N9/17.10.10 | 2-15-0 22940 | A/. | N. America Club, stone head. | N9/17.10.10 | 2-5-6 33941 | G/./. | Ceylon Processional Spear. inlaid | S35/6.1.12 | 2-16-0 33942 | GS/S | Ceylon Processional Spear. inlaid smaller. Length 4'-11" | S35/10.3.11 | 2-16-0 33943 | Y/. | Australia Shield | | 33944 | Y/- | England Sword Stick c | E6/27.5.16 | 1-7-6 33945 | Y/. | Liberia Model Canoe | P16/28.11.13 | 12-0 33946 | G/. | Soudan Cartouche Case | P16/28.11.13 | 8-0 33947 | G/- | Niger Cartouche Case | N9/17.10.10 | 10-0 33948 | G/. | Niger Powder flask. | N9/17.10.10 | 6-0 22949 | Y/. | Niger Iron Crescent [[image: drawing of iron crescent]] | | 22950 | G/./. | Gilbert J. Curass | | 22951 | S/. | New Zealand flax mat | | 22952 | M/. | New Zealand Woven Basket large | P16/17.6.12 | 2-0-0 ################################################## EFwks ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]303[[/preprinted]] 22953 | M/. | New Zealand Basket | P16/17.6.12 | 1-15-0 22954 | M/. | New Zealand Belt? | P16/17.6.12 | 3-10-0 22955 | -/S | Samoa Mat | P16/17.6.12 | 6-0 22956 | ./S | Samoa Fan. | S4/1.1.12 | 6 22957 | G/. | Samoa Zappa die. | | 22958 | ./S | Samoa Zappa plain white | | 22959 | -/S | Samoa Dren of black sea weed. | | 22960 | M/. | N. Caledonia Club painted by S. Indian Natives | | 22961 | Y/. | Tongan Carved Stick | | 22962 | M/. | India Kukui Knife +sheath. silver mount. | | 22963 | N/. | Congo Knife copper hilt. | P16/25.11.13 | 18-0 22964 | A/. | Congo Knife ivory hilt. | | 22965 | N/. | India Katar. sheath | P16/25.11.13 | 10-6 22966 | Y/. | India Engraved Horn. | S4/1.1.12 | 3-6 22967 | M/. | New Guinea Line Knife [[image: drawing of knife]] Collingwood Bay. | F16/18.3.11 | 8-0 22968 | G/. | New Guinea Curved Knife. | | 22969 | Y/. | C. America Pottery. Large Vase | F16/18.3.11 | 1-1-0 22970 | G/. | C. America Pottery. Smaller Vase c | F16/18.3.11 | 12-6 22971 | -/S | C. America Pottery. Small Vase | | 22972 | G/S | C. America Pottery. 3 Pieces c | O5/12.12.13 | 8-6 22973 | G/S | C. America Pottery. 3 Pieces | | 22974 | G/S | C. America Pottery. 3 Pieces | | 22975 | Y/Y/. | N. America. Cradle. fine beadwork. c | L26/3.10.16 | 5-10-0 22976 | G/GX/. | N. America. Waist Coat | F7/7.3.11 | 3-15-0 22977 | G/GX/. | N. America. Coat | F7/7.3.11 | 2-10-0 22978 | GY/S | N. America. Tobacco Bag. v. fine beadwork. | F7/7.3.11 | 1-12-0 22979 | GY/S | N. America. Tobacco Bag. v. fine beadwork. c | F7/7.3.11 | 3-3-0 22980 | GX/. | N. America Blanket Belt flags. 66 x 3 1/4 c | 2-2-0 22981 | GX/. | N. America Blanket Belt European Strap Herock | F7/7.3.11 | 1-10-0 22982 | M/. | N. America Knife Sheath c | N9/30.8.10 | 8-0 22983 | M/. | N. America Knife Sheath | N9/30.8.10 | 10-0 22984 | M/. | N. America Pouch | N9/30.8.10 | 6-10 22985 | M/. | N. America Pouch lats | N9/30.8.10 | 10-0 22986 | M/. | N. America Pouch | F7/7.3.11 | 12-6 22987 | Y/. | N. America Pouch small | | 22988 | Y/. | N. America Pouch small [[image: two small drawings]] | F7/7.3.11 | 8-6 22989 | -/S | N. America Pouch modern | S4/1.1.12 | 1-0 22990 | -/S | N. America Pouch modern | S4/1.1.12 | 1-0 ################################################## EFwkv ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]303[[/preprinted]] 22991 | N/. | North America Ornament | N9/30.8.10 | 8-0 22992 | A/. | North America Horse Ornament C | W1/7.7.13 | 14-0 22993 | S/. | North America Head Crest, hair | F24/15.6.12 | 16-0 22994 | GX/. | North America Cap. bead work Sioux | W1/7.7.13 | 1-10-0 1-6-0 22995 | Y/. | North America Rattle, plain | | 22996 | Y/. | North America Rattle, painted figures c | W1.7.7.13 | 16-0 22997 | A/. | North America Rattle, Curved beadwork Midi. c | B21/26.5.11 | X2-6 22998 | Y/. | North America Needle Case | | 22999 | Y/. | North America Needle Case c | W1/7.7.13 | 4-6 23000 | Y/. | North America Needle Case | F7/1.12.11 | 4-0 23001 | S/. | North America Paint Pouch, fine c | F24/15.6.12 | 16-6 23002 | N/. | North America Joy. Seal carved beadwork c | B21/18.2.12 | 10-0 23003 | N/. | North America Charm carved beadwork c | N36/5.2.16 | 10-6 23004 | N/. | North America Doll. leather c | N36/5.2.16 | 8-0 23005 | N/. | North America Doll. wood. painted. Hopi. Kachina. c | N36/5.2.16 | 16-0 23006 | Y/. | North America Pair Pendant for ear. | W1/7.7.13 | 5-0 23007 | G/. | North America Model Papouse in cradle. | S4/1.1.12 | 1-0 23008 | GX/. | North America Moccassins. beadwork soles. Dead mens' c | W22/28.11.11 | 2-10-0 23009 | GX/. | North America Moccassins. beadwork soles. Dead mens' | N9/17.10.10 | 1-15-0 23010 | I/. | North America Moccassins. beadwork soles. childs' Dead mens' c | B21/18.2.12 | 1-16-0 23011 | A/. | North America Mocassins. fine beadwork | H31/2.10.11 | 1-4-0 23012 | A/. | North America Mocassins. fine beadwork c | F7/1.12.11 | 1-4-0 23013 | A/. | North America Mocassins. fine beadwork | F7/1.12.11 | 1-3-6 23014 | A/. | North America Mocassins. fine beadwork | F7/7.3.11 | 18-6 23015 | A/. | North America Mocassins. fine beadwork c | F7/7.3.11 | 1-2-6 23016 | A/. | North America Mocassins. fine beadwork | F7/7.3.11 | 1-10-0 23017 | A/. | North America Mocassins. fine beadwork +Will c | F7/7.3.11 | 18-6 23018 | A/. | North America Mocassins. fine beadwork | F7/7.3.11 | 15-0 23019 | N/. | North America Mocassins. fine beadwork childs' c | F7/7.3.11 | 15-0 23020 | T/S | North America Buffalo Horns. Top mounted }A Medicine Man's head Drum | W1/7.7.13 | 1-0-0 23021 | T/S | North America Buffalo Horns. Top mounted }A Medicine Man's head Drum C | W1/7.7.13 | 2-2-0 1-0-0 23022 | GA/. | North America Cooking? Basket 11 x 6 1/2 N.E. California C | W1/7.7.13 | 3-10-0 23023 | GX/. | North America Cooking? Basket smaller 9 x 5 1/2 N.E. California C | W1/7.7.13 | 3-3-0 23024 | A/. | North America Basket of twisted weaving [[image: drawing of a cone]] 6 x 8 1/2 dia Plinkit, S.E. Alaska c | W1/7.7.13 | 3-10-0 23025 | N/. | North America Small Basket + cover | N9/17.10.10 | 5-0 23026 | M/. | North America Bark Basket Menominee c | W1/7.7.13 | 1-7-6 23027 | N/. | North America Bottle or basket, 14" high Coachuilla. California c | W1/7.7.13 | 1-1-0 23028 | M/. | North America Tray 14 3/4 dia. key fret design. Pimoe. c | W1/7.7.13 | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwky ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]304[[/preprinted]] 23029 | M/. | North America Basket. Navajo? South Central Dist. C | W1/7.7.13 | 10-0 23030 | -/S | North America Whip. horse hair. Navajo? South Central Dist. | W1/7.7.13 | 14-6 23031 | M/. | North America Blanket. Navajo N. Apache | W1/7.7.13 | 4-10-0 23032 | Y/. | North America Paddle. Canada | | 23033 | /. | North America Bow stone painted one side strung | H28/2.1.14 | 1-5-0 23034 | /. | North America Bow | | 8-6 23035 | -/C | North America Bow painted. | | 23036 | G/. | North America Bow plain dark | J12/4.2.15 | 1-1-0 23037 | /. | North America Bow 6 Arrows | J12/4.2.15 | 1-4-0 23038 | /. | North America Bow 5 Arrows | F24/12.1.14 | 10-0 23039 | GX/. | North America Tomahawk. copper + pewter. | N9/30.8.10 | 3-0-0 23040 | Y/. | North America Club. red stone. bead work half. modern | G16/`1915 | 8-8 23041 | G/. | North America Club. shiny stone. modern. | | 23042 | G/. | North America Tobacco Pipe red stone +stem of dith. modern | H25/2.1.14 | 8-6 23043 | G/. | North America Tobacco Pipe red stone. horse | H25/2.1.14 | 1-4-6 23044 | G/. | North America Tobacco Pipe red stone. fish [[image: drawing of pipe]] | H25/2.1.14 | 8-0 23045 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar of fine bead work | | 23046 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar | F7/7.3.11 | 5-0 23047 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar strung like Wampum | F7/7.3.11 | 8-6 23048 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar | | 23049 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar | | 23050 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar | | 23051 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar C | F7/7.3.11 | 3-6 23052 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar | | 23053 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar | S4/1.1.12 | 1-0 23054 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar | G21/1915 | 2-1 23055 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar | S4/1.1.12 | 1-0 23056 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar | | 23057 | -/S | North America Belt or Collar | | 23058 | -/M | North America Necklet. small. | | 23059 | -/M | North America Necklet. small. | | 23060 | -/M | North America Necklet. small. | | 23061 | -/M | North America Necklet. small. | | 23062 | -/M | North America Necklet. small. | | 23063 | -/M | North America Necklet. small. | | 23064 | -/M | North America Necklet. small. | | 23065 | -/M | North America Necklet. small. | | 23066 | -/M | North America Necklet. small. | | ################################################## EFwkB ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]304[[/preprinted]] 23067 | -/M | North America Necklet | | 23068 | -/M | " "[[ditto for North America Necklet]] | | 23069 | /. | " "[[ditto for North America Necklet]] shells +beads | S4/1.1.12 | 8-0 23070 | /. | " " " "[[ditto for North America Necklet Trade Beads]]. | | 23071 | /. | " " " "[[ditto for North America Necklet Trade Beads]]. | | 23072 | /. | " "[[ditto for North America Necklet]] hair rings. | | 23073 | /- | " "[[ditto for North America Necklet]]t shells | | 23074 | /. | " "[[ditto for North America Necklet]] white shells. | | 23075 | /. | " "[[ditto for North America Necklet]] red seeds. | | 23076 | /. | " "[[ditto for North America Necklet]] beads. rope | | 23077 | /. | "[[ditto for North America]] Pair Ear Ornaments. | | 23078 | /- | "[[ditto for North America]] Single " " [[ditto for Ear Ornament.]] | | 23079 | -/S | "[[ditto for North America]] Spoon handle covered beads. | S4/1.1.12 | 3-0 23080 | /. | "[[ditto for North America]] Small round Bag. | S4/1.1.12 | 1-6 23081 | /. | "[[ditto for North America]] Model bark Canoe. modern. | H28/2.1.14 | 4-6 23082 | -/S | "[[ditto for North America]] Rattle Snake Skin with rattle. | L12/20.10.10 | 2-6 23083 | / | "[[ditto for North America]] Mat. woven design border. | | 23084 | G/. | S. Africa Moth Coccoon Rattle C | P16/28.11.13 | 12-6 23085 | /. | S. Africa 11 Arrows. various. | | 23086 | /. | New Zealand Patoo. modern. | | 23087 | Y/. | Japan Suit of Armour. imperfect | C7/8.5.13 | 16-0 23088 | Y/. | England part Tudor Bow. | J12/3.3.13 | 7-0 23089 | G/S | N. America Pipe. | | 23090 | A/. | Ashauh Figure Hangman (See No. 22455) C | S4/29.2.16 | 15-0 23091 | A/. | Eskimo Model Kayak. | M9/17.10.10 | 15-0 23092 | A/S | China Snuff Bottle jade pebble. | | 23093 | S/. | England. Torch Extinguisher. Fusbury Sq. | C2/16.7.10 | 18-6 23094 | GX/. | England. Paor F. L. Pistols 1/-/- | R8/13.5.11 | 18-0 23095 | M/. | S. India Animal of brass. | | 23096 | A/. | Fiji Paddle Club | P16/27.11.11 | 1-10-0 23097 | GA/. | Easter Isl. Staff. | F20/17.12.10 | 10-10-0 23098 | G/./. | Tibet Clay Charm | W22/31.10.12 | 1-10-0 23099 | M/. | Tibet Bowl, Bottle +Cup. | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 23100 | A/. | Tibet 5 Bowls | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 23101 | N/. | Tibet Wood Rosary of Tweezers. | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 23102 | M/GA/. | Tibet Pair Holy Water Vases. Tailing Monastry | W22/31.10.12 | 4-10-0 23103 | N/. | Tibet Tsamba Service Bowl. | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 23104 | N/. | Tibet Needle Case + Spectacles. | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 ################################################## EFwkE ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]305[[/preprinted]] 23105 | T/. | Tibet Small Incense Burner. | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 23106 | GA/. | Tibet Bronze Vase | W22/31.10.12 | 1-0-0 23107 | T/. | Tibet Devil dancer's Dagger | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 23108 | GM/. | Tibet Incense Burner +Cover. | W22/31.10.12 | 1-0-0 23109 | S/. | Tibet Bone Snuff Box. | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 23110 | G/G/. | Tibet 4 Butter Lamps. | W22/31.10.12 | 1-10-0 23111 | G/./. | Tibet Pair Cymbals. | W22/31.10.12 | 1-10-0 23112 | N/. | Tibet Silver Bracelet | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 23113 | Y/GX/. | Tibet Set of silver ornaments | W22/31.10.12 | 3-0-0 23114 | A/. | Tibet Set of Fish Jewellery. | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 23115 | G/Y/. | Tibet 2 Seals | W22/31.10.12 | 1-10-0 23116 | Y/./. | Tibet Scripture. large. in colours. | W22/31.10.12 | 2-10-0 23117 | GY/. | Tibet Scripture. small. | W22/31.10.12 | 1-0-0 23118 | N/. | Tibet Prayer Flag + Incense. | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 23119 | G/G/. | Tibet 2 Wood Idols | W22/31.10.12 | 2-0-0 23120 | G/Y/. | Tibet 2 Inder Pouches. | W22/31.10.12 | 2-0-0 23121 | I/I/. | Tibet Large Shrine | W22/31.10.12 | 9-0-0 23122 | GX/GX/. | Benin Bronze Staff. | W22/31.10.12 | 12-0-0 23123 | N/. | China State Seal | W22/31.10.12 | 10-0 23124 | GI/. | Tibet Prayer Wheel, ivory handle. | B46/5.11.13 | 1-15-0 23125 | GI/. | Tibet Trumpet of human thigh bone. | N9/17.10.10 | 1-10-0 23126 | GX/S | Tibet Bell | N9/17.10.10 | 1-0-0 23127 | GX/S | Tibet Dorge. | N9/17.10.10 | 1-17-0 23128 | Y/. | Tibet Portable Butter Bowl. +lid coloured red C | N9/17.10.10 | 8-0 23129 | T/. | Tibet Pen Holder. +Iron pot in case. C | N9/17.10.10 | 18-6 23130 | G/. | Tibet Hair Ornament. disc | | 23131 | T/. Tibet Chosschia Chief Head-dress of hair. | | 23132 | N/. | Tibet Web of Brown Cloth. used for stairs. Chosschia | | 23133 | A/. | Tibet Composite Bow. damaged } | J12/3.3.13 | 10-0 23134 | -/S | Tibet Arrow } | J12/3.3.13 | 2-6 23135 | -/S | Tibet Arrow } | J12/3.3.13 | 2-6-6 23136 | A/. | Tibet Bow Case } | J12/3.3.13 | 15-0 23137 | S/. | Tiber Quiver } | J12/3.3.13 | 1-0-0 23138 | A/. | Tibet Llamas' Silk Belt 152" long cc | W22/28.11.11 | 12-6 23139 | Y/. | Tibet Jews' Harp in case c | F20/10.5.11 | 5-0 23140 | Y/. | Tibet Jews' Harp in case pierced + dec bead | O2/24.3.13 | 5-6 23141 | G/G/. | Tibet Dergi Sword set stones | S35/10.3.11 | 2-10-0 23142 | G/M/. | Tibet Double Skull Drum. | N9/17.10.10 | 2-20-0 ################################################## EFwkH ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 305 [[/preprinted]] [[table, 5 columns]] 23143 | GN/. | Tibet Incense Burner. Chinese make. | N9/17.10.10 | 1-4-0 23144 | G/GA/. | British Guiana Club. Engraved. | N9.17.10.10 | 3-10-0 23145 | M/./. | Solomon Memorial Skull cc | B41/27.11.11 | 7-7-0 23146 | G/G/. | Fiji Sunflower Club. fine specimen. carved grip. | B41/27.11.11 | 3-15-0 23147 | GX/. | W. Africa Fetish Figure with child. | N9/17.10.10 | 1-10-0 23148 | G/GX/. | N. America Pipe. Horse. bone inlay. 4/4/-? | H28/1.5.11 | 5-5-0 23149 | N/. | Ceylon Walking Stick. | | 23150 | G/GX/. | Gilbert J. Fish-hook. stlagmite. | B16/17.5.11 | 2-2-0 23151 | G/G/. | Fiji Necklet cut whale teeth. | | 23152 | T/. | Fiji Charm. whale teeth. | F20/9.9.11 | 15-0 23153 | G/A/. | Borneo War Coat. bead work. | F20/9.9.11 | 4-10-0 23154 | GT/. | Assam Shield. Naga | S15/30.6.13 | 2-12-6 23155 | N/. | Assam Spear Naga | | 23156 | N/. | Assam Spear Naga | | 23157 | S/./. | Solomon Ceremonial Fishing Float inlaid shell c | P16/27.11.11 | 8-12-6 23158 | G/./. | British Columbia Oil Dish made from blue bark beater. | P16/27.11.11 | 1-10-0 23159 | Y/. | British Columbia Wood Lip plug. | H17/19.1.12 | 8-6 23160 | G/. | Eskimo 2 Ivory Buttons. | N9/17.10.10 | 4-0 23161 | G/S | Eskimo 2 Ivory birds+Man used in a game East Eskimo c | N9/17.10.10 | 10-0 23162 | G/. | Eskimo 1 Ivory Dog | N9/17.10.10 | 4-0 23163 | G/. | Eskimo 1 Ivory Whale | N9/17.10.10 | 4-0 23164 | G/. | Eskimo 1 Ivory Whale | | 23165 | -/S | Eskimo 1 Ivory Seal | | 23166 | -/S | Eskimo 1 Ivory Seal | N9/17.10.10 | 4-0 23167 | -/S | Eskimo 1 Ivory Fish | N9/17.10.10 | 4-0 23168 | A/. | Eskimo Gut Tightener | N9/17.10.10 | 15-0 23169 | A/. | Brit Columbia Set of 3 bever teeth Dice | | 23170 | A/. | Brit Columbia Set of 3 bever teeth Dice | | 23171 | N/. | Brit Columbia Set of 3 bever teeth Dice | H28/2.3.10 | 14-0 23172 | N/. | Brit Columbia Set of 3 bever teeth Dice | | 23173 | GI/. | Tibet Circular Metal Shield | | 23174 | A/. | New Guinea Drum | | 23175 | GY/. | German New Guinea Head Rest masks. [[image: drawing of head rest]] | P16/28.11.13 | 3-0-0 23176 | G/. | N. American Belt | P16/28.11.13 | 6-0 23177 | M/. | N. American Cap beadwork. | P16/28.11.13 | 1-2-6 23178 | T/. | N. American Tobacco Pouch | P16/28.11.13 | 1-1-0 23179 | G/. | N. American Pair Moccassins | | 23180 | /. | N. American Bag. modern | W1/7.7.13 | 8-0 ################################################## EFwkK ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]306[[/preprinted]] 23181 | M/. | N. America Model Loom Navajo | | 23182 | /. | Hawaii seed belt + Necklet. modern. | | 23183 | /. | Hawaii Belt ? | | 23184 | /. | Hawaii Basket. | | 23185 | M/. | Hawaii Bowl | | 23186 | M/. | Hawaii Bowl | | 23187 | M/. | Hawaii Bowl | | 23188 | GM/. | Hawaii Model Surf Board with paddles. modern | W1/7.7.13 | 2-10-0 23189 | G/I/. | Manahika Double Model Curve inlaid very fine set. with sails+shades. | W1/7.7.13 | 3-15-0 23190 | G/./. | Fiji Kava Bowl. 10 legs | | 23191 | GM/. | New Britain Club. carved | | 23192 | GM/. | New Britain Club. carved | H30/3.8.12 | 1-1-0 23193 | N/. | New Britain Club. stone head | | 23194 | N/. | New Britain Club. stone head | | 23195 | GG/. | Japanese Pillow + Netsuke Box. | W22/31.10.12 | 1-0-0 23196 | I/. | Large number of picture postcards. | W22/31.10.12 | 12-0 23197 | /. | British Columbia Celt. like Solomon (Savo) form. | W22/31.10.12 | 16-0 23198 | Y/. | N. America. leather quill ornamented work } | F20/28.7.12 | 10-6 23199 | Y/. | N. America. leather quill ornamented work } | F20/28.7.12 | 10-6 23200 | Y/. | N. America. leather quill ornamented work | N9/7.10.10 | 7-0 23201 | Y/. | n. America. leather quill ornamented work | N9/7.10.10 | 7-0 23202 | /. | West Africa Bulb. | N9/17.10.10 | 5-0 23203 | /. | West Africa Bottle covered leather. | N9/17.10.10 | 5-0 23204 | /. | England Old Key. | | 23205 | /. | S. India Palm leaf admission ticket to Mysore Palace. | | 23206 | Y/./. | New Zealand Hook. K. | | 23207 | M/./. | New Zealand Bone Club. Kotiate. | L21/23.1.14 | 2-15-0 23208 | GS/. | Solomon Ear Rings of tortoise shell. | 25/- | 1-6-1 23209 | Y/. | 2 Egyptian Metals. | 25/- | 6-6 23210 | A/. | Europe Pair Lazy Tongs | 25/- | 7-6 23211 | GX/. | Europe F. L. Tinder Pistol | L/20.10.10 | 1-0-0 23212 | GG/./. | Europe 3 Barrelled F. L. Gun. belonged to Prince of Orange. | D6/1.5.11 | 24-0-0 23213 | A/GX/. | Europe Forsyth Gun in case | D6/1.5.11 | 12-0-0 23214 | M/A/. | Europe "Nock" Double Gun. | D5/1.5.11 | 6-10-0 23215 | N/./. | Europe 7 barrelled Revolver F. L. | D6/20.8.10 | 7-7-0 23216 | GY/S | Europe Blunder gun pistol F. L. | C10/17.6.11 | 2-18-6 23217 | G/./. | Europe Needle Pistol | D6/20.8.10 | 2-15-0 23218 | GA/. | Europe Magazine P. C. Pistol gilt. | D6/20.8.10 | 2-0-0 ################################################## EFwkN ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]306[[/preprinted]] 23219 | GA/. | Europe Magazine P. C. Pistol. black. | D6/20.8.10 | 2-10-0 23220 | T/S | Europe Detonator Lock. | D6/20.8.10 | 2-10-0 23221 | Y/S | Japan Medicine Box | W22/25.10.10 | 7-0 23222 | Y/S | Japan Medicine Box | W22/25.10.10 | 7-0 23223 | Y/S | N. America Club | N9/17.10.10 | 1-10-0 23224 | Y/S | N. America Club | | 23225 | GX/./. | Marquesas Staff. | | 23226 | G/./. | Marquesas Wristlet # | P16/27.11.11 | 3-0-0 23227 | G/./. | Marquesas Wristlet | F9/9.2.11 | 2-10-0\ 23228 | M/./. | Tahiti Powder [[image: drawing of container]] | P16/27.11.11 | 8-10-0 23229 | Y/./. | Tahiti Powder smaller. | P16/27.11.11 | 6-10-0 23230 | N/./. | New Caledonia Wood Figure off top of house C | P16/17.6.12 | 7-10-0 23231 | G/A/. | Seuegambia Fetish Staff. figure arm missing | N9/17.10.10 | 2-0-0 23232 | GA/. | Seuegambia Fetish Staff. head. | N9/17.10.10 | 1-5-0 23233 | G/GX/. | New Hebridu Bowl | P16/27.11.11 | 3-10-0 23234 | G/GX/. | New Hebridu Bowl 52/6 Blu | F20/9.9.11 | 3-15-0 23235 | G/GX/. | New Hebridu Bowl | P16/27.11.11 | 3-10-0 23236 | G/GX/. | New Hebridu Bowl | P16/27.11.11 | 3-15-0 23237 | G/./. | New Hebridu ?? Head Rest. C | F28/18.6.14 | 2-10-0 23238 | S/. | West Australia Tomahawk. | | 23239 | G/. | New Guinea Lime Knife. | | 23240 | GY/S | N. Hebridu ? Paddle? figure in high relief color | F28/18.6.14 } | 3-18-0 23241 | GY/S | N. Hebridu ? Paddle? figure in high relief color | F28/18.6.14 } | 3-18-0 23242 | GX/. | N. Cent. Australia Boomerang. beak type. v. large | M35/28.11.14 | 2-2-0 23243 | M/. | N. Cent. Australia Spear Thrower | P16/27.11.11 | 10-0 23244 | M/. | N. Cent. Australia Spear Thrower | | 23245 | -/S | New Zealand Flax Bag. | | 23246 | -/S | New Zealand Flax Bag. | | 23247 | -/S | New Zealand Flax Bag. | | 23248 | -/S | New Zealand Flax Bag. | | 23249 | ./- | Santa Cruz Bag. | | 23250 | ./- | Australia Bag. | S4/1.1.12 | 6 23251 | A/. | India. Hill Tribe Axe [[image: drawing of axe]] Asam | F20/9.9.11 | 1-1-0 23252 | Y/. | Norway Gut Lighter of bone. | L12/20.10.10 | 7-0 23253 | S/GX/. | New Zealand Tiki. 3 1/4 x 2 1/4 | L12/20.10.10 | 13-0-0 23254 | G/GX/. | England F. L. Blunderbun with bayonet | S40/28.5.12 | 5-0-0 23255 | G/A/. | England F. L. Blunderbun with bayonet | | 23256 | G/./. | Hervey J. Paddle. Square top. | S40/28.5.12 | 3-10-0 ################################################## EFwkQ ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]307[[/preprinted]] 23257 | G/A/. | Mangaia Adze Half | | 23258 | M/N/. | British Columbia Club. whale bone. | | 23259 | G/. | India Shield. transparent hide 14 1/2" dia. | | 17-6 23260 | A/. | Ancient Britain String Agate beads. found in a cave in Sussex 12 | | 18-6 23261 | A/. | Ancient Britain String Agate beads. | | 18-6 23262 | A/. | Jewish Phylactery. | T17/2.9.10 | 10-6 23263 | A/. | Ancient Egypt Scarab | | 12-6 23264 | Y/S | Ancient Egypt Scarab | | 9-0 23265 | G/. | Eskimo Ivory Figure | | 23266 | G/. | Eskimo Ivory Figure | | 23267 | G/. | Eskimo Ivory Figure. | | 23268 | -/S | Eskimo Ivory Seal | | 23269 | -/S | Eskimo Ivory Otter | | 23270 | Y/S | N. America Pipe | | 23271 | M/. | England. Boar tusk trophy. | | 7-6 23272 | G/. | Eskimo Ivory. comb. | | 10-6 23273 | G/S | New Zealand Poi Ball | | 23274 | G/S | New Zealand Poi Ball | L12/6.5.11 | 4-6 23275 | G/S | New Zealand Poi Ball | | 23276 | A/S | New Zealand Jade Chisel. | | 23277 | GX/. | British Columbia Kilt. painted hide. | H28/7.1.11 | 3-10-0 23278 | GG/. | British Columbia Carved horn Claws. Head Ornament [[image: drawing of head ornament]] | | 4-12-6 23279 | AX/./. | New Zealand Jade Meri 16 1/2" x 4 1/4 F 77/10/0 list | P16/29.5.11 | 75-0-0 23280 | M/GX/. | New Zealand Small Feather Box. no lid. | N8/22.9.10 | 6-10-0 23281 | G/M/. | New Zealand Ear Pendant. | P16/7.6.13 | 2-5-0 23282 | G/GA/. | Solomon Club. handel inlaid. [[image: drawing of club]] C | P16/27.11.11 | 4-10-0 23283 | G/./. | Persia Sword. chiselled blade. | S35/10.3.11 | 5-5-0 23284 | GA/. | British Columbia Small Bowl. K. | | 23285 | S/. | Turkey Charm Box silver | T17/2.9.10 | 14-6 23286 | M/. | Turkey Charm Box base metal. | | 6-0 23287 | M/. | Turkey Belt base metal . | | 18-6 23288 | GA/. | India Helmet. damascus gold | | 2-5-0 23289 | GX/. | India Axe. silvered +gilt C | | 2-15-0 23290 | G/./. | N. America Doll. C. | | 2-15-0 23291 | G/GX/. | 2 Mendi Stealite Figures | F7/22.8.10 | 2-15-0 23292 | GX/. | Soudan Shield | | 23293 | G/./. | England Spinning Wheel | | 1-10-0 23294 | G/./. | England Spinning Wheel | | 1-7-6 ################################################## EFwkT ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 307 [[/preprinted]] [[Five Column Table]] 23295 | G/-/- | England Spinning Wheel |-- | 1-7-6 23296 | GA/- | England Spinning Wheel |-- | 1-5-0 23297 | GA/- | England Spinning Wheel |-- | 23298 | GX/- | Europe |-- | 1-15-0 23299 | Y/- | Norway Double Box engraved, with lids, dated 1712 C | L12/ 6-5-11 | 17-6 23300 | Y/- | Norway Double Box carved & painted. small. one lid broken C |-- | 7-6 23301 | Y/- | Norway Single Box. with cover. [[circle]]10/6[[/circle]] C |--| [[strikeout]]8-6[[/strikeout]] ^[[10/6]] 23302 | Y/- | Norway Single Box. with cover. small C |-- | 3-6 23303 | Y/- | Norway Oval Box with cover. carved nice [[circle]]6/-[[/circle]] C |--|[[strikeout]]4-0[[/strikeout]] ^[[6/-]] 23304 | Y/- | Norway Round Box. carved 1641. painted 1839 C. | L12/ 6-5-11 | 10-6 23305 | Y/- | Norway Round Box. carved 1735. lid rim broken. C |-- | 5-0 23306 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl with shaving lip. 1759 traces of painting C | J2/ 30-9-11 | 10-6 23307 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl painted, inscription 1759. C | J2/ 13-6-11 | 9-0 23308 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl I am a limb of the birch tree. Drink from me & you will get courage 1805 C | J2/13-6-11 | 9-0 23309 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl inscription 1778 C | J2/ 30-9-11 | 9-0 23310 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl To housewife & host I do honour, when the ale is drunk and given courage, Then all dance on one foot 1721. C | J2/ 30-9-11 | 9-0 23311 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl I am a bowl so neat, you can see at a glance &c 1777 C | J2/ 13-6-11 | 9-0 23312 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl I come advancing to you. Out with your money & let me see it. 1740 C | J2/30-9-11 | 9-0 23313 | Y/- | Norway Large Bowl Dear wife, if you will draw the ale, I will kiss & embrace you. 1786 C | J2/30-9-11 | 9-0 23314 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. Pour again, pour tonight. 1795 C | J2/30-9-11 | 6-6 23315 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. inscription. small handle 1819 C | J2/30-9-11 | 6-6 23316 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. C |-- | 2-6 23317 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. C |-- | 2-6 23318 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. C |-- | 2-6 23319 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. with two handles 28 C|-- | 3-6 23320 | -/c | Norway Small Bowl. painted flowers. later period 35 C |-- | 1-6 23321 | -/c | Norway Cup on stem 29 C | L12/6-5-11 | 2-0 23322 | -/c | Norway Cup on stem 30 C | L12/6-5-11| 2-0 23323 | -/c | Norway Cup on stem 31 C | R8/30-9-11 | 2-6 23324 | -/c | Norway Brandy Bowl in form of [[strikeout]]animal[[/strikeout]]^[[bird]] painted 32 C |-- | 4-0 23325 | -/c | Norway Brandy Bowl in form of [[strikeout]]animal[[/strikeout]] ^[[bird]] painted 33 C | L12/6-5-11 | 4-0 23326 | -/c | Norway Brandy Bowl in form of [[strikeout]]animal[[/strikeout]] ^[[bird]] plain 34 C | L12/6-5-11 | 3-0 23327 | -/c | Norway Box in form of a book. date 1877. added later 36 C |-- | 3-0 23328 | G/G/- | Nias Island Shield | N9/B7-10-10 | 2-0-0 23329 | G/G/- | Nias Island Shield |-- | -- 23330 | M/S | Ivory Coast Gaboon Paddle Grand Lahore [[drawing]]| P16/29-11-13 | 8-0 23331 | M/S | Ivory Coast Gaboon Paddle painted [[drawing]] | P16/29-11-13 | 8-0 23332 | M/S | Ivory Coast Gaboon Paddle painted |-- | -- ################################################## EFwkW ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 308 [[/preprinted]] [[five column table]] 23333 | M/S | [[strikethrough]] Gaboon[[/strikethrough]] Ivory Coast Paddle Grand Lahore | P28//28-11-13 | 0-8-0 23334 | y/- | Ivory Coast Paddle 5 Specimens £2-2-0 | P28/28-11-13 | 0-8-0 23335 | G/S | Ivory Coast Paddle | P28/28-11-13 | 0-8-0 23336 | GX/- | Solomon Ornament from head-hunting Canoe Rabriana C | F20/17-6-11 | 3-15-0 23337 | A/A/- | Japan Case of ornaments. | W22/28-11-11 | 6-15-0 23338 | T/S | Congo Armlet | N9/17-10-10 | 0-15-0 23339 | GY/S | Congo Axe | N9/17-10-10 | 1-0-0 23340 | T/S | Congo Knife | N9/17-10-10 | 0-10-0 23341 | S/- | Congo Knife | N9/17-10-10 | 0-10-0 23342 | M/- | Congo Head Rest | N9/17-10-10 | 0-6-0 23343 | GT/S | Fan Cross Bow. | N9/17-10-10 | 0-18-0 23344 | GY/S | Congo Axe. Kassai. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0 23345 | T/S | Congo Knife [[image -drawing of knife]] | C28/29-4-11 | 0-15-0 23346 | S/- | Congo Knife [[image - drawing of knife]] |-- | -- 23347 | GY/S | Congo Throwing Knife. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-6-0 23348 | M/- | Congo Head Rest. | P16/28-11-13 | 0-8-0 23349 | G/A/- | E. Africa Arm Shield. |-- | -- 23350 | G/-/- | Java Kris. silver hilt & sheath. |-- | -- 23351 | GA/- | New Hebrides Club. | -- | -- 23352 | A/- | W. C. Australia Beak Boomerang. | P16/27-11-11 | 1-5-0 23353 | GY/- | Solomon Paddle. broken. [[dec.?]] human figures C | F20/18-11-11 | 1-8-6 23354 | Y/Y/- | Fiji "Lotus Club | P16/27-11-11 | 4-15-0 23355 | M/A/- | Fiji Ditto. K |-- | -- 23356 | A/A/- | N Z. K.O. K | -- | -- 23357 | GY/- | British Columbia Bark Cloak. |-- | 1-7-6 23358 | GI/- | Old Calabar Box in form of Animal. |-- | [[strikethrough]]2-12-6[[/strikethrough]] 3-10-0 23359 | GY/S | Old Calabar Fetish Figure male. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-7-6 23360 | GY/S | Old Calabar Fetish Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 1-7-6 23361 | G/A/- | Old Calabar Fetish Post | C11 / 24-6-13 | 2-15-0 23362 | M/- | Old Calabar Small Fetish |-- | 0-8-0 23363 | N/- | Old Calabar Musical Instrument | P16/28-11-13 | 0-10-0 23364 | M/- | Old Calabar Piano | P16 / 28-11-13 | 0-4-0 23365 | G/GX/- | Old Calabar Pair brass Anklets. 13 1/2" dia. Anambara | P16/28-11-13 | 2-15-0 23366 | G/GA/- | Japanese [[?]] &c.| W22/25-10-10 | 3-2-0 23367 | A/GX/- | Scotland. F.L. Pistol. steel butt | M33/20-1-11 | 7-0-0 23368 | G/- | New Zealand stone Net ^[[or Hook]] Sinker |-- | -- 23369 | -/C | New Zealand Poi Ball |-- | -- 23370 | -/C | New Zealand Poi Ball |-- | -- ################################################## EFwkZ ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]308[[/preprinted]] 23371 | GM/. | S. America Club, engraved. B. Guinea. | C11/10-7-12 | 2-5-0 23372 | S/. | Canada Mat dec. quill work. | H28/7-1-11 | 1-5-0 23373 | S/. | Canada Mat dec. quill work. | H28/7-1-11 | 1-5-0 23374 | S/S | Canada Small Box. top dec: quill work. C | P16/17-6-12 | 15-0 23375 | GA/. | N. America Calumet Stein K. |-- | -- 23376 | GA/. | N. America Calumet Stein | H28/1-1-11 | 3-5-0 23377 | A/. | S. America Bow. covered cane work. Brazil | J12/3-3-13 | 14-0 23378 | GX/. | Australia Club |-- | -- 23379 | A/. | New [[strikethrough]] Britain[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Ireland]] Club. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-10-0 23380 | G/G/. | New Zealand "Onewa", black basalt. | K5/3-10-13 | 2-0-0 23381 | G/./. | Maugaia Adze Haft |-- | 2-8-0 23382 | A/. | Fiji Club. gun stock type. |-- | -- 23383 | A/. | Fiji Club. paddle type. |-- | -- 23384 | G/./. | Fiji Club. paddle type. carved blade. |-- | -- 23385 | GX/. | Samoa Club. carved all over. | B31/20-12-15 | 2-2-0 23386 | GA/. | Samoa Club. [[ drawing]] | P16/29-5-11 | 1-18-6 23387 | A/. | Samoa Club. [[drawing]] | P16/29-5-11 | 1-18-6 23388 | Y/S | Samoa Trap. | --| -- 23389 | Y/M/. | Benin Execution Sword. C | P16/18-11-12 | 10-0-0 23390 | T/S | Congo Wood Dagger Bushongo C |-- | 17-6 23391 | G/./. | Congo [[strikethrough]]Necromancer's[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Divination]] Palati & rubber. Bushongo C | L21/24-2-12 | 2-2-0 23392 | T/S | Afghan Shield |-- | 1-5-0 23393 | GX/. | Assam Spear 3 barb Naga. |-- | 1-12-6 23394 | GX/. | India Sword with belt. |-- | 1-7-6 23395 | GX/. | India Sacrificial Axe. | W29/15-8-11 | 2-5-0 23396 | A/. | India Spear head. inlaid gold. }1-15-0 | S35/10-3-11 | 17-6 23397 | A/. | India Spear butt inlaid silver. }1-15-0 | S35/10-3-11 | 17-6 }1-15-0 23398 | A/GX/. | England Wheel-lock gun. C | S40/20-6-11 | 9-15-0 23399 | GX/. | England F. L. Rifle C | S40/18-1-12 | 1-10-0 23400 | GX/. | England F. L. Rifle C | S40/18-1-12 | 1-10-0 23401 | M/GX/. | Europe Snap hammer gun C | S40/20-6-11 | 6-10-0 23402 | N/./. | England Pair F. L. Pistols with silver mounts. (C 23523 3/3/-) | C10/17-6-11 | 7-10-0 23403 | G/GX/. | England Air rifle with pump. (C 18325 2/2/-) |--| 3-3-0 23404 | Y/. | Tassi Gems. | -- | -- 23405 | Y/. | Tassi Gems. |-- | -- 23406 | Y/. | Tassi Gems. |-- | -- 23407 | Y/. | Tassi Gems. |-- | -- 23408 | Y/. | Tassi Gems. |-- | -- ################################################## EFwl2 ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 309 [[/preprinted]] 23409 | A/. | Brazil comb with feather pendant |-- | 12-6 23410 | A/. | Brazil Head Dress | -- | 16-0 23411 | G/./. | Brazil Paddle. dec. | C11/10-7-12 | 2-5-0 23412 | G/GX/.| Brazil Club. flat. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0-0 23413 | G/./. | Brazil Club. round | P16/7-6-13 | 2-15-0 23414 | GX/. | Australia Collar. Kangaroo teeth | F20/9-9-11 | 1-5-0 23415 | N/GX/. | N. American Costume, Coat. 2 fine quill pieces. pair moccassins. 2 ponchos & bottle| H28/7-1-11| 10-10-0 23416 | GN/. | N. American Saddle | W1/7-7-13 | 2-0-0 23417 | M/. | N. American Belt | F7/1-12-11 | 12-6 23418 | M/. | N. American Pouch | F7/7-3-11 | 6-6 23419 | GS/.| Tibet Prayer Wheel C | C30/3-2-13 | 11-7-6 23420 | GX/. | Niger Figure | N9/17-10-10 | 1-0-0 23421 | GX/. | Niger Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 23422 | G/GA/. | England. Breach loading shot gun | S40/13-6-12 | 6-10-0 23423 | M/. | Japan Tsuba | W22/25-10-10| 16-0 23424 | M/. | Japan Tsuba | W22/25-10-10| 12-6 23425 | M/. | Japan Tsuba | W22/25-10-10| 10-6 23426 | M/. | Japan Tsuba | W22/25-10-10| 9-0 23427 | M/. | Japan Tsuba | W22/25-10-10| 8-0 23428 | y/. | Japan Tsuba | W22/25-10-10| 6-6 23429 | y/. | Japan Tsuba | W22/25-10-10| 7-6 23430 | y/. | Japan Tsuba | W22/25-10-10| 7-6 23431 | y/. | Japan Tsuba | W22/25-10-10| 7-0 23432 | y/. | Japan Tsuba | W22/25-10-10| 3-6 23433 | G/. | Japan Tsuba | W22/25-10-10| 4-6 23434 | G/. | Japan Tsuba | W22/25-10-10| 4-6 23435 | GX/. | N African ? Curious Stool | -- | 2-10-0 23436 | G/A/. | Brit Columbia Totum pipe C| B21/13-12-12 | 3-9-0 23437 | T/. | Congo Chief Neck Ring | H31/11-6-12 | 1-2-0 23438 | G/. | [[congo?]] Model Canoe | P16/ 28-11-13 | 8-0 23439 | /. | 2 Snake Skins. one damaged | -- | 2-0 23440 | ./s | China Charm pendant. carved wood & tassle | -- | 7-6 23441 | ./s | China Pouch | -- | -- 23442 | /. | Soudan Bracelet | L21/6-2-12| 5-0 23443 | M/. | Soudan Ivory Fetish | -- | 1-1-0 23444 | M/. | Soudan Ivory Fetish | P16/28-11-13 | 8-6 23445 | ./S | Europe Army Lance with pennon |--| -- 23446 | ./s | Europe Army Lance with pennon |--| -- ################################################## EFwl5 ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 309 [[/preprinted]] [[table, 5 columns]] 23,447 | G/S | Somali Spear. large | -- | -- 23,448 | G/S | Somali Spear. | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23,449 | G/. | E. Africa Spear | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 23,450 | G/. | E. Africa Spear | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 23,451 | G/. | E. Africa Spear | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 23,452 | G/. | E. Africa Spear | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 23,453 | G/. | Madagascar Spear, inlaid | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23,454 | G/. | Madagascar Spear, inlaid | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23,455 | G/. | Madagascar Spear, inlaid | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23,456 | G/. | Madagascar Spear, inlaid | W30/30-5-14[[?]]| 8-6 23,457 | -/S | Madagascar Spear, plain | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23,458 | -/S | Madagascar Spear, plain | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23,459 | -/S | Madagascar Spear, plain | -- | -- 23,460 | -/S | Madagascar Spear, plain | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23,461 | -/S | Madagascar Spear, plain | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23,462 | -/S | Madagascar Spear, plain | -- | -- 23,463 | -/S | Madagascar Spear, plain | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23,464 | M/S | Bolivia Digging Stick & Axe Crulmeid Chamaloca | -- | 6-12-6 23,465 | N/GA/. | China Diety ; "Amida" Stick 21 1/2" high about 90 lb weight | B48/[[14?]] ^[[8/10-]] | 8-0-0 23,466 | S/./. | Solomon Memorial Skull. C| F20/6-5-11 | 10-0-0 23,467 | N/./. | Solomon Memorial Skull. C| B30/5-4-11 | 8-8-0 23,468 | M/. | America Repeating Winchester Rifle. | -- | -- 23,469 | G/N/. | Fiji Orange Cowry Charm, Cypeae Aurautia | -- | 3-3-0 23,470 | G/-/- | [[strikethrough]]Tahiti[[/strikethrough]] Samoa? Shell Frontlet| B16/7-12-11 | 2-2-0 23,471 | G/. | S. E. Africa Snuff Box | L12/20-10-10 | 3-6 23,472 | G/. | S. E. Africa Snuff Box | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23,473 | G/. | S. E. Africa Snuff Box | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23,474 | -/S | W. Africa "Kol" holder | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0 23,475 | -/N | S. America Gourd Bottle | -- | -- 23,476 | -/N | S. America Gourd Bottle | -- | -- 23,477 | -/N | S. America Gourd Bottle | -- | -- 23,478 | -/S | Arab Foot Rasp | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0 23,479 | -/S | Borneo Small Basket | -- | -- | 23,480 | -/S | E. Africa Armlet | -- | -- | 23,481 | -/S | E. Africa Armlet | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0 23,482 | G/. | E. Africa Armlet curious | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23,483 | -/M | N.C. Comb, bamboo or (N Heb; Pentecost I.) |--| 5-0 23,484 | -/M | N.C. Comb, bamboo | -- | 5-0 ################################################## EFwl8 ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 310 [[/preprinted]] [[5 column table]] 23485| -/s| Spoon. horn bowl |--|-- 23486| -/M| Ancient Athens Sinker of pottery |--|-- 23487| -/M| Ancient Athens Sinker of pottery |--|-- 23488| /- | N. American Siou Indian Arrow head in Buffalo rib | H28/24-1-[[364?]] | 2-2-0 23489| -/s| Philippine Snake Skin |-- | -- 23490| -/s| Block of Rock Crystal |-- |-- 23491| G/GT/- | N. American Hood of bead work. | W1/7-7-13 | 2-16-0 23492| G/- | Zulu Pouch | P16/28-11-12 | 4-0 23493| G/- | New Zealand Fish Hook |-- | -- 23494| G/- | Barbadoes Adze Head. shell. |-- | -- 23495| M/- | New Zealand Adze Head| -- | -- 23496| y/-| New Zealand Adze Head [[strikethrough]] metal?[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Hematite]] | -- | 1-1-0 23497| -/s| Japan bone Carving |-- |-- 23498| -/s| Basket |S4/1-1-12 | 1-0 23499| m/-| China Seal |-- | -- 23500| m/-| China Seal |-- | -- 23501| m/-| China Seal |-- | -- 23502| y/-| China Printing Block |-- | -- 23503| c/-| China Koro & cover |H31/8-5-11 | 2-2-0 23504| m/-| India Katar. & sheath. hilt dec: [[mased?]] work. 16" |-- | 12-6 23505| m/-| Java Pair cock fighting Spurs in case. sold| L12/20-10-10 | 9-0 23506| m/-| Borneo Tobacco Box & 3 specimens of tobacco |-- | 1-2-6 23507| m/-| Borneo Horn bill charm |S4/1915 | 3-0-0 23508| /-| Borneo Grass Mat |-- |-- 23509| G/-| Borneo Jacket | F20/9-9-11 | 16-0 23510| G/-| Borneo Jacket | S4/1915 | 16-0 23511| G/-| Borneo Jacket best |-- | 1-1-0 23512| -/s| Borneo Waist Cloth | -- | 10-0 23513| -/s| Borneo Waist Cloth | F20/9-9-11 | 10-6 23514| /- | Borneo Specimen of bark cloth with actual bark at one side unbeaten | --| 7-6 23515| /- | Bornes Specimen of bark cloth with actual bark at one side unbeaten | F20/9-9-11 | 7-6 23516| /- | Bornes Specimen of bark cloth with actual bark at one side unbeaten | -- | -7-6 23517| /- | Bornes Specimen of bark cloth with actual bark at one side unbeaten |-- | 7-6 23518| Y/GX/- | Solomon club. carved. c| C11/20-9-11 | 4-17-6 23519| I/- | Gilbert Knife. Shark teeth [[drawing]] rare form | F20/25-3-11 | 1-10-0 23520| G/- | Gilbert Sword. shark teeth damaged c|-- | 6-0 23521| G/- | Australia Boomerang. |-- | -- 23522| I/- | Arab F.L. Gun. | S4/1-1-12 | 4-0 ################################################## EFwlb ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 310 [[/preprinted]] 23523 | C/- | England F.L. Big game Rifle (C23402 3/3/-) C|S40/20-6-11 | 3-3-0 23524 | G/- | England P.C. Gun | -- | -- 23525 | G/A/- | Ceylon Devil Mask C |D10/17-1-13 | 2-2-0 23526 | GX/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Modern | W1/13-5-11 | 1-1-0 23527 | Y/- | Japan Mask C | C31/4-2-14 | 10-6 23528 | G/- | Indian Mask paper mache' C | D10/17-1-13 | 6-0 23529 | G/- | Indian Mask | C31/4-2-14 | 6-0 23530 | G/- | Indian Mask | -- | 6-0 23531 | GM/- | Borneo Shield dec. | -- | -- 23532 | Y/- | Borneo Shield plain | -- | -- 23533 | T/- | Borneo Hunting Fetish | -- | 17-6 23534 | T/- | Borneo Hunting Fetish | 3 for 2/5/- | 16-0 23535 | S/- | Borneo Hunting Fetish | -- | 16-0 23536 | G/G/- | Brit: Columbia Bowl. dec. | H28/7-1-11 | 3-10-0 23537 | GN/- | Brit: Columbia Bowl plain | -- | 2-7-6 23538 | G/GY/S | 2 Burmese Temple Bells | W22/28-11-11 | 2-2-6 23539 | Y/- | India Axe. all steel. modern | S4/1-1-12 | 3-0 23540 | GX/- | England F. L Pistol. brass barrel. Wilson fine order | -- | 1-15-0 23541 | GX/- | N. America War Club | H28/7-1-11 | 2-0-0 23542 | G/GY/S | Abor. Helmet of skin. 1858 Expedn. | F20/9-9-11 | 3-0-0 23543 | GA/- | Congo Hand Drill complete | F20/25-3-11 | 1-15-0 23544 | A/- | Congo Fire Drill. complete | -- | 10-0 23545 | A/- | Congo Fire Drill complete | F20/25-3-11 | 15-0 23546 | GY/S | Congo Wire maker's Apparatus | F20/25-3-11 | 1-10-0 23547 | GX/- | Congo Wire maker's Apparatus | F20/25-33-11 | 1-0-0 23548 | GX/- | Congo Wire maker's Apparatus | H17/2-4-12 [[?]] | 1-4-0 23549 | G/GY/S | Eskimo Costume complete | B30/5-4-11 | 5-0-0 23550 | M/-/- | New Zealand Stick finely carved | P16/17-6-12 | 19-10-0 23551 | G/A/- | New Zealand Cloak fine border | -- | 8-8-0 23552 | GX/- | New Zealand Mat | -- | -- 23553 | A/- | New Zealand Belt | P16/17-6-12 | 1-15-0 23554 | G/GX/- | N. America Skull. Flat-head Indian. | S4/1915 | 4-4-0 23555 | GX/- | Solomon Skull | -- | 1-7-6 23556 | GX/- | Java Skull 2 teeth | -- | 1-7-6 23557 | G/-/- | A. Peru Skull | S4/1915 | 2-7-6 23558 | G/GA/- | Tibet carved stone Diety | W22/25-10-10 | 5-5-0 23559 | G/GX/- | Tibet painted clay Tablet | W22/25-10-10 | 4-5-0 23560 | A/- | Tibet Sacred Book. 5 leaves. | W22/25-10-10 | 16-0 ################################################## EFwle ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 311 [[/preprinted]] 23561 | GA/- | Masai Head Ornament | H31/14-11-10 | 1-10-0 23562 | M/- | Savage I. Club | -- | -- 23563 | M/- | Soloman Steering Club | -- | -- 23564 | Y/- | Soloman Paddle | -- | -- 23565 | A/- | Soloman Bowl inlaid | -- | -- 23566 | G/- | Florida I. Club | -- | -- 23567 | N/- | Tonga Club carved grip | -- | -- 23568 | M/- | Fiji Club. root type carved grip | -- | -- 23569 | M/- | Fiji Club carved grip | -- | -- 23570 | G/S | Fiji Belt Club. large. fluted | P16/27-11-11 | 15-0 23571 | G/S | Fiji Belt Club large, fluted | P116/27-11-11 | 15-0 23572 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club smaller ball | P16/27-11-11 | 10-0 23573 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club smaller small | -- | -- 23574 | /- | Fiji Club. straight type. | -- | -- 23575 | /- | Australia Boomerang. | H37/30-6-16 | 11-0 23576 | /- | New Caladonia Gourd bound with [[sinnet?]] | S4/16-7-12 | 1-0 23577 | /- | Bundle of Soloman Arrows. about 10 | -- | -- 23578 | /- | Bundle of New Hebrides Arrows. about 14. | J12/3-3-13 | 3-6 23579 | /- | New Hebrides Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 7-0 23580 | /- | New Hebrides Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 7-0 23581 | /- | Solomon Bow | -- | -- 23582 | /- | Tahiti Bow | J12/4-7-14 | 2-2-0 23583 | /- | Caroline Mat | -- | -- 23584 | /- | Wallis Isl: Tappa. fine design. | C28/20-11-12 | 1-5-0 23585 | /- | Tappa fine design smaller | -- | -- 23586 | A/- | S. India Club; "Lathe"; bamboo iron bound | -- | -- 23587 | -/S | S. America Whistle | H17/[[strikethrough]]17-1-12[[/strikethrough]] | 4-0 23588 | I/- | Brit. Columbia Canoe Bailer | C11/10-7-12 | 15-0 23589 | GX/- | Brit. Columbia Knife with history | H28/7-1-11 | 1-5-0 23590 | A/- | India Aboriginal Tribes. Fire Sticks Bheel.| L12/10-1-13 | 10-0 23591 | S/- | Nubia Shield | P16/28-11-13 | 1-3-0 23592 | S/- | Nubia Shield | H30/3-8-12 | 1-1-0 23593 | Y/S | Mashona Head Rest | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 23594 | S/- | Tonga Head Rest C | F20/19-6-[[4?]] | 1-2-6 23595 | A/- | Fiji Oil Dish | P16/27-11-11 23596 | N/- | New Hebrides Boys' Club | -- | -- 23597 | S/- | Congo Iron Bell on stick | -- | 12-6 23598 | Y/- | Siberia? cake of currency Tea | -- | 4-0 ################################################## EFwlh ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 311 [[/[preprinted]] [[5 column table]] 23599 | s/- | S. India Figure of Jauggernaut Travancore | 23/6 | 11-5-0 23600 | N/- | S. India Figure of Jauggernaut smaller Travancore | 16/1 | 18-6 23601 | GA/- | W. Africa Stool | -- | -- 23602 | GA/- | W. Africa Stool | P16/[?] | 2-2-0 23603 | GX/- | New Guinea Canoe Prow | P16/7-6-13 | 11-15-0 23604 | GA/- | New Guinea Sago Scoup Hartzfeldt Harb 1 | P16/25-11-12 | 2-2-0 23605 | N/- | New Guinea Club, carved both sides Trobriand | P16/7-6-13 | 11-7-6 23606 | 7/- | New Guinea Club, carved both sides Trobriand | P16/7-6-13 | 1-10-6 23607 | 7-- | New Guinea Club, serrated Trobriand | P16/7-6-13 | 1-1-0 23608 | /- | Australia Shield | -- | -- 23609 | 4/- | Printing Board | -- | -- 23610 | 4/- | Printing Board | L12/9-1-11 | 4-0 23611 | 6/- | Florida J. Club | -- | -- 23612 | 4/5 | Norway Netting Needle | L12/9-1-11 | 8-0 23613 | 6/-/- | Gilbert Knife, double rows shark teeth. 14 " long | F20/25-3-11 | 2 0-0 23614 | 6/-/- | Dutch New Guinea. Ancestral Figure; "Korvar" 8 3/4 " high. Dorei. C | C11/10-2-12 | 3-10-0 23615 | 6/-/- | Dutch New Guinea. Ancestral Figure; "Korvar" 8 3/4 " high. C | P16/28-11-13 | 3-10-0 23616 | 6/-/- | Dutch New Guinea. Ancestral Figure; smaller 7" high. C | F20/17-6-11 | 2-2-0 23617 | 6A/- | Dutch New Guinea. Ancestral Figure; small 8 1/4 ins: C | C11/10-2-12 | 1-2-0 23618 | T/S | Dutch New Guinea. Ancestral Figure; Charm. large. C | F20/17-6-11 | 14-0 23619 | A/- | Charm. Large. C | C11/20-2-12 | 18-0 23620 | A/- | Charm. Large. C | C11/10-2/12 | 16-0 23621 | A/- | Charm. Large. 10 3/4 long C | F20 / 17-6-11 | 1-0-0 23622 | A/- | Charm. Large C | C11/10-2-12 | 10-0 23623 | N/- | Charm. Large 7 1/2 " long C | C11/10-2-12 | 10 - 0 23624 | N/- | Charm. Large. C | C11/10-2-12 | 10-0 23625 | N/- | Charm. Large. 9" long C | Pr6/28-11-13 | 9-0 23626 | N/- | Charm. Large. 5 1/4 long C | Pr6/28-11-13 | 9-0 23627 | N/- | Charm. Large. 9" long. C | C11/10-2-12 | 8-0 23628 | A/- | Charm. Large. dressed C | C11/10-2-12 | 14-0 23629 | N/- | Dutch New Guinea Sago Stirrer carved handle 2 figs. C | C11/10-2-12 | 13-8 23630 | N/- | Dutch New Guinea Sago Stirrer carved handle C | C11/10-2-12 | 9-0 23631 | N/- | Dutch New Guinea Sago Stirrer carved handle C | Pr6/17-6-12 | 10-0 23632 | M/- | Dutch New Guinea Sago Stirrer plain C | C28/29-5-11 | 2-2-0 23633 | 6/-/- | Dutch New Guinea Head Rest. V. fine. C | C28/29-5-11 | 2-2-0 23634 | 6x/- | Dutch New Guinea Head Rest. smaller. C | F20/17-6-11 | 17-0 23635 | 4/5 | Dutch New Guinea Charm Sticks in bark cloth. C | F17/2-9-10 | 10-6 23636 | 4/- | Dutch New Guinea Lime Box with top decorated. C | C11/10-2/12 | 13-0 ################################################## EFwlk ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 312 [[/preprinted]] [[5 column table]] 23637 | 4/- | Dutch New Guinea Lime Box with top. large. Domi. C | F20/17-6/11 | 12-0 23638 | 6/- | Dutch New Guinea Lime Box with top. smaller. skin top. Domi. C | C11/10-2-12 | 5-0 23639 | -/5 | Dutch New Guinea Lime Measure decorated gourd Domi. C | F20/17-6-11 | 3-0 23640 | -/5 | Dutch New Guinea Lime Measure decorated gourd Domi. C | C11/10-2/12 | 5-0 23641 | -/5 | Dutch New Guinea Lime Measure decorated bamboo C | C11/10-2/12 | 4-0 23642 | -/5 | Dutch New Guinea Lime Measure decorated bamboo C | C11/10-2/12 | 2-0 23643 | -/5 | Dutch New Guinea Currency Belt C | F20/17-6-11 | [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 7-0 23644 | -/5 | Dutch New Guinea Currency Belt C | C11/10-2-12 | 6-0 23645 | -/5 | Dutch New Guinea Price of Currency C | W22/28-11-11 | 5-0 23646 | -/5 | Dutch New Guinea Bundle Currency red | -- | [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] 7-0 23647 | -/5 | Dutch New Guinea Bundle Currency red | Pr6/18-11-14 | 5-0 23648 | -/5 | Dutch New Guinea Bundle Currency red | F20/17-6-11 | 5-0 23649 | -/5 | Dutch New Guinea Bundle Currency yellow | F20/17-6-11 | 5-0 23650 | -/5 | Dutch New Guinea Bundle Currency yellow | Pr6/28-11-13 | 6-0 23651 | /- | Dutch New Guinea Amulet black C | F20/17-6-11 | 2-0 23652 | /- | Dutch New Guinea Amulet cane | C11/10-2-12 | 3-0 23653 | /- | Dutch New Guinea Pair Amulet. decorated worked design C | Pr6/28-11-13 | 4-0 23654 | /- | Dutch New Guinea [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] Pair Amulet. decorated worked design. C | F20/17-6-11 | 4-0 23655 | /- | Dutch New Guinea Band cloth. Dress C | F20/17-6-11 | 4-0 23656 | A/- | Dutch New Guinea Bead work Apron. fine. 17 1/2 x 15 C | F20/17-6-11 | 1-5-0 23657 | M/- | Dutch New Guinea Basket decorated C | F20/17-6-11 | F20/17-6-11 | 9-0 23658 | N/- | Dutch New Guinea Drum. small. 8 1/4 x 5/14 ins. C | C11/10-2-12 | 10-0 23659 | 4/- | Dutch New Guinea Knife carved handle C | Pr6/28-11-13 | 12-6 23660 | /- | Dutch New Guinea Skull with lower jaw. 15 teeth. | -- | 3-5-0 23661 | 4/-/- | New Britain Skull "Torcha" Mask. Damaged. | -- | 4-15-0 23662 | 6/6X/- | [[strikethrough]] Cameron [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Uganda]] Fetish Figure 65 " huge C | -- | 2-5-0 23663 | 6/6X/- | Uganda Fetish Figure | Pr6/28-11-13|2-7-6 23664 | 6/T/5 | Congo Copper cron Currency Katanza. Rami Dust. | Pr6/28-11-18 | 2-12-6 23665 | 6/T/5 | India Jambiya copper gilt. | 535/6-1-12 | 12-6 23666 | A/- | England old Same C | 12/6 | 1-12-6 23667 | 6x/- | Assan Axe Naga | 535/30-6-13 | 1-12-0 23668 | 6x/- | Assan Axe Naga | -- | 1-1-0 23669 | 4/- | Aborigual Libes Arrow. ring type. Orrissia.| F20/9-9-11 | 3-6 23670 | 6/- | Aborigual Libes Arrow. | F20/9-9-11 | 3-6 23671 | 6/- | Aborigual Libes Arrow. | F20/9-9-11 | 3-6 23672 | 6/- | Aborigual Libes Arrow. ^[[Frank]] | F20/9-9-11 | 3-6 23673 | 6/- | Aborigual Libes Arrow. | F20/9-9-11 | 3-6 23674 | 6/- | Aborigual Libes Arrow. | F20/9-9-11 | ################################################## EFwln ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 312 [[/preprinted]] [[table, 5 columns]] 23,675 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow Orssia[[?]]| M10/9.2.12 |1.0 23,676 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow | J12/3.3.13 |3.0 23,677 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow | J12/3.3.13 |3.0 23,678 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow | J12/3.3.13 |3.0 23,679 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow | J12/3.3.13 |3.0 23,680 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow | J12/3.3.13 |3.0 23,681 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow | J12/3.3.13 |3.0 23,682 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow | J12/3.3.13 |3.0 23,683 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow | J12/3.3.13 |3.0 23,684 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow | J12/3.3.13 |3.0 23,685 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow | J12/3.3.13 |3.0 23,686 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow | J12/3.3.13 |3.0 23,687 | G/. | Aboriginal Tribes. Arrow | J12/3.3.13 |3.0 23,688|GS/./.| New Zealand Feather Box. 19" long.| P16/17.6.12| 25.0.0 23,689|Gx/./.| New Zealand Club. "Wahaika",. 15 3/4" long.| | 16.16.0 23,690|GX/./.| New Zealand Over[[?]] Door 2 mats. | | 8.10.0 23,691|GX/./.| New Zealand Stern Te Puke Bay of Plenty Height 88" x 17" K | | 27.10.0 23,692|GX/./.| New Zealand Stern damaged. Paddles 17.10.0 K | | 28.10.0 23,693|YX/./.| New Zealand Prow.[[?]] Paddles 9.9.0 K | B21/8.5.11 | 38.10.0 23,694|MY/./.| New Zealand Granery? Door | B21/8.5.11 | 85.0.0 23,695|YX/./.| New Zealand Door Board | B21/8.5.11 | 66.0.0 23,696|GY/./.| New Zealand Front Board | B21/8.5.11 | 25.0.0 [[?]] 42.10.0 23,697|I/./.| New Zealand Front Board smaller. | B21/8.5.11 | 17.10.0 [[?]] 42.10.0 23,698| /. | Solomon Length Currency. | F16/5.12.10 | 5.0 23,699| GX/. | Solomon Belth. Shell discs. v. fine[[?]]. | | - 23,700| GA/./ | Beusia[[?]] Bronze Group. | | 32.10.0 23,701| T/S | Sumatra Bamboo Talisman Book. bamboo. Batak C. | S4/19.5| 1.2.6 23,702| Y/./. | Congo Dele Mask & Dress Bapeude[[?]] | F20/25.3.11| 3.10.0 23,703| Y/./. | Congo circumcision Mask & Dress Bapeude[[?]] | F20/25.3.11| 5.10.0 23,704| G/GX/.| Congo circumcision Mask & Dress Bapeude[[?]] | S4/15.5 | 4.15.0 23,705| I/. | Congo circumcision Mask only. Bapeude[[?]] | C28/20.11.12 | 3.15.0 23,706| I/./. | Congo circumcision Mask Bapeude[[?]] | B44/13.2.13 | 3.10.0 23,707| I/. | Congo circumcision Mask Bapeude[[?]] | P16/28.1.12[[?]] | 3.15.0 23,708| I/. | Congo circumcision Mask Bapeude[[?]] | E7/19.5 | 3.10.0 23,709| I/. | Congo circumcision Mask | E7/19.5 | 3.10.0 23,710| GX/. | Congo Tobacco Pipe Bushongo. Bakuba. C| | 1.1.0 23,711| I/. | Congo Carved Ceremonial Drum. Badjok[[?]]| C11/15.6.11 | 2.0.0 23,712| S/. | Congo Funeral Rattle Balrinda[[?]]|F20/25.3.11 | 1.0.0 ################################################## EFwlq ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]313[[/preprinted]] [[five column page]] 23713 | y/- | Congo Hunting Whisth. Bapeude | Pr6/20-1-11 | 10-6 23714 | y/- | Congo Hunting Whisth. | | 23715 | y/- | Congo Hunting Whisth. cracked. | | 23716 | A/- | Congo Ivory charm worn only by circumcised men. Bapeude. C | B21/10-2-13 | 2-05-0 23717 | 6x/. | Congo Loom Bambala |-- | 2-05-0 23718 | A/- | Congo Fetish Staue. carved head Babuuda | C11/15-6-11 | 2-2-00 23719 | A/- | Congo Fetish Staue. carved head Babuuda C| 54/29-2-16 | 1-12-6 23720 | A/- | Congo Fetish Stave. carved head Chiefs stick Bapindje | C11/15-6-9 | 11-2-0 23721 | 6A/- | Congo Currency Throwing Knife value several slaves Bankutu | T16/4-1-12 | 2-12-6 23722 | A/- | Congo Currency Hoe? value one fowl. Bankutu | | 18-0 23723 | -/3 | Congo Dren. Palm Cloth- worked design, made by men worn by women Babuuda | | 4-6 23724 | -/5 | Congo Dren. Palm Cloth- worked design, made by men worn by women Babuuda | | 4-6 23725 | -/5 | Congo Dren. Palm Cloth- worked design, made by men worn by women Babuuda | C11/15-6-11 | 4-0 23726 | -/5 | Congo Dren. Palm Cloth- worked design, made by men worn by women Babuuda | | 23727 | -/5 | Congo Dren. Palm Cloth- worked design, made by men worn by women Babuuda | | 23728 | -/5 | Congo Dren. Palm Cloth- worked design, made by men worn by women Babuuda | | F20/25-3-11 | 4-6 23729 | -/5 | Congo Dren. Palm Cloth- worked design, made by men worn by women Babuuda | | 23730 | 4/5 | Congo Piece "pile" cloth coloured made by men worn by women Babuuda | C/15-6-11 | 7-0 23731 | 4/5 | Congo Piece "pile" cloth coloured made by men worn by women Babuuda | F20/26-3-11 | 10-0 23732 | 6/5 | Congo Dancing Dren Babuuda | F20/26-3-11 | 10-0 23733 | 65/- | Fiji Necklet | P16/27-11-11 | 2-10-0 23734 | 4/64/- | Cape | | 23735 | 4/N/- | 4 Japanese Sword Guard | | 23736 | M/GA/- | 11 Japanese Sword Mounts. Karamono. | | 23737 | G/Gn/- | 10 Japanese Sword Tops. Kashira | | 23738 | Gx/- | Japanese Flower Basket. | | 23739 | GI- | Japanese Model House | | 23740 | Y/-/- | W. Africa War Horn ivory. 59 1/2", 5 1/2" at end v. old Congo | | 23741 | Y/-/- | W. Africa War Horn ivory. 54 1/4", 5 1/2" at end Engraved. v.old. Congo | | 23742 | Gx/- | Congo Idol. male. large. Basanga C. | | 23743 | Gx/- | Congo Idol. Female Basanga C. | C11/24.6.13 | 2-5-0 23744 | Gx/- | Congo Idol. male. hollow in body. Basanga C. | C11/24.6.13 | 1-12-0 23745 | Gx/- | Nias Idol. large 41 cm C | | 2-2-0 23746 | A/- | Nias Idol. small C | | 17-6 23747 | A/- | Congo Head Rest. bank box below, die bran pendants [[?]] Mobangi C. | | 1-1-0 23748 | M/- | Congo Head Rest. bank box below, plain Mobangi C | P16/28.[[hard to make out]] | 12-6 23749 | M/- | Congo Stool Hazeppa River | P16/28.11.13[[?]] | 12-6 23750 | A/- | Java Counters Game. 2 boxes shell & slate discs | | ################################################## EFwlt ################################################## [tl1_text] 313 [[stamped]] WEBSTER COLLECTION [[/stamped]] 23751 | M/- | Java Circular Shield Gilt centre. | F20/9-9-11 | 1-18-6 23752 | M/- | Java Circular Shield hole in centre. | | 1-17-[[over writing 18]]-6 23753 | Y/- | Java Circular Shield smaller | | 17-6 23754 | /- | Borneo Hat due. red & yellow. | W22/1-10-13 | 4-0 23755 | /- | Soudan Fruit Dish | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0 23756 | GX/- | Java Mask hide top C | C11/28-12-13 | 2-10-0 23757 | GX/- | Java Mask hide top | E1/10-2-13 | 2-10-0 23758 | GX/- | Java Mask hide top | E1/10-2-13 | 1-16-0 23759 | Y/- | Java Small Puppet Figures of paper | | 16-0 23760 | A/- | Java Puppet Figure, hide with hide pennons (8) | | 2-2-0 23761 | Y/S | Java Puppet Figure of card board. large | W1/30-12-16 | 10-6 23762 | Y/S | Java Puppet Figure of card board. large | W1/30-12-16 | 12-6 23763 | Y/S | Java Puppet Figure of biscuit tin. large | | 12-0 23764 | Y/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. | W1/30-12-16 | 6-6 23765 | Y/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. | W1/30-12-16 | 6-6 23766 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | W1/30-12-16 | 6-6 23767 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | W1/30-12-16 | 6-6 23768 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | G15/3-1-11 | 8-0 23769 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | G15/3-1-11 | 8-0 23770 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | G15/3-1-11 | 8-0 23771 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | G15/3-1-11 | 8-0 23772 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | G15/3-1-11 | 8-0 23773 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | G15/3-1-11 | 8-0 23774 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | | 5-0 23775 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | G15/3-1-11 | 8-0 23776 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | G15/3-1-11 | 8-0 23777 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | G15/3-1-11 | 8-0 23778 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | | 5-0 23779 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | | 5-0 23780 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | G15/3-1-11 | 8-0 23781 | -/S | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | | 5-0 23782 | -/S | Java Puppet Figure of card board. smaller | G15/3-1-11 | 8-0 23783 | -/S | Java Puppet Figure of card board. damaged | | 4-0 23784 | -/S | Java Puppet Figure of card board. damaged | G15/3-1-11 | 8-0 23785 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. large damaged | | 8-6 23786 | /- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. small damaged | | 2-6 23787 | /- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. small damaged | | 2-6 23788 | /- | Java Puppet Figure of card board. 12 small damaged | | 12-6 ################################################## EFwlw ################################################## [tl1_text] 314 [[5 column table]] 23789 | /- | Java Pair ornamented wings | | 2-6 23790 | Y/S | Java Bread fruit Splitter | F20/25-7-12 | 8-6 23791 | A/- | Java Bamboo inscribed Horoscope. v. rare | | 2-2-0 23792 | Y/- | Java Short Sword. horn hilt sheath. | | | 23793 | I/- | Java Kris sheath. fine carved ivory* hilt | H30/20-11-11 | 2-5-6 23794 | Y/- | Java Kris sheath wood hilt. | | | 23795 | G/- | Java Kris [[strikethrough]] no sheath [[/strikethrough]] wavy blade | | 10-0 23796 | S/- | Java Spear Head. wavy blade tooled at base. very large. | S35/29-6-12 | 1-15-0 23797 | Y/- | Java Spear Head wavy blade plain base C | | 17-6 23798 | G/- | Java Spear Head wavy blade plain base smaller. | | | 23799 | M/- | Java Spear Head 3 blades. wavy at sides | S35/29-6-12 | 1-0-0 23800 | M/- | Java Spear Head 3 blades quadrangular centre blade | S35/29-6-12 | 1-0-0 23801 | N/- | Java Spear Head 2 blades chiselled at base | S35/29-6-12 | 1-0-0 23802 | M/- | Java Spear Head 2 blades chiseled at base quote M Str | | 1-0-0 23803 | M/- | Java Spear Head 2 blades one curved. small | S35/29-6-12 | 8-6 23804 | N/- | Java Spear Head Bronze. wavy blade. 2 arms animals head. like a [[?]] | [[?]] M Stone | 18-0 23805 | M/- | Java Spear Head plain. heavy seperate iron bar | | | 23806 | M/- | Java Axe head. | | | 23807 | G/- | Java Puppet Figure | W1/30-12-16 | 4-6 23808 | GX/- | China Execution Sword collected in Java. C | | 2-5-0 23809 | M/- | China Mace Steel. collected in Java. | | 1-1-0 23810 | M/- | China Spear Weapon collected in Java. | | 17-6 23811 | M/- | China Weapon steel bar. 2 spear head sack sed. | | | 23812 | M/- | China Weapon | | | 23813 | G/- | Congo Spear pierced blade. Alogwandi | | 1-9-0 23814 | G/- | Congo Spear [[image]] Alogwandi | | 16-0 23815 | G/- | Congo Spear slender Alogo. | | 7-0 23816 | G/- | Congo Spear slender Alogo. | | 9-0 23817 | G/- | Congo Spear slender scalloped edges Alogo | | 8-6 23818 | G/- | Congo Spear Bomakandi | C28/31-2-11 | 4-0 23819 | G/- | Congo Spear Bomakandi | | | 23820 | G/- | Congo Spear Bania Bute | | 7-0 23821 | G/- | Congo Spear engraved [[image]] Bania Lakka. | | 10-0 23822 | G/- | Congo Spear [[image]] Monbuttu | | 6-0 23823 | G/- | Congo Spear | M10/9-2-12 | 1-6 23824 | A/- | Congo Spear with bell. | F20/25-3-11 | 1-7-6 23825 | A/- | Congo War Bell wood handle Bania Baia | | 1-10-0 23826 | /- | Congo Spear head Bania Baia | L10/6-2-12 | | ################################################## EFwlz ################################################## [tl1_text] 314 23827 | /- | Congo Spear. head three for 10/- Bania, Lakka| M10/9-2-12 | 1-6 23828 | /- | Congo Spear. head Queyo. | M10/9-2-12 | 1-6 23829 | /- | Congo Spear. head | M10/9-2-12 | 1-6 23830 | A/- | Congo Sickle Sword. Ex broad & finely engraved Azaudeh. C | L21/22-1-14 | 1-12-6 23831 | N/- | Congo Sickle Sword. Very broad. large end. Azaudeh. | [[?]] | 1-1-0 23832 | N/- | Congo Sickle Sword. finely engraved leather guard Azaudeh. | P16/28-11-13 | 12-0 23833 | M/- | Congo Sickle Sword. finely engraved no guard Azaudeh. | F20/25-3-11 | 7-6 23834 | M/- | Congo Sickle Sword. finely engraved no guard Azaudeh. | F20/25-3-11 | 23835 | y/s | Congo Sickle Sword. fluted. base bound string Azaudeh. | 23836 | y/s | Congo Sickle Sword. fluted. good. Azaudeh. | 23837 | Y/s | Congo Sickle Sword. leather guard Azaudeh. | P16/15-27-33 | 18-6 23838 | y/- | Congo Sickle Sword. no guard Azaudeh. C | C28/31-1-11| 7-6 23839 | Y/- | Congo Sickle Sword. no guard Azaudeh. | | 7-6 23840 | N/- | Congo Weapon. copper plug. [[image]] French Congo. | C28/2-5-11 | 1-0-0 23841 | N/- | Congo Throwing Knife. rare form. cut hide at end. | P66/28-11-13 | 11-12-6 23842 | N/- | Congo Throwing Knife. rare form. cut hide at end. Mobaugi C | A12/24-7-14 | 1-7-6 23843 | N/- | Congo Throwing Knife. usual type [[strikethrough]]Mog[[/strikethrough]] Azandeh |C28/27-2-11| 16-0 23844 | N/- | Congo Throwing Knife. usual type Mogwaudi. C| | 1-0-0 23845 | N/- | Gaboon Throwing Knife. large fine specimen Basanga. Fam. | P16/28-11-43| 1-10-0 23846 | M/- | Gaboon Throwing Knife. small fine specimen Basanga. Fam. | L10/6-2-12| 16-0 23847 | M/- | Congo Sickle Knife Engraved. Monbuttu. | C28/13-2-11 | 10-0 23848 | M/- | Congo Sickle Knife rare form. Monbuttu. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-11-0 23849 | M/- | Congo Sickle Knife smaller. twisted shank Monbuttu. | P16-28-11-13| 10-0 23850 | M/- | Congo Sickle Knife plain Monbuttu. | L10/6-2-12 | 1-0 23851 | M/- | Congo Sickle Knife copper blade Monbuttu. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-5-0 23852 | M/- | Congo Knife Engraved copper blade Monbuttu. | P16/28-11-13 | 16-0 23853 | M/- | Congo Knife in Sheath & belt [[strikethrough]]with[[/strikethrough]] Waugala.(Arudimi) | P16/28-11-13 | 1-1-0 23854 | M/- | Congo Knife in Sheath & belt iron nails | P16/28-11-13 | 17-0 23855 | M/- | Congo Knife in Sheath & belt with charm. fine engr'. blade. Lomani. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-10-0 23856 | G/- | Congo Knife [[image]] Lomani. | P16/28-11-13 | 10-0 23857 | Y/- | Congo Bill Hook Bateke | P16/28-11-13 | 12-6 23858 | Y/- | Gaboon Knife. [[image]] Mobangi. | L10/6-2-12| 2-0 23859 | Y/- | Gaboon Knife. [[image]] Engraved. Fam | P16/28-11-13 | 15-0 23860 | M/- | Gaboon Knife. [[image]] v. fine Basauga Fam | | 23861 | M/- | Gaboon Knife. [[image]] not so good. Basauga Fam | P16/28-11-13 | 12-0 23862 | M/- | Gaboon Knife. [[image]] v.fine Basauga Fam | P16/28-11-13 | 10-0 23863 | M/- | Gaboon Knife. [[image]] Basauga Fam | | 15-0 23864 | Y/- | Gaboon Knife. not so fine Basauga Fam | L10/6.2.12 | 1-0 ################################################## EFwlC ################################################## [tl1_text] 315 [[5 column table]] 23865 | G/- | Gaboon Knife. pointed hilt. smaller. Basauga Tan. | P16/28-11-25 | 14-0 23866 | G/- | Gaboon Knife. pointed hilt. smaller. Basauga Tan. | L10/6-2-12 | 1-0 23867 | G/- | Gaboon Knife. pointed hilt. smaller. Basauga Tan. | | | 23868 | G/- | Gaboon Knife. plain rough sheenier Basauga Tan. | P16/28-11-13 | 7-6 23869 | M/- | Gaboon Knife. pointed hilt. fine sheenier. curved point [[strike through]] [[image]] [[strike through]] [[image]] Basauga Tan. | C11/15-6-11 | 165-0 23870 | y/- | Gaboon Knife. pointed hilt. smaller sheenier. curved point Basauga Tan. | P16/28-11-15 | 14-0 23871 | G/- | Gaboon Knife. all iron. curved point Basauga Tan. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 23872 | G/- | Gaboon Knife. made from an old machette blade. [[image]] Basauga Tan. | P16/28-11-13 | 6-6 23873 | y/- | Gaboon Knife. [[image]] Basauga Tan. | F20/25-3-11 | 15-0 23874 | -/s | Gaboon Knife. [[image]] plain. rough Basauga Tan. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-6 23875 | -/s | Gaboon Knife.[[image]] plain. small rough. Basauga Tan. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23876 | y/- | Congo Cleaver. [[image]] Monbuttu | P16/28-11-13 | 10-0 23877 | y/s | Congo Cleaver. [[image]] Monbuttu | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 23878 | y/s | Congo Cleaver. [[image]] Chipped Handle Machete | L10/6-2-12 | 1-0 23879 | M/- | Congo Cleaver. [[image]] Monbuttu | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 23880 | G/s | Congo Sickle Knife small. [[Image]] Monbuttu | | | 23881 | y/x | Congo Knife. [[Image]] Ababwa. Well D: | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23882 | G/s | Congo Knife [[Image]] Ababwa. Well D: | L10/6-2-12 | 1-6 23883 | G/s | Congo Knife [[Image]] Ababwa. Well D: | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23884 | G/S | Congo Knife [[Image]] It Stumbiri. | P16/28-11-13 | 7-0 23885 | Y/- | Congo Knife [[Image]] smaller. Monbuttu | L10/6-2-12 | 1-0 23886 | G/- | Congo Knife [[Image]] finely engraved Itembiri | P16/28-11-13 | 7-0 23887 | G/S | Congo Knife [[Image]] Niam Niam. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23888 | G/S | Congo Knife [[Image]] bound copper Niam Niam. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23889 | G/S | Congo Knife [[Image]] bound copper Niam Niam. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23890 | G/S | Congo Knife [[Image]] bound copper Niam Niam. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23891 | G/- | Congo Knife [[Image]] small copper bound Niam Niam. | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23892 | G/- | Congo Knife [[Image]] small plain Niam Niam. | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23893 | G/- | Congo Knife [[Image]] small copper bound Niam Niam. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23894 | G/- | Congo Knife [[Image]] small copper bound handle chipped Niam Niam. | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23895 | G/- | Congo Knife [[Image]] small finely engraved Iron bound | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23896 | G/- | Congo Knife [[Image]] plain. Babangi | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23897 | Y/- | Congo Knife [[Image]] Fan | 23898 | G/- | Congo Knife [[Image]] smaller Fan | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23899 | G/- | Congo Knife [[Image]] small Fan | 23900 | G/- | Congo Knife [[Image]] v. small Fan | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23901 | Y/- | Gaboon Knife narrow engraved blade sheath Fan | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23902 | Y/- | Gaboon Knife narrow engraved blade no sheath Fan | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 ################################################## EFwlF ################################################## [tl1_text] 315 23903 | G/- | Gaboon Knife Engraved blade plainer Fan. | P16/28-13 | 4-0 23904 | G/- | Gaboon Knife Engraved blade hilt damaged Fan. | P16/28-13 | 4-0 23905 | G/- | Gaboon Knife plain blade [[image]] Fan. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 23906 | G/s | Gaboon Knife Sheath [[image]] Haissa? | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 23907 | G/S | Gaboon Knife Sheath bound zinc. Haissa? | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 23908 | m/- | Congo Knife [[image]] Bania Gasa. | P16/28-11-13 | 12-0 23909 | Y/S | Congo Knife [[image]] smaller Bania Gasa. | P16/28-11-13 | 12-0 23910 | Y/S | Congo Knife [[image]] hilt covered copper Bania Gasa. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 23911 | G/- | Congo Knife [[image]] V: small. sheath Bania Gasa. | L12/6-5-11 | 5-6 23912 | G/- | Congo Knife [[image]] smallest Bania Gasa. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23913 | -/S | Congo Knife plain hilt. [[image]] Small. no sheath. Bania Gasa. | | 23914 | -/S | Gaboon Knife [[image]] small Fan. | P16/18-11-13 | 4-0 23915 | -/S | Gaboon Knife [[image]] small Fan. | P16/18-11-13 | 4-0 23916 | -/S | Gaboon Knife [[image]] smaller Fan. | P16/18-11-13 | 4-0 [[right margin]]Colln of 12 small knives 2/8/[[/right margin]] 23917 | -/S | Gaboon Knife [[image]] Cartridge case on handle Fan. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23918 | -/S | Gaboon Knife [[image]] small plain Fan | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23919 | -/S | Congo Knife ivory hilt imitation of European Stanley Falls| P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23920 | m/- | Congo Axe. Kassai.| P16/28-11-13 | 16-0 23921 | y/- | Congo Axe. [[image]] Kassai.| P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 23922 | -/s | Congo Axe head. chisel shape [[image]] | | 23923 | -/s | Congo Axe head. chisel shape smaller | | 23924 | -/s | Congo Axe head. [[image]] | | 23925 | -/S | Congo Shovel or Hoe Head. Monbuttu | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 23926 | -/S | Congo Currency Blade [[image]] | | 23927 | G/- | Congo Iron Breast Plate | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 23928 | G/- | Congo Iron Breast Plate | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23929 | G/- | Congo Iron Breast Plate smaller | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 23930 | A/- | Congo "Sorcerer's God". Fetishes attached Landana C | 2-[[strikethrough]]10[[/strikethrough]] 9-0 2-0 23931 | /- | Gaboon. Cross Bow Stock Basanga Fau. | J12/3-2-13 | 1-0-0 23932 | /- | Gaboon. Cross Bow Stock Basanga Fau. | | 23933 | /- | Gaboon. Cross Bow Stock Basanga Fau. | | 23934 | G/- | Congo Whistle of hard wood. Lomani 7/- | P16/28-11-13 | 7-0 23935 | G/- | Congo Sorcerer's Necklet whistle &c Lomani | | 1-7-6 23936 | -/S | E. Africa Spear Head large barbed Djoubti | P16/28-11-13 | 3-0 23937 | -/S | E. Africa Spear Head large barbed Djoubti | P16/28-11-13 | 3-0 23938 | /- | E. Africa Spear Head large plain Djoubti | P16/28-11-13 | 3-0 23939 | /- | E. Africa Spear Head large plain Djoubti | P16/28-11-13 | 3-0 23940 | /- | E. Africa Spear Head small plain Djoubti | | ################################################## EFwlI ################################################## [tl1_text] 316 23941 | /- | Congo 5 Arrow heads one with single barb | J12/3-3-13 | 2-0 23942 | /- | Congo 4 Arrow heads one with single barb | J12/3-3-13 | 2-0 23943 | Y/- | Congo [[strikethrough]]Gaboon[[//strikethrough]] Hair Ornament. Engraved iron Niam Niam | L11/9-5-11| 3-0 23944 | -/S | Congo Hair Ornament. bound iron wire | P16/18-11-13 | 4-0 23945 | -/5 | Congo Hair Ornament. bound iron wire | L11/9-5-11| 3-0 23946 | -/m | Congo Hair Ornament. iron | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 23947 | -/m | Congo Hair Ornament. iron | [[s14?]] | 5-0 23948 | -/m | Congo Hair Ornament. iron | | 23949 | -/m | Congo Hair Ornament. iron | | 23950 | n/- | Niam Island Fetish Figure Lete c | | 10-6 23951 | n/- | Niam Island Fetish Figure Lete | | 23952 | M/- | Fiji Club Root | | 23953 | Y/- | Fiji Club Root not so fine | | 23954 | m/- | Fiji Club Gun Stock | | 23955 | n/- | Fiji Club Sunflower | P16/[[?]] | 2-0-0 23956 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club fluted carved grip. cracked tally marks | | 23957 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club fluted | | 23958 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club not so good ball. carved grip | | 23959 | G/- | Samoa Belt Club not so good ball rough. | | 23960 | G/- | Samoa Belt Club not so good ball poor. | N9/3-[[?3]]-14 | 5-0 23961 | M/- | Tonga Club partly carved. [[image]] | B31/[[?20-12-18]] | 1-12-6 23962 | M/- | Samoa Club [[image]] | P16/29-5-11 | 1-18-6 23963 | M/- | Samoa Club [[image]] | | 23964 | M/- | Samoa Club [[image]] plain | P16/29-5-11 | 1-18-6 23965 | M/- | Samoa Club [[image]] | P16/29-5-11 | 1-18-6 23966 | M/- | Samoa Club [[image]] small black carved. old rare. | | 23967 | -/S | Samoa Club lobe type | | 23968 | -/S | Samoa Club lobe type | | 23969 | -/S | Samoa Club lobe type v. old heavy | | 23970 | -/S | Samoa Club lobe type | | 23971 | -/S | Samoa Club lobe type Owner's name. OULUMOO | N9/[[?]] | 3-0 23972 | -/S | Samoa Club Staff | | 23973 | -/S | Samoa Club Staff | | 23974 | -/S | Samoa Club Staff | | 23975 | -/S | Samoa Club Staff | | 23976 | -/S | Samoa Club Staff | | 23977 | / | Samoa Club Stick slightly carved | | 23978 | / | Samoa Club Stick slightly carved | | ################################################## EFwlL ################################################## [tl1_text] [page]316[/page] 23979 | /- | Samoa Club. modern. [image: <<<<==<<<<==<<<< sketch] | N9/3-[11?]-14 | 0-3-0 23980 | /- | Samoa Club. modern. [image: zigzags pattern sketch] | | 23981 | /- | Samoa Club. modern. [image: zigzags pattern sketch] better | | 23982 | /- | Samoa Club. modern. [image: zigzags pattern sketch] smaller. | | 23983 | /- | Samoa Club. modern. smaller [image: pattern sketch] | | 23984 | /- | Samoa Club. modern. smaller [image: pattern sketch] | | 23985 | M/- | Marshall Sword. shark teeth. Binham I. Jaliut I | F20/25-3-11 | 1-5-0[deleted]1-7-6[/deleted] 23986 | M/- | Gilbert Club palm wood. Apamama[inserted below](Hopper I)[/inserted below] Taputenea I [inserted][unclear]uea or nea[/unclear][/inserted][inserted below](Drummond I)[/inserted below] | F20/25-3-11 | 1-0-0[deleted]1-1-0[/deleted] 23987 | M/- | Congo Trumpet. Quesp. | 32/6 | 23988 | M/- | New Britain Club. stone head. shell setting perfect | | 23989 | y/- | New Britain Club. stone head. shell setting perfect modern haft | | 23990 | y/- | New Britain Club. stone head. no shell setting , fine large specimen | | 23991 | y/- | New Britain Club. stone head. no shell setting , small old specimen | 23992 | M/- | New Britain Club. wood ball end. | | 23993 | G/S | New Hanover Club round section | | 23994 | G/S | New Hanover Club round section shorter. | | 23995 | G/S | New Hanover Club oval section large | | 23996 | G/S | New Hanover Club oval section | | 23997 | G/S | New Hanover Club oval section | | 23998 | y/- | New Ireland Club [image: sketch looks like an oar]slightly carved. | | 23999 | /- | New Ireland Club. narrow. | | 24000 | G/- | New Hebrides Club. [image: sketch of shape] Aoba. | P,C/27-11-11 | 1-0-0 24001 | G/- | New Hebrides Club. [image: sketch of shape] [unclear]Erromango[/unclear] | P,C/27-11-11 | 1-0-0 24002 | /- | Samoa Club slightly carved. modern? | | 24003 | /- | New Guinea Sago Beater socket for stone | | 1-0-0 24004 | N/- | Persia Mace steel ball head | [unclear]D0/22-2-15[/unclear] | 2-0-0[deleted]2-12-0[/deleted] 24005 | N/- | Persia Mace steel inlaid [[mark?]] | [unclear]C7/1917[/unclear] | 1-0-0[deleted]1-19-6[/deleted] 24006 | G/[illegible]D[/illegible]/- | E. Africa Shield large hide. Ja Luo. [unclear]Kanirondo[/unclear]. | C11/15-6-11 | 2-10-0 24007 | G/M/- | E. Africa Shield large hide. Ja Luo. [unclear]Kanirondo[/unclear]. | F20/25-3-11 | 2-10-0 24008 | G/N/- | E. Africa Rua Dance Arm Shield large Akikuyu Ndomi. | F20/25-3-11 | 4-4-0 24009 | GI/- | E. Africa Rua Dance Arm Shield small Akikuyu Ndomi. | P16/22-11-13 | 2-10-0 24010 | GI/- | E. Africa Rua Dance Arm Shield small Akikuyu Ndomi. | B30/5-4-11 | 2-15-0 24011 | Gy/- | E. Africa Parrying Shield [unclear]Dusku[/unclear] | F20/25-3-11 | 2-15-0 24012 | S/- | E. Africa Parrying Shield | F20/25-3-11 | 1-12-0 24013 | /- | E. Africa Spear. | | 24014 | S/- | E. Africa Club. stone head covered hide Ja Luo. | - | 24015 | S/- | E. Africa Club. stone head covered hide Ja Luo. | C11/[deleted]25[/deleted]15-6-11 | 1-1-0 24016 | S/- | E. Africa head Ja Luo. | B30/5-4-11 | 1-5-0 ################################################## EFwlO ################################################## [tl1_text] 317 24017 | s/- | East Africa Club. stone head covered hide. Ja Luo Haverondo. | B30/5-4-11 | 1-1-0 24018 | B/- | East Africa Club. Wood fluted head Ja Luo Haverondo. | C11/15-6-11 | 10-0 24019 | B/- | East Africa Club. Wood fluted head Ja Luo Haverondo. | P16/28-11-13 | 12-0 24020 | A/- | East Africa Club. Wood fluted head Ja Luo Haverondo. | P16/28-11-13 | 12-0 24021 | A/- | East Africa Club. Woof ball end finished like Australia Ja Luo Haverondo. | B30/5-4-11 | 9-0 24022 | Gx/- | East Africa Club. Copper Currency Ring Ja Luo Haverondo. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-1-0 24023 | N/- | East Africa String of iron bead Money. Ja Luo Haverondo. | P16/28-11-13 | 10-0 24024 | M/S | East Africa Snuff Box. horn Ja Luo Haverondo. | | 24025 | M/S | East Africa Snuff Box. horn Ja Luo Haverondo. | | 24026 | M/- | East Africa Snuff Box. shorter horn Ja Luo Haverondo. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 24027 | S/- | East Africa Club stone head covered hide Ja Luo Haverondo. | F20/25-3-11 | 1-4-0 24028 | S/- | East Africa Club stone head covered hide Ja Luo Haverondo. | B30/5-4-11 | 1-1-0 24029 | GX/- | S.E. Africa Horn Hair Ornament Snuff Box. Swazi. | L12/9-1-11 | 15-0 24030 | M/- | S.E. Africa Snuff Box with necklet of lead. Swazi. | L12/9-1-11 | 6-0 24031 | M/- | S.E. Africa Snuff Box Swazi. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 24032 | Y/- | S.E. Africa Steatite Pipe Bowl Swazi. | | 6-0 24033 | /- | S.E. Africa Milk Skimmer Swazi. | | 2-0 24034 | G/- | N. America. Basket & Cover. Aleutian Isls. | B30/5-4-11 | 8-6 24035 | GM/- | 3 Japanese Swords. | W22/25-11-11 | 18-0 24036 | /- | New Guinea Head Ornament red & yellow Feathers. on palm leaf Kewai | P16/7-8-18 | 16-0 24037 | A/- | S. America Head Dress. Bird of Paradise feathers on string base. Chamacoco, (Paraguay) | 2-7-6 24038 | A/- | S. America Club. [[image]] B. Guiana C | | 11-6 24039 | A/- | S. America Club. thin [[image]] die in black B. Guiana C | | 16-0 24040 | A/- | S. America Club. [[image]] Brazil C | | 14-0 24041 | GX/- | Australia Large wood Sword. Scrub natives. Victoria. | P16/17-11-11 | 2-0-0 24042 | Y/- | Australia Boomerang Victoria | | 24043 | M/S | Australia Club; "Leowel" Victoria. | | 24044 | M/S | Australia Club; "Leowel" Victoria. | | 24045 | G/- | Australia Club; "Nulla" Victoria. | P16/27-11-11 | 10-0 24046 | G/GX/- | Celebes Shield inlaid shell. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-10-0 24047 | G/Y/- | Celebes Shield inlaid pottery Ceram | F20/9-9-11 | 3-0-0 24048 | GY/S | Celebes Shield brass. [[?bores]] in relief | | 24049 | GY/S | Celebes Shield basketry. pierced brass. [[?bores]] | | 24050 | A/A/- | New Zealand Paddle Steering v. large Fig on tot | P16/17-6-12 | 12-0-0 24051 | S/- | New Zealand Flax Beater. plain [[image]] | | 24052 | S/- | South East Africa Wood Ceremonial Axe Lulu Xosa | P16/[[?29-12-15]] | 18-0 24053 | G/- | South East Africa Club. Lulu Xosa | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0 24054 | /- | South East Africa Spoon Lulu Xosa | P16/29-11-13 | 1-0 ################################################## EFwlR ################################################## [tl1_text] 317 [[5 column table]] 24055 | /- | N.Z. Fish Club. [[strikethrough]] studded nails [[image]] [[/strikethrough]] [[image]] | | 24056 | G/y/- | Vancouver Spear Thrower | L12/6-5-11 | 3-15–00 24057 | C/- | W. Australia Shield | P16/27-11-11 | 1-0-0 24058 | GX/- | W. Australia Club. carved. [[image]] | | 24059 | G/- | Solomon Paddle End damaged. | 24060 | G/- | Solomon Club. Studded nails [[image]] | S4/1-1-12| 1-0 24061 | G/S/- | Fiji ‘Sunflower’ Club. extra long spike & carved grip. |P16/17-6-12 | 4-15-0 24062 | M/GX/- |Tonga Club. finely carved. Warriors. | | 24063 | GG/-/- | New Zealand Paddle carved blade | P16/29-5-11 | 16-8-6 24064 | C/GX/- | New Zealand Paddle carved top. A | | 24065 | GX/-/- | New Zealand Haui carved below head. Feathers. H | | 24066 | C/- | E. Africa Shield painted with heraldic device Masai. | P16/28-11-23 18-0 24067 | G/- | E. Africa Head-dress of Ostrich feathers | F20/24-3-11 | 1-15-0 24068 | G/- | E. Africa Spear Soudan. | L10/6-2-12 | 1-0 24069 | G/- | E. Africa Spear Somali. | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 24070 | GM/S | Madagascar Shield wood covered hide large | P16/28-11-13 | 2-10-0 24071 | GM/S | Madagascar Shield wood covered hide large | | 24072 | A/S | Madagascar Shield wood covered hide small | | 24073 | A/S | Madagascar Shield wood covered hide small | P16/28-11-13 | 1-5-0 24074 | G/GX/- | Show Case Satinwood | | 24075 | M/- | x Japanese Sword Guard | | 11-6 24076 | Y/S | x Japanese Sword Guard | | 5-6 24077 | Y/S | x Japanese Sword Guard | W22/19-7-13 | 4-6 24078 | G/- | Japanese Sword Guard cast. | C7/19-12-12 | 2-6 24079 | GY/- | Helmet basket work dec with buttons C | | 2-10-0 24080 | GY/- | Helmet basket work lined human hair. | 2-10-0 24081 | GY/- | Helmet basket work | P16/28-11-13 | 1-45-0 24082 | GX/- | Ashanti Figure wood. | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0-0 24083 | GX/- | Ashanti Galede Funeral Mask. not coloured like A. Egyptian | | 24084 | GX/- | Ashanti Galede Funeral Mask. not coloured peaked head dress | | 24085 | GX/- | Ashanti Galede Funeral Mask. coloured yellow & white | | 24086 | GX/- | Ashanti Galede Funeral Mask. small. tribal marks | | 24087 | GX/- | Ashanti Galede Funeral Mask. high comb. oil paints | | 24088 | GX/- | Ashanti Galede Funeral Mask. brown face leopard skin head dress | | 24089 | GA/- | Ashanti Galede Funeral Mask. snakes on head C | | 1-8-6 24090 | GA/- | Ashanti Galede Funeral Mask. 2 leopards on head C | | 1-8-6 24091 | GX/- | AShanti Figure female kneeling | P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-6 24092 | GX/- | AShanti Figure seated | P16/28-11-13 | 15-0 ################################################## EFwlU ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 318 [[/preprinted]] [[table, 5 columns]] 24093 | T/- | Niger Ju-Ju Head coloured yellow & black | P16/28-11-13 | 16-6 24094 | T/- | Niger Ju-Ju Head coloured yellow & black. | C11/24-6-13 | 15-0 24095 | T/- | Niger Ju-Ju Head coloured yellow & black. | P16/28.11.13 | 16-6 24096 | GM/- | Niger Ju-Ju Head coloured white & black. Glass Eyes. | C11/24-6-13 | 1-10-0 24097 | G/GX/- | Niger Mask. moveable jaw Azumini. C|-- | 6-6-0 24098 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. | W22/25-10-10 | 5-6 24099 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard.| W22/25-10-10 | 5-6 24100 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. inlaid brass | -- | 5-0 24101 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. inlaid silver | C7/19-12-12 | 2-6 24102 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. inlaid brass | W22/19-7-13 | 5-6 24103 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. Copper animals in relief | W22/19-7-13 | 5-0 24104 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. | C7/19-12-12 | 2-6 24105 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. |-- | 3-0 24106 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. large plain iron |-- | 1-6 24107 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. small copper. | -- | 2-6 24108 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. small pierced iron | W22/19-7-13 | 5-0 24109 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. Cast | C7/19-12-12 | 2-6 24110 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. Cast |-- | 2-0 24111 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. Cast |-- | 3-0 24112 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. Cast | -- | 2-0 24113 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. Cast | -- | 1-6 24114 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. Cast | C7/19-12-12 | 2-6 24115 | G/S | Japanese Sword-Guard. Cast | C7/19-12-12 | 2-6 24116 | Y/S | Europe old Medical Stethoscope. | S4/[[4823?]] | 1-5-0 24117 | T/S | Europe old Slicer ? ivory | L25/1-6-16 | 7-0 24118 | G/S | Europe Wood Muller. with lead seal | L12/9-1-11 | 3-0 24119 | G/S | Europe Wood Muller. with lead seal | L12/9-1-11 | 3-0 24120 | G/- | Congo Small Fetish Bell |-- | 4-0 24121 | G/- | Congo Charm. Alligator Tooth. | P16/28.11.13 | 6-0 24122 | Y/- | Congo Comb Cabmida | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 24123 | G/- | Congo Spoon carved wood. Loanda Coast | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 24124 | M/- | Congo Tobacco Pipe. Bakeke.| P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 24125 | G/S | Congo Tobacco Pipe. with stem Bakeke. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 24126 | G/S | Congo Tobacco Pipe broken Bakeke | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 24127 | Y/S | Congo Head Ornament feathers Timos | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 24128 | G/S | Congo Powder Flask of a Gourd Timos |-- | -- 24129 | G/S | Congo Powder Flask covered crocodile skin Timos | -- | -- 24130 | Y/- | Congo 2 pieces Pottery Batita? | F20/9-9-11 | 4-6 ################################################## EFwlX ################################################## [tl1_text] 318 [[five column table]] 24131 | y/- | Congo 2 pieces Pottery [[?]] | F20/9-[[?]] | 4-6 24132 | G/S | Congo 1 piece Pottery dic. damaged [[?]] | F20/9-[[?]] | 4-0 24133 | G/S | Congo Bowl of a nut | | | 24134 | /- | Top of Tobacco Pipe | | 24135 | -/S | Bullet Sinker | | 24136 | Y/S | Spoon, shell bowl | | 24137 | Y/- | Java Kris all iron Wangata | | 24138 | Y/- | Soudan Shield. circular. no handle. | S4/16-7-12 | 1-0 24139 | I/- | Tambesi Figure holding Bowl. | | 17-6 24140 | A/3 | W. Australian Tomahawk. | C38/19-4-11 | 1 5-0 24141 | Y/- | Congo Gourd. | P16/[[?]] | 4-0 24142 | G/S | Congo Gourd. | P16/[[?]] | 4-0 24143 | Y/-/- | Gilbert Suit of Armour | F20/25-3-11 | 5 5-0 24145 | G/A/- | New Zealand Ancestral Mask. | P16/[[?]] | 2 0-0 24146 | YN/-/- | Central Australia Collection. | W22/25-10-10 | 86 0-0 24147 | Y/S | Ashanti Story teller's Emblem ex: large | W22/28-11-11 | 5-0 24148 | Y/S | Ashanti Story teller's Emblem ex: large | W22/28-11-11 | 6-6 24149 | Y/S | Ashanti Story teller's Emblem ex: large | | 24150 | M/3 | N. America Club. stone head. | | 2 2-0 24151 | G/-/- | Tibet Necklet | | 24152 | G/-/- | Tibet Talisman silver 2 claws below. 6 6-0 C | W22/28-11-11 | 2 2-0 24153 | S/- | Tibet Talisman silver plate with figures | | 24154 | S/- | Tibet Talisman silver plate with figures | | 24155 | S/- | Tibet Talisman silver & blue pot. | | 24156 | A/- | Tibet or India M.S.S. Book. C| | 14-0 24157 | G/T.S | England Blunderbuss Iron barrel. by Goff. original condition | | 24158 | I/S | Tibet Dorge fine | | 1 10 0 24159 | H/- | Tibet Dorge small 3 3/4 C | | 10-6 24160 | GX/- | England Toy Matchblock XVI Cesst. London Wall. | A14/10-1-12 | 12-6 24161 | GX/- | New Zealand Axe-head jade Ashby Colln | | 24162 | A/- | China Opium Pipe. | | 24163 | A/- | New Guinea Club-head stone. | | 24164 | A/- | N. America Beadwork. old. Admiral McNab | H28/1-5-11 | 2-5-0 24165 | /- | Masai Head Ornament. | P16/28-11-15 | 8-0 24166 | /- | [[strikethrough]]New Hebrides[[/strikethrough]] Samoa Spear. cut | | 24167 | M/S | Congo Tobacco Pipe N Timos | | 24168 | GA/S | Malabar "Ayda Katte." | B21/8-21-11 | 1 12-6 ################################################## EFwm0 ################################################## [tl1_text] 319 [[five column table]] 24169 | /. | N. America Charm? quill work & shells. | | 24170 | A/. | New Zealand Shark Hook iron | | 12-6 24171 | Y/. | New Zealand Axe Head | | 24172 | Y/. | China soap stone Carving | | 24173 | /. | China Parsm Bone painted | S4/1-1-12 | 6 24174 | A/. | N. America Pair Moccassins. | W1/7-7-13 | 2-2-0 24175 | A/. | N. America Leg Coverings. | W1/7-7-13 | 1-7-0 24176 | H/. | A Greek Ivory Sword hilt. found at Athens | | 10-6 24177 | Y/GA/. | Samoa Tortoise shell Bonnet 1850 | | 4 10 0 24178 | A/. | India Axe engraved. Aboriginal Tribes. | S35/30-6-13 | 15-0 24179 | A/. | W. Australia Spear Thrower. tooth peg. | L12/6-5-11 | 10-0 24180 | GX/. | E. Indies Knife bone can. belt | | 1-5-0 24181 | GX/. | Manzaia Adze. haft | | 24182 | A/. | Hervey Belt. plaited hair | | 24183 | GY/S | S. E. Africa Club rhinoceros horn. | | 24184 | GG/. | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | F20/17-6-11 | 1-0-0 24185 | GX/. | Scotland d.l. p.c Pistol with bayonet | | 24186 | ./S | Congo Charm. Elephant hairs. | P16/28-11-15 | 16-0 24187 | ./S | Congo Charm. Elephant hairs. [[image]] C | | 16-0 24188 | G/. | Congo Currency Belt iron beads. | P16/28-11-15 | 1-1-0 24189 | ./S | Congo Currency strip iron rings Monbuttes | | 6-0 24190 | ./S | Congo Currency strip iron rings Monbuttes | | 24191 | ./S | Congo Currency strip iron rings Monbuttes | P16/28-11-15 | 5-0 24192 | ./S | Congo Currency strip iron rings Monbuttes | | 24193 | ./S | Congo Powder Flask | C28/12-5-11 | | 3 0 24194 | ./7 | Congo Ear Plug best 11/- | F20/9-9-11 | 11-0 24195 | -/7 | Congo Ear Plug | P16/28-11-15 | 8-0 24196 | ./. | Congo Charm. | | 14 0 24197 | ./. | Congo Fishing Net Quesp. | | 3 0 24198 | ./. | Congo Fishing Net Quesp. | | 3 0 24199 | A/. | Congo Pestle & Mortar. | P16/28-11-13 | 14 0 24200 | /. | Congo War Belt twisted hide Niam Niam | P16/28-11-13 | 4 0 24201 | /. | Congo Dress. Baia Nola | P16/28-11-13 | 4 0 24202 | /. | Congo Cap Loane Coast. | P16/28-11-13 | 8 0 24203 | /- | Congo Bag Ba Congo | P16/28-11-13 | 4 0 24204 | /- | Congo Cap Ba Congo | W12/[[?]] | 13 0 24205 | /- | Congo Cap Ba Congo | P16/28-11-13 | 4 0 24206 | G/. | Java Betel Nut Outfit in Case | | ################################################## EFwm3 ################################################## [tl1_text] 319 [[five column table]] 24207 | G/. | Sumatra [[strikethrough]] Java [[/strikethrough]] Bamboo Talisman Batak C | H19/12-7-13 | 10-6 24208 | G/./. | Caroline Dagger of Sting Ray barb Ponape. | | 16-0 24209 | G/G/. | Hervey Necklet | | 24210 | GG/S | Tierra del Fuego Spear-head. | | 24211 | G/. | British Columbia Small Bowl | | 24212 | ./S | British Columbia Baskeet damaged & old. | | 1 7-6 24213 | T/S | South America Lans | A14/[[?]] | 15-0 24214 | G/. | Congo Bell wood. | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 24215 | G/S | Congo Lancet for skin scarring or cicatrization | L11/9-5-11 | 3-0 24216 | G/S | Congo Lancet for skin scarring or cicatrization | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 24217 | Y/. | Congo Hair Pin worg. Niam Niam | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 24218 | GX/. | New Guinea Tusk Ornament with human Scapula | P16/7-6-13 | 1-5-0 24219 | GT/S | New Zealand Flax Beater. | B16/13-7-12 | 2-2-0 24220 | G/./. | West Africa ? Staff [[image]] Augo Angola C | C11/24-6-13 | 1-15-6 24221 | GX/. | West Africa. Totem Staff. Old Calarav. Liberia | C11/24-6-13. | 4-15-0 24222 | GX/. | West Africa. Fetish Figure. Liberia | C11/24-6-13 | 1-15-0 24223 | GA/. | West Africa Fetish Mask very [[?]] Liberia | P16/[[?]] | 3-10-0 24224 | G/. | West Africa Dancing Head Dress. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 24225 | Y/. | West Africa Musical Instrument [[image]] | | 18-0 24226 | Y/. | West Africa Guitar with sounding gourf. 12/6 | H17/19-1-12 | 12-6 24227 | Y/. | West Africa Piano bamboo keys. | S39/6-7-11 | 3-6 24228 | G/. | West Africa Dancing Rattle shells. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 24229 | G/. | Eskimo Model Kyak. | | 24230 | ./S | N. America Pair Moccassins Square this die beadwork fronts | 10-6 24231 | -/S | W. Africa Pair Sandals. | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0 24232 | GI/. | British Columbia Paddle painted black | H28/1-5-11 | 2-2-0 24233 | T/. | British Columbia Paddle painted black | H28/2-1-14 | 2-7-6 24234 | GX/. | New Caledonia Club. bird type | P16/29-5-11 | 10-0 24235 | M/. | West Africa Double Bell. [[image]] Old Calabav. | P16/29-5-11 | 11-0 24236 | G/. | West Africa Double Rattle. [[image]] | P16/29-5-11 | 7-6 24237 | G/. | West Africa Gong iron plate | | 24238 | Y/GA/. | New Zealand "Orewa." | | 24239 | G/./. | New Zealand "Orewa." | | 24240 | T/. | Ashanti Figure | | 1 18 0 24241 | GA/. | Ashanti Funeral Mask | 1 1 0 24242 | GA/. | Ashanti Funeral Mask C | 1 1-0 24243 | G/./. | New Zealand Hani. plain tongue. fine ribbed wood. | 24244 | A/. | Solomon Ear Ornament. white shell [[image]] | F16/18-3-11 | 12-0 ################################################## EFwm6 ################################################## [tl1_text] 320 [[five column table]] 24245 | Y/- | Solomon Ear Ornament shell. [[image]] 12/6 | | 24246 | M/- | Solomon Ear Ornament shell. [[image]] 12/6 | | 24247 | A/- | Ashanti Double Rattle | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 24248 | A/- | Norway Ironing Board | L12/6-8-11 | 15-0 24249 | T/-/- | Marquesas Drum | F9/9-2-11 | 17 10 0 24250 | G/-/- | Marquesas Wristlet human hair | F9/9-2-11 | 2 15-0 24251 | GX/- | Marquesas Wrislet or Pendant human hair | | 1 5 0 24252 | A/- | New Caledonia Spear Thrower | F20/6-5-11 | 1 1 0 24253 | A/- | New Caledonia Spear Thrower | F20/6-5-11 | 18 0 24254 | M/GX/- | Senegambro Trumpet if ivory. curiously carved c | | 8-8-0 24255 | G/-/- | Senegambro Rattle Tusk carved c | R8/26-11-12 | 2-2-0 24256 | GA/- | Tanganyika Charm ivory | C28/31-8-12 | 11-15-0 24257 | A/- | Tanganyika Comb head on top | | 1 1 0 24258 | G/-/- | Senegabia? Soudan? Figures | C11/24-6-12 | 2-0-0 24259 | GY/- | S. America Blow Gun. | J12/3-3-13 | 1-5-0 24260 | M/- | S. America Bundle of Darts | | 24261 | GA/- | S. America Spear. | P16/7-6-13 | 2-5-0 24262 | GY/- | New Hebrides Trumpet conch shell | | 24263 | I/- | Madagascar Doll. | | 1-0 24264 | M/- | China Pair of Spectacles. | | 24265 | I/S | Japan Hammer iron | | 24266 | M/- | Japan Disc. iron "Manju" [[image]] to keep fire in | L12/6-5-11 | 8-0 24267 | M/- | Japan Metal Beads | | 24268 | I/- | Tibet Bell c | B46/5-11-13 | 1-1-0 24269 | H/- | Tibet Bra Buckle Breast Ornament c | | 10-6 24270 | GX/- | Tibet Liene Box. copper [[strikethrough]]silver[[/strikethrough]] medallions. c | W22/28-11-11 | 1-2-6 24271 | A/- | Tibet Charm Box silver letter c | W22/28-11-11 | 1-5-0 24272 | Y/- | Tibet Charm Box Iron. Cowry Currency attached c | W22/28-11-11 | 14-0 24273 | N/- | Tibet Small Metal Bottle | | 8-0 24274 | M/- | England Witch Globe | W22/28-11-11 | 6-6 24275 | M/- | England Witch Globe | | 6-6 24276 | G/T/- | Tonga Club carved full length. | P16 29-5-11 | 3 10 0 24277 | G/- | S. Africa Pipe. inlaid zinc | [[?]] | 4-0 24278 | G/- | S. Africa Pipe. plain | [[[?]] | 4-0 24279 | A/S | S. America Paddle Brazil 1/12/6 | | 16-0 24280 | A/S | S. America Paddle Brazil 1/12/6 | | 16-0 24281 | T/- | Brit Guiana Club good binding Macana c | | 16-0 24282 | M/- | Hawaii Head Band | | ################################################## EFwm9 ################################################## [tl1_text] 320 [[five column table]] 24283 | Y/- | Solomon Currency Disc Necklet | | 24284 | N/- | Gilbert Currency Disc Necklet long length. | | 24285 | N/- | Gilbert Currency Disc Necklet long length. | | 24286 | A/- | Piece of grooved greenstone. Thames, Montlake | | 24287 | GA/- | England Blunderbuss. iron barrel. FL. Bayonet | | 24288 | G/GX/- | England DC. F.L Short gun with bayonet | N9/5-12-11 | 5-5-0 24289 | GT/S | New Zealand Haui. plain | | 24290 | GA/- | Borneo Paddle. inlaid Zinc | | 24291 | GS/- | Borneo Shield | | 24292 | T/- | Australia Club. carved head [[image]] | P16/11-11 | 10-0 24293 | GA/- | Mexico Bolas. | F7/30-6-11 | 1-7-6 24294 | S/S | North America Stone headed Club | S4/1-1-12 | 1 0 24295 | A/- | North America Stone headed Club | S4/1-1-12 | 2-0 24296 | A/- | North America Bow Walpole Isl. | |H28/2-1-14 |1-1-0 24297 | -/S | North America Bird Arrow Walpole Isl. | | 24298 | -/S | North America Bird Arrow Walpole Isl. | | 24299 | -/S | Persia Whistling Arrow | | 24300 | N/- | Gilbert Dagger. shark teeth. | | 24301 | G/S | New Guinea Frontlet of feathers | P16/7-6-13 | 1-2-6 24302 | Y/- | New Guinea Necklet. shell. | P16/7-6-13 | 12-0 24303 | M/- | Borneo Rocco Case. | | 24304 | I/S | Africa Fetish Tusk felled with charm. | | 24305 | N/- | New Guinea [[?Zinc]] Knife. | P16/17-6-12 | 10-0 24306 | GY/- | 3 Japanese Netsuke. | W22/28-11-11 | 17-0 24307 | N/- | 7 Japanese Books. | W22/28-11-11 | 5-0 24308 | GS/- | 3 Japanese Netsuke. | W22/28-11-11 | 1-0-0 24309 | GA/- | Japan Mask iron two pieces | C7/19-12-12 | 1-5-0 24310 | G/A/- | New Zealand Bone Meri 16 x 4 1/4 c | 8/15 | 7-7-0 24311 | N/- | Admiralty Dagger obsidian | | 15-0 24312 | Y/- | India Figure wood. | |4-6 24313 | Y/- | Tibet Shell Altar Cup. | | 1-11-0 24314 | -/S | Calabar Armlet inlaid wire | | 5-0 24315 | Y/- | North America Bell bead work Blackfoot Indian | H31/19-4-11 | 10-6 24316 | G/G/- | New Guinea Trophy Skull. | C28/29-5-11 | 3-3-0 24317 | A/- | New Guinea Ancestorial Tablet | | 1-5-0 24318 | A/- | New Guinea Ancestorial Tablet | P16/7-6-13 | 1-5-0 24319 | Y/GA/- | W.Africa Fetish Head Benin. | C11/28-6-13 | 5-5-0 24320 | Y/-/- | W.Africa JuJu Rattle Staff Benin. | F20/17-6-11 | 3-15-0 ################################################## EFwmc ################################################## [tl1_text] 321 [[5 column table]] --- | --- | --- | --- | --- 24321 | G/GX/- | Japan 3 Nebuki | W22/28-11-11 | 1-19-0 24322 | G/X/- | Solomon Steering Paddle San Christoval | | 24323 | G/GA/- | Solomon Axe. | P16/27-11-11 | 4-15-0 24324 | Y/- | Solomon Shield | P16/7-6-13 | 11-0-6 24325 | /- | Solomon Spear | | 24326 | /- | Solomon Spear cut | S4/1-1-12 | 24327 | /- | Solomon Spear cut | | 24328 | G/- | Solomon Dancing Paddle engraved | | 24329 | G/- | Solomon Dancing Paddle engraved | | 24330 | G/- | Solomon Club. covered grass matting | | 24331 | G/- | Loyalty I.? Spear | | 24332 | G/- | S. Africa Assegai | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 24333 | G/- | S. Africa Assegai | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 24334 | G/- | S. Africa Assegai | L10/6-2-12 | 1-0 24335 | GA/- | New Zealand Haui | | 24336 | M/- | New Zealand Kilt | | 24337 | N/GA/- | Mangaian Adze Haft. square turret | | 24338 | Y/-/- | German F.L. Pistol Hunting Sword | L12/6-5-11 | 3-1-6 24339 | G/GX/- | German F.L. Pistol Hunting Sword | N9/5-12-11 | 2-10-6 24340 | N/- | India Trumpet of [[Hajeoht?]] brass base | F20/9-9-11 | 12-6 24341 | N/- | India Trumpet of [[Hajeoht?]] brass base | H17/19-1-12 | 12-6 24342 | M/- | India Trumpet of [[Hajeoht?]] small. | | 8-0 24343 | N/- | Japan Gong. metal. | | 24344 | M/- | Assam Gong. metal. 17" dia Augami Naga C | | 12-6 24345 | GN/GN/- | New Zealand Overdoor Figure | P16/17-6-12 | 21-0-0 24346 | Y/A/- | Congo War Horn of wood | P16/28-11-13 | 3-15-0 24347 | GX/- | Congo Wood Rattle. 3 clappers. | | 24348 | G/-/- | Congo Fetish Figure black. C | W1/1915 | 2-10-0 24349 | -/S | Congo Baugh wire. | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0 24350 | -/S | Congo Baugh wire. | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0 24351 | -/S | Congo Baugh wire. | | 24352 | -/S | Congo Baugh wire. | | 24353 | G/G/- | Congo Fetish Figure, shells attached & medium body C | S4/[[?]] | 3-10-0 24354 | S/- | Congo Wood Drum. head at end Bayaka C | P16/28-11-13 | 1-15-0 24345 | G/- | Congo Knife | L10/6-2-12 | 1-0 24346 | G/- | Congo Knife wood sheath. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 24347 | N/- | Congo Small Fetish Figure C | C28/4-5-12 | 1-1-6 24348 | G/-/- | Congo Fetish Staff 2 figured Kakanga? C | C11/24-6-13 | 2-7-6 ################################################## EFwmf ################################################## [tl1_text] 321 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 24359 | GX/S | Congo Double Bell. cane handle | P16/28-11-13| 1.0.0 24360 | GX/S | Congo Double Bell. cane handle| | --- 24361 | GY/- | Congo Spear, bell at End.| P16/28-11-13| 1.1.0 24362 | I/- | Congo Spear, of brass. Currency? | P16/28-11-13| 15.0 24363 | S/- | Congo Staff of brass finely worked. | | 24364 | A/- | Congo Hippo Harpoon | | 24365 | Y/- | Congo Spear. | | 24366 | N/- | Congo Spear v. long shank. | P16/28-11-13| 10.0 24367 | M/- | Congo Spear carved butt. | | 24368 | M/- | Congo Harpoon. no cord | P16/28-11-13| 18.0 24369 | M/- | Congo Paddle. | P16/28-11-13 | 8.0 24370 | GM/-| Congo Shield. lizard skin border Welle Dist.| | 1-15-0 24371 | GX/S| Congo Shield | P16/28-11-13 | 1.5.0 24372 | GX/S |Congo Shield painted wood [[boss?]]|P16/28-11-13| 1.2.0 24373 | Y/S | West Africa. Dagger & sheath. larger. finer. [[Kano?]]N. Nigeria|P16/28-11-13| 10.0 24374 | Y/S | West Africa. Dagger & sheath. [[Kano?]]. N. Nigeria | L12/6-5-11| 8.0 24375 | GX/- | West Africa.Dentist Forceps. Yala Market. N. Nigeria| L12/6-5-11| 16.0 24376 | N/GX/- | North American Complete Costume. dec scalp locks &c.| H28/23-5-12| 55.10.0 24377 | A/- | North American Calumet Stem.Twisted with head 23042 | H28/2-1-14| 1.12.6 24378 | /- | West Africa. Knife Haussa. Nafada Town.Gongola R. N.Nigeria|P16/28-11-13| 7-6 24379 | /- | West Africa. Knife Haussa. Nafada Town.Gongola R. N.Nigeria|L25/1.6.16| 6-0 24380 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Axe Haft. | | 24381 | GY/S | Fiji Food Bowl. | | 24382 | GA/- | Japan. set of 3 Vases inlaid silver.| | 24383 | M/- | Eskimo whale bone Implement | | 24384 | N/S | Persia pair Tweezers. inlaid | | 24385 | /- | Samsa Club [[image]] | | 1.12.6 24386 | GY/S | Naga Ornament cut shell. | F20/9-9-11 | 1.7.6 24387 | GT/S | Solomon Club K.| | 24388 | S/./. | New Zealand Jade Meri. not very old. Davis | D13/20-4-12 | 5-18-0 24389 | G/./. | Admiralty I. Bowl. large. | | 5-5-0 24390 | M/. | W. Australia Cotton Basket.large Port Darwin|P16/27-11-11| 15-0 24391 | Y/S | W. Australia Cotton Basket.large Port Darwin| | 24392 | Y/S | W. Australia Cotton Basket.small Port Darwin|P16/27-11-11| 10-0 24393 | N/- | W. Australia Spear Head.chipped bottle glass Port Darwin|P16/27-11-11| 7.6 24394 | M/- | W. Australia Spear Head.white flint Port Darwin|P16/27-11-11| 7.6 24395 | M/- | W. Australia Spear Head.Quartz. Port Darwin C| K5/22-6-14 | 7.6 24396 | A/- | German New Guinea Pillow v. fine 2 males | P16/28-11-13| 2.10.0 ################################################## EFwmi ################################################## [tl1_text] 322 24397 | A/- | German New Guinea Pillow male & female | P16/28-11-13 | 2-10-0 24398 | N/- | German New Guinea Armlet. ex fine piece | P16/28-11-13 | 1-7-6 24399 | G/- | German New Guinea Collar teeth Rigr? | P16/7-6-13 | 15-6 24400 | GX/- | Woodlark Currency Adze blade. Boara | P16/7-6-13 | 2-7-0 24401 | GA/- | New Guinea Tappa Mask [[srikethrough]] in case [[/strikethrough]] Purare R Delta | P16/7-6-13 | 2-10-0 24402 | G/-/- | New Ireland Ancestral Mask. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0-0 24403 | /- | Santa Cruz I. Lime Gourd | | 24404 | /- | Santa Cruz I. Scarf | | 24405 | G/-/- | New Ireland Ancestral Mask in case | P16/28-11-13 | 3-0-0 24406 | M/- | New Ireland Fish Hook | B16/19-7-13 | 11-6 24407 | Y/- | Solomon Currency | | 24408 | /- | Solomon Rope | | 24409 | A/- | New Guinea War Belt | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 24410 | G/-/- | Pitcairn Island [[?Celt]]. Sold | C11/20-9-11 | 1-0-0 24411 | T/- | Hawaii [[?Celt]] chipped | | 1-1-0 24412 | N/- | New Zealand [[?Celt]] grey stone [[image]] | | 10-0 24413 | N/- | New Zealand [[?Celt]] small | | 24414 | GX/- | Masai Shield v. distinct painting | P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0 24415 | A/- | Tibet Tinder Pouch | | 24416 | Y/G | N. America Garter Dancing see Bureau of A.E. 7th Pl. XXIII Mide. | H28/23-5-12 | 7-6 24417 | Y/-/- & Y/GS/- | N. Caledonia Adze. (Jade head No ZZ581) | P16/17-6-12 | 13-0-0 24418 | A/- | N. Guinea Adze head. | P16/7-6-13 | 7-6 24419 | M/S | N. Guinea Ornament crescent shell [[image]] | F16/2-3-12 | 10-6 24420 | G/-/- | New Zealand Hani. ex large | | 24421 | GA/- | Tibet Deity C | B46/8-11-13 | 2-10-0 24422 | Y/S | Arab School Board | 24423 | G/GX/- | [[strikethrough]]W. Africa?[[/strikethrough]] S. India Brass Belt | B21/8-12-11 | 6-6-0 24424 | A/- | B.M. Ethnographical Photograph | | 24425 | G/A/- | Ashanti Funeral Mask. large fig on top Aro Exped.-Long Ju-Ju. | S4/1-1-12 | 2-0-0 24426 | GA/- | Ashanti Funeral Mask. Tortoise Aro Exped.-Long Ju-Ju. | | 24427 | GA/- | Ashanti Funeral Mask. [[image]] Aro Exped.-Long Ju-Ju. | | 24428 | GA/- | Ashanti Funeral Mask. pierced comb. Aro Exped.-Long Ju-Ju. | | 24429 | G/-/- | Ashanti Stool figures. Aro Exped.-Long Ju-Ju. | 2-0-0 24430 | GX/- | Ashanti State Execution Sword. handle has been covd. with gold. C | | 3-18-0 24431 | N/- | Congo Currency Knife [[image]] handle covered copper Kanai. | B45/20-11-12 | 1-18-0 24432 | N/- | Congo Currency Knife plain handle | P16/28-11-13 | 16-0 24433 | N/- | Congo Spear. double end. | | 24434 | M/- | Ashanti Bell with Fetish handle Aro Exped.-Long Ju-Ju. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 ################################################## EFwml ################################################## [tl1_text] 322 24435 | N/- | Ashanti Scepter. Aro. Exped.-Long Ju-Ju C | W29/23-11-12 | 1-5-0 24436 | G/- | Ashanti Snuff Box & spoon Aro. Exped.-Long Ju-Ju | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 24437 | M/-/- | Ashanti Winchester Rifle with history | | 24438 | GT/S | Fiji Adze. | | 2-2-0 24439 | N/- | New Guinea Miniture Drum ornam: band. Trobriand | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0 24440 | N/- | New Guinea Miniture Drum plainer Trobriand | | 16-0 24441 | M/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. large | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 24442 | Y/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. large clapper. | P16/7-6-13 | 12-0 24443 | G/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula. open slit. | P16/7-6-13 | 5-0 24444 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. Clapper. | | 24445 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. flat | P16/17-6-12 | 4-0 24446 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. bird, chipped | P16/17-6-12 | 6-0 24447 | A/- | Manshaika Bowl. K. | | - - 24448 | M/- | W. Africa Carving ivory. C | R8/26-11-12 | 10-6 24449 | GA/- | W. Africa War Horn. | | 1-1-0 24450 | G/GX/- | Assam Warrior's Breast Ornament. Naga. C | | 2-[[strikethrough]]10[[/strikethrough]] 8-0 24451 | A/- | Assam Warrior's Wristlet | F20/9-9-11 | 10-6 24452 | C/- | Africa String of beads | P16/28-11-13 | 16-0 24453 | G/-/- | N. Asia. Bow. bound & Strung gut. | F20/9-9-11 | 2-7-6 24454 | GA/- | Canada Model Canoe. dec. quill work. | P16/7-6-13 | 1-10-0 24455 | GA/S | W. Africa Egbo Dancing Dress. | | 2-2-0 24456 | G/GX/- | W. Africa Bundu Mask. Mendi. | S4/1-1-12 | 2-0-0 24457 | A/- | E. Africa. Iron Armlet inlaid. Nandi | L12/6-5-11 | 11-0 24458 | GA/- | W. Africa. Ju-Ju Tusk. Benin. | | [[strikethrough]] 1-12-6 [[/strikethrough]] 3-0-0 24459 | GX/- | W. Africa. piece carved ivory. figure [[off?]] tusk Benin. | P16/18-11-12 | 1-0-0 24460 | GX/- | W. Africa. Whistle. ivory. very old tusk Benin. | P16/18-11-12 | 1-10-0 24461 | I/- | W. Africa. Comb. wood. figure. prongs broken Benin. | P16/18-11-12 | 10-0 24462 | M/- | W. Africa. Armlet. copper. decorated. Benin | C29/8-12-8 | 8-0 24463 | M/- | W. Africa. Armlet. copper. decorated. Benin | P16/18-11-12 | 1-0-0 24464 | M/- | W. Africa. Armlet. copper. decorated. Benin | P16/18-11-12 | 1-0-0 24465 | Y/- | W. Africa Cocoa Nut carved with cover cracked Benin | | 10-6 24466 | Y/- | W. Africa Cocoa Nut carved with cover Benin | P16/18-11-12 | 10-0 24467 | Y/- | W. Africa Cocoa Nut carved with cover cracked Benin | P16/18-11-12 | 10-0 24468 | Y/- | W. Africa Cocoa Nut carved no cover Benin | P16/18-11-12 | 10-0 24469 | Y/- | W. Africa Currency Manilla Money Benin | | 4-0 24470 | Y/- | W. Africa Currency Manilla Money Benin | S54/10-9-16 | 4-0 24471 | Y/- | W. Africa Currency Manilla Money Benin | P18/28-11-13 | 4-0 24472 | GX/- | W. Africa Ju Ju Rattle Benin C | P16/18-11-12 | 1-5-0 ################################################## EFwmo ################################################## [tl1_text] 323 [[5 column table]] 24473 | Y/-/- | Maugaia Adge | | | 24474 | GY/- | Australia Pitche fine. N.W. Aust. | | | 24475 | G/-/- | W. Africa Wood Figure. Benin | C11/24-6-13| [[2-14-6?]] 24476 | A/A/- | Solomon Canoe & Paddle. Benin | P16/27-11-11 | 10-10-0 24477 | GT/- | Solomon Spear-head carved bone. Florida | | | 24478 | G/S | Solomon Spear. complete human figure Bougainville | H17/19-1-12 | 15-0 24479 | G/S | Solomon Spear complete human figure Bougainville | | 8-6 24480 | /- | New Solomon Spear | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0 24481 | -/S | New Guinea Spear | S4/1-1-12 | -6 24482 | -/S | Solomon Arrow. fine. | J12/3-3-13]] | 1-0 24483 | -/S | Solomon Arrow. fine. | J12/3-3-13 | 1-0 24484 | /- | New Guinea Arrow. carved Thursday I. | J12/3-3-13]] | 1-0 24485 | /- | New Guinea Arrow. carved Thursday I. | J12/3-3-13]] | 1-0 24486 | /- | New Guinea Arrow. carved Thursday I. | J12/3-3-13]] | 6 24487 | Y/- | Eskimo [[strikethrough]] Bow [[/strikethrough]] Tool Bag Handle of ivory for [[strikethrough]] fire drill [[/strikethrough]]. Bering Strait. C. | | 2-7-6 24488 | M/S | Australia Boomerang Engraved human figs both sides. Victoria | | 1-10-0 24489 | Y/- | Australia Boomerang x marks only. | M35/10-11-? | 8-6 24490 | G/- | N. America Collar prarie [[?]], from the Red Rebellion 1884.| | 6-0 24491 | Y/- | N. America Slug Club from the Red Rebellion 1884.| S4/1-1-12 | 1-0 24492 | Y/S | N. America Pipe. from the Red Rebellion 1884.| S4/1-1-12 | 5-0 24493 | S/- | [[?]] Short Sword. silver mounts. rare C | | 1-18-0 24494 | GX/- | Australia Shield. Victoria. | L.12/6-5-11 | 1-5-0 24495 | Y/- |Australia Boomerang [[Image]] v.fine. New South Wales | P16/27-11-11 | 12.6 24496 | Y/- |Australia Boomerang [[Image]] New South Wales | | 24497 | Y/- |Australia Boomerang [[Image]] Victoria | H37/20-10-15 | 7.6 24498 | N/- |Australia Club carving just commenced Victoria | | 24499 | G/-/- | New Lealaud Mat. worked border. | P16/17-6-12 |9-10-9 24500| I/-/- | New Lealaud Club. whale bone. Wahaika. 12 1/4 C | C11/28-12-13 15-15-0 24501 | GT/-/- | New Caledonia Ceremonial Mask & drum. C | P16/17-6-12 | 38-0-0 24502 | A/-/- | Marquesas Figure. | F9/9-2-11 | 12-10-0 24503 | /- | Marquesas Head dress perished. | | 5-0 24504 | /- | Gilbert Shell Head Band. | | 10-0 24505 | /- | New Caledonia Dress | | 5-0 24506 | /- | New Caledonia Shuttle Cock. | F20/9-9-11 | 8-6 24507 | | M. | | 24508 | Y/-/- | Marquesas Head Ornament large plumes | P16/27-11-11 | 6-6-0 24509 | | Marquesas Head Ornament large plumes | | 24510 | | Marquesas Head Ornament large plumes | | ################################################## EFwmr ################################################## [tl1_text] 323 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 24511 | | Marquesas Head Ornament large plumes | | 24512 | | Marquesas Head Ornament large plumes | | 24513 | S/-/- | New Guinea Tortoise shell Mask | F20/9-9-11| 10-0-0 24514 | GI/- | Ashanti Funeral Mask. pig's. head Galede| P16/28-11-13 | 1-0-0 24515 | C/S | Ashanti Funeral Mask.usual form.modern paints. Galede | C31/4-2-14 | 2-0-0 24516 | G/-/- | Imitation New Zealand Figure. | S4/1915 | 6-0-0 24517 | G/G/- | Brit.Columbia Shale Pipe Ahtl Indians Vancouver. C|K5/12-8-16|[[21-17-6 or 21-12-0?]] 24518 | N/- | S. Ahtl Indians Vancouver | | 24519 | A/- | Admiralty Ornament.shell & tortoise shell|W1/1915| 1-5-0 24520 | M/- | New Guinea Nose Pin engraved bamboo| F20/9-9-11 | 7-6 24521 | M/- | New Guinea Nose Pin shell. | F20/9-9-11 | 6-0 24522 | Y/- | Solomon Nose Pin dec. grass. | F20/9-9-11 | 4-0 24523 | Y/- | Solomon ? Nose Pin Ornament [[image]] | | 24524 | G/- | New Guinea Ear Ornament.tortoise shell,pierced.[[image]]|F20/9-9-11| 4-6 24525 | G/- | New Guinea Ear Ornament.plain.[[image]]| F20/9-9-11| 4-0 24526 | -/S | Solomon Necklet | | 24527 | -/S | Solomon Currency | | 24528 | Y/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula. clapper. | | 24529 | -/S | New Guinea Shell Ring | | 24530 | Y/S | Mashona Head Rest carved.inlaid brass wire. C | | 12-6 24531 | Y/S | Mashona Head Rest carved.good old specimen|P16/28-11-13| 10-6 24532 | A/- | Uganda Marriage Drum. | P16/28-11-13| 1-5-0 24533 | -/S | Mashona Piano Sanza with sounding board or rattle|P16/28-11-13| 14-0 24534 | -/S | Mashona Piano Sanza no rattle | | 24535 | /- | Stone Object | | 24536 | G/- | Mashona Snuff Box of horn. | | 24537 | /- | Necklet of snake Vertebrae large | | 24538 | /- | Necklet of snake Vertebrae small |P16/28-11-13| 8-0 24539 | GY/- | New Zealand Fish Hook | E1/10-2-13 | 1-6-0 24540 | GX/- | Pair Masai Ear Weights | L11/9-5-11 | 1-1-0 24541 | GX/- | Queensland Bag of coloured string work | L16/29-13-11| 1-15-0 24542 | G/Y | Queensland Boomerang perfect | | 8-6 24543 | G/Y | Queensland Boomerang slight crack |M35/10-11-14| 6-0 24544 | -/S | Eastern Knife. green hilt Turkey| S4/1-1-12 | 2-0 24545 | -/S | Eastern Knife. Turkey| S4/1-1-12 | 2-0 24546 | G/- | German S.W. Africa Tortoise shell Women Dress Charm|P16/28-11-13| 4-0 24547 | G/- | German S.W.Africa Tortoise shell Women Dress Charm| | 24548 | -/S | Caffre Gourd Snuff Box | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0 ################################################## EFwmu ################################################## [tl1_text] 324 Five Column Table [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 24549 | -/S | Caffre Snuff Box of a gourd | | 24550 | Y/- | Caffre Tobacco Pipe inlaid figs in zinc | | 24551 | Y/- | Caffre Tobacco Pipe inlaid zinc | L11/9-5-11 | 6-0 24552 | /- | China Rosary of peach stones | | 2-6 24553 | /- | China Rosary of peach stones | | 2-6 24554 | C/- | Benin Figure of bronze. | P16/18-11-12 | 1-10-0 24555 | A/- | Benin Figure of bronze smaller. | P16/18-11-12 | 10-0 24556 | Y/GY/S | Benin Skull Holder iron | F20/9-9-11 | 6-6-0 24557 | N/- | S. America Hat made of wasps nest & feathers | | 1-15-6 24558 | GY/- | E. Africa Lip Plug Dr. Picton Jones Wavira| H17/19-1-12 | 1-2-6 24559 | GX/- | E. Africa Lip Plug chipped Wavira| F20/9-9-11 | 18-6 24560 | G/- | E. Africa Basket | | 3-6 24561 | -/S | E. Africa Comb dec beads | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 24562 | -/S | E. Africa Comb | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0 24563 | G/- | E. Africa Head Ornament. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 24564 | /- | S. Africa bead Collar. Zulu| | 24565 | Y/S | S. Africa Ear Plug Zulu| < | 24566 | G/- | S. Africa Snuff Gourd Zulu| < | 24567 | G/- | S. Africa Snuff Gourd Zulu| P16/28-11-13 | 2-0 24568 | Y/-/- | E. Africa Wood Baby. Wavira| | 4-4-0 24569 | GX/- | E. Africa Tray Musical Instrument | H17/7-9-11 | 1-1-0 24570 | A/- | Mashona Knife carved hilt & sheath v.fine curious shape| | 16-0 24571 | N/- |Mashona Knife carved hilt & sheath v.fine smaller| | 12-0 24572 | Y/S | Uganda Knife very fine heavy blade | | 10-0 24573 | -/S | Congo Knife Ivory hilt sheath Stanley Falls | | 24574 | GX/- | E.Africa Shield painted with heraldic devices.narrow Masai | P16/28-11-13 | 1-5-0 24575 | GX/- | E.Africa Shield painted with heraldic devices.narrow Masai | | 1-5-0 24576 | GX/- | E.Africa Shield painted with heraldic devices.narrow Masai |P16/28-11-13| 1-5-0 24577 | GX/- | E.Africa Shield painted with heraldic devices.narrow Masai | W7/13-2-14 | 1-5-0 24578 | N/- | Congo Knife like ceremonial wood one. C|L21/23-10-11| 14-0 24579 | N/- | Congo Axe | P16/28-11-13 | 12-0 24580 | Y/- | Congo Mortar | W22/14-3-16 | 1-0-0 24581 | N/- | Congo Harp Azandeh| | 24582 | GX/- | Congo Paddle | | 24583 | N/- | Box of shoes | W22/28-11-11 | 9-0 24584 | M/- |x Japan Tsuba fine chiselled iron | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0 24585 | M/- |x Japan Tsuba gilt & tooled course | | 5-0 24586 | N/- |x Japan Tsuba copper gilt | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0 ################################################## EFwmx ################################################## [tl1_text] 234 24587 | M/- | Japan. Netsuke metal Helmet | | 8-6 24588 | M/- | Japan. Netsuke metal Saki Bottle | H16/20-10-11 | 5-0 24589 | N/- | Japan. Netsuke metal Compass | C7/19-12-12 | 10-0 24590 | S/- | Toureg Spear all iron inlaid brass | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 24591 | S/- | Toureg Spear all iron part. covered leather | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 24592 | T/- | Toureg Chief Ceremonial Spear engraved brass | | 24593 | GM/- | Australia Pitche | | 1-15-0 24594 | G/X | India Horn Dagger Bhut. | W29/13-9-13 | 8-6 24595 | G/X | Africa Axe, | | 24596 | /- | Africa Comb | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 24597 | /- | India Whisk | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0 24598 | /- | India Gourd Ladle | S4/1-1-12 | 6 24599 | /- | European Powder Flask of horn. | | 24600 | Y/- | European Old Keys | A14/11-12-12 | 3-0 24601 | M/- | European Old Keys | | 24602 | G/S | European Old Keys | | 24603 | G/S | European Old Keys | | 24604 | I/- | N. Africa Warri Bowl. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-1-0 24605 | N/- | N. Africa Staff carved crocodile &c Pondo | P16/28-11-13 | 1-15-0 24606 | /- | N. Africa Staff club or spear shaft Pondo | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 24607 | G/S | Assam Pellet Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 7-0 24608 | G/S | Assam Pellet Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 24609 | G/- | British Columbia Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 16-0 24610 | G/- | British Columbia Bow one end damaged & 2 Arrows dith. | J12/3-3-13 | 9-0 24611 | /- | East African Bow. Zanzibar | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 24612 | /- | Zulu Kewbkerry Hani | | 24614 | GI/- | Society Tappa Beater | | 24615 | GS/GS/- | New Zealand Head fine post mortem work | S4/16 | 32-10-0 24616 | /- | Society Tappa Cloth. white. | | 24617 | G/S | E. Africa Bark Cloth showing method of joining | | c- 24618 | -/S | SE Madagascar? Cloth smaller plain. thick [[strikethrough]]E[[/strikethrough]] | | 18-0 24619 | G/G/- | Germany Rifle. small bore curious shortened barrel | | 24620 | G/S/- | Celebes Shield inlaid shell. large | F20/9-9-11 | 4-0-0 24621 | T/S | S. India Knife, square silver hilt | | 24622 | GA/- | S. India Battle Axe, match lock Pistol | | 24623 | Y/GY/- | Venetian Dagger. fine guard | A14/17-1-13 | 3-8-0 24624 | GX/S | New Zealand Hani. | | ################################################## EFwmA ################################################## [tl1_text] 325 Five Column Table [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 24625 | GX/- | British Columbia Mat. dec. | C11/10-9-12 | 2-10-0 24626 | GX/- | British Columbia Ceremonial Belt or Shoulder Ring | | 2-10-0 24627 | GY/S | British Columbia Tool with handle W. Coast Vancouver C | 1/15/- | 1-15-0 24628 | M/GA/- | British Columbia Large Shale Carving. 38cm across C | | 8-15-0 24629 | G/A/- | British Columbia Set of Gambling Sticks in dec: case.|F20/28-9-12(Frankfort)| 3-3-0 24630 | GA/- | British Columbia Halibut Hook carved | | 2-2-0 24631 | GA/- | British Columbia Large Horn Scoop. Queen Charlotte Isle. C| 2/5/- H28/2-1-14| 2-10-0 24632 | M/-/- | A.Central America Stone Figure.Antilles|H28/2-1-14| 7-15-0 24633 | G/-/- | A. Roman Cinerary Glass Vase & cover & contents. Gloucester|S4/1915| 2-2-0 24634 | Y/I/- | Japan Large Bronze | S48/4-6-14 | 4-2-0 24635 | M/GX/- | Japan Large Koro. | S48/4-6-14 | 3-10-0 24636 | M/-/- | Japan Large Koro. smaller | S48/4-6-14| 3-0-0 24637 | GY/- | Japan Mirror. | | 24638 | I/- | Japan Sword Guard | W22/19-7-13 | 12-0 24639 | T/GC/- | Collection of Japanese Tsuba | W22/28-11-11 | 9-0-0 24640 | GX/- | Borneo Box of bead work. | F20/9-9-11 | 1-7-6 24641 | A/- | Borneo Hat bead work. | F20/9-9-11 | 8-6 24642 | A/- | Borneo Collar bead work. | F20/9-9-11 | 11-6 24643 | A/- | Borneo Pot & Carrier | F20/9-9-11 | 10-0 24644 | GX/- | Borneo Fire Making Apparatus Elena| F20/9-9-11| 1-2-6 24645 | GA/- | Borneo Musical Instrument. Kenyah| F20/9-9-11| 1-6-6 24646 | G/-/- | Borneo Shield dec. hair. | | 2-2-0 24647 | G/-/- | Borneo Shield dec. hair. smaller | | 24648 | GX/- | N Celebes Shield Tondano. | | 1-7-6 24649 | G/- | Borneo. Basket. Kenyah | | 24650 | G/- | Borneo. Basket. Kenyah | | 24651 | G/- | Borneo. Basket. Kenyah | | 24652 | G/- | Borneo. Mat carried on back. | | 24653 | G/- | Borneo. Mat carried on back. | | 24654 | G/- | Borneo. Mat carried on back. | | 24655 | Y/- | Borneo Coat of bark cloth. | | 24656 | GX/- | Borneo Mask of wood. Dyak C| C11/27-11-12| 2-5-0 24657 | A/- | Borneo Sword & sheath Murut | S35/29-6-12| 1-12-6 24658 | Y/- | Borneo Parang Side Knife | | 24659 | Y/- | Borneo Woman's Paddle Kenyah| | 24660 | Y/- | Borneo Spear Kenyah| | 24661 | A/- | Borneo Village Charm Land Dyak.Pearl River| 1-15-0 24662 | G/- | Borneo Charm. Kyan | | ################################################## EFwmD ################################################## [tl1_text] 325 [[Five Column Table]] 24663 | G/- | Borneo Charm. Kyan. | | 24664 | G/- | Fishing Net Senangolo | P16/7-6-13 | 8-0 24665 | M/- | New Guinea Pig Catcher | | 8-6 24666 | M/- | New Guinea Bow Drill | P16/7-6-13 | 12-12-0 24667 | G/- | New Guinea Bowl. Huloa | | 24668 | Y/- | New Guinea Fishing Float Koita| | 24669 | Y/- | New Guinea Sago Beater | P16/7-6-13 | 1-1-0 24670 | Y/- | New Guinea Bamboo Tongs. Bugi| P16/7-6-13| 8-0 24671 | Y/- | New Guinea Club. Trobriands | | 24672 | A/- | New Guinea wood carved like stone head P.Moresby| P16/7-6-13| 1-10-0 24673 | Y/S | New Guinea stone disc head | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0 24674 | Y/S | New Guinea stone disc head | | 14-0 24675 | Y/S | New Guinea stone disc head | | 12-6 24676 | A/- | New Guinea stone ball head | P16/7-6-13 | [[1-5-0?]] 24677 | A/- | New Guinea stone Pine head rare form. Collected behind Mekeo | P16/7-6-13| 1-15-0 24678 | A/- | New Guinea Adze.separate holder reversible head| P16/7-6-13| 1-15-0 24679 | M/- | New Guinea Adze. | | 24680 | A/- | New Guinea Currency Adze. haft carved. Trobriand| | 24681 | A/- | New Guinea Large Axe head put on graves [[image]] Woodlark| P16/7-6-13| 1-2-6 24682 | G/- | New Guinea Disc Club head. granite | | 24683 | G/- | New Guinea Disc Club head. black stone | | 24684 | G/- | New Guinea Disc Club head. black stone | | 24685 | Y/- | New Guinea Currency Axe head | | 24686 | G/- | New Guinea Adze-head. large Rigo Dist| | 24687 | G/- | New Guinea Adze-head. | | 24688 | A/- | New Guinea Mask of dec. tappa | C28/20-12-12 | 2-2-0 24689 | Y/- | New Guinea Belt.carved.damaged | | 24690 | A/- | New Guinea Meat Hook [[image]]Purari R Delta| P16/7-6-13 | 1-7-0 24691 | M/- | New Guinea Meat Hook smaller | P16/7-6-13| 17-6 24692 | Y/- | New Guinea Mouth Piece. dec bamboo imitation beheading knife. Kemaia Hood Peninsula| P16/7-6-13| 1-0-0 24693 | Y/- | New Guinea Mouth Piece.imitation beheading knife. Babaka Hood Peninsula| P16/7-6-13| 16-0 24694 | Y/- | New Guinea Beheading Knife. Fly R| | 1-10-0 24695 | G/- | New Guinea Case covered with String work| P16/7-6-13| 7-0 24696 | M/- | New Guinea Ceremonial Lime Spatula. Fly R| P16/17-6-12| 1-10-0 24697 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Knife bone Kwaiawata| P16/17-6-12 | 10-0 24698 | Y/- | New Guinea Fish Hook large.serrated Gawa.Kola| P16/7-6-13 | 1-10-6 24699 | Y/- | New Guinea Fish Hook large. Kwaiawata|P16/7-6-13| 1-2-6 24700 | G/- | New Guinea Dagger. cassowary bone| P16/7-6-13 | 7-6 ################################################## EFwmG ################################################## [tl1_text] 326 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 24701 | G/- | New Guinea Bone Awl for piercing nose. Baraga|P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 24702 | G/- | New Guinea Ring for carrying small loads Trobriando| P16/7-6-13 | 8-0 24703 | A/- | New Guinea Canoe Prow Iwa| P16/2-6-13| 2-10-0 24704 | A/- | New Guinea Dancing Stick.carved Toro| P26/2-6-13| 2-10-0 24705 | G/- | New Guinea Stick Maiva | P26/2-6-13 | 3-6 24706 | A/- | New Guinea Bow for blood letting Rigo|F20/9-9-11| 1-0-0 24707 | G/- | New Guinea Bull roarer on stick European string | | 7-6 24708 | G/- | New Guinea Comb sword fish. St Joseph's River Rarai. Mekeo| P16/7-6-13| 7-0 24709 | /- | New Guinea Comb wood. Parapomfom| P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 24710 | /- | New Guinea Comb used by dancing men. "Here"; Waima|P16/7-6-13| 15-0 24711 | /- | New Guinea Feather Head Ornament Masongava| | 3-0 24712 | /- | New Guinea Feather Head Ornament Masongava|P16/7-6-13| 6-0 24713 | /- |New Guinea Feather Head Ornament Masongava|P16/7-6-13| 15-0 or 17-6 24714 | /- | New Guinea Feather Head Ornament Masongava|P16/7-6-13| 5-0 24715 | /- | New Guinea Feather Head Ornament Rigo| P16/7-6-13 | 6-0 24716 | /- | New Guinea Feather Head Ornament Rigo| P16/7-6-13 | 7-0 24717 | Y/- | New Guinea Bone Fork used by Captains; "Lakatoi" Siria| P16/7-6-13 | 14-0 24718 | Y/- | New Guinea Bone Fork Sub Chiefs Mekeo| P16/7-6-13| 1-1-0 24719 | -/S | New Guinea Belt covered seeds Toro| | 18-6 24720 | -/S | New Guinea Belt Toro| P16/7-6-13 | 18-0 24721 | /- | New Guinea Head-dress feathers Didabu Sinangolo | | 10-0 24722 | /- | New Guinea Head-dress feathers Didabu Sinangolo | P16/7-6-13 | 18-0 24723 | -/S | New Guinea Wristlet of tappa | | 24724 | -/S | New Guinea Wristlet of tappa | P16/7-6-13 | 7-0 24725 | -/S | New Guinea Wristlet of tappa | P16/7-6-13 | 7-0 24726 | -/S | New Guinea Necklet teeth Bugi| P16/7-6-13 | 1-8-0 24727 | G/- | New Guinea Necklet pig-teeth slen. Rigo | | 1-1-0 24728 | G/- | New Guinea Necklet pig-teeth Rigo| | 1-2-6 24729 | -/S | New Guinea Mourning Frontlet Elema| P16/7-6-13 | 5-0 24730 | -/S | New Guinea Mourning Frontlet Elema| P16/7-6-13 | 5-0 24731 | G/- | New Guinea Neck Cord Bugi| | 24732 | G/- | New Guinea Human-hair Cord.Currency Bensbach|P16/28-11-13| 1-2-6 24733 | G/- | New Guinea Dress Human-hair & shell Bensbach| P16/7-6-13| 17-0 24734 | A/- | New Guinea Feather strip Currency on stick Beh Mekeo|P16/ 7-6-13 | 3-0-0 24735 | G/- | New Guinea Shell Ornament held in mouth Rigo| | 24736 | M/- | New Guinea Man's Frontlet [[image]] v.old Aird River C| | 1-2-6 24737 | M/- | New Guinea Man's Frontlet [[image]] v.old Aird River|F16/ 16-11-11 | 16-6 24738 | G/- | New Guinea Frontlet cane & nafra shell. Bensback|P16/28-11-13| 15-0 ################################################## EFwmJ ################################################## [tl1_text] 326 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 24739 | /- | New Guinea Dress Mekeo| P16/7-6-13 | 5-0 24740 | /- | New Guinea Dress Elema| P16/7-6-13 | 4-0 24741 | /- | New Guinea Dress small divided Elema| | 24742 | /- | New Guinea Dress small divided Elema| P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 24743 | /- | New Guinea Dress small divided Elema| J12/3-3-13 | 2-0 24744 | /- | New Guinea Dancing Dress Elema| P16/7-6-13 | 7-6 24745 | /- | New Guinea Dress small Mekeo| | 24746 | /- | New Guinea Dress small cut (Imported) Mekeo|P16/7-6-13| 2-0 24747 | /- | New Guinea Dress small cut (Imported) Mekeo| | 24748 | /- | New Guinea Ladle Kerapuno| P16/7-6-13| 3-6 24749 | /- | New Guinea Belt tappa Eboa| P16/7-6-13| 5-0 24750 | /- | New Guinea Belt bark "Siki" Kamali Hood Peninsula|P16/7-6-13| 6-0 or 7-0 24751 | /- | New Guinea Belt bark Huloa|P16/7-6-13| 19-0 or 19-6 24752 | /- | New Guinea Belt bark Keruma| | 24753 | /- | New Guinea Fishing Net Gawa| P16/7-6-13 | 7-6 24754 | -/S | New Guinea Charm Case Roro| P16/7-6-13 | 5-0} * 24755 | -/S | New Guinea Charm Case Roro| P16/7-6-13 | 5-0} *10-6 24756 | A/- | New Guinea Feather Currency behind Mekeo|P16/7-6-13|1-14-0 24757 | Y/- | New Guinea Stone Yam Charm Kopa-Kopa|P16/7-6-13| 7-0 24758 | Y/- | New Guinea Stone Yam Charm Kopa-Kopa|P16/7-6-13| 7-0 24759 | Y/- | New Guinea Stone Yam Charm Kopa-Kopa| | 6-0 24760 | Y/- | New Guinea Stone Yam Charm Tatana| P16/7-6-13| 7-0 24761 | Y/- | New Guinea Stone Yam Charm in net Hambada| | 12-6 24762 | Y/- | New Guinea Rasp of shark skin Marva Hulaa| P16/7-6-13 | 11-0 24763 | Y/- | New Guinea Rasp of shark skin Marva Iri.| P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 24764 | A/- | New Guinea Bowmans' Wristlet of shell plates Lese. Elema|P16/7-6-13| 1-10-0 or 1-12-6 24765 | Y/- | New Guinea Ornament two boars' tusks Huloa| F20/30-7-12 | 4-0 24766 | G/- | New Guinea Armlet large shell Trobriand| P16/7-6-13 | 6-0 or 5-0 24767 | G/- | New Guinea Shell Rattle Ture Ture Trobriand| P16/7-6-13 | 12-0 or 15-0 24768 | M/- | New Guinea Nose Ornament [[image]] Roro|H17/19-1-12| 7-6 24769 | /- | New Guinea String Bag large. Mekeo| | 24770 | /- | New Guinea String Bag small. Mekeo| | 24771 | G/- | New Guinea Spatula bone. Waima| | 24772 | G/- | New Guinea Scoup Ture Ture|P16/7-6-13| 2-66 24773 | G/- | New Guinea Spear |P16/28-11-13| 17-6 24774 | G/- | New Guinea Fishing Spear | | 24775 | G/- | New Guinea Fishing Spear Ture Ture Trobriand|P16/7-6-13| 10-0 24776 | /- | Australia Spear bone barb Otati Queensland|P16/27-11-11| 10-0 ################################################## EFwmM ################################################## [tl1_text] 327 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 24777 | /- |Australia Spear.3 points Otati Queensland| P16/27-11-11| 10-0 24778 | I/- |Australia Set of Fire sticks in case. Otati Queensland| | 24779 | Y/- |Australia Grinder Stone for grass seed. Otati Queensland C| | 16-6 24780 | A/- | Australia Message Stick. Otati Queensland C|P16/27-11-11 | 15-0 24781 | M/- | Australia Rubbing Stone. North.New South Wales C|P16/27- 11-11 | 10-0 24782 | M/- | Australia Rubbing Stone. North. New South Wales. C| | 24783 | S/- | S. America Necklet. peccary teeth | | 24784 | N/- | S. America Necklet. Quiver of darts & cotton basket| J12/ 3-3-13 | 15-0 24785 | S/- | Borneo Cutter & Palate PAAF.for collecting gutta percha. | | 8.6 24786 | G/- | Borneo Palm leaf mat with dec: designs. Massima| | 24787 | G/- | Borneo Boy's Armlet | | 24788 | Y/S | Admiralty Island Dagger.obsidian. not old| | 5-0 24789 | Y/S | Admiralty Island Dagger.obsidian. not old | | 5-0 24790 | -/S | Ceylon Spoon. Veddha| | 5-0 24791 | S/- | Ceylon Ceremonial Knife Veddha C| B30/6-12-11 | 1-0-0 24792| A/- | New Guinea Stool [[Image]] Bartel Bay| P16/7-6-13| 15-0 24793 | M/- | E. Africa Quiver & sixteen Arrows. | J12/3-3-13| 12-0 24794 | A/-/- |New Zealand Haui,very curious specimen| P16/7-6-13| 15-10-0 24795 | GY/-/- | New Zealand Jade Hoe Toki | P16/7-6-13 | 40.0.0 24796 | Y/A/- | Tonga Club. carved | P16/7-6-13 | 4.10.0 24797 | C/-/- | North America Hide Coat.| H28/20-8-11 | 35.0.0 24798 | C/-/- | New Zealand Club.bone."Kotiah" [[image]] 12 1/2 x 5 3/4 C| B44/13-2-13| 19-0-0 24799 | M/- | Burmah Buddha. bronze |14/- S48/5-6-14| 9-0 24800 | M/- | Burmah Buddha. Clay [[v.h.?]]| | 24801 | G/S | India Mask. bronze. | | 24802 | Y/S | India Pair Betel nut Cutters| | 24803 | G/- | Tibet small Bell | | 24804 | G/- | India Parrying Shaft [[Image]] modern| S4/1-1-12| 2-0 24805 | N/S | Gauguella Staff head on top| | 24806 | Y/S | Gauguella Club. carved knob|P16/28-11-13| 8-0 24807 | C/- | India Exercising Bow. "Lyzam"| H30/20-11-11| 1-2-6 24808 | G/GX/- | Japan Cabinet| W22/28-11-11 | 2-0-0 24809 | N/- | E. Africa Spear Masai| L21/10-3-13| 10-6 24810 | N/- | E. Africa Spear Usoga| L10/6-2-12 | 2-0 24811 | S/- | New Hebrides Axe. trade head. pierced pommel| | 24812 | Y/- | Mashona Knife carved sheath | | 24813 | G/- | Mashona Armlet ivory |P16/28-11-13| 4-0 24814 | GN/- | Mandingo Baluyih|P16/28-11-13| 1-15-0 ################################################## EFwmP ################################################## [tl1_text] 327 [five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 24815 | G/A/- | Africa Horn of ivory 2 mouth pieces | | 24816 | GY/- | Africa Horn of ivory engraved | | 24817 | GA/- | New Zealand "Hani", plain tongue. large | | 24818 | Y/- | Fiji Club "Sunflower" type. | | 24819 | Y/- | Fiji Club gun stock type | P16/27-11-11 | 1-10-0 24820 | G/- | Solomon Club sword type | N9/3-4-14 | 3-0 24821 | G/- | Solomon Club sword type | | 24822 | A/GX/- | A. Mexico Drum 1: | | 24823 | A/GX/- | M T. 1: | | 24824 | G/-/- | Pair pair. 1: | | 24825 | G/-/- | Pair Torque Feather, 1: | | 24826 | Y/-/- | British Columbia Pipe carved shale fractured & mended C | | 3-3-0 24827 | GA/- | S. America Hat of feathers [[image]] Brazil| | 2-15-0 24828 | A/- | S. America Feather Frontlet | | 10-0 24829 | A/- | S. America Narrow band cut feathers | | 24830 | A/- | Fiji Roll of [[sumet?]] |P16/27-11-11 Sold| 15-0 24831 | GS/- | England Powder Tester. flint lock. S Wallis | L16/20-10-11 | 1-7-6 24832 | N/- | Abyssinia MSS/. C| H19/12-7-13 | 1-12-6 24833 | GX/GX/- | Marquesas Club. |S31/7-7-11 Sold| 15-10-0 24834 | A/GT/S | England 4 barrelled FL Pistol[[image]]| D6/?-14 Sold| 7-12-6 24835 | GA/- | N. America Hide Coat. Maui Summer Coat of Buckskin Ungava |H28/18-4-12 | 7-10-0 24836 | A/- | N. America Pouch v. fine quill work. Ungava?| H28/18-4-12 | 2-5-0 24837 | /- | N. America Pair fine modern bead cuffs | H28/2-1-14| 10-6 24838 | G/- | N. America Belt Blanket belt. best | H28/2-1-14 | 1-15-0 24839 | G/- | N. America Belt | | 10-0 | H28/2-1-14 | 1-15-0 24840 | G/- | N. America 1 Moccasin. | P16/7-6-13 | 5-0 24841 | /- | W Africa Boot. high fine leather work. Hauna| | 24842 | /- | Canadian Indian Woven Belt 8 1/4 Early French Settlers H28/ 23-5-12| 2-2-0 24843 | /- | Canadian Indian Woven Belt 4¾ Early French Settlers | | 1-0-0 24844 | A/- | New Zealand Kilt. | | 24845 | GX/- | Hermit Isl.? Head off canoe | | 24846 | I/- | N. America Bow. painted | | 24847 | A/- | Ceylon Staff painted | | 24848 | G/GX/- | New Caledonia "Nbonet" soft| | 8-10-0 24849 | GX/- | New Caledonia Club bird head | | 24850 | Y/S | Congo. Red Pigment Block Turkula. Bushongo|F20/9-9-11| 7-6 24851 | Y/S | Congo. Red Pigment Block Turkula. Bushongo|F20/9-9-11| 7-6 24852 | A/- | Congo. Tobacco Pipe [[image]] Bushongo|F20/9-9-11| 11-0 ################################################## EFwmS ################################################## [tl1_text] 328 [[ 5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 24853 | GX/- | Congo Snuff Box figure.box in head Bushongo| F20/9-9-11 | 1-1-0 24854 | A/- | Congo Snuff Mortar Bushongo | F20/9-9-11 | 12-6 24855 | A/- | Congo whistle. Bushongo| F20/9-9-11 | 12-6 24856 | N/- | Congo Charm against Sickness Bushongo| F20/9-9-11| 8-6 24857 | GX/- | Congo Fetish Figure.large.coloured red. Bushongo | C11/24-6-13| 2-15-0 24858 | Y/S | Congo Pipe carved head.coloured mod: Bushongo 1 C| | 17-6 24859 | I/- | Congo Pipe carved head old Bushongo 2 C| | 1-10-0 24860 | GX/- | Congo Pipe twin bowls. Bushongo 3 C| | 2-2-0 24861 | Y/S | Congo Pipe figure in front.mod: Bushongo 4 C| | 17-0 24862 | Y/S | Congo Pipe figure holding child mod: Bushongo 5 C| | 18-6 24863 | Y/S | Congo Pipe Animal Bushongo 6 C|P16/28-11-13| 14-0 24864 | GX/-|Congo Snuff Mortar.figure Bushongo 7 C|L21/22-[[?]| 1-2-6 24865 | A/- | Congo Snuff Mortar & pestle. Bushongo 8 C|P16/28-11-13 | 8-6 24866 | Y/S | Congo Pigment Box Bushongo 9 C| | 10-6 24867 | Y/S | Congo Fetish Figure small Bushongo 10 C|C11/24-6-13| 14-0 24868 | Y/S | Congo Fetish Figure small Bushongo 11 C| | 15-0 24869 | G/- | Congo Carving Knife. Bushongo 12 C| | 5-0 24870 | Y/S | Congo Pillow Bushongo 13 C|P16/28-11-13| 12-6 24871 | Y/- | Congo Comb carved head. Bushongo 14 C|} P | 10-0 24872 | Y/- | Congo Comb lizard. Bushongo 15 C|} P | 9-0 24873 | G/- | Congo Comb cane. broad. Bushongo 16 C|} P | 6-0 24874 | G/- | Congo Comb. double ends Bushongo 17 C|} P | 6-0 24875 | G/- | Congo Comb. single end Bushongo 18 C|} P | 3-6 24876 | -/S | Congo Carved nut charm. Bushongo 19 C| | 2-6 24877 | -/S | Congo Carved nut charm. Bushongo | | 2-6 24878 | /S | Congo Carved nut charm. Bushongo | | 24879 | -/S | Congo Carved nut charm. Bushongo | | 2-6 24880 | -/S | Congo Carved nut charm. Bushongo | | 24881 | -/S | Congo Carved nut charm. Bushongo | | 2-6 24882 | GY/- | Congo Mug.carved head.red.fine Bushongo 20 C| H36/1915 | 1-12-6 24883 | Y/- | Congo Mug. carved new. Bushongo 21 C|P16/28-11-13| 15-0 24884 | A/- | Congo Mug. with handle Bushongo 22 C| | 18-6 24885 | G/- | Congo Razor. Bushongo 23 C|P16/25-11-13| 5-0 24886 | I/- | Congo Pipe, head. old Bushongo| | 24887 | Y/S | Congo. Pipe, head. painted modern Bushongo | | 24888 | Y/S | Congo. Pipe, head. painted modern Bushongo | | 24889 | Y/S | Congo. Pipe, head. painted modern Bushongo |P16/28-11-13| 14-0 24890| Y/S | Congo. Pipe, head. painted modern Bushongo | | ################################################## EFwmV ################################################## [tl1_text] 328 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 24891 | M/- | Congo Tobacco Pipe head,colored.larger. mod. Bushongo| S4/1-1-12| 5-0 24892 | M/- | Congo Tobacco Pipe head, colored. larger.mod. Bushongo| | 24893 | G/- | Congo Tobacco Pipe head,plain mod. Bushongo| | 24894 | Y/S | Congo Tobacco Pipe Figure in front.mod. Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 24895 | Y/S | Congo Tobacco Pipe Figure in front. mod. Bushongo | | 24896 | Y/S | Congo Tobacco Pipe Figure in front. mod. Bushongo | | 24897 | Y/S | Congo Tobacco Pipe Animal. mod. Bushongo|S4/1-1-12| 5-0 24898 | A/- | Congo Snuff Mortar figure. mod. Bushongo C| C28/4-5-12 | 1-6-0 24899 | M/S | Congo Snuff Box. Bushongo |P16/28-11-13| 4-0 24900 | M/S | Congo Mug. carved. Bushongo | | 24901 | Y/- | Congo Pigment Box. Bushongo | | 24902 | Y/- | Congo Pigment Box. Bushongo | | 24903 | Y/- | Congo. Pigment Box. Bushongo |P16/28-11-13| 8-0 24904 | Y/S | Congo Pillow. carved figure. Bushongo | | 24905 | Y/S | Congo Pillow. carved figure. Bushongo | | 24906 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo |P16/28-11-13| 2-0 24907 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo |P16/28-11-13| 2-0 24908 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo |P16/28-11-13| 2-0 24909 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo |P16/28-11-13| 2-0 24910 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo |P16/28-11-13| 2-0 24911 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo |P16/28-11-13| 2-0 24912 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo | | 24913 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo | | 24914 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo | | 24915 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo | | 24916 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo | | 24917 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo | | 24918 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo | | 24919 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo | | 24920 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo | | 24921 | -/S | Congo Carved Nut Charm. Bushongo| B44/13-2-13| 5-0 24922 | M/S | Congo Charm 4 leopard teeth on cord Bushongo| | 24923 | Y/- | Congo Charm 2 leopard teeth on cord Bushongo| | 24924 | G/- | Congo Charm 1 leopard teeth on cord Bushongo| | 24925 | Y/- | Congo Staff Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 8-0 24926 | A/- | Congo War Horn of a horn (Eland) Bushongo| | 1-0-0 24927 | M/- | Congo Figure Bushongo | | 24928 | M/- | Congo Figure.curious head Bushongo | | ################################################## EFwmY ################################################## [tl1_text] 329 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 24929 | G/- | Congo Bird Bushongo| | 10-6 24930 | G/- | Congo Comb.double Ends Bushongo |P16/28-11-13| 8-0 24931 | G/- | Congo Comb.single Ends Bushongo |P16/28-11-13| 4-0 24932 | G/- | Congo Comb.single Ends Bushongo | | 24933 | M/- |Congo Piece of red pigment Block Bushongo|T16/4-1-12| 10-0 24934 | G/S | Congo Cartouche Case & belt Bushongo| P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 24935 | A/- | Congo Helmet of cowries & beads. Bushongo| P16/28-11-13 | 1-0-0 24936 | GX/-| Congo Ceremonial Dress of painted hide Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 2-0-0 24937 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| H36/1915 | 1-8-0 24938 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| C28/13-11-13 | 7-0 24939 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| H36/1915 | 1-1-0 24940 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| H36/1915 | 12-6 24941 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| H36/1915 | 10-0 24942 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| C28/13-11-13 | 7-0 24943 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| H36/1915 | 14-0 24944 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| H36/1915 | 8-6 24945 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| C28/13-11-13 | 6-0 24946 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| | | 24947 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| H36/1915 | 8-6 24948 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| H36/1915 | 13-0 24949 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| H36/1915 | 7-6 24950 | G/- | Congo Palm Pele Cloth Bushongo| H36/1915 | 7-0 24951 | Y/- | Congo Charm. Leopard Claws. Bushango|P16/28-11-13| 4-0 24952 | I/- | Congo Axe. wrought blade.copper haft.2 points Kanai Bushango| P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0 24953 | I/- | Congo Axe.wrought blade.copper haft.2 points Kanai Bushango| | | 24954 | I/- | Congo Axe. wrought blade.copper haft.2 points Kanai Bushango| P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0 24955 | I/- | Congo Axe. wrought blade.copper haft.1 point Kanai Bushango| P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0 24956 | I/- | Congo Axe. wrought blade.copper haft.1 point Kanai Bushango| P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0 24957 | I/- | Congo Axe.wrought blade copper haft.1 point Kanai Bushango| | 1-10-0 24958 | GX/- | Congo Axe. All copper Kanai Bushango|P16/28-11-13| 18-0 24959 | A/- | Congo Knife. handle inlaid zinc. Kanai Bushango| | | 24960 | A/- | Congo Knife. handle inlaid zinc. Bushango| | | 24961 | A/- | Congo Knife. handle inlaid zinc. Bushango. | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 24962 | GX/- | Congo Execution Knife| L21/23-10-11 | 1-2-0 24963 | GX/- | Congo Knife. [[image]] Bushango| | | 24964 | GX/- | Congo Knife.[[image]] fur on sheath Bushango|L21/3-5-12| 13-6 24965 | I/- | Congo Knife. [[image]] Bushango| P16/28-11-13| 10-0 24966 | A/- | Congo Knife. [[image]] Bushango| P16/28-11-13| 12-0 ################################################## EFwn1 ################################################## [tl1_text] 329 [[5 column table] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 24967 | G/- | Congo Bow. Bushongo| P16/28-11-13| 7-0 24968 | G/- | Congo Bow. Bushongo| P16/28-11-13| 7-0 24969 | G/- | Congo Quiver. Bushongo C| P16/28-11-13| 8-6 24970 | G/- | Congo Arrow. large. [[image]] Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 1-6 24971 | G/- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo| P16/28-11-13| 1-6 24972 | G/- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo| P16/28-11-13| 1-6 24973 | G/- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo| P16/28-11-13| 1-0 24974 | /- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo| | | 24975 | /- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 1-0 24976 | /- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 1-0 24977 | /- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 1-0 24978 | /- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 1-0 24979 | /- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 1-0 24980 | /- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 1-0 24981 | /- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 1-0 24982 | /- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 1-0 24983 | /- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 1-0 24984 | /- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 1-0 24985 | /- | Congo Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 1-0 24986 | /- | Congo Bird Arrow. [[image]] Bushongo| | | 24987 | /- | Congo 4 Cane pointed Arrows Bushongo | | | 24988 | /- | Congo Boar Tusk Charm. Bushongo|P16/28-11-13| 4-0 24989 | Y/GA/- | New Zealand Stick figure. Geo Arnold Colln|P16/1-6-12| 5-10-0 24990 | GX/- | New Zealand Haui. plain Geo Arnold Colln| | | 24991 | G/GX/- | Hervey I. Spear. Geo Arnold Colln| | | 24992 | A/- | New Guinea Bull Roarer. Geo Arnold Colln| P16/7-6-13| 10-0 24993 | GX/- | New Guinea Drum well carved Geo Arnold Colln| | 2-2-0 24994 | GX/- | New Guinea Drum well carved Geo Arnold Colln| P16/7-6-13 | 2-0-0 or 2-2-0 24995 | T/- | New Guinea Drum partly carved. Geo Arnold Colln| | 1-12-6 24996 | M/- | New Guinea Drum plain. Geo Arnold Colln| P16/7-6-13 | 1-10-0 24997 | N/- | W. Africa Sword & sheath. Mandingo Haussa| P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 24998 | GX/- | Soudan Helmet. old skull piece. Mandingo Haussa C| D10/17-1-13 | 11-15-0 24999 | S/- | Soudan Helmet. Mandingo Haussa C| P16/28-11-13| 1-1-0 25000 | Y/- | Solomon Pair Cut shell wristlets Mandingo Haussa K| | | 25001 | /- | New Guinea Fishing Net. | P16/7-6-13| 6-0 25002 | G/- | New Guinea Nose Pin | P16/7-6-13| 8-0 25003 | G/- | New Guinea Ornament dec cut shell| P16/7-6-13| 14-0 25004 | /- | New Guinea Belt of string | P16/7-6-13| 5-0 ################################################## EFwn4 ################################################## [tl1_text] 330 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25005 | /- | New Guinea String Bag large. Geo Arnold Sale| P16/28-11-13| 1-10-0 25006 | /- | New Guinea Feather Head-dress. Geo Arnold Sale| | | 25007 | /- | New Guinea Feather Head-dress. Geo Arnold Sale| | | 25008 | G/- | German New Guinea Head Ornament dec cut nafra shell. Geo Arnold Sale|P16/28-11-13| 9-0 25009 | -/S | Mille Island Fish-hook Geo Arnold Sale| | | 25010 | -/S | Mille Island Fish-hook Geo Arnold Sale| B16/19-7-13| 8-0 25011 | /- | Malay ? Fish-hook like dragon Fly. Geo Arnold Sale| | | 25012 | /- | Caroline Bag. Geo Arnold Sale| F20/9-9-11| 6-6 25013 | /- | Caroline Bag. Geo Arnold Sah | F20/9-9-11| 6-0 25014 | /- | Fiji Belt. Geo Arnold Sale| P16/27-11-11 | 3-0 25015 | Y/- | Fiji Necklet. shaped whale teeth. Geo Arnold Sale| P16/27-11-11 | 2-10-0 25016 | /- | Tahiti Tappa. Geo Arnold Sale| | | 25017 | /- | [[Tahiti?]] Shell Armlet. Geo Arnold Sale| | | 25018 | /- | [[Tahiti?]] Shell Armlet. Geo Arnold Sale| | | 25019 | /- | [[Tahiti?]] Shell Armlet. | | | 25020 | /- | [[Tahiti?]] Woven Cane Armlet| P16/7-6-13 | 2-0 25021 | /- | [[Tahiti?]] Woven Cane Armlet| P16/7-6-13 | 1-0 25022 | /- | Tahiti Necklet. cut coix seeds| F20/30-7-12| 2-0 25023 | N/GX/- | Benin Bronze Head| P16/18-11-12 | 17-10-0 25024 | Y/-/- | Benin Bronze Head| P16/18-11-12 | 17-10-0 25025 | G/-/- | Niger Head with cane base.Egbo with dress C| | 3-15-0 25026 | MY/-/- | Hawaiian "Morai Figure.2m-20cm high 7" 2 1/2| | 75-0-0 25027 | GT/- | Travancore Musical Instrument of copper|F20/9-9-11| 2-2-0 25028 | M/- | Benin Bone Carving| P16/18-11-12| 10-0 25029 | G/- | Benin Bone Carving. small| P16/18-11-12| 10-0 25030 | Y/- | Japan Netsuke. | | | 25031 | S/- | South India 7 Silver Charm Cases| | | 25032 | Y/- | S.Cent: America Pottery Figure modern. Juni| | 4-6 25033 | N/- | Eskimo Ivory boat-shaped object C| | 17-6 25034 | G/S | A. Korea Silk Case. silver gilt | | | 25035 | G/S | A. Korea Silk Case. silver gilt | | | 25036 | M/- | A. Korea Silk Case. large. | B44/13-2-13| 10-0 25037 | M/- | A. Korea Set Bronze Gongs.(2) | | | 25038 | M/- | A. Korea Set Bronze Gongs (2)| | | 25039 | Y/- | A. Korea 1 Gong fine patina | | | 25040 | GA/- | A. Peru Bottle. portrait| H40/29-2-16 | 3-0-0 25041 | GX/- | A. Peru Bottle. Figure. | | | 25042 | GX/- | A. Peru Bottle. Raised Figure| | | ################################################## EFwn7 ################################################## [tl1_text] 330 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25043 | A/- | A. Peru Bottle. Head two figs. | | | 25044 | A/- | A. Peru Bottle. black. [[image]] | | | 25045 | Y/-/- | Sierra Leone Bundu Mask| P16/28-11-13| 4-10-0 25046 | G/Y/S | England F.L Pistol brass with bayonet[[?fine]] TWIGG| S40/23-4-12 | 3-0-0 25047 | T/- | N Australia Dilly Bag. | P16/27-11-11 | 1-0-0 25048 | S/- | Barotze Piano & Gourd. | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 25049 | GA/- | North America Wood Gun,used in the Gun dance| H28/3-1-14 | 1-12-6 25050 | A/- | North America Doll. | | | 25051 | G/Y/S | North America Saddle Cloth|H28/23-5-12| 3-5-6 or 3-7-6 25052 | GX/- | North America Pair Leggings. | H31/11-6-12 | 2-5-0 25053 | Y/S | North America Pouch Square [[Reticule?]]| | 1-2-6 25054 | Y/S | North America Sheath| W1/7-7-13 | 16-0 25055 | I/- | New Britain Wristlet.shell discs. K| | | 25056 | A/- | Australia Message Stick. | H17/19-1-12| 10-0 25057 | T/S | Fiji Bamboo. Engraved Quiver. Col [[Kesolly's?]] Colln| | 1-1-0 25058 | M/- | New Guinea Nose Pin. lone. | H7/19-1-12 | 7-0 25059 | Y/S | New Guinea Nose Pin. | P16/7-6-13| [[7-0?]] 25060 | Y/S | New Guinea Nose Pin. [[slick?]] | P16/7-6-13| 8-0 25061 | Y/- | Admiralty Ear Ornament. | | | 25062 | Y/- | Admiralty Ear Ornament. | | | 25063 | M/GX/- | Marquesas Club. rough. | | | 25064 | Y/GX/- | Marquesas Paddle Club| P16/27-11-11| 5-0-0 25065 | G/-/- | Eskimo Harpoon| | | 25066 | G/G/- | Eskimo Ice Pick C| D10/5-8-13| 2-15-0 25067 | Y/- | Eskimo Belt Fastner #| | | 25068 | GX/- | Soudan Shield.holes round edge|P16/28-11-13| 1-2-0 25069 | A/S | Somali Shield. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-1-0 25070| Y/- | England Spear. copper. found in Bistol. Victoria St. Site of Priory| | 12-6 25071 | -/S | New Guinea Tobacco Pipe| P16/7-6-13| 6-0 25072 | -/S | New Guinea Tobacco Pipe| P16/7-6-13| 6-0 25073 | G/- | [[New Guinea?]] Axe Head. | | | 25074 | T/S | Tibet Prayer Wheel. | | | 25075 | I/- | India War Quoit.Engraved. Akale Sikh| | | 25076 | T/S | India War Quoit.Engraved. Akale Sikh|S35/29-6-12| 1-1-0 25077 | T/S | India War Quoit.Engraved. Akale Sikh|S35/29-6-12| 1-1-0 25078 | N/- | India War Quoit.plain. Akale Sikh|S35/29-6-12| 1-1-0 25079 | N/- | India War Quoit.plain. Akale Sikh| | | 25080 | N/- | India War Quoit.plain. Akale Sikh| | | ################################################## EFwna ################################################## [tl1_text] 331 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25081 | G/GA/- | Tonga. Club. lobe shape.carved grip|P16/17-6-12| 3-15-0 25082 | GX/S | Hide Robe| P16/28-11-13| 18-0 25083 | S/GX/- | Europe XIV Cent Staff.carved gothic work.found at Coomassi | M5/18-3-12 | 20-0-0 25084 | A/- | Australia Leowell. | P16/27-11-11 | 10-0 25085 | M/- | S.E. Africa. C.B. [[image]] | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 25086 | S/GX/-| T. # | | | 25087 | G/-/- | Tonga Cuttle Fish Bait. | | [[1-17-6?]] 25088 | I/- | New Zealand Paddle. | | | 25089 | A/- | New Zealand Carrying Belt. | P16/17-6-12| 1-15-0 25090 | GT/S | New Guinea Head-Rest. carved. D'Entrasteau Wood lark| P16/17-6-12 | 2-0-0 25091 | M/- | Admiralty I. Spear. obsidian head. | | | 25092 | I/- | Solomon Figure. wood. | | | 25093 | Y/- | Solomon Spear. fine carved head | | | 25094 | M/- | New Guinea Adze haft & head 8404 D'Entrecasteau| P16/7-6-13| 4-10-0 or 3-10-0 25095 | T/S | Solomon Dancing Club. Engraved. damaged| | | 25096 | Y/S | New Hebrides Club. [[image]] | | | 25097 | Y/S | New Hebrides Club. [[image]] | P16/27-11-11| 1-0-0 25098 | G/- | New Guinea Tobacco Pipe.engraved animals. Daudai| P16/7-6-13| 1-6-0 or 1-7-0 25099 | /- | N. West Australia Spear. barb. | | | 25100 | /- | [[N. West Australia?]] Spear. | | | 25101 | G/- | Dinka Club | J12/4-7-14 | 12-0 25102 | G/- | Diuka Club | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 25103 | G/- | Tanganyika Club | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 25104 | G/- | Mashona Axe. | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 25105 | G/- | Mashona Spear. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 25106 | G/- | Zulu Assegai | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 25107 | G/- | Zulu Assegai | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 25108 | G/- | Fan Spear. or [[Monhette?]] | | | 25109 | G/- | Somali Spear. | P16/28-11-13 | 3-0 25110 | G/- | Haussa Sword. Presented to Admiral Eardly Wilmot. CB. C | | 1-7-6 25111 | G/- | Haussa Powder Flask. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 25112 | G/- | Bomey Powder Flask. gourd & cane| P16/28-11-13| 10-0 25113 | GA/- | Bomey Fetish with skulls|S4/1915 | 4-10-0 25114 | G/- | Bomey Musical Instrument| P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 25115 | M/- | S. Nyassa Wood Pipe Bowl.unusual See R.A.I.J. Vol XL. 1910 P/XXVII Mananja. C| | 12-6 25116 | M/- | S. Nyassa Water Pipe.clay bowl| P16/28-11-13| 18-0 25117 | /- | Soudan Pouch | | | 25118 | /- | Soudan Pouch | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 ################################################## EFwnd ################################################## [tl1_text] 331 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25119 | GX/- | Ashanti Box & lid. carved & painted. Chief surrounded by wives.| S4/14-3-16 | 1-2-0 25120 | GX/- | Ashanti Box & lid. carved & painted. Chief surrounded by wives.| C11/24-6-13|[[11-17-6?]] 25121 | I/- | Ashanti Box + lid. carved & painted. four figures. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-12-6 25122 | I/- | Ashanti Box + lid. carved & painted. four figures. | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 25123 | A/- | Ashanti Figure with Gun carved & painted. rep: European | P16/28-11-13 | 1-1-0 25124 | A/- | Ashanti Figure with pipe carved & painted. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-6 25125 | A/- | Ashanti Figure hard wood. curious comb head dress C | | 1-7-6 or 1-8-6 25126 | A/- | Ashanti Figure Woman with child | C11/24-6-13 | 1-1-6 25127a| | Ashanti Figure small | | 6-6 25127 | G/- | Nyana Drinking Cup. Makololo| P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 25128 | A/- | Japan Suit of Armour & sword| C7/19-12-12| 2-2-0 25129 | A/- | Japan Sword Breaker fine old signed piece| C7/19-12-12| 2-6-0 25130 | M/- | Japan Sword Breaker in lac sheath.signed blade| | 1-1-0 25131 | A/- | India Matchlock Gun | | 2-2-0 25132 | GA/- | Assam Shield Toboka. Naga| F20/9-9-11 | 2-12-6 25133 | GX/- | Japan Lac Panel | | | 25134 | G/- | Japan Lac Hat | W22/1-12-13 | 6-0 25135 | G/- | Japan Figure from Shrine. 14-1/4 HIOGO| S52/25-9-16| 10-6 25136 | G/- | China Figure. | K6/8-1-14 | 3-0 or 5-0 25137 | G/- | China Figure. | | | 25138 | G/- | China Figure. | K5/8-13-13 | 2-0 25139 | G/- | China Figure. larger | K6/6-1-14 | 3-0 25140 | G/- | China Figure of old man. 10" one hand missing | | 10-6 25141 | M/- | China 6 Small carved figures. | | | 25142 | G/- | Japan Small Case Shrine. | | | 25143 | G/- | Japan Small Case Shrine. | | | 25144 | G/- | Japan Small Case Shrine. | | | 25145 | G/- | China Shrine of Soap stone. | | | 25146 | G/- | China Pair [[Kaytun?]] of Soap stone. old | | | 25147 | G/- | China [[Kay lin?]] of Soap stone. old | | | 25148 | G/- | China Figure of Soap stone. v. old | | | 25149 | G/- | China Lamp of Soap stone. late | | | 25150 | G/- | China Pottery Figure | | | 25151 | G/- | Japan Gourd Sake' Bottle | | | 25152 | G/- | Japan Box carved wood | | | 25153 | G/- | Japan Box carved wood | | | 25154 | G/- | Japan Box carved wood | | | 25155 | G/- | China Tobacco Pipe | | | 25156 | G/- | China Water Tobacco Pipe | | | ################################################## EFwng ################################################## [tl1_text] 332 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 25157 | G/- | China Sceptre: carved wood Wotherspoon Colln| C7/19-12-12 | 6-0 25158 | G/- | China Box carved bamboo Containing Colln of cash from BC 220 | | | 25159 | G/- | China Box carved bamboo (See 34826 Case) Containing Colln of cash from BC 220 | | | 25160 | G/- | China Model Coffin. stone. | | | 25161 | G/- | India Snake charmer's Pipes. | H17/19-1-12 | 8-6 25162 | G/- | China Guitar. | | | 25163 | G/- | S. America Whistle of two small gourds. Brazil | | | 25164 | /- | S. America Arrow Brazil | J12/3-3-13 | 2-6 25165 | /- | S. America Arrow Brazil | J12/3-3-13 | 2-6 25166 | /- | Japan Spear-head & Sheath. | C7/19-12-17 | 2-0 25167 | /- | China Pair Shoes. | | | 25168 | /- | China Ink Slab. | | | 25169 | G/- | Japan Shrine. in case. | | | 25170 | /- | New Guinea Comb. feathers | P16/7-6-13 | 6-0 25171 | /- | New Guinea Lime Stick. | | | 25172 | /- | A. Egypt Ushabti Figure | | | 25173 | /- | S. India Model | C30/1-7-16 | 5-0 25174 | G/- | W. Africa Tortoise Carapace Totem. Bony. | | | 25175 | G/- | N. Africa? Corn Seperator. [[image]] |L16/20-10-11 | 8-0 25176 | G/- | N. Africa? Corn Seperator. plain | | 5-0 25177 | /- | Jar. | | | 25178 | M/- | Gaulish Jar found in London. 4th Century| | 1-1-0 25179 | /- | China Pillow. [[image]] C| | 7-6 25180 | /- | China Box of Cash. | | | 25181 | A/- | Europe Case of P.C Pistols with bayonets. | | | 25182 | I/- | England Case of FL Pistols Hervey Exeter| F11/3-2-12 | 2-5-0 25183 | Y/- | England Horse FL. Pistol. | E6/1-1-14 | 8-6 25184 | A/- | England Wheel-lock Flask & Spanner C| C7/19-12-12| 1-15-0 25185 | Y/- | England Engraved Powder Horn. Bayonne,Oporto &c| | | 25186 | /- | England Navy Boarding Axe| S4/1-1-12 | 4-0 25187 | /- | England Navy Officer's Sword| S4/1-1-12 | 1-0 25188 | /- | England Navy Officer's Sword. Midshipman | S4/1-1-12| 2-0 25189 | A/- | England Buiscit Mould. XVII Cent double side | | 1-1-0 25190 | N/- | England Buiscit Mould. single side | | 12-6 25191 | G/- | Norway Carved Box. | T16/4-1-12 | 10-0 25192 | G/- | England Pestle & Mortar for snuff C|S4/15-2-16| [[18-0?]] 25193 | /- | England Carved Cocoa Nut | L24/17-1-14 | 2-0 25194 | /- | Malay Hat Lombok| W22/1-12-13 | 5-0 ################################################## EFwnj ################################################## [tl1_text] 332 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25195 | Y/- | Benin Hide Fan. | F20/9-9-11 | 9-0 25196 | /- | England Target Pistol .22 | E6/1-3-14 | 5-0 25197 | S/- | Ceylon Bow. "Dunna." Veddha C| C11/10-7-12 | 1-5-0 25198 | Y/S | Ceylon Arrow "Ethali" Veddha C| C11/10-7-12 | 7-6 25199 | Y/S | Ceylon Arrow "Ethali" Veddha C| C11/10-7-12 | 7-6 25200 | Y/S | Ceylon Arrow head. Veddha C| | | 25201 | T/- | Ceylon Stabbing Knife. Veddha C| C11/10-7-12 | 1-6-0 25202 | T/- | Ceylon Bark Bag "Widi Malla" Rita bark Tree. Veddha C| C11/10-7-12| 1-8-0 25203 | GY/S | Ceylon Mask. Veddha C| E1/3-2-13 | 1-11-0 25204 | M/- | Ceylon Dancing Anklet| S35/29-6-12 | 5-0 25205 | M/- | Ceylon Dancing Anklet| | | 25206 | T/S | Niger Fetish Figure| C11/24-6-13 | 1-0-0 25207 | G/-/- | N. America Club| [[H28/2-1-14?]] | 2-5-0 25208 | A/- | N. America Pipe. lead bowl stem | H16/20-10-11| 1-2-6 25209 | A/- | N. America Pipe. Tin bowl stem | [[H28/2-1-14?]]| 15-0 25210 | GX/- | Tonga Carved Staff | P16/17-6-12 | 2-10-0 25211 | GN/- | Niger Figure. female. Calabar?| C11/24-6-13 | 1-6-0 25212 | S/- | Niger Figure. one leg unfinished. C| | 16-6 25213 | Y/GX/- | Niger Mask. C | S4/14-2-16 | 3-5-0 25214 | NA/-/- |New Zealand Head fully tattooed. } |P16/11-11-11| 63-0-0 25215 | MI/-/- | New Zealand Head } | P16/11-11-11 | 54-0-0 25216 | MY/-/- | New Zealand Head } | P16/11-11-11 | 48-0-0 25217 | /-/- | New Zealand Jade Razor. | B16/19-7-13 | 3-10-0 25218 | T/S | New Zealand Plaster Cast showing Moko. | | | 25219 | T/S | New Zealand Tattooing Chisel & beater| F20/9-9-11| 1-1-0 25220 | A/- | New Zealand Carrying Belt | | 25221 | A/- | Mashona Axe. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 25222 | N/S | Mashona Axe. | P16/28-11-13 | 12-0 25223 | -/C | Australia Club | | | 25224 | -/C | Australia Club | J12/4-1-14 | 6-0 25225 | Y/Y/- | Liberia War Mask. | C31/4-2-14 | 4-4-0 25226 | M/GX/- | Old Calabar Idol | C11/24-6-13 | 6-15-0 or 5-15-0 25227 | GY/- | Bheel Horn Bow | F20/9-9-11 | 1-10-0 25228 | G/- | England Sword. Waterloo period | S4/1-1-12 | 2-0 25229 | Y/- | England Breastplate | S4/1-1-12 | 4-0 25230 | G/S | A. Korea Hair Ornament. silver | F20/9-9-11 | 4-6 25231 | G/S | A. Korea Hair Ornament. silver v. fine | | 1-1-0 25232 | G/S | A. Korea Hair Ornament. silver | | ################################################## EFwnm ################################################## [tl1_text] 333 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25233 | G/S | Ancient Korea Silver Hair Ornament.13 & 14th Cent.| | 25234 | G/- | Ancient Korea Silver Hair Ornament. | | 10-0 25235 | -/S | Ancient Korea Bronze Hair Ornament.large|F20/9-9-11| 4-6 25236 | -/S | Ancient Korea Bronze Hair Ornament. large | | 25237 | -/S | Ancient Korea Bronze Hair Ornament. large | | 10-0 25238 | -/S | Ancient Korea Bronze Hair Ornament. small | | 25239 | -/S | Ancient Korea Bronze Hair Ornament. small | | 25240 | -/S | Ancient Korea Bronze Hair Ornament. small | | 25241 | -/S | Ancient Korea Bronze Hair Ornament. small | | 25242 | -/S | Ancient Korea Bronze Hair Ornament. small | | 25243 | -/S | Ancient Korea Bronze Hair Ornament. small | | 25244 | -/S | Ancient Korea Bronze Hair Ornament. small | | 25245 | Y/- | Ancient Korea Silver Chain | | 25246 | G/GA/- | Tibet Incense Holder. |W22/28-11-11 | 2-5-0 25247 | Y/Y/- | Tibet Incense Bowl. large | W22/28-11-11 | 2-12-6 25248 | C/- | Tibet Shell Trumpet | H17/19-1-12 | 1-17-6 25249 | C/- | Tibet Shell Trumpet | | 2-2-0 25250 | G/A/- | Tibet Double Skull Drum |C30/3-2-15| 22-16-0 25251 | M/- | Tibet Double wood Drum | | 25252 | T/S | Tibet Skull Cup | | 1-12-6 25253 | T/S | Tibet Skull Cup | | 1-10-0 25254 | T/S | Tibet Prayer Wheel | | 25255 | T/S | Tibet Prayer Wheel | | 25256 | GX/-|New Zealand Tattooing Chisel & beater C|H17/15-2-13| 1-7-6 25257 | G/GA/- | Congo Bowl held by figure. Mangana | | 3-10-0 25258 | G/Y/S | Congo Shield v.rare form.Lord Mountmorris Coll.| | 25259 | T/S | Congo Shield Lord Mount Morris Coll.| | 25260 |G/- | Congo Pair Gourds containing beads.Lord Mountmorris Coll.| | 25261 |G/- | Congo Pair Gourds containing beads.Lord Mountmorris Coll.| | 25262 |-/S | Congo Ear Ring.ivory.Lord Mountmorris Coll.|P16/28-11-13| 4-0 25263 |-/S | Congo Ear Ring.ivory.Lord Mountmorris Coll.|H17/19-1-12| 6-6 25264 | /- | Congo Gourd Whistle.Lord Mountmorris Coll.| | 25265 | Y/- | Congo Leg Ornament.large.Lord Mountmorris Coll.| | 25266 | Y/- | Congo Leg Ornament. 2 pendants Lord Mountmorris Coll.| | 25267 | G/- | Congo Leg Ornament. small.Lord Mountmorris Coll.|P16/28-11-13| 4-0 25268 | -/S | Congo Leg Ornament.[[image]]Lord Mountmorris Coll.|P16/28-11-13| 4-0 25269 | /- | Congo Leg Ornament. | | 25270 | /S | Congo Leg Ornament. 2 pendants [[image]] Lord Mountmorris Coll.| | ################################################## EFwnp ################################################## [tl1_text] 333 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25271 | -/N | Congo Ear Ornament Lord Mountmorris Colln| | | 25272 | -/N | Congo Ear Ornament | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0 25273 | -/N | Congo Ear Ornament | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0 25274 | M/- | Congo Razor | | | 25275 | M/- | Congo Razor | | | 25276 | M/- | Congo Razor | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 25277 | M/- | Congo Razor | S4/1915 | 5-0 25278 | GA/- | New Britain Shield carved & coloured| | 25279 | GA/- | New Britain Shield | | | **Av.35/- 25280 | GA/- | New Britain Shield |P16/7-6-13| 1-15-0 25281 | GA/- | New Britain Shield |H30/3-8-11| 1-15-0 25282 | GY/- | Tasman Island Weaving Loom | F20/9-9-11 | 1-2-6 25283 | GY/- | Tasman Island Weaving Loom | P16/7-6-13 | 1-10-0 25284 | C/- | Tasman Island Weaving Loom smaller | | | 25285 | C/- | Tasman Island Weaving Loom smaller | | | 25286 | M/-/- | Buka Island Stone Pounder }| B16/13-7-12 | 4-0-0 25287 | M/-/- | Buka Island Stone Pounder }| B16/13-7-12 | 4-0-0 ** £8 25288 | M/-/- | Buka Island Stone Pounder | P16/7-6-13 | 6-0-0 25289 | M/-/- | Buka Island Stone Pounder } |P16/7-6-13| 5-10-0 25290 | M/-/- | Buka Island Stone Pounder } C| | 6-6-0 25291 | G/A/- | Buka Island Stone Pounder damaged.smaller } C|P16/7-6-13| 4-0-0 25292 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Dagger of obsidian | | | 25293 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Dagger of obsidian | | | 25294 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Dagger of obsidian |J12/3-3-13| 9-0 25295 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Dagger of obsidian | | | 25296 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Dagger of obsidian | | | 25297 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Dagger of obsidian |L16/20-10-11| 9-0 25298 | G/S | Admiralty Island Dagger of obsidian | | | 25299 | G/S | Admiralty Island Dagger of obsidian | | | 25300 | G/S | Admiralty Island Dagger of obsidian | | | 25301 | G/S | Admiralty Island Dagger of obsidian | | | 25302 | G/S | Admiralty Island Dagger of obsidian | | | 25303 | G/S | Admiralty Island Dagger of obsidian | | | 25304 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear of obsidian | | | 25305 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear of obsidian | P16/7-6-13| 10-0 25306 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear of obsidian | P16/7-6-13| 10-0 25307 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear of obsidian | P16/7-6-13| 10-0 25308 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear of obsidian | | | ################################################## EFwns ################################################## [tl1_text] 334 [[5 column table]] 25309 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25310 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25311 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25312 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25313 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | P/16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25314 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25315 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25316 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25317 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25318 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | P16/7-6-13 | 5-0 25319 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0 25320 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25321 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25322 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25323 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25324 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25325 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0 25326 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25327 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25328 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25329 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25330 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0 25331 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25332 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25333 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25334 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head| P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25335 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25336 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25337 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25338 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25339 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25340 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25341 | | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25342 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25343 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25344 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | 25345 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25346 | Y/- | Admiralty Island Spear. obsidian head | | | [[/table]] ################################################## EFwnv ################################################## [tl1_text] 334 [[Five Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25347 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. Obsidian Head | | 25348 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25349 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25350 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25351 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25352 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25353 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. |P16/7-6-13| 10-0 25354 | | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25355 | | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25356 | | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25357 | | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25358 | | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25359 | | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25360 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25361 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 25362 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25363 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 25364 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25365 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25366 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear|P16/7-6-13| 1-0-0 25357 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25358 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. | | 25369 | Y/- | Admiralty Islands Spear| P16/7-6-13| 10-0 25370 | S/- | Admiralty Islands Spear.Obsidian Head | P16/7-6-13| 1-0-0 25371 | S/- | Admiralty Islands Spear.Obsidian Head C|P16/7-6-13| 1-10-0 25372 | T/- | Admiralty Islands Spear.Obsidian Head C|P16/7-6-13| 1-10-0 25373 | S/- | Admiralty Islands Spear.Obsidian Head C|Cologne P16/7-6-13 | 1-5-0 25374 | S/- | Admiralty Islands Spear.Obsidian Head C|P16/7-2-13| 15-0 25375 | S/- | Admiralty Islands Spear.Obsidian Head C| | 12-0 25376 | S/- | Admiralty Islands Spear.Obsidian Head C|P16/7-6-13| 10-0 25377 | S/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. C| | 12-0 25378 | S/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. C| | 10-6 25379 | S/- | Admiralty Islands Spear. C| | 8-6 25380 | Y/- | S' Matthias I. Spear C| | 11-0 25381 | Y/- | S' Matthias I. Spear | | 25382 | Y/- | S' Matthias I. Spear | P16/7-6-13 | 12-0 25383 | Y/- | S' Matthias I. Spear | | 25384 | Y/- | S' Matthias I. Spear | | ################################################## EFwny ################################################## [tl1_text] 335 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25385 | Y/- | St Matthias I. Spear. | P16/7-6-13 | 12-0 25386 | Y/- | St Matthias I. Spear. | | | 25387 | Y/- | St Matthias I. Spear. | P16/7-6-13 | 12-0 25388 | Y/- | St Matthias I. Spear. | P16/7-6-13 | 12-0 25389 | Y/- | St Matthias I. Spear. | P16/7-6-13 | 12-0 25390 | G/- | Tasman I. Spear. | | | 25391 | G/- | Tasman I. Spear. | | | 25392 | G/- | Tasman I. Spear. | | | 25393 | G/- | Tasman I. Spear. | | | 25394 | /- | St Matthias Carved Colour Box. | | | 25395 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. C | F20/18-11-11 | 5-0 25396 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. C | | 7-0 25397 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. C | F20/18-11-11 | 8-6 25398 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. C | F16/5-10-11 | 10-0 25399 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. C | | 8-6 25400 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. C | F20/18-11-11| 8-6 25401 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. C | F16/5-10-11 | 12-6 25402 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. C | | 10-0 25403 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. C | F20/18-11-11 | 10-0 25404 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | P16/7-6-13 | 9-0 25405 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | | | 25406 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | | | 25407 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | P16/7-6-13 | 9-0 25408 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | | | 25409 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | P16/7-6-13 | 9-0 25410 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | F20/18-11-11 | 10-0 25411 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | | | 25412 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | P16/7-6-13 | 9-0 25413 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | | | 25414 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | | | 25415 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | P16/7-6-13 | 9-0 25416 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | | | 25417 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | | | 25418 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | | | 25419 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | P16/7-6-13 | 9-0 25420 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | | | 25421 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | | | 25422 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle. | P16/7-6-13 | 9-0 ################################################## EFwnB ################################################## [tl1_text] 335 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25423 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | | 12-6 | 25424 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | | | 25425 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | | | 25426 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | H17/19-1-12 | 12-6 25427 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | | | 25428 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | | | 25429 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | | | 25430 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | | | 25431 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | P16/7-6-13 | 9-0 25432 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | F20/18-1-11 | 10-6 25433 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | P16/7-6-13 | 9-0 25434 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | P16/7-6-13 | 9-0 25435 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | | 25436 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle |H36/1915| 5-0 25437 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | | 25438 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | | 25439 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | | 25440 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | F16/30-10-11 | 10-6 25441 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | P16/7-6-13 | 9-0 25442 | G/S | Admiralty Water Bottle | | 25443 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash C| | 10-0 25444 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash C| | 9-0 25445 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash C | | 8-0 25446 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25447 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash C| P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25448 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash C| | 12-0 25449 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash C| | 12-0 25450 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash | | 25451 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash | | 25452 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25453 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash | | 25454 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 25455 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash | | 25456 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash | | 25457 | N/- | Admiralty Lime Calabash | | 25458 | -/Y | St Mathias Grass Bag. | | 25459 | -/Y | St Mathias Grass Bag. | | 25460 | -/Y | St Mathias Grass Bag. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 ################################################## EFwnE ################################################## [tl1_text] 336 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25461 | -/Y | St Mathias Grass Bag | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25462 | -/Y | St Mathias Grass Bag | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25463 | -/Y | St Mathias Grass Bag | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25464 | /- | St Mathias Grass Bag small [[strikethrough]] F16/5-10-11 [[/strikethrough]] | 3-0 25465 | /- | St Mathias Grass Bag small | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25466 | /- | St Mathias Grass Bag small | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25467 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. woven. alt 26 x 2-1/4" C | F16/5-10-11 | 3-0 25468 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. not so broad C | | 2-0 25469 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25470 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25471 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25472 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25473 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25474 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25475 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25476 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25477 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25478 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25479 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25480 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25481 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25482 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25483 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0 25484 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | F20/9-9-11 | 4-0 25485 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | F20/9-9-11 | 3-0 25486 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | C28/20-11-12 | 3-0 25487 | | St Mathias Belt. | | | 25488 | | St Mathias Belt. | | | 25489 | | St Mathias Belt. | | | 25490 | | St Mathias Belt. | | | 25491 | | St Mathias Belt. | | | 25492 | | St Mathias Belt. | | | 25493 | | St Mathias Belt. | | | 25494 | | St Mathias Belt. | | | 25495 | | St Mathias Belt. | | | 25496 | | St Mathias Belt. | | | 25497 | | St Mathias Belt. | | | 25498 | -/G | St Mathias Belt. | | | ################################################## EFwnH ################################################## [tl1_text] 336 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25499 | -/G | St Mathias Belt | | | 25500 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25501 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25502 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25503 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25504 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25505 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25506 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25507 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25508 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25509 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25510 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25511 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25512 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25513 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25514 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25515 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25516 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25517 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25518 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25519 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25520 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25521 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25522 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25523 | | St Mathias Belt | | | 25524 | -/G | St Mathias Belt | | | 25525 | /- | Tasman I. Mat. | P16 /7-6-13 | 5-0 25526 | /- | Tasman I. Fishing Net Frame. | | | 25527 | /- | Tasman I. Fishing Net no frame | | | 25528 | /- | St. Mathias Mat | P16/7-6-13 | 5-0 25529 | /- | New Guinea Grass Dress | | | 25530 | /- | New Guinea Feather Girdle | | | 25531 | /- | New Guinea Feather Girdle | | | 25532 | /- | New Guinea Whisk | | | 25533 | /- | New Guinea Necklet | | | 25534 | A/- | S.E. Africa Spoon of horn | | | 25535 | GX/- | S.E. Africa Axe used for thrusting | P16/28-11-13| 18-0 25536 | G/-/- | Assam Dao with bear jaw charm. | | | ################################################## EFwnK ################################################## [tl1_text] 337 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25537 | G/GX/- | Borneo Sword & Sheath Parang Pandat. Sidin Land Dyak C|C11/13-2-13| 4-4-0 25538 | Y/-/- | England Pair db. FL. Pistols. silver butts.|S40/15-1-12| 4-0-0 25539 | G/A/- | England Silver mounted FL. Cannon barrelled Pistol| S40/23-4-12| 2-10-0 25540 | A/- | S. Africa Bowl |P16/28-11-13| 14-0 25541 | Y/GX/- | S. America Horse-hair Hunting Bag. | | 25542 | A/- | Trobriand Shield | | 25543 | A/- | New Zealand Fish Hook. fine old specimen |E1/10-1-13| 6-6 25544 | G/-/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant. v fine jade |P16/7-6-13| 2-17-0 25545 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant.v fine jade|P16/7-6-13| [[11-15-0?]] 25546 | G/Y/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant. v fine jade. C | S31/10-10-12 | 11-12-6 25547 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant. very thick 3/4" dia C|P16/7-6-13| 2-10-0 25548 | GA/- | Hervey Island Paddle | W32/22-1-13 | 2-10-0 25549 | GX/S | Hervey Island Paddle | | 25550 | G/-/- | England FL. Pistol.brass blunderbuss.WILLS Dublin.|S40/23-4-12| 2-10-0 25551 | I/- | England FL. Pistol.Under & over. HAWKINS|S40/15-1-12| 15-0 25552 | S/- | England FL. Pistol.Under & over ROSE & Co |S40/15-1-12| 12-6 25553 | A/- | England FL. Pistol.Under & over CORTS | B42/30-12-11| 13-0 25554 | M/- | England FL. Pistol.Under [[?]] HIGHAM | B42/30-12-11| 9-0 25555 | A/- | England FL. Pistol.brass barrel. D EGG|S40/23-4-12| 18-0 25556 | M/- | England FL. Pistol.brass barrel. GARNER| E6/13-1-13| 14-0 25557 | I/S | West Africa Copper Ring with long history attached |P16/28-11-13| 15-0 25558 | M/- | Java Execution Kris | | 25559 | Y/S | Malay Kris | | 25560 | Y/S | Ceylon Sword.| S4/1-1-12 | 3-0 25561 | Y/S | Zanzibar Sword. brass sheath.| S4/1-1-12 | 2-6 25562 | N/GX/- | England DB. FL Gun. John Manton.|S40/15-1-12| 8-0-0 25563 | A/GX/- | England DB. FL Gun. Carbine with bayonet |S40/1915| 8-10-0 25564 | G/GX/- | England B.b. FL Blunderbuss Pistol. Dublin| S40/23-4-12| 2-10-0 25565 | G/A/- | England Db. FL b.b. Pistol |S40/15-1-12| 2-5-0 25566 | GS/- | England DB. under & Over with ramrod| S40/15-1-12| 1-0-0 25567 | G/A/- | England Pair small silver butts. Stanton.|S40/15-1-12| 2-5-0 25568 | G/GA/- | England Pair brass blunderbuss Pistols by Nock|S40/15-1-12| 3-0-0 25569 | G/-/- | England Db. P.C. Pistol in case.with belt hook.| | 25570 | GA/- | England Ancient Seal. | | 18-6 25571 | -/S | China Wood Seal. | | 25572 | -/S | China Wood Seal. | | 25573 | -/S | China Wood Seal. | | 25574 | -/S | China Wood Seal. | | ################################################## EFwnN ################################################## [tl1_text] 337 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25575 | -/S | China Wood Seal. | | | 25576 | -/S | China Wood Seal. | | 25577 | -/S | China Wood Seal. | | 25578 | GA/- | Tibet Sundial | | 25579 | G/-/- | Benin Bronze Wand. | P16/18-11-12| 4-0-0 25580 | G/-/- | Chinese Repeating Cross Bow. | F23/3-2-12| 2-7-6 25581 | GX/- | Persia Composite Bow.|J12/3-3-13| 1-[[10 or 14?]]-0 25582 | A/- | Bhutan Sword in frame sheath. | | 25583 | S/- | Bhutan Helmet.with horns.[[image]] Mishmin.| | 3-3-0 25584 | G/S | W. Africa Charm.horse tail bell &c. Haussa| | 3-7-6 25585 | G/S | W. Africa Charm. horse tail |P16/28-11-13| 6-0 25586 | G/S | W. Africa Charm. horse tail |P16/28-11-13| 6-0 25587 | G/S | W. Africa Charm. horse tail | | 18-6 25588 | G/S | W. Africa Charm. horse tail |P16/28-11-13| 6-0 25589 | G/S | W. Africa Charm. horse tail | | 25590 | G/S | W. Africa Charm. horse tail |P16/28-11-13| 6-0 25591 | G/S | W. Africa Charm. horse tail | S4/1-1-12 | 9-0 25592 | G/S | W. Africa Charm. horse tail | S4/1-1-12 | 9-0 25593 | G/S | W. Africa Charm. horse tail | S4/1-1-12 | 8-0 25594 | G/S | W. Africa Charm. with 5 charms.Mohammedan.C|W22/1-12-13| 16-0 25595 | G/S | W. Africa Charm.[[image]]|P16/28-11-13| 4-0 25596 | N/- | W. Africa Charm. silver cased | | 25597 | N/- | W. Africa Charm. silver cased |P16/28-11-13| 8-0 25598 | N/- | Quiver. |P16/28-11-13| 10-0 25599 | /- | 2 Arrows single noch [[?]]|P16/28-11-13| 3-0 25600 | /- | 2 Arrows |P16/28-11-13| 3-0 25601 | /- | 2 Arrows | P16/28-11-13| 3-0 25602 | /- | 2 Arrows | J12/3-3-13 | 4-0 25603 | /- | 2 Arrows | J12/3-3-13 | 4-0 25604 | /- | 2 Arrows | J12/3-3-13 | 4-0 25605 | /- | 2 Arrows | J12/3-3-13 | 4-0 25606 | /- | 2 Arrows | J12/3-3-13 | 4-0 25607 | /- | 2 Arrows | J12/3-3-13 | 4-0 25608 | /- | 2 Arrows | | 25609 | M/- | W. Africa Drum + beater |P16/28-11-13| 1-0-0 25610 | G/- | Abor Quiver & 4 Arrows bamboo points. | J12/3-3-13| 1-10-0 25611 | G/- | Abor Quiver & 6 Arrows plain wood points.| J12/3-3-13| 1-10-0 25611 | T/- | Club. [[image]]| | 2-2-0 ################################################## EFwnQ ################################################## [tl1_text] 338 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25613 | M/- | Australia Waddy. | | 25614 | GX/- | New Britain Club.stone disc head | P16/7-6-13| 2-10-0 25615 | I/- | New Guinea Club. carved. | | 25616 | GX/- | Solomon Steering Club. [[image]] | | 25617 | A/- | [[Kingswell?]] shark tooth Sword. | | 10-6 25618 | GA/- | England F.L. Tinder Box.BASS.LONDON.|L16/20-10-11| 1-2-6 25619 | A/- | England F.L Pistol. PARKER, LONDON | | 25620 | GY/- | Europe DB. F.L bb. Pistol damaged | S40/23-4-12 | 1-10-0 25621 | GA/- | Norway Ironing Board. | T16/4-1-12 | 1-11-0 25622 | GA/- | Norway Ironing Board. | | 1-2-6 25623 | GA/- | Norway Ironing Board. | | 17-6 25624 | GA/- | Norway Ironing Board. | | 25625 | GX/- | Eskimo Spear head. K | | 25626 | GI/- | Fiji Kava Bowl. 6 feet | | 25627 | N/- | Samoa Club | | 25628 | Y/- | Tahiti Fish Hook. | | 5-0 25629 | Y/- | Tahiti Fish Hook | | 25630 | Y/- | Tahiti Fish Hook | | 25631 | Y/- | Tahiti Bread fruit splitter of stone. | | 1-0-0 25632 | Y/- | Tahiti Bread fruit splitter of stone. | | 18-0 25633 | G/- | Tahiti Bread fruit splitter of stone smaller | | 14-0 25634 | G/- | Tahiti Bread fruit splitter of stone smaller | | 10-0 25635 | GY/S | German New Guinea House-hold Figure. Ant Eater on top of head.|P16/28-11-13| 2-2-0 25636 | GI/- | England Cooper's Patent B.L. Gun. 1860. | | 1-10-0 25637 | GY/- | England Williams & Power B.L. Cartridge Gun. | | 25638 | /- | New Guinea Gourd. | | 25639 | M/-/- | Tonga Club. carved. | P16/7-6-13 | 4-10-0 25640 | GX/- | Australia Staff. Central. | | 25641 | T/-/- | A. Greek Helmet. perfect boarder. From Grand-daughter of a former consul at Athens.Miss Evelyn Gaitskill found near Aulis,on the shore of the Euripus. | | 25642 | S/-/- | A.Greek Helmet.perfect boarder. From Grand-daughter of a former consul at Athens.Miss Evelyn Gaitskill found near Aulis,on the shore of the Euripus. C| M34/2-9-11 | 12-0-0 25643 | N/GX/- | A. Greek Helmet. pierced face guard. From Grand-daughter of a former consul at Athens.Miss Evelyn Gaitskill found near Aulis,on the shore of the Euripus. C| | 12-10-0 25644 | Y/XX/- | A. Greek Helmet.damaged.fair patina £42/3 C| | 4-15-0 25645 | Y/GX/- | A. Greek Helmet.damaged.fine patina L42/3|M5/18-3-12| 6-0-0 25646 | G/-/- | Japan Trumpet of a conch shell. | | 1-15-0 25647 | GA/- | Europe Double Flageolet | | 1-2-6 25648 | G/-/- | Nubia Shield | P16/28-11-13 | 1-5-0 25649 | I/-| India Parrying Shaft. | | 25650 | GX/- | Australia Spear Thrower | | ################################################## EFwnT ################################################## [tl1_text] 338 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25651 | GX/- | Santa Cruz Frontbelt. shell disc. 4 1/4 dia | | 1-1-0 25652 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth | | 25653 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth | | 25654 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth | | 25655 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth | | 25656 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth | | 25657 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth | | 25658 | GA/- | North Australia Necklet |P16/27-11-11| 2-0-0 25659 | S/- | North Australia Necklet | C28/13-11-13| 14-0 25660 | G/- | North Australia Necklet | | 25661 | A/- | North West Australia Spear Thrower carved both sides, damaged.| | 25662 | N/- | Congo Powder Box. studded nails | L16/20-10-11| 5-6 25663 | N/- | Congo Powder Box. studded nails | | 25664 | Y/-/- | Hawaii Leinhopoloa Hook. | B16/13-7-12| 3-15-0 25665 | Y/S | Malay Woman's Loin Cloth.bark cloth. Sakais.|P16/7-6-13| 10-0 25666 | Y/S | Malay Woman's Head Cloth.bark cloth. Sakais.|P16/7-6-13| 7-0 25667 | A/- | Tibet Pair Bronze Cymbals v.fine.Used by Lamas when offering incense in their family Devotion| | 1-10-0 25668 | A/- | China Ironer. [[Auroy?]] | | 25669 | A/- | N.America Hair Ornament.Blood Indian.2 bear claws|B21/18-2-12| 14-0 25670 | A/- | N.America Tobacco Pouch.bead & quill work.|W1/7-7-13| 1-5-0 25671 | GX/- | N.America Hair Ornament. worn on end of braided hair Sioux.| B21/18-2-12 | 1-18-0 25672 | N/- | N.America Scoup sheep-horn N.W. Canada| | 8-6 25673 | G/- | N.America Tray of birch bark Cree. Canada.| | 25674 | G/GX/- | N.W. America Cooking Basket square. Chilcat| | 5-5-0 25675 | G/GX/- | N.W. America Cooking Basket oval Chilcat| | 5-5-0 25676 | N/- | India Dagger of polished horn. Bheel| L12/20-10-11| 8-0 25677 | M/S | India Dagger of polished horn. Bheel| L12/20-10-11| 8-0 25678 | M/- | New Guinea Betel Mortar.large.carved Osewasin C|F20/18-11-11| 14-0 25679 | G/- | Fiji Kava Cup | | 25680 | GA/- | England Set of Bag Pipes.| H17/19-1-12| 2-2-0 25681 | Y/S | N.W. America Spear Thrower. Greenland|F20/25-7-12| 3-5-0 25682 | GG/- | New Zealand Figure | C30/3-6-12| 6-0-0 25683 | GX/- | New Zealand Figure smaller |P16/28-11-13| 4-10-0 25684 | GN/- | New Zealand Bird |P16/28-11-13| 4-15-0 25685 | T/S | France FL. Pistol | S40/15-1-2| 1-0-0 25686 | G/GA/- |England Pair side-hammer Pistols PATRICK LIVERPOOL|S40/15-1-2| 2-5-0 25687 | Y/A | Ireland Pair Dueling Pistols | | 25688 | S/- | Japan Pistol Matchlock | | 17-0 ################################################## EFwnW ################################################## [tl1_text] 339 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25689 | S/- | Japan Match-lock Pistol. | | 17-6 25690 | GX/- | West Africa Knife. Gold Coast. | | 25691 | C/A/- | Europe Wheel-lock Rifle. | S40/23-6-13 | 15-0-0 25692 | Y/GX/- | British Columbia Shah Pipe.Extra fine C| | 5-5-0 25693 | Y/-/- | British Columbia Shah Pipe.fractured & mended C| B21/13-12-12 | 4-14-6 or 4-12-0 25694 | Y/-/- | British Columbia Shah Pipe. C| | 3-17-6 25695 | Y/-/- | British Columbia Shah Pipe. C| | 3-10-0 25696 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet. whale teeth. cut. | | 25697 | G/GA/- | Gilbert Armour for legs & Arms. | | 25698 | T/S | N.W. Australia Spear-thrower. carved | | 25699 | T/S | N.W. Australia Spear-thrower. carved | | 25700 | T/S | Victoria Shield | | 25701 | T/S | C. Australia Shield very heavy | | 25702 | S/S | N. Australia Spear Thrower | | 25703 | S/- | Victoria Spear Thrower | | 25704 | N/- | New Guinea "Jew's harp." | P16/7-6-13| 7-0 25705 | M/S | New Guinea "Jew's harp." | | 25706 | A/- | Sierra Leone Poro Dance Head-dress. | C11/13-2-13 | 10-0 25707 | YA/-/? | New Zealand Feather Box.figures on top.| B16/19-7-13| 38-10-0 25708 | YX/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box.plain lid with ridge.|B16/13-7-12| 32-10-0 25709 | GX/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. small.v.deep carving. C| | 21-0-0 25710 | GA/-/- | New Zealand Dried Head.post mortem work.fine. C| | 37-10-0 25711 | Y/S | Australia Boomerang | | 25712 | Y/S | Australia Boomerang W. Aust.| R21/16-12-12| 8-0 25713 | Y/- | Australia Boomerang | | 25714 | Y/- | Australia Yam digging Stick | | 25715 | /- | W. Africa Charm. |P16/28-11-13| 4-0 25716 | T/S | China Weapon of bronze. | | 25717 | G/S | Elephant Tusk. | R5/20-1-13| 1-0-0 25718 | GA/- | Calabar? Carving Landana Cabinda| | 25719 | -/Y | W. Calabar. String Fetish |P16/28-11-13| 3-0 25720 | -/Y | W. Calabar. String Fetish | | 25721 | -/Y | W. Calabar. String Fetish | | 25722 | -/Y | W. Calabar. String Fetish |P16/28-11-13| 3-0 25723 | -/Y | W. Calabar. String Fetish |P16/28-11-13| 3-0 25724 | -/Y | W. Calabar. String Fetish | | 25725 | G/-/-| Congo Spear Currency. Lomaini River. |P16/28-11-13| 5-0-0 25726 | S/S | Queensland Shield. | | ################################################## EFwnZ ################################################## [tl1_text] 339 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 25727 | S/- | New Caledonia Gourd. | | 25728 | G/-/- | Burmah Sword.well carved ivory hilt,silver mt'd sheath|M31/23-1-14| 3-3-0 25729 | Y/- | Congo Charm. ivory.[[image]] Katanga| | 25730 | Y/- | Congo Charm. ivory.[[image]] Katanga|P16/28-11-13| 4-0 25731 | N/- | Congo Charm. ivory. [[image]] Katanga| | 25732 | N/- | Congo Charm. ivory. [[image]] Katanga| | 25733 | M/- | Congo Charm. ivory. [[image]]smaller Katanga| | 25734 | M/- | Congo Charm. ivory. [[image]] Katanga|P16/28-11-13| 3-0 25735 | M/- | Congo Charm.ivory.[[image]] plainer Katanga|P16/28-11-13| 3-0| 25736 | /- | Congo Charm. ivory. [[image]] plain Katanga|P16/28-11-13| 3-0 25737 | G/G/- | Congo Chief Carved Staff Katanga| L21/18-9-13 Lava 24| 1-15-0 25738 | G/G/- | Congo Mask. wood nose. Katanga C| B21/10-2-13| 22-18-0 25739 | G/S/- | Congo Fetish Figure. mortar on head. Katanga| C11/24-6-13| 2-10-0 25740 | Y/-/- | Congo Fetish Figure.medicine on body. Katanga C| | 4-10-0 25741 | G/G/- | Congo War Gong & beater large Katanga| | 2-5-0 25742 | GX/S | Congo Rattle [[image]] Katanga| | 25743 | GX/S | Congo Rattle [[image]] Katanga |P16/28-11-13| 1-18-0 25744 | GS/- | Congo Playing Board with nuts Katanga|C11/13-2-13| 1-10-0 25745 | S/- | India Axe.painted Handle. Orissia C: Aboriginal Tribes|F20/25-7-12| 1-0-0 25746 | S/- | India Axe.painted Handle.[[image]]|S35/30-6-13| 1-5-0 25747 | S/- | India Axe.painted Handle.[[image]]like N' A Tomahawk| | 1-6-0 25748 | C/- | India Axe.very large. [[image]] | F20/25-7-12 | 1-10-0 25749 | C/- | India Axe.very large.| S35/30-6-13| 1-18-0 25750 | M/- | India Axe head [[image]] | | 18-6 25751| G/- | India Axe. very large. | S35/30-6-13 | 1-0-0 25752| G/S | India Small Axe | | 6-0 25753| G/S | India Modern 2 Quoits & Knife| S4/1-1-12| 2-0 25754| I/S | N. India Bow.painted rare. Cashmere| S35/29-6-12| 1-12-6 25755| G/- | N. India Arrow Cashmere | S35/29-6-12| 2-0 25756| G/- | N. India Arrow Cashmere | S35/29-6-12| 2-0 25757| G/- | N. India Arrow Cashmere | S35/29-6-12| 2-0 25758| G/- | N. India Arrow Cashmere | S35/29-6-12| 2-0 25759| G/- | N. India Arrow Cashmere | S35/29-6-12| 2-50 2-0 25760| /S | N. India Arrow Small Cashmere | S35/29-6-12| 2-0 25761| /S | N. India Arrow Small Cashmere | S35/29-6-12| 2-0 25762| /S | N. India Arrow Small Cashmere | S35/29-6-12| 2-0 25763| /S | N. India Arrow Small Cashmere | S35/29-6-12| 2-0 25764| /S | N. India Arrow Small Cashmere | S35/29-6-12| 2-0 ################################################## EFwo2 ################################################## [tl1_text] 340 [[5 column table]] Specimen Number | Seller Code |Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Cost 25765 | A/- | N. India Shield. Cashmere.| | 1-1-0 25766 | Y/S | Fiji Belt Club. | | 16-0 25767 | N/-/- | New Zealand Carvers Mallet. whale bone. | B16/13-7-12 Sold| 7-10-0 25768 | N/GX/- |New Zealand Club. "Kotiate" whale bone | | 12-10-0 25769 | N/GX/- |New Zealand Club. Waheerke| P16/17-6-12 | 12-0-0 25770 | G/GY/S | England F.L Pistol & Sword Stick Combined.Daly [[strikethrough]]2/10/- C|D6/19-2-14|2-18-0[[/strikethrough]] 25771 | GN/- | W. Africa Chimpanzee Mask. | C31/4-2-14| 1-5-0 25772 | GN/- | W. Africa Chimpanzee Mask. | P16/28-11-13| 1-5-0 25773 | GX/- | Tibet Head Pendant.Bronze Gilt. C| | 1-7-6 25774 | Y/Y/- |Tibet Chotern or Pagoda. copper gilt.| | 4-15-0 25775 | G/GX/- | Japan Cloisonne Jardiniar | | 25776 | M/- | England XIV Cent Dagger. found in London| C7/19-12-12| 10-0 25777 | N/- | Benin Sacrificial Knife brass band.handle |P16/18-11-12| 1-0-0 25778 | G/- | Benin Sacrificial Knife perished. | | 25779 | M/- | Benin Dagger. Sheath. hilt covered leather|P16/18-11-12| 10-0 25780 | N/- | Benin Dagger. brass hilt | | 25781 | Y/- | Benin Dagger. brass hilt | P16/18-11-12| 10-0 25782 | Y/- | Benin Dagger. brass hilt | P16/18-11-12| 10-0 25783 | Y/- | Benin Dagger. brass hilt | P16/18-11-12| 10-0 25784 | Y/- | Benin Dagger. wood & iron hilt | | 25785 | Y/- | Benin Dagger. wood & iron hilt | P16/18-11-12 | 10-0 25786 | Y/- | Benin Dagger. wood & iron hilt | P16/18-11-12 | 10-0 25787 | GY/- | Benin Bronze Bird rough | P16/18-11-12| 1-10-0 25788 | GY/- | Benin Bronze Bird rough | F7/2-9-11| 15-0 25789 | G/-/- | Benin mask. copper nose. Cat fish around| P16/18-11-12| 5-0-0 25790 | G/-/- | Benin mask. copper nose. Cat fish around| P16/18-11-12| 5-0-0 25791 | GG/- | Benin mask. iron pupils | P16/18-11-12| 5-0-0 25792 | GG/- | Benin mask. iron pupils | P16/18-11-12| 5-0-0 25793 | I/- | Benin mask. large rough | P16/18-11-12| 5-0-0 25794 | S/- | Benin mask. small.modern | P16/18-11-12| 5-0-0 25795 | I/- | Benin armlet cast | P16/18-11-12 | 10-0 25796 | Y/- | Benin Armlet beaten | P16/18-11-12| 10-0 25797 | G/GX/- | Benin Aegis Woman with Sistrum| P16/18-11-12| 2-0-0 25798 | G/GX/- | Benin Aegis Woman with plaque | P16/18-11-12 | 2-0-0 25799 | G/-/- | Benin Aegis 2 Cat Fish. | P16/18-11-12| 1-0-0 25800 | Y/S | China Sword. | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0 25801 | Y/S | Indian Peshkalz no hilt fine blade. | | 25802 | N/S | W. Africa Dagger. ivory & silver hilt. | | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwo5 ################################################## [tl1_text] 340 [[5 column table]] Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description | Buyer Code and Date | Cost | 25803 | GA/- | Cent.Australia Churinga wood Nketana (Cormoran) 11860| P16/ P7-6-13| 8-15-0 25804 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Latjia (Edible roots) 11885 | | 6-10-0 25805 | GA/- | Cent.Australia Churinga wood Eroanba.(Bird - White Crane) v.large 11859| | 11-11-0 25806 | GA/- | Cent.Australia Churinga wood Eroanba.(Bird - White Crane) 9| P16/P7-6-13 P| 10-10-0 25807 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Ibilyakua (Duck) v. fine 11861| | 10-0-0 25808 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Jerramba (Honey Ant red) 11876|P16/P7-6-13 P| 6-10-0 25809 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Traueria (Stick) 11881|P16/P7-6-13 P| 5-10-0 25810 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Lukadukadura (Water hen)11864| | 5-5-0 25811 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Jipatya (Caterpillar) 11877|P16/P7-6-13 P| 6-0-0 25812 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Jelka (red Cipenis) 11884|P16/P7-6-13 P| 5-10-0 25813 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Inola (Spider) 11878|P16/P7-6-13 P| 4-5-0 25814 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Ilia Trania (Emu Stick. 11850|P16/P7-6-13 P| 4-10-0 25815 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Tjilpa (Native Cat. Dasyurus Spec.) 15| | 4-10-0 25816 | GA/- | Cent.Australia Churinga wood Worra.(Boy)11891| | 5-10-0 25817 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Atua ntilia (Bad man) 39| P16/7-6-13 P| 4-10-0 25818 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Lalitya (Bush with Edible berries)11887|P16/P7-6-13 P| 3-10-0 25819 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Alknariatja (Woman)of primitive 37| P16/P7-6-13 P| 4-10-0 25820 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Lukedukedura (Water-hen) 11865|P16/P7-6-13 P| 3-0-0 25821 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Tonamga (Winged Ant) curious 11874|P16/P7-6-13 P| 4-0-0 25822 | GA/- | Cent.Australia Churinga wood Tekua(rat) 31|P16/P7-6-13 P| 3-10-0 25823 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Tjilpa (Native Cat, Dasyurus. spec) 14|P16/P7-6-13 P| 4-0-0 25824 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Rerkuia (Carpet snake) 11869|P16/P7-6-13 P| 2-0-0 25825 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Tonamga (Winged Ant) 11875| | 3-10-0 25826 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Worra (Boy) 11890 |P16/27-11-11| 3-0-0 25827 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Ibilyakua (Duck. dec down 11862| Pellu | 4-10-0 25828 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Atua Ntilia (Bad man) 11918 | Missing | 25829 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Churinga wood Lityitia (Larva of white Ant) 11873 | Missing| 25830 | G/-/- | Cent. Australia Bull roarer Worra(Boy) 54 |P16/7-6-13 P| 4-10-0 25831 | G/-/- | Cent. Australia Bull roarer Latjia(Edible roots) 11886| | 4-15-0 25832 | GA/- | Cent. Australia Bull roarer Traueria (Stick) 11883|P16/7P-6-13 P| 2-0-0 25833 | GS/S | Cent. Australia Churinga stone Lityitia (Larva of white ant) 183| P16/7-6-13 P| 12-10-0 25834 | GS/S | Cent. Australia Churinga stone Worrkara (Duck) 455|C28/22-1-16| 8-0-0 25835 | GS/S | Cent. Australia Churinga stone Apena nyaratya (snake) 462| K5/1915| 7-10-0 25836 | GS/S | Cent. Australia Churinga stone Tjurka ila (A Bush) 449|C30/1915| 5-10-0 25837 | GS/S | Cent. Australia Churinga stone Apena nyaratya (Snake) 448|P/6/7-6-13 P| 8-10-0 25838 | GS/S | Cent. Australia Churinga stone Labareryi (primaeval Woman) 223|P16/7-6-13| 9-15-0 25839 | GS/S | Cent. Australia Churinga stone Atua nlitia (Bad Man) 460| | 7-15-0 25840 | GS/S | Cent.Australia Churinga stone Ilia(Emu) 411|P16/7-16-13 P | 8-10-0 ################################################## EFwo8 ################################################## [tl1_text] 341 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 25841 | GS/S | Central Australia Churinga.stone. Alkuarintja papa (Woman's Stick)|P16/7-6-13 P| 6-15-0 25842 | GS/S | Central Australia Churinga.stone.very large.finest.| | 15-15-0 25843 | Y/-/- | German P.C. Sporting gun in case with fittings Count Kagenich| | 25-10-0 25844 | Y/-/- | German Wheel Match lock Gun. | | 7-10-0 25845 | Y/-/- | German Wheel lock Pistol | | 7-10-0 25846 | Y/-/- | German Wheel lock Pistol [[image]] |A14/22-1-14| 3-10-0 25847 | Y/GX/- | German Wheel lock Pistol | E6/4-11-12 | 4-15-0 25848 | Y/GA/- | German Wheel lock Pistol defective | E6/28-8-13 | 5-0-0 25849 | A/- | Turkey F.L. Pistol brass stock. | | 18-6 25850 | GX/- | Germany Serving Knife. | A14/16-12-11 | 1-15-0 25851 | GX/- |Germany Dagger.15th Cent.with thumb ring|R2/11-3-14| 2-2-0 25852 | GX/- | Germany Rapier. pierced guard. | C7/19-12-12 | 1-5-0 25853 | /- | German Hunting Knife. modern. | S54/7-10-16 | 19-0 25854 | /- | German Rapier Blade. flamboyant. | C7/19-12-12 | 1-0-0 25855 | /- | Spanish Toledo Sword. modern. |L2/15-13-14[[?]] | 8-0 25856 | /- | Italy Sword used by Papal Guard | L25/1-6-16 | 11-0 25857 | /- | Italy Rapier. brass guard. | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0 25858 | /- | Germany "Morning Star" head Fake| S4/1-1-12 | 2-6 25859 | /- | Germany "Morning Star" head Fake| S4/1-1-12 | 2-6 25860 | /- | Germany Halbard modern haft | S4/1-1-12 | 12-6 25861 | /- | Germany Halbard modern haft | S4/1-1-12 | 12-6 25862 | /- | Germany Partizan | S4/1-1-12 | 12-6 25863 | /- | Germany Partizan | S4/1-1-12 | 12-6 25864 | /- | Germany Arquebus Rest. Fake| S4/1-1-12 | 2-6 25865 | /- | Germany Cheval de Frise.3 iron points Fake| S4/1-1-12| 2-6 25866 | /- | Germany Dagger. ivory hilt. silver mts | | 25867 | YX/-/- | Benin Bronze Plaque | P16/18-11-12 | 47-0-0 25868 | I/GX/- | Benin Bronze Cockerel| P16/18-11-12 | 23-15-0 25869 | I/GX/- | Benin Bronze Cockerel| P16/18-11-12 | 23-15-0 25870 | C/-/- |Benin Bronze Head.conical Head dress|P16/18-11-12|12-10-0 25871 | I/-/- | Benin Bronze Head.| P16/18-11-12 | 22-10-0 25872 | I/-/- | Benin Bronze Head.| P16/18-11-12 | 22-10-0 25873 | N/-/- | N. x 2 Flutes C| | 25874 | N/-/- | x K| | 25875 | GX/- | x K| | 25876 | GX/- | x K| | 25877 | GX/- | x K| | 25878 | GX/- | x K| | ################################################## EFwob ################################################## [tl1_text] 341 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 25879 | G/-/- |North America Club.ram's head[[image]]|H28/2-6-14| 6-10-0 25880 | G/-/- | North America Club.Birds head holding ball thin|H28/2-1-14| 4-4-0 25881 | -/S | Norway Cigarette Holder. | | 25882 | G/- | Japan Sword Guard. | W22/19-7-13 | 5-0 25883 | GA/- | England Walking-Stick Pistol. C| | 3-3-0 25884 | M/- | England 18th Cent Shot Box of steel | | 25885 | A/- | England D B. C P. Pistol | | 25886 | G/S | England Tobacco Plug Measure. | | 25887 | Y/S | Tibet Dorgé 4¾ long. C| | 1-1-0 25888 | T/S | Ceylon Knife. | | 1-15-0 25889 | GX/- | Malabar Aydi Katti horn. hilt good[[?specar]]| | 1-8-6 25890 | A/- | Japan Pillow of horn.| L16/20-10-11 | 12-6 25891 | G/- | Tahiti Fish Hook. | K5/1915 | 6-0 25892 | GS/S | Cent.Australia Churinga-stone Lakabara(Hawk)|P16/27-11-11 Pen| 9-10-0 25893 | GS/S | Cent. Australia Churinga-stone Lalitjia (Edible roots) |P16/27-11-11 Pen| 5-15-0 25894 | GX/- | New Zealand Tattooing Chisel & beater. | | 25895 | Y/Y/- | India Boomerang of steel. | F20/18-11-11 | 4-0-0 25896 | G/G/- | Malabar Aydi Katti Holder | B21/8-12-11 | 1-12-6 25897 | I/- | India Tiger Claws; "Wagnuk." | L12/20-10-11| } 1-12-6 25898 | I/- | India Tiger Claws; "Wagnuk." | L12/20-10-11| } 25899 | GS/- | Assam Sword. | | 1-10-0 25900 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Carved Board | P16/17-6-12 | 10-10-0 25901 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Carved Board | P16/17-6-12 | 10-10-0 25902 | A/- | North America Indian Tomahawk. | H28/2-1-14 | 3-3-0 25903 | G/-/- | S.E. Africa Rhino Club. | | 25904 | GX/- | Samoa Spear-head. rare| P16/17-6-12 | 1-15-0 25905 | G/G/- | Fiji Necklet | | 25906 | A/- | Roman Bronze Hasp found in Thames | | 25907 | I/- | Naga Knapsack | F20/25-7-12 | 2-10-0 25908 | A/- | Naga Dancing Tail Ornament | F20/25-7-12 | 2-10-0 25909 | I/- | Naga Ornament of red cane. | F20/25-7-12 | 1-10-0 25910 | G/- | Naga Girdle of grass. worn by girls. | F20/25-7-12 | 8-0 25911 | G/- | Naga Head Ornament. black. | F20/25-7-12 | 1-0-0 25912 | A/- | Naga War Hat red & yellow cane. | F20/25-7-12 | 1-5-0 25913 | A/- | Naga Breast Ornament. [[image]] C| | 1-5-0 25914 | GX/- | Naga Belt dec cowries & axe sheath.| F20/25-7-12| 3-15-0 25915 | GX/- | Naga Belt dec cowries bone cross pieces. C| | 2-10-0 25916 | GX/- | Naga Cowry Currency. black cloth. C| | 3-0-0 ################################################## EFwoe ################################################## [tl1_text] 342 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 25917 | GX/-| Naga Cowry Currency Frontlet. v. fine. C| | 3-10-0 25918 | G/- | Naga Pouch of skin | F20/25-7-12 | 7-0 25919 | G/- | Naga Girdle several hoops. | | 10-6 25920 | G/- | Naga Belt of Cowry: | F20/25-7-12 | 10-0 25921 | M/- | Naga Amulet coloured cane. | F20/25-7-12 | 10-0 25922 | M/- | Naga Wood painted to represent ivory|F20/25-7-12| 7-6 } 25923 | M/- | Naga Wood painted to represent ivory|F20/25-7-12| 7-6 } 16/- 25924 | I/- | Naga Charm. large cut shell. | F20/25-7-12 | 2-5-0 25925 | M/- | Naga Charm. cut shell. smaller. C| | 1-2-6 25926 | N/- | Naga Iron Bow Stock | | 1-10-0 25927 | T/S | West Africa Rattle of small gourds & a bag| | 1-1-0 25928 | A/-/- | Edge Partington Album. | P16/11-5-12 P| 10-10-0 25929 | Y/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | P16/17-6-12 | 10-0 25930 | A/- | New Guinea Lime Mortar & pestle |P16/17-6-12| 14-0 25931 | A/- | New Guinea Lime Mortar & pestle | | 25932 | A/- | New Guinea Lime Mortar & pestle |P16/17-6-12| 16-0 25933 | A/- | New Guinea Lime Mortar & pestle | | 25934 | M/- | S. E. Africa Snuff Case. etched cane.| | 6-0 25935 | M/- | S. E. Africa Snuff Spoon. | | 6-0 25936 | M/S | S. E. Africa Double Comb. | P16/28-11-13 | 7-6 25937 | M/- | S.E. Africa Implement for piercing ears rare|S4/1915| 8-6 25938 | GT/S | England Case of Manton P.C. Pistols. | | 25939 | G/-/- | England Case of DB.PC. Pistols.silver mts on butts|E6/30-8-16| 2-17-6 25940 | M/-/- | England Pair FL. Silver mtd Pistols.one brass barrel by J. White|S40/15-1-12| 5-12-6 25941 | Y/GX/- | England Pair FL. Silver mtd Pistols by Hadley| | 25942 | G/GX/- | England Blunderbuss Pistol,brass barrel,spring bayonet |S40/23-4-12| 3-0-0 25943 | GX/- | England Powder Tester.pistol form Sold| L12/20-10-11 | 1-1-0 25944 | GX/- | England Powder Tester | | 25945 | A/- | England F.L. Pistol. small. brass barrel| K7/17-11-16 | 10-6 25946 | A/- | Benin Box in form of a cat fish.| P16/18-11-12| 2-10-0 25947 | A/- | Benin Brass Mask. | P16/18-11-12| 5-0-0 25948 | Y/S | Benin Brass Crocodile. | P16/28-11-13| 4-0 25949 | G/G/- | Hawaii Cuttle Fish Bait. | | 1-15-0 25950 | G/S/- | W. Africa Idol.glass eyes.medicine on body| C11/24-6-13 | 3-15-0 25951 | GA/- | W. Africa Pair Anklets brass engraved 14" dia, 7lb.5oz Anambara. C| | 4-4-0 25952 | GA/- | W. Africa Pair Stirrups brass engraved Bida| | 2-15-0 25923 | M/S | W. Africa Dagger. arm loop. C| P16/28-11-13 | 16-6 25924 | A/S | W. Africa Sword. belonged to Chief General of Emperor of Bida C| R5/20-1-13 | 1-10-0 ################################################## EFwoh ################################################## [tl1_text] 342 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 25955 | Y/S | West Africa Sword.curious guard. Bida|P16/28-11-13| 10-6 25956 | Y/S | West Africa Sword. curious guard. | P16/28-11-13 | 10-6 25957 | /- | West Africa Quiver & 6 Arrows Battle of Ilorin| | 6-0 25958 | /- | West Africa Quiver & 6 Arrows Battle of Ilorin| | 6-0 25959 | -/S | West Africa Bow Strung Battle of Ilorin| P16/28-11-13| 4-6 25960 | -/S | West Africa Battle of Ilorin| P16/28-11-13| 4-6 25961 | GS/- | British Columbia slate Totem. damaged | | 2-2-0 25962 | A/- | India Stone "Lingum" | | 16-0 25963 | G/- | Arab Sole Scraper. | | 2-6 25964 | GX/-/- | Niger Fetish Chief | P16/17-6-12 | 21-0-0 25965 | S/-/- | Niger Fetish Chiefs Wife| P16/17-6-12 | 12-0-0 25966 | N/-/- | Niger Fetish Chiefs Wife| P16/17-6-12 | 8-0-0 25967 | GY/S | Hawaii Chaplet K| | 25968 | Y/-/- | Benin Staff. figures.| P16/18-11-12 | 2-10-0 25969 | Y/GT/- | Benin Bronze Plaque Figure modern base|P16/18-11-12|22- 10-0 25970 | A/- | Benin Paddle | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0 25971 | /- | Pondo Staff. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 25972 | GX/- | Swazi Milk Vessel. | | 25973 | /- | [[Hansea?]] Razor & sheath Bida| P16/28-11-13 | 4-6 25974 | G/-/- | S.E. Africa Axe haft of carved rhino horn| | 25975 | -/S | S.E. Africa Assegai | | 25976 | -/S | S.E. Africa Assegai |P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 25977 | -/S | S.E. Africa Assegai| P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 25978 | -/S | S.E. Africa Assegai| L10/6-2-12 | -6 25979 | -/S | S.E. Africa Assegai| P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 25980 | /- | S.E. Africa Staff | | 25981 | /- | S.E. Africa Kerry | | 25982 | /- | S.E. Africa Kerry | | 25983 | A/- | S. India Mace. brass head. Lath with 26283 | | 25984 | GX/- | S. India? Club. animal's head. | | 25985 | M/- | Club. v. heavy. [[image]] | | 25986 | Y/- | Fiji Belt Club | | 25987 | A/- | Fiji Gun Stock Club. fully bound sinnet | | 25988 | G/- | Fiji Straight Club. | | 25989 | Y/S | Fiji Straight Club. finely carved grip.| | 25990 | Y/-/- | Tonga Club.carved all over.one figure|P16/17-6-12| 5-5-0 25991 | M/- | K| | 25992 | G/GX/- | Hervey Paddle. | | ################################################## EFwok ################################################## [tl1_text] 343 [[5 column table]] 25993 | G/GX/- | Hervey Paddle. | | | 25994 | G/M/- | Hervey Paddle. | | | 25995 | G/-/- | Hervey Paddle. | | 2-5-0 25996 | GT/- | Hervey Paddle. | | | 25997 | G/-/- | New Caledonia Bud-head Club Ex. small. [[image]] C | | 2-7-6 25998 | G/- | Solomon Club. | | | 25999 | GX/- | New Guinea Currency Axe. v. large head Trobriand | P16/7-6-13 | 2-5-0 26000 | G/- | New Guinea Club. stone head. | | | 26001 | G/- | Gilbert Sword. shark teeth. | | | 26002 | G/- | Australia Boomerang | | | 26003 | G/- | New Guinea Fishing Spear | | | 26004 | G/- | New Hebrides Arrows. 7. bone points | J12/3-3-13 | 3-6 26005 | /- | New Hebrides Arrows. 7. wood points | | | 26006| G/- | Fiji? Fishing Arrow. | | | 26007 | G/-/- | S. America Para Rubber Figure XVIII Cent | | | 26008 | GX/- | Borneo. Bone Carving. | | 1-2-6 26009 | GX/S | W. Australia Tomahawk. C | B30/24-4-13 | 11-2-6 26010 | T/- | C. Australia Shield | | | 26011 | A/S | England P.C. Walking Stick Gun. C | S54/7-10-16 | 1-10-0 26012 | G/S | 1 N. Queensland Set of Fire Sticks. [[?]] | F23/3-2-12 | 15-0 26013 | G/S | 2 | Q2/15-2-13 | 12-6 26014 | G/S | 3 | P16/7-6-13 [[Pen?]] | [[11-15-0?]] 26015 | G/S | 4 | P16/7-6-13 [[Pen?]] | 1-5-0 26016 | G/S | 5 | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0 26017 | G/S | 6 | S4/1-1-12 | 1-0 26018 | G/S | 7 | S4/1-1-12 | 6-0 26019 | G/S | 8 | S4/1-1-12 | 3-0 26020 | G/S | 9 | S4/1915 | 10-0 26021 | G/S | 10 |H36/1915 | 12-6 26022 | | 11 | | | 26023 | | 12 | | | 26024 | | 13 | | | 26025 | | 14 | | | 26026 | | 15 | | | 26027 | | 16 | | | 26028 | | 17 | | | 26029 | | 18 | | | 26030 | G/S | 19 | | | ################################################## EFwon ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]]343[[/preprinted]] 26031 | G/S | 20 26032 | | 21 26033 | | 22 26034 | | 23 26035 | | 24 26036 | | 25 26037 | | 26 26038 | | 27 26039 | | 28 26040 | | 29 26041 | | 30 26042 | | 31 26043 | | | 32 26044 | | 33 26045 | | 34 26046 | | 35 26047 | | 36 26048 | | 37 26049 | | 38 26050 | | 39 26051 | | 40 26052 | | 41 26053 | | 42 26054 | | 43 26055 | | 44 26056 | | 45 26057 | | 46 26058 | | 47 26059 | | 48 26060 | | 49 26061 | | 50 26062 | | 51 26063 | | 52 26064 | | 53 26065 | | 54 26066 | | 55 26067 | | 56 26068 | G/S | 57 ################################################## EFwoq ################################################## [tl1_text] 344 [[3 column table]] --- | --- | --- 26069 | G/S | 58 26070 | | 9 26071 | | 60 26072 | | 1 26073 | | 2 26074 | | 3 26075 | | 4 26076 | | 5 26077 | | 6 26078 | | 7 26079 | | 8 26080 | | 9 26081 | | 70 26082 | | 1 26083 | | 2 26084 | | 3 26085 | | 4 26086 | | 5 26087 | | 6 26088 | | 7 26089 | | 8 26090 | | 9 26091 | | 80 26092 | | 1 26093 | | 2 26094 | | 3 26095 | | 4 26096 | | 5 26097 | | 6 26098 | | 7 26099 | | 8 26100 | | 9 26101 | G/S | 90 26102 | G/- | 1 " " damaged 26103 | | 2 " 26104 | | 3 " 26105 | | 4 " 26106 |G/- | 5 " ################################################## EFwot ################################################## [tl1_text] 344 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26107 | G/- | 6 damaged | | 26108 | | 7 | | 26109 | | 8 | | 26110 | | 9 | | 26111 | | 10 | | 26112 | | 11 | | 26113 | | 12 | | 26114 | | 13 | | 26115 | | 14 | | 26116 | | 15 | | 26117 | | 16 | | 26118 | | 17 | | 26119 | | 18 | | 26120 | | 19 | | 26121 | G/- | 20 | | 26122 | -/M | 21 v. damaged | | 26123 | | 22 | | 26124 | | 23 | | 26125 | | 24 | | 26126 | | 25 | | 26127 | | 26 | | 26128 | | 27 | | 26129 | | 28 | | 26130 | | 29 | | 26131 | | 10 | | 26132 | | 11 | | 26133 | | 2 | | 26134 | | 3 | | 26135 | | 4 | | 26136 | | 5 | | 26137 | | 6 | | 26138 | | 7 | | 26139 | | 8 | | 26140 | | 9 | | 26141 | -/M | 20 | | 26142 | M/S | [[N.Queensland?]]Boomerang carved | | 26143 | M/S | [[N.Queensland?]]Boomerang carved | | 26144 | G/S | [[N.Queensland?]]Boomerang plain | | 5-0 ################################################## EFwow ################################################## [tl1_text] 345 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26145 | G/S | S. Aust Boomerang | M35/10-13-14 | 14-0 26146 | A/- | Norway Trumpet | | 26147 | M/-/- | Europe War Hammer XV Cent. C | | 5-5-0 26148 | GX/- | Bronze Age Dagger Blade found on site of Law Courts | A14/5-2-12 | 1-5-0 26149 | GX/- | British Columbia Knife K | | 26150 | S/- | Persia Sword black & fine Sheath | C7/22-8-13 | 3-17-0 26151 | G/-/- | Europe brass blunderbus Pistol. oval mouth. | | 26152 | G/Y/- | England Pair brass Pistols by BOND | | 26153 | Y/-/- | Irish Pair Duelling Pistols by McCormick &c. | | 26154 | G/GT/S | England Pair brass b. Pistols by KETLAND | S40/23-4-12 | 3-0-0 26155 | Y/GA/- | England Revolving F.L Pistol | S40/15-1-12 | 4-5-0 26156 | GT/- | England F L Powder Tester. D.EGG | E6/3-4-12 | 1-12-6 26157 | Y/S | S.Africa Snuff Box of animal skin & blood | | 26158 | Y/S | S.Africa Snuff Box of animal skin & blood | | 26159 | Y/S | S.Africa Snuff Box of animal skin & blood [[image]] | | 26160 | A/- | Hervey Paddle. damaged. v. fine carving | | 26161 | GX/- | Fiji Club.paddle type fine perfect specimen carved grip. | | 26162 | GX/- | Fiji? Staff. carved band. locality uncertain | | 26163 | G/T/S | New Zealand Tewhatewa. good old specimen.carved eye | P16/17-6-12 | 4-0-0 26164 | Y/-/- | Tonga Club.carved all over.ex: fine warriors &c. | P16/17-6-12 | 6-6-0 26165 | GX/- | England Tobacconist Figure.Outside shop in Aldgate | H16/4-1-12 | 1-7-6 26166 | GN/- | England Tobacconist Figure. | L22/16-8-13 | 1-18-0 26167 | M/-/- | N.America Calumet.fine | H28/26-5-12| 6-17-6 26168 | G/A/- | Eskimo Harpoon C | H28/2-1-14 | 2-5-0 26169 | G/X/- | Andaman Bow S. Andam unusually large C| 3/5/- | [[strikethrough]]2-15-0[[/strikethrough]] 26170 | G/A/- | Andaman Bow | H30/20-11-11 | 1-15-0 26171 | G/-/- | Tibet Deity. Standing. C | | 2-15-0 26172 | Y/-/- | Tibet Deity. 2 figures. C | | 5-10-0 26173 | Y/GA/- | British Columbia Canoe. carved mask painted 35/mg | H28/18-4-12 | 7-15-0 26174 | /- | England Curious Knife [[image - drawing possibly of knife]] | L16/20-10-11 | 0-6-6 26175 | /- | India Small Knife for cutting Malabar |L16/20-10-11| 10-0 26176 | /- | Queensland Boomerang carved. | | 26177 | /- | Victoria Boomerang plain | M35/10-11-14 | 0-7-6 26178 | GX/- | Congo Deity. red, curious merged hands & mouth C | P16/28-11-13 | 1-16-0 26179 | GX/- | Congo Deity.Square cut in body. Bosanga|C11/24-6-13 | 1-0-0 26180 | S/- | New Britain Head Band | | 26181 | Y/-/- | Tonga Club. v fine [[image]] | | 26182 | A/- | New Guinea Club carved both sides. | P16/7-5-13 | 1-5-0 ################################################## EFwoz ################################################## [tl1_text] 345 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26183 | A/- | England. Escutcheon. silver | | 26184 | GA/- | England.Brass barrelled Blunderbuss Pistol.no name|S40/23-4-12| 2-0-0 26185 | GX/- | England. White metal cannon barrelled FL Pistol |B48/14-2-16| 1-0-0 26186 | G/A/- | France DB. FL Pistol. long inscription on barrels | | 26187 | GX/- | England. B.B Pistol. brass butt. | | 26188 | GX/- | England. B.B Pistol.[[image & GR]] Lock| L4/9-10-15| 18-6 26189 | G[[?]]/-| England.Pepper Box Revolver in case W. TRANTER.new order|S40/23-4-12| 1-12-6 26190 | G/-/- |England.Pepper Box Revolver self priming v.large.B.COGSWELL|F11/17-9-14| 2-2-0 26191 | GX/- | England.Pepper Box Revolver 4 barrels rare damaged|S40/23-4-12| 1-1-0 26192 | T/-|England.Pepper Box Revolver no name damaged|H13/1-2-13| 16-6 26193 | T/- | England. Pepper Box Revolver v.small S.NOCK| S40/13-11-12 | 17-6 26194 | GY/S |England. Pepper Box Revolver in Case flat caps.J.R. Coopers' patent|S40/15-1-12| 3-0-0 26195 | M/-/- | England.Pair brass C.b. F.L. Pistols WILSON.LONDON| | 26196 | Y/-/- | England.Pair brass b. FL Pistols. JOYNER| S40/23-4-12| 3-12-0 26197 | GA/- | England.FL Pistol.b.b. BUNNEY.brass lock plate|S40/23-4-12 | 1-10-0 26198 | GA/- | England.FL Pistol b.b. Pistols. THOMAS & STORRS | | 26199 | GA/- | England.FL Pistol b.b. Pistols. GOFF | | 26200 | GA/- | England.FL Blunderbuss b.b. Pistol WHEELER & SONS|B48/14-2-16| 1-7-6 26201 | G/A/- |England.FL Pistol.long oct b: gold t:h: KNUBLEY silver mts. v.fine|S40/23-4-12| 2-10-0 26202 | G/-/- | New Hebrides Figure. C| | 2-5-0 26203 | N/- | New Hebrides Pan Pipes. | C30/3-2-13| 10-0 26204 | G/- | New Hebrides Comb. wood fretted. C| | 4-0 26205 | G/- | New Hebrides ? Comb. | | 8-6 26206 | G/S | New Hebrides Currency | | 7-6 26207 | N/-/- | Easter Isl. Figure. | | 10-10-0 26208 | GX/- | Australia Forehead Ornament.Kangaroo teeth.|P16/7-6-13| 2-10-0 26209 | GX/-| S.E.Africa Wood Figure.male Zambesi|C11/24-6-13 } | 1-5-0 26210 | GX/-| S.E.Africa Wood Figure.female.Zambesi|C11/24-6-13 } |1-5-0 2-15-0 [[for both]] 26211 | Y/S | England FL. Pistol. | E6/3-4-12 | 6-0 26212 | M/- | England FL. Pistol. | E6/3-4-12 | 10-6 26213 | G/-/- | M. h K| | 26214 | GX/- | Necklet. teeth | | 26215 | Y/-/- | Tongan Club.carved all over.4 Warriors| P16/7-6-13| 4-10-0 26216 | N/- | Hawaii Stone Chisel | | 8-6 26217 | I/- | Outry Java Shell Adze Head | H36/1916 | 16-6 26218 | N/R/- | Japan Dagger. gold & silver | W22/28-11-11 | 6-6-0 26219 | Y/-/- | Turkey Tataghan silver hilt set coral. C| | 4-7-6 26220 | G/A/- | Java Knife silver sheath & hilt| H30/20-11-11| 2-10-0 ################################################## EFwoC ################################################## [tl1_text] 346 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26221 | M/GX/- | New Zealand Onewa. | | 26222 | GX/- | N. Caledonia black jade Axe head. | 1-5-0 26223 | A/- | E. Africa.Jar Carrier.worn on head. Ancholi| P16/28-11-13 | 7-6 26224 | N/- | Zambesi Small Figure. | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 26225 | GX/- | New Zealand Figure. modern. | S4/1915 | 11-0 26226 | G/-/- | Europe. 4 barrelled F.L. Pistol. | S40/1915 | 12-10-0 26227 | GY/S | Europe. 2 barrelled F.L. Pistol. | S40/23-4-12 | 2-0-0 26228 | S/- | British Columbia Totem Stick. | S4/1-1-12 | 12-6 26229 | N/- | British Columbia Rattle. | S4/1-1-12 | 12-6 26230 | N/- | E. Africa Knife. | P16/28-11-13| 12-6 26231 | S/- | S.E. Africa Snuff Bottle Staff. | | 12-6 26232 | GY/- | India Guarded Katar. C| | 1-6-0 26233 | GX/- | England "Pepper Box" Revolver in case| | 26234 | Y/S | W. Africa "Manilla" Ring Money. | S50/10-9-14| 4-0 26235 | Y/S | W. Africa "Manilla" Ring Money. | S50/10-9-14 | 4-0 26236 | Y/- | W. Africa "Manilla" Ring Money. | B43/20-11-12 | 4-6 26237 | G/GX/- | Nepal "Kukri" Knife silver hilt & sheath mounts. C| | 3-3-0 26238 | Y/A/- | Persia "Quama" silver [[?neils]] mounts. C| | 3-15-0 26239 | Y/-/- | Burmah Knife ivory hilt. finely carved. C| S35/29-6-12 | 4-4-0 26240 | GX/- | Burmah Knife wood hilt carved C | | 1-5-0 26241 | S/- | Burmah "Dha" wood hilt carved Hanuman|W29/23-11-12| 1-5-0 26242 | G/A/- | Bhotan Sword. silver mounts. | | 2-16-0 26243 | A/- | Bhotan Sword.skin covered handle. Collected in 1846| | 18-6 26244 | A/- |Bhotan Sword.half sheath silver band. Collected in 1846| | 26245 | A/- | Upper Assam "Dao." half sheath carved & gilt.Collected in 1846| | 26246 | A/- | Upper Assam Knife.half sheath.ticket attached Collected in 1846| | 26247 | GX/- | Upper Assam Axe.[[image]] Collected in 1846.| S35/30-6-13| 2-5-0 26248 | S/- | Upper Assam Axe. [[image]] Collected in 1846.| | 1-5-0 26249 | N/- | Java Knife.carved horn hilt fine spirals like N.Z.23¼" Collected in 1846 C| | 17-6 26250 | M/-/- | England Pair F.L. silver mtd Pistols by Peele.| E6/1-1-14| 6-6-0 26251 | M/GX/- | New Zealand Club bone. "Wahaika" | P16/17-6-12| 9-0-0 26252 | GX/- | New Zealand Modern Model Cause. Tewhatewas &c|S4/16-7-12| 17-6 26253 | N/- | England 18th Cent Powder Measure. | L12/16-11-11| 8-0 26254 | M/- | England 18th Cent Shot Measure. Westley Richards|S40/6-4-16| 6-10 26255 | N/X/- | Ashanti Collection of 119 Gold Weights & brass Box | P16/28-11-13| 12-0-0 26256 | I/- I/- | Ashanti 18 Gold Weights sold at [[?Ste]] | W22/28-11-11| 2-11-0 26257 | Y/- | Ashanti 2 Pair Gold dust Scales | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 26258 | /- | England 18th Cent Tobacco Stopper.has been used as gold weight| | 2-6 ################################################## EFwoF ################################################## [tl1_text] 346 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26259 | G/GA/- | Tongan Club. carved all over| P16/7-6-13| 5-0-0 26260 | G/A/- | Tongan Staff. Ex. fine carving| | 26261 | G/A/- | Fiji "Sunflower." ex. large & fine| P16/7-6-13| 4-0-0 26262 | Y/A/- | Mangaia Adze haft ex. large| B43/16-10-12| 4-0-0 26263 | G/G/- | San Christoval Club. figure on handle | | 26264 | S/- | New Hebrides Club. | | 26265 | GX/- | [[Sanwa?]] Club. | | 26266 | GS/- | India Guarded Katar. | | 26267 | GY/- | Japan Knife.dragon on blade| C7/19-12-12| 1-15-0 26268 | M/- | India Pellet Bow. | J12/3-3-13| 5-0 26269 | G/-/- | Arab Jambiya| | 1-15-0 26270 | G/-/- | Burmah [[Miniature?]] Dha.silver mounts| | 1-15-0 26271 | T/- | Tierra del Fuego. Harpoon head,iron point| | 26272 | G/-/- | Tonga "[[?Turret]]" Club. pointed End.| | 26273 | G/GX/- | Tonga Club carved all over.figures|P16/7-6-13| 5-5-0 26274 | G/A/- | Tonga Club carved all over.no figs.|P16/7-6-13| 3-10-0 26275 | G/-/- | British Columbia Spear Thrower| F20/25-7-12| 4-5-0 26276 | Y/-/- | British Columbia Whale-bone Club| H28/18-4-12| 11-10-0 26277 | G/GX/- | British Columbia Whale-bone Club|B21/18-2-12| 11-10-0 26278 | Y/S | British Columbia Dagger. K.| | 26279 | Y/S | British Columbia Dagger. K.| | 26280 | Y/S | British Columbia Dagger. K.| | 26281 | A/- | British Columbia Dagger. double ends.| H28/18-4-12 | 1-1-0 26282 | Y/S | British Columbia Dagger. Wood handle| H28/18-4-12 | 11-0 26283 | GX/- | S.India Club."Lathe" with 25983 Say 32/6 the 2 | | 17-6 26284 | A/- | N. America Club 1814.| | 2-12-6 26285 | I/S | East Africa.Hip dancing Bell. Mt.Kenia Akikaya| | 1-2-6 26286 | I/S | East Africa.Hip dancing Bell. Mt.Kenia Akikaya| | 1-2-6 26287 | G/- | East Africa Collar. Mt.Kenia Akikaya| | 7-6 26288 | G/- | East Africa Bracelet. Mt.Kenia Akikaya| | 5-0 26289 | G/- | East Africa Ornament long chains.Mt.Kenia Akikaya| | 6-0 26290 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Box.rhino horn. Mt Kenia Akikaya| | 15-0 26291 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Box.rhino horn. Mt.Kenia Akikaya| | 15-0 26292 | N/S | East Africa.Snuff Box.rhino horn. Mt.Kenia Akikaya| | 15-0 26293 | N/S | East Africa.Snuff Box.rhino horn.inlaid copper Mt.Kenia Akikaya| | 18-0 26294 | N/S | East Africa.Snuff Box.wood Mt.Kenia Akikaya| | 7-6 26295 | N/S | East Africa.Snuff Box.ivory [[image]] Mt.Kenia Akikaya| | 12-6 26296 | N/S | East Africa.Snuff Box.ivory with nostril brush Mt.Kenya Akikaya| | 12-6 | | | | | 95-6 ################################################## EFwoI ################################################## [tl1_text] 347 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26297 | N/S | East Africa.Snuff Bottle Ivory fine.[[image]]Collected by AJ. Maclean Mt.Kenia Akikuyu| | 1-0-0 26298 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Bottle.horn.[[image]]Mt.Kenia Akikuyu| | 9-0 26299 | N/S |East Africa Snuff Bottle.horn.with nostril brush. Mt.Kenia. Akikuyu|L12/16-11-11| 12-6 26300 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Bottle Wood inlaid with zinc.[[Image]]Akamba| | 1-0-0 26301 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Bottle horn inlaid with zinc.[[image]]Akamba| | 18-6 26302 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Bottle inlaid with zinc.[[image]]Akamba| | 15-0 26303 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Bottle inlaid with zinc.ivory top[[image]]Akamba| | 15-0 26304 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Bottle made from hippo tusk with hair Tweezers.Wanyka| | 1-2-6 26305 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Bottle made from hippo & wood with hair Tweezers.Wanyka|L12/16-11-11| 17-6 26306 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Bottle Hippo tooth & Zinc. Wanyka|£12 the Collection| 14-0 26307 | N/S | East Africa Snuff Bottle Ivory & wood. Wanyka| | 15-0 26308 | GA/- | East Africa Snuff Bottle /13-14-6/ K| | 26309 | C/- | East Africa K| | 26310 | Y/- | East Africa K| | 26311 | C/-/- | East Africa K| | 26312 | GX/- | Hawaii Game "Ulumaika."stone disc.Collected by Lady Franklyn 1861-1) | | 26313 | A/- | Hawaii Axe-head. | B16/8-4-16 | 1-5-0 26314 | A/- | Hawaii Adze-head. | | 26315 | Y/- | Hawaii Dagger Point Lau Palau 1861 | | 26316 | A/- | Hawaii Gourd in Carrier. | | 26317 | GA/- | British Columbia Whistle.carved & inlaid shale|H28/26-5-12| 2-10-0 26318 | G/A/- | British Columbia Basket.large|H28/26-5-12| 7-10-0 26319 | GX/- | British Columbia Basket Lid Tlinket|P16/7-6-13| 2-5-0 26320 | A/- | British Columbia Set of Fire Sticks| | 1-0-0 26321 | M/- | British Columbia Travelling Box| | 1-1-0 26322 | G/A/- | British Columbia Bowl Carved. |H28/2-1-14| 4-4-0 26323 | A/- | Hawaii Gourd Bowl & shells used for windows| | 26324 | GY/- | Canada Bark Box. fine quill work| P16/17-6-12| 2-15-0 26325 | Y/- | Canada Tray of birch bark.quill Edges|H28/26-5-12| 1-3-6 26326 | G/-/- | Eskimo Knife.Franklyn Exped 1846| H28/26-5-12| 5-5-0 26327 | G/-/- | Gilbert Island Set of C.N.fibre Armour.front dec: feathers| | 26328 | T/- | New Zealand Kilt. | | 26329 | GA/- | Fiji Sunflower Club |P16/17-6-12| [[4 or 5]]-15-0 26330 | GA/- | Samoa Club carved all over. | | 2-10-0 26331 | Y/- | S.Africa Snuff Bottle Barotze |P16/28-11-13| 4-0 26332 | Y/- | S.Africa Dagger. carved sheath. horn hilt Barotze | | 26333 | Y/- | S.Africa Snuff Spoon. double. Barotze | | 26334 | Y/- | S.Africa Snuff Gourd & Cover.Engraved [[image]]Barotze| | ################################################## EFwoL ################################################## [tl1_text] 347 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26335 | A/-/- | Narwhal Horn. 8'-2½" | | 26336 | S/- | Brit. Columbia Hat. | | 1-1-0 26337 | -/S | Danish Celt. | | 4-6 26338 | -/S | Borneo bark cloth Cap & Straw hat | W21/1-22-13 | 6-0 26339 | GT/GT/- | Jivaro Shrunken Trophy Head| L12/13-1-12| 23-10-0 26340 | G/-/- | Chinese Temple Gong | W22/28-11-11| 1-6-0 26341 | A/-/- |Eskimo Narwhal Spear.1855.Pondo Bay C|D10/5-8-13| 7-10-0 26342 | G/-/- | Hervey I. Paddle small [[image]] | P16/17-6-12 | 3-0-0 26343 | G/-/- | Hervey I. Paddle | | 2-10-0 26344 | N/- | Tonga Paddle Club. carved all over. cut | | 26345 | N/- | Fiji Gun Stock Club. | | 26346 | M/- | New Britain Club. [[image]] | | 26347 | T/- | East Africa Club. stone head. Kavirondo, Ja Luo| P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 26348 | S/- | East Africa Water Carrier of horn Kavirondo, Ja Luo| | 26349 | N/- | East Africa Water Carrier of horn small Kavirondo, Ja Luo| P16/28-11-13| 18-0 26350 | N/- | East Africa Bell. hide fastening Kavirondo, Ja Luo| | 26351 | GX/- | East Africa Head-dress of lion mane. C| | 2-5-0 26352 | GX/- | East Africa Shield. dec inside Lake Albert Edward | P16/28-11-13 | 1-1-0 26353 | GX/- | East Africa Shield. Kavirondo.Ja Luo|P16/28-11-13| 1-1-0 26354 | G/- | East Africa Spear Kavirondo.Ja Luo| P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 26355 | G/- | East Africa Spear Soudan| L10/6-2-12 | 1-0 26356 | G/- | East Africa Spear Congo | P28/28-11-13 | 9-0 26357 | G/- | East Africa Bow. Kavirondo. Ja Luo| P16/28-11-13 | 7-0 26358 | M/- | North America Pipe stem dec.quill work & black stone stem| H28/3-1-14 | 2-15-0 26359 | G/- | North America String Dress. | | 26360 | GT/- | Assam Warrior Breast Ornament. Naga.| | 26361 | GS/S | Assam Spear.two blades.shaft dec cut goat hair Naga|F20/25-7-12| 2-10-0 26362 | GS/- | Assam Spear.two blades.shaft dec cut goat hair Naga|S35/21-10-16| 2-0-0 26363 | S/- | Assam Powder Flask Tabocca Naga|S35/30-6-13| 1-0-0 26364 | S/- | Assam Powder Flask C| | 18-6 26365 | A/- | Assam Powder Flask. & belt or sling| F20/25-7-12| 1-0-0 26366 | M/GX/- | New Ireland Ancestral Figure. 5'-6" high|P16/28-11-13| 10-10-0 26367 | I/- | 2 Engraved whale teeth & Chinese Boat| S | 26368 | M/- | New Guinea carved wood object. Canoe head or float|P16/7-6-13| 15-0 26369 | G/G/- | G.N. Guinea Idol | P16/28-11-13 | 2-10-0 26370 | A/- | Gilbert Island Knife.shark teeth.knob.[[image]]| | 26371 | Y/S | Eskimo Ivory Needles. | | 26372 | Y/S | England Bundle of Sulphur Matches | | 6-0 ################################################## EFwoO ################################################## [tl1_text] 348 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26373 | C/- | Zambesi Snuff Bottle. carved wood. | | 26374 | M/- | Norway Spoon | | 26375 | GY/S | Niger Double Head. wood. | P16/28-11-13| 18-0 26376 | T/S | New Zealand Fish Hook. mask K| | 26377 | GX/- | England Tinder Box. tin. | L12/16-11-11| 1-2-0 26378 | Y/S | England 2 Straw Splitters of bone| L12/16-11-11| 7-0 26379 | GX/- | England Blunderbuss barrel. with history. | | 26380 | M/- | England Colt Revolver | | 26381 | GX/- | England Tower F.L. Horse Pistol| E6/3-11-13| 10-6 26382 | G/GA/- |Sierra Leone Minserck Figure. Mendi|W1/3-6-12| 4-0-0 26383 | GY/- | Sierra Leone Minserck Figure.small Mendi|P16/28-11-13| 18-0 26384 | T/- |Sierra Leone Minserck Figure.head only[[image]]Mendi| | 26385 | T/- | Sierra Leone Minserck Figure.head only Mendi| S4/1-1-12| 1-5-0 26386 | T/- | Sierra Leone Minserck Figure.head only|P16/28-11-13| 1-7-6 26387 | G/A/- | Sierra Leone Set of 8 Knives. | S4/1-1-12 | 1-10-0 26388 | M/- |Sierra Leone Small piece of Country Cloth|P16/28-11-13| 8-0 26389 | A/- | Sierra Leone Wood Head | | 26390 | GX/- | Sierra Leone "Bundu" Devil Staff | | 26391 | G/S | Sierra Leone Currency. iron. [[image]] | | 26392 | G/S | Sierra Leone Currency. iron. | | 26393 | G/S | Sierra Leone Currency. iron. | | 26394 | G/S | Sierra Leone Currency. iron. | | 7-6 26395 | G/S | Sierra Leone Currency. iron. | P16/28-11-13| 5-0 26396 | G/S | Sierra Leone Currency. iron. | | 26397 | G/S | Sierra Leone Currency. iron. | P16/28-11-13| 5-0 26398 | G/S | Sierra Leone Currency. iron. | P16/28-11-13| 5-0 26399 | Y/- | England 17th Cent Spur.copper| | 26400 | A/- | England Charm. 2 bones. | | 26401 | GS/- | New Ireland Club | P16/28-11-13| 1-17-0 26402 | GX/- | Hawaii Tappa Beater. | | 26403 | I/- | Hawaii Tappa Cloth ex. fine 9'-0'x3'o K| | 17-10-0 26404 | S/- | Hawaii Tappa Cloth ex.fine extremely rare| | 16-15-0 26405 | A/- | Hawaii Tappa Cloth plain. | | 1-5-0 26406 | Y/- | Hawaii Pillow stuffed with | | 4-0 26407 | I/- | Solomon Shell Adze or gong Head Ontong Java|K5/1915| 1-5-0 26408 | N/-/- |England F.L. Pistols silver mtd DELANY|S20/23-4-12| 6-0-0 26409 | GY/- | England F.L. Pistols in holster case TWIGG| S20/23-4-12| 2-0-0 26410 | G/-/- | France F.L. DB. Pistol. mask butt. | | ################################################## EFwoR ################################################## [tl1_text] 348 [[Five Column Table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26411 | M/M/- | English 3 barrelled F.L Pistol bayonet. | S40/23-4-12 | 6-10-0 26412 | GG/- | English FL. Pistol Cotlis | S40/23-4-12 | 2-0-0 26413 | C/- | English FL. Pistol brass mts. E. BAKER. | | | 26414 | GA/- | English FL. Pistol with bayonet J. RICHARDS| S40/23-4-12 | 2-0-0 26415 | GA/- | English Pair of Tower FL Pistols with with belt hooks. |H13/1-3-13 | 3-0-0 26416 | G/Y/S |Tahiti Carving K| | 26417 | S/- | Congo Knife. ivory handle.[[image]] Mangbetter|P16/28-11-13| 18-0 26418 | S/- | Benin Ceremonial Fish slice Sword. small. |P16/18-11-12| 1-0-0 26419 | N/- | Sanwa Club. | | 26420 | A/- | Queensland Shield. | | 26421 | Y/- | Queensland Club | | 26422 | G/S | Queensland Boomerang [[image]]partly carved. South| H37/30-6-16 | 9-6 26423 | G/- | Queensland Boomerang plain | | 26424 | GY/S | Victoria Shield. [[image]]| | | 26425 | G/GX/- | E. Africa Chiefs Chair.|P16/28-11-13| 1-5-0 26426 | G/-/- | Tonga Fish hook. no cord. 5 3/4. | | 1-10-0 26427 | G/-/- | Tonga Fish hook.smaller with cord.later|P16/20-11-14| 1-12-6 26428 | N/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula| P16/17-6-12| 10-0 26429 | M/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula| P16/17-6-12| 8-0 26430 | Y/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula| P16/17-6-12| 8-0 26431 | T/S | North American Hair Ornament Ogolalo Sioux| W1/7-7-13| 1-0-0 26432 | GX/- | North American Hair Pair Cuffs. Ogolalo Sioux| W1/7-7-13| 1-18-0 26433 | G/GA/- | North American Head dress of feathers| H28/15-7-12 | 3-0-0 26434 | G/GA/- | North American Head dress of feathers}| H28/15-7-12| 3-0-0 26435 | Y/- | North American Pipe Stem See No. 35646} |G16/29-5-16| 15-0 26436 | G/- | North American Club Flail} | | 12-6 26437 | GX/- | North American Pouch for bead work} |W1/7-7-13| 1-8-0 26438 | Y/- | North American Necklace teeth} | W1/7-7-13| 8-0 **Belonged to Hard Heart,a chief of the Ogolalo Sioux 26439 | G/S | North American Piece Tobacco found Arctic Region | | 26440 | Y/- | Solomon Axe head }| | 26441 | Y/- | Solomon Lure Box }| | 26442 | Y/- | Solomon Bangle shell. engraved}| | 26443 | Y/- | Solomon Scoup }| | 26444 | Y/- | Solomon Currency }| | **Collected by C.M.Woodford,FRGS.late Commissioner at Solomon Isl. 26445 | GI/-/- | New Caledonia Gate Post | P16/17-6-12 | 36-0-0 26446 | G/-/- | Congo Currency Spear head."Ngbele" 64 x 11 3/8 Lokele| £6 | 6-10-0 26447 | G/I/- | Congo Brass Collar 18 lbs Lokele|W22/25-1-16| 5-5-0 26448 | G/Y/- | Congo Brass Collar 14 lbs Lokele| | 3-3-0 ################################################## EFwoU ################################################## [tl1_text] 349 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26449 | A/- | Fiji War Spear. | W22/25-1-16 | 3-3-0 26450 | T/-/- | New Zealand Club. "Kotiati" wood. C|P16/7-6-13| 12-10-0 26451 | S/S/- | New Zealand Fl K| | 12-10-0 26452 | GX/- | Congo Currency Axe. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-15-0 26453 | N/- | Ceylon Snuff Bottle. silver mtd C.N. | | 26454 | G/- | China stick of ink. | | 26455 | S/- | [[China?]] Trumpet. horn. | | 26456 | G/- | Eskimo Bird Spear Barb | | 26457 | G/- | Eskimo Bird Spear Barb | | 26458 | G/- | Eskimo Bird ivory | | 26459 | GX/- | W. Africa Mask. Man on bicycle Lagos| S4/14-3-16| 1-0-0 26460 | N/- | W. Africa Mask. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0-0 26461 | N/- | W. Africa Mask. | C31/4-2-14 | 1-10-0 26462 | GX/- | W. Africa Fetish Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 26463 | N/- | W. Africa Ju-Ju Rattle. C| | 14-0 26464 | N/- | W. Africa Ju-Ju Rattle. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 26465 | G/GX/- | [[H ?]]] K| | 26466 | A/- | Brit Columbia basket Cup. Lady Franklyn| H28/26-5-12| 16-6 26467 | A/- | Hawaii Very large mat. See No 27734 Lady Franklyn| | 26468 | GX/- | Haidia Hat. Lady Franklyn. K| | 26469 | GX/- | Haidia Basket bottle Lady Franklyn| | 2-17-6 26470 | GX/- | Canada Fan handle of fine quill work. | H28/2-1-14| 1-0-0 26471 | G/-/- | Mexico Pottery Head. Isthmus of Teknantepec C|T16/39-5-14| 3-3-0 26472 | GX/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant jade small.length 4-50c | | 1-7-6 26473 | A/- | Norway Ironing Board. dated 1852. | | 7-6 26474 | GX/- | Norway Brandy Bowl old | L25/1-6-16 | 1-16-0 26475 | A/- | Norway Brandy Bowl modern. | L25/1-6-16 | 6-0 26476 | A/-/- | N.Z Whistle (K) | | 26477 | S/-/- | New Zealand Feeding Funnel. C| P16/7-6-13 | 24-0-0 26478 | M/S | W. Australia Spear Thrower. | | 26479 | S/- | N. America Hide Coat. | H28/15-7-12 | 6-0-0 26480 | G/-/- | Tibet Deity reclining woman. elephant head|N22/28-11-11| 2-7-6 26481 | T/- | Persia Talisman. copper embossed. | N22/28-11-11 | 16-6 26482 | Y/- | S. Africa Snuff Box. blood & skin | | 26483 | N/- | Ashanti Mask. Galede.Lagos| P16/28-11-13 | 1-0-0 26484 | S/-/- | Scotch F.L. Pistol | S40/6-8-12 | 12-15-0 26485 | S/-/- | Scotch F.L. Pistol | C10/15-10-12 | 10-15-0 26486 | GA/S | England Tower F.L. Pistol belt-hook | | ################################################## EFwoX ################################################## [tl1_text] 349 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26487 | GA/S | England Tower F.L. Pistol, belt hook | | | 26488 | GA/S | England Tower F.L. Pistol, belt hook | | | 26489 | GA/S | England Tower F.L.Pistol, belt hook | S40/23-4-12| 1-10-0 26490 | GA/S | England Tower F.L. Pistol, belt hook| S40/23-4-12| 1-10-0 26491 | GA/S | England Tower F.L. Pistol, belt hook | | | 26492 | GA/S | England Tower F.L. Pistol, belt hook | | | 26493 | G/A/- | Burmah Miniature Dha', carved ivory hilt.s.m. sheath C| M31/23-1-14 | 1-15-0 26494 | GA/- | N. China green Jadite Pipes Bokhara Hill tribes.v. rare | | 2-10-0 26495 | GA/- | N. China green Jadite Pipes small | H16/4-1-12 | 1-17-0 26496 | -/S | S. African Man's C B. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 26497 | -/S | S.A. African Wristlet of shells Bushman | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 26498 | N/- | New Zealand Ear Ornament. Shark-tooth k | | | 26499 | N/- | New Zealand Ear Ornament. Shark-tooth k | | | 26500 | A/- | New Zealand Fish-hook | | | 26501 | G/-/- | India Mace.| | 3-3-0 26502 | G/Y/- | India Sword. Persian type. | | 4-0-0 26503 | GA/- | Japan Sword.| C7/19-12-12 | 3-0-0 26504 | Y/- | Japan Pipe iron | | | 26505 | Y/- | Japan Pipe iron | | | 26506 | G/- | Japan Pipe iron | | | 26507 | Y/S | Japan Tobacco Box & tobacco. | | | 26508 | G/S | Japan Set of Sword Mounts } | | | 26509 | G/S | Japan Set of Sword Mounts } | | | 26510 | G/S | Japan Set of Sword Mounts } | | | 26511 | G/S | Japan Set of Sword Mounts } | | | 26512 | G/S | Japan Set of Sword Mounts } | | | 26513 | G/S | Japan Set of Sword Mounts } | | | 26514 | G/S | Japan Set of Sword Mounts } | W22/19-7-13 | 2-16-0 26515 | G/S | Japan Set of Sword Mounts } | | | 26516 | G/S | Japan Set of Sword Mounts } | | | 26517 | G/S | Japan Set of Sword Mounts } | | | 26518 | G/M | Japan odd. v. fine } | | | 26519 | G/M | Japan odd. v. fine } | | | 26520 | G/M | Japan odd. v. fine } | | | 26521 | G/M | Japan odd. v. fine } | | | 26522 | G/S x| Japan Sword Guard | W22/19-7-13 | 5-0 26523 | G/S x| Japan Sword Guard | | 6-0 26524 | M/GX/- | Tibet Exorcising Dagger. copper. fine C| B21/27-9-12 |8-8-0 ################################################## EFwp0 ################################################## [tl1_text] 350 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26525 | GT/S | England Harvey Patent hammerless P.C Revolver |E6/1-1-14 | 2-5-0 26526 | GT/S | England Harvey Patent hammerless P.C Revolver |E6/1-1-14 | 1-7-6 26527 | GT/S | England Harvey Patent hammerless P.C Revolver| | | 26528 | GT/S | England Harvey Patent hammerless P.C Revolver|P18/8-7-14| 2-10-0 26529 | GT/S | England Harvey Patent hammerless P.C Revolver| D10/7-2-13 | 2-5-0 26530 | GT/S |England Harvey Patent hammerless P.C Revolver| F11/6-11-13 | 1-12-6 26531 | GT/S | England Harvey Patent hammerless P.C Revolver| E6/1-1-14 | 1-10-0 26532 | GT/S | England Harvey Patent hammerless P.C Revolver| H13/1-3-13 | 1-10-0 26533 | G/A/- | England Harvey Patent Rifle | S40/23-4-12 | 3-3-0 26534 | G/A/- | England Harvey Patent Rifle | P18/7-4-15 | 5-0-0 26535 | S/S | Burmese Hill Tribes Cross Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 1-15-0 26536 | T/- | Burmese Hill Tribes Cross Bow older | F20/25-7-12 | 2-7-6 26537 | Y/- | Burmese Hill Tribes Cross Bow small damaged|J12/4-7-14| 1-0-0 26538 | M/- | Burmese Hill Tribes Quiver & Darts. 21 wood & 2 iron| F20/25-7-12| 1-2-6 26539 | /- |Burmese Hill Tribes 10 wood & 1 iron Darts|J12/4-7-14| 10-0 26540 | /- |Burmese Hill Tribes 10 wood & 1 iron Darts|J12/3-3-13| 10-0 26541 | /- |Burmese Hill Tribes 10 wood & 1 iron Darts|J12/3-3-13| 10-0 26542 | /- |Burmese Hill Tribes 10 wood & 1 iron Darts|J12/3-3-13| 10-0 26543 | /- |Burmese Hill Tribes 10 wood & 1 iron Darts|J12/4-7-14| 10-0 26544 | Y/- | Burmese Hill Tribes Bow. bark string| J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 26545 | -/S | Burmese Hill Tribes Bow. bamboo | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 26546 | -/S | Burmese Hill Tribes Bow. bamboo | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 26547 | -/S | Burmese Hill Tribes Bow. bamboo | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 26548 | /- | Burmese Hill Tribes Bird arrow | J12/3-3-13 | 1-0 26549 | /- | Burmese Hill Tribes Bird arrow | J12/3-3-13 | 1-0 26550 | /- | Burmese Hill Tribes Arrow. iron | J12/3-3-13 | 1-0 26551 | I/- | Andaman Bow. large | | | 26552 | I/- | Andaman Bow. smaller. string | | | 26553 | Y/- | Andaman ? Harpoon Arrow full feathered (Celebese)| | | 26554 | Y/- | Andaman ? Harpoon Arrow full feathered C| | 10-0 26555 | G/- | Andaman Harpoon Arrow no feathers | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 26556 | G/- | Andaman Harpoon Arrow no feathers | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 26557 | G/- | Andaman Harpoon Arrow no feathers | | | 26558 | /- | Andaman Arrow. iron tip | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 26559 | /- | Andaman Arrow. iron tip | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 26560 | /- | Andaman Arrow. wood tip | | | 26561 | A/- | Andaman Skull with lower jaw | | | 26562 | GX/- | Knife. sheath of shoulder-blade bone b. belt of cowry Charm| | 3-15-0 ################################################## EFwp3 ################################################## [tl1_text] 350 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26563 | G/- | Burmese Hill Tribes Cowry Currency Belt|F20/25-7-12| 1-0-0 26564 | A/- | Burmese Hill Tribes Shield. square. hide painted. Kareen Tribe | | 2-15-0 26565 | M/- | New Guinea Arm Shield. | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 26566 | N/- | Burmese Hill Tribes Matchlock Gun. Kareen | | | 26567 | N/- | Burmese Hill Tribes Matchlock Gun. Kareen| F20/25-7-12| 1-7-6 26568 | N/- |Burmese Hill Tribes Matchlock Gun.Kareen|S35/29-6-12| 1-1-0 26569 | G/- | Steel Whip. | | | 26570 | S/- | Burmese Hill Tribes Gong. 11" dia. | | 1-1-0 26571 | N/- | Burmese Hill Tribes Gong. 7-1/2" dia. | | 14-0 26572 | I/- | Japanese Sword. iron sheath | C7/19-12-12 | 1-6-0 26573 | Y/- | Japanese Sword. iron sheath | S41/19-12-11 | 16-0 26574 | T/- | Japanese Pair. | C7/19-12-12 | 1-17-6 26575 | G/S | Soudan Knife & Sheath. | | | 26576 | M/- | Solomon Pendant. shell like Fish-hook backs | | | 26577 | G/- | Solomon Pendant. shell not so fine. | | | 26578 | M/S | New Guinea Nose Pin. bound | P16/7-6-13 | 12-0 26579 | M/S | New Guinea Nose Pin. | | 10-0 26580 | M/- | New Guinea Nose Pin. smaller | | 8-0 26581 | Y/S | New Guinea Nose Pin. smaller plain | P16/7-6-13 | 8-0 26582 | Y/- | England Box of Congreve Matches. | | 4-0 26583 | Y/-/- | A. Egypt Mummy. | | | 26584 | /- | A. Egypt Mummy skull | | | 26585 | /- | A. Egypt Piece Cartonage. | | | 26586 | /- | A. Egypt Piece Cartonage. | | | 26587 | M/-/- | M. k | | | 26588 | A/-/- | M. k | | | 26589 | Y/-/- | M. k | | | 26590 | GX/- | N. Africa Execution Chopper. Kabyle|P16/28-11-13| 1-15-0 26591 | A/- | S. E. Africa brass Object | | | 26592 | GX/- | N. America Paint Pouch | | | 26593 | GA/- | N. America Pair Cuffs | H28/2-1-14 | 1-10-0 26594 | GX/- | N. America Knife Sheath | | 17-6 26595 | G/-/- | N. America Large Knife Sheath [[?]] | H28/2-1-14| 3-3-0 26596 | GX/- | N. America Tobacco Pouch. | | 1-12-6 26597 | GX/- | N. America Large painted hide Pouch. |W1/7-7-13| 11-0-0 26598 | G/-/- | Persia Knife.silver hilt.enamel sheath| C7/20-12-11| 2-0-0 26599 | G/T/S | Congo Musical Instrument.head on top Niam Niam| | | 26600 | G/N/- | German New Guinea Mask. | P16/28-11-13 | 3-0-0 ################################################## EFwp6 ################################################## [tl1_text] 351 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26601 | -/S | Congo Model Boat. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 26602 | N/- | Congo Scoup. red wood [[image]] | | 26603 | -/S | Congo Scoup. small | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 26604 | GA/- | W. Africa Egbo Dancing Dress. | P16/28-11-13| 1-5-0 26605 | GI/- | Gaboon Fan Cross Bow. | J12/3-3-13| 1-10-0 26606 | M/- | Haussa Sword & Sheath fine. | | 26607 | Y/- | Haussa Sword & Sheath | R5/20-1-13| 12-6 26608 | /- | Ceylon.Bow strung bark cord Veddha|J12/3-3-13| 1-2-0 26609 | G/- | Hanssa Quiver & Arrows. fine lot 27. | P16/28-11-13| 1-10-0 26610 | /- | Haussa Quiver & Arrows. 6 | J12/3-3-13 | 10-0 26611 | /- | Haussa Quiver & Arrows. 6 | J12/3-3-13 | 10-0 26612 | /- | Haussa Quiver & Arrows. 8 wood sheath. | | 26613 | I/- | Congo Wood Bell | W22/28-11-11 | 16-0 26614 | G/A/- | Japanese Rosary Bead. | W22/28-11-11 | 1-14-0 26615 | M/GX/- | N. American Wampum. 3 strays| W22/28-11-11| 4-16-0 26616 | GX/- | Japanese Lac Cabinet. | W22/28-11-11 | 15-0 26617 | GT/- | Chinese Indian Ink Slab & brass dish. | W22/28-11-11 | 1-0-0 26618 | GX/- | Collection of shoes. | W22/28-11-11 | 12-6 26619 | N/- | Tibet Painting of Deity. | | 8-0 26620 | M/- | Breton Pipe Lighter. | | 7-6 26621 | Y/- | Tibet Buddha of clay. | | 26622 | Y/- | E. Africa Knife. | | 26623 | Y/- | Europe Palate Knife | | 26624 | Y/- | Europe Palate Knife | | 26625 | G/M | India Silver Charm. | | 26626 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26627 | | India Silver Charm. | S4/1915| 5-0 26628 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26629 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26630 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26631 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26632 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26633 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26634 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26635 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26636 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26637 | | India Silver Charm. | S4/1915| 5-0 26638 | | India Silver Charm. | | ################################################## EFwp9 ################################################## [tl1_text] 351 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26639 | G/M | India Silver Charm. Given Mrs. Stubb| | 26640 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26641 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26642 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26643 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26644 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26645 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26646 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26647 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26648 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26649 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26650 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26651 | | India Silver Charm. | | 26652 | G/M | India Silver Charm. ? Nose Ring| L12/6-5-12 | 9-0 26653 | G/M | India Silver Charm. | | 26654 | C/- | Congo Throwing Knife. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-6-0 26655 | N/- | Congo Knife [[image]] | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 26656 | M/- | Congo Knife [[image]] | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 26657 | Y/- | Congo Knife [[image]] | L10/6-2-12 | 2-0 or 1-0 26658 | Y/- | Congo Knife [[image]] | L10/6-2-12 | 2-0 or 1-0 26659 | G/- | Congo Knife [[image]] | P16/28-11-13 | 9-0 26660 | G/I/- | England Blunderbuss. brass | | 26661 | GT/- | Japan Sword. signed blade| C7/19-12-12 | 1-15-0 26662 | Y/- | Ancient Norse Sword Fragment.17½ x 1¾ Old Windsor| | 10-6 26663 | /S | Ancient Norse Sword Fragment. Old Windsor| | 3-0 26664 | A/- | Africa Axe. [[image]] | P16/28-11-13 | 16-0 26665 | M/- | Africa Axe. [[image]] | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 26666 | G/-/- | Africa Pipe | H16/4-1-12 | 1-8-0 26667 | I/- | Japan Miniature Bow & 5 Arrows| J12/3-3-13 | 1-10-0 26668 | Y/- | Congo Small Fetish Figure | P16/28-11-13| 8-0 26669 | /- | West Indies Whip lace wood. | | 26670 | G/A/- | New Zealand Pendant.Tangawas' jade.late| | 1-7-6 26671 | G/-/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa. | P16/17-6-12| 3-0-0 26672 | G/A/- | Fiji "Lotus" Club | P16/7-6-13 | 6-0-0 26673 | A/- | Fiji Root Club | | 26674 | GA/- | Fiji Gun Stock Club | | 26675 | Y/- | Samoa Spear-head. fine | | 26676 | G/S | Samoa Spear-head. | | ################################################## EFwpc ################################################## [tl1_text] 352 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26677 | G/S | Samoa Spear-head. | | 26678 | GA/- | S. Africa Kerry of rhino horn. | | 26679 | GX/- | S. Africa Kerry of rhino horn. smaller. | | 26680 | G/- | S. Africa Kerry | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 26681 | Y/S | S. Africa Axe. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 26682 | A/- | Persia Composite Bow. | S41/19-12-11 | 10-0 26683 | S/- | Naga Pair of Ear Ornaments. | F20/25-6-12 | 1-0-0 26684 | GN/- | A. Egyptian Stone head. | B44/13-2-13 | 3-5-0 26685 | GX/- | Australia Bowl.Pitch N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf| | 26686 | GX/- | Australia. Bowl. Pitch N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26687 | M/- | Australia Axe head.N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf| | 1-7-6 26688 | Y/- | Australia Axe head smaller N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 18-6 26689 | A/- | Australia Axe head in haft N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf| F20/25-7-12| 3-0-0 26690 | G/- | Australia Ornament.Kangaroo tooth. N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 7-6 26691 | G/- | Australia Ornament.Belt N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf C| | 6-0 26692 | G/- | Australia Belt with tassel.A dress. N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf| | 4-0 26693 | -/S | Australia Boomerang N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | H37/30-6-16 | 4-6 26694 | -/S | Australia Boomerang N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26695 | -/S | Australia Boomerang N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26696 | -/S | Australia Boomerang N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26697 | -/S | Australia Boomerang N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26698 | -/S | Australia Boomerang N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26699 | -/S | Australia Boomerang N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26700 | -/S | Australia Boomerang N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26701 | -/S | Australia Boomerang N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26702 | -/- | Australia Spear Thrower[[image]]N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | 26703 | /- | Australia. Spear Thrower N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26704 | /- | Australia. Spear Thrower N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26705 | /- | Australia. Spear Thrower N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | | 26706 | /- | Australia Spear Thrower points defective N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26707 | /- | Australia Spear Thrower points defective N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26708 | /- | Australia Spear Thrower points defective N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26709 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head [[image]] N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26710 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26711 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26712 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26713 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | 26714 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head N.W. Wyndham Cambridge Gulf | | **Av.10/- to L1 Each [[for Spears]] ################################################## EFwpf ################################################## [tl1_text] 352 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26715 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G.| | 26716 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G.| | 26717 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G.| | 26718 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G.| | 26719 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G.| | 26720 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G.| | 26721 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G.| | | 26722 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G.| | | 26723 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G.| | | 26724 | /- | Australia Spear flint or glass head. N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G.| | | 26725 | G/- | Australia Spear head.glass.large.cracked.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G. C| | 10-6 26726 | -/S | Australia Spear head.glass.green perfect.N.W. Aust. N.W. Wyndham Cambridge G. C|H36/1915| 8-6 26727 | -/S | Australia Spear head. glass. green perfect.N.W. Aust. N.W. Wyndham Cambridge G. C| | 6-0 26728 | -/S | Australia Spear head. glass. green perfect.N.W. Aust. N.W. Wyndham Cambridge G| | 26729 | -/S | Australia Spear head. glass. green perfect N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G| | 26730 | -/S | Australia Spear head. glass. green perfect.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G. C|H36/1915| 5-6 26731 | -/S | Australia Spear head. glass. opal.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G.|M21/15-1-12| 8-0 26732 | -/S | Australia Spear head. glass. purple chert.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G. C| | 7-6 26733 | -/S | Australia Spear head. glass. white chert point.N.W. Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G.| | 6-6 26734 | Y/S | Australia Knife chert flint? gum handle N.W.Aust. N.W.Wyndham Cambridge G. C|C28/13-11-13| 1-1-0 26735 | G/- | Sumatra Chopping Knife. Toba.Battak| | 26736 | GM/- | Sumatra Male Idol on house door. Karo Land C| | 1-7-6 26737 | A/- | Sumatra China Pot containing magic medicine.Figure top. Mermenskan Karo Land C|S4/1915| 1-5-0 26738 | A/- | Sumatra China Pot plainer top. Karo Land C|S4/1915| 18-6 26739 | G/-/- | Sumatra Magic Staff Tungal penaluan Guro Singa. Karo C|S4/1915| 1-16-0 26740 | GX/- | Sumatra Talismian shoulder blade. inscribed. Karo C|S4/1915| 2-7-6 26741 | GA/- | Sumatra Book written Pustaha. C|S4/1915| 2-7-6 26742 | GX/- | Sumatra Ammunition Pouch,Kawpil bedil.Bullet Flask & Primer Tanah Kombaran|S35/29-6-12| 1-7-6 26743 | A/- | Sumatra Powder Primer.Pengalakan[[image]] Tanah Kombaran C|S35/27-3-14| 3-0 26744 | A/- | Sumatra Powder Flask S.W. Karo C| | 6-6 26745 | A/- | Sumatra Powder Flask West Karo| | 6-6 26746 | Y/- | Sumatra Knife handle.carved. West Karo C| | 3-0 26747 | A/- | Sumatra Lime Box.silver mounted. Tegan.West Karo C| | 14-6 26748 | G/- | Sumatra Cup for palm wine West Karo C| | 6-0 26749 | GX/- | Sumatra Vessel for palm wine Kitang. West Karo C| | 1-1-0 26750 | M/- | Sumatra Flute; "Bel moat; West Karo C| | 6-0 26751 | N/- | Sumatra Guitar. Katpaji. West Karo C|S4/1915| 10-6 26752 | GX/- | Sumatra Idol. bird shape. Manok-Manok. Si Torang. Toba|S4/1915| 18-0 ################################################## EFwpi ################################################## [tl1_text] 353 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26753 | N/- | Sumatra Guitar "Husapi" Toba. C | S4/1915 | 18-6 26754 | I/- | Sumatra Pouch (Paradoxu-rus)[[chains?]],Tooth-pick,Knife & Tweezers Toba C|S4/1915| 18-6 26755 | N/-/- | Sumatra Wizards Staff.Tunggal malekat 2 Sabulan W.C of Lake Toba C| B30/20-1-14| 7-7-0 26756 | N/-/- | Sumatra Wizards Staff.Tunggal penaluan 3 South Toba C| | 6-15-0 26757 | N/-/- | Sumatra Wizards Staff.Tunggal malekat. 4 Karo C| | 6-6-0 26758 | N/-/- | Sumatra Wizards Staff.Tunggal malekat. 1 Karo C| | 8-8-0 26759 | GX/- | Sumatra Shield.Elbert Expdn Regani Muna Raha| | | 26760 | GX/- | Sumatra Shield Sheath Elbert Expdn Kambyua I. Celebese C | | 1-12-6 26761 | Y/- | Sumatra Hair Ornament for knee "Eva lulu" Wetar Teku C| S4/1915| 8-6 26762 | N/- | Sumatra Small Shield.hide circular S.W. Coast Wetta C | S4/1915| 12-6 26763 | GX/- | Sumatra Idol. operculum shell eyes. Villiage of Sau- Wetta C| S4/1915| 1-12-6 26764 | M/- | Sumatra Head Ornament. Dongo Villiage Vo Bimabai [[Sunselawa?]] C| S4/1915| 8-6 26765 | A/- | British Columbia Clapper. C| S4/1915 | 10-0 26766 | G/A/- | British Columbia Copper Axe| B46/5-11-13 | 1-10-0 26767 | Y/-/- | British Columbia Bone War Club| | 8-10-0 26768 | N/- | British Columbia Heart Rattle | S4/1915 | 7-6 26769 | G/- | British Columbia Specimen of Cedar bark Rope C| | 5-0 26770 | Y/GX/- | British Columbia Cooking Basket | | 4-4-0 26771 | G/S/T | British Columbia Cooking Basket C| D10/17-1-13 | 2-18-0 26772 | GT/- | British Columbia Carved Mask Thunder Bird|H28/2-3-13| 3-12-6 26773 | M/- | British Columbia Carved Mask | S4/16-7-12| 1-0 26774 | GX/- | British Columbia Consulting God C| | 15-0 26775 | N/- | British Columbia Halibut Hook C| | 16-0 26776 | G/- | British Columbia Specimen of rope.sinew C| | 5-0 26777 | G/A/- | British Columbia Hat dec Haidia C| | 1-17-6 26778 | GX/- | British Columbia Rattle.carved laugh & cry face C| | 15-0 26779 | A/-(Y/S | British Columbia Specimen of native bread 1/2" See (Y/S | No.28777.C|D10/17-1-13| 4-0 26780 | Y/-/- | Eskimo Fire Kindler.mouth piece, Bow &c. C| D10/17-1-13| 2-18-6 26781 | GA/- | Eskimo Skin Scraper C| | 1-1-0 26782 | G/GA/- | Eskimo Food Bowl. handle C| D10/17-1-13| 2-10-0 26783 | GA/- | Eskimo Food Bowl. C| D10/17-1-13| 1-8-6 26784 | GA/- | Eskimo Food Bowl. C| | 1-5-0 26785 | G/-/- | Eskimo Duck Throw. late C| | 1-7-6 26786 | A/- | Eskimo Fish-hook late C| | 6-0 26787 | G/-/- | Eskimo Snow Beater C| | 1-10-0 26788 | G/-/- | Eskimo Arrow Flaker C| D10/17-1-13| 1-2-0 26789 | Y/GX/- | Eskimo Drill. ivory workers C| | 3-12-6 26790 | G/A/- | Eskimo Hand Adze. S.E.Alaska C| D10/17-1-13 | 1-5-0 ################################################## EFwpl ################################################## [tl1_text] 353 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26791 | GA/- | Eskimo "Non skid" ivory. C | D10/17-1-13 | 1-0-0 26792 | G/-/- | Eskimo Shuttle & guage. C | | 1-10-0 26793 | GX/- | Eskimo Labret for lip. | | 26794 | A/- | Eskimo Labret for cheek | | 26795 | A/- | Eskimo Chew Box. late C| L12/1915| 8-0 26796 | [[G/A?/X]] | Eskimo Snuff Mortar. C| B21/11-11-13| 1-17-6 26797 | GI/- G/A/- | Javan Kris.gold mount.Hilt No 18114|S35/29-6-12| 6-15-0 26798 | A/- | Javan Kris. Hilt | | 26799 | T/S | Java Kris. plain. | | 26800 | N/-/- | Borneo Parang Latok. gold mounts| C11/13-2-13| 7-10-0 26801 | GT/- | Europe. Knife agate hilt| | 2-2-0 26802 | G/GA/- | Japan Swords a pair | C7/19-12-12| 3-10-0 26803 | Y/GX/- | Europe.Bandolier Ernest Crofts RA|S40/28-5-12[[Sel?tt]]| 6-0-0 26804 | GA/- | Europe.Powder Flask Ernest Crofts RA| Ellis E6/[[?-1-14]] | 1-5-0 26805 | G/A/- | Europe.Powder Flask.pouch at back. Ernest Crofts RA| | 26806 | Y/A/- | Europe.Powder Flask.Carved Stag horn. Ernest Crofts RA|S40/28-5-12 Sold| 5-0-0 26807 | G/A/- | Europe.Powder Flask.horn[[image]] Ernest Crofts RA|C7/19-12-12| 2-7-6 26808 | G/-/- | Europe.Powder Flask.wood & iron Ernest Crofts RA|S40/1915| 1-15-0 26809 | G/-/- | Europe.Powder Flask.large [[image]] Ernest Crofts RA|S40/1915| 1-15-0 26810 | G/-/- | Europe.Powder Flask.smaller. Ernest Crofts RA|S40/1915| 2-0-0 26811 | GA/- | Europe.Powder Flask.small Ernest Crofts RA|S40/28-5-12| 1-15-0 26812 | Y/-/- | { England. Blunderbuss. Wogden } | S40/23-4-12| 3-15-0 26813 | Y/-/- | { England. Pair Pistols Wodgen } Col: Blake | S40/23-4-12 | 3-0-0 26814 | Y/-/- | { England. Case Pistols Wogden } | S40/23-4-12 | 3-0-0 26815 | I/GX/- | England. Case FL. Pistols Manton|S40/23-4-12| 20-10-0 26816 | N/-/- | England. Case FL. Pistols Mortimer|S40/23-4-12| 12-10-0 26817 | M/GX/- | England. Case FL. Pistols Hollis|S40/23-4-12| 8-0-0 26818 | G/A/- | England. Case P.C. Pistols Beckwith|S40/23-4-12| 2-0-0 26819 | GA/- | England. D.B. Gun. | | 26820 | Y/- | India Aboriginal Bow. | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 26821 | G/- | Nicobar I. Paddle | | 26822 | G/- | Nicobar I. Paddle piece out of blade | | 26823 | GX/- | Dutch Pipe | | 26824 | Y/GA/- | England Pair S M pistols Richards|B45/14-3-16| 3-15-0 26825 | G/GN/- | S.E. Africa Rhino Kerry. large| | 26826 | G/- | China. Arrow. Whistling | J12/3-3-13 | 1-0 26827 | G/- | China. Arrow. Whistling | J12/3-3-13 | 1-0 26828 | G/- | China. Arrow. Whistling | J12/3-3-13 | 4-0 ################################################## EFwpo ################################################## [tl1_text] 354 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26829 | G/- | China Whistling Arrow | J12/3-3-13 | 4-0 26830 | /- | China Arrow fish skin covered grip.| J12/3-3-13 | 1-0 26831 | /- | China Arrow fish skin covered grip.| J12/3-3-13 | 1-6 26832 | /- | China Arrow fish skin covered grip.| J12/3-3-13 | 1-0 26833 | /- | China 6 Arrows various| J12/3-3-13| 6-0 26834 | G/- | New Hebrides. Spear-head. Votive? | | 26835 | G/- | New Hebrides. Spear-head. | | 26836 | G/- | New Hebrides. Spear-head. | | 26837 | MY/GX/- | New Zealand Canoe Prow.| P16/17-6-12| 51-0-0 26838 | Y/-/- | Rotuniah Club. | P16/17-6-12| 5-10-0 26839 | GX/- | Fiji Tiqua mounted on cane stick.| P16/17-6-12 | 1-15-0 26840 | GY/- | England. F.L. 2 barrelled under & over Pistol.defective| E6/1-1-14| 1-5-0 26841 | M/- | England. FL. Pocket Pistol. J. HARDING| I4/17-5-13| 10-0 26842 | Y/N/- | England. Blunderbuss brass. bayonet|E6/23-11-16| 4-12-6 26843 | Y/-/- | German New Guinea Sago Scoup.| | 26844 | GS/- | Sierra Leone Fetish Figure. Mendi| | 1-10-0 26845 | G/-/- | Ashanti Figure. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-5-0 26846 | G/-/- | Ashanti Figure. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-5-0 26847 | A/- | North America. Pouch | | 10-0 26848 | A/- | North America. Sheath | | 12-6 26849 | Y/- | E. Africa Bow. very thick| J12/3-3-13| 6-0 26850 | I/- | England.3 Govt. F. Lock. III W:R:, I G.R, V.R.| | 26851 | I/S | Indian Musical Instrument|F20/21-9-12| 2-2-0 26852 | G/- | England Iron Quarrel head.found near Spavsholt J12/3-3-13| 2-6 26853 | G/GX/- | England Blunderbuss iron large.brass rim | S40/28-5-12 | 3-10-0 26854 | Y/-/- | England Blunderbuss bayonet | | 26855 | G/GX/- | England Blunderbuss bayonet Manchester | | 26856 | Y/-/- | England Blunderbuss | S40/28-5-12 | 4-10-0 26857 | Y/-/- | England Blunderbuss | S40/28-5-12 | 4-4-0 26858 | T/S | Europe Knife Pistol | E6/13-1-12 | 18-6 26859 | S/S | England P.C.revolving 2 b.Pistol D.EGG|E40/13-11-12|1-1-0 26860 | T/S | Fiji Gunstock Club | | 26861 | T/S | { Fiji Armlet comprised of shell rings dec red| | 26862 | [[both]] | { Fiji Armlet comprised of shell rings dec red| | 26863 | G/- | S.Africa Mans' "Ornament" |P16/28-11-13| 4-0 26864 | G/- | S.Africa Mans' "Ornament" | | 26865 | /- | S.Africa Pair of Snuff cases.covered bead work|P16/28-11-13| 2-0 26866 | G/- | S. Africa Horn Ornament.bone.dec hair & beads|P16/28-11-13| 8-0 ################################################## EFwpr ################################################## [tl1_text] 354 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26867 | G/- | Borneo Cuff of bead work. | | 26868 | G/ | N. America Pair of child Moccasins | | 17-6 26869 | N/-/- | Mangaian Adze. very long. K| | 26870 | Y/-/- | Mangaian Adze. shorter | P16/17-6-12| 8-10-0 26871 | Y/-/- | New Ireland Wood Figure. | P16/28-11-13| 5-0-0 26872 | S/- | North America wood Pipe | H28/2-1-14| 1-1-0 26873 | GY/S | Japanese Wood Figure | | | 26874 | Y/-/- | England.Case of FL Pistols. Mortimer| I4/19-7-13| 5-18-0 26875 | N/- | Fiji Chief's Staff. | | 26876 | GX/S | Ashanti Doll on staff | S4/29-2-16| 1-10-0 26877 | N/- | Fiji Tappa Beater. | | 26878 | G/A/- | Caucassia.Cossack Sword.silver mounts[[niells?]]| 3-3-0 26879 | G/A/- | Caucassia Dagger. silver mounts [[niells?]] C| | 2-2-0 26880 | Y/Y/- | Caucassia Silver gilt F L Pistol|[[crossout]]3-5-0 Lowe[[/crossout]] | 4-10-0 26881 | I/- | England F L. Pistol.brass butt. T. FARMER| | 26882 | G/- | S. Africa. Man's Ornament v. large | P16/28-11-13| 4-0 26883 | G/- | S. Africa. Man's Ornament v. large| | 26884 | M/- | Congo Neck Ring of brass. | P16/28-11-13| 4-0 26885 | T/-/- | New Caledonia Mask | P16/17-6-12| 19-0-0 26886 | A/GX/- | New Caledonia Mask | | 26887 | A/GX/- | New Caledonia Mask | | 8-10-0 26888 | /- | Australia Club [[image]] | | 26889 | G/GI/-| Loanda Rattle. figures on top| P16/28-11-13| 2-0-0 26890 | G/Y/- | Loanda 2 wood bells connected with wood chain|P16/28-11-13| 6-0-0 26891 | Y/-/- | New Zealand jade Cloak pin. | P16/7-6-13| 5-0-0 26892 | GX/- | Niger ? Silver Currency Ring | | 1-1-0 26893 | NX/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box | | 26894 | GY/- | Australia Shield. Queensland| P16/7-6-13| 1-10-0 26895 | GT/X | New Guinea Feather Head Ornament } in palm leaf case| P16/7-6-13| 13-0 26896 | GT/X | New Guinea Feather Head Ornament } in palm leaf case| P16/7-6-13| 13-0 26897 | Y/-/- | Cook's Voyages 2 volumes of plates. | | 26898 | Y/G/- | North America Flat-head Skull. | | 26899 | G/-/- | Eskimo Harpoon forked ends| H28/2-1-14| 3-15-0 26900 | GA/- | Eskimo Harpoon massive shaft perished[[image]] Cambridge Sound CC| | 3-16-0 26901 | T/S | Japan Netsuki. black wood & ivory | | 18-6 26902 | T/S | Tibet Nose Ring set turquoise| L12/8-5-13| 16-0 26903 | G/- | S. Africa bone Pendant | | 26904 | N/- | England Pepper-box Revolver. | | ################################################## EFwpu ################################################## [tl1_text] 355 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26905 | Y/-/- | Narwhal Horn. | R5/19-12-12 | 6-10-0 26906 | G/GX/- | England Geo II Dress Sword & sheath Silver mtd|R2/21-6-13| 4-10-0 26907 | GX/- | England Geo II Hunting Sword & sheath| R2/21-6-13| 2-0-0 26908 | A/- | French Hunting Knife. | C7/19-12-12 | 15-0 26909 | G/- | Stage 2 handed Sword. good blade| C9/20-12-11| 1-5-0 26910 | G/A/- | English Blunderbuss. BARBAR| S40/28-5-12| 3-1-0 26911 | /- | English Knife. brass hilt. | | 26912 | /- | Norway 2 Whale Harpoons. | | 26913 | G/-/- | Harvey Paddle. | W32/22-1-13 | 4-5-0 26914 | Y/-/- | Harvey Working Adze| P16/17-6-12| 8-0-0 26915 | G/- | Solomon Club | | 26916 | M/- | Fiji Club. root.carved grip. | | 26917 | A/- | Fiji Club.root.carved at end & grip [[image?]]| | 26918 | G/- | Fiji Club. lobe | | 26919 | G/- | Fiji Club Belt ball. | | 26920 | -/S | Fiji Club Belt ball. | | 26921 | -/S | Fiji Club Belt root. | | 26922 | A/- | Japanese Sword & sheath | C7/19-12-12| 1-15-0 26923 | Y/- | Turkey Pistol. P.C. | | 26924 | M/- | Turkey Yataghan silver hilt.| | 18-6 26925 | M/- | India Tulwar sheath.silvered hilt| | 14-0 26926 | M/- | India Sword Semi basket guard. | | 26927 | M/- | India Sword Faranji. straight basket hilt. | | 18-6 26928 | N/- | India Sword Faranji. | | 26929 | GX/- | India Sword Pattisa.v.finely engraved|S35/29-6-12| 2-2-0 26930 | A/- | India Sword Pattisa.v.finely engraved smaller| B21/5-4-12| 2-16-0 26931 | A/- | India Sword Pattisa.partly engraved | B21/5-4-12 | 1-10-0 26932 | G/- | India Guarded Katar."Bara Jamdodu".guard damaged| | 26933 | G/- | India Katar | | 12-0 26934 | G/- | India Katar | | 10-0 26935 | G/- | India Peshkabz. ivory hilt | | 26936 | Y/S | India Dagger.all iron "Chilanum.[[image]] C| O5/12-12-13| 18-6 26937 | Y/S | India Dagger.all iron "Chilanum| B21/5-4-12| 1-0-0 26938 | Y/- | India Dagger.Khanjar ivory hilt | | 26939 | M/- | India Dagger.Khanjar horn Vizagapatam C| | 16-0 26940 | A/- | India Dagger.iron hilt parrot pommel C | | 1-12-6 26941 | A/- | India Dagger.iron hilt parrot pommel| | 26942 | A/- | India Dagger.iron hilt parrot pommel|B21/5-4-12| 1-7-6 ################################################## EFwpx ################################################## [tl1_text] 355 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26943 | -/S | Zulu Assegai | | 26944 | -/S | Zulu Stabbing Spear. serrated | P16/28-11-13 | [[7?]]-0 26945 | -/S | Zulu Stabbing Spear. | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 26946 | -/S | Zulu Stabbing Spear. | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 26947 | Y/-/- | Collection of Miscellanea | M10/9-2-12 | 4-7-0 26948 | G/- | France Chassepôt Rifle | | 26949 | G/- | France Chassepôt Rifle | | 26950 | G/- | England "Dor" Rifle P.C. | | 26951 | GA/- | Austria Pair FL. Army Pistols | | 26952 | GX/- | England Blunderbuss iron. defective. | | 26953 | A/- | Fiji Club.straight.carved all over| P16/28-11-13| 1-15-0 26954 | GX/- | S. Brazil Lasso. 1878 | | 1-7-6 26955 | G/-/- | S. Brazil Bolas | | 1-12-6 26956 | G/-/- | England Gun brass barrel. FL. | S40/13-11-12| 3-10-0 26957 | GY/S | England Blunderbuss. iron a boat gun said to be from Benin. | | 26958 | T/S | N. America Pipe. wood. | H28/2-1-14| 1-12-6 26959 | T/S | N. America Pipe Tomahawk. | N9/3-4-14 | 2-7-6 26960 | GX/- | N. America Ungara Indian Tomahawk | H28/15-7-12| 3-3-0 26961 | A/- | N. America Pair Mocassins. | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0 26962 | A/- | N. America Pair Mocassins. | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0 26963 | GX/- | Eskimo Pair hide Gauntlet Gloves | H28/3-1-14 | 1-1-0 26964 | GA/- | Eskimo Pair Snow Goggles. NortonSon C| L12/8-5-13| 1-12-6 26965 | GA/- | Eskimo Pair Snow Goggles.finer. NortonSon | | 2-0-0 26966 | N/- | Africa Charm horn | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 26967 | M/-/- | Ireland Blunderbuss. bayonet. | | 26968 | G/GY/S | Japan 3 books. | W22/28-11-11 | 2-0-0 26969 | G/GA/- | Japan Nest of Boxes | W22/28-11-11 | 2-0-0 26970 | I/- | Fiji Pineapple Club. Carved grip. | | 2-2-0 26971 | M/M/- | Benin Tusk. carved bands. | P16/18-11-12 | 4-0-0 26972 | Y/-/- | British Columbia Copper Currency Club |S4/1915| 21-0-0 26973 | GA/- | Congo Mask of wood | C28/20-11-12 | 2-5-0 26974 | T/- | Congo Shield Azandeh | | 26975 | T/- | Congo Shield Azandeh | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0-0 26976 | GI/- | Congo Shield [[image]] | | 26977 | T/- | Congo Shield [[image]] Bangala. | | 26978 | T/- | Congo Shield wider Bangala. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0 26979 | S/- | Congo Shield [[image]] | P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0 26980 | S/- | Congo Shield larger | P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0 ################################################## EFwpA ################################################## [tl1_text] 356 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 26981 | GX/- | Nias I Shield [[image]] | | 26982 | T/- | Borneo Shield v. large. | | 26983 | G/G/- | Celebese Shield inlaid | | 26984 | M/- | Congo Rattle Bell | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 26985 | M/- | Congo Devil Rattle. Azandeh | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 26986 | G/- | Congo Hair Ornament | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 26987 | G/- | Congo Razor| P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 26988 | G/- | Congo Razor | S4/1915 | 5-0 26989 | Y/- | Congo Knife [[image]] Bangala | P16/28-11-13 | 15-0 26990 | Y/- | Congo Knife [[image]] Mangbettu | | 26991 | Y/- | Congo Knife [[image]] Monifu | P16/28-11-13 | 10-0 26992 | Y/- | Sumatra Sword horn hilt. Batak C| | 26993 | Y/- | Sumatra Sword horn hilt. Batak C| | 16-0 26994 | I/- | Tibet Flute. human leg bone. rough | | 17-6 26995 | G/A/- | Marquesan Ear Plug | B16/19-7-13 | 1-15-0 26996 | G/A/- | Marquesan Ear Plug | B16/19-7-13 | 1-15-0 26997 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0 26998 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0 26999 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0 27000 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament | | 27001 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0 27002 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament | | 27003 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament | | 27004 | -/M | Mauica Hair Ornament | | 27005 | -/N | Mauica Snuff Spoon | | 27006 | -/N | Mauica Snuff Spoon | | 27007 | -/N | Mauica Snuff Spoon | | 27008 | -/S | Mauica Snuff Spoon & Comb | | 27009 | -/S | Lapp Spoon engraved horn | | 27010 | -/S | Lapp Spoon engraved horn | | 27011 | -/S | Lapp Needle Case engraved horn | | 27012 | /- | England Apple Scoup of bone | | 27013 | /- | England Apple Scoup of bone | | 27014 | /- | England Apple Scoup of bone | | 27015 | /- | England Apple Scoup of bone | | 27016 | /- | England Ivory Puzzle. | | 27017 | M/- | Ainu Tobacco Box. [[or?]] Gilyak| | 27018 | S/- | Ainu Pipe & stopper Gilyak| | 1-12-6 ################################################## EFwpD ################################################## [tl1_text] 356 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27019 | M/- | Tibet Printing Block for printing spells. (Mantra) | | 27020 | G/S | Japan Magic Board. | | 27021 | G/S | Grand Bassa 2 loop hilted daggers in one sheath| | 1-5-0 27022 | GT/- | C.Africa.War Horn ivory. Stanley Expedition 1889| | 27023 | GX/- | Borneo. Parang Ilang & sheath | | 27024 | G/A/- | Congo Fetish Figure. NKindo.| P16/28-11-13 | 2-10-0 27025 | T/S | Ashanti Box supported by figures.| P16/28-11-13| 18-0 27026 | | | | | 27027 | | | | | 27028 | | | | | 27029 | | | | | 27030 | | | | | 27031 | | [[crossout]] N.W.Africa.Pair Loop hilted iron Daggers. Grand Bassa. [[/crossout]] | | 27032 | | Congo War Horn Stanley Expdn 1889. 37" long | | 2-10-0 27033 | | Parang | | 2-7-6 27034 | | | | | 27035 | | | | | 27036 | M/A/- | Benin Bronze Breast Plaque. | P16/18-11-12 | 4-0-0 27037 | Y/GX/- | B.C. | | | 27038 | M/GA/- | B.C. | | | 27039 | A/-/- | Ancient Peru Sceptre found in grave of Chief Curacu Huarmey. | | 10-10-0 27040 | Y/-/- | Ancient Peru Mace Head. Sun bird. K| | 8-8-0 27041 | Y/GA/- | Ancient Peru Mace Head.twin doves.| B44/13-2-13| 9-0-0 27042 | A/- | Ancient Peru Cone shaped piece.| B44/13-2-13 | 1-0-0 27043 | G/S/- | Ancient Peru Figure gilt.| B44/13-2-13 | 3-10-0 27044 | GS/- | Ancient Peru Hair Ornament gilt.bird on top| B44/13-2-13 | 2-5-0 27045 | G/- | Ancient Peru Hair Ornament Copper [[image]] | | 8-6 27046 | G/- | Ancient Peru Hair Ornament Copper | | 8-6 27047 | T/- | Benin Whistle. | P16/18-11-12 | 1-0-0 27048 | G/- | Eskimo? Ivory Implement [[image]] | S4/1915 | 1-10-6 27049 | C/- | E. Africa Armlet canoe shape. [[image]]|L12/6-5-12| 1-5-0 27050 | G/- | German Iron Padlock | L12/23-5-12 | 9-6 27051 | G/- | S African Sjambok | | 27052 | N/- | Niger Currency Spear brass. Ibo [[Connto?]] | | 27053 | G/- | Admiralty Spear | J12/3-3-13 | 10-0 27054 | -/S | New Guinea Spear | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 27055 | G/- | Niger Spear. head of brass.rare Ibo| | 27056 | G/- | Niger Spear. head of brass.rare Ibo| P16/28-11-13| 18-0 ################################################## EFwpG ################################################## [tl1_text] 357 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27057 | -/S | S. W. Africa. all iron. |P16/28-11-13| 10-0 27058 | -/S | S. W. Africa. Stabbing Spear. | | 27059 | -/S | S. W. Africa. Stabbing Spear. |S49/1-9-14| 5-0 27060 | -/S | S. W. Africa. Stabbing Spear. | | 27061 | -/S | S. W. Africa. Stabbing Spear. |P16/28-11-13| 5-0 27062 | -/S | S. W. Africa. Stabbing Spear. |P16/28-11-13| 5-0 27063 | -/S | Soudan Spear. | L10/6-2-12 | -6 27064 | -/S | Soudau Spear. | L10/6-2-12 | -6 27065 | -/S | Soudan Spear. | | 27066 | GI/- | Samoa Club | | 27067 | G/GX/- | N. America Coat. | P16/7-6-13 | 9-10-0 27068 | T/S | Brazil. Model Club. fine. C| | 1-18-0 27069 | I/- | Eskimo Bailer of horn with model one No.29300|H28/1915| 2-5-0 27070 | I/- | English Pepper-box Revolver. | E6/3-2-13 | 18-6 27071 | GY/- | East Indies Kris Blade inlaid silver Sulu| | 27072 | GS/- | S.America Tappa Robe. Beni River,Upper Amazon| | 2-12-6 27073 | /- | French Powder Primer XVIII Cent| E6/3-3-14| 2-6 27074 | /- | New Caledonia Jade beads.10 on original cord|B43/20-11-12| 1-0-0 27075 | /- | New Caledonia Jade beads.5 loose| F16/15-3-12| 11-6 27076 | /- | New Caledonia Jade beads. 2 loose| | 27077 | N/GX/- |England Pair FL. Pistols by STANTON| S48/14-2-16| 6-10-0 27078 | GX/- | England FL.Pistol.c.b.gunmetal SHARP| H39/25-3-16| 1-8-6 27079 | G/GX/- | German Powder Flask. XVII Cent| | 27080 | G/-/- | India Powder Flask.covered shark skin| S35/29-6-12| 1-15-0 27081 | GT/S| India Hand knife.brass mounts.chain & implements Coorg|S35/29-6-12| 2-2-0 27082 | GT/S| England."Harvey" hammerless P.C.Revolver| | 27083 | GT/S| England."Harvey" hammerless P.C.Revolver|S40/23-4-12| 1-12-6 27084 | G/-/- | England "Harvey"hammerless P.C.Revolver Ex.fine|S40/23-4-12| 2-5-0 27085 | M/GX/- | England 3 barrelled FL Pistol with bayonet|*/3-3-14| 5-10-0 27086 | M/A/- | England. D.B. Pistol. MORTIMER| S40/6-8-12| 6-6-0 27087 | Y/-/- | England.Blunderbuss bayonet. NOCK|S40/28-5-12| 5-0-0 27088 | G/G/- | England.Pair P.C. Pistols by BARBOUR.Silver mtd | | 27089 | S/- | England. Pair small pocket Pistols|E6/3-12-13| 10-6 27090 | Y/- | England. DB. Pistol P.C rough|E6/1915| 6-0 27091 | M/- | England.DB.Turn over Pistol BATES| E6/3-2-13| 16-0 27092 | S/- | England. P.C Pistol D. EGG|E6/1915| 16-0 27093 | Y/- | England. P.C Pistol P. BOND|E6/1-5-14| 5-1 27094 | GS/- | France Pair Gun metal FL Pistols| | ################################################## EFwpJ ################################################## [tl1_text] 357 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27095 | S/- | England FL.Pistol I PROBIN.flush trigger|J12/3-2-16| 12-6 27096 | I/- | England FL. Pistol TARVER| S40/6-8-12| 17-6 27097 | -/S | England Percussion Cap. Copper| L12/6-5-12| 5-0 27098 | GX/- | Persia Powder Primer.copper bird| S35/29-6-12| 1-5-0 27099 | T/- | Persia Powder Primer. Fish| S35/29-6-12| 1-1-0 27100 | T/- | Persia Powder Primer. Fish.silvered| | 1-1-0 27101 | N/- | Persia Powder Primer. steel. C| | 10-6 27102 | N/- | Persia Powder Primer. brass| | 10-0 27103 | N/- | Persia Powder Primer.brass stones set in|S35/29-6-12| 10-6 27104 | N/- | Persia Powder Primer.brass [[image]] | | 9-0 27105 | N/-/- | Japan 3b. p.c. Pistol.bronze.16" long Sold|S40/10-12-13| 4-18-0 27106 | GX/- | Japan Pistol in knife case.defective Sold S40/10-12-13| 1-1-0 27107 | GX/- | Assam Sword. 2 handed. Khasai Janti| | 1-15-0 27108 | A/- | Assam Spear head. barbed | | 27109 | G/GI/- | Europe Halbard slightly incurved edge.late XV Cent| | 4-7-6 27110 | G/GI/- | Europe Halbard straight edge.very early.Early XV Cent |N10/11-12-16| 5-0-0 27111 | G/GS/- | Europe Halbard German Middle XVI Cn| | 3-0-0 27112 | M/Y/S | Europe Halbard | S42/9-3-12| 4-11-0 27113 | M/Y/S | Europe Halbard | S42/9-3-12| 4-10-0 27114 | M/Y/S | Europe Halbard | S42/9-3-12| 4-10-0 27115 | M/Y/S | Europe Halbard | S42/9-3-12| 4-10-0 27116 | GI/S | Eskimo Whale Flipper? Oil Bottle.| H28/2-1-14| 1-15-0 27117 | GX/- | Queensland Shield. | | 27118 | I/GX/- | New Zealand Teki. fine pale colour 3-1/2 hole broken| | 10-10-0 27119 | I/-/- | Japan Knife. v.fine.| C7/19-12-12| 12-10-0 27120 | Y/- | Dutch New Guinea Spear | P16/28-11-13 | 7-0 27121 | Y/- | Dutch New Guinea Spear | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 27122 | Y/- | Dutch New Guinea Spear | P16/28-11-13 | 1-10-0 27123 | Y/- | Dutch New Guinea Spear | P16/28-11-13 | 1-10-0 27124 | Y/S | Dutch New Guinea Bow &[[crossout]]large number Arrows[[/crossout]]Watikima|J12/3-3-13| 7-0 27125 | - | Dutch New Guinea Quantity Arrows. sting ray barbs &c. Lake Santani| J12/3-3-13| 15-0 27126 | - | Dutch New Guinea Quantity Arrows.Watikima| J12/3-3-13| 3-0-0 27127 | - | Dutch New Guinea Quantity Arrows. Watikima|[[P16/28-11-13 or J12/3-3-13?]]| 3-0-0 27128 | GX/- | Dutch New Guinea Drum[[image]]15-1/2" McCluer Inlet| | 1-18-0 27129 | GX/- | Dutch New Guinea Drum[[image]]Fak Fak|P16/28-11-13| 2-0-0 27130 | Y/S | Dutch New Guinea Axe head Lake Santani |P16/28-11-13| 15-0 27131 | Y/S | Dutch New Guinea Axe head Lake Santani |K5/3-10-13| 18-6 27132 | -/S | Dutch New Guinea Specimen of hair.| P16/28-11-13| 10-0 ################################################## EFwpM ################################################## [tl1_text] 358 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27133 | -/S | Dutch New Guinea. Specimen of hair | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 27134 | -/S | Dutch New Guinea. Specimen of hair | | 27135 | -/S | Dutch New Guinea. Specimen of hair | | 27136 | -/S | Dutch New Guinea. Spear. carved Schoten Isl| | 1-12-6 27137 | G/- | Dutch New Guinea.Maus Cover Schoten Isl.|P16/28-11-13| 7-6 27138 | G/- | Dutch New Guinea. Currency large discs. Schoten Isl| P16/28-11-13| 7-0 27139 | G/- | Dutch New Guinea. Currency | | 27140 | -/S | Dutch New Guinea.Currency rough Nafra shell Watikima| | 27141 | -/S | Dutch New Guinea Currency rough Nafra shell Watikima| P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 27142 | -/S | Dutch New Guinea Currency rough Nafra shell Watikima| | 27143 | -/S | Dutch New Guinea Currency rough Nafra shell Watikima| | 27144 | -/S | Dutch New Guinea Currency 15 Sting Ray Arrows rough Watikima| P16/28-11-13 | 2-5-0 27145 | G/- | Dutch New Guinea Shell Ornament. 2 shells. | | 27146 | G/- |Dutch New Guinea.Rattle.nuts & tucon beak|P16/28-11-13| 5-0 27147 | -/S | Dutch New Guinea. Armlet. bark. | P16/28-11-13| 4-0 27148 | /- | Dutch New Guinea. Wood Object [[image]] | | 27149 | /- | Dutch New Guinea. Charm Offering| P16/28-11-13| 4-0 27150 | /- | Dutch New Guinea. Large Armlet.coix seeds.| | 27151 | /- | Dutch New Guinea. small Armlet| P16/7-6-13 | 1-6 27152 | /- | Dutch New Guinea. small Armlet| P16/7-6-13 | [[1-7-0?]] 27153 | GNG/GX/- | Madras Katar. ex finely chiselled sides. In photo No 7 | B21/5-4-12 | 646-0-0 27154 | | Madras Katar. finely chiselled sides. In photo No 6 | | 5-5-0 27155 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides.In photo No 1 | | 6-0-0 27156 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled extra.In photo No 3 | | 7-7-0 27157 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides.In photo No 16 | | 5-15-0 27158 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides.In photo No 5 | | 6-0-0 27159 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides.In photo No 8| | 6-15-0 27160 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides.In photo No 9| | 6-15-0 27161 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides.In photo No 4| | 5-15-0 27162 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides. In photo No 2| | 5-5-0 27163 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides. | | 6-0-0 27164 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides.grip of two crocodiles 30?| | 5-15-0 27165 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides. | | 5-5-0 27166 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides. | | 5-10-0 27167 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides. | | 6-6-0 27168 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides. | | 5-10-0 27169 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides. | | 5-10-0 27170 | | Madras Katar.finely chiselled sides. not so fine| | 4-15-0 111-5-0 ################################################## EFwpP ################################################## [tl1_text] 358 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] [[Carryover from previous page]] 111-5-0 27171 | | Madras.Katar. pierced floral design.In plate No 13 | | 3-10-0 27172 | | Madras.Katar. pierced beaded edges 11 | | 3-5-0 27173 | | Madras.Katar. chiselled 10 | | 3-5-0 27174 | | Madras.Katar. chiselled & pierced 17 | | 3-0-0 27175 | | Madras.Katar. chiselled & pierced 15 | | 3-0-0 27176 | | Madras.Katar. chiselled 12 | | 2-10-0 27177 | | Madras.Katar. open work. 14 | | 2-15-0 27178 | | Madras.Katar. not so fine chiselled sides | | 1-10-0 27179 | | Madras.Katar. not so fine chiselled sides | | 1-7-6 27180 | | Madras.Katar. has had chiselled blade. worn. chiselled guard. | | 1-7-6 27181 | | Madras.Katar.plain.small broad fine fluted blade| | 1-5-0 27182 | | Madras.Katar. plain. v. small broad blade. | | 16-0 27183 | | Madras.Katar. plain. ordinary specimen | | 12-6 27184 | | Madras.Katar. double blade. very massive 3 | | 6-6-0 27185 | | Madras.Guarded Katar. shell guard. Knife at side. Plate No 15| | 11-0-0 - £ 145- - 27186 | |Madras.Guarded Katar.shell guard.Fish & Cobra 16| | 16-16-0 27187 | | Madras. Guarded Katar. shell guard.2 dragons 17| | 15-15-0 27188 | | Madras. Guarded Katar.shell guard.pierced.large dragon head 21.| | 14-14-0 27189 | | Madras. Guarded Katar. shell guard.small dragon fine procena 20| | 12-10-0 27190 | | Madras. Guarded Katar. shell guard.large dragon head.(fractured)| | 14-14-0 27191 | | Madras. Guarded Katar. shell guard.plainer supported by ten Cobras. 18| | 14-14-0 27192 | | Madras. Guarded Katar. shell guard.plainer small dragon head. 19| | 6-6-0 27193 | | Madras. Guarded Katar. shell guard.plainer extra fine grooved blade.| | 4-15-0 27194 | | Madras. Guarded Katar. shell guard.plainer extra fine. shorter. 22.| | 4-4-0 [[Running total]] 261-2-6 27195 | | Madras. Bich'hawa with. 3 blades. extra fine guard 13| | 27-10-0 27196 | | Madras. Bich'hawa with. 2 blades. extra fine guard 14| | 20-0-0 27197 | |Madras."Pata" Elephant head.group of figures. 1| | 27-10-0 27198 | | Madras. "Pata" Elephant head. Dragons.| | 24-10-0 27199 | | Madras. "Pata" Elephant head. pierced.fine etched blade.| | 27-10-0 27200 | | Madras. "Pata" gilt.extra broad blade.inscribed| | 25-10-0 27201 | | Madras. "Pata" gilt. one edged blade 2| | 20-0-0 27202 | | Madras. "Pata" finely chiselled iron| | 20-0-0 27203 | | Madras. "Pata" finely chiselled plainer one edged blade| | 17-10-0 27204 | | Madras. "Pata" plain one edged blade | | 3-15-0 27205 | | Madras. Straight Sword. "Farangi"; gold inlay. figures.one edged blade| | 15-15-0 27206 | | Madras. Straight Sword. "Farangi"; gold inlay. floral.one edged blade| | 10-10-0 27207 | | Madras. Curved Sword. blade finely inlaid gold. plain hilt.| | 12-10-0 27208 | | Madras. Curved Sword. Tulwar. gold inlaid hilt.| | 3-3-0 [[Running Total]] 257-13-0358 ################################################## EFwpS ################################################## [tl1_text] 359 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27209 | | Madras Sword narrow blade.tulwar hilt inlaid.worn| | 2-2-0 27210 | | Madras Sword fine pierced hilt. broad blade | | 3-15-0 27211 | | Madras Axe-Knife. dragon at base. Photo. No 5| | 10-10-0 27212 | | Madras Axe-Knife. silvered | | 7-0-0 27213 | | Madras Hand Axe. v. massive inlaid silver| | 20-0-0 27214 | | Madras Axe. flamboyant blade at head. No 7 | | 2-18-0 27215 | | Madras War Hammer. 3 concealed Spring blades in head. No 8 | | 21-11-0 27216 | | Madras Elephant Goad & Matchlock Comined 6 | | 16-16-0 27217 | | Madras Mace. guarded hilt. | | 3-3-0 27218 | | Madras Mace.guarded hilt.slightly plainer.one wing missing| | 2-2-0 27219 | | Madras Short Hand Spear all steel. trident blade| | 2-15-0 27220 | | Madras Short Hand Spear all steel. | | 1-10-0 27221 | | Madras Spear-head v. massive curved. | | 5-5-0 27222 | | Madras Spear-head v. massive curved. silver gilt | | 5-5-0 27223 | | Madras Spear-head v. massive straight 10 | | 5-5-0 27224 | | Madras Spear-head v.massive 4 flanged spiral blade. 11 | | 5-5-0 27225 | | Madras Spear-head v. massive plain.leaf blade. 12| | 2-0-0 27226 | | Madras Spear-head v.massive plain.leaf blade.slightly smaller| | 1-15-0 27227 | |Madras Spear-head small.like Partizan.inlaid brass| | 2-0-0 27228 | | Madras Spear Mount Dragon head,copper silver gilt| | 2-2-0 27229 | | Madras Spear Mount Dragon head,copper silver gilt| | 2-2-0 27230 | | Madras Spear Mount Dragon head, copper & iron | | 2-2-0 27231 | | Madras Spear Mount pierced copper | | 1-5-0 27232 | | Madras Dagger. all steel No 4 | | 2-15-0 27233 | | Madras Dagger.fine blade.wood hilt.modern guarded| | 15-0 27234 | | Madras Dagger. fine blade. wood hilt. | | 10-0 27235 | | Madras Dagger. fine blade. wood hilt. narrow. | | 7-6 27236 | | Madras Matchlock. Gun.inlaid gold.silver mounts| | 16-16-0 27237 | | Madras Collection of 23 Arrows. 17 signed | | 21-10-0 27238 | | Madras Shield large. 6 copper bosses. | | 2-3-0 27239 | | Madras Shield large. 4 gilt bosses plain. | | 3-3-0 27240 | | Madras Shield small 6 gilt bosses tooled. | | 4-4-0 27241 | | Madras Tulwar Hilt. inlaid | | 2-2-0 [[Running Totals?]] 261-2-6, 390-9-6, 16-81-9,16-0 667-13-0 27242 | G/GA/- | Madras Sword. hilt finely inlaid gold. silver mts to sheath | S35/29-6-12 | 7-7-0 27243 | /- | Nepal Kukri Knife. | Brock/19-10-14 | 12-0 27244 | /- | Malay Kris sheath. wavy blade | | 8-0 27245 | /- | Malay Kris | | 27246 | /- | Malay Kris hilt not original | | ################################################## EFwpV ################################################## [tl1_text] 359 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27247 | /- | Malay Kris.hilt not original.[[?d]] head of brass| | 27248 | /- | India. Battle Axe head. Oressia. | | 27249 | GA/- | Turkey Yataghan. ivory hilt. | | 27250 | G/-/- | Turkey Pair FL. Pistols. | C7/19-12-12 | 3-0-0 27251 | Y/- | Basuto Spoon. | | 27252 | S/- | Andaman Harpoon Arrow. C | | 16-0 27253 | N/- | Andaman Harpoon Arrow. C | | 10-0 27254 | T/S | Congo Shield | P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0 27255 | GX/GX/- | Benin Bronze Head of a Woman|P16/18-11-12 & S| 12-10-0 27256 | G/GX/- | Benin Bronze Scepter.bird on top| P16/18-11-12| 4-0-0 27257 | A/S | Basuto Ladle. | | 27258 | G/A/- | Abyssinian M.S.S. | S4/1915 | 4-0-0 27259 | GX/- | Fiji Spear v. fine. | | 27260 | I/- | Fiji Spear | | 27261 | T/- | Fiji Spear | | 27262 | G/- | Fiji Spear | | 27263 | G/- | Fiji Spear | | 27264 | G/- | Fiji Spear | | 27265 | G/- | Fiji Spear | | 27266 | G/- | Fiji Spear | | 27267 | GX/- | S. Africa Bushman's Skull. | S4/1915 | 1-10-0 27268 | GX/- | Tasmania Skull showing disease marks| S4/7-10-14| 1-0-0 27269 | GA/- | Fiji Paddle Club. carved blade. | H30/3-8-12 | 1-10-0 27270 | GY/S | Europe FL Tinder Box. | E6/4-11-12 | 1-1-0 27271 | M/S | Benin Dagger | S | 27272 | G/- | Europe. Iron Torque. | | 27273 | M/- | Collection of Confederate Paper Money|S & W22/4-2-14| 10-0 27274 | G/- | Basuto Spoon. Giraffe Handle. | | 27275 | G/GA/- | Ashanti Latch Lifter Yoruba C| | 3-3-0 27276 | GX/- | H | | 27277 | M/- | Eskimo Puffin foot Purse C| D10/5-8-13 | 6-6 27278 | A/S | Australia Shield N.W.| P16/7-6-13 | 18-0 27279 | GX/- | Fiji Belt Club ex fine | P16/7-6-13 | 1-15-0 27280 | C/- | Gilbert Sword. very fine. | | 27281 | S/- | Gilbert Sword. double row | | 27282 | M/- | Gilbert Sword. 3 rows with cross guard. | | 27283 | Y/- | Gilbert Sword. 3 rows with cross guard. | | 27284 | Y/A/- | Gilbert Complete Suit of Armour| P16/7-6-13| 6-15-0 ################################################## EFwpY ################################################## [tl1_text] 360 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27285 | Y/A/- | Gilbert I Suit of Armour. | | | 27286 | GT/S | New Ireland Mask. | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0-0 27287 | Y/S | Trobriand Club | | | 27288 | Y/S | Trobriand Lime Spatula | | | 27289 | Y/S | Trobriand Lime Spatula | | | 27290 | G/A/- | New Zealand Haui. | | | 27291 | M/S | S. Africa Charm. | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 27292 | GY/S | Solomon Figure. modern. | | | 27293 | G/- | Brazil Cap of palm Spathe. | | | 27294 | M/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | F17/13-11-13 | 5-0 27295 | Y/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | P16/7-6-13 | 7-0 27296 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | | 27297 | Y/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | P16/7-6-13 | 7-0 27298 | Y/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | P16/7-6-13 | 7-0 27299 | Y/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | | 27300 | Y/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | | 27301 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | | 27302 | N/- | E. Africa Bell. | | | 27303 | GY/S | Congo Knife inlaid blade. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-18-0 27304 | N/S | Abyssinia Knife | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 27305 | A/- | England Bronze Celt. Bath. C | | 1-10-0 27306 | N/S | Persian Perfume Bottle. gourd, silver top. | | | 27307 | G/S | England F-L. Turn Screw. | | | 27308 | Y/Y/- | Burmah. 3 large Carvings. | B21/18-4-13 | 7-10-0 27309 | GX/- | Burmah. knife ivory hilt [[image]] silver sheath | | 1-5-0 27310 | A/- | Burmah. knife [[image]] | | 16-0 27311 | A/- | Japan Short Sword. | C7/19-6-13 | 6-0 27312 | A/- | Japan Short Sword. | | | 27313 | GS/- | British Columbian Bowl | H28/2-1-14 | 3-15-0 27314 | GY/- | East Africa Spear. v. large blade Engvd Shillook | | | 27315 | I/- | East Africa Spear. v. large blade Engvd Shillook | P16/28-11-13 | 1-10-0 27316 | GX/- | Soudan Sword & sheath. | | | 27317 | G/-/- | Japan Pair Swords & sheaths. | C7/19-6-15 | 6-0 27318 | N/S | Japan Sword large | C7/19-12-12 | 8-0 27319 | M/- | Japan Sword small | C7/19-12-12 | 6-0 27320 | M/-/- | [[image]] | | | 27321 | GX/-/- | [[image]] | | | 27322 | S/-/- | New Zealand Figure | | | ################################################## EFwq1 ################################################## [tl1_text] 360 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27323 | T/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. Captain Henry Wilson | | | 27324 | C/-/- | [[symbol]] | | | 27325 | NA/-/- | New Zealand Tattooed Head. K | S | 65-0-0 27326 | MA/-/- | New Zealand Tattooed Head. | | [[?85-0-0]] 27327 | YX/-/- | New Zealand Tattooed Head.post mortem v.fine | | 52-10-0 27328 | G/GA/- | New Zealand Club, Onewa. | | | 27329 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Club, bone. rough. | | 2-15-0 27330 | A/GX/- | New Zealand Club, wood. Kotiati. fine| | 12-10-0 27331 | N/-/- | New Zealand Paddle. carved| C11/27-11-12 | 16-0-0 27332 | GX/- | New Zealand Paddle. plain | | | 27333 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Model Canoe base. } | | | [[for both]] 27334 | G/-/- | New Zealand Model Canoe Side carving } | | 10-10-0 27335 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa.fine [[image]]| [[4/10/?]]| 5-5-0 27336 | G/-/- | New Zealand Haui. | | | 27337 | GT/S | New Zealand Axe carved short handle. | | | 27338 | Y/S | New Zealand Fish-hook | | | 27339 | Y/S | New Zealand Flax Bag. small. | | | 27340 | Y/S | Millie I. Fish hook. | B16/19-7-13 | 8-0 27341 | GX/- | New Britain Club. | | | 27342 | M/-/- | Fiji Club. lotus type | P16/7-6-13 | 7-10-0 27343 | GX/- | Australia Shield. Victoria| | 1-15-0 27344 | S/- | New Guinea Bowl.carved rim. Trobriands|P16/7-6-13| 1-10-0 27345 | N/- | New Guinea Bowl.carved small Trobriands|P16/7-6-13| 1-0-0 27346 | A/- | New Guinea Club Trobriands| P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 27347 | A/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. Ex: long | P16/7-6-13 | 14-0 27348 | Y/S | Caroline Belt. worked black designs | | | 27349 | M/-/- | Australia Axe. v. large. Queensland| F20/25-7-12| 8-0-0 27350 | GA/- | Solomon Shell Ornament overlay Santa Cruz| | 1-16-0 27351 | M/-/- | England Case of FL Dueling Pistols by Clarke| E6/1-1-14 | 4-18-6 27352 | A/-/- | England Pair brass barrelled s-mtd FL. Pistols by Mortimer| S40/6-8-12| 9-9-0 27353 | N/-/- | England Case of Tube Detonator Pistols by C. Moore. | S40/6-8-12| 8-15-0 27354 | GX/- | England Pair small S. mtd FL. Pistols by Ketland| | | 27355 | N/- | Congo Spear. | P16/28-11-13 | 9-0 27356 | N/- | Congo Spear. | P16/28-11-13 | 9-0 27357 | N/S | Congo Spear. | | | 27358 | Y/A/- | Easter Island Staff. slightly defective | P16/30-13-14 | 11-11-0 27359 | M/-/- | Harvey I Paddle. Ex:large. | W32/22-1-13 | 6-10-0 27360 | Y/-/- | Mangaia Adze Haft | | | ################################################## EFwq4 ################################################## [tl1_text] 361 [[5 column table]] 27361 | Y/-/- | Marquesas Carving much weather worn. | S4/1915 | 4-15-0 27362 | M/GX/- | New Caledonia Wood Head. | | 9-9-0 27363 | M/GX/- | New Caledonia Nbonet. poor colour | | 8-10-0 27364 | N/GX/- | New Hebrides Mask 2'-3" high. | | 6-15-0 [[strikethrough]]7-7-0[[/strikethrough]] 27365 | T/S | New Hebrides Ornament | | 27366 | G/A/- | Brazil Club [[image]] C | | 2-17-6 27367 | G/A/- | Brazil Club [[image]] C | | 2-0-0 27368 | T/S | Ancient Assyrian Stone Cylinder | S4/13-12-13 | 1-0-0 27369 | S/- | Fiji Club. large root. | | 27370 | S/- | Fiji Club. Gun stock. | | 27371 | S/- | Fiji Club. Gun stock. | | 27372 | A/- | Fiji Club. straight. | | 27373 | G/GX/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure Namouri. Mendi. | F20/25-7-12 | 2-10-0 27374 | G/I/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure Namouri. Mendi. | | 27375 | G/I/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure Namouri. Mendi. | | 27376 | G/I/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure Namouri. Mendi. | F20/25-7-12 | 2-10-0 27377 | G/I/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure Namouri. Mendi. | F20/25-7-12 | 2-10-0 27378 | G/I/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure Namouri. Mendi. | C28/13-11-13 | 3-3-0 27379 | G/I/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure Namouri. Mendi. | | 27380 | G/I/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure Namouri. Mendi. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-2-0 27381 | G/I/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure Namouri. Mendi. | | 27382 | G/I/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure Namouri. Mendi. | | 27383 | G/I/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure Namouri. Mendi. | | 27384 | A/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure defaced Namouri. Mendi. | | 27385 | A/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure defaced Namouri. Mendi. | | 27386 | A/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure defaced Namouri. Mendi. | F20/25-7-12 | 2-10-0 27387 | A/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure defaced Namouri. Mendi. | F20/25-7-12 | 2-4-6 27388 | G/S | Abyssinia Rosary of stone beads C | | 17-6 27389 | G/S | Abyssinia Rosary of stone beads shorter C | | 14-0 27390 | G/S | Abyssinia Rosary of stone beads | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 27391 | G/S | Abyssinia Rosary of stone beads | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 27392 | Y/GX/- | Abyssinia Church Processional Cross. C | A8/5-12-13 | 3-3-0 27393 | I/- | Abyssinia Sword, "Shotel" & sheath C | | 14-0 27394 | N/- | Abyssinia Sword, "Shotel" no sheath. | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 27395 | Y/S | China Bronze Cup | | 27396 | G/I/- | England FL. Pistol, brass barrel. by Patrick. | S40/6-8-12 | 2-5-0 27397 | M/-/- | Scotland Jacobite Pistol. FL. | S40/6-8-12 | 6-15-0 27398 | M/-/- | England 3 barrelled F.L. Pistol. | J14/27-3-15 | 5-15-0 ################################################## EFwq7 ################################################## [tl1_text] 361 [[5 column table]] 27399 | A/- | France FL Pistol Converted to P.C. curious protector | W35/25-7-16 | 10-0 27400 | G/G/- | France FL Pistol v. small gilt butt. | S40/2-4-13 | 1-16-0 27401 | GX/- | [[strikethrough]]Burmah[[/strikethrough]] Siam Silver Bowl with inscription 44 -> | 1/10/- | 2-6 1-15-6 27402 | A/- | Siam Silver Betel Box. | | 27403 | GX/- | Siam Tobacco Pipe | 1/2/6 | [[strikethrough]]1-2-6[[/strikethrough]] 27404 | N/- | Siam Currency silver ingot 2¼ oz Cambodia | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27405 | N/- | Siam Currency silver ingot | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27406 | N/- | Siam Currency silver ingot | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27407 | N/- | Siam Currency silver ingot | L12/6-5-12 | 5-0 27408 | Y/- | Siam Currency silver ingot hollow. | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27409 | Y/- | Siam Currency silvered copper [[strikethrough]]button shape[[/strikethrough]] | L12/6-5-12 | 4-0 27410 | -/S | Siam Currency silvered copper button shape | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27411 | -/S | Siam Currency silvered copper button shape | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27412 | -/S | Siam Currency silvered copper button shape | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27413 | -/S | Siam Currency silvered copper button shape | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27414 | -/S | Siam Currency silvered copper button shape | L12/6-5-12 | 4-0 27415 | -/S | Siam Currency silvered copper button shape | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27416 | -/S | Siam Currency silvered copper button shape | B43/20-11-12 | 4-0 27417 | -/S | Siam Currency silvered copper button shape | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27418 | G/S | Siam Currency silvered copper bars | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27419 | G/S | Siam Currency silvered copper bars | L12/6-5-12 | 4-0 27420 | G/S | Siam Currency silvered copper bars | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27421 | G/- | Siam Currency silvered copper bars smaller | L12/6-5-12 | 4-0 27422 | G/- | Siam Currency Copper bar large | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27423 | G/- | Siam Currency Copper bar large | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27424 | -/S | Siam Currency Copper bar small | S50/10-9-14 | 6-0 27425 | -/S | Siam Currency Copper bar small | S50/10-9-14 | 5-0 27426 | T/S | W. Africa. Carving Kru. | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 27427 | - | Tibet Diety | B46/5-11-13 | 2-10-0 27428 | G/GA/- | Mangaia Adze haft v. fine work. | | 27429 | G/GX/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. | P16/7-6-13 | 4-0-0 27430 | G/-/- | Australia Axe. mounted | F20/25-7-12 | 4-0-0 27431 | N/- | Australia Club. curved & studded nails. [[image]] | | 27432 | /- | Tibet Trumpet [[image]] brass & copper | | 3-15-0 27433 | GY/S | S.E. Africa Piano v. fine | C28/13-11-13 | 1-2-6 27434 | G/M/- | Trobriand Shield painted | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0-0 27435 | A/- | New Guinea Bark Belt | | 27436 | M/- | New Ireland [[strikethrough]]Britain[[/strikethrough]] Mask damaged. | | ################################################## EFwqa ################################################## [tl1_text] 362 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27437 | GS/- | New Guinea Canoe Prow. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0-0 27438 | -/S | New Guinea 6 Arrows | J12/3-3-13 | 1-6 27439 | M/- | W. Australia Shield. | | | 27440 | -/S | Chinese Rattle. | | | 27441 | A/- | Persia Tinder Box. Engraved. | | 18-6 27442 | A/- | Persia Pair Scissors | | | 27443 | A/- | Persia Pair Scissors | L12/6-5-12 | 8-6 27444 | S/- | Bolivia Spoon Pin, silver. | | | 27445 | N/- | Bolivia Spoon Pin, silver. smaller. | L12/6-5-12 | 8-6 27446 | M/- | Bolivia Charm Pin | | | 27447 | M/- | Bolivia Charm Pin | | | 27448 | Y/- | Bolivia Charm Pin | | | 27449 | /- | Africa Bow | P16/28-11-13 | 3-0 27450 | /- | Africa Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 27451 | /- | Congo 4 Arrows. | S43/19-3-13 | 1-9 27452 | Y/- | Congo Witch Doctor's Wand. | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 27453 | M/- | Congo Knife [[image]] handle Ngombe| | 18-6 27454 | M/- | Congo Knife. [image]]handle Batetela| P16/28-11-13| 12-0 27455 | M/- | Congo Knife. [image]] copper covd. handle | | 10-0 27456 | M/- | Congo Knife. [image]] copper covd. handle | | | 27457 | M/- | Congo Knife.[image]] copper covd.handle | P16/28-11-13| 12-0 27458 | G/S | Upper Nile Club.head carved like Australians|P16/28-11-13| 8-0 27459 | G/S | Upper Nile Club. head carved like Australians| | | 27460 | G/S | Upper Nile Club. head carved like Australians| | | 27461 | G/S | Upper Nile Club.head carved like Australians|P16/28-11-13| 8-0 27462 | C/- | Africa Ivory Horn square cut. carved. | | | 27463 | A/S | Africa Ivory Horn | P16/28-11-13 | 1-4-0 27464 | A/S | Africa Ivory Horn | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 27465 | A/- | Africa Ivory Horn | | | 27466 | G/- | Africa 4 Tusks. small. | | | 27467 | N/- | Persia Finger Ring. silver. | | | 27468 | N/- | Persia Finger Ring. brass. inscription | | | 27469 | G/- | Persia Finger Ring. bronze | | | 27470 | G/- | Persia Finger Ring. bronze | | | 27471 | G/- | Persia Finger Ring. bronze | | | 27472 | G/- | Persia Finger Ring. bronze | | | 27473 | N/- | Congo Double Bell iron. | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 27474 | T/- | Congo Fetish unfinished | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 ################################################## EFwqd ################################################## [tl1_text] 362 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27475 | G/G/- | Congo Fetish. large well finished | C28/13-11-13 | 2-16-0 27476 | GY/- | Congo Fetish. 2 figures on top. | | | 27477 | A/- | Congo Sword. Ngombe | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 27478 | A/- | Congo Sword. [[image]] Ngombe | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 27479 | I/- | Congo Knife ivory hilt Mangaleta | | | 27480 | Y/- | Congo Knife pierced blade | P16/28-11-13 | 12-0 27481 | T/- | Congo Cleaver [[image]] | | | 27482 | GY/- | Congo Knife copper. Bushingo | L21/17-6-12 | 1-8-0 27483 | M/- | Congo Throwing Knife | P16/28-11-13 | 1-6-0 27484 | Y/- | Congo Carving Knife | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 27485 | G/- | Congo Dagger. wood hilt broken. | | | 27486 | M/- | Congo Currency Spear. | P16/28-11-13 | 15-0 27487 | Y/- | Congo Spear Panga Falls | P16/28-11-13 | 10-0 27488 | M/- | Spear carved [[?]] | P16/28-11-13 | 9-0 27489 | G/- | Spear small, deeply barbed. | P16/28-11-13 | 9-0 27490 | GX/- | S. India Sword. iron handle | B:21/5-4-12 | 1-7-6 27491 | G/GX/- | Persia Shield. | B21/5-4-12 | 12-10-0 27492 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa. | F7/28-2-12 | 1-15-0 27493 | G/- | Assam Spear. Naga | | | 27494 | G/- | Assam Spear. Naga | | | 27495 | G/- | S. Africa Spear barbed. | P16/28-11-13 | 12-0 27496 | G/S | S. Africa Spear Assegai or Unkonto. Zulu | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 27497 | G/S | S. Africa Spear Assegai Zulu | | | 27498 | G/- | S. Africa Stabbing Spear. Bangwong. Zulu | | | 27499 | G/- | S. Africa Stabbing Spear. Zulu | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 27500 | G/- | S. Africa Stabbing Spear. Zulu | | | 27501 | G/- | S. Africa Stabbing Spear. Zulu | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 27502 | Y/C | Australia Boomerang | | | 27503 | Y/C | Australia Boomerang | | | 27504 | Y/C | Australia Boomerang | | | 27505 | Y/C | Australia Boomerang | | | 27506 | Y/-/- | Abyssinia MS.S Lady Meux Collection | | | 27507 | G/GX/- | Abyssinia MS.S Lady Meux Collection | S4/1915 | 2-15-0 27508 | G/GX/- | Abyssinia MS.S Lady Meux Collection | S4/1915 | 3-10-0 27509 | GX/- | Abyssinia MS.S Lady Meux Collection | H9/12-7-13 | 1-15-0 27510 | N/- | N. America Wampum | W1/7-7-13 | 1-17-0 27511 | N/- | N. America Wampum | S50/10-9-14 | 1-15-0 27512 | Y/- | Pyrenese Pocket Sundial | L12/6-5-12 | 11-6 ################################################## EFwqg ################################################## [tl1_text] 363 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27513 | /- | Ceylon. Armlet. brass | | | 27514 | /- | Tower Fire Relic. | | | 27515 | G/- | Ashanti Gold Weight? brass beetle | | | 27516 | G/- | Ashanti Pipe Bowl. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 27517 | Y/- | Swazi Pipe Bowl Steatite | | | 27518 | Y/- | S. Africa Pipe Bowl clear steatite [[image]] | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 27519 | N/- | S. Africa Snuff Box. carved rhino horn. | | | 27520 | G/- | S. Africa Dish black pottery Natal. C | | 9-0 27521 | G/- | S. Africa Dish black pottery Natal. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 27522 | Y/- | S. Africa Set of Fire Sticks. Natal. | | 16-0 27523 | /- | England. Ancient Key found at Waiden Castle 1834 | A14/5-2-12 | 2-6 27524 | YX/-/- | Ecuador. Shrunken Trophy Head. Jivato C | | 26-10-0 27525 | A/- | Somali Water Bottle | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 27526 | Y/- | Somali Shield. | P16/28-11-13 | 10-0 27527 | GA/- | Japan 2 Netsuke | W22/28-11-11 | 17-6 27528 | GT/- | Japan 3 Netsuke | W22/28-11-11 | 19-6 27529 | G/-/- | Japan 2 Netsuke | W22/28-11-11 | 1-2-6 27530 | C/- | Japan Drawing. | W22/28-11-11 | 11-6 27531 | T/- | Japan Doll. | W22/28-11-11 | 9-6 27532 | GI/- | Japan Vase Stand | W22/28-11-11 | 1-0-6 27533 | G/-/- | Japan Confucian Tablet. | W22/28-11-11 | 1-2-6 27534 | GY/- | Japan Carp carved wood. old. | | | 27535 | GX/-/- | New Zealand Teki with Toggle. | P16/28-11-13 | 22-10-0 27536 | G/GX/- | Eskimo Harpoon Heads [[image]] | | 3-3-0 27537 | G/-/- | Burmah Knife. carved horn hilt. | M31/23-2-14 | 2-15-0 27538 | G/-/- | Admiralty Food Bowl | | 1-15-0 27539 | G/GX/- | Nepal Votive Lamp. | | | 27540 | C/- | Nepal Kukri. extemely large specimen. 3 small knives 24" blade 29 over all | | 2-15-0 27541 | A/- | Soudan Doll | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 27542 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Basalt Onewa | | | 27543 | Y/Y/- | New Zealand Basalt Onewa | | | 27544 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Bird Snare | 4/-/- | 7-10-0 27545 | Y/A/- | New Zealand Bird Snare | | 7-10-0 27546 | G/I/- | New Zealand Small bone Mallet | | 2-15-0 27547 | M/- | New Zealand Adze haft | | | 27548 | G/-/- | New Zealand Flax Beater stone. Tuki Muka. | | | 27549 | M/M/- | New Zealand Large Ear Pendant jade | P16/7-6-13 | 4-0-0 27550 | GX/-/- | New Zealand Club [["Wakaka"?]] ake-ake wood. | | | ################################################## EFwqj ################################################## [tl1_text] 363 [[5 column table]] 27551 | M/-/- | New Zealand Tomahawk. iron head. bone. Wanaganu R. | | 4-10-0 27552 | GG/-/- | New Zealand Teki | P16/19-7-12 | 12-0-0 27553 | T/GX/- | New Zealand Adze head. | P16/19-7-12 | 3-0-0 27554 | N/-/- | New Zealand Adze in plain shaft. | P16/19-7-12 | 4-10-0 27555 | GA/GA/- | New Zealand Paddle. | P16/19-7-12 | 17-0-0 27556 | GA/-/- | New Zealand War Whistle. | P16/19-7-12 | 16-0-0 27557 | SM/-/- | New Zealand Canoe Prow | P16/19-7-12 | 69-0-0 27558 | MY/GG/- | New Zealand Stern Post. | P16/19-7-12 | 35-0-0 27559 | YG/-/- | New Zealand Figure of Ancestor. | P16/19-7-12 | 27-0-6 27560 | GS/-/- | New Zealand Box square. H.M.S. Alligator 1834 | P16/19-7-12 | 17-0-0 27561 | GI/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box | P16/19-7-12 | 20-0-0 27562 | GS/GS/- | New Zealand Kiwai Robe | P16/19-7-12 | 18-0-0 27563 | GA/GA/- | New Zealand Kiwai Robe | P16/19-7-12 | 17-0-0 27564 | G/-/- | New Zealand Adze Handle modern | P16/19-7-12 | 7-0-0 27565 | MY/-/- | New Zealand Adze Handle finely carved. | P16/19-7-12 | 41-0-0 27566 | Y/- | Congo Necklet. iron bells. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 27567 | G/- | Congo Armlet. wood whistles | P16/28-11-13 | 7-0 27568 | Y/GX/- | Pair French F.L. Pistols. | C7/19-12-12 | 3-0-0 27569 | G/GX/- | India Dagger. gold inlaid hilt. C | | 3-3-0 27570 | A/- | India Dagger. Sheath silver gilt. | | 27571 | G/A/- | New Zealand Stick. | | 1-15-0 [[strikethrough]]2-2-0[[/strikethrough]] 27572 | G/-/- | New Zealand Stick. | | 2-2-0 [[strikethrough]]3-3-0[[/strikethrough]] 27573 | GX/- | New Zealand Hani. | | 27574 | N/- | New Zealand Hani. | | 27575 | GY/S | New Zealand Hani. damaged. | | 27576 | G/A/- | Tonga Club carved all over. | | 27577 | G/GA/- | Ashanti Chiefs Stool. carved & painted figs. Yoruba. | | 3-10-0 27578 | GA/- | Ashanti Galeda Mask | | 27579 | GA/- | Ashanti Galeda Mask | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0-0 27580 | T/- | Ashanti Small white Fetish Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 27581 | T/- | Ashanti Small white Fetish Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 27582 | N/- | Ashanti Painted Fetish | L21/10-3-13 | 7-6 27583 | N/- | Ashanti Painted Fetish | L21/10-3-13 | 7-0 27584 | I/- | Ashanti larger. | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 27585 | G/-/- | Harvey I. Paddle. | | 27586 | G/A/- | New Zealand Hani. large | | 27587 | S/- | [[strikethrough]]W.[[/strikethrough]] E. Africa Charm Tusk. S. Soudan. Upper Nile. | | 18-6 27588 | N/- | E. Africa Charm Tusk. smaller. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 ################################################## EFwqm ################################################## [tl1_text] 364 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27589 | A/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. burnt. | | 8-10-0 27590 | T/-/- | Marquesas Staff. | | 27591 | Y/-/- | # # | | 27592 | A/- | Marquesas Dancing Charm for Finger | P16/7-6-13 | 12-6 27593 | A/- | Marquesas Dancing Charm for Finger | P16/7-6-13 | 12-6 27594 | G/-/- | # # | | 27595 | N/-/- | New Caledonia Adze. handle separate[[image]] B| | 9-0-0 27596 | G/GX/- | Brit Guinea Club. wrist loop & binding [[image]] | B4/13-12-12 | 2-0-0 27597 | G/-/- | North America Tobacco Pouch. | W1/7-7-13| 1-10-0 27598 | S/-/- | New Caledonia Jade bead Necklet. 81 beads| | 15-0-0 27599 | A/- | Fiji Belt Club. | | 27600 | N/S | Congo Knife. | P16/28-11-13 | 12-0 27601 | C/- | N. America Bow. lined gut. | | 4-4-0 27602 | G/- | N. America Spear Head. | | 27603 | GY/S | Roman Skull | | 27604 | GY/S | XVI Cent Skull of Monk. | | 27605 | G/GX/- | German New Guinea Idol. | P16/28-11-13 | 3-10-0 27606 | GX/- | Malay Zither | P30/25-7-12 | 1-2-6 27607 | N/- | Zambesi Necklet. Ivory 4 slabs | | 27608 | N/- | Zambesi Necklet. Ivory 4 slabs | | 27609 | G/S | Zambesi Medicine Phial or Whistle. ivory. | | 27610 | G/S | Zambesi Medicine Phial or Whistle. ivory. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 27611 | G/S | Zambesi Medicine Phial or Whistle. ivory. | | 27612 | G/S | Zambesi Medicine Phial or Whistle. ivory. | | 27613 | G/S | Zambesi Medicine Phial or Whistle. ivory. | | 27614 | G/S | Zambesi Medicine Phial or Whistle. ivory. | | 27615 | G/S | Zambesi Medicine Phial or Whistle. ivory. | | 27616 | G/S | Zambesi String Copper Currency Beads | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0 27617 | Y/Y/- | S. India Pair. Copper Dragons. Humpi| B21/16-10-12 | 5-5-0 27618 | G/-/- | Java Tray. Figure in relief on back. Copper.| | 1-18-0 27619 | GY/S | North America. Sheath. | N35/5-6-14 | 17-6 27620 | T/S | Pair Naga Ear Ornaments. | F20/25-7-12 | 15-0 27621 | S/GX/- | New Caledonia Adze.jade blade [[image]] v.fine| B30/16-9-16| 12-0-0 27622 | G/-/- | New Caledonia Club fine bird head. | | 27623 | N/-/- | Rotumah Club | P16/7-6-13 | 9-0-0 27624 | T/S | New Hebrides Club | | 27625 | T/S | New Hebrides Club | | 27626 | G/GX/- | Harvey Paddle. v. fine carving | | 5-5-0 ################################################## EFwqp ################################################## [tl1_text] 364 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27627 | G/A/- | Harvey Paddle N. fine carving | S45/7-6-13 | 5-0-0 27628 | G/-/- | Harvey Paddle Smaller. | S45/7-6-13 | 2-10-0 27629 | G/-/- | Harvey Paddle Smaller | | | 27630 | GX/- | India Dagger of horn. Bheel. C | | 1-1-0 27631 | GT/S | British Columbia Shale Carving | | 1-2-6 27632 | M/A/- | Tonga Club. carved. | P16/7-6-13 | 4-10-0 27633 | G/-/- | Mangaia Adze Haft. | | | 27634 | GX/- | Mangaia Adze Haft. smaller. | | | 27635 | GX/- | Tahiti Head Rest. label Otaheite 1782. "Cook" relic Turvey Abby Coll'n. | | 6-15-0 27636 | T/S | Fiji Head Rest | | | 27637 | T/S | Fiji Head Rest bamboo [[image]] C | | 16-6 27638 | GA/- | Matty I Axe of Turtle Bone. | | | 27639 | GA/- | Matty I Axe of Turtle Bone. | | | 27640 | A/- | New Guinea? Gourd dec. | | | 27641 | S/- | New Guinea? Stick carved. Trobriand. | P16/7-6-13 | 12-6 27642 | G/GX/- | Solomon Bowl | | | 27643 | GX/- | Solomon Printing Block. | | | 27644 | Y/A/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa. [[image]] | | | 27645 | T/S | New Zealand? (Canada) Paddle. | P16/7-6-13 | 2-15-0 27646 | G/-/- | Queensland Shield. large. | | | 27647 | GA/- | Victoria Shield. [[image]] | | 1-18-0 27648 | GA/- | Victoria Shield. [[image]] | | 1-16-0 27649 | GX/- | Victoria Shield. [[image]] | | 1-10-0 27650 | A/- | North Australian Shield dec red. | | 1-5-0 27651 | A/- | South Queensland Shield carved. [[image]] | | | 27652 | A/- | South Queensland Shield carved | | | 27653 | GY/GX/- | Benin Plaque. | P16/24-2-13 | 24-0-0 27654 | T/S | England Colt b-1 Pistol. | L12/6-5-12 | 18-6 27655 | GX/- | England Remington 4 b. Pistol. | L12/6-5-12 | 1-0-0 27656 | M/-/- | India Sword. gilt Elephant head. | S35/29-6-12 | 4-4-0 27657 | GX/- | India Arm Guard. plate & chain. | S35/29-6-12 | 18-6 27658 | GX/- | North Australia Sword Club. painted | P20/25-7-12 | 1-7-6 27659 | C/- | North Australia Sword Club. painted | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 27660 | S/- | North Australia Sword Club. painted | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 27661 | M/- | North Australia Spear Thrower | P20/25-7-12 | 10-0 27662 | M/- | North Australia Spear Thrower | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 27663 | M/- | North Australia Spear Thrower | | | 27664 | GA/- | Australia Cooking Basket | F20/25-7-12 | 2-0-0 ################################################## EFwqs ################################################## [tl1_text] 365 [[5 column table]] 27665 | GA/- | Solomon Club. carved | | 27666 | GY/- | Brazil Hat feather work. } 2-10-0 | P20/25-7-12 | 2-10-0 27667 | GX/- | Brazil Girdle } 1-10-0 | P20/25-7-12 | 1-10-0 27668 | A/- | Brazil Pair Arm Ornaments } 10-0 | P20/25-7-12 | 10-0 27669 | Y/S | Brazil Ear Ornament } 10-0 | P20/25-7-12 | 10-0 27670 | Y/S | Brazil Ornaments | | 16-0 27671 | A/- | Brazil Head-dress | | 16-0 27672 | A/- | Brazil Head Ring C | | 8-6 27673 | Y/S | Brazil Pendant | | 10-0 27674 | G/- | Brazil Pendant smaller hoof bases to large feathers | | 18-0 27675 | G/- | Brazil Pendant smaller | | 8-0 27676 | A/- | Brazil Belt and rattles | | 1-6-0 27677 | A/- | Brazil Hat? Feathers on cloth mtd with india rubber. [[image]] | | 1-7-6 27678 | Y/-/- | England 2 barrelled FL Pistol. one hammer. | S40/6-8-12 | 3-15-0 27679 | G/-/- | Trobriand Paddle carved | P16/7-6-13 | 3-5-0 27680 | GI/- | Trobriand Paddle | P16/7-6-13 | 3-5-0 27681 | A/- | Persia Powder Measure. | | 27682 | A/- | New Britain Club. broken | | 27683 | GX/- | New Britain Club. carved. | | 27684 | M/GA/- | Reproduction, Tilting Helm WH. Hooper Sale | A14/21-12-12 | 16-5-0 27685 | M/GA/- | Reproduction, Tilting Helm WH. Hooper Sale | A14/21-12-12 | 16-5-0 27686 | Y/GX/- | Mangaia Adze. | | 27687 | T/S | British Columbia. Paddle. | H28/2-12-14 | 2-15-0 27688 | G/-/- | Japanese Dagger | C7/19-12-12 | 2-10-0 27689 | GA/- | Japanese Sword Breaker. | C7/19-12-12 | 2-10-0 27690 | G/GA/- | England FL. Gun by Davenport. | | 27691 | G/-/- | France. Pepper Box Revolver. Marriette patent | | 27692 | G/-/- | France. Pepper Box Revolver. Marriette patent | | 27693 | GA/- | England Pepper Box Revolver. rare form. | J14/[[?]] | 1-16-0 27694 | G/GX/- | England FL. Pistol. gun metal. Ryan & Watson. | | 27695 | G/GX/- | England FL. Pistol. brass barrel. s. mts. Bunny | | 27696 | Y/-/- | England FL. Pistol. iron barrel s. mts. griffin ex fine | B48/1915 | 3-0-0 27697 | G/GX/- | England FL. Pistol. iron barrel bayonet. | | 27698 | GT/- | England Case of Detonator Pistols by D Egg | S40/14-12-12 | 27-0-0 27699 | A/GX/- | England Pair DB FL. Pistols by D Egg | S40/14-12-12 | 11-0-0 27700 | M/-/- | England FL Sporting Gun by D Egg | S40/14-12-12 | 8-0-0 27701 | GA/- | Tibet Bone Flute. | C30/3-2-13 | 1-0-0 27702 | GA/- | New Caledonia Club | | ################################################## EFwqv ################################################## [tl1_text] 365 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27703 | GX/- | England. Card Printing Blocks & Cards. | | | 27704 | Y/S | Eskimo 4 pieces ivory C | | 6-6 27705 | Y/S | A. Peru Copper Harpoon head C | | 17-6 27706 | Y/S | A. Peru Fish-hook sinker of stone. C | | 8-6 27707 | A/S | England. Pepper Box Revolver. | | | 27708 | N/- | England. FL. Cannon barrelled Pistol by Joyner London | | | 27709 | N/- | Malay Kris. carved hilt. sheath. | | 12-6 27710 | S/- | Zulu Shield | B45/6-10-13 | 7-0 27711 | S/- | Zulu Shield | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 27712 | S/- | Zulu Shield | L21/10-3-13 | 11-6 27713 | S/- | Zulu Shield | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0-0 27714 | A/- | England Pair FL. Pistols pocket pistols. | E6/3-4-12 | 16-0 27715 | GS/- | England Pair FL. Pistols pocket pistols. | E6/3-4-12 | 1-7-6 27716 | A/- | England Small FL. Pistols G. HICKMAN. | S40/13-11-12 | 16-6 27717 | GA/- | England inlaid with gold. | | | 27718 | S/- | England | | | 27719 | G/-/- | Congo Mask. | P16/28-11-13 | 2-10-0 27720 | G/-/- | Ashanti 40 Story tellers Emblem | P16/28-11-13 | 5-0-0 27721 | G/-/- | Ashanti 120 Gold Weights | | | 27722 | N/- | Ashanti Portmanteau | P16/28-11-13 | 12-0 27723 | M/- | B. New Guinea Belt. carved bark. | | | 27724 | Y/- | B. New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | | 27725 | Y/- | B. New Guinea Shell Trumpet. | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 27726 | G/S | B. New Guinea Dagger Cassowary bone | P16/7-6-13 | 8-0 27727 | G/S | B. New Guinea Dagger Cassowary bone | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 27728 | G/- | B. New Guinea Lime Gourd. | P16/7-6-13 | 7-0 27729 | G/- | B. New Guinea Woven Belt & Armlet | P16/7-6-13 | 7-0 27730 | G/- | Ashanti Gold Scoup | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 27731 | M/- | B. New Guinea Drum | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 27732 | G/A/- | # | | | 27733 | A/- | Hawaii Stone Pounder Lady Franklyn C | | 1-18-0 27734 | GA/- | Hawaii Mat. Ex. rare. See No. 26467. | | | 27735 | A/- | Fiji Piece of Tappa. | | | 27736 | A/- | New Zealand Mat flax damaged | | | 27737 | A/- | Eskimo Pouch | | | 27738 | A/- | Canada Quill Pouch. | H28/12-9-16 | 5-5-0 27739 | A/- | B. Columbia Shale Pipe late | | 2-7-6 27740 | A/- | B. Columbia Basket | | | ################################################## EFwqy ################################################## [tl1_text] 366 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27741 | A/- | Large Basket [[image]] | | | 27742 | A/- | N. American Hide Bag for Gambling Sticks N.W.Coast | H28/2-1-14 | 15-0 27743 | S/-/- | N. Australia Collection. Melville I & Anson Bay | F20/25-7-12 | 24-0-0 27744 | T/-/- | N. Australia Collection. Melville I & Anson Bay | P16/7-6-13 | 22-10-0 27745 | Y/- | N. Australia Large Bark Bag Melville I. C | | | 27746 | Y/- | N. Australia Cane Basket Anson B | | | 27747 | N/- | N. Australia Fine woven Bag. dec feathers Melville I. | | 1-15-0 27748 | Y/- | N. Australia Bag string Anson B. | | | 27749 | Y/- | N. Australia Bag string smaller Anson B. | | | 27750 | Y/- | N. Australia Bag string small Anson B. | T18/20-6-13 | 4-0 27751 | Y/S | N. Australia Hair Wig. Anson B. | | | 27752 | Y/S | N. Australia Hair Belt Anson B. | | | 27753 | Y/S | N. Australia Hair Belt Anson B. | | 1-10-0 27754 | -/S | N. Australia Neck Ornament. cane tubes. Anson B. | | | 27755 | -/S | N. Australia Neck Ornament. cane tubes. Anson B. | | | 27756 | -/S | N. Australia Neck Ornament. cane tubes. Anson B. | | | 27757 | -/S | N. Australia Neck Ornament. cane tubes. Anson B. | | | 27758 | Y/- | N. Australia Neck Ornament. fine trade beads Anson B. | | | 27759 | -/S | N. Australia Neck Ornament. fine trade beads smaller Anson B. | | | 27760 | -/S | N. Australia Neck Ornament. fine trade beads smaller Anson B. | | | 27761 | /S | N. Australia Armlet. woven cane. Anson B. | | | 27762 | G/- | N. Australia Spear. Melville I. | | | 27763 | G/- | N. Australia Woman's Club. Melville I. | | | 27764 | Y/- | N. Australia Spear Thrower Melville I. | | | 27765 | Y/- | N. Australia Spear Thrower Melville I. | | | 27766 | Y/- | N. Australia Spear Thrower Melville I. | | | 27767 | G/- | N. Australia Spear Thrower made from stick with [[furricle?]] Melville I. | | | 27768 | -/S | N. Australia Throwing Club | | | 27769 | -/S | N. Australia Throwing Club | | | 27770 | -/S | N. Australia Short hand Club | | | 27771 | -/S | N. Australia Short hand Club | | | 27772 | G/- | N. Central Australia Boomerang. | | 15-0 27773 | A/- | Tasmania Stick | | | 27774 | A/- | S. India Stick carved. | B21/16-10-12 | 2-2-0 27775 | A/- | Book Drawings natives of New South Wales. | B16/8-4-16 | 17-0 27776 | A/- | B. New Guinea Belt of bark, carved. | | | 27777 | A/S | Fiji Belt Club | | | 27778 | GX/- | Fiji Model Canoe. v. large old. | | 2-7-6 ################################################## EFwqB ################################################## [tl1_text] 368 [[5 column table]] 27779 | GA/- | A. Mexico. Jar. pottery Lexcoco | | 27780 | M/-/- | A. Mexico Stone Head | B44/13-2-13 | 6-5-0 27781 | Y/Y/- | German New Guinea Skull. female. | | 27782 | G/A/- | Benin Staff. wood. | P16/24-2-13 | 2-10-0 27783 | M/-/- | Congo Ox Collar. ivory [[image]] | C28/13-1P-13 | 3-15-0 27784 | N/GX/- | Benin Mask Pendant. rare form. | P16/24-2-13 | 6-15-0 27785 | A/- | Benin Bronze Celt Charm | P16/24-2-13 | 10-0 27786 | A/- | Benin Bronze Celt Charm | P16/24-2-13 | 10-0 27787 | A/- | Benin Bronze Celt Charm | P16/24-2-13 | 10-0 27788 | A/- | Benin Bronze Celt Charm | P16/24-2-13 | 10-0 27789 | A/- | Benin Bronze Celt Charm | | 27790 | GX/- | Ashanti Brass Mask. | K4/19-6-13 | 16-0 27791 | S/S | Ashanti Brass Story teller's Emblem. figure. | | 27792 | S/S | Ashanti Brass Story teller's Emblem. figure. | | 27793 | S/- | Ashanti Brass Story teller's Emblem. figure. | | 27794 | S/- | Ashanti Brass Story teller's Emblem. figure. | | 27795 | M/S | British New Guinea Nost-Pin | | 27796 | M/S | British New Guinea Nost-Pin | | 27797 | M/S | British New Guinea Nost-Pin | | 27798 | M/S | A. Carib Arrow head wood. | | 27799 | G/GX/- | Marquesas Pair Ear Plugs. | B16/19-7-13 | 4-0 27800 | /- | New Hebrides Currecy Mat. | | 27801 | /- | New Hebrides Belt | | 27802 | /- | New Hebrides Belt smaller | | 27803 | G/GX/- | India Akales Sikh Head dress & 4 Quoits 3-5-0 1-10-0 | | 4-15-0 [[strikethrough]]3-5-0[[/strikethrough]] 27804 | G/Y/S | India Suit of plate & chain Mail | | 27805 | GA/- | Benin Bronze Staff | P16/24-2-13. | 2-0-0 27806 | A/- | Tibet Brass Case | | 27807 | M/- | Tibet Brass Case smaller | | 27808 | GX/- | Borneo Sword & sheath rare type | S35/29-6-12 | 2-15-0 27809 | G/- | S. Africa Knobkerry | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 27810 | G/- | Arancania Whip | | 27811 | M/- | A. Egypt Painters Palette C | B30/30-1-14 | 1-5-0 27812 | G/- | A. Egypt Prophyry Vase. | | 27813 | A/- | New Guinea Neck Ornament [[image]] C | | 10-6 27814 | G/- | New Guinea Nut Charm. | P16/7-6-13. | 12-0 27815 | G/- | New Guinea Nut Charm. damaged | | 4-0 27816 | /- | S. Africa Necklet wood | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 ################################################## EFwqE ################################################## [tl1_text] 367 [[5 column tables]] 27817 | /- | S. Africa Necklet wood | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 27818 | /- | S. Africa Small roll of Tappa Cloth | | 27819 | M/- | New Zealand Steering Paddle. plain old | | 27820 | G/S | New Zealand Paddle C | | 12-6 27821 | G/S | New Zealand Paddle | | 27822 | G/- | New Zealand Paddle not so good | | 27823 | G/- | New Zealand Paddle not so good | | 27824 | T/-/- | New Zealand Cloak of Kiwi feathers 18/-/Quoted M. Smith | | 18-0-0 27825 | G/- | New Zealand Adze Handle. | | 27826 | A/- | New Zealand Spade "Ko", modern | | 27827 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club perished | | 27828 | GX/- | New Hebrides Club v. large star [[image]] Tarwa I | | 27829 | Y/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | 27830 | Y/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | 27831 | G/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] v. damaged | | 27832 | G/- | New Hebrides Gourd carved. | | 27833 | N/- | New Hebrides Set Pan Pipes Tarwa I. | C30/3-2-13 | 1-0-0 27834 | Y/- | Queensland Boomerang | | 27835 | G/- | Queensland Club. | | 27836 | M/- | New Zealand Hani plain | | 27837 | G/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa. modern. | | 27838 | G/- | Japanese Sword | C7/19-12-12 | 4-0 27839 | G/A/- | Tonga Club | | 2-17-6 27840 | G/A/- | Tonga Club | | 27841 | Y/GX/- | Fiji "Lotus" Club | | 27842 | G/-/- | Fiji Oil Desk. | | 27843 | GX/- | Fiji Small Bowl. | | 1-1-0 27844 | GT/S | Java Knife Silver mounts. C | A14/8-10-13 | 1-10-0 27845 | Y/A- | Java Kris. silver mtd sheath. | S35/29-6-12 | 3-3-0 27846 | A/- | Burmah Knife small. | M31/22-1-14 | 15-0 27847 | G/A/- | Siam Musical Instrument | | 1-12-6 27848 | G/A/- | Siam Musical Instrument | | 1-12-6 27849 | G/-/- | Borneo Basket | | 1-16-0 27850 | G/-/- | Borneo Fetish | S4/1914 | 2-2-0 27851 | G/A/- | Borneo Parang Ilang inlaid black. wood hilt modern sheath | | 3-3-0 27852 | G/-/- | Borneo Parang Ilang grooved massive black | | 2-15-0 27853 | G/A/- | Borneo Parang Pandat. | S35/29-6-12 | 3-3-0 27854 | /- | Borneo Rice Platter & Grinder | S4/1915 | 6-0 ################################################## EFwqH ################################################## [tl1_text] 367 [[5 column table]] 27855 | Y/GX/- | N. America 2 Paddles Meliceti Indian | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0-0 27856 | N/- | N. America Bow. | H28/2-1-14 | 13-0 27857 | G/Y/S | Fiji Kava Bowl. | | 27858 | G/Y/S | Fiji Kava Bowl. | | 27859 | GY/S | [[strikethrough]]Malay[[/strikethrough]] Rice Pounder. [[image]] Borneo | | 1-8-6 27860 | GA/- | New Guinea Club. stone head 2 rows. | P16/7-6-13 | 2-10-0 27861 | GA/- | New Guinea Club. stone head 2 rows. | | 27862 | GA/- | New Guinea Club. stone head 4 rows. | | 27863 | GA/- | New Guinea Club. stone head 2 rows. | | 27864 | GA/- | New Guinea Club. stone head 2 rows. | | 27865 | GA/- | New Guinea Club. Ball points. | | 27866 | A/- | New Guinea Sword Club. wood | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0 27867 | A/- | New Guinea Sword Club. wood | P16/7-6-13 | 10-0 27868 | A/- | New Guinea Sword Club. wood | P16/7-6-13 | 5-0 27869 | GA/- | New Guinea Paddle wood Trobriand | | 27870 | GA/- | New Guinea Paddle wood Trobriand | | 27871 | GX/- | Borneo Belt. Ampat. carved. | | 27872 | GX/- | Borneo Belt. Ampat. carved. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-10-0 27873 | S/- | New Guinea Belt. plain. | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0 27874 | S/- | New Guinea Belt. plain. | | 27875 | N/- | New Hebrides Belt. plain. Mallecola. | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0 27876 | N/- | New Hebrides Belt. plain. | | 27877 | GX/- | New Guinea Belt. carved | | 27878 | GX/- | New Guinea Belt. carved | | 27879 | GX/- | New Guinea Head-dress. Cassowary. | P16/7-6-13 | 1-5-0 27880 | G/-/- | Solomon Girdle hair. | | 27881 | G/-/- | Andaman Bow. strung. | | 27882 | G/-/- | N. America Tomahawk | H28/2-1-16 | 2-0-0 27883 | G/A/- | Zulu Head Ring | | 27884 | GX/- | Australia Spear Thrower. | | 27885 | GA/- | Australia Club | | 27886 | /- | Bushman Arrow. | | 27887 | /- | 2 Indian & Congo Arrows & 2 shafts. | J12/3-3-13 | 2-0 27888 | GT/S | Swahili Trumpet of Kudu horn. | | 27889 | GT/S | Swahili Trumpet of Kudu horn. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-10-0 27890 | GX/- | N. America Call Whistle. | L26/3-10-16 | 2-2-0 27891 | N/-/- | England. 2 barrelled Blunderbuss with bayonet. | P16/28-11-13 | 8-13-0 27892 | A/- | Brit. New Guinea Fishing Float. | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 ################################################## EFwqK ################################################## [tl1_text] 368 [[five column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27893 | N/N/- | Ancient Mexico. Stone Head. | B44/13-2-13 | 6-0-0 27894 | GA/- | Tibet Doll. | | 27895 | GX/- | China Cross Bow | J12/10-9-12 | 1-2-6 27896 | G/-/- | E. India ? Shield. rare. Rubrain | S35/30-6-13| 2-10-0 27897 | I/- | Mangaia Adze head. | | 27898 | N/- | New Ireland Fish Hook. | B16/19-7-13 | 10-0 27899 | G/- | Tonga Fish Hook | B16/2-1-14 | 9-6 27900 | A/- | British Columbia Halibut Hook. | | 27901 | Y/- | Eskimo ivory Carving C| | 6-6 27902 | I/- | Jewish Horn. (Shop har) C| | 18-6 27903 | Y/- | Arab Charm. | | 27904 | G/-/- | New Hebrides Mask | E1/10-2-13 | 2-0-0 27905 | G/-/- | Ashanti Stool. | | 27906 | GX/- | W. Australia Spear Thrower. carved| P20/25-7-12| 1-0-0 27907 | A/- | W. Australia Spear Thrower. plain | | 27908 | GX/- | Queensland Club Boomerang. [[image]] | | 18-0 27909 | GX/- | New Guinea Club. carved | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 27910 | A/- | New Guinea Stick. Trobriand| P16/7-6-13 | 12-6 27911 | A/- | New Guinea Yam Stirrer | P16/7-6-13 | 14-0 27912 | G/-/- | Fiji Cannibal Fork. late | | 1-7-6 27913 | A/- | Fiji Adze Head. | | 18-6 27914 | G/-/- | Fiji Club Pine Apple type. fine Say 3/15/= | | 3-15-0 27915 | G/-/- | Fiji Club Pine Apple type. 16¼ dia. | | 2-15-0 27916 | G/-/- | Fiji Club Pine Apple type. | | 27917 | G/-/- | Fiji Club Pine Apple type. carved on head | | 3-17-6 27918 | G/-/- | Fiji Club Pine Apple type. | | 27919 | G/-/- | Fiji Club Pine Apple type. | | 27920 | GX/- | Fiji Chiefs Staff | | 27921 | GX/- | Fiji Chiefs Staff | | 27922 | GA/- | Fiji Club. "Gun stock." carved border. rare| | 27923 | GX/- | Fiji Club. "Root." | | 27924 | G/-/- | Fiji Club. Fan. rare [[image]]. | | 27925 | GX/- | Fiji Club. Paddle Ex"Turvey Abbey" Colln| | 27926 | GX/- | Fiji Club. Straight carved grip, basket pattern | | 27927 | GX/- | Fiji Club. Straight unusual design | | 27928 | GX/- | Tonga Club.square end[[image]] Ex Turvey Abbey Colln| | 27929 | GA/- | Tonga Club. lobe.Wrist cord orn shells| | 27930 | Y/GX/- | Tonga Club. lobe. carved inlaid | | ################################################## EFwqN ################################################## [tl1_text] 368 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27931 | GA/- | Tonga Club [[image]] | B31/20-12-13 | 2-2-0 27932 | GA/- | Tonga Club [[image]] | S45/7-6-13 | 1-10-0 27933 | GA/- | Samoa Club [[image]] Turvey Abbey | | 1-7-6 27934 | G/GX/- | Rotumah Club [[image]] | B31/20-12-13 | 3-5-0 27935 | GX/- | Fiji Club Belt. ex: fine. | | | 27936 | T/S | Fiji Club Belt. fluted | | | 27937 | T/S | Fiji Club Belt. fluted | | | 27938 | T/S | Fiji Club Belt. fluted | | | 27939 | T/S | Fiji Club Belt. fluted | | | 27940 | A/- | Fiji Club Belt. ball | | | 27941 | A/- | Fiji Club Belt. ball | | | 27942 | A/- | Solomon Club. | | | 27943 | G/GA/- | Fiji Kava Bowl fine patina 20-1/4 " | | | 27944 | G/GA/- | Fiji Kava Bowl fine patina 18-1/2 " | | | 27945 | Y/-/- | Fiji Kava Bowl fine patina 23-1/4 " | | | 27946 | GX/- | Fiji Oil Dish [[image]] | | | 27947 | GX/- | Fiji Oil Dish [[image]] | | | 27948 | GX/- | Fiji Oil Dish [[image]] | | | 27949 | N/- | Wallis Island Tappa. | | | 27950 | M/- | Fiji Tappa | | | 27951 | M/- | Fiji Tappa | | | 27952 | M/- | Fiji Tappa Dado. 18 ft long. ? Samoa | | 18-0 27953 | M/- | Fiji Tappa | | 17-6 27954 | M/- | Fiji Tappa | | | 27955 | M/- | Fiji Tappa Smudgy | | 10-6 27956 | M/- | Fiji Tappa Ex fine. | | 1-6-0 27957 | M/- | Fiji Tappa | | | 27958 | M/- | Fiji Tappa | | | 27959 | M/- | Fiji Tappa | | | 27960 | M/- | Fiji Tappa | | | 27961 | M/- | Fiji Tappa | | | 27962 | M/- | Fiji Tappa | | | 27963 | M/- | Fiji Tappa | | | 27964 | M/- | Fiji Tappa | | | 27965 | GY/-/- | New Guinea Model Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0-0 27966 | GY/-/- | Masai Model Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0-0 27967 | N/-/- | Masai Outfit | P16/28-11-13 | 6-0-0 27968 | GY/-/- | Herero Model Woman | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0-0 ################################################## EFwqQ ################################################## [tl1_text] 369 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 27969 | GX/-/- | Herero Woman's Outfit. | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0-0 27970 | Y/GX/- |England Pair brass barrelled B.B. Pistols by P.Bond| | 27971 | GX/- | England FL. B.B. Pistol Thomas| | 27972 | N/GX/- | England Pair DB. single-hammer Pistols T Richards| | 27973 | Y/-/- | Congo Pair Large Figures| T16/39-5-19 | 6-15-0 27974 | G/A/- | Congo Fetish Figure.mirror & medicine on body| S4/14-3-16| 3-3-0 27975 | GA/- | Congo Fetish Figure. square hole in body. | | | 27976 | G/-/- | Congo Fetish Figure. coloured red| H38/3-11-16 | 1-12-6 27977 | GA/- | W.Africa Fetish Figure black.curious head-dress| P16/28-11-13| 18-0 27978 | G/A/- |Congo Fetish Figure.polished.glass eyes|W1/15-4-13| 3-3-0 27979 | Y/-/- | E.Cent Africa.Fetish Figure Carving 2 Gazelles| S4/29-2-16| 3-0-0 27980 | A/- | Madagascar Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 27981 | A/- | Madagascar Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 27982 | A/- | Madagascar Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 27983 | A/- | Madagascar Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 27984 | I/S | West Indies Celt. Carib| F20/25-7-12| 15-0 27985 | I/S | West Indies Celt. Carib| F20/25-7-12| 15-0 27986 | I/S | West Indies Celt. Carib| H28/2-1-14| 8-0 27987 | I/S | West Indies Celt. | H28/2-1-14 | 8-0 27988 | I/- | West Indies Celt. | H28/2-1-14 | 8-0 27989 | C/- | West Indies Celt. | H28/2-1-14 | 8-0 27990 | C/- | West Indies Celt. | H28/2-1-14 | 8-0 27991 | C/- | West Indies Celt. | H28/2-1-14 | 7-0 27992 | GI/-/- | New Caledonia Jade Chief's Axe. # | | 27993 | A/-/- | New Caledonia Jade Necklet 138 beads. 2/6 | | 17-10-0 27994 | N/-/- {G-GX-O | New Caledonia Jade Necklet 30.larger beads {G-GX-O | {[[G-?]] |New Caledonia Jade Necklet | See Nos. 28771-2 | | 5-15-0 27995 | S/-/- | New Caledonia Tabu Figure | P16/30-11-14 | 11-11-0 27996 | S/-/- | New Caledonia Idol | | | 27997 | Y/-/- | D'Urville Mask |2/10/0 [[E1/8-?-14]] | 3-3-0 27998 | G/-/- | German New Guinea Totem. | P16/28-11-13 | 2-10-0 27999 | M/- | Marquesas Stilt Step | | | 28000 | M/-/- | Marquesas Stilt Step | | | 28001 | N/-/- | [[?]] | | | 28002 | A/- | S.America Flute of Jagua Bone. B. Guiana| | 16-0 28003 | A/- | Brit.New Guinea Small Fishing Float. Hayter I| | 28004 | A/- | Brit.New Guinea Small Fishing Float.[[finer?]] | | 28005 | I/- | Brit.New Guinea Lime Spatula elaborate, light wood Moresby Snd| | 28006 | A/- | Brit.New Guinea Lime Spatula bird headed figure Moresby Snd|F17/13-11-13| 6-0 ################################################## EFwqT ################################################## [tl1_text] 369 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28007 | A/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. Conventionalized figure design | | | 28008 | A/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. Milne Bay | F17/13-11-13 | 6-0 28009 | A/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. bird-headed figure. | F17/13-11-13 | 6-0 28010 | Y/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula. Clapper. carved one side | | | 28011 | Y/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula. Clapper. carved one side | [[B16/?]] | 5-0 28012 | Y/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula. long & narrow. | F17/13-11-13 | 6-0 28013 | GX/- | W. Australia Shield | B30/24-4-13 | 18-0 28014 | Y/- | N.S. Wales Boomerang. | | | 28015 | A/- | N.S. Wales Boomerang Club. Lil-Lil. | | | 28016 | GX/- | Victoria Spear Thrower rare type [[image]] | | | 28017 | Y/S | Victoria Club | | | 28018 | Y/S | Victoria Club [[image]]| | | 28019 | C/- | England Pepper-box Pistol in case. | | | 28020 | M/S | Europe Pin Fire box Pistol | S40/2-4-13 | 7-6 28021 | S/- | England Pepper-box Pistol | E6/3-4-12 | 10-6 28022 | Y/- | Morocco Pair Clogs. Arab. | | | 28023 | G/- | Zulu Snuff Spoon. | | | 28024 | N/- | Ashanti Amazon Razor Knife. | P16/28-11-13 | 10-0 28025 | G/-/- | Eskimo Bow. wood bound gut. [[strikethrough]][[Kaialigamut?]] Bering St [[strikethough]] Point Barrow C | D10/5-8-13 | 5-5-0 28026 | GX/- | England Hammer pierced stone 9-1/2 x 3-1/2 x 2-1/2 Norfolk | | 1-5-0 28027 | N/- | S. Africa Snuff Box. | | | 28028 | G/- | S. Africa Snuff Box. carved gourd. damaged. | P16/28-11-13 | 4-0 28029 | GA/- | Adaman Bow, plain. strung Col: by Col: E.L. Berkeley 1882 North C | | 2-10-0 28030 | GA/- | Adaman Bow, plain. strung Col: by Col: E.L. Berkeley 1882 North | | | 28031 | GA/- | Adaman Bow, slightly dec. Middle C | J12/3-3-13 | 1-10-0 28032 | GA/- | Adaman Bow, plain. dec. South | | | 28033 | GA/- | Adaman Bow, plain. dec. South C | J12/3-3-13 | 1-1-0 28034 | A/- | Adaman Harpoon Arrow. single barb South | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 28035 | A/- | Adaman Harpoon Arrow. single barb South | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 28036 | A/- | Adaman Harpoon Arrow. single barb South | | | 28037 | A/- | Adaman Harpoon Arrow. Double barb South | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 28038 | A/- | Adaman Harpoon Arrow. Double barb South | | | 28039 | G/- | Adaman Arrow iron point North | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 28040 | G/- | Adaman Arrow iron point North | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 28041 | /- | Adaman Arrow iron point point repaired North | | | 28042 | /- | Adaman Arrow iron point point repaired North | | | 28043 | /- | Adaman Arrow wood North | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 28044 | /- | Adaman Arrow wood North | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 ################################################## EFwqW ################################################## [tl1_text] 370 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28045 | /- | 2 European Whistling & Bird Arrows. modern | | | 28046 | A/- | A. Egypt Figure wood. | | | 28047 | GX/- | Zulu Shield | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 28048 | A/- | Zulu Shield small | | 12-0 28049 | GM/S | Ceylon Sword. | H30/16-8-13 | 2-0-0 28050 | I/- | England P.C. Pistol, bayonet | | | 28051 | G/A/- | Borneo Skull hole in top. Trophy | S4/1915 | 10-0-0 28052 | GX/-/- | New Caledonia Jade Beads. (79) large size. | 14/14/- | 14-14-0 28053 | GS/- | G. New Guinea Paddle. [[Anguffshafen?]] | P16/28-11-13 | 1-10-0 28054 | GS/- | G. New Guinea Club | P16/28-11-13 | 1-5-0 28055 | M/S | Matty I Sword. | P16/7-6-13| 10-0 28056 | N/- | Matty I Spear | P16/7-6-13| 8-0 28057 | N/- | Matty I Spear | P16/7-6-13| 8-0 28058 | N/- | Matty I Spear | P16/7-6-13| 7-0 28059 | N/- | Matty I Spear | | | 28060 | N/- | Matty I Spear | P16/7-6-13| 7-0 28061 | N/- | Matty I Spear | | | 28062 | N/- | Matty I Spear | | | 28063 | S/- | Matty I Club | | | 28064 | S/- | Matty I Club | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 28065 | S/- | Matty I Club | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 28066 | S/- | Matty I Club | | | 28067 | S/- | Matty I Club | | | 28068 | S/- | Matty I Club | P16/7-6-13 | 1-0-0 28069 | S/- | Matty I Paddle | | | 28070 | S/- | Matty I Paddle | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0 28071 | S/- | Matty I Paddle | P16/7-6-13 | 14-0 28072 | S/- | Matty I Paddle | | | 28073 | S/- | Matty I Paddle | | | 28074 | S/- | Matty I Paddle | | | 28075 | G/S | N. America Armlets metal | | 12-6 28076 | G/- | N. America Armlets metal smaller | | 6-6 28077 | S/- | Assam Pair Leggings Angami Naga C | | 18-6 28078 | M/- | Assam Pair Ear Ornaments Angami Naga C | | 8-0 28079 | G/- | Assam Dress. hair Angami Naga | | | 28080 | C/- | S. America Dress. beads 17-1/2 x 10" B. Guania C | | 1-7-6 28081 | G/- | German New Guinea Necklet. nafra shell | | | 28082 | /- | German New Guinea Armlet. | | | ################################################## EFwqZ ################################################## [tl1_text] 370 [[5 column table]] 28083 | /- | German New Guinea Armlet | | 28084 | /- | German New Guinea Armlet | | 28085 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 6 points. i | | 28086 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 6 points. | P16/7-6-13 | 2-10-0 28087 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 6 points. | | 28088 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 6 points. | | 28089 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 6 points. | | 28090 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 6 points. | | 28091 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 6 points. | | 28092 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 6 points. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-5-0 28093 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 6 points. | | 28094 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club sone. star. 6 points. | | 28095 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 7 points. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0-0 28096 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 7 points. | | 28097 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 7 points. | K5/3-10-3 | 1-5-0 28098 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 7 points. | | 28099 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club stone. star. 7 points. | | 28100 | GX/- | British New Guinea Club stone points broken | P16/7-6-13 | 1-10-0 28101 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28102 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28103 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28104 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28105 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28106 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28107 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28108 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28109 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28110 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28111 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28112 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28113 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28114 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28115 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28116 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28117 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28118 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28119 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | 28120 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine 4 rows | | ################################################## EFwr2 ################################################## [tl1_text] 371 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28121 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine type 4 rows | | | 28122 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine type 4 rows | | | 28123 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine type 4 rows | | | 28124 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine type 4 rows | | | 28125 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine type 3 rows | | | 28126 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine type 3 rows | | | 28127 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine type 3 rows | | | 28128 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine type 3 rows | | | 28129 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine type 3 rows | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0-0 28130 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine type 3 rows | | | 28131 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine type 3 rows | P16/7-6-13 | 2-5-0 28132 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club pine type 3 rows | | | 28133 | GX/- | British New Guinea Club Egg type | | | 28134 | GX/- | British New Guinea Club Egg type | P16/7-6-13 | 2-5-0 28135 | GX/- | British New Guinea Club Egg type | | | 28136 | GX/- | British New Guinea Club Egg type | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0-0 28137 | GX/- | British New Guinea Club Egg type | K5/3-10-13 | 18-0 28138 | GX/- | British New Guinea Club Egg type | | | 28139 | GX/- | British New Guinea Club Egg type | | | 28140 | GX/- | British New Guinea Club Egg type | | | 28141 | GX/- | British New Guinea Club Egg type | P16/7-6-13 | 2-5-0 28142 | T/- | British New Guinea Club "Ball" cut. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0-0 28143 | T/- | British New Guinea Club "Ball" cut. | | | 28144 | T/- | British New Guinea Club "Ball" cut. | | | 28145 | T/- | British New Guinea Club "Ball" cut. | | | 28146 | T/- | British New Guinea Club "Ball" cut. | P16/7-6-13 | 3-0-0 28147 | N/N | British New Guinea Club "Ball" rough. Evorra | P16706013 | 1-0-0 28148 | N/N | British New Guinea Club rough. Evorra | | | 28149 | N/N | British New Guinea Club rough. Evorra | P16/7-6-13 | 1-5-0 28150 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club "Star" type 7 points [[strikethrough]] " [[strikethrough]] | P16/7-6-13| 2-10-0 28151 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club "Star" type 7 points | | | 28152 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club "Star" type 7 points | | | 28153 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club "Star" type 7 points | | | 28154 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club "Star" type 7 points | | | 28155 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club "Star" type 7 points | | | 28156 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club "Star" type 7 points | P16/7-6-13 | 2-15-0 28157 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Club "Star" type 7 points damaged | | | 28158 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club "pine" type 3 rows long flange | P16/7-6-13 | 2-10-0 ################################################## EFwr5 ################################################## [tl1_text] 371 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28159 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club. "pine" type 4 rows | | | 28160 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club. "pine" type 4 rows | | | 28161 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club. "pine" type 4 rows no shaft. | | | 28162 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club. "pine" type 4 rows | | | 28163 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club. "pine" type 4 rows long shaft | P16/7-6-13 | 2-5-0 28164 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club. "pine" type 4 rows long shaft | | | 28165 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club. "pine" type 4 rows long shaft | P16/7-6-13 | 2-10-0 28166 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club. "pine" type 4 rows long shaft | | | 28167 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club. "pine" type 2 rows long shaft | P16/7-6-13 | 3-5-0 28168 | GA/- | British New Guinea Club. "pine" type 2 rows long shaft | | | 28169 | GY/S | German New Guinea Bowl Carved | | | 28170 | GY/S | New Guinea Bowl Carved | P16/28-11-13 | 1-15-0 28171 | Y/S | New Guinea Tobacco Pipe good design. Motu Motu | P16/7-6-13 | 18-0 28172 | Y/S | New Guinea Sago Pounder. | | | 28173 | A/- | New Guinea Paddle. | | | 28174 | A/- | Solomon Paddle. | | | 28175 | GA/- | E. Africa Shield. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-1-0 28176 | A/- | British New Guinea Sword Club. | P16/7-6-13 | 15-0 28177 | GA/- | Fiji Pine Apple Club | | | 28178 | GY/- | Japan Suit Armour. small plates. rare [[5/-?]] | | | 28179 | N/GY/- | Large Mahogany Specimen Cabinet. | | | 28180 | G/G/- | Borneo Parang Ilang sheath | | | 28181 | G/G/- | Borneo Parang Ilang sheath | | 2-5-0 28182 | Y/-/- | Ceylon Devil dancer's Mask. Very fine. sold | E1/10-2-13 | 5-10-0 28183 | Y/Y/- | New Zealand Wood Teki Figure female. | P16/28-11-13 | 12-10-0 28184 | G/G/- | Solomon Bowl inlaid | | | 28185 | G/G/- | Solomon Paddle. very rare type | | | 28186 | GA/- | Solomon Club. San Christoval | | | 28187 | /- | Solomon Arrow | J12/3-3-13 | 1-0 28188 | G/S | Fiji Belt Club, Ula | | | 28189 | S/S/- | N. America Coat dec: quill work. }| [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[ written over original]] 12-0-0 | 10-0-0 28190 | GA/- | N. America Cuffs & bottom trimming. }| [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[ written over original]] 15-0 | 10-0 28191 | Y/-/- | N. America Apron painted with Eagle. }| [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[ written over original]] 4-0-0 | 3-10-0 28192 | G/-/- | N. America Pair Leg Coverings mounted later } 28189 to 28219 cost L YG/-/- | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[ written over original]] 2-0-0 | 1-10-0 28193 | Y/-/- | N. America Frontlet. fine quill work late mountings }| [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[ written over original]] 3-0-0 | 2-10-0 28194 | Y/GX/- | N. America Head Dress Thacumee 1812 Detroit. }| [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[ written over original]] 14-0-0 | 12-0-0 28195 | A/- | N. America Pair Mocassins later. }| [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[ written over original]] 5-0 | 3-5-0 28196 | A/- | N. America Pouch later | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[ written over original]] 5-0 | 5-0 ################################################## EFwr8 ################################################## [tl1_text] 372 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28197 | A/- | N. America Belt. later | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 5-0 | 5-0 28198 | GX/- | N. America Small Collar v. fine beadwork. | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 15-0 | 10-0 28199 | A/- | N. America Knife. Sheath & belt beadwork | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 15-0 | 10-0 28200 | GA/- | N. America Band. v. fine quill work| [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 2-10-0 | 2-0-0 28201 | A/- | N. America Pair Ear shaped Pieces skin. | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 15-0 | 10-0 28202 | GX/- | N. America Necklet Bears Claws | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 10-0 | 10-0 28203 | A/- | N. America Pair Armlets Bears Claws | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 10-0 | 10-0 28204 | A/- | N. America Head Band (modern) Containing 36 small silver broaches | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 2-10-0 | 1-10-0 28205 | A/- | N. America Silver Broach 3-7/8" dia | H28/2-1-14 | 10-0 28206 | A/- | N. America Silver Broach 3-7/8" dia | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 2-0-0 | 10-0 28207 | Y/S | N. America Silver Broach 3-1/4" dia | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 1-10-0 | 10-0 28208 | Y/S | N. America Silver Broach 3-1/4" dia | H28/2-1-14 | 10-0 28209 | Y/- | N. America Silver Broach 2-3/4" dia | H28/2-1-14 | 5-0 28210 | Y/- | N. America Silver Broach 2-3/4" dia | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 1-0-0 | 5-0 28211 | G/S | N. America Silver Broach 1-1/2" dia | H28/2-1-14 | 5-0 28212 | G/S | N. America Silver Broach 1-1/2" dia | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 12-6 | 5-0 28213 | G/- | N. America Silver Broach 1" dia | H28/2-1-14 | 2-6 28214 | G/- | N. America Silver Broach 1" dia | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 8-6 | 2-6 28215 | GX/- | N. America Pair Silver Arm Ornaments | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 2-10-0 | 2-0-0 28216 | GX/- | N. America Pipe Tomahawk zinc-head silver mts | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 3-0-0 | 2-10-0 28217 | A/- | N. America Club iron spike | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 3-10-0 | 3-0-0 28218 | A/- | N. America Club ball head. | [[written over original]] H28/2-1-14 [[written over original 5-5-0 | 4-0 28219 | A/- | N. America Picture. | H28/2-1-14 | 10-0 28220 | A/GN/- | Japan Netsuke [[g?]]. | W22/28-11-11 | 6-5-0 28221 | I/- | Borne Fishing Spear. 3 prongs. silver mount [[image]] Kyan | | 1-6-0 28222 | GA/- | Borne Blow Gun v. fine. Kyan | J12/3-3-13 | 1-10-0 28223 | A/- | Borne Spear & 22069 Kyan | [[?]] S35/21-10-16 | 1-17-0 28224 | G/Y/- | W. Borne Shield all wood. Sirabas Dyak. Sadong R. | | | 28225 | G/A/- | W. Borne Shield bark, wood rib, cane border. Sirabas Dyak. Sadong R. | F20/21-9-12 | 2-10-0 28226 | G/A/- | W. Borne Shield bark smaller. Sirabas Dyak. Sadong R. C | | 2-5-0 28227 | G/Y/- | W. Borne Shield wood. Sirabas Dyak. Sadong R. | S35/4-12-12 | 2-10-0 28228 | G/A/- | W. Borne Shield wood covered cane Sirabas Dyak. Sadong R. | | | 28229 | G/A/- | W. Borne Shield wood covered cane Sirabas Dyak. Sadong R. C| | 2-15-0 28230 | G/A/- | W. Borne Shield wood covered cane Sirabas Dyak. Sadong R. | | | 28231 | G/GX/- | W. Borne Shield wood straight cane in front. Sirabas Dyak. Sadong R. | F20/21-9-12 | 3-5-0 28232 | Y/A/- | W. Borne Spear carved figures Sirabas Dyak. Sadong R. C | | 3-10-0 28233 | Y/A/- | W. Borne Spear carved figures Sirabas Dyak. Sadong R. C | | | 28234 | Y/A/- | W. Borne Spear carved figures Sirabas Dyak. Sadong R. C | F20/21-9-12 | 4-0-0 ################################################## EFwrb ################################################## [tl1_text] 372 28235 | Y/A/- | West Borneo Spear. figures Siralos Dyak. Sadoug R. Sarawak. | | 28236 | Y/A/- | West Borneo Spear. figures C | | 4-10-0 28237 | Y/A/- | West Borneo Spear. figures | | 28238 | Y/A/- | West Borneo Spear. figures | | 28239 | Y/A/- | West Borneo Spear. figures | | 28240 | G/A/- | West Borneo Spear. no figures. | | 28241 | G/A/- | West Borneo Spear. no figures. | | 28242 | G/A/- | West Borneo Spear. no figures. C | | 2-5-0 28243 | G/A/- | West Borneo Spear. no figures. | | 28244 | G/A/- | West Borneo Spear. no figures. C | | 1-5-0 28245 | G/A/- | West Borneo Spear. no figures. | | 28246 | /- | Canada Pair Snow Shoes | | 28247 | /- | North America 3 Arrows iron heads | | 28248 | /- | North America Bow. scalloped one side. | H28/2-1-14 | 1-17-6 28249 | /- | Assam Bow. | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 28250 | /- | Assam 7 Bird Arrows some damaged | J12/[[?]] | 10-0 28251 | Y/-/- | Morocco Gun FL silver mounts. | B45/22-3-13 | 4-4-0 28252 | GX/- | India Gun Matchlock. inlaid ivory | | 2-12-6 28253 | GX/- | China Gun Matchlock | | 28254 | G/-/- | Europe Pair FL. Horse Pistols. brass butts. very large | | 28255 | GX/- | E. Africa Shield. Masai. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-5-0 28256 | GT/S | Samoa Club rare type | | 2-7-6 28257 | GA/- | Nigeria Warri Bowl head on top Aro Exped=C | T16/29-3-14 | 1-18-6 28258 | T/S | S. Africa Wand. | P16/28-11-13 | 10-0 28259 | Y/S/- | Persia Set of 3 Javellins silver mounts. | S35/4-12-12 | 4-10-0 28260 | Y/T/S | Eskimo Snow Knife. whale bone. v. large. slight. engv? C | | 4-12-6 28261 | T/S | Solomon Belt. Malaita | | 28262 | /- | Damara Milk Funnel Herero. | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 28263 | /- | Damara Karos | P16/28-11-13 | 18-0 28264 | /- | Damara Necklet iron beads | | 1-5-0 28265 | G/-/- | Samoa Tappa. large | | 28266 | /- | Samoa Tappa. smaller | | 28267 | /- | Samoa Tappa. small | | 28268 | G/- | New Hebrides Tappa v. fine | | 28269 | -/G | New Hebrides Tappa dec feathers for waist | | 28270 | -/G | New Hebrides Tappa dec feathers for waist | C28/30-11-12 | 10-0 28271 | -/G | New Hebrides Tappa dec feathers for waist | | 28272 | G/- | Florida I Club 2 Late | | ################################################## EFwre ################################################## [tl1_text] 373 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28273 | G/- | Solomon Clubs 2. late Florida I. | | | 28274 | G/- | Solomon Clubs 2. late | | | 28275 | G/- | Solomon Clubs 3 late | | | 28276 | Y/- | Solomon Paddles 5 late | | | 28277 | G/- | Solomon Arrows 100 Santa Cruz | | | 28278 | G/- | Solomon Arrows 100 Santa Cruz | | | 28279 | -/S | Solomon Bow strung Santa Cruz | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 28280 | -/S | Solomon Bow strung Santa Cruz | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 28281 | -/S | Solomon Bow strung Santa Cruz | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 28282 | -/S | Solomon Bow strung Santa Cruz | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 28283 | -/S | Solomon Bow strung Santa Cruz | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 28284 | -/S | Solomon Bow strung Santa Cruz | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 28285 | /- | Solomon Bow no cord Santa Cruz | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 28286 | /- | Solomon Bow no cord Santa Cruz | J12/3-3-13 | 3-6 28287 | -/S | New Hebrides Bow.| J12/4-7-14 | 6-0 28288 | -/S | New Hebrides Bow.| J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 28289 | -/S | Solomon Paddle Santa Cruz | | | 28290 | -/S | Solomon Paddle Santa Cruz | | | 28291 | -/S | Solomon Paddle Santa Cruz | | | 28292 | -/S | Solomon Paddle Santa Cruz | | | 28293 | -/S | Solomon Paddle Santa Cruz | | | 28294 | -/S | Solomon Paddle Santa Cruz | | | 28295 | -/S | Solomon Paddle Santa Cruz | | | 28296 | -/S | Solomon Paddle Santa Cruz | | | 28297 | -/S | Solomon Paddle Santa Cruz | | | 28298 | -/S | Solomon Paddle Santa Cruz | | | 28299 | G/-/- | New Ireland Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 4-14-0 28300 | A/- | New Guinea Mask Tappa. Kerepuna | P16/7-6-13 | 2-2-0 28301 | A/- | New Guinea Bird Mask Tappa. | P16/7-6-13 | 1-5-0 28302 | Y/S | W. Africa Pottery Jar. Egga. Nupe | P16/28-11-13 | 8-0 28303 | T/S | Fiji Pottery Bottle | F20/21-9-12 | 1-1-0 28304 | Y/GA/- | New Hebrides Ring of Stone.very rare.broken Santo C| B16/1915 | [[strikethrough]] 4-14-0 [[strikethrough]] 3-3-0 28305 | Y/- | New Hebrides War Trumpet. shell. | | 18-6 28306 | G/- | New Hebrides Ceremonial Whisk large Tanna I | | 1-5-0 28307 | G/- | New Hebrides Ceremonial Whisk small Tanna I | | 8-6 28308 | I/GX/- | New Zealand Door Post | P16/20-11-14 | 36-0-0 28309 | I/GX/- | New Zealand Door Post | | [[38-0-0?]] 28310 | Y/A/- | New Zealand Steering Paddle.carved grip large| | 5-5-0 ################################################## EFwrh ################################################## [tl1_text] 373 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28311 | A/- | New Zealand Paddle | | | 28312 | G/-/- | New Zealand Haui large. Taken at Gate Pah. | | | 28313 | GA/- | New Zealand Haui | | | 28314 | GA/- | New Zealand Haui | | | 28315 | GX/- | New Zealand Haui carving unfinished | S4/29-2-16| 11-5-0 28316 | A/- | New Zealand Small piece of Carving. | | | 28317 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Kiwai Cloak. damaged | | 6-6-0 28318 | A/- | New Zealand Carrying Belt. | | 15-0 28319 | N/-/- | New Zealand Club bone. | B16/19-7-13 | 6-0-0 28320 | Y/A/- | New Zealand Club basalt. | | | 28321 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Club basalt.small Uriwera Country| | | 28322 | Y/GA/- | New Zealand Net sinker. stone. | | 5-15-0 28323 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Flax Beater.raised ornament.stone. C| | 4-0-0 28324 | GX/- | New Zealand Flax Beater. plain stone. | | 1-0-0 28325 | GX/- | New Zealand Flax Beater. plain stone. | | | 28326 | GX/- | New Zealand Flax Beater. plain stone. | | | 28327 | A/- | New Zealand Flax Beater. plain [[image]] | | | 28328 | A/- | New Zealand Grinding Stone. | | 1-0-0 28329 | Y/S | New Zealand Hoe | | 1-0-0 28330 | Y/S | New Zealand Adze head | | | 28331 | GY/S | New Zealand Flax Beater[[image]]Hawaiian form Uriwera C| C K5/12-8-16 | 1-12-0 28332 | M/GX/- | Chatham I Club rough stone[[image]]|C11/27-11-12| 6-0-0 28333 | G/GA/- | Chatham I Club rough stone [[image]]|K5/3-10-13| 3-5-0 28334 | N/-/- | Solomon Axe inlaid pearl shell. C| D10/17-1-13| 5-15-0 28335 | GA/- | Solomon Bowl inlaid pearl shell. large. damaged | | | 28336 | GA/- | Solomon Bowl inlaid pearl shell. large. | | | 28337 | GY/S | Solomon Bowl inlaid pearl shell. smaller C| B21/17-2-13 | 11-12-0 28338 | GX/- | Solomon Bowl inlaid pearl shell. smaller | | | 28339 | GX/- | Solomon Bowl inlaid pearl shell. smaller | | | 28340 | A/- | Solomon Bowl inlaid pearl shell.oblong C|B21/17-2-13| 17-0 28341 | M/- | Solomon Bowl inlaid pearl shell. In form of fish. damaged | | | 28342 | Y/- | Solomon Ladle inlaid pearl shell. C| | 16-0 28343 | G/- | Solomon Ladle plain | | | 28344 | G/N/- | Santa Cruz Double Bowl | C11/27-11-12| 2-0-0 28345 | G/- | Santa Cruz Bowl large | | | 28346 | -/S | Santa Cruz Bowl small | | | 28347 | -/S | Santa Cruz Bowl small | | | 28348 | -/S | Santa Cruz Bowl small | | | ################################################## EFwrk ################################################## [tl1_text] 374 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28349 | G/G/- | Solomon Large Model Fish with cavity in side | | | 28350 | /- | Santa Cruz Shark | | | 28351 | /- | Solomon Bird | | | 28352 | G/- | Santa Cruz Head Rest. C| | 10-6 28353 | GX/- | Solomon Grave Ornament | B16/19-7-13| 1-15-0 28354 | G/-/- | Santa Cruz Loom large | | | 28355 | Y/- | Santa Cruz Loom. small | | | 28356 | /- | Santa Cruz 2 Loom Sticks | | | 28357 | GA/- | Solomon Grave Stick figure. | | | 28358 | M/- | Solomon Fishing Float with stone sinker inlaid C|D10/17-1-13 | 1-18-6 28359 | M/- | Solomon Fishing Float with stone sinker inlaid|B21/17-2-13 | 1-10-0 28360 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float no stone sinker inlaid C|B21/17-2-13 | 1-10-0 28361 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float no stone sinker inlaid|B21/17-2-13 | 18-0 28362 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float no stone sinker inlaid|B21/17-2-13 | 16-0 28363 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float no stone sinker inlaid | | | 28364 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float no stone sinker inlaid C | D10/17-2-13 | 1-18-0 28365 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float no stone sinker inlaid | | | 28366 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float no stone sinker inlaid | | 28367 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float no stone sinker inlaid |D10/17-2-13 | 1-2-6 28368 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float no stone sinker inlaid damaged| | | 28369 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float no stone sinker inlaid damaged| | | 28370 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float no stone sinker inlaid damaged C| B21/7-2-13 | 17-0 28371 | Y/- | Solomon Ceremonial Paddle | | | 28372 | Y/- | Solomon Ceremonial Paddle | | | 28373 | Y/- | Santa Cruz Figure | | | 28374 | Y/- | Santa Cruz Tortoise | | | 28375 | Y/- | Solomon Ceremonial Object. [[image]] inlaid C| | 17-6 28376 | Y/- | Solomon Ceremonial Paddle curved C | D10/17-1-13 | 1-8-0 28377 | G/- | Solomon Ceremonial Paddle straight C | | 1-0-0 28378 | G/- | Solomon Ceremonial Spatula | B21/17-2-13 | 10-0 28379 | /- | Solomon Paddle Club. plain. | | | 28380 | G/- | Solomon Steering Paddle. End fractured | | | 28381 | Y/- | Solomon Paddle 2 masks on crutch handle. | | | 28382 | Y/- | Solomon Paddle dec: blade | | | 28383 | Y/- | Solomon Paddle carved collar below handle | | | 28384 | G/- | Solomon Paddle plain | | | 28385 | G/- | Solomon Paddle plain | | | 28386 | G/- | Solomon Paddle plain | | | ################################################## EFwrn ################################################## [tl1_text] 374 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28387 | G/- | Solomon Paddle. plain crutch top. | | | 28388 | G/- | Solomon Paddle. plain crutch top. | | | 28389 | G/- | Solomon Paddle. plain crutch top. | | | 28390 | G/- | Solomon Paddle. plain crutch top. | | | 28391 | G/- | Solomon Paddle. plain crutch top. | | | 28392 | G/- | Solomon Paddle. plain crutch top. | | | 28393 | G/- | Solomon Child's Paddle inlaid shell. | | | 28394 | -/S | Santa Cruz Paddle. | | | 28395 | -/S | Santa Cruz Paddle. | L24/27-6-14 | 4-0 28396 | -/S | Santa Cruz Paddle. | | | 28397 | -/S | Santa Cruz Paddle. | | | 28398 | /- | Solomon Club. dec. | | | 28399 | /- | Solomon Club. dec. | | | 28400 | /- | Solomon Club. dec. | | | 28401 | /- | Solomon Hand Fishing Net. | | | 28402 | G/- | Solomon Shield used as currency | | | 28403 | G/- | Solomon Shield used as currency | | | 28404 | G/- | Solomon Shield used as currency | | | 28405 | G/- | Solomon Shield used as currency | | | 28406 | /- | Solomon Shield used as currency damaged. | | | 28407 | G/- | Florida I Club. bound haft | | | 28408 | -/S | Florida I Club. plain | | | 28409 | -/S | Florida I Club. plain | | | 28410 | -/S | Florida I Club. plain | | | 28411 | -/S | Florida I Club. plain | | | 28412 | -/S | Florida I Club. plain | | | 28413 | N/- | Fiji 'Lotus' Club small rough | | | 28414 | G/- | Tonga 'Fan' Club small. | | | 28415 | /- | Samoa Fan Club carved modern. | L24/17-6-14 | 10-0 28416 | G/- | New Britain Club | | | 28417 | Y/- | Solomon Club [[image]] v. fine | | | 28418 | Y/- | Solomon Club [[image]] smaller | | | 28419 | /- | Solomon Club [[image]] v. small | | | 28420 | -/S | New Caledonia Club [[image]] | | | 28421 | -/S | New Caledonia Club | | | 28422 | -/S | New Caledonia Club | | | 28423 | G/GY/S | New Hebrides Club extremely large. Tanna I.| | | 28424 | A/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] very large specimen.| | | ################################################## EFwrq ################################################## [tl1_text] 375 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28425 | G/- | New Hebrides Club slender [[Image]] | | | 28426 | G/- | New Hebrides Club slender [[Image]] | | | 28427 | G/- | New Hebrides Axe. [[Image]] | | | 28428 | G/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 28429 | G/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 28430 | G/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 28431 | G/- | New Hebrides Staff [[image]] | | | 28432 | A/- | S. Cruz Adze. long shell head. 37/1 |[[R1/?]]1915| 1-12-6 28433 | G/- | Samoa Adze. v. small | K5/3-10-13 | 1-12-0 28434 | G/- | New Guinea Adze haft | | | 28435 | GS/- | New Hebrides Model Adze.(White Ken 18/6 Mallicollo C| K5/1915 | 1-1-0 or 1-7-0 28436 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float. inlaid. damaged | | | 28437 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float. inlaid. damaged | | | 28438 | Y/- |Solomon Fishing Float.inlaid.damaged C|B21/17-2-13| 1-10-0 28439 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float. inlaid. damaged | | | 28440 | Y/- | Solomon Fishing Float. inlaid. damaged | | | 28441 | Y/- | Solomon Ceremonial Club | | | 28442 | G/- | Solomon Ceremonial Club plain. | | | 28443 | /- | Fiji Head Rest [[image]] C| | 1-7-6 28444 | G/- | Gilbert Sword. shark teeth edged. | | | 28445 | M/- | Banks Islands Spatula [[image]] | | 1-2-6 28446 | Y/- | Banks Islands Spatula [[image]] | | 16-0 28447 | G/- | Banks Islands Spatula [[image]] | | | 28448 | /- | N. Heb. Spatula } | | | 28449 | /- | N. Heb. Spatula } | | | 28450 | /- | N. Heb. Spatula } | | 1-1-0 } the 5 28451 | /- | N. Heb. Spatula } | | | 28452 | /- | N. Heb. Spatula } | | | 28453 | G/- | New Hebrides Pan Pipes Mallicolo| C30/3-2-13 | 18-0 28454 | G/- | New Hebrides Pan Pipes Mallicolo| | 1-1-0 28455 | A/- | New Hebrides Mask | | | 28456 | G/- | Samoa Tappa Beater. modern. | | | 28457 | G/- | New Hebrides Coil Rope. [[image]] Tanna| | | 28458 | G/- | New Hebrides Coil Rope. [[image]] Tanna| | 7-6 28459 | G/- | Solomon Pair C.N. Water Bottles in carrier | | | 28460 | /- | Solomon Pair C.N. Water Bottles no carrier | | | 28461 | /- | Solomon Pair C.N. Water Bottles no carrier C|B21/17-2-13| 19-6 or 19-0 28462 | /- | Solomon Single C.N. Water Bottle | | | ################################################## EFwrt ################################################## [tl1_text] 375 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28463 | /- | Solomon Water Bottle | | | 28464 | /- | Solomon Water Bottle | | | 28465 | G/- | Solomon Water Bottle etched frigate bird | | | 28466 | -/S | Solomon Water Bottle inlaid shell | | | 28467 | -/S | Solomon Water Bottle inlaid shell | | | 28468 | /- | Fiji Kava Cup. carved. | | | 28469 | /- | Fiji Kava Cup. plain large | | | 28470 | /- | Fiji Kava Cup. small broken | | | 28471 | /- | Samoa Tappa Waist Cloth. | | | 28472 | /- | Solomon Dress. | | | 28473 | /- | Solomon Dress. | | | 28474 | /- | Solomon Dress. | | | 28475 | /- | Solomon Dress. | | | 28476 | /- | Solomon Dress. | | | 28477 | /- | Solomon Dress. | | | 28478 | /- | Solomon Dress. | | | 28479 | /- |Santa Cruz.Damaged Belt & 2 specimens of border work| | | 28480 | /- | Santa Cruz. Belt. | | | 28481 | /- | Santa Cruz. Belt. | | | 28482 | /- | Santa Cruz. Belt. | | | 28483 | /- | Santa Cruz. Belt. | | | 28484 | /- | Santa Cruz. Belt. | | | 28485 | Y/- | New Hebrides War Belt. Santo| P16/7-6-13| 2-0-0 28486 | [[[New Hebrides?]] Fishing Net. small. | | | 28487 | G/- | Duke of York I Tappa Belt.dec: Santa Cruz| | | 28488 | G/- | Duke of York I Tappa Belt.dec: Santa Cruz| | | 28489 | G/- | Duke of York I Tappa Belt.dec: Santa Cruz| C28/20-11-12| 6-0 28490 | /- | Duke of York I Basket. plain. | | | 28491 | /- | Duke of York I Basket. plain. | | | 28492 | /- | Duke of York I Basket. plain. | | | 28493 | /- | Duke of York I Basket. plain. | | | 28494 | /- | Duke of York I Basket. plain. | | | 28495 | /- | Duke of York I Basket. plain. | T18/20-6-13 | 1-0 28496 | /- | Duke of York I Basket. plain. | T18/20-6-13 | 1-0 28497 | /- | Duke of York I Basket. dec. | | | 28498 | /- | Duke of York I Basket. dec. | | | 28499 | /- | Duke of York I Basket. dec. | | | 28500 | /- | Duke of York I Basket. dec. | | | ################################################## EFwrw ################################################## [tl1_text] 376 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28501 | /- | Santa Cruz Basket | | | 28502 | /- | Santa Cruz Basket | | | 28503 | /- | Santa Cruz Girl's Dress. | | | 28504 | /- | Santa Cruz Object. use unknown | | | 28505 | /- | Santa Cruz Object. use unknown | | | 28506 | /- | Santa Cruz Object. use unknown | | | 28507 | -/S | Santa Cruz Rasp used by wood workers | | | 28508 | -/S | Santa Cruz Rasp used by wood workers | | | 28509 | G/- | Santa Cruz Tobacco cake. | | 12-6 28510 | G/- | Santa Cruz ? Large Shell Adze head [[image]] | | 17-6 28511 | G/- | Santa Cruz Large Shell Adze head [[image]] | | 17-6 28512 | /- | Solomon Shell Scoup | | | 28513 | /- | Solomon Shell Scoup | | | 28514 | /- | Solomon Shell Scoup | | | 28515 | /- | Solomon Shell Scoup | | | 28516 | /- | Solomon Shell Scoup | | | 28517 | /- | Solomon Shell Scoup | | | 28518 | /- | Solomon Shell Scoup | | | 28519 | /- | Solomon Shell Scoup [[image]] | | | 28520 | /- | Solomon Steering Paddle Model. | | | 28521 | Y/- | Santa Cruz Lime Mortar. v. fine. | | 12-6 28522 | G/- | Santa Cruz Lime Mortar. smaller | | 7-6 28523 | G/- | Santa Cruz Lime Mortar. smaller | H36/1915 | 7-6 28524 | /- | Santa Cruz Lime Gourd dec | | | 28525 | /- | Santa Cruz Lime Gourd dec | | | 28526 | /- | Santa Cruz Lime Gourd plain | | | 28527 | /- | Santa Cruz Lime Gourd plain | | | 28528 | /- | Santa Cruz Lime Gourd plain | | | 28529 | /- | Santa Cruz Lime Gourd plain | | | 28530 | /- | Solomon Lime Box v. large. bamboo | | | 28531 | /- | Solomon Lime Box | | | 28532 | /- | Solomon Lime Box | | | 28533 | /- | Solomon Lime Box | | | 28534 | /- | Solomon Lime Box | | | 28535 | /- | Solomon Lime Box | | | 28536 | /- | Solomon Lime Box | | | 28537 | /- | Solomon Lime Box | | | 28538 | /- | Solomon Lime Box | | | ################################################## EFwrz ################################################## [tl1_text] 376 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28539 | /- | Solomon Lime Box | | 28540 | /- | Solomon Lime Box | | 28541 | /- | Solomon Lime Box | | 28542 | /- | Solomon Lime Box "Dummy" | | 28543 | /- | Solomon Flute | | 28544 | G/GA/- | Solomon Breast Ornament v.fine. pierced tortoise shell | B16/1915| 4-18-6 28545 | G/GA/- | Solomon Breast Ornament v.fine.pierced tortoise shell not such fine work| | 4-15-0 28546 | G/-/- | Santa Cruz Breast Ornament[[image]]v.large 6" dia | | 3-3-0 28547 | G/-/- | Santa Cruz Breast Ornament v.large 6" dia not so large. overlay| | 2-12-6 28548 | GA/- | Santa Cruz Breast Ornament smaller 4¾ | | 1-15-0 28549 | Y/S | Santa Cruz Breast Ornament plain | | 12-6 28550 | Y/S | Santa Cruz Breast Ornament plain | | 12-6 28551 | Y/S | Santa Cruz Breast Ornament plain | | 12-6 28552 | Y/S | Santa Cruz Breast Ornament plain v. large | | 15-0 28553 | Y/S | Santa Cruz Breast Ornament plain s. | | 8-6 28554 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28555 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28556 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28557 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28558 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28559 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28560 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28561 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28562 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28563 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28564 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28565 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28566 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28567 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28568 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28569 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28570 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28571 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28572 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28573 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28574 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28575 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | 28576 | /- | Solomon Comb. Ulawa Isl.| | ################################################## EFwrC ################################################## [tl1_text] 377 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28577 | /- | Santa Cruz Comb. C| B21/17-2-13 | 2-0 28578 | /- | Santa Cruz Comb. | | 28579 | /- | Santa Cruz Comb. | | 28580 | /- | Santa Cruz Comb. | | 28581 | /- | Santa Cruz Comb. | | 28582 | /- | Santa Cruz Comb. | | 28583 | /- | Santa Cruz Comb. | | 28584 | /- | Santa Cruz Comb. | B16/1-6-14 | 4-0 28585 | /- | Santa Cruz Comb. Double [[image]] C| | 6-0 28586 | /- | Santa Cruz Comb. fine binding | B21/17-2-13 | 5-0 28587 | G/- | Santa Cruz Belt. shell beads & creeper. | | 28588 | G/- | Santa Cruz Belt. shell beads & creeper. smaller | | 28589 | G/- | Santa Cruz Belt. shell beads network. | | 28590 | G/- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28591 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28592 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28593 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28594 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28595 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28596 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28597 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28598 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28599 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28600 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28601 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28602 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28603 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28604 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28605 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet pink shell. | | 28606 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28607 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet | | 28608 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet strung on cane | | 28609 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet strung on cane | | 28610 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet strung on cane | | 28611 | /- | Santa Cruz Currency Necklet strung on cane | | 28612 | G/- | Santa Cruz Pendant. v. fine. | | 28613 | /- | Santa Cruz Length plaited straw Currency | | 28614 | /- | Santa Cruz Necklet dried seeds | | ################################################## EFwrF ################################################## [tl1_text] 377 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28615 | /- | Santa Cruz Necklet. dried seeds | | | 28616 | /- | Santa Cruz Necklet. dried seeds | | | 28617 | /- | Gilbert Necklet shell discs | | | 28618 | /- | Solomon Necklet white shells | | | 28619 | -/S | Solomon Pendant. shell disc girdle | | | 28620 | -/S | Solomon Pendant. shell disc girdle | | | 28621 | -/S | Solomon Armlet. trade bead | | | 28622 | /- | Solomon Armlet. red fibre | | | 28623 | /- | Solomon Armlet. red fibre | | | 28624 | /- | Solomon Armlet. red & yellow | | | 28625 | /- | Solomon Armlet. red & yellow | | | 28626 | /- | Solomon Armlet. red & yellow | | | 28627 | /- | Solomon Armlet. shell | | | 28628 | /- | New Caledonia Armlet. coiled vine | | | 28629 | /- | New Caledonia Armlet. coiled vine | | | 28630 | G/- | Solomon Belt | | | 28631 | Y/S | Solomon Eye Shade | | | 28632 | /S | Solomon Wristlet woven with pendants Santa Cruz. | | | 28633 | /- | N. Hebrides Belt. damaged. Currency | | | 28634 | Y/- | Solomon Ear Plug | | | 28635 | Y/- | Solomon Ear Plug | | | 28636 | G/- | Solomon Shuttle Santa Cruz. | | | 28637 | G/- | Solomon Shuttle Santa Cruz. | | | 28638 | Y/S | Solomon Fishing Float, stone at end Santa Cruz. | | | 28639 | Y/S | Solomon Fishing Float, stone at end Santa Cruz. | | | 28640 | Y/S | Solomon Fishing Float, stone at end Santa Cruz. | | | 28641 | /- | Solomon Fishing Float imperfect | | | 28642 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillets Tanna I | | | 28643 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillets Tanna I | | | 28644 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillets Tanna I | | | 28645 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillets Tanna I | | | 28646 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillets Tanna I | | | 28647 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillets Tanna I | | | 28648 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillets Tanna I | | | 28649 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillets Tanna I | | 2-6 28650 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillets Tanna I | | | 28651 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillets Tanna I | | | 28652 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillets Tanna I | | | ################################################## EFwrI ################################################## [tl1_text] 378 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28653 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillet Tanna I | | | 28654 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillet Tanna I | | | 28655 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillet Tanna I | | | 28656 | -/S | New Hebrides Bundle of hair in original quillet | | | 28657 | GX/-| Manihiki Double Canoe Model | | | 28658 | N/GX/- | New Caledonia Double House on carved plank. | | | 28659 | S/GX/- | New Caledonia Idol. double face. | | | 28660 | M/M/- | New Caledonia Idol. back to back. | | | 28661 | Y/Y/- | New Caledonia Idol. male. | | | 28662 | Y/Y/- | New Caledonia Idol. female | | 4-15-0 28663 | M/A/- | New Caledonia Ceremonial Mask & Dress.damaged| S4/1915| 8-10-0 28664 | A/- | New Hebrides Festive Spear. | | | 28665 | A/- | New Hebrides Festive Spear. | | | 28666 | Y/- | New Hebrides Spear | B30/20-1-14 | 15-0 28667 | Y/- | New Hebrides Spear | | | 28668 | Y/- | New Hebrides Spear | | | 28669 | M/- | New Hebrides Spear v. fine. 2 rows barbs | | | 28670 | M/- | New Hebrides Spear v. fine. 2 rows barbs | B30/20-1-14 | 1-2-6 28671 | G/- | New Hebrides Spear plainer | | | 28672 | G/- | New Hebrides Spear plainer | B30/20-1-14 | 18-6 28673 | GA/- | New Hebrides ? Spear massive. bone v. old } | | 28674 | GA/- | New Hebrides Spear massive.no bone.v. old } | | 3-3-0 28675 | G/- | Admiralty Spear. obsidian. | | | 28676 | /- | New Hanover Spear dec bamboo base. | | | 28677 | Y/- | Solomon Spear v. fine finish Ysabel I| | | 28678 | Y/- | Solomon Spear v. fine finish | | | 28679 | /- | Solomon Spear end [[image]] | | | 28680 | /- | Solomon Spear end [[image]] | | | 28681 | G/- | New Hebrides Spear dec: bamboo.polished wood head| | | 28682 | G/- | New Hebrides Spear bone point. Malo| | | 28683 | G/- | New Hebrides Spear bone point. Ambrym | | | 28684 | -/S | Solomon Spear figure at base. | | | 28685 | -/S | Solomon Spear figure at base. | | | 28686 | -/S | Solomon Spear figure at base. | | | 28687 | /- | Solomon Spear not so fine | | | 28688 | /- | Solomon Spear not so fine | | | 28689 | /- | Solomon Spear not so fine | | | 28690 | /- | Solomon Spear not so fine | | | ################################################## EFwrL ################################################## [tl1_text] 378 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28691 | /- | Solomon Spear. | | | 28692 | /- | Solomon Spear. heads at base, nose damaged | | | 28693 | /- | Solomon Spear. heads at base, nose damaged | | | 28694 | /- | Solomon Spear. heads at base, nose damaged | | | 28695 | /- | Solomon Spear. plainer | | | 28696 | /- | Solomon Spear. plainer | | | 28697 | /- | Solomon Spear. plainer | | | 28698 | /- | Solomon Spear. plainer | | | 28699 | /- | Solomon Spear. plain | | | 28700 | /- | Solomon Spear. plain | | | 28701 | /- | Solomon Spear. plain | | | 28702 | /- | Solomon Spear. plain | | | 28703 | M/- | New Hebrides Festive Spear. coloured| B30/20-1-14| 1-5-0 28704 | M/- | New Hebrides Festive Spear. coloured| | 18-6 28705 | G/- | New Hebrides Wand. bone & feathers. NB? | | 18-6 28706 | M/- | Duke York I Spear. S. Cruz| | | 28707 | M/- | Duke York I Spear. S. Cruz| | | 28708 | /S | Fiji Spear. | | | 28709 | G/- | Santa Cruz I 35 Arrows. | J12/3-3-13 | 15-0 28710 | G/- | Santa Cruz I 30 Arrows. | J12/3-3-13 | 15-0 28711 | G/- | N.Hebrides 54 Arrows yellow wood points. | | | 28712 | G/- | N.Hebrides 16 Arrows bone points. Tanna I| J12/3-3-13| 8-0 28713 | G/- | N.Hebrides 23 Arrows 17 with points. Tanna I| J12/3-3-13| 11-6 28714 | Y/- | N.Hebrides & S.Cruz 24 Arrows extra fine specimens| | | 28715 | Y/- | N.Hebrides 13 Arrows large | J12/3-3-13 | 13-0 28716 | Y/- | Solomon 19 Arrows 14 barbed. Ex:fine| J12/3-3-13 | 19-0 28717 | /- | N. Hebrides 3 Arrows Extra fine | J12/3-3-13| 12-0 28718 | /- | N. Hebrides Fishing Arrow. | | | 28719 | G/- | N. Hebrides Arrow shell head | | | 28720 | /- | N. Hebrides Belt. human hair | | | 28721 | /- | W. Africa 6 Arrows. | | | 28722 | GX/- | Andaman Spear C| D10/17-1-13 | 1-10-0 28723 | GA/- | Andaman Adze C| | 1-8-6 28724 | GX/- | Andaman Bow | | | 28725 | GX/- | Andaman Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 2-2-0 28726 | Y/S | Andaman Harpoon Arrow | | | 28727 | Y/S | Andaman Harpoon Arrow | | | 28728 | Y/S | Andaman Arrow N. Andaman C| | 8-0 ################################################## EFwrO ################################################## [tl1_text] 379 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28729 | Y/S | Andaman Arrow | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 28730 | Y/S | Andaman Waist Belt BÔD-DA S. Andaman C | | 16-0 28731 | Y/S | Andaman Waist Belt S. Andaman C | | | 28732 | Y/S | Andaman Waist Belt C | | 16-0 28733 | Y/S | Andaman Waist Belt C | | 1-2-6 28734 | GX/- | Andaman Charm human bone CHAN-GA-TÂ-DA. Vertebrae of half from child. C | W22/[[?]] | 3-3-0 28735 | GX/- | Andaman Charm human bone CHAN-GA-TÂ-DA. portion of rib bone. C | S4/1915 | 2-15-0 28736 | Y/S | Andaman Currency. coiled palm leaf. C | | 10-0 28737 | G/- | India Pellet Bow. Assam. | | | 28738 | M/- | India Pair Whistles Dr GW. Leitner Colln. | F20/28-7-12 | 7-6 28739 | M/- | India Pair Whistles Dr GW. Leitner Colln. | F20/28-7-12 | 7-6 28740 | S/- | India Drum Dr GW. Leitner Colln. | | 12-0 28741 | GY/- | India Divan. Crutch. Dr GW. Leitner Colln. | | 28742 | A/- | India Bow. iron v. long Dr GW. Leitner Colln. | J12/3-3-13 | 1-10-0 28743 | N/- | India 35 Arrows. silver mtd | J12/3-3-13 | 3-10-0 28744 | GG/- | B. Congo. 8 Arrows. v. fine (McKenzie Colln) | L21/1-1-13 | 1-3-6 28745 | A/-/- | B. Congo. 184 Arrows (McKenzie Colln) 30544 | J12/3-3-13 | 11-14-0 28746 | GX/- | B. Congo. 3 Bows. (McKenzie Colln) see 37708 &c for remainder | J12/3-3-13 | 1-4-0 28747 | C/- | B. Congo. 2 [[?Enemar]] gourds (McKenzie Colln) | L21/5-9-12 | 18-0 28748 | A/- | B. Congo Bushongo Mens Cap. (McKenzie Colln) | B23/10-2-13 | 15-0 28749 | G/G/- | B. Congo 7 Caps. | [[W22/4-12-13?]] | 2-2-0 28750 | G/G/- | B. Congo Brass Anklet | S4/1915 | 2-5-0 28751 | | B. Congo Spear. | P. | 28752 | | B. Congo Specimen Bushongo Pile Cloth 1 piece | H. | | 28753 | | Mug Wood Sword. Cap & Piece Currency Biludge. | | | 28754 | | Mug Wood Sword. Cap & Piece Currency Biludge | | 28755 | | Mug Wood Sword. Cap & Piece Currency Biludge | | 28756 | | Mug Wood Sword. Cap & Piece Currency Biludge | | 28757 | | Mug Wood Sword. Cap & Piece Currency Biludge | | 28758 | | | | 28759 | | | | 28560 | | | | 28561 | | | | 28562 | | Space to Spare | | 28563 | | | | 28564 | | | | 28565 | | | | 28566 | | [[image]] | | ################################################## EFwrR ################################################## [tl1_text] 379 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28767 | G/- | Admiralty Obsidian Dagger See 32729| W34/30-1-15| 5-0 28768 | G/-/- | Saxon Halbard. See No 32264.| N10/11-12-16| 9-15-0 28769 | GX/- | Saxon Spontoon or Halbard | | 1-15-0 28770 | GX/- | Venice Doge's Emblem Space | | 2-12-6 28771 | G/GX/- | N.C. Jade Beads 30 beads large | 5-10-0 | <<<< 28772 | G/-/- | N.C. Jade Beads 23 beads large | 4-10-0 | <<<< 28773 | | | | 28774 | | | | 28775 | | | | 28776 | | | | 28777 | Y/S | Brit: Columbian Native Bread.(See No 26779)| | 8-0 28778 | /- | India 5 Arrows. poor. | J12/3-3-13 | 2-6 28779 | M/- | Ceylon Mask modern | E1/10-2-13 | 18-0 28780 | -/S | China Opium Pipe. | K5/8-12-13 | 1-0 28781 | I/- | Borneo Brass Pot & lid Brunei| | 28782 | Y/S | Borneo Quiver of blow gun darts.| J12/4-7-14| 14-0 28783 | /S | Borneo Small Knife or Spear-head | | 28784 | A/- | Borneo Sword. Brunei| | | 28785 | A/- | Borneo Sword. Parang Pedang. Milano| | 12-6 28786 | G/- | Borneo Spear-head large. | | | 28787 | Y/S | Java Knife & sheath. | | | 28788 | GX/- | Philippine Sword. Ilanan | | | 28789 | A/- | Philippine Knife. Bola. | | | 28790 | A/- | Philippine Knife Silver mtd. Sulu| | | 28791 | A/- | Philippine Knife Silver mtd. Sulu| | 28792 | M/- | Philippine Kris Sulu| | | 28793 | -/S | Philippine Small Knife. wavy blade C| | 5-0 28794 | -/S | Philippine Small Knife. wavy blade | | | 28795 | GA/- | Sarawak Trophy Skull Captain Windrop 1907.| | 3-3-0 28796 | GA/- | Sarawak Trophy Skull | | | 28797 | G/- | Sarawak Arrows. a bundle. | J12/3-3-13 | 8-0 28798 | G/- | W. Africa Dagger. Mandingo| | 28799 | /- | Zulu CN. Scoup & | J12/4-7-14 | 6-0 28800 | /- | Sarawak Greenstone Celt Captain Windrop 1907.|K5/3-10-13| 14-0 28801 | /- | Sarawak Gourd Ladle. | | | 28802 | G/- | India Pair Betel nut Cutters | | | 28803 | Y/S | W. Africa Fetish Bell. | | | 28804 | Y/- | W. Africa Mirror. | | | ################################################## EFwrU ################################################## [tl1_text] 380 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28805 | Y/- | N. Nigeria Mirror in frame carved. | W22/14-3-16| 2-5-0 28806 | GX/- | England FL Pistol TATHAM & EGG| | | 28807 | I/- | England FL Pistol W. ARDEN cannon barrel| | | 28808 | I/- | England FL Pistol A pair. W. MILLS| E6/23-8-13| 2-2-0 28809 | S/- | England FL Pistol DUGARD| E6/23-8-13 | 1-0-0 28810 | A/- | England FL Pistol A pair. SOMMERS & STANLEY. | | | 28811 | N/- | England FL Pocket Pistol HOWELL & SIMMONS|I4/17-5-13| 14-0 28812 | N/- | England FL Pocket Pistol KNUBLEY| I4/17-5-13| 10-0 28813 | GY/S | England FL Pistol Pair large. THEOP. RICHARDS| | | 28814 | S/- | England FL Horse Pistol. RIVIERE| | | 28815 | GX/- | Spain FL Pistol Pair belt hooks. | | | 28816 | A/- | England P.C Pistol Pair Duelling Pistols C. MOORE| | | 28817 | A/- | England P.C Pistol Pair in case. CHILD| J12/8-3-16| 1-5-0 28818 | M/- | England P.C Pistol Pair in case.WILLIAMS.belt hooks| | | 28819 | G/- | England P.C Pistol Pair very rough. | E6/3-2-13 | 7-6 28820 | G/-/- | England Breach-loading Albini Braendlin Patent| S40/13-11-12| 3-3-0 28821 | G/N/S | England Blunderbuss brass barrel. MEWIS| | | 28822 | G/GX/- | England DB.FL. Carbine. WITTON DAW & Co.| | | 28823 | GX/- | England Sporting Gun F.L. by D Egg. fine finish | | | 28824 | I/- | England Sporting Gun F.L. by Sn. Nock. fine finish | | 28825 | Y/- | England Sporting Gun F.L. by I Pendrell. | | 28826 | Y/- | England Military Gun F.L. by Williamson | | 28827 | Y/- | England Military Gun F.L. by Rivel. | | | 28828 | G/- | England Military Gun P.C. with bayonet | | | 28829 | G/- | England Military Gun P.C. with bayonet | | | 28830 | Y/- | Europe 4 Short Swords with brass shell guards. Geo III Retainers| | 16-0 28831 | G/GX/- | Marquesas Stilt Step # | | | 28832 | G/GX/- | Marquesas Stilt Step # | | | 28833 | S/- | Samoa Spear | | | 28834 | GX/- | Sokoto Drum. | P16/28-11-13 | 1-0-0 28835 | A/- | Soudan Dagger.rhino horn hilt.finely dec sheath with arm loop. Kano| | 1-6-0 28836 | Y/S | Soudan Dagger brass hilt & loop sheath.'TELLAK'.worn on left wrist. Tuareg| 16-0 28837 | A/- | S.E. Africa Agricultural Hoe | | | 28838 | M/GX/- | Mendi Ancient Figure in steatite. 8½" v. fine. | | 10-10-0 28839 | I/- | Eskimo Harpoon light imperfect | | | 28840 | I/- | Eskimo Harpoon light imperfect | H28/2-1-14 | 2-10-0 28841 | I/- | Eskimo Spear.Deer Lance Point Barrow C| D10/5-8-13| 1-8-0 28842 | M/- | Canada Box of quill work. | H28/15-2-13 | 16-6 ################################################## EFwrX ################################################## [tl1_text] 360 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28843 | M/- | Canada Box. dec. quill work. | H28/15-2-13| 1-1-0 28844 | S/- | Canada Box. dec. quill work. large. | H28/15-2-13| 1-10-0 28845 | N/- | Canada Box. dec. quill work. smaller. | H28/15-2-13| 16-6 28846 | M/- | Canada Box. dec. quill work. small | H28/15-2-13| 14-0 28847 | M/- | Canada Box. dec. quill work. small | H28/15-2-13| 12-6 28848 | M/- | Canada Box. dec. quill work. small | H28/15-2-13| 8-6 28849 | Y/-/- | Canada Coat. dec. leather. Ungava| H28/15-2-13| 8-10-0 28850 | N/- | Canada Pair dec.piece leather. Ungava|H28/15-2-13| 1-10-0 28851 | N/- | Canada Pair dec.piece leather. Ungava|H28/15-2-13| 2-10-0 28852 | N/- |Canada single dec.piece leather. Ungava|H28/15-2-13| 1-5-0 28853 | N/- |Canada single dec.piece leather. Ungava|H28/15-2-13| 1-5-0 28854 | G/A/- | N. America Saddle. | H28/15-2-13| 3-15-0 28855 | A/- | N. America Pouch. dec design. | H28/15-2-13| 2-2-0 28856 | M/- | N. America Pouch. small | H28/15-2-13| 12-6 28857 | M/- | N. America Pouch. small | H28/15-2-13| 7-6 28858 | G/- | N. America Bison hoof Charm Pouch.modern |H28/15-2-13| 7-6 28859 | M/-/- | N.America Sheath & belt of fine quill work| H28/15-2-13| 17-10-0 28860 | GX/- | N. America Small Knife & sheath dec. quills| H28/15-2-13| 1-15-0 28861 | N/- | N. America Knife Sheath | H28/15-2-13| 12-6 28862 | N/- | N. America Knife Sheath | H28/15-2-13| 16-0 28863 | N/- | N. America Knife Sheath | H28/15-2-13| 14-0 28864 | A/- | N. America Belt dec: beadwork | H28/15-2-13| 1-1-0 28865 | Y/- | N. America Pair Mocassins plain | H28/15-2-13| 7-0 28866 | Y/- | N. America Pair Mocassins plain | H28/15-2-13| 7-0 28867 | Y/- | N. America Pair Mocassins plain | H28/15-2-13| 7-0 28868 | Y/- | N. America Pair Mocassins plain | H28/15-2-13| 7-0 28869 | Y/- | N. America Pair Mocassins plain | H28/15-2-13| 7-0 28870 | N/- |N.America Pair Mocassins dec.quill work|H28/15-2-13| 1-10-0 28871 | A/- | N.America 1 Small "Dead mans'" Mocassin|H28/15-2-13| 1-0-0 28872 | M/- | N. America Pair fine model Snow shoes| H28/15-2-13| 16-0 28873 | G/- | N. America Bark Case dec quill Canada| H28/15-2-13| 4-0 28874 | G/- | N. America Bark Case dec quill Canada| H28/15-2-13| 4-0 28875 | G/- | N. America Bark Case dec quill Canada | H28/15-2-13. | 4-0 28876 | G/- | N. America Powder Flash. | H28/15-2-13| 1-0-0 28877 | GX/- | N. America Pendant buffalo hair & quill cases.fine| H28/15-2-13| 2-10-0 28878 | GA/- | N. America Whip quill wrist loop. | H28/15-2-13| 4-12-0 28879 | GA/- | N. America Whip engraved bone handle |H28/15-2-13| 2-15-0 28880 | GX/- | N. America Whip plain bone handle | H28/15-2-13| 1-0-0 ################################################## EFws0 ################################################## [tl1_text] 381 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28881 | M/- | N. America Whip. horn handle. later | H28/15-2-13 | 5-0 28882 | A/- | N. America Necklet. Nez Perce| | 16-6 or 16-0 28883 | G/GX/- | N. America Quiver & 33 Feathered Arrows. 15 with iron points| H28/15-2-13| 1-15-0 28884 | GX/- | N. America Quiver & Bow Case. Alaska| J12/3-3-13 | 1-8-0 28885 | A/- | N. America Bow Brit.Columbia| H28/2-1-14 | 13-0 28886 | A/- | N. America Bow Brit.Columbia| H28/15-2-13 | 1-0-0 28887 | A/- | N. America Bow Brit.Columbia| J12/3-3-13 | 16-0 28888 | A/- | N. America Bow single notch| | 17-6 28889 | G/-/- | N. America Bow lined with gut strung. | | 4-10-0 28890 | G/-/- | N. America Bow lined with gut not strung | F24/12-1-14 | 3-3-0 28891 | G/-/- | Eskimo Bow wood strengthened with gut.Blossom's Barges Furthest.Point Barrows|H28/2-1-14| 5-15-0 28892 | G/-/- | Eskimo Bow wood strengthened one end slightly cracked St Lawrence I. C|H28/2-1-14| 5-5-0 28893 | G/-/- | Eskimo Bow wood strengthened one end damaged & worm eaten St Lawrence I.|H28/2-1-14| 4-10-0 28894 | G/-/- | N. America Bow & 4 Arrows. 2 with heads Wahoo I. v.rare| | 2-5-0 15-10-0 28895 | GX/- | Eskimo Harpoon Arrow perfect. | | 28896 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow barbed bone head. | | 28897 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow barbed bone head. | | 28898 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow barbed bone head. | | 28899 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow barbed bone head. | | 28900 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow barbed bone head. | | 28901 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow barbed bone head. | | 28902 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow barbed bone head. | | 28903 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow barbed bone head. | | 28904 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow barbed bone head. | | 28905 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow plain bone head. | | 28906 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow plain bone head. shaft broken | | 28907 | M/- | Eskimo Arrow for Birds. bone heads | | 28908 | M/- | Eskimo Arrow for Birds. | | 28909 | M/- | Eskimo Arrow for Birds. | | 28910 | A/- | Eskimo Arrow stone head | | 28911 | A/- | Eskimo Arrow stone head | | 28912 | A/- | N. America Arrow stone head. no feathers. | | 28913 | N/- | N. America Arrow stone head. damaged. feathers | | 28914 | G/- | N. America Arrow iron point } | H28/2-1-13 | 3-6 28915 | G/- | N. America Arrow iron point } | H28/2-1-13 | 3-6 28916 | G/- | N. America Arrow iron point } | H28/2-1-13 | 3-6 28917 | G/- | N. America Arrow iron point } | H28/2-1-13 | 3-6 28918 | G/- | N. America Arrow iron point } | H28/2-1-13 | 3-6 ################################################## EFws3 ################################################## [tl1_text] 381 [[five column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28919 | G/- | Eskimo Arrow heads (2) | K5/12-8-16 | 5-0 28920 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow heads ivory Bering Strait C| | 5-0 28921 | Y/- | Eskimo Arrow heads ivory smaller Bering Strait C| 3-0 28922 | A/- | Eskimo Harpoon head & 3 prongs. | E1/10-2-13| 1-0-0 28923 | Y/S | Eskimo Harpoon head [[image]] C| | 12-6 28924 | Y/S | Eskimo Harpoon head [[image]] C| | 10-0 28925 | A/- | Eskimo Harpoon Arrow. detachable head| | 28926 | G/- | Eskimo Small Model Harpoon. | | 28927 | G/-/- | Eskimo Harpoon 4 points 2-10-0 | H28/2-1-14 | 3-0-0 28928 | N/-/- | Eskimo Kyak Paddle.v.fine. 12-10-0 |H28/2-1-14| 8-0-0 28929 | G/- | Eskimo Model Sledge | | 28930 | GX/- | Eskimo Pair Snow Spectacles Point Barrow C| | 1-5-0 28931 | G/- | Eskimo Whistle of a bears' tooth | | 28932 | G/- | Eskimo Pendant ivory.Bird harpoon Prong| K5/12-8-16| 6-0 28933 | A/- | Eskimo Necklet.bone beads.on plaited sinew cord. C| H28/2-1-14| 16-0 28934 | A/- | Eskimo Club of Walrus Penis Bone | | 18-6 28935 | A/- | Eskimo Club of Walrus Penis Bone | | 28936 | G/- | Eskimo Spear-head rough bone.15 Arrows|F24/12-1-14| 1-10-0 28937 | A/- | British Columbia Paddle. damaged.| H28/2-3-14| 3-15-0 28938 | A/- | British Columbia Paddle. damaged. small| H28/2-3-14| 2-0-0 28939 | Y/-/- | North America GY/GX/- | | 28940 | M/-/- | North America Medicine Man's Mask | F24/12-1-14| 10-0-0 28941 | M/-/- | North America Medicine Man's Rattle |F24/12-1-14| 13-7-6 28942 | YX/-/- | North America War Shield | H28/28-10-12| 55-0-0 28943 | Y/-/- | North America War Club Chippewa| H28/15-2-13| 5-5-0 28944 | Y/-/- | North America War Club with spike Chippewa| H28/15-2-13| 9-10-0 28945 | G/-/- | North America Pipe Tomahawk | H28/15-2-13| 3-15-0 28946 | G/-/- | North America Pipe Tomahawk smaller| H28/15-2-13| 2-10-0 28947 | Y/- | North America Pipe Tomahawk rough cast| H28/15-2-13| 1-0-0 28948 | M/- | North America Pipe Tomahawk model in lead| H28/15-2-13| 10-0 28949 | A/A/- | North America Calumet wood head & figure| H28/15-2-13| 12-10-0 28950 | N/A/- | North America Calumet fine stem| H28/15-2-13| 9-0-0 28951 | M/A/- | North America Calumet stem etched| H28/15-2-13| 4-10-0 28952 | Y/-/- | North America Calumet black stone head inlaid| H28/15-2-13| 3-10-0 28953 | Y/GX/- | North America Calumet horn head| H28/15-2-13| 3-0-0 28954 | G/-/- | North America Calumet black stone| H28/15-2-13| 2-0-0 28955 | GA/- | North America Calumet Fort McLeod| H28/15-2-13| 2-0-0 28956 | GY/- | North America Calumet Fort McLeod| H28/15-2-13| 2-0-0 ################################################## EFws6 ################################################## [tl1_text] 382 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28957 | GN/- | North America. Pipe Head. Bear. | H28/15-2-13 | 2-0-0 28958 | GN/- | North America. Pipe Head. Otter. | H28/15-2-13 | 1-10-0 28959 | GN/- | North America. Pipe Head.inlaid lead| H28/15-2-13| 1-10-0 28960 | GN/- | North America. Pipe Head. [[image]]| H28/15-2-13| 1-10-0 28961 | GX/- | North America.Pipe Head.[[image]] white stone| H28/15-2-13| 1-10-0 28962 | S/- | North America. Bird Stone. Mich:| H28/2-3-12| 1-7-6 28963 | A/- | North America. Banner Stone. | | 1-1-0 28964 | M/- | North America. Personal Ornament Grave Mound Ohio| H28/2-1-14| 4-0 28965 | G/- | North America. Pounder. Mich| | 28966 | G/- | North America. Burnisher. Hamilton Co C| | 5-0 28967 | G/- | North America. Burnisher. ?[[Chunker?]]Stone Vanderburg C|H28/2-1-14| 4-0 28968 | N/- | North America. 2 Wood Figures | H28/15-2-13 | 1-10-0 28969 | A/- | Patagonia Spur. | | 28970 | G/M/- | Patagonia Shield | | 28971 | G/-/- | Assam Sword.extra fine & large specimen| S35/30-6-13| 3-10-0 28972 | A/-/- | Burmah Dha. very fine hilt| S35/4-13-12 | 12-15-0 28973 | Y/-/- | | | 28974 | GX/- | | | 28975 | G/Y/S | Tahiti Paddle Club. | | 28976 | A/-/- | Marquesas Staff | P16/28-11-13 | 16-16-0 28977 | Y/A/- | Mangaia Adze. | | 28978 | GX/- | Mangaia Adze head. | | 28979 | G/A/- | Harvey I. Paddle. | | 28980 | T/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | 28981 | I/- | Solomon Club. Figure on handle. San Christoval| | 28982 | S/- | Santa Cruz Club. rare form [[image]] | | 28983 | M/- | Australia Boomerang fluted Victoria| | 28984 | G/- | Australia Boomerang plain | | 28985 | GX/- | Australia Shield [[image]] Victoria| | 28986 | GX/- | Australia Shield [[image]] Victoria| B30/24-4-13| 2-15-0 28987 | M/- | Gilbert Sword. shark tooth. | | 28988 | G/- | Savage I Spear | | 28989 | /- | Solomon Bow. | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 28990 | G/-/- | W. Africa Trumpet. wood. figure. | | 28991 | G/- | W. Africa Quiver & 5 Arrows various. Bambara| W34/30-1-16 | 18-6 28992 | GA/- | Bronze Age Celt.socketed good patina Bishop's Stortford C|B46/5-12-13| 4-0-0 28993 | GM/- | England 2 Police Batons & Tip staff cut. HACKNEY| W31/1-1-13| 1-19-6 28994 | G/-/- | England Blunderbuss L.M. FORD. F.L. brass barrel| | ################################################## EFws9 ################################################## [tl1_text] 382 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 28995 | G/S | England Tobacco Pipe. iron. London. | | 28996 | A/- | S. African Dress cow tails &c 80 tails belonged to Witch Doctor| | 12-6 28997 | I/- | S. African Spear? Basuti | | 28998 | N/- | S. African Spear? Basuti | P16/28-11-13 | 14-0 28999 | A/- | Australia Club Boomerang;"Lil Lil"v.large New South Wales| M35/10-13-14| 1-10-0 29000 | Y/S | Australia Boomerang. acute angle. W.Aust| | 18-6 29001 | GX/- | Australia Shield W. Aust| | 29002 | GX/- | Australia Shield Victoria| | 29003 | GA/- | New Zealand Hani | | 29004 | S/- | New Zealand Pouhenia | | 29005 | T/S | S. America? Club. bone point. | | 29006 | GY/S | British Columbia Figure C| S4/1915| 1-16-0 29007 | G/- | British Columbia Stirrer for eating soap berries.Nit.nat. Vancouver| | 5-0 29008 | GY/S | British Columbia Hand Adze. W.Coast Vancouver| | 29009 | GY/S | British Columbia Hand Adze. W.Coast Vancouver C|D10/17-1-13|[[ 1 or 2]]-18-0 29010 | G/-/- | British Columbia Oil Scoup. C| | 1-8-6 29011 | A/- | British Columbia Canoe Bailer Alberni C| | 10-6 29012 | A/- | British Columbia Canoe Bailer Alberni| | 29013 | A/- | British Columbia Canoe Bailer Cowechan| | 29014 | Y/- | British Columbia Halibut Hook wood | | 29015 | Y/- | British Columbia Halibut Hook wood | | 29016 | Y/- | British Columbia Halibut Hook wood | | 29017 | Y/- | British Columbia Halibut Hook wood C| | 9-0 29018 | Y/- | British Columbia Halibut Hook wood | | 29019 | Y/- | British Columbia Halibut Hook wood | | 29020 | Y/- | British Columbia Halibut Hook wood | | 29021 | Y/- | British Columbia Halibut Hook wood | | 29022 | Y/S | British Columbia Halibut Hook iron | | 29023 | Y/S | British Columbia Halibut Hook iron | | 10-0 29024 | Y/S | British Columbia Halibut Hook iron C| | 8-0 29025 | Y/S | British Columbia Halibut Hook iron | | 29026 | Y/S | British Columbia Halibut Hook iron C| | 7-0 29027 | GX/- | Eskimo Bird Bolas plaited "sinew cords" Aleutian Islands C| | 2-0-0 29028 | T/S | Eskimo Bird Bolas later. Aleutian Islands C| | 1-0-0 29029 | T/S | Eskimo Bird Bolas later. Aleutian Islands C| | 1-0-0 29030 | M/- | Burmah Hat straw lac & gilt perfect | | 18-6 29091 | Y/- | Burmah Hat imperfect damaged | | 6-0 29092 | T/S | Eskimo Dagger or Harpoon head in wood sheath C| | 1-7-6 ################################################## EFwsc ################################################## [tl1_text] 383 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29033 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup | | 29034 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup | | 29035 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup | | 29036 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup | | 29037 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup Bella Bella C| | 4-6 29038 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup | | 29039 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup | | 29040 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup Ahousatt C| | 5-0 29041 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup | | 29042 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup | | ** Set of 6 24/- 29043 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup | | 29044 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup | | 29045 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup Dodgers Cove C| | 5-0 29046 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup Cowichan| | 5-6 29047 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup | | 29048 | G/S | British Columbia Horn Scoup | | 29049 | S/- | Burma Carved Shrine 1 | | 1-17-6 29050 | GY/S | British Guiana Club engraved Macana C| | 3-3-0 29051 | G/GA/- |Pair Persian Knives.silver mounts Albania C| | 2-12-6 29052 | G/-/- | Soudan Shirt Rivitted Mail. | | 29053 | Y/S | Solomon Breast Ornament [[image]]wood inlaid C|D10/17-1-13 | 12-0 29054 | GY/- | Nigeria Currency large shell discs. North Nigeria| | 29055 | Y/A/- | Benin Pot brass. | P16/24-2-13 | 11-10-0 29056 | N/- | Bolivia Bag figure designs | H36/1915 | 14-0 29057 | -/S | Bolivia 2 Bag | | 29058 | -/S | Bolivia Pair Dolls | | 29059 | -/S | Bolivia 3 Dolls Small | | 29060 | G/-/- | B. New Guinea Club star 6 points. | | 29061 | A/- | England Pepper Box Revolver. | E6/3-2-13 | 11-0 29062 | A/M/- | New Ireland Figure v.large 128cm high| | 22-10-0 29063 | M/GY/- | New Ireland Figure | P16/28-11-13 | 2-0-0 29064 | Y/GX/- | Sierra Leone "Bundi" Mask | | 6-6-0 29065 | Y/A/- | Sierra Leone Leopard Society Foot Printer C|W22/25-1-16| 6-6-0 29066 | G/A/- | Liberia Mask. C | B21/14-7-14 | 2-5-0 29067 | G/-/- | Liberia Mask. | C31/4-2-14 | 2-0-0 29068 | G/A/- |Liberia Collar wood worn by head Chieftanesse|S4/29-2-16| 1-5-0 29069 | GA/- |Liberia Collar brass worn by head Chieftanesse|S4/29-2-16| 15-0 29070 | G/-/- | Ashanti Doll. | | ################################################## EFwsf ################################################## [tl1_text] 383 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29071 | G/A/- | Hanssa Koran in Case of leather work. | | 1-8-0 29072 | GA/- | Congo Bark Beater of ivory. | | 29073 | GX/- | Congo Fetish Figure | | 1-5-0 29074 | S/M | Congo Currency. iron [[image]] | P16/28-11-13| 10-0 29075 | S/M | Congo Currency. iron [[image]] | S50/20-3-16| 16-0 29076 | I/- | Congo Knife [[image]] Batetela| | 29077 | I/- | Congo Knife Kassai| | 29078 | I/- | Congo Knife [[image]] 5¾" across | | 29079 | I/- | Congo Knife | | 29080 | I/- | Congo Knife & sheath [[image]] | | 29081 | GX/- | Congo Throwing Knife rare form. Azandeh C|W29/22-6-14| 1-10-0 29082 | G/A/- | Tanganyika Figure Stool | L21/15-4-13 | 2-8-0 29083 | GX/- | Uniamesi Slabs of rhino bone. | | 29084 | GX/- | Assam Tobacco Pipe of brass. Naga| | 29085 | GA/- | Assam Helmet Naga.| F20/21-9-12 | 2-12-6 29086 | GA/- | Assam Helmet Naga.| F20/21-9-12 | 1-12-6 29087 | GX/- | Assam. Belt brass chain. Naga. C| | 16-0 29088 | A/- | Assam Ornament brass cow-head Naga.| F20/21-9-12 | 18-6 29089 | A/- | Assam Ornament brass cow-head | F20/21-9-12| 12-6 29090 | A/- | Assam Ornament Fish in jade. Chinese work |28/22/6 | 1-5-0 29091 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet whales teeth | | 29092 | G/A/- | Fiji Necklet whales teeth whole teeth | | 3-10-0 29093 | G/-/- | Eskimo Woman's Knife "Ulu" ivory handle C| | 2-0-0 29094 | G/-/- | Eskimo Necklet C| H28/2-1-14 | 2-15-0 29095 | G/-/- | Eskimo Pair Needle Cases inlaid blue glass. C| H28/2-1-14| 2-0-0 29096 | M/-/- | Collection N.E. Brit.New Guinea Specimens| P16/7-6-13| 16-0-0 29097 | /- | British New Guinea Adze head | | 29098 | T/S | British New Guinea Belt of carved bark | | 29099 | G/- | New Ireland Staff from Ancestoral Image | | 29100 | AX/-/- | Abor Collection | F20/18-4-13 | 80-0-0 29101 | /- | Abor Woman's Dress Pendant | | 29102 | /- | Abor Nose Ring | | 29103 | /- | Abor Pair Tweezers. | | 29104 | AX/-/- | Ancient Mexico Onyx Head. Texcoco|B44/13-2-13| 55-0-0 29105 | N/-/- | Hawaii Small Lemohopoloa Hook. Cool relic|B16/17-7-13| 6-0-0 29106 | GA/- | Benin 2 sheet brass pieces | P16/24-2-13| 1-10-0 29107 | G/-/- | Benin 2 sheet brass pieces # | | 29108 | M/-/- | Mangaia Adze. square base [[image]] | | ################################################## EFwsi ################################################## [tl1_text] 384 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29109 | Y/-/- | Mangaia Adze. long. v. perfect. | | | 29110 | G/GX/- | Harvey Paddle. v. fine specimen. | | 5-5-0 29111 | G/-/- | Hawaii Pounder stone Y/T/S White King C| | 3-3-0 29112 | Y/GX/- | G. New Guinea Mask [[image]] C| | 3-15-0 29113 | Y/-/- | New Caledonia God | | 3-3-0 29114 | GA/- | New Caledonia God smaller | | | 29115 | G/GX/- | New Britain Club. carved | | | 29116 | Y/-/- | Fiji Club. pieced. gun stock | P16/7-6-13 | 4-0-0 29117 | Y/-/- | Senegambia Mask.v.fine specimen French Congo C| [[B21/14-7-14| 4-4-0 29118 | Y/A/- | W. Africa Staff. carved with figures.| | 5-10-0 29119 | GA/- | Congo Tobacco Pipe.carved head bowl. Bushongo C| | 1-16-0 29120 | Y/A/- | W. Africa Pair Figures. black. | | 3-12-6 29121 | GX/- | W. Africa Figure Congo| C28/13-14-13 | 2-0-0 29122 | GX/- | W. Africa Figure with Medicine | L21/10-3-13 | 1-10-0 29123 | GX/- | W. Africa Figure with Medicine | C28/13-14-13 | 2-0-0 29124 | GX/- | W. Africa Figure with Medicine | L21/22-1-14 | 1-0-0 29125 | GX/- | W. Africa Figure no Medicine | L21/22-1-14 | 1-0-0 29126 | GX/- | W. Africa Figure no Medicine | L21/22-1-14 | 15-0 29127 | GX/- | W. Africa Figure no Medicine | L21/22-1-14 | 15-0 29128 | /- | Solomon Bow. | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 29129 | /- | New Hanover Spear. | | | 29130 | /- | England FL Pocket Pistol. | | | 29131 | G/-/- | France FL Pocket Pistol curious pan cover|S40/14-12-12| 2-2-0 29132 | GX/- | England Terry Capping Rifle. | | | 29133 | G/-/- | England Air Gun. shagreen covered butt.|S40/1915| 3-5-0 29134 | GA/- | Tibet Match lock Gun. | S35/4-12-12 | 2-15-0 29135 | T/S | England Spade Bayonet. | H5/21-4-13 | 8-6 29136 | Y/GX/- |India State Execution Sword of the Baroda State Baroda House(Wolff or Howland & Wolff.Belfast| | 10-10-0 29137 | GX/- | India Katar double blade | | 1-18-6 29138 | GS/- | India Spear. inlaid gold. very long| S35/4-12-12 | 2-10-0 29139 | G/GA/- | India Dagger Hilt jade set with stones C| S35/30-6-13| 6-10-0 29140 | Y/A/- | Japan Collection of 30 Tsuba.| C7/19-12-12| 4-0-0 29141 | G/A/- | Japan Collection of 10 Tsuba finer.| | 2-12-6 29142 | S/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 12-0 29143 | A/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 8-0 29144 | A/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 6-0 29145 | GX/- | Europe Fragment of a vizor. | | | 29146 | Y/-/- | Venetian Processional Anlace | C7/16-4-13| 2-7-6 ################################################## EFwsl ################################################## [tl1_text] 384 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29147 | M/GX/- | Tahiti Stone Pounder. Tahiti | | 6-6-0 29148 | S/- | N. Africa. Spear. all iron inlaid brass Toureg| | 18-6 29149 | S/- | N. Africa. Spear. all iron inlaid brass Toureg| | 18-6 29150 | S/S | N.W Africa. Currency Spear. Nsubi| | 1-10-0 29151 | S/S | N.W Africa. Currency Spear. | | | 29152 | Y/A/- | Arabia Dagger "Jambiya" silver gilt hilt & sheath. Belt C| | 4-10-0 29153 | G/T/S | Arabia Sword. massive silver mounts & hilt. | | 6-0-0 29154 | G/T/S | India Sword two handed. | S35/4-12-12 | 4-4-0 29155 | S/- | India Sword divided blade silvered hilt|S35/4-12-12| 2-8-0 29156 | Y/S | India Sword serrated edge.silvered hilt worn| D11/28-3-15| 1-10-0 29157 | Y/S | India Sword Tulwar | W34/20-1-15| 14-0 29158 | Y/S | India Sword Tulwar | | | 29159 | M/- | India Parrying Weapon. "Maru"| | | 29160 | N/- | India Katar. curved blade. | S35/4-12-12 | 16-6 29161 | S/- | India Guarded Katar. | | | 29162 | M/- | India Dagger."Bich'hawa" brass hilt.sheath C| | 9-0 29163 | M/- | India Dagger."Bich'hawa"| | | 29164 | M/- | India Dagger."Bich'hawa" iron hilt C| O5/12-12-13 | 12-6 29165 | N/- | India Dagger. Jambiya| | 7-6 29166 | I/- | India Helmet. modern. | A14/11-9-14| 12-6 29167 | M/- | Ceylon Knife in sheath | | | 29168 | M/- | Ceylon Knife in sheath | | | 29169 | G/- | Norway Knife & sheath | | | 29170 | T/S | Soudan Shield. large Bishari| | 2-7-6 29171 | T/S | Soudan Shield. large | | | 29172 | Y/- | Soudan Hamstringing Knife. | | | 29173 | Y/- | Soudan Hamstringing Knife. | | | 29174 | Y/- | Soudan Hamstringing Knife. | B45/1-4-13 | 2-6 29175 | /- | Soudan ? Whip | | | 29176 | A/- | Soudan Spear. v. large. | | | 29177 | /- | Soudan Spear small | | | 29178 | /- | Soudan Spear v. small | B45/6-10-13 | 3-0 29179 | /- | Somali Spear | | | 29180 | C/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box.has been work box.Belonged to Mm Pizey of Bath.brought over by G.Bennett Yeovil.1826| | 36-0-0 29181 | G/-/- | New Zealand Carved head wood.fine Moko Belonged to Mm Pizey of Bath.brought over by G.Bennett Yeovil.1826|7/10/-| 9-15-0 29182 | G/-/- | New Zealand Carved God Stick. Belonged to Mm Pizey of Bath.brought over by G.Bennett Yeovil.1826|8/10/-| 11-11-0 29183 | A/GX/- | New Caledonia "Nbonet" head. v.fine old piece. v.good colour|12/10/-| 14-0-0 29184 | A/: | S. E. Africa Rhino Kerry. small. | | | ################################################## EFwso ################################################## [tl1_text] 384 [[five column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29185 | Y/- | Seat [[image]] | | 29186 | Y/S | China Vase Stand | | 29187 | G/Y/S | India Stone Deity. ancient. | B44/13-2-13| 4-0-0 29188 | C/- | England Set of old Scales. | | 15-0 29189 |G/-/-|Phillipine Sword."Bola" v.fine carved head pommel | | *[[for both?]] 29190 |G/-/-|Phillipine Sword."Bola" smaller carved head pommel| |4-4-0 29191 | SX/-/- | Benin Carved Tusk | P16/24-2-13 | 85-0-0 29192 | I/- | E. Africa. Drum. mask on side. Ancholi| S4/14-3-16| 18-0 29193 | Y/C | E. Africa. Flute Ancholi| | 29194 | GA/- | England Blunderbuss F.L. poor condition | | 29195 | GY/S | England Carbine with bayonet. FL. rough | P18/[[9-?]]-15 | 1-5-0 29196 | GS/- | England Pistol Under & Over FL | S40/14-12-12| 1-10-0 29197 | N/- | England Pistol converted. | L12/5-9-12 | 10-6 29198 | T/S | Matty Island Paddle. | | 29199 | T/S | Matty Island Paddle. | | 29200 | Y/S | Matty Island Spear. | | 29201 | GA/- | Philippine Knife."Bola"silver mounted.Spanish influenza |S35/30-6-13| 2-5-0 29202 | G/A/- | Java Kris. Kingfisher type. | S35/30-6-13| 4-0-0 29203 | M/- | Philippine Scoup horn handle. | | 29204 | T/S | Seychelles Guitar. | | 29205 | T/S | Seychelles Piano. | | 14-0 29206 | GX/- | Australia Shield. | | 29207 | S/- | England DB P.C. Pistol with bayonet. | | 29208 | G/- | Brit. New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | 29209 | G/- | Brit. New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | 29210 | G/- | Brit. New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | 29211 | GX/- | S.E. Africa Kerry of rhino horn | | 1-8-6 29212 | M/- | Philippine Harpoon Arrow Luzon| J12/3-3-13 | 15-0 29213 | M/- | Swazi Water Pipe used for hemp C| | 15-0 29214 | M/- | Natal Wristlet of shells | | 29215 | G/GX/- | Tonga Club | | 29216 | GY/S | Australia Sword. [[image]] | | 29217 | A/- | Ceylon Knife. | L25/1-6-16 | 14-0 29218 | T/S | N. America Band v. fine quill work | H28/2-1-14| 4-4-0 29219 | T/S | S. Africa Beer Pot. | | 29220 | M/- | Tonga Fish hook. & line | | 11-6 29221 | N/- | Congo Knife. | | 29222 | A/- | Congo Knife. Ababwa.| | ################################################## EFwsr ################################################## [tl1_text] 385 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29223 | G/GY/S | New Zealand Onewa. | | 29224 | GG/-/- | New Zealand Door Post | | 29225 | S/- | New Guinea Nut Charm in bag. | | 7-6 29226 | G/- | New Guinea Nut Charm unfinished carving | | 5-0 29227 | G/- | New Guinea Ea unfinished carving | | 5-0 29228 | G/- | New Guinea Ear Ring.tortoise shell&cut nafre N.E.Coast| | 29229 | /- | New Guinea Armlet c.n. shell | | 29230 | /- | New Guinea Armlet turbo shell | | 29231 | /- | New Guinea Ear Ring. c.n. shell engraved. | | 29232 | G/- | S.E. Africa.Wristlet of nerita polita shells Bushman| | 29233 | Y/- | S.E. Africa. Thorn Extractor Zulu| S4/1915| 16-0 29234 | A/- | E. Africa Snuff Box carved. | | 29235 | N/- | Sierra Leone Snuff Box bamboo. | | 29236 | G/GX/- | Solomon Bowl inlaid | | 3-12-6 29237 | G/GX/- | Benin Bell. fine. | P16/24-2-13 | 5-10-0 29238 | G/GA/- | Benin Mask | P16/24-2-13 | 6-0-0 29239 | GX/- | Benin Figure. | P16/24-2-13| 1-15-0 29240 | GX/- | Bronze Age Spear head Fallerone. No Macerata Italy C| | 1-0-0 29241 | G/-/- | W. Soudan. Ancient "Aggri" Bead | H16/1915| 1-12-6 29242 | G/-/- | W. Soudan. Ancient "Aggri" Bead | | 1-12-6 29243 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook| | 29244 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook| | 29245 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook| | 29246 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook| | 29247 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook| | 29248 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook| | 29249 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook| | 29250 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook.| | 29251 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook.| | 29252 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook.| | 29253 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook.| | 29254 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook.| | 29255 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook.| | 29256 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook.| | 29257 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook.| | 29258 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook.| | 29259 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook.| | 29260 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook.| | ################################################## EFwsu ################################################## [tl1_text] 386 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 22261 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook. | | 29262 | T/- | E. Africa. Spear. Antelope horn head. Shillook. | | 29263 | N/S | England P.C. Pistol. new condition | W35/25-7-16| 10-0 29264 | G/T/S | Harvey I Paddle | | 29265 | G/Y/S | New Zealand Hani. | | 29266 | M/A/- | Canadian Chief's Coat. Chief Rigo| H28/2-1-14| 21-0-0 29267 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 1-1-0 29268 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 1-6-0 29269 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 12-0 29270 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 12-0 29271 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0 29272 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 8-0 29273 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0 29274 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 8-0 29275 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0 29276 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 8-0 29277 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 12-0 29278 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 8-0 29279 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 14-0 29280 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 4-0 29281 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 4-0 29282 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 5-0 29283 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 5-0 29284 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 9-0 29285 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 8-0 29286 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0 29287 | Y/S | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0 29288 | Y/S | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0 29289 | Y/S | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 8-6 29290 | Y/S | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 6-0 29291 | G/GX/- | England Blunderbuss. | | 29292 | N/S | Borneo. Blow Gun Dart Case & contents| J12/3-3-13| 15-0 29293 | T/- | Fiji Belt Club | | 29294 | A/- | British Columbia Ivory Carving | | 29295 | M/- | British Columbia Drinking Cup completely cov'd|H28/2-1-14| 1-7-6 29296 | M/- | British Columbia Drinking Cup | | 17-6 29297 | Y/- | British Columbia Box. wood. small | | 29298 | Y/- | British Columbia Box. wood. small | F24/12-1-14 | 5-0 ################################################## EFwsx ################################################## [tl1_text] 386 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29299 | GA/- | New Zealand Jade Pendant | | 29300 | /- | B.Columbia Model Scoup See No 27069 large specimen |H28/1915 | 5-0 29301 | Y/- | W. Africa Charm Mandingo| | 29302 | M/- | W. Africa Flute of bone. | | 29303 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head.stone. Derby C| H36/1915 | 8-6 29304 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head.stone. Derby C| K5/3-10-13 | 7-6 29305 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head.stone. Derby C| | 7-0 29306 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head.stone. Derby C| H36/1915 | 6-0 29307 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head.stone. Derby C| | 6-0 29308 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby| | 29309 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby| H36/1915 | 7-0 29310 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby| | 29311 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby| | 29312 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby| | 29313 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby C| | 4-0 29314 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby| K5/3-10-13 | 7-6 29315 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby| | 29316 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby C| H36/1915 | 7-0 29317 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby| | 29318 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby| H36/1915 | 7-0 29319 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby | | 29320 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby | | 29321 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby | H36/1915 | 7-0 29322 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby | | 29323 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby | H36/1915 | 5-0 29324 | | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby | | 29325 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby | H36/1915 | 5-0 29326 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby | | 29327 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby | | 29328 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby | H36/1915 | 6-0 29329 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. stone. Derby C| | 6-0 29330 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby C| | 10-0 29331 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | | 29332 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby C| H36/1915 | 8-0 29333 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | | 29334 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | H36/1915 | 6-0 29335 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | | 29336 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | | ################################################## EFwsA ################################################## [tl1_text] 387 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29337 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | | 29338 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | | 29339 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | | 29340 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | | 29341 | -/S | N.W.Australia Spear-head.glass.base broken large serration Derby C| | 4-0 29342 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | | 29343 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | | 29344 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | | 29345 | -/S | N.W. Australia Spear-head. glass. Derby | | 29346 | Y/- | N.W. Australia Spear head mounted. Derby| F20/18-4-13| 8-0 29347 | Y/- | N.W. Australia Spear head mounted. Derby C| T18/20-6-13| 8-6 29348 | Y/- | N.W. Australia Spear head mounted.finer Derby|T18/20-6-13| 11-0 29349 | Y/- | N.W. Australia Spear head mounted. Derby | H36/1915| 6-0 29350 | M/- | N.W.Australia Spear head mounted.painted for corroboree Derby|F20/18-4-13| 11-0 29351 | G/GY/S | N.W. Australia Axe mounted Derby| K5/12-8-16| 2-15-0 29352 | GX/- | N.W. Australia Ornament. shell engraved Derby | | 2-5-0 29353 | A/- | N.W. Australia Ornament.plain [[image]] Derby C|C28/13-11-13| 11-0 29354 | GA/- | N.Cent Australia Bull Roarer carved both sides Derby | | 3-15-0 29355 | A/- | N.Cent Australia Bull Roarer small one side Derby C| T18/20-6-13| 1-12-6 29356 | GA/- | N.Cent Australia Churinga carved | C30/1915 | 3-5-0 29357 | GA/- | N.Cent Australia Churinga carved | C38/12-1-14 | 3-0-0 29358 | M/- | Soudan Arm Knife | | 29359 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Club.bone.fine specimen| B16/2-1-14| 4-10-0 29360 | GA/- | E. Africa Akiku Arm Shield used in Rua dances| | 29361 | GA/- | E. Africa Akiku Arm Shield used in Rua dances| | 29362 | A/- | Ancient Egypt Carved Head off Mummy case}* | B44/13-2-13| 12-0 29363 | A/- | Ancient Egypt Carved Head off Mummy case}* | B44/13-2-13| 12-0 29364 | A/- | Ancient Egypt Carved Head off Mummy case}* | B44/13-2-13| 11-0 29365 | G/S | New Guinea Lime Knife. | | 29366 | G/S | New Guinea Lime Knife. | | 29367 | N/- | Europe Surgeon's Lancet. XVIII Cent | L12/8-5-13 | 14-0 29368 | G/- |Europe Case of Dental Instruments. XVIII Cent| S4/1915| 6-0 29369 | Y/- | Europe Sulphur Matches & iron box.[[Spmk?]]XVIII Cent |L12/1-9-13| 10-6 29370 | /- | Europe 2 Pottery Stamps | | 3-0 29371 | A/- | N.W. Australia small bowl "Pitche" Derby| | 16-0 29372 | A/- | N.W. Australia small bowl "Pitche" Derby| | 16-0 29373 | GC/-/- | Ecudor Trophy Shrunken Head. Javaro. C| | 25-0-0 29374 | GA/S | Samoa Club | | ################################################## EFwsD ################################################## [tl1_text] 387 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29375 | G/-/- | England Pair F L. Pistols. | [[J12/?]] | 2-2-0 29376 | A/- | England Pepper Box Revolver. PARKHOUSE. | [[J14/27-3-15?]] | 16-6 29377 | A/- | England Revolver in case. | S40/1915 | 1-7-6 29378 | G/-/- | America Target Pistol. | | | 29379 | A/- | Rhino Horn | R5/20-1-13 | 1-0-0 29380 | GX/- | Abyssinia Spear. v. heavy. | | | 29381 | Y/S | New Hebrides Club, damaged. | | | 29382 | Y/S | Chinese Pipe. | | | 29383 | G/S | India. Head Ring for carrying loads | | | 29384 | -/S | Sierra Leone Broom. Mendi | | | 29385 | G/- | [[Formosa?]] Flute | | | 29386 | M/- | Ainu Ladle. | | | 29387 | -/S | B.E. Cent Africa Ladle. | | | 29388 | -/S | Nigeria Pouch Haussa | | 10-0 29389 | /- | India Fan | | | 29390 | -/S | B. New Guinea Head-dress. | | | 29391 | -/S | B. New Guinea Head-dress. | | | 29392 | /- | B. New Guinea Armlet [[can?]] | | | 29393 | /- | B. New Guinea Armlet cn. shell | | | 29394 | T/- | Ashanti. Collection of 60 Gold Weights | W22/15-2-16 | 2-4-0 29395 | -/S | Ashanti. Gold dust Scoup | | | 29396 | -/S | Ashanti. Gold dust Scoup | | | 29397 | -/S | Ashanti. Gold dust Scoup | | | 29398 | -/S | Ashanti. Gold dust Scoup | | | 29399 | -/S | Ashanti. Gold dust Scoup | | | 29400 | -/S | Ashanti. Gold dust Scoup C | | 2-6 29401 | -/S | Ashanti. Gold dust Scoup | | | 29402 | -/S | Ashanti. Gold dust Scoup | | | 29403 | -/S | Ashanti. Pair Gold dust Scales. | | | 29404 | -/S | Ashanti. Pair Gold dust Scales. | | | 29405 | -/S | Ashanti. Pair Gold dust Scales. | | | 29406 | -/S | Ashanti. Pair Gold dust Scales. | | | 29407 | -/S | Ashanti. Pair Gold dust Scales. | | | 29408 | -/S | Ashanti. Pair Gold dust Scales. | | | 29409 | -/S | Ashanti. Pair Gold dust Scales. | | | 29410 | -/S | Ashanti. Pair Gold dust Scales. | | | 29411 | -/S | Ashanti. Pair Gold dust Scales. | | | 29412 | N/- | Ashanti. Loom Comb. | | 14-0 ################################################## EFwsG ################################################## [tl1_text] 388 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29413 | N/- | Ashanti. Loom Comb. | | 12-6 29414 | N/- | Solomon Wristlet. cut shell. | | | 29415 | A/- | Santa Cruz Ornament cut shell | | | 29416 | GX/- | Congo War Horn ivory. | | | 29417 | A/- | China Necklet coloured pendants | | 7-6 29418 | T/- | India Snake pink coral. 36/- | | 2-2-0 29419 | G/- | Africa Comb. damaged, carved & v. old. Zanzibar | | 9-0 29420 | I/S | Fiji Kava Bowl | | | 29421 | GX/- | Tonga Cuttle Fish Bait.| | | 29422 | S/- | Tonga Cuttle Fish Bait.| | | 29423 | -/S | Tonga Girdle Mat | | | 29424 | G/GX/- | Harvey Spear Club [[image]] | | | 29425 | N/GX/- | Harvey Paddle. curious top. | | | 29426 | S/GX/- | New Caledonia Chiefs Axe. Nbonet. small old | | 10-10-0 29427 | G/GX/- | Java Kris. small ivory hilt | S35/4-12-12 | 2-12-6 29428 | A/GX/- | Persia Shamsher. silver enamel mounts. | | 12-12-0 29429 | GY/GS/-| England Case of DB. FL. single trigger Carriage Pistols S. NOCK. | S40/14-12-12 | 22-10-0 29430 | GA/- | S.E. Africa Rhino Kerry. | W23/23-11-16 | 12-6 29431 | A/- | Solomon Armlet. | | | 29432 | G/GA/- | Indian Shield. iron damascened gold. 18" dia. | S35/30-6-13 | 6-15-0 29433 | GY/S | Ceylon Mask. | E1/10-2-13 | 1-0-0 29434 | GY/S | Ceylon Mask. | E1/10-2-13 | 1-0-0 29435 | GY/S | Ceylon Mask. | E1/10-2-13 | 1-0-0 29436 | GY/S | New Guinea Shield | | | 29437 | G/GX/- | New Guinea Idol Plaque. | | 3-3-0 29438 | GA/- | New Guinea Fibre Bull Roarer. | | 1-12-6 29439 | T/S | New Guinea Man Catcher | | | 29440 | T/S | New Guinea Man Catcher | | 29441 | T/S | New Guinea Man Catcher | | | 29442 | A/- | New Guinea Pig Catcher | | | 29443 | A/- | New Guinea Pig Catcher | | | 29444 | A/- | New Guinea Pig Catcher | | | 29445 | T/S | New Guinea Net to stop Pig rushes. | | | 29446 | M/-/- | New Zealand Teki. small rough 2-1/2" | L2/20-4-14 | 4-5-0 29447 | G/GN/- | New Zealand Teki. damaged. fine work. | | | 29448 | A/- | B. Columbia Set of 3 covered Bottles. | | | 29449 | G/- | B. Columbia Pair Mocassins. | | | 29450 | S/- | Victoria Shield. [[image]] | | | ################################################## EFwsJ ################################################## [tl1_text] 388 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29451 | S/S | Victoria Club [[image]] | F20/18-4-13 | 16-6 29452 | M/- | N. W. Australia Stick. carved. | | | 29453 | T/- | England Pepper Box Revolver. | H33/18-4-13 | 10-0 29454 | C/- | New Hebrides Club | | | 29455 | C/ | Nepal Sword. Kora. | | | 29456 | GX/- | Tibet Belt. hair & shell. | | | 29457 | G/-/- | Solomon Paddle carved | | | 29458 | GA/- | Solomon Paddle carved | | | 29459 | A/- | Solomon Club | | | 29460 | AY/-/- | Eskimo. Ed: Whymper Collection 290 pieces. | B21/11-11-13 | 138-0-0 29461 | Y/S | England Baker's Tally. {C | | | 29462 | Y/S | England Baker's Tally. {C | | | 29463 | Y/S | England Baker's Tally. {C | | | 29464 | Y/S | England Baker's Tally. Separately 4/- & 5/- {C | | 1-2-6 29465 | Y/S | England Baker's Tally. {C | | | 29466 | Y/S | England Baker's Tally. {C | | | 29467 | G/- | England Ship's Powder Horn said to have been at Trafalger | | 16-0 29468 | I/- | India Bell cracked. Elephant | | 10-6 29469 | G/- | [[India?]] Sheep Bell | | | 29470 | G/- | [[India?]] 2 Straps with Climbing hooks. | | | 29471 | GX/- | India Rapier. silvered hilt | | 1-17-6 29472 | N/S | Australia Shield. | | | 29473 | N/S | New Zealand Mat | | | 29474 | /- | China Pipe used by Sampan Men. | | | 29475 | G/- | Argentine Whip. | | 14-0 29476 | GG/- | Burmah Alabaster Buddha. 18-1/2" high | C30/1-7-16 | 1-18-0 29477 | I/A/-| New Zealand Jade Hook Charm [[image]] | P16/20-11-4 | 27-10-0 29478 | A/- | Benin Armlet | P16/24-2-13 | 1-5-0 29479 | A/- | Benin Armlet | P16/24-2-13 | 1-5-0 29480 | A/- | Benin Pair Armlet | P16/24-2-13 | 1-0-0 29481 | Y/- | Benin Pair Armlet | P16/24-2-13 | 1-0-0 29482 | Y/- | Benin Egg Cup. | P16/24-2-13 | 10-0 29483 | GX/- | Japan Chopping Knife & pouch (Nata) C | | 1-1-0 29484 | GX/- | Congo Gun Horn carved. | | | 29485 | I/- | [[Congo?]] Scoup. horn. | | 1-1-0 29486 | G/S | [[Congo?]] Carving horn. bird. | | | 29487 | -/M | [[Congo?]] Spoon horn. | | | 29488 | -/M | [[Congo?]] Spoon horn. | | | ################################################## EFwsM ################################################## [tl1_text] 389 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29489 | N/- | Soudan Hamstringing Knife. silver mounts. Suakin | | | 29490 | Y/S | W. Africa 'Poro' Dance Dress damaged. goes with 34033 which [[?]] | | | 29491 | Y/S | Eskimo Skin Dress damaged | | | 29492 | G/-/- | India Dagger hilt massive crystal. C. | | 3-15-0 29493 | A/- | China Pendant white jade | | | 29494 | A/- | China Pendant | [[B16/1-1-14?]] | 18-0 29495 | G/G/- | Congo Pestle. ivory. Aruwimi | | | 29496 | I/- | Japan Netsuke. Man on shell ivory. | | 16-0 29497 | GM/- | Japan Netsuke. [[Modle?]] Flute Shakuhachi | | 1-1-0 29498 | A/- | Japan Netsuke. Child on Fish. ivory. | S48/4-6-14 | 10-6 29499 | S/- | Japan Netsuke. Seated Figure moneky on shoulder | | 12-6 29500 | S/- | Japan Netsuke. Beggar & Dog. | S48/4-6-14 | 12-6 29501 | A/- | Japan Netsuke. Senin carrying bundle on head. | | 10-6 29502 | GY/- | Japan Tsuba 15. | C7/19-12-12 | 1-4-0 29503 | C/- | Solomon Fish. large. inlaid. | | | 29504 | GX/- | Manihiki Canoe Model | | | 29505 | G/- | New Caledonia Model House. pandanus thatch | | | 29506 | M/S | New Britain Spear. human arm bone on end. | | | 29507 | G/- | Bougainville Spear | | | 29508 | -/S | Solomon Spear | | | 29509 | -/S | Solomon Spear | | | 29510 | -/S | Solomon Spear | | | 29511 | Y/- | New Ireland Spear | | | 29512 | GS/- | Japan 2 Netsuke. | W22/28-11-11 | 19-0 29513 | GA/- | Japan Iuro. | W22/28-11-11 | 18-0 29514 | G/T/S | Congo 2 Currency Knives. | W22/28-11-11 | 1-11-0 29515 | Y/-/- | Congo Currency. [[image]] | W22/28-11-11 | 2-5-0 29516 | S/- | Japan Tsuba. pierced. pierced | | 14-0 29517 | S/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/19-7-13 | 7-0 29518 | G/GX/- | Persia Incence Burner. Peacock. silver. | | | 29519 | GX/- | Solomon Water Bottle Treasury I. | F16/16-10-12 | 1-15-0 29520 | G/- | New Caledonia Gourd Sling | | | 29521 | GX/- | E Africa Tobacco Pipe gourd top. [[strikethrough]] Dinka [[strikethrough]] Latuka C | | | 1-1-0 29522 | GS/- | Congo Bow & 16 Arrows. | [[J12/3-3-13?]] | 1-4-0 29523 | S/- | Congo 10 Pigmy Arrows. one brass head in each. | J12/4-7-14 | 15-0 29524 | S/- | Congo 10 Pigmy Arrows. | | | 29525 | S/- | Congo 10 Pigmy Arrows. | | | 29526 | S/- | Congo 10 Pigmy Arrows. | [[J12/3-3-13?]] | 10-0 ################################################## EFwsP ################################################## [tl1_text] 389 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29527 | S/- | Belgian Congo 10 Small Arrows | | | 29528 | T/- | Belgian Congo Waist Belt. copper. Nella. | | | 29529 | T/- | Belgian Congo Waist Belt. copper. | | | 29530 | A/- | Belgian Congo Waist Belt. copper. smaller | | | 29531 | A/- | Belgian Congo Waist Belt. copper. smaller | | | 29532 | N/- | Belgian Congo Waist Belt. copper. smaller | | | 29533 | A/- | Belgian Congo Bowman's Wrist Guard. copper | | | 29534 | A/- | Belgian Congo Bowman's Wrist Guard. copper [[image]] | L12/1-9-13 | 18-6 29535 | A/- | Belgian Congo Bowman's Wrist Guard. copper |J12/4--7-14 | 15-0 29536 | N/- | Belgian Congo Charm copper | | | 29537 | N/- | Belgian Congo Charm copper | | | 29538 | N/- | Belgian Congo Charm copper | | | 29539 | M/- | Belgian Congo Charm copper | | | 29540 | GY/- | Belgian Congo Copper Knife. | | 1-12-6 29541 | S/- | Belgian Congo Iron Knife. | | 12-6 29542 | GI/- | Old Calabar Idol. black. | H38/3-11-16 | 2-2-0 29543 | GY/S | E. Africa Spear. Antelope horn point Dinka | H17/16-5-13 | 1-0-0 29544 | GY/S | E. Africa Spear. Antelope horn point Dinka | | 1-0-0 29545 | GY/S | E. Africa Spear. Antelope horn point smooth like Rhino Dinka | J12/4-7-14 | 1-5-0 29546 | GY/S | E. Africa Spear. Antelope horn point | | 1-0-0 29547 | GY/S | England F L. Pistol | S32/19-2-15 | 1-5-0 29548 | GY/S | England F L. Pistol | H39/9-1-16 | 1-1-0 29549 | GI/- | Belgian Congo Double Figure | | 2-5-0 29550 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Knife. [[image]] Momfu. | L4/27-8-15 | 1-1-0 29551 | GN/- | Belgian Congo Medicine Mans Rattle. number of bells. | C30/3-2-13 | 1-2-6 29552 | GN/- | Belgian Congo {[?]] Pot & Spatula. [[image]] | | | 29553 | S/- | Belgian Congo Dress ornamental beads. | | | 29554 | /- | Belgian Congo Bark Cloth |C28/20-11-12 | 4-0 29555 | /- | Belgian Congo Basket. small. | S4/1915 | 7-0 29556 | G/- | Belgian Congo Food Bowl. boat shaped. | | | 29557 | GI/- | Belgian Congo Currency iron 2 pieces | W22/28-11-11 | 1-2-0 29558 | G/G/S | S.E. Africa Rhino Kerry. | | | 29559 | GN/-/- | Benin Bronze Head. | P16/24-2-13 | 24-0-0 29600 | GA/- | England F L B.B Pistol PATERICK .| | | 29601 | Y/-/- | England F L Pistol. silver mts HEYLIN. | B48/14-2-16 | 3-15-0 29602 | Y/A/- | England Pair F L Pistol CHADWICK. | | | 29603 | Y/-/- | England Pair F L Under & Overs. OAKES | S40/14-12-12 | 3-3-0 29604 | GX/- | England P.C. Knife Pistol UNWIN & ROGERS | E6/29-4-13 | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwsS ################################################## [tl1_text] 390 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29565 | Y/-/- | France F L. Powder Tester. rare form. | | | 29566 | G/-/- | England F L. Pistol with bayonet. | | | 29567 | GT/S | England F L. Pistol Under & Over. | | | 29568 | Y/-/- | England F L. Pistol B. B. B. Pistol bayonet. CARMEL | I4/19-7-13 | 3-18-0 29569 | GN/- | England F L. Pistol Small. silver mts THEO [[?]] RICHARDS | S40/23-6-13 | 1-2-6 29570 | GY/- | England F L. Pistol Small Police. MARYLEBONE. TWIGG. | | | 29571 | GY/- | England Police Baton Police. MARYLEBONE. TWIGG. | | | 29572 | G/- | Armlet. hide | | | 29573 | N/- | A. Persia Specimen of Scale Armour. | | 5-0 29574 | Y/S | S. Africa Pipe. European head bead eyes C | | 7-6 29575 | Y/S | S. Africa Snuff Bottle. horn. | | | 29576 | N/- | A. Roman 'Aci' | S4/12-12-13 | 15-0 29577 | Y/S | Congo Bowl | | | 29578 | N/- | Borneo Medicine Man's Case. | S4/1915 | 10-0 29579 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | F17/13-11-13 | 6-0 29580 | G/-/- | Harvey Paddle. | | | 29581 | Y/S | Harvey Paddle Fragments. | | | 29582 | Y/S | Harvey Paddle. | | | 29583 | N/S | Solomon Club. rare form. | | | 29584 | GX/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Blow Tube. (Ed. Whymper Col:) Ecuador. | J12/3-3-13 | 1-0-0 29585 | N/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Bundle of Darts (Ed. Whymper Col:) Ecuador. | | 16-0 29586 | Y/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Vessel of Dart Poison (Ed. Whymper Col:) Ecuador. C | | 10-6 29587 | Y/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Gourd for flax for ends of darts (Ed. Whymper Col:) Ecuador. | | 8-6 29588 | G/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Tobacco. (Ed. Whymper Col:) Ecuador. | | 16-0 29589 | G/-/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Club-head [[image]] Cayambe | | 3-0-0 29590 | A/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Axe head [[image]] Cayambe. | K5/12-8-16 | 1-0-0 29591 | A/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Axe head [[image]] Cayambe. | | 1-5-0 29592 | /S | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Pair Sandals. Quito. | | | 29593 | /S | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Bundle horse hair Rope. [[?]] with care Quito.| | | 29594 | /- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Bundle Flax hair Rope Pita. Poncho & Sandals Quito 16/- thru 3 | | | 29595 | G/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Poncho. S Domingo de los Colorados | | | 29596 | G/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] 2 old Spanish Locks. Machachi | | 8-6 29597 | /- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] 2 Samples Rubber Guayaquil | | | 29598 | /- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Model C N. Cup. Quito | | | 29599 | S/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Spear. v. fine Napo C | | 1-8-0 29600 | M/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Spear v. fine smaller Napo C | | 16-0 29601 | G/- | [[strikethrough]] Brazil [[strikethrough]] Bundle Arrows with natural reeds for making shafts | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 29602 | T/S | Japan 5 Lances. | C7/1-1-13 | 1-0-0 ################################################## EFwsV ################################################## [tl1_text] 390 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29603 | Y/- | Japan Sword. large | C7/19-6-13 | 6-0 29604 | Y/- | Japan Sword. large | C7/19-6-13 | 6-0 29605 | Y/- | Japan Sword. large | C7/19-6-13 | 6-0 29606 | G/- | Japan Sword. small. pair. | C7/19-6-13 | 13-0 29607 | G/- | Japan Sword. small. | C7/19-6-13 | 6-0 29608 | G/- | Japan Sword. small. | C7/19-6-13 | 6-0 29609 | G/- | Japan Sword. small. | C7/19-6-13 | 6-0 29610 | G/- | Japan Sword. small. | C7/19-6-13 | 6-0 29611 | G/- | Japan Sword. small. | C7/19-6-13 | 6-0 29612 | -/S | Japan Sword. 3 small. poor.| C7/19-6-13 | 12-0 29613 | GA/S | Brazil Club [[image]] C | | 1-12-6 29614 | N/- | Canada Box. quill. | H28/2-1-14 | 17-6 29615 | I/S | N. America Pouch. Canadian Border | W1/7-7-13 | 10-0 29616 | C/S | Assam Axe. [[image]] Naga | | 1-18-6 29617 | T/S | New Zealand Hani head | S51/30-8-16 | 17-0 29618 | GY/S | England Pair F L. Pocket Pistols GARDNER. | E6/3-2-13 | 1-2-6 29619 | I/Y | E. Africa Shield. | | | 29620 | I/- | Fiji Wig of hair | | 2-17-6 29621 | Y/- | Fiji Pot | F20/18-4-13 | 1-0-0 29622 | Y/- | [[strikethrough]] Bag [[strikethrough]] Corslet fibre & beads & feathers Samoa ?? | | 3-15-0 29623 | Y/- | China Brick Tea. v. fine. | B43/20-11-12 | 1-1-0 29624 | Y/- | China Brick Tea. in box. coarse. | S50/20-9-14 | 10-0 29625 | Y/- | Basut Cradle. | | 18-6 29626 | Y/- | Belt. brass buttons. Chokatan | | | 29627 | Y/- | Tibet Exorcising Dagger. | S35/20-12-13 | 17-6 29628 | /- | China Ring Silver. | | | 29629 | /- | India Model C N. scraper. | | | 29630 | /- | China 9 Carved peach stones | | | 29631 | /- | Beadwork Chokatan | | | 29632 | G/GY/S | Tanganyika Hippo tooth charm. | | | 29633 | S/- | New Zealand Hani | | | 29634 | GX/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa | F17/10-8-14 | 2-5-0 29635 | A/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. v. rare carving. | P16/28-11-13 | 18-10-0 29636 | G/GX/- | Ceylon Skull | | | 29637 | GX/- | Soudan Shield. very heavy | | | 29638 | GX/- | N.W. India Pellet Bow. | J12/3-3-13 | 2-10-0 29639 | T/S | Niger Currency Necklet | B43/20-11-12 | 1-0-0 29640 | GA/- | B. New Guinea Club. star type. | | | ################################################## EFwsY ################################################## [tl1_text] 391 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29641 | GY/- | B. New Guinea Club. pine type | | | 29642 | M/- | B. New Guinea Club. disc. | | | 29643 | G/-/- | Queensland Shield [[image]] dec: | | | 29644 | G/-/- | Queensland Shield dec: worm eaten | | | 29645 | T/-/- | New Zealand wood Wahaika. | B16/1-1-14 | 15-10-0 29646 | M/GX/- | Tonga Club. very deep carving | P16/20-11-14 | 6-10-0 29647 | Y/GX/- | Tonga Club. lobe ex large. carved all over. | | 5-15-0 29648 | N/-/- | Mangaia Adze | | | 29649 | GA/- | Victoria Shield. ex fine | | 1-17-6 29650 | GX/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure. | | 2-0-0 29651 | C/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 29652 | S/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 29653 | S/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] engraved. | | | 29654 | A/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 29655 | S/- | New Caledonia Club [[image]] | | | 29656 | A/- | New Caledonia Club [[image]] | | | 29657 | S/- | New Caledonia Club root.[[scaves?]] | | | 29658 | S/- | Fiji Club root.[[scaves?]] | | | 29659 | S/- | New Britain Club [[image]] | | | 29660 | Y/GX/- | N. America Pipe Tomahawk ex: fine. | H28/15-2-13 | 12-10-0 29661 | G/GX/- | Harvey Paddle | | | 29662 | T/S | N. America Pair Gloves dec. quill work. | H28/15-2-13 | 1-18-0 29663 | YX/-/- | New Zealand Teki dark green. large | B16/17-6-13 | 35-0-0 29664 | GI/-/- | New Zealand Teki fine work. large 5" | P16/20-11-14 | 36-10-0 29665 | N/-/- | New Zealand Teki small damaged. 3-/1/4" |6/15/ | [[strikethrough]] 5-15-0 [[strikethrough]] 29666 | GX/- | New Zealand Ear Ornament | | 1-1-0 29667 | S/-/- | New Zealand Large Slab greenstone. | | 22-10-0 29668 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Ouewa. basalt. | | | 29669 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Ouewa. basalt. | | | 29670 | GA/S | Belgian Congo Comb. ivory | M31/23-1-14 | 1-15-0 29671 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo Figure ivory | | 1-12-6 29672 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Figure ivory large | L21/15-4-13 | 1-16-0 29673 | GX/- | Belgian Congo ivory Sword. | | | 29674 | A/- | Belgian Congo ivory Charm | L21/15-4-13 | 14-0 29675 | A/- | Belgian Congo ivory Charm | L21/15-4-13 | 8-6 29676 | A/- | Belgian Congo ivory Charm | L21/15-4-13 | 7-6 29677 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo Tobacco Pipe * [[image]] C | | 2-12-6 29678 | GX/- | Belgian Congo Fetish. yellow wood. modern | L21/1-1-13 | 1-2-6 ################################################## EFwt1 ################################################## [tl1_text] 391 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29679 | S/- | Ancient Peru Copper lip Plug. | W1/29-2-16 | 15-0 29680 | N/- | Congo Cup. rough. | | 14-0 29681 | -/N | Java Kris Hilt | | | 29682 | S/- | Tahiti Bow. | J12/3-3-13 | 1-18-0 29683 | Y/S | E. Africa Rhino Kerry. | | | 29684 | N/- | France Apple or Nutmeg Grater Laval. | L12/10-1-13 | 7-6 29685 | GY/- | France Knife & sheath. rare. | | | 29686 | GA/- |N. Queensland. Cerem: Knife of chert.sheath 500 inland from G of Carpentaria | | 4-10-0 29687 | GA/- |N. Queensland. Cerem: Knife of chert.sheath 500 inland from G of Carpentaria C| S4/1915 | | 3-0-0 29688 | GN/- |N. Queensland. Cerem: Knife 500 inland from G of Carpentaria | C28/22-1-14 | 3-10-0 29689 | GX/- |N. Queensland. Cerem: Knife 500 inland from G of Carpentaria | | 3-3-0 29690 | GX/- |N. Queensland. Cerem: Knife gum handle 500 inland from G of Carpentaria C| W29/13-9-13 | | 3-15-0 29691 | S/- | N. Queensland. Cerem: Knife no sheath 500 inland from G of Carpentaria C | K0/22-6-14 | | 1-5-0 29692 | GX/- | England F L Under & over Pistol. | E6/23-8-13 | | 1-10-0 29693 | GA/- | India Axe [[image]] | | 1-16-0 29694 | Y/-/- | # # | | | 29695 | G/GX/- | Fiji Pine Apple Club. ex fine large specimen | | | 5-5-0 29696 | GX/- | Fiji Club. N Z carving | P16/20-11-14 | 2-15-0 29697 | GX/- | Fiji Chiefs Necklet | | | 29698 | GX/- | Fiji Cannibal Fork | P16/20-11-14 | 4-7-6 29699 | GX/- | Fiji Tappa Beater. carved collar. | | | 29700 | GG/- | Fiji Belt Club. inlaid | | | 29701 | A/- | Fiji Belt Club. | | | 29702 | A/- | Fiji Head Rest | | | 29703 | T/- | Fiji Spear Head. very large } | | | 29704 | T/- | Fiji Spear Head. very large } | | | 29705 | N/- | Fiji Spear Head. very large } | | 4-10-0 29706 | Y/- | Fiji Spear Head. very large } | | | 29707 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Bone Meri. large fine. }| | 10-10-0 29708 | G/GT/- | Rotumah Club | | 6-6-0 29709 | GX/- | Tonga Fish Hook. Ex: large. | | 2-16-0 29710 | A/- | New Britain Club. stone head. | | | 29711 | A/- | New Britain Club. double ends. black [[image]] | | | 29712 | Y/- | New Guinea Club black wood. | | | 29713 | G/-/- | Tonga Club [[strikethrough]] Lime Spatula. [[strikethrough]] carved all over. round | | | 29714 | A/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | | 29715 | A/- | E. Africa Bow covered brass wire binding Shire R. | J12/3-3-13 | 17-0 29716 | S/- | Gaboon Axe [[Fau?]] | | | ################################################## EFwt4 ################################################## [tl1_text] 392 [[5 column table]] 29717 | G/Y/S | England Pair silver mt brass. Pistols by PARR. | | 29718 | A/- | England. Pocket Pistol SHARPE. | E6/3-2-13 | 10-6 29719 | GT/S | Ceylon Knife carved ivory hilt silver mt. C | D10/25-3-14 | 2-2-0 29720 | Y/GA/- | Europe Pair D.B. FL. Pistols. Spanish barrel. | | 29721 | G/GX/- | Europe Pair D.B. FL. Pistols. flush triggers. | | 29722 | GA/- | Europe D.B. FL. Pistol. damaged. | S40/23-6-13 | 2-10-0 29723 | GA/- | Europe F.L. Powder Tester. | E6/3-2-13 | 1-16-6 29724 | M/A/- | Tahaiti Pounder. [[image]] | | 4-10-0 29725 | GY/S | Fiji Tappa Beater | | 29726 | GY/S | Tahiti Tappa Beater | | 29727 | GX/- | Tahiti Adze head. | K5/3-10-13 | 2-2-0 29728 | GX/- | Hawaii Spear. damaged. | | 29729 | A/- | New Hanover Spear. v. fine | | 29730 | GX/- | New Caledonia Spear. ex: fine | | 29731 | GX/- | New Caledonia Spear. ex: fine | | 29732 | GA/- | New Caledonia Club. C | | 29733 | A/- | New Caledonia Sling. | | 29734 | GY/S | New Caledonia Sling Bolt Case & 3 bolts. | | 29735 | GY/S | New Caledonia Sling Bolt Case & 3 bolts. | | 29736 | A/- | Marquesas Necklet. porpoise teeth. | | 1-0-0 29737 | T/S | Marquesas Ear Ornament tortoise shell & beads. | B16/15} | 1-0-0 29738 | A/- | Marquesas Ear Ornament tortoise shell no tortoise shell hook. | B16/15} | 2-10-0 17-6 29739 | A/- | Marquesas Dance Ornament bleached hair. | P16/20-11-14 | 16-0 29740 | G/-/- | Marquesas Ivory | | 29741 | S/- | Marquesas Ear Plug. | B16/1-1-14 | 4-0-0 29742 | S/- | Marquesas Ear Plug. | B16/1-1-14 | 4-0-0 29743 | S/- | Marquesas Ear Plug. | | 29744 | S/- | Marquesas Ear Plug. | | 29745 | S/- | Marquesas Ear Plug. | | 29746 | S/- | Marquesas Ear Plug. | | 29747 | A/- | Marquesas Bone. needle. | | 29748 | Y/S | Marquesas Bone. needle. small | | 29749 | Y/S | Marquesas Bone. needle. small | | 29750 | GX/- | Solomon Belt shells | | 29751 | A/- | Tahiti Bread Fruit Splitter | | 29752 | S/S/- | French Guiana Chief Costume | S46/7-7-13 | 12-0-0 29753 | GX/- | French Guiana Bead Dress 27x2¼ v.fine | | 3-3-0 29754 | GX/- | French Guiana Bead Dress 10x4¼" | | 1-7-6 ################################################## EFwt7 ################################################## [tl1_text] 392 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 29755 | G/A/- | Patagonia Bolas. | | 1-12-6 29756 | G/A/- | Lake Tchad Shield [[image]] | | 3-7-6 29757 | G/-/- | Lake Tchad Helmet crested. C | D10/17-1-13 | 2-15-0 29758 | G/GX/- | Congo Cuirass of hide Oubangbi C | D10/17-1-13 | 2-15-0 29759 | I/- | Congo Adze. blade inlaid copper | | 29760 | A/- | Congo Idol hollow head & body | | 16-6 29761 | M/- | Congo Head Ornament Condjo Dongo Village | | 29762 | y/- | Congo Call Whistle. wood | | 29763 | Y/- | Congo Call Whistle. wood | | 29764 | G/- | A. Peru 2 small gourd Rattle | | 29765 | M/- | A. Peru Set Pan Pipes | | 12-6 29766 | M/- | S.E. Asia? Set Pan Pipes Mu Su? | | 10-6 29767 | M/- | New Caledonia Flute | F20/26-9-13 | 10-0 29768 | M/- | Ancholi Flute | | 29769 | M/- | Zambesi? Whistle. | | 29770 | GM/- | Siam Mouth Organ. short. C | | 1-8-6 29771 | N/- | E. Cent. Africe Flail. | | 29772 | GY/S | W. Soudan Idol. male Seuegambia? | S4/14-3-16 | 12-6 29773 | GY/S | W. Soudan Idol. female (damaged) | S4/14-3-16 | 12-6 29774 | Y/- | Congo Finger Ring ivory | | 29775 | Y/- | Congo Finger Ring ivory | | 29776 | G/- | A. Peru Charm. Bag of marzi &c. | | 29777 | -/C | A. Peru Doll. | | 29778 | -/C | A. Peru Doll. | | 29779 | M/- | E. Africa Flute. | | 29780 | M/- | E. Africa Girdle | | 29781 | I/- | England FL Pistol. LOWDELL | | 29782 | Y/A/- | France FL Pistol Pair Dog head butts | | 29783 | G/-/- | Benin Bronze Bell. | P16/24-2-13 | 3-5-0 29784 | S/-/- | Benin Plaque portion | P16/24-2-13 | 9-0-0 29785 | GX/- | Benin Aegis Fragment. | P16/24-2-13 | 1-10-0 29786 | GX/- | Benin Aegis Fragment. | P16/24-2-13 | 15-0 29787 | GX/- | Benin Aegis Fragment. | P16/24-2-13 | 1-0-0 29788 | A/- | Benin Aegis Fragment. | P16/24-2-13 | 17-6 29789 | Y/-/- | Benin Fragment King's Spear. | P16/24-2-13 | 11-10-0 29790 | G/-/- | Benin Bronze Spike. [[image]] | P16/24-2-13 | 3-0-0 29791 | G/A/- | Benin Bronze Figure with shield | P16/24-2-13 | 4-15-0 29792 | G/-/- | Benin Birds head. large. | P16/24-2-13 | 2-0-0 ################################################## EFwta ################################################## [tl1_text] 393 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 29793 | G/-/- | Benin Leopard's Head | P16/24.2.13 | 3-10-0 29794 | G/-/- | Benin Leopard | P16/24.2.13 | 3-15-0 29795 | GX/- | Benin Knife, bronze handle. | P16/24.2.13 | 10-0 29796 | G/GX/- | Benin Mask | P16/24.2.13 | 5-10-0 29797 | G/GX/- | Benin Mask | P16/24.2.13 | 5-0-0 29798 | G/GX/- | Benin Mask Leopard | P16/24.2.13 | 4-10-0 29799 | A/- | Benin Armlet, cast open work | P16/24.2.13 | 16-0 29800 | A/- | Benin Armlet | P16/24.2.13 | 16-0 29801 | A/- | Benin Armlet | P16/24.2.13 | 16-0 29802 | A/- | Benin Armlet | P16/24.2.13 | 16-0 29803 | G/GX/- | Benin Armlet open work fine | P16/24.2.13 | 3-5-0 29804 | G/GX/- | Benin Armlet copper faces | P16/24.2.13 | 3-10-0 29805 | G/GX/- | Benin Mask | P16/24.2.13 | 5-5-0 29806 | G/GX/- | Benin Mask | P16/24.2.13 | 4-10-0 29807 | G/GX/- | Benin Mask | P16/24.2.13 | 4-15-0 29808 | G/GX/- | Benin Mask open work | P16/24.2.13 | 4-15-0 29809 | M/-/- | Benin Bell, 12 copper fish | P16/24.2.13 | 6-10-0 29810 | G/A/- | Benin Bell | P16/24.2.13 | 4-4-0 29811 | G/A/- | Benin Bell | P16/24.2.13 | 4-0-0 29812 | G/-/- | Benin Bell smaller | P16/24.2.13 | 2-0-0 29813 | G/-/- | Benin Bell smaller | P16/24.2.13 | 1-5-0 29814 | G/-/- | Benin Bell smaller | P16/24.2.13 | 1-2-0 29815 | G/-/- | Benin Bell smaller | P16/24.2.13 | 2-15-0 29816 | GX/- | S. India Mask Travancore | P16/24.2.13 | 1-2-6 29817 | G/GX/- | Ceylon Skull, Woman | | 29818 | G/Y/- | Solomon Club ex-fine specimen [[image]] | | 29819 | A/-/- | America"Stevenson Porter"Revolving Gun Extra Chamber| | 29820 | Y/-/- | England Case of FL. Pistols, brass barrels. | | 29821 | G/-/- | England FL Powder Tester. Extra fine specimen. | | 29822 | G/-/- | Rotumah Club | | 6-15-0 29823 | M/-/- | Belgian Congo Trumpet, branch of tree 2 mouth pieces. Mango & Tapoke. Equater | | 29824 | M/-/- | Belgian Congo Drum [[image]] | | 29825 | M/GX/- | Belgian Congo Drum [[image]] Batempa (Basonge)| C30/ 3.2.13 | 6-18-0 29826 | M/GX/- | Belgian Congo Drum [[image]] Batempa (Basonge)| | 29827 | N/-/- | Belgian Congo Drum [[image]] V.large. Loto Lomela| | 29828 | G/GX/- | Belgian Congo Drum [[image]] Small. Loto Lomela| | 29829 | Y/-/- | Belgian Congo Drum [[image]] black. Uele.| | 29830 | M/-/- | Belgian Congo Drum[[image]]carved. Basonge (Sankuru Lomdui) | | ################################################## EFwtd ################################################## [tl1_text] 393 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 29831 | Y/-/- | Belgian Congo Wood Bell. [[image]] Bayaka. | | 29832 | N/-/- | Belgian Congo Stool. 2 figure supports. Baluba. | | 29833 | A/GX/- | Belgian Congo Stool.Woman.Ex.fine. (Kasai Sankuru)Bene Kanioka | | 29834 | N/-/- | Belgian Congo Chiefs Staff. 2 masks. Numba Kudja. | | 29835 | A/-/- | Belgian Congo Chiefs Staff.Ex.fine (Count Marchal Arlon Coll:) Numba Kudja | | 29836 | M/GX/- | Belgian Congo Chiefs Axe,mask handle(Count Marchal Arlon Coll:) Numba Kudja | | 29837 | M/GX/- | Belgian Congo Chiefs Axe,mask handle(Count Marchal Arlon Coll:) Numba Kudja | | 29838 | Y/-/- | Belgian Congo Whisk mask handle Bakuba | | 29839 | G/GX/- | Belgian Congo Whisk mask handle Bakuba | | 29840 | G/GX/- | Belgian Congo Whisk mask handle bird. Bakuba | | 29841 | Y/GX/- | Belgian Congo Mask dec: Sumea fowl feathers. Used only at War Dance Bakete Lulua| | 29842 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo Chiefs Club or Baton. Baluba| | 29843 | Y/-/- | Belgian Congo Chiefs Arrow Rest [[image]] | | 29844 | N/GX/- | Belgian Congo Treasure Box:cup top. Bomokandi Dist: Mangbetu | | 29845 | Y/GX/- | Belgian Congo Treasure Box Mobenge| | 29846 | N/GX/- | Belgian Congo Treasure Box head on top largest. Mangbetu | | 29847 | M/GX/- | Belgian Congo Treasure Box Smaller Mangbetu| | 29848 | Y/GX/- | Belgian Congo Treasure Box Small Warega| | 29849 | M/-/-| Belgian Congo Treasure Box v.old fine head. Mangbetu| | 29850 | M/- | Belgian Congo Chiefs Stool,top inlaid metal. Mango & Tapoke (Equater) | | 29851 | M/GX/- | Sierra Leone "Bundu" Mask, two faces. Mendi| | 29852 | M/-/- | Belgian Congo Fetish Figure,bowl in front Baluba (Uruwa) | | 29853 | N/GX/- | Belgian Congo Fetish Charms attached. Bayaka| | 29854 | Y/A/- | Belgian Congo Fetish Woman, hard brown wood, large| | 29855 | Y/A/- | Belgian Congo Fetish Keloids on body. Basfilele(Bakuba) Djari Djuma | | 29856 | G/A/- | Belgian Congo Fetish Keloids on body soft wood. Baluba Lualaba R:| | 29857 | Y/GX/- | Belgian Congo Fetish Kneeling, medicine nombril of bulunga gum Wadia Leopold II R.| | 29858 | M/A/- | Belgian Congo Fetish black finely carved. | | 29859 | Y/A/- | Belgian Congo Fetish 2 heads Kavango. Bas Congo| | 29860 | G/A/- | Belgian Congo Fetish pig faces, later work. Bayaka| | 29861 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo Fetish bead eyes charms on neck | | 29862 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo Fetish bead eyes charms on neck | | 29863 | G/A/- | Belgian Congo Fetish v.hard wood. Batempa.(Hanotrike der Basongo)| | 29864 | GX/- | Belgian Congo Fetish v. hard wood with nombril Bateke Lulua R.| | 29865 | GX/- | Belgian Congo Fetish Woman late | | 29866 | GX/- | Belgian Congo Fetish Man brown wood, small | | 29867 | G/A/- | Belgian Congo Fetish Woman.v.old fine piece. Mayamba| | 29868 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Fetish Figure riding on Antelope. | | ################################################## EFwtg ################################################## [tl1_text] 394 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 29869 | GX/- | Belgian Congo Fetish Figure v. small. | | 29870 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo Mortar? head on top [[image]] | | 29871 | G/A/- | Belgian Congo Oracle Consulter "Betti" Monganzulu(Itimbiri)| | 29872 | G/GX/- | Belgian Congo Rattle. Penis End. | | 29873 | G/A/- | Belgian Congo Whistle wood mask. Bayaka | | 29874 | GX/- | Belgian Congo Whistle ivory Karsai. | | 29875 | G/A/- | Belgian Congo Pair Whistles heads on top. | | 29876 | GX/- | Belgian Congo Small Figure.highly polished. Baluba| | 29877 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Snuff Crusher. [[image]] Bena Lalua| | 29878 | A/- | Belgian Congo Comb. head on top Bayaka| | 29879 | A/- | Belgian Congo Comb Bayaka | | 29880 | GX/- | Belgian Congo Knife head on top Baluba| | 29881 | A/- | Belgian Congo Wood Ladle. Bayaka| | 29882 | GX/- | Belgian Congo Spoon ivory. large. Sakara | | 29883 | A/- | Belgian Congo Spoon ivory. small Sakara | | 29884 | G/Y/S | Belgian Congo Head Rest. v. rare. Baluba | | 29885 | G/Y/S | Belgian Congo Head Rest. v. rare. Baluba| | 29886 | M/-/- | Belgian Congo Cup. Figure v. fine. | | 29887 | Y/-/- | Belgian Congo Cup. 2 heads. | | 29888 | G/A/- | Belgian Congo Cup. 1 head. | | 29889 | G/A/- | Belgian Congo Cup. Supported by figure | | 29890 | GX/- | Belgian Congo Iron Funnel. ? Attached to Centre of shield [[image]] Mangbetu| | 29891 | GX/- | Belgian Congo Iron Funnel. ? Attached to Centre of shield [[image]] Mangbetu| | 29892 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Cup. [[image]] Bayaka (Kwipu R.) | | 29893 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Cup. [[image]] Bayaka (Kwipu R.) | | 29894 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Only 7 in Tervuren Mus. Baluba | | 29895 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Baluba. | | 29896 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Baluba. | | 29897 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Baluba. | | 29898 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Baluba. | | 29899 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Baluba. | | 29900 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Baluba. | | 29901 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Baluba. | | 29902 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Baluba. | | 29903 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Baluba. | | 29904 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Baluba. | | 29905 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Baluba. | | 29906 | GA/- | Belgian Congo Ivory Figure. Baluba. | | ################################################## EFwtj ################################################## [tl1_text] 394 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 29907 | G/A/- | Belgian Congo. Ivory Figure. | | 29908 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo. Ivory Figure. heavy. no legs. | | 29909 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo. Ivory Figure. head only. old crude| | 29910 | GA/- | Belgian Congo. Charm modern Baluba? Tanganyika| | 29911 | GA/- | Belgian Congo. Charm modern Baluba? Tanganyika| | 29912 | G/GX/- | Belgian Congo. Charm old. fine. | | 29913 | G/A/- | Belgian Congo. Mask v. fine. Bapendi| | 29914 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo. Mask late Bapendi|E7/8-10-14| 1-1-0 29915 | A/- | Belgian Congo. Amulet. ivory. Mobonge| | 29916 | A/- | Belgian Congo. Amulet. ivory. Mobonge| | 29917 | A/- | Belgian Congo. Amulet. ivory. Mobonge| | 29918 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo. Tusk carved with figures large Baluba(Uruwa)| | 29919 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo. Tusk carved with figures large | | 29920 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo. Tusk carved with figures large | | 29921 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo. Tusk carved with figures large | | 29922 | GY/- | Belgian Congo. Tusk carved with figures smaller | | 29923 | GY/- | Belgian Congo. Tusk carved with figures smaller | | 29924 | GY/- | Belgian Congo. Tusk carved with figures smaller | | 29925 | GY/- | Belgian Congo. Tusk carved with figures smaller | | 29926 | GY/- | Belgian Congo. Tusk carved with figures smaller | | 29927 | GY/- | Belgian Congo. Tusk carved with figures smaller | | 29928 | GY/- | Belgian Congo. Tusk carved with figures smaller | | 29929 | A/- | Liberia small Tusk carved with 14 figures. | | 29930 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament.ivory Mangbetu| | 29931 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament.[[image]] Azandeh| | 29932 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | 29933 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | 29934 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | 29935 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | 29936 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | 29937 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | 29938 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | 29939 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | 29940 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | 29941 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | 29942 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | 29943 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | 29944 | M/- | Belgian Congo Woman's Hair Ornament. | | ################################################## EFwtm ################################################## [tl1_text] 395 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 29945 | M/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. large Mangbettu | | 29946 | M/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium Abavambo & Uele Dists. | | 29947 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29948 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29949 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29950 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29951 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29952 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29953 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29954 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29955 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29956 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29957 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29958 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29959 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29960 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29961 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29962 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29963 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29964 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29965 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29966 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29967 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29968 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29969 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29970 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29971 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29972 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29973 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29974 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29975 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29976 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29977 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29978 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. medium | | 29979 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. small | | 29980 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. small | | 29981 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. small | | 29982 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. ivory. small | | ################################################## EFwtp ################################################## [tl1_text] 395 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 29983 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament.small.ivory. Mangebetu &c| | 29984 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. | | 29985 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. | | 29986 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. | | 29987 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. | | 29988 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. | | 29989 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. | | 29990 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. | | 29991 | G/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. | | 29992 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. iron. Abavambo (Uele)| | 29993 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. iron. | | 29994 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. iron. | | 29995 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Hair Ornament. iron. | | 29996 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor.iron Azande | | 29997 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor. Azande | | 29998 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor. Azande | | 29999 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor. Azande | | 30000 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor. Azande | | 30001 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor. Azande | | 30002 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor. Azande | | 30003 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor. Bayanzi. | | 30004 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor. Mobango | | 30005 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Budja & Monganzulu | | 30006 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Budja & Monganzulu | | 30007 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Budja & Monganzulu | | 30008 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Azandeh.| | 30009 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Azandeh.| | 30010 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Azandeh.| | 30011 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Azandeh.| | 30012 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Azandeh.| | 30013 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Mobenge.| | 30014 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Mobenge.| | 30015 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Mobenge. | | 30016 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Mobenge. | | 30017 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Banza. U: Ngiri) | | 30018 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Ababua | | 30019 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Ababua | | 30020 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor or Epillation Knife Ababua | | ################################################## EFwts ################################################## [tl1_text] 396 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30021 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Ababwa | | 30022 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Ababwa | | 30023 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Mongo & Topoke | | 30024 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Mongo & Topoke | | 30025 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Mongo & Topoke | | 30026 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Mongo & Topoke | | 30027 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Bakuba | | 30028 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Bankutshu | | 30029 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Bankutshu | | 30030 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Tattooing Knife & Teeth Cutter Bangala| | 30031 | Y/- |Belgian Congo Epillation Knife fine.Budja & Monganzulu| | 30032 | Y/- |Belgian Congo Epillation Knife fine.Budja & Monganzulu| | 30033 | G/- | Belgian Congo Epillation Knife Arrow head form. Balei & Bondjo (Ubangi)Bas| | 30034 | G/- | Belgian Congo Epillation Knife Arrow head form. | | 30035 | G/- | Belgian Congo Epillation Knife Arrow head form. | | 30036 | G/- | Belgian Congo Epillation Knife Arrow head form. | | 30037 | G/- | Belgian Congo Epillation Knife Arrow head form. | | 30038 | G/- | Belgian Congo Epillation Knife Arrow head form. | | 30039 | G/- | Belgian Congo Epillation Knife Arrow head form. | | 30040 | A/- | Belgian Congo Ornamental 4 points | | 30041 | M/- | Belgian Congo Ornamental [[image]] | | 30042 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Knife Banza. | | 30043 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Knife Budja. | | 30044 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Knife Budja. | | 30045 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Knife Budja. | | 30046 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Knife Budja. | | 30047 | G/- | Belgian Congo Razor Knife Baketa. | | 30048 | N/- | Belgian Congo Brass Currency Knife. Wanfuma Stanley Pool | | 30049 | N/- | Belgian Congo Brass Currency Knife. Wanfuma Stanley Pool | | 30050 | N/- | Belgian Congo Brass Currency Knife. Wanfuma Stanley Pool | | 30051 | N/- | Belgian Congo Brass Currency Knife. Wanfuma Stanley Pool | | 30052 | N/- | Belgian Congo Brass Currency Knife. Wanfuma Stanley Pool | | 30053 | G/- | Belgian Congo Ornament. copper. | | 30054 | G/- | Belgian Congo Necklet beads v. old | | 30055 | G/- | Belgian Congo Bundle modern ivory spoons & forks. | | 30056 | G/GT/- | Belgian Congo Skull Bakuba| S4/12-12-13 | 3-5-0 30057 | Y/-/- | S. America Drum.v.large.dec. French Guiana C| | 4-4-0 30058 | M/- | Belgian Congo Waist Belt & Pom Pom| C28/13-11-13 | 18-6 ################################################## EFwtv ################################################## [tl1_text] 396 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30059 | A/- | Belgian Congo Bark Cloth beater | | | 30060 | Y/- | Belgian Congo Double wicker rattle | | | 30061 | /- | Belgian Congo Razor. Azandeh | | | 30062 | G/- | Belgian Congo Bundle of Tobacco | | | 30063 | A/- | Belgian Congo Fetish Figure ivory. Baluba(Uruwa)| L21/15-4-13| 1-16-0 30064 | Y/S | Belgian Congo Fetish Figure wood | W1/30-12-16 | 10-6 30065 | Y/S |Belgian Congo Fetish Figure modern. yellow | L21/15-4-13 | 1-0-0 30066 | Y/S | Belgian Congo Fetish Figure modern. yellow | L21/15-4-13 | 1-0-0 30067 | Y/S | Belgian Congo Fetish Figure modern. yellow | L21/15-4-13 | 1-0-0 30068 | Y/S | Belgian Congo Fetish Figure plain. | L21/15-4-13 | 15-0 30069 | Y/S | Belgian Congo Fetish Figure small. old. | | 9-6 30070 | Y/S | Belgian Congo Tongs. pair iron. | S4/1915 | 16-0 30071 | Y/S | Belgian Congo Knife Blade. [[image]] Momfu. | | 10-6 30072 | Y/S | Belgian Congo Chief's Paddle. carved. | | | 30073 | M/GS/- | China 6 Bronze Figures | | | 30074 | GX/- | Java Bow. carved ends. | J12/3-3-13 | 2-0-0 30075 | GX/- | Europe Dagger. marks on blade. | R2/21-3-14 | 1-1-0 30076 | Y/S | Europe Cross Bow Quarrel Flemish XVI Cent | | 18-6 30077 | Y/S | Europe Cross Bow Quarrel | S40/1915 | 18-6 30078 | Y/S | Europe Cross Bow Quarrel (Lush)| S40/1915 | 12-6 30079 | Y/S | Europe Cross Bow Quarrel | | | 30080 | Y/S | Europe Cross Bow Quarrel | | | 30081 | C/S | Europe FL. Tinder Lighter | E6/29-4-13 | 1-5-0 30082 | A/- | Europe Iron Tobacco Pipe. | | | 30083 | M/GX/- | Europe Officers Pistol Sword or Revolver Sabre Belgium| A14/22-1-14| 4-15-0 30084 | GX/- | Europe Revolver 20 shot pin fire Belgium | J14/6-4-14 | 1-10-0 30085 | GX/- | Europe Military FL Pistol Charleville 1777 belt hook. France| F11/8-3-16| 1-10-0 30086 | GX/- | Europe Military FL Pistol St Etieine belt hook France | | | 30087 | G/-/- | Europe FL Pistol DEBU. HUBERT.double barrelled Belgian| E6/1915| 2-7-6 30088 | G/GX/- | Europe FL Pistol d b. 2 way pan. rare. | E6/1915| 3-5-0 30089 | G/-/- | Europe Pair FL Pistol cannon barrels. flush triggers | | | 30090 | GX/- | Europe FL Pistol brass bell mouthed | E6/29-4-13 | 1-0-0 30091 | GX/- | Europe FL Pistol brass stock | S40/2-4-13 | 1-5-0 30092 | GX/- | Europe FL Pistol D.B. pitted | | | 30093 | A/- | Europe FL Pistol brass butt. | H39/25-3-16 | 16-6 30094 | S/S | Europe FL Pistol iron cannon barrel. CAIGRA | E6/29-4-13| 11-6 30095 | A/- | Europe FL Pistol reburnished | E6/29-4-13 | 10-6 30096 | A/- | Europe FL Pistol brass rings on iron barrel | E6/3-12-13 | 18-6 ################################################## EFwty ################################################## [tl1_text] 397 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30097 | Y/-/- | Europe D.B. Carbine. small bayonet | A14/22-1-14 | 4-0-0 30098 | Y/- | Europe Knife & Fork in case. France. | | 6-0 30099 | A/- | Gaboon Knife, sheath. ivory handle. | | | 30100 | Y/-/- & G/A/- repair| England DB. P.C. Gun in Case. Manton| | 6-10-0 30101 | Y/-/- | England Pair PC Pistols Manton. | | | 30102 | G/- | Italy FL. Pistol | | | 30103 | Y/-/- | France FL Pistol inlaid mts See Field Sept 28/12 P.673| | | 30104 | I/S | England Pepper Box Revolver | J12/3-2-16 | 18-6 30105 | I/S | England Pepper Box Revolver | H33/18-4-13 | 12-6 30106 | M/- | Ceylon Pali. Copper Book Leaf. | S4/1915 | 1-10-0 30107 | S/- | Brit. New Guinea Mortar. | H36/6-2-16| 14-0 30108 | M/- | Persia Bottle. Hide decorated. damaged. | | | 30109 | T/S | N. America.Pair Mocassins dec: beads.| F24/12-1-14| 1-10-0 30110 | T/- | Australia Shield Victoria| | 1-8-0 30111 | I/- | Zulu Shield. large. 55 x 31. | | 3-3-0 30112 | T/- | New Caledonia Club [[image]] | | | 30113 | M/- | Fiji Belt Club | | | 30114 | S/- | Ellis I. Fish-hook with float. | | 18-0 30115 | GA/GX/- | New Zealand Teki with toggle. v.fine. 4⅝" | | 30-0-0 30116 | N/-/- | England FL. Breach-loading Gun. | S40/16-12-13| 12-0-0 30117 | GA/- | Norway P.C. Breach-loading Gun. | | | 30118 | GA/- | Europe Self priming Breach-loading Gun. | | 30119 | G/T/S | Austria Tube Detonator Rifle | | | 30120 | G/T/S | Austria Tube Detonator Musket | | | 30121 | G/-/- | England Cross Bow. | | | 30122 | G/- | England FL Pistol. Tower Fire Relic | | | 30123 | T/- | England FL Pistol. Horse type. | | | 30124 | T/- | England FL Pistol. smaller | E6/29-4-13 | 16-0 30125 | G/-/- | England Pair Breast & Back Plate Cromwellian | | 4-4-0 30126 | G/-/- | England Pair Breast & Back Plate Cromwellian | | 4-4-0 30127 | GX/- | China Box carved jade. | | 1-6-0 30128 | A/- | Adze iron blade hafted with hide [[image]] | | | 30129 | A/- | B. Guiana Club wrist loop cotton binding concave faces Mocana C| | 18-6 30130 | GX/- | Turkestan Bailer. | | | 30131 | G/T/S | England FL. Tinder Lighter. | | | 30132 | G/S | England XVIII Cent. Roman Type. | L12/10-1-13 | 4-0 30133 | Y/- | England XVIII Cent. Lamp Shade in case. | | 7-6 30134 | Y/- | England XVIII Cent. Nut Cracks | | | ################################################## EFwtB ################################################## [tl1_text] 397 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30135 | GX/S | Belgian Congo Sword Ngombe. | | | 30136 | A/- | French Congo Ivory Fetish Horn | | 15-0 30137 | A/- | Mashona Pillow | | | 30138 | Y/S | Mashona Pillow C| | 7-6 30139 | -/S | Congo ? Ivory Pin. | | | 30140 | -/S | Congo ? Ivory Pin. | | | 30141 | -/S | Congo ? Ivory Pin. | | | 30142 | -/S | Congo ? Ivory Pin. | | | 30143 | -/S | Congo ? Ivory Pin. | | | 30144 | -/S | Congo ? Ivory Pin. | | | 30145 | G/- | Congo ? Ivory Pin. | | | 30146 | G/S | East Africa Snuff Box Wakamba. | | | 30147 | G/S | East Africa Snuff Box Wakamba. | | | 30148 | G/S | East Africa Snuff Box Wakamba. | | | 30149 | G/S | East Africa Snuff Box Wakamba. | | | 30150 | A/- | Burmah Knife Ningyan. | M31/23-1-14| 9-0 30151 | Y/S | Burmah Knife | | | 30152 | N/S | England Pepper Box Revolver. | | | 30153 | G/- | Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 30154 | I/S | New Guinea Club. | | | 30155 | /S | Samoa Club. modern. | | | 30156 | A/GA/- | Europe Snaphaunce Gun. inlaid| S40/23-6-13| 14-0-0 30157 | GX/- | Europe FL. Under & Over Pistol all brass. | | | 30158 | GX/- | Europe FL. Blunderbuss damaged. | | | 30159 | A/- | N. Asia. Ivory Hide Scraper Handle [[image]] | | | 30160 | A/- | Brit Guiana Head Dress. | | 16-0 30161 | A/- | Brit Guiana Belt. peccary teeth ex fine. | | 1-15-0 30162 | Y/S | Brit Guiana Apron bead work [[image]] | H36/1915| 7-6 30163 | A/X | 2 E. Africa Currency Necklet. | | | 30164 | Y/S | Brit Guiana Apron bead work [[image]] 15-1/2 x 8-1/2| | 1-1-0 30165 | M/- | N. America Pipe Tomahawk. head. | | | 30166 | -/S | Elizabeth Great Seal fragment. | | 5-0 30167 | -/S | Ancient Bronze Celt Fragment C| | 5-0 30168 | Y/- | Burmah Dha Knife. ivory handle damaged | | | 30169 | M/- | S. Africa Mans C.B. dec [[wire?]] | | | 30170 | G/- | Ancient [[strikethrough]] Roman [[strikethrough]] Tudor Pair Shears.found in London-Worship St.| | 7-6 30171 | N/- | Eskimo Coat of Seal intestines. damaged. | | | 30172 | A/- | Chinese Jade Clasp Button [[image]] | | 18-6 ################################################## EFwtE ################################################## [tl1_text] 398 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30173 | Y/- | English Steel Shot Measure | S40/11-3-14 | 10-0 30174 | Y/- | English Steel Shot Measure | | | 30175 | Y/- | English Steel Shot Measure | | | 30176 | Y/- | English Steel Shot Measure | | | 30177 | Y/- | English Steel Shot Measure | | 6-0 30178 | GY/S | Sumatra. Idol 75cm Batak C | S4/1915 | 6-15-0 30179 | Y/S | Sumatra. Idol small. Batak C | | | 30180 | Y/S | Sumatra. Figure Man Nias I. C | |} [[both]] 30181 | Y/S | Sumatra. Figure Wife Nias I. C | |} 2-2-0 * 30182 | Y/S | Sumatra. Bamboo Horoscope. Batak. | | | 30183 | Y/S | Sumatra. Bamboo Horoscope. Batak. | S4/1915| 18-0 30184 | Y/- | Sumatra. Bamboo Talisman Batak | S4/1915 | 10-0 30185 | Y/- | Sumatra. Bamboo Talisman Batak | | 10-0 30186 | Y/- | Sumatra. Bamboo Talisman Batak | | 10-0 30187 | G/- | Sumatra. Jews Harp Batak | | 6-0 30188 | N/- | Sumatra. Flageolet with Batak writing Batak | | 12-0 30189 | G/- | Sumatra.Flageolet[[?un]]Batak writing unfinished Batak| | | 30190 | Y/- | Sumatra. Whistle Engraved. Batak| | 6-0 30191 | G/- | Sumatra. Whistle plain Batak| | 3-0 30192 | M/- | Sumatra. Clarionet Batak C| | 10-6 30193 | M/- | Sumatra. Guitar Batak| | | 30194 | M/- | Sumatra. Bird Figure. damaged. Batak| | | 30195 | Y/- | Sumatra. Curry Mortar. Batak| S4/1915 | 6-0 30196 | Y/- | Sumatra. Lime Box. Batak C| | 8-6 30197 | G/- | Sumatra. Lime Box. small Batak | | | 30198 | G/- | Sumatra. Spindle & Whorl Batak C | | 5-0 30199 | A/- | Sumatra Currency.'Hat' Money.pewter or tin large Ampat 4¢ Batak| S50/10-9-14| 10-6 30199A | | Sumatra Currency.'Hat' Money.pewter or tin damaged Batak| S50/10-9-14| 6-0 30200 | G/- | Sumatra Currency. 'Hat' Money.pewter or tin small ¼" Ampat 1¢ Batak| S50/10-9-14} | 5-0 30201 | G/- | Sumatra Currency. 'Hat' Money.pewter or tin small Batak| S50/20-9-14} | 10-0 30202 | G/- |Sumatra Currency.'Hat' Money.pewter or tin small Batak| | 30203 | G/- |Sumatra Currency.'Hat' Money.pewter or tin small Batak| | 30204 | G/- | Sumatra Water Bottle Batak| | | 30205 | G/- | Sumatra Basket Batak C| | 6-0 30206 | G/S | Sumatra Bark Coat Batak| | | 30207 | G/S | Sumatra Bark Coat Batak| | | 30208 | G/- | Sumatra 2 Bags. 2 Purses & 1 Hat Batak| | | 30209 | G/- | Sumatra Horse Bit made by Malays.| | 7-6 30210 | G/- | Sumatra Bark Costume Nias I.| | | ################################################## EFwtH ################################################## [tl1_text] 398 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30211 | G/- | Sumatra Woman's Head Ornament Nias I. C| S4/1915| 8-6 30212 | G/- | Ceylon Pali Palm leaf book. |S4/1915| 3-0 30213 | G/- | Sumatra Whistle. Battak| | | 30214 | G/- |Sumatra Tinder Striker iron & tinder pouch.Battak| | 6-6 30215 | A/A/- | Marquesas Club | | | 30216 | Y/GX/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. | S45/7-6-13| 5-0-0 30217 | GX/- | Fiji Club finely carved grip. | | | 30218 | A/- | Fiji Club carved grip. | | | 30219 | A/- | Fiji Belt Club. 1835 | | | 30220 | G/-/- | Fiji Club. Sunflower type | | | 30221 | G/-/- | Fiji Club. Sunflower type | | | 30222 | GA/- | New Caledonia Club. bird type. 1865. | | | 30223 | GA/- | Loyalty Club. 1865. | | | 30224 | G/-/- | Liberia Fetish Figure.carved & coloured. Kru.| B21/14-6-13| 5-10-0 30225 | A/- | Philippine Kris & Sheath Sulu| | 30226 | G/-/- | Eskimo Lance loose head. | | 30227 | Y/GY/S | England "Ferguesson" BL. FL Gun. restored | S40/2-4-13 | 10-10-0 30228 | A/-/- | England Double 'Tube Detonator' Gun| S40/2-4-13| 15-15-0 30229 | G/GX/- | England P.C all iron Gun. A Shenandoah Relic| | | 30230 | G/GX/- | England Pistol FL. DB. | B48/1915 | 3-10-0 30231 | G/GX/- | England Pistol FL.DB.under & over with bayonet Paterick | | | 30232 | G/GX/- | England Pistol FL.DB. under & over with bayonet Dunderdale & Whitehouse| B48/14-2-16| 3-0-0 30233 | G/GA/- | England Pair FL. Pocket Pistols.silver butts|S40/16-12-13| 3-5-0 30234 | G/-/- | England Pair FL. Pocket Pistols. D. EGG.| | | 30235 | G/-/- | England Pair P.C. Pocket Pistols. DB. single trigger| H39/29-2-16| 2-10-0 30236 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol | W35/1915 | 10-0 30237 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol | E6/23-8-13 | 13-6 30238 | A/- |England FL.Pocket Pistol slightly defective|E6/29-4-13| 8-6 30239 | A/- |England FL.Pocket Pistol slightly defective|E6/29-4-13| 8-6 30240 | A/- |England FL.Pocket Pistol slightly defective|E6/29-4-13| 8-0 30241 | GX/- | England Pair FL Pistols H NOCK.| I4/17-5-13| 1-18-0 30242 | G/- | E. Africa Armlet. copper crotal | | | 30243 | -/S | E. Africa Armlet. copper plain | | 30244 | /- | Congo Armlet Leopoldville| | | 30245 | /- | Congo Small Brush for nostrils | | | 30246 | /- | Ashanti Pipe Bowl | | | 30247 | /- | Ashanti Pipe Bowl | | | 30248 | /S | Ashanti Snuff Bottle. horn | | | ################################################## EFwtK ################################################## [tl1_text] 399 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30249 | -/S | Africa Horn Snuff Bottle. | | | 30250 | -/S | Africa Horn Snuff Bottle. | | | 30251 | /- | Africa Gourd Snuff Bottle. | | | 30252 | G/- | Solomon Necklet, shell disc & teeth | | | 30253 | G/- | S. America Mate Gourd, silver mount. | | | 30254 | G/- | Solomon Spear. Bougainville| | | 30255 | G/- | Solomon Spear. Bougainville | | | 30256 | G/- | Solomon Spear. Treasury I | | | 30257 | G/- | Solomon Spear. Treasury I | | | 30258 | A/- | New Ireland Spear. v. fine. | | | 30259 | Y/- | New Britain Spear bones on end | | | 30260 | Y/- | New Britain Spear bones on end | | | 30261 | G/- | New Ireland Spear decorated | | | 30262 | /- | New Ireland Spear plain. bound yellow grass | | | 30263 | /- | New Ireland Spear plain. bound yellow grass | | | 30264 | G/- | New Britain Ceremonial Spear dec. feathers | | | 30265 | G/- | New Britain Ceremonial Spear dec. feathers | | | 30266 | G/- | New Caledonia Spear. | | | 30267 | G/- | New Caledonia Spear. | | | 30268 | S/- | New Caledonia Spear. pierced end. | | | 30269 | -/S | New Caledonia Spear. uncertain locality | | | 30270 | -/S | New Caledonia Spear. uncertain locality | | | 30271 | G/- | New Guinea Spear. | | | 30272 | -/S | New Hebrides Fishing Spear. | | | 30273 | -/S | New Hebrides Fishing Spear. | | | 30274 | G/- | New Hebrides ? 6 Small Spears. 3 barbed. | | | 30275 | G/- | Solomon Bow. | J12/4-3-14 | 8-0 30276 | Y/- | Solomon 15 Arrows 9 fine | J12/3-3-13 | 15-0 30277 | G/- | N.Hebrides 14 Arrows 4 with bone points| J12/3-3-13 | 7-0 30278 | Y/- | Admiralty Spear.obsidian head. v.fine head 10½x2¾ | K5/ 1915| 14-0 30279 | /- | New Caledonia'Flying Fox Fur Cord'Currency|H36/1-7-16| 2-0 30280 | /- | New Caledonia 'Flying Fox Fur Cord' Currency | | | 30281 | Y/GC/S | Jade Necklet,Chinese Books, Watch 'Cocks',Rings &c| W22/ 31-10-12 | 3-16-6 30282 | GX/- | N.Nigeria War Horn.black horn.pewter mounts. Lokoja C| | 1-8-6 30283 | Y/- | N. Nigeria Quiver & 18 Arrows Lokoja | J12/3-3-13 | 13-0 30284 | /-S | N. Nigeria Bow Lokoja | | | 30285 | /-S | N. Nigeria Bow Lokoja | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 30286 | G/- | N. Nigeria Belt of cowries | | | ################################################## EFwtN ################################################## [tl1_text] 399 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30287 | -/S | N. Nigeria Sling. | | 16-0 30288 | -/S | N. Nigeria Sling. | | 15-0 30289 | /- | N. Nigeria Sling. broken | | 8-6 30290 | A/- | N. Nigeria Skull. | | | 30291 | I/- | N. Nigeria Brass Wand of Office Benin| | 1-12-6 30292 | -/M | E. Africa Whip. hippo hide. | | | 30293 | -/M | E. Africa Whip. hippo hide. | | | 30294 | -/S | E. Africa [[Quitar?]] | | | 30295 | M/- | E. Africa Flute | | | 30296 | A/S | Santa Cruz Club | | | 30297 | A/S | Santa Cruz Club | | | 30298 | G/- | Tibet? Charm | | | 30299 | Y/- | India Talisman silver foot of Mahomet. | | | 30300 | T/S | Brazil Snuff Mortar. | | | 30301 | G/-/- | Brazil Set of ivory Whistles on hide | | | 30302 | G/- | Mozambique Scarf fine bead work. | H36/1915| 2-6 30303 | G/- | Brazil Small Dress. | | | 30304 | /- | Brazil Collection of Necklets & Bag. (5) | | | 30305 | /- | Brazil Collar. v. fine bead work. | | | 30306 | /- | Brazil Collar. brass beads | | | 30307 | /- | Brazil Collar. brass beads | | | 30308 | /- | Brazil Cups turned wood (2) | | | 30309 | G/- | Brazil Pipe | | | 30310 | G/- | Brazil Carving Knife | | | 30311 | G/- | Brazil Ear Ornament. | | | 30312 | G/- | Brazil Collar. Teeth & beads re strung. | | | 30313 | G/- | S.America Collar teeth & seeds Amanacal.Canyias| | 10-6 30314 | G/- | S.America Collar teeth & seeds Amanacal.Canyias| | 12-6 30315 | /- | S. America Ornament Iquique | | 12-6 30316 | /- | S. America Bunch Trade Beads | | | 30317 | /- | S. America Bunch Trade Beads | | | 30318 | G/- | Mashona Snuff Bottle. | | | 30319 | G/- | Ganguella Pipe | | | 30320 | /- | Hide covered beadwork. | | | 30321 | /- | Japan Pipe in case. | | | 30322 | /- | China Pair Shoes | | | 30323 | /- | China Pair Shoes | | | 30324 | /- | China Pair Shoes | | | ################################################## EFwtQ ################################################## [tl1_text] 400 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30325 | /- | Mozambique 2 Balls raw Rubber. | S50/20-3-16 | 6-0 30326 | Y/-/- | Bhotan Sword Belt. massive silver | | 4-4-0 30327 | Y/A/- | Bhotan Fetish Figure. | | | 30328 | Y/S | Admiralty Spear. | | | 30329 | Y/S | Admiralty Spear. | | | 30330 | Y/S | Admiralty Spear. | | | 30331 | Y/S | Admiralty Spear. 5½ x 1½ | | 8-6 30332 | Y/S | Admiralty Spear. | [[W34/38-2-15?]] | 8-0 30333 | G/GX/- | Indian Elephant Goad. massive iron inlaid brass| | 5-15-0 30334 | N/- | New Guinea Drum. | | | 30335 | I/- | New Guinea Club. star head. | | | 30336 | M/- | New Guinea Club. disc. | | | 30337 | GX/- | New Guinea Breast Ornament | | | 30338 | GX/- | New Guinea Breast Ornament S.Brit N.G. C| | 1-1-0 30339 | M/S | New Guinea Breast Ornament [[image]] | | | 30340 | /S | New Guinea Armlet [[image]] | | | 30341 | S/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | | 30342 | GX/- | New Guinea Ornament. Boar Tusk. C| | 1-7-6 30343 | G/I/- | New Guinea Ceremonial Drum Diadu| | | 30344 | A/- | New Guinea Adze. haft. v. large. [[image]]| | | 30345 | GX/- | Australia Large Sword. [[image]] | | | 30346 | Y/S | Fiji Belt Club | | | 30347 | Y/S | Fiji Belt Club | | | 30348 | A/- | Rasp of Fish Skin. | | | 30349 | GT/- | Assam Helmet. Singpho C| S35/1915 | 1-18-6 30350 | A/- | W. Africa Sword & Sheath. Mandingo| | 1-10-0 30351 | G/- | Zanzibar Short Sword. | | | 30352 | T/S | Zanzibar Pair Ear Rings silver | L12/10-1-13 | 1-0-0 30353 | S/- | Hawaii Fish-hook. tortoise shell | B16/19-7-13 | 1-8-0 30354 | N/- | Solomon Belt | | | 30355 | N/- | Solomon Belt | | | 30356 | N/- | Solomon Necklet | | | 30357 | N/- | Solomon Necklet | | | 30358 | N/- | Solomon Necklet teeth | | | 30359 | G/S | Solomon Coil human hair Cord. | | | 30360 | G/S | Solomon Coil human hair Cord. | | | 30361 | G/S | Solomon Coil human hair Cord. | | | 30362 | Y/- | Eskimo Harpoon Arrow head | | | ################################################## EFwtT ################################################## [tl1_text] 400 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30363 | A/- | Benin 'Celt' copper. | B48/1-10-14 | 2-2-0 30364 | I/- | Brazil Head Ornament [[image]] | | 1-5-0 30365 | G/S | Fiji Tappa Cloth | | | 30366 | G/- | Fiji Tappa Cloth | | | 30367 | G/- | Fiji Tappa Cloth | | | 30368 | G/GA/-| Europe (See Nos. Collection of 21 Tinder Boxes) Tinder Box. very fine| | | 30369 | G/-/- | Europe (See Nos. Collection of 21 Tinder Boxes) pistol form Tinder Box|L12/10-1-13| 1-18-6 30370 | GY/-/-| Europe Collection of Detonator Locks | | | 30371 | M/-/- | England Tube detonator B.L Gun by Boss.| | | 30372 | G/-/- | Europe Pistol all steel | S40/2-4-13 | 1-17-6 30373 | G/-/- | Europe Pistol all steel | S40/2-4-13 | 1-15-0 30374 | Y/GX/-| England Blunderbuss with bayonet | | | 30375 | Y/GX/-| England Blunderbuss with bayonet | | | 30376 | G/A/- | S. India Sword. Malabar C| S35/27-3-14 | 2-5-0 30377 | A/- | Angola Club | | 1-12-6 30378 | M/S | Angola Spear | | | 30379 | M/S | Angola Spear | | | 30380 | GX/GX/- | England 7 barrelled FL.Gun by Nock.|S40/2-4-13| 17-0-0 30381 | T/- | England FL. Pistol. all brass | E6/23-8-13| 12-6 30382 | T/- | England FL. Pistol. all brass | | | 30383 | GI/S | England FL. Under & Over Pistol | J12/3-2-13| 1-18-0 30384 | GI/S | England Under & Over Pistol | | | 30385 | GI/S | England Under & Over Pistol | E6/1915| 1-12-6 30386 | GI/S | England Under & Over Pistol | E6/1915| 1-5-0 30387 | GI/S | England Under & Over Pistol | | | 30388 | GI/S | England Under & Over Pistol | | | 30389 | GI/S | England Under & Over Pistol | | | 30390 | GI/S | England Under & Over Pistol | E6/3-12-13 | 1-5-0 30391 | Y/-/- | England Blunderbuss Pistol. Ryan & Watson| E6/29-4-13| 2-10-0 30392 | GY/S | England Powder Tester. brass. match | E6/29-4-13| 1-1-0 30393 | M/-/-| India Helmet v. rare form C| S35/20-12-13 | 6-6-0 30394 | Y/-/-| India Dagger. jade hilt. C| | 4-10-0 30395 | N/A/- | Marquesas Club | | 17-10-0 30396 | G/-/- | Harvey Paddle. | | | 30397 | Y/S | Zulu Head Carrier [[image]] | | | 30398 | G/GX/- | Europe Wheel-lock finely engraved | S40/1915 | 2-10-0 30399 | G/GX/- | Europe Wheel-lock finely engraved | | 2-10-0 30400 | M/-/- | France Pinfire Pepper Box.earliest| S40/16-17-13| 5-5-0 ################################################## EFwtW ################################################## [tl1_text] 401 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30401 | M/GX/- | Germany. Pair of FL. Pistols | S40/23-6-13 | 7-5-0 30402 | GX/- | India Mace. silver gilt [[image]] | | 3-3-0 30403 | GI/- | India Kukri silver mounts. | | 4-4-0 30404 | Y/-/- | India Sword. fine gold damasceened hilt. | | 4-10-0 30405 | G/-/- |India Dagger.silver sheath.carved wood hilt. C| | 2-2-0 30406 | G/GA/- | Europe XVI Cent Morion | | 3-3-0 30407 | G/GA/- | Europe XVI Cent Morion | | 3-10-0 30408 | GM/S | Europe Needle Rifle with sliding bayonet. | | | 30409 | GX/- | Europe B.L Rifle. Richards.| | | 30410 | GX/- | Europe B.L Rifle. sliding barrel. | | | 30411 | Y/GX/- | Europe Case FL Pistols by Mortimer. | | | 30412 | G/A/- | Europe Forsyth Detonating Block & primer | | | 30413 | Y/-/- | Europe FL Blunderbuss. | | | 30414 | G/-/- | Europe FL Pistol | | | 30415 | A/ | Europe Police Staff | W31/1-1-13 | 10-0 30416 | M/- | Europe P.C Pistol | E6/29-4-13 | 14-0 30417 | Y/GX/- | Gilbert Cuirass with sting ray skin back & Fish Helmet | | | 30418 | G/-/- | New Britain Club. dec feathers | | | 30419 | GX/- | New Hanover Club carved. | | | 30420 | GX/- | N. American Sheath dec beads. | W1/7-7-13 | 15-0 30421 | GT/- | Venice Gondola Staff. dec. | | 1-5-0 30422 | C/- | Europe Rapier.watered blade. XVIII Cent.| C7/19-12-12| 18-0 30423 | T/- | New Zealand Paddle plain. | | | 30424 | M/- | Liberia Sceptre | | | 30425 | N/- | Easter I ? Working Adze-head. | 28/- | 1-12-6 30426 | Y/S | S.E. Africa Snuff Bottle carved. | | | 30427 | T/GX/- | Brit: Columbia Club whale bone | B44/20-10-13 | 9-0-0 30428 | M/-/- | New Zealand Onewa. v. fine | | | 30429 | M/GX/- | Tonga Club finely carved all over| B31/24-12-13| 6-6-0 30430 | Y/GX/- | Tonga Club finely carved all over round. | | | 30431 | GX/- | Congo Fetish Figure | L21/10-3-13 | 1-4-0 30432 | GX/- | Congo Fetish Figure black. | W1/1915 | 1-1-0 30433 | A/- | French Congo Fetish Animal C| S4/15-2-16 | [[1-2-0?]] 30434 | Y/A/- | F.Congo Fetish Mask. horns, projecting eyes C| | 3-7-6 30435 | GX/GX/- | Benin Head bronze | B44/13-2-13 | 15-0-0 30436 | GI/-/- | Europe Wheellock Pistol.ball butt.inlaid,slightly restored. Saxon| S40/23-6-13| 26-10-0 30437 | YX/-/- | Europe Powder Magazine. Saxon | R6/25-2-13 | 34-0-0 30438 | N/- | Burmah Dha | W34/30-1-15 | 8-0 ################################################## EFwtZ ################################################## [tl1_text] 401 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30439 | GY/- | Sword curious hilt | | | 30440 | MS/GA/- | Samoa Club. whale bone. | | | 30441 | GT/S | New Zealand Shark Hook iron. | B16/1-1-14 | 1-0-0 30442 | G/GA/- | New Zealand Hook. fine bone barb | B16/1-1-14 | 3-0-0 30443 | G/X/- | New Zealand Hook shell barb | B16/1-1-14 | 1-0-0 30444 | Y/S | New Zealand Hook Fragment. serrated shell. | | | 30445 | I/- | New Guinea Club. stone head. | | | 30446 | T/- | New Guinea Club. stone head. | H36/1915 | 10-0 30447 | T/- | New Guinea Club. stone head. | | | 30448 | T/- | New Guinea Club. stone head. | | | 30449 | T/- | New Guinea Club. stone head. | | | 30450 | T/- | New Guinea Club. stone head. | | | 30451 | T/- | New Guinea Club. stone head. | | | 30452 | C/- | S. America Necklet & 2 Armlets. Lengua.| | | 30453 | GY/- | Solomon Club. Diamond shape | | | 30454 | I/- | Solomon Club. Diamond shape | | | 30455 | Y/- | Solomon Club. sword shape matting. | | | 30456 | Y/- | Solomon Club. [[image]] Florida I.| | | 30457 | GI/- | Solomon Club. [[image]] animal end | | 30458 | M/S | Tibet Roll of M.S.S. Prayers from Prayer Wheel. | | | 30459 | GT/S | Tibet Talisman in silk case. | | 1-7-6 30460 | M/- | Europe Musical Instrument. ivory & brass | | | 30461 | Y/- | Africa Call Whistle | | | 30462 | G/- | Africa Snuff Box. | | | 30463 | Y/S | British Columbia Gambling Sticks | H28/2-1-14 | 1-0-0 30464 | G/- | Brazil Call Whistle | | | 30465 | -/S | Solomon Lime Box. | | | 30466 | I/- | Ainu Pipe Holder. | L12/10-1-13 | 15-0 30467 | N/- | Ainu Tobacco Box | L12/10-1-13 | 10-0 30468 | N/- | Ainu Tinder Box | | 10-6 30469 | GI/- | Congo Ivory Cattle Charms. | C28/13-11-13 | 1-15-0 30470 | A/- | East Africa Arm Charm of hippo tusk. Kavirondo| | | 30471 | -/S | East Africa Armlet. horn inlaid zinc | | | 30472 | -/S | East Africa Pair Armlet ivory | | | 30473 | -/S | East Africa Pair Armlet ivory | | | 30474 | -/S | East Africa Armlet. large | | | 30475 | -/S | East Africa Armlet. large | | | 30476 | -/S | India Pair Metal Anklets. | | | ################################################## EFwu2 ################################################## [tl1_text] 402 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30477 | G/- | Assam Armlet. 2 Tusks Naga C| | 6-0 30478 | I/- | Morocco Stirrup. brass with enamel [[aigrits?]]. | | | 30479 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Box.small square [[?aba]] 5/15/- |S51/30-8-16| 5-15-0 30480 | G/G/- | Box. Antelope head. | | 1-12-6 30481 | M/- | England Tinder Box. | | | 30482 | M/- | Tibet Tinder Box. | | 7-6 30483 | G/- | England ? Mirror in brass case. XVIII Cent. | | 6-0 30484 | I/- | Cent. America Stone Carving. broken. Guatemala| | | 30485 | G/GA/- | British Columbia Bone Carving | | | 30486 | GA/- | Japan Helmet of a shell. | C7/19-7-13 | 1-10-0 30487 | Y/GC/- | 2 Glass Bells Nailsea S.Indian Silver Charm. N.G. Dress Jap. Helmet| W22/31-10-12| 3-16-0 30488 | GX/- | Japan Set of 3 Dorges. TOKKO. SANKO & GOKKO | | 1-5-0 30489 | /- | Morocco Leather Pouch. | | 2-6 30490 | /- | Japan Comb Ainu?| | 15-0 30491 | G/A/- | England Case. Joseph Manton Pistols.patent covers|H30/16-8-13| 13-0-0 30492 | GA/- | N. Nigeria Drum [[image]] Expdn 1902-3 Lokoja.| | 2-5-0 30493 | A/- | N. Nigeria Throwing Knife. C| | [[1-7-6?]] 30494 | GA/- | N. Nigeria Shield hide. circular. | | 1-18-0 30495 | GA/- | N. Nigeria Shield basket work. | | 1-12-6 30496 | GA/- | N. Nigeria Shield basket work. | | 1-12-6 30497 | GA/- | N. Nigeria Shield basket work. | | 1-12-6 30498 | GA/- | N. Nigeria Shield basket work. | | 1-12-6 30499 | GA/- | N. Nigeria Shield basket work. | | 1-12-6 30500 | GA/- | N. Nigeria Shield basket work. | | 1-12-6 30501 | GA/- | N. Nigeria Shield basket work. | | 1-12-6 30502 | GY/- | E. Africa Sceptre. | S4/29-2-16 | 1-10-0 30503 | Y/GX/- | E. Africa Pair Fetish Figures | W33/2-7-14 | 3-5-0 30504 | G/I/- | England Pair Pocket Pistols by Nock. | B48/1915 | 1-15-0 30505 | S/S | England FL Pistol Wheeler. | E6/29-4-13 | 10-6 30506 | GY/S | England Pair FL Pocket Pistols PATERICK | E6/30-12-16 | 1-5-0 30507 | T/- | Siam Set of Bullet Money ⅛, ¼, ½ & 1 Tical | S50/10-9-14| 1-0-0 30508 | Y/- | India Square Rupee | | 3-0 30509 | Y/S | Corea "3 Shott" enamel centre. | | 4-0 30510 | Y/- | Japan (2) Ichiban & nichu. | | 3-0 30511 | G/GX/- | S E Africa Rhino Kerry.| | | 30512 | G/GX/- | S E Africa Rhino Kerry.| | | * The 12 cost £GS 30513 | G/GX/- | S E Africa Rhino Kerry.| | | 30514 | G/S/- | S E Africa Rhino Kerry. | W23/26-7-16| 2-0-0 ################################################## EFwu5 ################################################## [tl1_text] 402 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30515 | G/S/- | S.E. Africa. Rhino Kerry. | | | 30516 | G/S/- | S.E. Africa. Rhino Kerry. | | | 30517 | G/S/- | S.E. Africa. Rhino Kerry. | | | 30518 | G/S/- | S.E. Africa. Rhino Kerry. | | | 30519 | G/A/- | S.E. Africa. Rhino Kerry. | | | 30520 | G/A/- | S.E. Africa. Rhino Kerry. | | | 30521 | G/A/- | S.E. Africa. Rhino Kerry. | | | 30522 | G/A/- | S.E. Africa. Rhino Kerry. | | | 30523 | Y/-/- | Borneo. Shield painted designs & dec hair[[image]] Kyan Dyak | | 2-15-0 30524 | G/A/- | Borneo. Shield painted designs & dec hair [[image]] worm eaten Kyan Dyak | | 3-3-0 30525 | G/-/- | Borneo. Shield wood cov'd matting Sirabas Dyak | | | 30526 | G/-/- | Borneo. Shield wood cov'd matting Sirabas | | | 30527 | G/-/- | Borneo Shield wood cov'd matting Sirabas | } 30528 | G/-/- | Borneo Shield bark 4 for 5/12/6 { Sirabas Cologne | } | | 30529 | GX/- | Borneo Shield All wood. Sirabas Cologne | } the 3 | 4-15-0 30530 | GX/- | Borneo Shield All wood. Sirabas Cologne | } | | 30531 | GX/- | Borneo Shield All wood. Sirabas | | | 30532 | GX/- | Borneo Shield All wood. Sirabas | | | 30533 | GX/- | Borneo Spear carved Sirabas | | | 30534 | GX/- | Borneo Spear | F20/19-6-14 | 1-15-0 30535 | GX/- | Borneo Spear | | | 30536 | GX/- | Borneo Spear | | | 30537 | A/- | Borneo Spear Kyan Dyak | | | 30538 | T/S | Borneo Head rest. carved Sirabas Dyak C | F20/19-6-14 | 18-6 30539 | Y/S | Borneo Head rest. plain Sirabas Dyak C | | 8-6 30540 | G/-/- | Java Kris with serpent| S35/30-6-13 | 2-2-0 30541 | YI/-/- | New Zealand Meri. jade. old. 33cm | 33/-/- | 42-10-0 30542 | G/GA/- | New Guinea Collection Curious. No. 1 Coll. Coll by Baird. Collingwood B. | | | 30543 | Y/-/- | New Guinea Collection Curious. 2 Coll. | | | 30544 | SX/GX/- | Mackenzie Congo Collection. See Nos. 28744 &cc | | | 30545 | NA/-/- | Herenschmidt N.C. Carvings See Nos. Pair Door Posts £70 & [[3 l?]] Idols | F20/26-9-13 | 163-10-0 30546 | GX/-/- | Herenschmidt N.G. Masks See Nos. | | | 30547 | GY/S | India Seal Silver [[Oudle?]] | W22/1915 | 1-1-0 30548 | N/- | England Verge Watch movement. | | | 30549 | Y/- | England Verge Watch Clock. | | | 30550 | G/G/S | - # | | | 30551 | S/- | Fiji Beater ? | | | 30552 | N/S | Persia Turban Helmet. steel chiselled. modern | C7/16-4-13 | 11-6 ################################################## EFwu8 ################################################## [tl1_text] 403 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30553 | N/S | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled | C7/16-4-13 | 11-0 30554 | N/S | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled | | 18-6 30555 | N/S | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled | | | 30556 | N/- | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled | | 18-6 30557 | N/- | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled | | | 30558 | N/- | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled | | | 30559 | N/- | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled | | | 30560 | N/- | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled | | 17-6 30561 | N/- | Persia Turban Helmet. iron chiselled | | | 30562 | M/GX/- | Europe Revolving FL. Gun. | | | 30563 | I/S | Andaman Bow. | | | 30564 | G/S | S. Africa Assegai | B45/6-10-13 | 3-0 30565 | G/S | S. Africa Assegai | | | 30566 | G/S | S. Africa Assegai | | | 30567 | G/S | S. Africa Assegai | | | 30568 | G/S | S. Africa Stave. v. finely finished. | | | 30569 | G/S | S. Africa Stave. smaller | | | 30570 | G/S | S. Africa Stave. smaller | | | 30571 | G/- | Malay Spear | S35/21-10-16 | 9-0 30572 | G/- | Malay Spear | | | 30573 | M/S | S. India Drum. [[image]] | | 12-6 30574 | G/S | S. India Drum. [[image]] | | | 30575 | A/S | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 30576 | M/S | S.W. Africa Fetish Staff | | | 30577 | N/- | W. Africa Weaving Stick carved End. | | | 30578 | Y/- | Solomon Staff carv ?(Broken spear) Bougainville | | | 30579 | S/- | E. Africa Spear Masai | J12/4-7-14 | 18-0 30580 | GN/- | India Helmet | C7/2-9-13 | 1-5-0 30581 | M/- | New Guinea Club. stone head. disc | | | 30582 | S/- | New Guinea Club. carved | | | 30583 | S/- | New Guinea Club. carved | | | 30584 | Y/- | New Guinea Pipe dec: | | | 30585 | S/- | N. Australia Sword. | | | 30586 | S/- | N. Australia Spear-thrower. bound human hair. rare | | 1-12-6 30587 | S/- | N. Australia Spear-thrower. bound human hair. rare | | 1-8-6 30588 | A/- | N. Australia Spear-thrower. plain | | | 30589 | A/- | N. Queensland Boomerang. carved. v. large | | 1-5-0 30590 | G/- | N. Hebrides Arrows. large bundle. 3 doz. | J12/4-7-14 | 18-0 ################################################## EFwub ################################################## [tl1_text] 403 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30591 | G/- | Santa Cruz Arrows. a bundle. 175. | J12/3-3-13 | 4-0-0 30592 | G/- | New Hebrides Bowman's Wrist Guard. | J12/3-3-13 | 9-0 30593 | G/- | New Hebrides Arrow. carved bone head. | | | 30594 | /- | New Caledonia Arrow. | | | 30595 | /- | Congo Harpoon Arrow. | J12/3-3-13 | | 7-0 30596 | Y/- | New Caledonia Nbouet. fine thick jade head | | 17-10-0 30597 | Y/- | New Caledonia Nbouet. softer greenstone head | | 14-14-0 30598 | Y/- | New Caledonia Jade beads. one extra large. 23 | | 5-5-0 30599 | G/- | New Caledonia Club | | | 30600 | G/- | New Caledonia Club | | | 30601 | G/- | New Caledonia Club | | | 30602 | G/- | New Caledonia Club | | | 30603 | G/- | New Caledonia Club | | | 30604 | G/- | New Caledonia Club | | | 30605 | G/- | New Hebrides Bows. 4 | J12/3-3-13 | 1-0-0 30606 | G/- | Santa Cruz Bows. 7 | J12/3-3-13 | 1-8-0 30607 | /- | Santa Cruz Bows 2 | J12/3-3-13 | 5-0 30608 | /- | Santa Cruz Bow 1 | J12/3-3-13 | 3-6 30609 | G/- | New Caledonia Tappa Beater. | | | 30610 | G/- | New Caledonia Skull | | | 30611 | G/Y/X | New Hebrides Skull mounted. C | | 26-10-0 30612 | Y/- | New Hebrides Skull deformed. Mallicollo | | | 30613 | Y/- | New Hebrides Smothering Mask. Mallicollo. C | B31/[[15-3-14?]]| 7-10-0 30614 | Y/- | New Caledonia Purse of Currency.| L 3-10-0 [[S50/?-7-14]] | 3-17-6 30615 | YX/-/- |France. Breach-loading FL.Gun: SEDAN | S40/2-4-13 | 31-0-0 30616 | C/- | Ceylon Blow Pipe. painted. | J12/3-3-13 | 1-5-0 30617 | GX/- | Persia Composite Bow. | J12/3-3-13 | 15-0 30618 | GX/- | Persia 20 Arrows. | J12/3-3-13 | 1-0-0 30619 | T/- | Africa Quiver & 12 Arrows. Niam Niam | J12/3-3-13 | 10-0 30620 | S/- | Africa Quiver 9 Arrows. Swahili | J12/3-3-13 | 10-0 30621 | A/- | Africa Quiver 5 Arrows. Bambara | J12/3-3-13 | 10-0 30622 | A/- | Africa Quiver 11 Arrows. Nupe | J12/3-3-13 | 10-0 30623 | S/- | Africa Quiver 13 Arrows. Upper Nile Dinka | J12/3-3-13 | 12-0 30624 | S/- | S.E.Asia Hill Tribes? Quiver & 6 bamboo Arrows | J12/3-3-13 | 1-4-0 30625 | A/- | Brazil Blow Gun Quiver & 25 Darts. | J12/3-3-13 | 15-0 30626 | G/- | Solomon Bow. unstrung. | J12/4-3-14 | 8-0 30627 | N/- | Solomon Club. [[image]] old | | 1-2-6 30628 | /- | Solomon 2 Spears the 2. | | 6-0 ################################################## EFwue ################################################## [tl1_text] 404 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30629 | A/- | Solomon Club [[image]] | | | 30630 | A/- | Solomon Club | | | 30631 | A/- | Solomon Club | | | 30632 | A/- | Solomon Club | | | 30633 | G/- | Solomon Sword Club | | | 30634 | G/- | Solomon Sword Club | | | 30635 | GX/- | Solomon Steering Club | | 1-7-6 30636 | GX/- | Solomon Steering Club | | 1-7-6 30637 | Y/S | New Britain Club. stone-head. | | 10-6 30638 | Y/S | New Britain Club. carved & painted. [[image]]| | 1-1-0 30639 | Y/S | New Britain Club carved & painted [[image]]| | 18-6 30640 | Y/S | New Britain Club carved & painted | | 18-6 30641 | S/- | New Hanover Club. carved. | | 1-7-6 30642 | N/- | New Guinea Club. black wood. Trobriand | | | 30643 | G/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 30644 | GX/- | New Hebrides Club rare form [[image]] | | 2-2-0 30645 | GA/- | Fiji Club. pine apple fine binding. | | | 30646 | GA/- | Fiji Club. pine apple rare form [[image]] dished | | | 30647 | A/- | Fiji Club. pine apple small. | | 14-0 30648 | G/- | Fiji Club. straight form. | | | 30649 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club | | | 30650 | G/- | Fiji Belt Club | | | 30651 | G/A/- | Fiji Kava Bowl. large. oval. | | | 30652 | GX/- | Fiji Kava Bowl. small. | | | 30653 | N/- | Fiji Kava Bowl. small round damaged. | | | 30654 | M/- | Fiji Adze-head. stone [[image]] | | | 30655 | G/- | New Zealand Adze-head rough | K5/1915 14/-| 16-0 30656 | G/- | New Zealand Adze-head very large | | | 30657 | M/-/- | New Zealand Axe-head used as pendant. fine green jade | P16/20-11-14| 8-10-0 30658 | Y/-/- |New Zealand Ear Pendant. fine Tangaiwa | P16/20-11-14 | 6-6-0 30659 | G/-/- | Harvey I. Paddle | | | 30660 | G/-/- | Harvey I. Paddle | | | 30661 | G/- | Santa Cruz Club | | | 30662 | -/M | Santa Cruz Yam Knife | | | 30663 | -/M | Santa Cruz Yam Knife | | | 30664 | -/M | Santa Cruz Yam Knife | | | 30665 | -/M | Santa Cruz Yam Knife | | | 30666 | N/- | India Axe. [[image]] Chota Nagpur.Aboriginal Tribes | S35/30-6-13| [[1-18-6?]] ################################################## EFwuh ################################################## [tl1_text] 404 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30667 | N/- | India Axe. [[image]] Chota Nagpur Orissia| | 1-5-0 30668 | T/S | England P.C. Pistol with bayonet. | E6/23-8-13 | 18-6 30669 | A/- | B. New Guinea Breast Ornament. [[image]] C| | 12-6 30670 | GG/- | India Mace. | | | 30671 | S/- | India Katar. well shaped handle [[image]] C| S35/20-12-13| 1-12-6 30672 | G/- | inlaid wood. | | | 30673 | Y/- | W. Australia [[3?]] boomerangs. v.fine See No. 30933-4 | M35/10-11-14| 14-0 30674 | I/- | E. Indies Sword. carved horn handle. C | S35/20-12-13 | 1-1-0 30675 | GY/- | India 12 Arrows. | J12/3-3-13 | 12-0 30676 | G/GX/- | England FL. Gun by BAKER with extra barrel. | | | 30677 | A/- | Ceylon Arrow. Veddha | J12/3-3-13 | 8-0 30678 | N/- | W. Africa Bow. fur grip. B.Congo | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 30679 | A/A/- | England gun by WALLIS for Flint & P.C. | S40/23-6-13 | 16-10-0 30680 | A/- | E. Africa Bow. [[image]] | J12/3-3-13 | 1-0-0 30681 | G/- | E. Africa 3 Arrows | J12/3-3-13 | 2-6 30682 | A/- | E. Africa Powder Flask. [[image]] horn. | | | 30683 | GG/S | India Katar. very thick blade. sheath. C | | 2-5-0 30684 | T/S | Java Tobacco Pipe. horn. | | | 30685 | I/- | W. Africa. Drum. top damaged [[image]] Lokoja Expd 1902-3 C| | 1-8-0 30686 | I/- | W. Africa. Drum. perfect [[image]] Lokoja Expd 1902-3 | | | 30687 | I/- | W. Africa. Drum. perfect [[image]] Lokoja Expd 1902-3 C | | 1-12-6 30688 | T/- | W. Africa. Sword & sheath [[image]] Lokoja Expd 1902-3 | | 1-15-0 30689 | T/- | W. Africa. Dagger & sheath [[image]] Lokoja Expd 1902-3 C | | 1-8-6 30690 | T/- | W. Africa. Throwing Knife Lokoja Expd 1902-3 | | 1-1-0 30691 | A/- | W. Africa. Loom Comb Lokoja Expd 1902-3 | | 17-6 30692 | A/- | Tibet [[Layman?]] Hat. cane covered coloured wools | | 2-2-0 30693 | N/- | Tibet Pair Wrist Rattles. nuts | C28/13-11-13 | 16-0 30694 | Y/S | Tibet ? Tree Climber | | 10-6 30695 | Y/S | Tibet ? Tree Climber | | | 30696 | A/- | Tibet Buddha. gilt | | | 30697 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | K5/3-10-13 | 7-0 30698 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | H28/2-1-14 | 4-0 30699 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | H28/2-1-14 | 4-0 30700 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | H28/2-1-14 | 4-0 30701 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | | | 30702 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | H28/2-1-14 | 3-6 30703 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | H28/2-1-14 | 3-6 30704 | -/S | N. America Celt. stone. | H28/2-1-14 | 3-6 ################################################## EFwuk ################################################## [tl1_text] 405 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30705 | GN/- | Solomon Pad of 39 Hooks. Coll.by M Humphrey Wood| B16/1-1-14| 10-0-0 30706 | G/- | Solomon Fish line & feather Baited noose. | | | 30707 | G/- | Solomon Fish hook | | | 30708 | /- | Solomon Armlet. clam shell. | | | 30709 | /- | Solomon Pair Armlets turbo shell. | | | 30710 | /- | Solomon Pair Armlets tortoise shell | | | 30711 | /- | Solomon Belt | | | 30712 | /- | Solomon Belt | | | 30713 | /- | Solomon Currency cut shell discs | | | 30714 | /- | Solomon Currency cut shell discs | | | 30715 | /- | Solomon Necklet cut shell # | | 30716 | M/GM/- | 7 Japan Netsuke & 2 Combs. | W22/1-2-13 | 4-8-0 30717 | A/- | W. Africa "Fish" God. Fulani| L21/10-3-13 | 18-0 30718 | A/- | W. Africa "Fish" God. Fulani.| | | 30719 | GG/- | W. Africa Fetish. hard wood. | | | 30720 | G/GX/- | Borneo Brunei Gong & beater 20" dia. 51cm C | | 3-15-0 30721 | G/-/- | Borneo Brunei Gong & beater raised ornamentation. 9" dia. C | 4-4-0 30722 | N/GX/- | Borneo Brunei Gong & beater raised ornamentation. 18" dia. C | F20/19-6-14 | 12-10-0 30723 | GN/GN/- | Borneo Brunei Cannon Upper Tutong R. | B21/18-4-13 | 24-0-0 30724 | GA/- | Borneo 6 unfinished Castings. | | 2-10-0 30725 | G/Y/- | Borneo Arab Measure. cast brass inscription [[image]] | | 3-15-0 30726 | I/- | Borneo Sword "Pakayun." Murat. N. Borneo | | | 30727 | I/- | Borneo Sword Parang Latok Talisman on base of blade Milāno | | 2-2-0 30728 | A/- | Borneo Knapsack. filled with wild cotton? Kadayan | | 1-0 30729 | G/- | Borneo Paddle white. modern. Kadayan | | 8-0 30730 | G/- | Borneo Paddle Kadayan | | | 30731 | T/- | Australia Food Trough. | | 1-6-0 30732 | Y/- | Australia Belt Ornament. P. Darwin N.A. | | 16-0 30733 | G/- | Australia Corroboree Ornament Emu feathers & grass | | 10-6 30734 | M/- | Australia Shield [[image]] v.large 100cm long. Cossack & Hammersley Ranges| | 1-1-0 30735 | M/- | Australia Shield [[image]] finer Cossack & Hammersley Ranges | | 1-6-0 30736 | M/- | Australia Club; Wakaberri, fluted [[image]] Cossack & Hammersley Ranges | | 11-0 30737 | G/- | Australia Club; Wakaberri, smaller Cossack & Hammersley Ranges | | 4-6 30738 | A/- | Australia Shield[[image]] Burnett R. Queensland | | 1-0-0 30739 | Y/- | Australia Club. [[image]] Burnett R. Queensland | | 7-6 30740 | GY/- | Australia Shield [[image]] Cook Town & Townsville Queensland | | 1-12-6 30741 | GS/- | Australia Sword [[image]] Cook Town & Townsville Queensland | | 1-7-6 30742 | Y/S | Australia Stabbing Waddy S.E. dist. S. Aust.| | 8-0 ################################################## EFwun ################################################## [tl1_text] 405 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30743 | M/S | Australia Stabbing Waddy. S.E. Dist. S.Aust.| | 12-0 30744 | M/S | Australia Stabbing Waddy | | 15-0 30745 | M/S | Australia Stabbing Waddy | | 1-1-0 30746 | A/- | Australia Set of Fire Sticks. N.Queensland BARABONG| | 1-1-0 30747 | A/- | Australia Set of Fire Sticks W. Australia| | 16-0 30748 | GN/- | Australia Sword Club,Meyarvol. Alligator R.P. Essington| | 1-5-0 30749 | GS/- | Australia Bamboo Trumpet. P. Darwin.| | 2-12-6 30750 | G/N/- | Australia Shield. v.fine [[image]] Victoria| | 2-5-0 30751 | Y/- | Australia Club. hard wood. [[image]] Gippoland Victoria | | 8-6 30752 | GX/- | Australia Club.etched with oppossums. Gippoland Victoria| | 1-8-6 30753 | I/- | Australia Shield [[2 images]] damaged slightly Gippoland Victoria| | 1-1-0 30754 | M/S | Australia Shield [[image]] cut from one piece. red | | 1-5-0 30755 | M/S | Australia Shield [[image]] narrow. W. Australia| | 18-6 30756 | GY/- | Australia Boomerang.swan neck.[[image]] Central| B30/24-4-13 | 11-7-6 30757 | N/- | Australia Boomerang. Central| | 10-0 30758 | A/- | New Guinea Adze. Rigo| | 2-16-0 30759 | GG/- | New Guinea Adze.small.rare form Trobriand| | 1-2-6 30760 | A/S | New Guinea Sago Pounder Collingwood B.| | 1-1-0 30761 | A/- | New Guinea Goods Carrier. | | 14-0 30762 | A/S | New Guinea Pig Net? | | 1-1-0 30763 | G/G/- | New Guinea Dance Shield.[[image]] Trobriand| | 2-10-0 30764 | N/- | New Guinea Dish. large. Trobriand| | 18-6 30765 | N/- | New Guinea Dish. large.carved lugs[[image]] Trobriand| | 18-0 30766 | G/- | New Guinea Dish. small. Trobriand| | 30767 | S/- | New Guinea Belt. carved bark. Ilema| | 1-1-0 30768 | Y/- | New Guinea Forked carved Stick Ilema| | 6-6 30769 | T/- | New Guinea Sword Club. carved black. Orangerie Bay| | 1-1-0 30770 | S/- | New Guinea Sword Club. carved black. Orangerie Bay| | 17-6 30771 | G/-/- | Admiralty I. Bowl in form of a bird. | | | 30772 | GX/- | Admiralty I. Bowl | | | 30773 | GA/- | Gilbert I Club | | | 30774 | GX/- | Gilbert I Helmet fibre | | | 30775 | S/- | Solomon Vine Arm Guard Buka.| | | 30776 | M/- | Solomon Fish Float San Christoval| | | 30777 | G/GX/- | Mangaia Adze haft square [[image]]fine small| | | 30778 | A/- | Mangaia Adze haft | | | 30779 | G/- | Mangaia Adze haft in two pieces | | | 30780 | G/- | Mangaia Adze Blade. rough | | 16-0 ################################################## EFwuq ################################################## [tl1_text] 406 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number | Seller Code | Specimen Description| Buyer Code and Date | Cost]] 30781 | M/- | India Plaque. brass. | B21/18-4-13 | 1-1-0 30782 | M/- | India Plaque. brass. | B21/18-4-13 | 1-1-0 30783 | M/- | India Plaque. brass. | B21/18-4-13 | 1-1-0 30784 | M/- | India Plaque. brass. | B21/18-4-13 | 1-1-0 30785 | GY/GY/- | New Zealand Feather Box. | F9/16-1-13 | 17-12-0 30786 | GA/- | Gilbert I. Club. | F9/16-1-13 | 1-0-0 30787 | N/- | W. Africa Bow. Nupe| J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 30788 | N/- | W. Africa Quiver & 9 Arrows. Nupe| | | 30789 | N/- | W.Africa Bow Hawa { | J12/4-7-14| 14-0 *[[Both]]* { | 1-1-0 30790 | Y/- | W.Africa 2 Arrows Hawa { |J12/4-7-14| 6-0 30791 | N/- | Soudan Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 30792 | N/- | Benin Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 6-0 30793 | N/- | Congo Bow | J12/4-7-14 | 8-0 30794 | N/- | Brazil Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 14-0 30795 | A/- | Tenimber I. Bow | J12/3-3-13 | 1-2-0 30796 | M/- | B.N. Guinea Bow dec: cords with charms &c N.E. Coast| J12/4-7-14| 12-0 30797 | M/- | B.N. Guinea Bow dec: cords N.E. Coast| J12/3-3-13| 15-0 30798 | Y/- | B.N. Guinea Bow plain N.E. Coast| A14/22-3-14| 10-0 30799 | T/- | G.N. Guinea 6 Arrows. v.fine N.E. Coast| | | 30800 | N/- | D.N. Guinea 3 Arrows.one iron 1 horn & 1 bone. | | | 30801 | A/- | D.N. Guinea 4 Arrows. 1 horn claw 3 bone. | J12/3-3-13 | 1-6-0 30802 | M/- | D.N. Guinea 2 Arrows. 1 claw & 1 bone. | | | 30803 | GT/- | Persia Bow | J12/4-7-14 | 1-7-6 30804 | GX/- | Persia 12 Arrows. | | | 30805 | Y/- | Persia 2 Arrows chisel & pierced. | | | 30806 | /- | India 4 Arrows Aboriginal T.| J12/4-7-14 | 14-0 30807 | /- | China 2 Arrows | J12/4-7-14 | 3-0 30808 | /- | L Tanganyika Small Spear. Uhike & Ubina| | | 30809 | /- | L Tanganyika Small Spear. Uhike & Ubina| | | 30810 | /- | L Tanganyika Small Spear. Uhike & Ubina| | | 30811 | /- | L Tanganyika Small Spear. Uhike & Ubina| | | 30812 | /- | L Tanganyika Small Spear. Uhike & Ubina| | | 30813 | /- | L Tanganyika Small Spear. Uhike & Ubina| | | 30814 | /- | L Tanganyika Small Spear. Uhike & Ubina| | | 30815 | G/-/- | N.Cameroons Dagger. ivory hilt. Mandara| W29/13-9-13 | 3-3-0 30816 | GY/S | N.Cameroons Throwing Knife Hunger Munger| | 1-18-0 30817 | GY/S | N.Cameroons Throwing Knife Hunger Munger C| | 1-10-0 30818 | A/- | N.Cameroons Throwing Knife Hunger Munger?[[image]] C|[[A12/24-4-14?]]| 18-0 ################################################## EFwut ################################################## [tl1_text] 406 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code & Date|Cost]] 30819 | G/S/- | Ceylon Sword. ivory hilt. very old. | S35/30-6-13 | 11-15-0 30820 | G/M/- | Ceylon Knife large.ivory hilt.not so old| S35/30-6-13| 3-12-6 30821 | N/- | England FL. Pistol by DUST. | E6/1915 | 17-6 30822 | N/- | Brazil Club [[image]] chipped C| | 10-0 30823 | N/- | Brazil Club very massive long. Brit Guiana| | | 30824 | N/- | Brazil Club Macana C| | 8-6 30825 | GA/- | New Hebrides Mask P.50 | E1/10-2-13 | 2-10-0 30826 | GX/- | New Guinea Dance Shield. P.53 *Collected by Sir W. MacGregor. Expd up Fly River Tr & described in his book. B.New Guinea, Country & People. 1899. Pub:by R. Geog Soc & John Murray| | | 30827 | A/- | New Guinea Canoe Ornament (Laughlan) C| | 1-1-0 30828 | G/- | New Guinea C.N. carved. | | | 30829 | A/- | New Guinea Adze Axe.greenstone. P.57| K5/1915 | 1-17-6 30830 | Y/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula | | | 30831 | A/- | New Guinea Tusk Ornament [[image]] P65 C| | 14-0 30832 | M/- | New Guinea Tusk Ornament [[image]]| | | 30833 | G/- | New Guinea Shell Ornament [[image]] C| | 7-6 30834 | G/S | New Guinea Breast Ornament [[image]] C| | 10-6 30835 | Y/S | New Guinea Leg Guard. | | | 30836 | G/- | New Guinea Cocoa Nut. carved. | | | 30837 | GX/- | Gilbert Armour. light P47-65 | | | 30838 | /- | B.New Guinea Necklet brown & white coix seeds NE.Coast C| | 6-0 30839 | G/- | B.New Guinea Necklet small shells. C| | 4-0 30840 | /- | B.New Guinea Necklet Currency[[image]] Milne Bay C| | 6-0 30841 | /- | Indian Snake Charmer's Pipes. | | | 30842 | GA/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. v.fine Figs coloured red| [[P16/20-12-14?]]| 29-10-0 30843 | N/- | New Guinea Charm.[[image]] Orokolo| | 10-6 30844 | GY/S | England FL Pistol. 2 barrels & bayonet| | | 30845 | T/- | England Blunderbuss.brass barrel & bayonet.converted| | | 30846 | M/-/- | Gilbert Complete Armour.Cuirass,Helmet,Mittens,Sting Ray Belt Arm & Leg 7 pieces| | 12-10-0 30847 | GX/- | Gilbert Spear [[image]] | | 4-10-0 30848 | GA/- | Gilbert Spear [[image]] | | | * 2/15 to 4/10/- 30849 | GX/- | Gilbert Spear [[image]]v.long, damaged| | 30850 | GA/- | Gilbert Spear [[image]] | | | 30851 | A/- | Gilbert Spear Plain Palm Wood. | | | 30852 | N/- | Gilbert Club [[image]] Hopper I.| | 1-5-0 30853 | N/- | Gilbert Club [[image]] Hopper I.| | 1-0-0 30854 | N/- | Gilbert Club [[image]] Hopper I.| | 1-5-0 30855 | G/- | Gilbert Pillow [[image]] | F20/26-9-13 | 18-0 30856 | G/- | Gilbert Pillow [[image]] C| | 14-0 ################################################## EFwuw ################################################## [tl1_text] 407 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code & Date|Cost]] 30857 | G/- | Gilbert Head Rest [[image]] | | 10-0 30858 | G/- | Gilbert Shark Hook [[image]] | F20/26-9-13 | 18-6 30859 | G/- | Gilbert Shark Hook smaller. | | 16-0 30860 | Y/- | Gilbert Shell Adze. | F20/26-9-13 | 1-0-0 30861 | GA/- | Gilbert Wig. hair. 2 shells on top.rare| F20/26-9-13| 4-15-0 30862 | G/- | Gilbert Tatooing Implements. | | 1-0-0 30863 | G/- | Gilbert Bag of Stones used for throwing| F20/26-9-13 | 12-6 30864 | G/- | Gilbert Wood Dagger | F20/26-9-13 | 10-0 30865 | Y/- | Gilbert # | | | 30866 | Y/- | Gilbert Small Knife used for mourning 3 rows| F20/26-9-13| 17-6 30867 | Y/- | Gilbert Small Knife used for mourning 2 rows large| P16/20-11-14 | 17-6 30868 | Y/- | Gilbert Small Knife used for mourning 2 rows| | 18-6 30869 | Y/- | Gilbert Small Knife used for mourning 2 rows, C Whiting | | 16-0 30870 | Y/- | Gilbert Small Knife used for mourning 2 rows | | | 30871 | Y/- | Gilbert Small Knife used for mourning 2 rows best| P16/ 20-11-14| 1-5-0 30872 | G/- | Gilbert Body Belt. 2 strings of cn shell discs| C28/13-11-13 | 18-6 30873 | G/- | Gilbert Body Belt. 2 strings of cn shell discs smaller| F20/26-9-13| 16-6 30874 | G/- | Gilbert Body Belt. 1 string of cn shell discs large| | 16-0 30875 | G/- | Gilbert Body Belt. 1 string of cn shell discs v.large dia. damaged| | | 30876 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet white shell discs. v.large & fine [[image]]| F20/26-9-13| 1-2-6 30877 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet white shell discs. smaller[[image]]| C28/13-11-13 | 14-0 30878 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet white shell discs. smaller[[image]]| | [[18-6?]] 30879 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet white shell discs. smaller[[image]]| | 14-0 30880 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet pink shell pointed slabs.[[image]]| C28/13-11-13| 1-11-0 30881 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet pink shell pointed slabs.[[image]]| F20/26-9-13| 1-11-6 30882 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Porpoise Teeth & CN shell discs.very long & fine| | 1-16-0 30883 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Porpoise Teeth large | | 2-18-6 30884 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Porpoise Teeth smaller teeth. v.fine specimen.about 500| | 2-7-6 30885 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Porpoise Teeth smaller teeth. | | | 30886 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Porpoise Teeth smaller teeth. | | | 30887 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Porpoise Teeth small specimen | | 16-0 30888 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Human Teeth & C N shell discs. v.long 300 cm long| F20/26-9-13| 1-10-0 30889 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Human Teeth & C N shell discs. v.long 280 cm long| P16/20-11-4| 2-10-0 30890 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Human Teeth & C N shell discs. v.long 80 cm long| C28/13-11-13| 16-6 30891 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Human Teeth v. thick in 3 rows.abt 60 cm long| | 1-7-6 30892 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Human Teeth v. thick in 3 rows| | | 30893 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Human Teeth v. thick in 3 rows| P16/20-11-4| 1-18-6 30894 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet Human Teeth slightly smaller.abt 40 cm | | [[1-11-0?]] ################################################## EFwuz ################################################## [tl1_text] 407 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code & Date|Cost]] 30895 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet. Human Teeth 3 rows. abt 40 cm long. | | 1-1-0 30896 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet. Human Teeth 3 rows. abt 40 cm long. | | | 30897 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet. Human Teeth 3 rows. abt 40 cm long. | | | 30898 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet. Human Teeth 3 rows. abt 40 cm long. | | | 30899 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet. Human Teeth 3 rows. abt 40 cm long. | | | 30900 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet. Human Teeth 3 rows. abt 40 cm long. slightly damaged | | | 30901 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet. Human Teeth 3 rows. abt 40 cm long. slightly damaged | | | 30902 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet. Human Teeth 3 rows. abt 40 cm long. slightly damaged | | | 30903 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet. Human Teeth 1 strand. | | 14-0 30904 | G/- | Gilbert Necklet. Human Teeth 1 strand small | | 8-0 30905 | G/- | Gilbert Fishing Fly Bait. | F20/26-9-13 | 8-0 30906 | A/- | Gilbert Fishing Spear. sting ray barb points [[image]] short staff | F20/26-9-13 | 1-15-0 30907 | A/- | Gilbert Fishing Spear. sting ray barb points | | | 30908 | Y/- | Gilbert Fishing Spear. sting ray barb points some missing. | | | 30909 | Y/- | Gilbert Flute bamboo. | F20/26-9-13 | 16-6 30910 | N/- | Tonga Fish Hook. v. large damaged. 8" very large. extra. | | 2-17-6 30911 | G/- | Fiji Necklet. Spondalus shell & beads | | 6-0 30912 | GS/- | Admiralty Bowl. lizard in relief. | | 3-15-0 30913 | G/- | Admiralty Bottle. ornamented. | | | 30914 | A/- | Admiralty Dress beads. v. fine. # | | | 30915 | G/- | New Guinea Ornament tusk with red shell currency. | | 1-18-0 30916 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula figure. | F17/13-11-13 | 5-0 30917 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula bird. | F17/13-11-13 | 5-0 30918 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Pot Stopper. carved head | | | 30919 | Y/- | New Britain Ceremonial Wand dec red& white feathers | | | 30920 | Y/- | New Britain Ceremonial Wand dec red& white feathers | | | 30921 | Y/- | St Mathias I. Spear. ex: fine specimen | | 18-6 30922 | Y/- | St Mathias I. Spear. fine specimen | | 10-6 30923 | Y/- | St Mathias I. Spear. fine specimen | | 10-6 30924 | Y/- | St Mathias I. Spear. not so large | | | 30925 | Y/- | St Mathias I. Spear. plainer | | | 30926 | M/-/- | Europe XVII Cent carved ivory Hunting Horn. | [[H28/2-1-14?]] | 10-10-0 30927 | GX/- | New Hebrides Club. [[image]] Tamia I. | | 2-5-0 30928 | G/- | W. Africa hide Slave Whip. | | 7-6 30929 | C/- | S.E. Asia. Axe. [[image]] Moi? | F20/26-9-13 | 1-2-6 30930 | Y/- | W. Africa Axe Blade engraved. | | 4-0 30931 | GX/- | England P.C. Under & over Pistol. v. large | | 1-1-0 30932 | GY/- | Japan Sword Furniture. about 45 pieces | W22/19-7-13 | [[11-12-6?]] ################################################## EFwuC ################################################## [tl1_text] 408 [[5 Column Table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code & Date|Cost]] 30933 | Y/- | Australia Boomerang West| M35/10-11-14| 6-0 30934 | Y/- | Australia Boomerang | | 30935 | Y/- | Australia Boomerang South| | 17-6 30936 | Y/- | Australia Boomerang | | 30937 | Y/- | Australia Boomerang | | 30938 | I/- | England FL. Horse Pistol Patent touch hole| E6/1915 | 1-7-0 30939 | N/- | America Pepper Box Revolver. defective| E6/1-1-14 | 10-6 30940 | Y/-/- | England FL. Sporting Gun. hinged pan| | 7-15-0 30941 | G/Gx/- | Germany FL. Sporting Gun fine| | 3-3-0 30942 | S/- | England Sporting Pistol. TURVEY| | 30943 | N/- | England Sporting Pistol WHEELER| J12/3-2-16 | 10-6 30944 | M/- | England Sporting Pistol BARNETT| | 30945 | C/- | England Sporting Pair Pistols NOCK. Small| | 30946 | GX/- | England Sporting Pair Pistols JAQUES.defective | E6/ 1915| 1-12-6 30947 | M/- | England Sporting Horse Pistol. | E6/ 23-8-13 | 7-6 30948 | M/- | England Sporting Horse Pistol | | 30949 | G/GY/- | England Blunderbuss.bayonet. v. fine specimen | | 3-18-6 30950 | N/- | Spanish Carbine 1799 | | } 30951 | N/- | Spanish Carbine | | } * 1-12-6[[for both]] 30952 | GX/- | Europe Bronze Model Cannon. 17th Cent | | 1-16-0 30953 | GG/- | Europe Army Shoulder Plates.copper gilt. 5| C7/16-4-13| 1-2-6 30954 | GS/- | Japan Sword + sheath. v.rare type| C7/16-4-13| 2-10-0 30955 | T/- | Malay Kris. ivory hilt C| | 1-0-0 30956 | M/- | Norway Knife carved hilt| | 7-6 30957 | Y/- | Norway Sailmaker's Implement. bone | | 6-0 30958 | A/- | England Nutcrackers wood head. | | 10-0 30959 | A/- | England Nutcrackers wood crocodile | | 7-6 30960 | M/- | Police Club or Flail worm ea C| | 7-6 30961 | A/- | Africa Head rest.old specimen Zulu C F20/19-6-14| 1-1-0 30962 | M/- | W. Africa Model Canoe. [[Kru?]] Liberia| B21/14-6-13| 14-0 30963 | M/- | W. Africa Model Canoe Liberia | B21/14-6-13 | 14-0 30964 | M/- | W. Africa Model Canoe Liberia | B21/14-6-13 | 14-0 30965 | M/- | W. Africa Model Canoe Liberia | B21/14-6-13 | 14-0 30966 | M/- | W. Africa Model Canoe Liberia | B21/14-6-13 | 14-0 30967 | G/GX/- | Bronze Age Dagger Blade Trent Newark C| 7/10/- | 8-15-0 30968 | G/-/- | Bronze Age Celt loop [[image]] Cambridge C| B48/1915| 3-10-0 30969 | G/-/- | Bronze Age Celt loop [[image]]fluted. Cambridge C| B48/1915| 3-5-0 30970 | G/-/- | Bronze Age Celt Cambridge C| | 2-2-0 ################################################## EFwuF ################################################## [tl1_text] 408 [5 Column Table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code & Date|Cost]] 30971 | G/-/- | Bronze Age Celt socketed. Cambridge C| | 2-2-0 30972 | G/-/- | Bronze Age Celt flanged[[image]](Ex. Cannon Greenwell 1884)Leiburn, Ireland C| B48/1-10-14| 3-8-0 30973 | G/-/- | Bronze Age Celt copper. Ireland C| | 1-10-0 30974 | G/-/- | Bronze Age Celt bronze.(Ex. Cannon Greenwell 1884) Brittany C| B48/1-10-14| 1-5-0 30975 | T/- | A. Egypt Head Rest 1000 B.C. XXIV Dynasty Ex. Rustoffjaell Coll. C| F20/19-6-14| 1-10-0 30976 | A/S | A. Egypt Head Rest 700 B.C. C| | 1-1-0 30977 | A/S | A. Egypt Head Rest 700 | | 30978 | A/S | A. Egypt Head Rest 700 | | 30979 | A/S | A. Egypt Head Rest | | 30980 | A/S | A. Egypt Head Rest C| | 18-6 30981 | Y/S | A. Egypt Head Rest defective | | 30982 | Y/S | A. Egypt Head Rest root. 500 BC C| F24/19-6-14| 14-0 30983 | GX/- | W. Africa Armlet. Stone Toureg| H36 / 5-2-16 | 1-5-0 30984 | GX/- | W. Africa Game Board Toureg C| | 1-10-0 30985 | T/S | W. Africa Trumpet of wood. Toureg C| | 16-0 30986 | GX/GX/- | | | 30987 | T/S | S. Nigeria Mask. colored. C| | 1-5-0 30988 | T/S | S. Nigeria Mask black no lower jaw C| | 1-15-0 30989 | G/-/- | England Pair FL Duelling Pistols | | 30990 | A/- | Gilbert Shark Hook large | | 9-0 30991 | A/- | Gilbert Shark Hook smaller | | 7-6 30992 | A/- | Gilbert Shark Hook | | 30993 | A/- | Gilbert Shark Hook | | 30994 | GA/- | Matty Grubbing Axe. turtle bone | | 30995 | GA/- | Matty Grubbing Axe | | 30996 | GA/- | Matty Grubbing Axe | | 30997 | GA/- | Matty Grubbing Axe | | 30998 | A/- | B.N. Guinea Beheading Knife Simiai| | 30999 | A/- | B.N. Guinea Beheading Knife Simiar| | 31000 | GX/- | B.N. Guinea Wristlet carved tortoise shell v.fine| B16/ 1-2-14| 18-0 31001 | A/- | B.N. Guinea Wristlet carved tortoise shell smaller| | 31002 | A/- | B.N. Guinea Ear Ornament tortoise shell| | 31003 | A/- | B.N. Guinea Ear Ornament | | 31004 | Y/S | B.N. Guinea Shuttle West C| | 5-0 31005 | Y/S | B.N. Guinea Shuttle | | 31006 | N/S | B.N. Guinea Charm carved in bag | | 16-0 31007 | N/X | B.N. Guinea Charm carved in bag | | 16-0 31008 | N/X | B.N. Guinea Charm carved | | 17-6 ################################################## EFwuI ################################################## [tl1_text] 409 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31009 | GY/S | B. New Guinea Pot. Collingwood Bay| F20/26-9-13| 1-0-0 31010 | GY/S | B. New Guinea Pot. Collingwood Bay C| | 1-1-0 31011 | I/- | B. New Guinea Sword Club. | | | 31012 | GY/- | New Hebrides Axe. | | | 31013 | G/-/- | Tonga "Lobe" Club. ex:fine. serrated pommel| P16/20-11-14| 3-10-0 31014 | N/- | Solomon Comb. fine grass work. | S45/7-6-13| 7-6 31015 | N/- | New Guinea Comb Tortoise shell. | | 10-0 31016 | N/- | New Guinea Comb Tortoise shell|[[B16/1-5-19?]]| 10-0 31017 | Y/S | New Guinea Set of Pan Pipes | | | 31018 | A/- | Dinka Club. iron at base. | | 10-6 31019 | N/- | Babatwa Quiver. v. small rare.| J12/4-7-14 | 1-0-0 31020 | Y/- | Congo Pot Bolobo C| | 4-0 31021 | Y/- | Congo Pot Bolobo C| O5/12-12-13 | 4-0 31022 | G/GA/- | Benin Key | | | 31023 | G/A/- | Benin Armlet | | | 31024 | Y/S | Chinese Pigtail. | | 31025 | Y/S | Chinese Hair Dress. | | | 31026 | Y/S | Persia Clasp Knife. silver plated handle. | | | 31027 | G/GX/- |Borneo Bronze Animal Brunei| F20/19-6/14 } | 2-0-0 31028 | G/GX/- |Borneo Bronze Animal Brunei| } | 2-0-0 *} |4-10-0 31029 | G/-/- | Tibet Carving Exorcising Dagger| S35/20-12-13| 2-12-6 31030 | GA/- | S. India Knife "Aydia Kalti" gold plated hilt. Coorg| | 3-18-6 31031 | G/GX/- | British Columbia Scoup. large.inlaid shell & slightly carved| H28/2-1-14| 5-5-0 31032 | T/- | Harvey I. Adze head. | | | 31033 | GY/S | A.Egypt.Large Stone. Ex. Rustaffjaell Coll. C| | 1-15-0 31034 | GA/- | A.Egypt.Bronze Axe head L11 Ex. Rustaffjaell Coll. C| | 1-15-0 31035 | GA/- | A.Egypt.Bronze Axe head L15cm Ex. Rustaffjaell Coll. C| | 1-12-6 31036 | GY/S | A.Egypt.Bronze Adze head signed L11cm Ex. Rustaffjaell Coll. C| | 1-2-6 31037 | A/- | A.Egypt.Bronze Spear-head.damaged Ex. Rustaffjaell Coll. C| | 8-6 31038 | GA/- | Japan Tsuba v. rare cup form | | 1-10-0 31039 | GA/- | Japan Tsuba v. rare cup form | W22/19-7-13 | 1-5-0 31040 | GA/- | Japan Tsuba v. rare cup form | W22/19-7-13 | 1-0-0 31041 | A/- | Japan Tsuba with deceased owners stopper | | 14-0 31042 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | W22/19-7-13 | 15-0 31043 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | | 14-0 31044 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | | 11-0 31045 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | | 11-0 31046 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | | 15-0 ################################################## EFwuL ################################################## [tl1_text] 409 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31047 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | | 14-0 31048 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | | 14-0 31049 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0 31050 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0 31051 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | | 10-0 31052 | N/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced | | 11-0 31053 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba plainer | W22/19-7-13 | 6-0 31054 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba plainer | W22/19-7-13 | 8-0 31055 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba plainer signed | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0 31056 | T/- | Japan Tsuba finely pierced. | W22/19-7-13 | 10-0 31057 | G/- | Japan Tsuba plain. | W22/19-7-13 | 2-0 31058 | T/- | Japan Mizouri. fine. iron. | D9/25-9-13 | 1-1-0 31059 | Y/- | Japan Mizouri. copper. mask | | | 31060 | G/- | Japan Mizouri. copper. hollow | | 6-6 31061 | GX/- | Japan Double barrelled Bronze P.C Pistol 8-1/2 | | 1-16-0 31062 | M/A/- | Japan 5 Netsuki.Tibet Diety & Dorge Dagger| W22/30-4-13 | 3-17-0 31063 | S/- | Nepal Sacrificial Vessel & Spoon | S21/28-12-13 | 1-1-0 31064 | -/S | China Kaylin. bronze. | | 14-0 31065 | -/S | Japan Pen & Ink Case. copper. | | | 31066 | /- | Japan Iron Box & Pipe. | | | 31067 | Y/Y/- | Philippine Armour of Cariboo horn & mail L12-12-0 with clasps | | 7-15-0 31068 | N/N/- | Persia Beggar's Bowl,6 Knockers & Carved Chinese Table | W22/30-4-13| 4-15-0 31069 | M/GX/- | Japan 6 Iuros & 19 Fuchi. | W22/30-4-13| 4-11-0 31070 | G/Y/- | Admiralty Bowl. carved figures on handles. | | | 31071 | G/GY/S | India Musical Instrument. Crocodile. L:1m 14cm C| | 3-10-0 31072 | G/-/- | Benin Bird Staff. | K4/19-6-13 | 2-0-0 31073 | N/- | Congo Knife [[image]] Mangebettu| | | 31074 | A/- | Fiji Paddle Club. | | | 31075 | M/- | Harvey Paddle. | | | 31076 | M/- | Harvey Paddle. | | | 31077 | Y/S | S. America 4 Bow & 12 Arrows E.Bolivia Chiquitos| J12/ 3-3-13 | 1-10-0 31078 | -/S | S. America Bow & 3 Arrows. Chiquitos| J12/3-3-13 | 2-6 31079 | G/- |S.America 1 Bow & 2 Arrows. Chiquitos| S43/19-3-13| 3-6 31080 | G/- | S. America 1 Bow & 2 Arrows. Chiquitos| | 14/0 31081 | G/- | S. America 1 Bow & 2 Arrows. Toba| J12/3-3-13 | 15-0 31082 | T/- | Congo Ivory Carving. | | | 31083 | /- | Congo Ivory Armlet | | | 31084 | /- | Congo Ivory Armlet | | | ################################################## EFwuO ################################################## [tl1_text] 410 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31085 | /- | Congo Armlet. ivory | | | 31086 | /- | Congo Armlet. ivory | | | 31087 | /- | Congo Armlet. iron [[image]] | | | 31088 | /- | Congo Armlet. iron crotal [[image]] engraved | | | 31089 | /- | Congo Armlet. iron crotal [[image]] engraved | | | 31090 | /- | Congo Armlet. iron crotal [[image]] engraved | C28/13-11-13 | 5-0 31091 | /- | Congo Armlet. iron crotal [[image]] engraved | | | 31092 | /- | S. India Necklet. Armlet & Brass Chain. & bells | | | 31093 | G/- | S. Africa Piano. Sanza | | | 31094 | -/S | S. Africa Charm Necklet. | | | 31095 | /- | N. Africa Girls Dress. hide strings. | J12/3-3-13 | 3-6 31096 | -/S | S. American Belt carved hide. | | | 31097 | /- | W. Africa Pouch. | | | 31098 | /- | W. Africa Whisk. | | | 31099 | G/- | British New Guinea Lime Spatula. figure handle Trobriand | | | 31100 | G/- | British New Guinea Lime Spatula. figure handle Trobriand | | | 31101 | /- | British New Guinea Dagger. Cassowary bone | | | 31102 | /- | British New Guinea Dagger. Cassowary bone | | | 31103 | /- | British New Guinea Length of Currency. | | | 31104 | Y/- | A. Egypt. Mummy Case Mask. Caifa 1880. C | B30/20-1-14 | 8-0 31105 | Y/- | A. Egypt. Rams Head. imperfect cartonage remaining C | | 18-6 31106 | /- | A. Egypt. Wolf's Head C | | 8-0 31107 | Y/- | A. Egypt. Hawk C | | 14-0 31108 | /- | A. Egypt. Dog C | | 16-6 31109 | G/- | A. Egypt. Cat. hollow wood C | | 11-0 31110 | G/- | A. Egypt. Cat. C | | 15-0 31111 | G/- | A. Egypt. Cat. smaller C | | 6-0 31112 | G/- | A. Egypt. Cat. smaller C | | 4-0 31113 | -/S | A. Egypt. Cat. small C | M36/2-7-16 | 4-0 31114 | -/S | A. Egypt. Cat. small C | | 2-6 31115 | /- | A. Egypt. Hawk. C | | 6-0 31116 | /- | A. Egypt. Hawk. C | | 4-0 31117 | G/- | A. Egypt. 3 Carved stone Fragments C | | 10-0 31118 | G/- | A. Egypt. Bronze Implement. wood handle C | B30/20-1-14 | 10-6 31119 | /- | A. Egypt. Club C | B30/20-1-14 | 4-0 31120 | G/- | Admiralty Spear obsidian head | | | 31121 | G/- | Admiralty Spear obsidian head | | | 31122 | G/- | Admiralty Spear obsidian head damaged. | | | ################################################## EFwuR ################################################## [tl1_text] 410 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price 31123 | G/- | Admiralty Spear. Obsidian. damaged. | | | 31124 | G/- | Admiralty Spear. damaged. | | | 31125 | /- | Admiralty Spear. damaged. | | | 31126 | /- | Admiralty Spear. damaged. | | | 31127 | /- | Admiralty Spear. | | | 31128 | I/GX/- |New Zealand Club."Wahaika" bone.17" long| B44/20-10-13 | 16-0-0 31129 | GI/- | Brit: New Guinea Dancing Mask Orokolo| | 2-5-0 31130 | GY/- | Brit: New Guinea Dancing Mask Orokolo| | 1-16-0 31131 | I/- | Brit: New Guinea Dancing Mask small Orokolo| | 18-6 31132 | G/A/- | Brit:New Guinea Bark Figure used for guarding sleeping men. Orokolo| | 3-3-0 31133 | /- | Brit:New Guinea Dress.bark cloth dec yellow. Orokolo| | 3-0 31134 | Y/- | Brit: New Guinea Pair dec Arm Ornaments. Orokolo| | 14-0 31135 | Y/- | Brit: New Guinea Pair dec Arm Ornaments. Orokolo| | 12-6 31136 | Y/- | Brit: New Guinea Pair dec Arm Ornaments.not so fine. Orokolo| | 10-0 31137 | I/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer used in "Riva Rukii" old. Orokolo| | 2-2-0 31138 | I/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer used in "Riva Rukii" old. Orokolo| | 1-12-6 31139 | I/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer used in "Riva Rukii" old. Orokolo| | 1-10-0 31140 | I/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer used in "Riva Rukii" old. Orokolo| | 1-12-6 31141 | I/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer used in "Riva Rukii" old. Orokolo. C| | 16-0 31142 | I/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer used in "Riva Rukii" old. Orokolo| | 16-0 31143 | I/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer used in "Riva Rukii" Orokolo| | 16-0 31144 | I/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer used in "Riva Rukii" Orokolo| | 1-12-6 31145 | I/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer used in "Riva Rukii" Orokolo| | 1-10-0 31146 | N/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer slightly carved.late. Orokolo| | 10-0 31147 | N/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer slightly carved. Orokolo| | 12-6 31148 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer plain. Orokolo| | 7-6 31149 | G/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer large.modern. Orokolo| | 5-0 31150 | G/- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer large.modern. Orokolo| | 6-0 31151 | /- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer smaller modern. Orokolo| | 4-0 31152 | /- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer smaller modern. Orokolo| | 4-0 31153 | /- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer small modern. Orokolo| | 4-0 31154 | /- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer small modern. Orokolo| | 4-0 31155 | /- | Brit: New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer small modern. Orokolo| | 4-0 31156 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm.carved nut. "Dakre Kare" Orokolo| | 12-6 31157 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm.carved nut. "Dakre Kare" Orokolo| | 11-0 31158 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm.carved nut. "Dakre Kare" Orokolo| | 9-0 31159 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm.carved nut. "Dakre Kare" Orokolo| | 10-6 31160 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm.carved nut. "Dakre Kare" Orokolo| | 8-0 ################################################## EFwuU ################################################## [tl1_text] 411 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price 31161 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 11-6 31162 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 7-0 31163 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 6-0 31164 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 6-0 31165 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | E7/1915| 7-6 31166 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 7-6 31167 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 8-6 31168 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 7-6 31169 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 7-6 31170 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 7-6 31171 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 8-6 31172 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 7-6 31173 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 10-6 31174 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 8-6 31175 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 10-6 31176 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 9-6 31177 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 8-6 31178 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 8-6 31179 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 10-6 31180 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 8-0 31181 | M/- | Brit: New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare. carved nut. Orokolo. | | 7-6 31182 | M/- | Brit:New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare.carved nut.not so old Orokolo|H36/1915| 8-0 31183 | M/- | Brit:New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare.carved nut.not so old Orokolo| | 5-0 31184 | M/- | Brit:New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare.carved nut.not so old Orokolo| | 6-0 31185 | M/- | Brit:New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare.carved nut. not so old Orokolo| | 6-6 31186 | M/- | Brit:New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare.carved nut.not so old Orokolo| | 7-6 31187 | M/- | Brit:New Guinea Charm "Dakre Kare.carved nut.not so old Orokolo. | | 8-0 31188 | A/- | Brit:New Guinea Human skull. coloured red. imperfect Orokolo| | | 31189 | /- | Brit:New Guinea 3 Sago Scoups.one carved & damaged Orokolo| | | 31190 | N/- | S.E. Africa Axe used for thrusting [[image]] Bechuana| | 12-6 31191 | G/- | S.E. Africa Tobacco Pipe Caffe C| | 5-0 31192 | G/- | W.Africa Pair "Poro" Dance Rattles.iron bells. Mendi C| | 14-0 31193 | G/- |Turkey Pistol P.C. Cretan Rebellion 1898| B45/2-4-13| 4-0 31194 | GX/- | Brit:New Guinea 2 Bark Belts. Orokolo|B16/1-13-14| 12-0 31195 | A/- | Brit:New Guinea 1 Bark Belt.carved Orokolo| | 1-8-6 31196 | A/- | Brit:New Guinea 1 Bark Belt.carved not so old Orokolo| | 1-1-0 31197 | N- | N. Africa Sun Hat. | W22/1-12-13 | 4-0 31198 | M/GX/-|India Suit of Plate & chain Armour| F22/22-3-13| 6-15-0 ################################################## EFwuX ################################################## [tl1_text] 411 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price 31199 | G/- | Soudan Spear Head brass & iron. many points. | | 6-6 31200 | G/- | South Africa Set of 19 brass Armlets off Woman's Arm. Basuto| | 16-0 31201 | -/S | South Africa Set of 14 brass Armlets off boy's Arm. Zulu| | 10-6 31202 | -/S | South Africa Set of 14 brass Armlets off boy's Arm. Zulu| | 10-6 31203 | G/- | South Africa Set of 9 brass Armlets off boy's Arm. Basuto| | | 31204 | A/- | Solomon Arrows. Collection of about 77| | | 31205 | G/GX/- | Tibet Tea Pot } | | | [[Both]] 31206 | G/I/S | Tibet Tea Pot } | | *10-10-0 31207 | GA/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box.very ancient.plain|P16/20-11-14| 12-10-0 31208 | T/S | S.India Katar brass hilt two-pointed blade C| W29/22-6-14| 1-5-0 31209 | Y/GX/- | England 7 barrelled F.L. Gun. by Nock. | | | 31210 | GA/- | New Zealand Hani | | | 31211 | A/- | Solomon Club | | | 31212 | T/S | Fiji Club. Gun-stock type. shaft decorated | | | 31213 | T/S | Fiji Club. Gun-stock type. shaft decorated | | | 31214 | GX/- | Ceylon Bow. lac decoration v. fine. | | 1-12-6 31215 | S/- | Ceylon Stave lac decoration | | 1-1-0 31216 | N/- | Ceylon Bow.smaller,lac decoration,v. fine. | | 1-1-0 31217 | GX/- | Europe Hanger.ornamented silver.signed fluted blade| | 3-5-0 31218 | Y/GX/- | England.2 b: FL Pistol,superimposed. v.rare type| S40 /23-6-13 | 8-10-0 31219 | Y/-/- | Tonga Kava Bowl in form of Turtle. & CN. Cup| | | 31220 | G/Y/S | Solomon Set tortoise shell Rings & Pin used for hair [[images]] | | | 31221 | G/G/- | Austria FL Carbine Pistol. | | | 31222 | G/- | Japan Sword Guard. brass. | W22/19-7-13 | 8-6 31223 | G/- | Ainu Wood Carving | | | 31224 | G/- |West Africa Set showing method of casting crotals Benin| L12/8-5-13| 7-6 31225 | G/S | Engraved bamboo "Message Stick | S4/1915 | 9-0 31226 | G/S | Engraved bamboo "Message Stick | S4/1915 | 9-0 31227 | G/S | Engraved bamboo "Message Stick | S4/1915 | 9-0 31228 | G/S | Engraved bamboo "Message Stick | S4/1915 | 9-0 31229 | G/S | Engraved bamboo "Message Stick | S4/1915 | 9-0 31230 | G/S | Engraved bamboo "Message Stick | S4/1915 | 9-0 31231 | G/S | Engraved bamboo "Message Stick | S4/1915 | 8-0 31232 | G/S | Engraved bamboo "Message Stick | S4/1915 | 8-0 31233 | T/- | S.E. Africa Skull. Zulu| S4/1915 | 1-0-0 31234 | M/- | A. Roman Skull. | | | 31235 | /- | Uganda Cloth striped | | 2-6 31236 | /- | Uganda Cloth | | 2-6 ################################################## EFwv0 ################################################## [tl1_text] 412 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31237 | GX/S | Abyssinia Game Board. C | F20/1-12-13 | 1-16-0 31238 | M/- | Relic Candle from Wellington tomb at Chelsea. | | | 31239 | N/- | England Pair small P.C. Pistols by TWIGG|E6/23-8-13| 10-0 31240 | M/- | Europe Small brass cannon b: P.C Pistol| E6/23-8-13| 4-0 31241 | N/- | S.France or Spain Small Knife.whale bone handle.| | | 31242 | G/-/- | China Coat of brass plate Armour.| S35/20-9-13| 3-18-0 31243 | Y/GX/- | Japan Pair fine swords on stand.| C7/16-4-13 | 5-8-0 31244 | GX/- | Circassia Dagger,gold decoration.ivory hilt,sheath C| L25/1-6-16| 11-8-0 31245 | GA/- | India Horn brass painted [[image]] S'ringa C| C20/1913 | 1-12-6 31246 | A/- | India 1/2 Bow. horn. Bheel| | | 31247 | GX/- | England Pair P.C. Pistols silver mask butts.g.m. barrels Hadley.C| H39/5-2-16| 1-1-0 31248 | G/-/- | England Pair FL Duelling Pistols.def touch-holes hair t. Probin| E6/23-8-13| 3-15-0 31249 | G/M/- | England Pair FL Pistols.cannon barrels. Lewis Weston| | | 31250 | T/S | England Pair FL Pistols.brass barrels.one defective. Archer. | | | 31251 | M/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol.[[1?]] Mortimer|F11/8-3-16| 16-0 31252 | M/- | England FL Pocket Pistol.brass lock box. H. Nock.| E6/23-8-13| 7-6 31253 | M/S | England P.C Pocket Pistol.converted.silver butt. Conway| E6/23-8-13| 12-6 31254 | GA/- | W. Africa 2 Fetish Figures. | L21/15-4-13 | 1-0-0 31255 | GX/- | W. Africa Fetish Figure.hard wood.very old. Cabinda| | 31256 | A/- | W. Africa Fetish Figure.hard wood. very old. smaller Cabinda| | | 31257 | GM/GX/- | Persia "Shamsher" silver enamel sheath.gold plate Presented by the Marquis of Hastings to Capt H. Caldwe11 1819|S35/30-6-13| 46-0-0 31258 | GX/- | N. Caledonia Shell Trumpet. | | | 31259 | G/-/- | N.Caledonia v.large Pot.restored[[image]] C|D10/25-3-14| 1-10-0 31260 | GX/- | N. Caledonia Pot. perfect.large. [[image]] C| F20/19-6-14 | 1-1-0 31261 | GA/- | N. Caledonia Pot. perfect.[[image]]double. C| F20/19-6-14 | 1-15-0 31262 | GX/- | New Hebrides Pot incised dec: rim broken somewhat. 19cm Espiritu Santo C| | 1-0-0 31263 | C/- | New Hebrides Pot incised perfect. [[image]] 13cm high Mallicolo| | 18-0 31264 | I/- | New Hebrides Pot incised sl:chipped [[image]] 13cm high Mallicolo| | 16-0 31265 | M/- | New Hebrides Pot incised badly chipped. fragment of rim remain 12 C| | 6-6 31266 | I/- | New Hebrides Pot somewhat chipped 10cm | F20/19-6-14| 10-6 31267 | C/- | New Hebrides Pot raised perfect. 13x9 C| D10/25-3-14| 17-6 31268 | I/- | ? incised rim broken [[image]]22x13 Mallicolo| | 1-0-0 31269 | I/- | ? incised with lugs. 15x9 C| F20/19-6-14 | 18-6 31270 | GX/- | Solomon raised with eyes.[[image]] slight chip. 14x11 C| F20/19-6-14 | 1-2-6 31271 | T/- | New Hebrides Armlet cut shell discs | | | 31272 | T/- | New Hebrides Armlet thick polished clam shell| H36/5-2-16| 18-0 31273 | GX/- | F. Guiania Weaving Comb | | 1-7-6 31274 | GX/- | F. Guiania Club engraved. Macana C| | 1-5-0 ################################################## EFwv3 ################################################## [tl1_text] 412 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31275 | Y/-/- | Brazil Shield circle 33-1/4" dia U.Amazon.Rio Maranon| |4-4-0 31276 | GX/- | Brazil Spear.large bamboo head.painted Rio Maranon| | 1-5-0 31277 | S/- | Brazil Spear.smaller bamboo head.painted damaged binding Rio Maranon| | 12-0 31278 | M/- | Brazil Spear. palm wood. sheath. dec feathers. Rio Nispo| | 10-0 31279 | G/- | Brazil Spear. palm wood. Head of bamboo slip restored? Rio Nispo| | 6-0 31280 | G/I/- | N. America Club. | H28/2-1-14 | 6-15-0 31281 | G/-/- | N. America Bow. wood lined sinew. damaged.| H28/2-1-14 | 2-5-0 31282 | Y/S | N. America Arrow glass head fastened with gum. }* | H28/2-1-14 | 14-0 31283 | Y/S | N. America Arrow glass head fastened with gum. damaged }* | H28/2-1-14 | 14-0 31284 | A/- | N.America Arrow glass head bound on with sinew.feathered }* | H28/2-1-14| 14-0 31285 | A/- | N.America Arrow glass head bound on with sinew.feathered }* | H28/2-1-14| 14-0 31286 | A/- | N.America Arrow glass head bound on with sinew.feathered }* | H28/2-1-14| 14-0 31287 | A/- | N.America Arrow glass head bound on with sinew.feathered }* | H28/2-1-14| 14-0 31288 | A/- | N. America Arrow glass head bound on with sinew.feathered| H28/2-1-14| 15-0 31289 | A/- | N. America Arrow glass head bound on with sinew.feathered| H28/2-1-14| 16-0 31290 | A/- | N. America Arrow glass head bound on with sinew.feathered| H28/2-1-14| 16-0 31291 | A/-/- | N.America Costume.Coat,Leggings,Small Mocassins,Powder Flask & Pouch & Fire Bag| | 38-10-0 31292 | A/- | Eskimo Harpoon Toggle large. imperfect. | | | 31293 | Y/- | Brazil Hat.dec: yellow & green feathers. Rio Napo| | 31294 | A/- | Loyalty Basket. ornamented flying fox fur. | | | 31295 | GN/-/- | New Caledonian Door Post. | | | 31296 | GI/- | New Hebrides Mask. Santo.| | 1-7-6 31297 | A/-/- | Marquesas Pair Ear Plugs one damaged. | | 12-10-0 31298 | /- | N.Greenland Fish-hook & sinker. | H28/2-1-14 | 2-5-0 31299 | / | N.Greenland Woman's Knife or scraper. [[image]] | | | 31300 | / | N.Greenland Woman's Knife or scraper.[[image]] Niakornet| W1/7-7-13| 2-0-0 31301 | / | N.Greenland Scraper handle bone. | H28/2-1-14 | 1-5-0 31302 | / | N.Greenland Stone Lamp. large | H28/2-1-14 | 2-0-0 31303 | / | N.Greenland Stone Lamp. small| H28/2-1-14 | 1-15-0 31304 | / | N.Greenland Seal Plug. wood. | L12/8-5-13 | 10-0 31305 | / | N.Greenland Thimble Guard | H28/2-1-14 | 12-0 31306 | / | N.Greenland Hide Sledge Thong ivory toggles | | | 31307 | / | N.Greenland Hide Sledge Thong ivory toggles | | 7-6 31308 | / | N.Greenland Hide Sledge Thong ivory toggles | | | 31309 | / | N.Greenland Hide Sledge Thong ivory toggles | | | 31310 | / | N. Greenland Skull | | | 31311 | /- | N. Greenland Bone Borer [[image]] | | | 31312 | /- | N. Greenland Harpoon & Spear Thrower C| | | ################################################## EFwv6 ################################################## [tl1_text] 413 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31313 | G/GX/- | Eskimo Needle case. C| D10/5-8-13 | 2-10-0 31314 | A/- | N. Cameroon Throwing Knife. [[image]] | | | 31315 | I/- | Admiralty Spear. masks extra fine | | 2-2-0 31316 | N/GA/- | Mangaian Adze | 5/10/- | | 31317 | GY/- | Borneo Blow Gun reed in dec case. Sakai Perak| J12/4-7-14 | 1-16-0 31318 | GY/- | Borneo Blow Gun very large spear head | | 1-12-6 31319 | GY/- | Borneo Blow Gun not so large | J12/4-7-14 | 1-4-0 31320 | GY/- | Borneo Blow Gun smaller. }| | | * [[for both?]] 31321 | T/- | Borneo Blow Gun rough spear hear.fine polished shaft } | | 2-5-0 31322 | A/- | Borneo Blow Gun Quiver | J12/4-7-14 | 14-0 31323 | A/- | Borneo Blow Gun Quiver | J12/4-7-14 | 14-0 31324 | A/- | Perak Quiver [[image]] & darts engraved. Sakai| | 1-1-0 31325 | T/-/- | Mendi Steatite Head. | B44/20-5-13 | 12-0-0 31326 | I/- | N.W. Australia Churinga | | | 31327 | GN/S | Ashanti Doll | | | 31328 | GN/S | Ashanti Doll | | | 31329 | M/-/- | Marquesan Paddle. v. fine | | | 31330 | S/-/- | New Zealand Canoe Bailer. | | 14-14-0 31331 | G/Y/S | Gilbert Spear Sword damaged. | | | 31332 | G/Y/S | Upper Nile Shield Jessop| | 2-7-6 31333 | G/Y/S | Upper Nile Shield | | 2-10-0 31334 | G/Y/S | Upper Nile Shield | J12/4-7-14 | 2-0-0 31335 | G/Y/S | Upper Nile Shield | | | 31336 | N/-/- | Book. Hamiltons Maori Art. | | 5-5-0 31337 | G/GX/- | Indian Shield silver bosses. | S35/30-6-13 | 4-7-6 31338 | Y/A/- | Indian Dagger jade hilt carved| | 8-15-0 31339 | Y/I/- | Saracenic Arm Guard. | S35/30-6-13 | 4-15-0 31340 | G/-/- | Congo 4 Small ivory Carvings. | L21/15-4-13 | 2-10-0 31341 | /- | Congo Tobacco. large roll | | | 31342 | /- | Congo Tobacco. large roll | | 17-6 31343 | /- | Congo Tobacco. large roll | | | 31344 | /- | Congo Tobacco. large roll C| | 16-0 31345 | GX/- | Persia Lamp. from Mosque | | | 31346 | A/S | Borneo Axe carved | | 1-8-6 31347 | GX/- | Tibet Horse Bells. | | | 31348 | GN/- | Irish Celt. copper 15.50 x 11 cm across | | 3-3-0 31349 | GA/- | Santa Cruz & Ellis Fish Hooks. 2.|B16/1-1-14 | 2-0-0 31350 | GS/- | Fiji Orange Cowry. | | 1-16-0 ################################################## EFwv9 ################################################## [tl1_text] 413 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31351 | G/- | Tonga Comb | | | 31352 | /S | Caffre Tooth Brush | | | 31353 | -/S | Caffre Tooth Brush | S4/1915 | 6-0 31354 | G/- | Pouch. iron beads. | | | 31355 | G/- | Canada. Quill work. bark cover | | 12-6 31356 | G/GA/- | England Pair Pocket Pistols.silver masks.cannon b.s.|B48/14-2-16| 2-12-6 31357 | GA/- | Abyssinia Sword. ivory hilt (MFILD Knife). C| | 1-8-6 31358 | GX/- | Abyssinia Cleaver [[image]] (Walam Knife). C| | 1-1-0 31359 | GX/- | Abyssinia Dagger (Gomma Knife) C| | 1-10-0 31360 | A/- | British Columbia Horn Scoup. carved. | | 15-0 31361 | A/- | Tibet Exorcising Dagger. | | 18-6 31362 | Y/- | Japan Sword Guard. | | | 31363 | Y/A/- | N. America Club. | 28/2-5-14| 6-15-0 31364 | N/- | India War Quoit. Akal Sikh | | | 31365 | M/S | India War Quoit. Akal Sikh | | | 31366 | A/- | North Nigeria Zither. Haussa. C| | 16-0 31367 | T/- | North Nigeria Violin & Bow.v.fine Plain one 15/- Cat 64 Haussa. C| | 1-10-0 31368 | Y/- | North Nigeria Guitar Haussa. C | | 10-6 31369 | A/- | North Nigeria Flageolet horn & snake skin end Fulani C| O5/12-12-13 | 7-6 31370 | S/- | North Nigeria Rattle. gourd discs. [[?]] L1-12-6 Cat 57. Rukuba. C| | 1-5-0 31371 | Y/- | North Nigeria Dancing Dress Womans. Rukuba. C| S4/1915 | 9-0 31372 | Y/- | North Nigeria Dancing Dress Mans. Rukuba. C| S4/1915 | 9-0 31373 | Y/- | North Nigeria Whistle [[image]] 3 note Rukuba. C| | 14-0 31374 | A/- | North Nigeria Tobacco Pipe. Levi C| | 17-6 31375 | Y/- | North Nigeria Whistle of horn.2 note Fulani C| | 5-0 31376 | S/- | North Nigeria Trumpet of horn Fulani C| | 16-0 31377 | G/- | North Nigeria Rattle or Bell iron Fulani C| | 6-0 31378 | M/- | North Nigeria Tinder Pouch 50m from Rukuba. Ropp| | | 31379 | M/- | North Nigeria Tinder Pouch 50m from Rukuba. Ropp| | | 31380 | A/- | North Nigeria Armlet massive ivory Ibo| | | 31381 | N/- | North Nigeria Koran in case,illuminated Haussa| S4/1915| 3-10-0 31382 | Y/- | North Nigeria Ancient stone celt large Jos Tin Mines Banchi }* | C32/9-8-15 |{12-6 31383 | Y/- | North Nigeria Ancient stone celt smaller Jos Tin Mines Banchi }* | K5/3-10-13 |{9-6 31384 | Y/- | North Nigeria Ancient stone celt smaller Jos Tin Mines Banchi }* | C32/9-8-15 |{8-0 31385 | Y/- | North Nigeria Ancient stone celt smaller Jos Tin Mines Banchi }* | C32/9-8-15 |{7-0 31386 | Y/- | North Nigeria Ancient stone celt smaller Jos Tin Mines Banchi }*| C32/9-8-15 |{6-0 31387 | Y/S | Tibet Nose Ring. brass. set turquoise | | | 31388 | Y/- | Tibet Charm Case, slightly damaged. | | | ################################################## EFwvc ################################################## [tl1_text] 414 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31389 | y/- | Admiralty Armlet, grooved white shell. | | 0-6-0 31390 | G/- | Samoa Comb. | | 31391 | G/- | Gilbert Fish hook, wood. | | 0-7-0 31392 | I/- | [?] Fish hook, stalactite. | K[5?] / [7?]-4-15 | 0-16-6 31393 | GX/- | New Zealand Club, Wahaika bone. | P16 / [20-11-16?] | [strike]15-0-0[/strike] 16-0-0 31394 | A/- | New Zealand Club, Tewhatewa, wood. | | 2-2-0 31395 | A/- | New Zealand Stick. | 2/10/- | [strike]3-3-0[/strike] 31396 | Gy/S | Burmah Pair Figures. | S52/25-9-16 | 0-16-0 31397 | y/GX/- | England Case FL Saw-handled Pistols. | | 31398 | M/S | Canada Model Canoe, decorative quill work, modern. | H28/2-1-14 | 0-8-0 31399 | M/- | North Nigeria Working Axe, engraved. Niu kada [Trib?] | | 31400 | M/- | North Nigeria Club. Niu kada [Trib?] | | 31401 | I/- | North Nigeria Stick taken from Fetish Hut. Niu kada [Trib?] | S4/29-2-16 | 0-17-0 31402 | N/- | North Nigeria Tobacco Pipe. Niu kada [Trib?] C | | 0-8-6 31403 | M/- | North Nigeria Woman Dress, worn at back only. Tilde | | 31404 | N/- | North Nigeria Man's Dancing Circlet, Fetish tail, Circlet & C.B. Rukuba. | | 31405 | G/- | North Nigeria 2 Armlets, Iron (Woman's), 2 Armlets with fetishes (Man's). Rukuba. | | 31406 | y/- | North Nigeria Rattle, wicker, used by women. Forum C | | 0-5-0 31407 | N/- | North Nigeria Bell, bran for cow, ornamental borders. Fulani C | | 0-12-6 31408 | G/- | North Nigeria Bell, small copper, with chain. Rukuba. C | | 0-3-0 31409 | G/A/- | North Nigeria Arm Drum & beater, extra fine specimen, [inserted]43 x 21 cm[/inserted]. Bornu Haussa. C | | 2-5-0 31410 | G/- | North Nigeria Needle Case. Bornu Haussa [C?]. | | 31411 | G/- | North Nigeria Water Bottle, black pottery. Bornu Haussa [C?]. | | 31412 | G/-/- | Dalmatia Belt. | | 2-2-0 31413 | y/-/- | New Hebrides Smothering Cap of Spider's webs. Sold | L12 / 8-5-13 | 5-0-0 31414 | S/S | South America Bolas. | | [strike]1-10-0[/strike] 1-12-6 31415 | S/- | South America Bolas. | | 1-12-6 31416 | Gy/S | New Zealand Ear Pendant, jade. | | 1-12-6 31417 | I/-/- | China Gong, carved jade in two pieces. | | 12-17-6 31418 | y/GX/- | India Dagger, hilt, carved green jade, good colour. | | [strike]6-15-0[/strike] 7-15-0 31419 | A/- | England Celt, neolithic. | | 31420 | G/A/- | North America Bag, quill work. | | [strike][?]-4-0[/strike] 4-4-0 31421 | GA/- | North America Bag, bead work. | G16 / 2-9-16 | [strike]2-7-6[/strike] 1-1-0 31422 | y/-/- | Tahiti Stool. | | 4-10-0 31423 | GN/- - | Solomon Paddle, fine decorated blade. [strike]Florida Isl[/strike] [inserted]Boli[/inserted] | | 3-3-0 31424 | GN/- | Solomon Paddle, fine decorated blade, mask handle. Boli. | | 2-10-0 31425 | GN/- | Solomon Paddle, plain blade, mask handle. | | 1-15-0 31426 | GN/- | Solomon Paddle, blade slightly decorated line work. | | 1-5-0 ################################################## EFwvf ################################################## [tl1_text] 414 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31427 | A/- | Solomon Paddle. plain handle slightly carved. | | 10-6 31428 | A/- | Solomon Paddle. plain handle slightly carved. broken crutch | | 8-0 31429 | C/S | New Ireland Paddle | | 1-12-6 31430 | C/S | Florida I. Club. carved. | | 2-2-0 31431 | G/A/- | Fiji "Tilting" Lance. | | 3-10-0 31432 | GX/- | Fiji. War Spear. 4 prongs. fine binding. one point rest? | | 2-17-6 31433 | /- | Fiji. War Spear. long plain | | 31434 | /- | Fiji. War Spear. long plain | | 1-8-0 31435 | /- | Solomon. Spear. bone head damaged. Florida | | 31436 | Y/GX/- | Persian - Indu. Sword gold damascus mounts. | | 6-0-0 31437 | N/GX/- | India Katar. very fine pierced & gold inlaid hilt. | S35/30-6-13 | 7-5-0 31438 | G/A/- | Japan Bronze Badger. | B47/8-6-14 | 2-5-0 31439 | I/T | Japan Tsuba v. large War Sword. signed. | W22/1-12-13 | 1-1-0 31440 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba cup remains of old lac. damascus gold & silver birds. | | 1-5-0 31441 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba cup dragon rougher. | | 18-6 31442 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba brass rim set green glass. very rare | | 1-12-6 31443 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba Royal Armourers gold mark. 2 crests in gold. | | 1-8-0 31444 | I/T | Japan Tsuba Royal Armourers gold mark. Sha Kudo. (copper) | W22/1-12-13 | 1-18-6 31445 | I/T | Japan Tsuba Royal Armourers gold mark. iron. also inscribed [[strikethrough]]Bird sun[[/strikethrough]] Cuckoo clouds & moon | W22/1-12-13 | 1-2-6 31446 | I/T | Japan Tsuba Royal Armourers gold mark. iron. Acorns | W22/1-12-13 | 1-1-0 31447 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba Royal Armourers gold mark. iron. Barley also inscribed | | 1-1-0 31448 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba Royal Armourers gold mark. iron. leaves | | 1-1-0 31449 | I/T | Japan Tsuba Royal Armourers gold mark. iron. Dragon. v. fine also inscribed | W22/1-12-13 | 1-15-0 31450 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba iron. 2 Dragons. v. fine | | 18-6 31451 | I/T | R.R Japan Tsuba Pair iron. 2 Dragons. v. fine signed beautiful finish | F17/25-11-13 | 2-5-0 31452 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba iron. 1 Dragon. v. fine signed beautiful finish | F17/25-11-13 | 1-0-0 31453 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba iron. 1 Dragon. v. fine signed beautiful finish not quite so fine | | 17-6 31454 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba iron. 1 Dragon. v. fine not signed not quite so fine | | 15-0 31455 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron. 1 Dragon. v. fine signed inlaid. | W22/1-12-13 | 18-6 31456 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba iron. 1 Dragon. v. fine signed very early | | 1-1-0 31457 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba iron. pierced & undercut. (Namban) | | 15-0 31458 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron. pierced & undercut. (Namban) signs of zodiac | W22/1-12-13 | 14-0 31459 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba iron. pierced & undercut. (Namban) signed | | 12-6 31460 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron. 19 Arbats, archaic gold signature. copper & silver figs | W22/1-12-13 | 1-18-6 31461 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron. 3 men in a boat large. copper & silver figs | W22/1-12-13 | 1-0-0 31462 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron. silver [[?]] copper & silver figs | W22/1-12-13 | 16-6 31463 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron. Monkeys copper & silver figs | W22/1-12-13 | 15-0 31464 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron. horses copper & silver figs | W22/1-12-13 | 14-0 ################################################## EFwvi ################################################## [tl1_text] 415 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31465 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron copper & gold & silver gilt. signed & poem inlaid gold | W22/1-12-13 | 1-1-0 31466 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron copper & gold & silver gilt. shells. signed | W22/1-12-13 | 16-0 31467 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron copper & gold & silver gilt. lobster | W22/1-12-13 | 15-0 31468 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron chiselled & damasceen gold. dragon & deer. square | W22/1-12-13 | 17-6 31469 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron chiselled & damasceen bird & clouds. signed. | W22/1-12-13 | 1-0-0 31470 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba iron chiselled & damasceen warriors fighting | | 18-6 31471 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron chiselled & damasceen wevils in wood v. fine. | W22/1-12-13 | 18-6 31472 | M/- | R Japan Tsuba iron chiselled & damasceen bird. pierced | | 8-0 31473 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba chiselled & damasceen Kaylin & Mouth Organ pierced | | 12-6 31474 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba chiselled & damasceen Figure silver face | | 14-0 31475 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba chiselled & damasceen Heraldic Crane rare. | D9/25-9-13 | 1-0-0 31476 | I/T | Japan Tsuba Pair. Chiselled iron Baskets. signed | W22/1-12-13 | 1-18-6 31477 | I/T | Japan Tsuba iron watered with large old characters in relief. signed. | W22/1-12-13 | 15-0 31478 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba Small. mass of birds chiselled in relief. gold eyes & feet. signed | F17/25-11-13 | 15-0 31479 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba Small inlaid gold & silver. Butterflies signed | | 11-0 31480 | I/T | Japan Tsuba Small Figure copper face. damascreen gold. | W22/1-12-13 | 14-0 31481 | I/T | Japan Tsuba Small iron inlaid brass & silver. A. Yoshihiro. signed. exceedingly rare signed | W22/1-12-13 | 1-17-6 31482 | M/- | R Japan Tsuba large iron inlaid brass & silver. A. Yoshihiro crests | | 9-6 31483 | M/- | R Japan Tsuba large iron inlaid brass & silver. A. Yoshihiro swastika | | 8-6 31484 | M/- | Japan Tsuba large iron inlaid copper gilt & silver | W22/1-12-13 | 8-6 31485 | I/T | Japan Tsuba Shakudo. (copper) Devil drawing wood. signed | W22/1-12-13 | 1-2-6 31486 | I/T | Japan Tsuba Shakudo. (copper) flowers. | W22/1-12-13 | 16-0 31487 | I/T | Japan Tsuba Shakudo. (copper) Bird brass & copper. | W22/1-12-13 | 12-6 31488 | I/T | Japan Tsuba Shakudo ? coins. | W22/1-12-13 | 15-0 31489 | G/- | R Japan Tsuba Shakudo. (copper) plainer | | 6-6 31490 | M/- | R Japan Tsuba pierced iron old. 2 butterflies | |[[7-6?]] 31491 | I/T | R Japan Tsuba pierced iron namban. has been plated. | |11-6 31492 | G/- | R Japan Tsuba pierced iron signed | F17/25-11-13 | 4-0 31493 | G/- | R Japan Tsuba pierced iron plain Lotus? | | 2-6 31494 | Y/-/- | England FL Tinder Box. with C.S. large [[?]] photo 1 | B48/1915 | 2-12-6 31495 | Y/GX/- | England FL Tinder Box. with C.S. by TWISS. ex fine. 2 | 4/4/- | 3-15-0 31496 | Y/A/- | [[England?]] FL Tinder Box. small 3 | B48/1915 | 2-15-0 31497 | Y/A/- | [[England?]] FL Tinder Box. gun metal I & W Richards 4 | | 3-15-0 31498 | Y/A/- | [[England?]] FL Tinder Box. brass Ryan & Son. 6 | | 2-12-6 31499 | G/GX/- | [[England?]] FL Tinder Box. Pistol form. all brass. 7 | | 2-8-0 31500 | Y/GX/- | Dutch FL Tinder Box. DePincee Amsterdam flush trigger v. fine gold [[ baitche?]] 8 | | 3-15-0 31501 | G/GX/- | Dutch FL Tinder Box. DePincee Amsterdam smaller. 9 | | 2-5-0] 31502 | G/T/S | England FL Tinder Box. iron good original condition with C.S. 10 | | 2-5-0 ################################################## EFwvl ################################################## [tl1_text] 415 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31503 | G/T/S | England FL. Tinder Box. iron. good original condition with C.S. 11 | E6/1-1-13 | 2-5-0 31504 | G/G/- | England FL. Tinder Box. iron. new rest. 12 | E6/23-8-13 | 1-8-6 31505 | G/G/- | England FL. Tinder Box. iron. new stock 13 | E6/23-8-13 | 1-7-6 31506 | G/A/- | England FL. Tinder Box. iron. damaged rest better 14 | E6/1-1-14 | 1-15-0 31507 | G/A/- | England FL. Tinder Box. iron. damaged rest better 15 | E6/3-12-13 | 1-15-0 31508 | G/T/S | England FL. Tinder Box. brass. 16 | E6/29-4-13 | 2-5-0 31509 | G/A/- | England FL. Tinder Box. iron. 17 | | 1-5-0 31510 | G/A/- | England FL. Tinder Box. brass. new trigger 18 | E6/23-8-13 | 1-17-6 31511 | G/A/- | England FL. Tinder Box. iron. stock worm eaten 19 | | 1-15-0 31512 | G/GA/- | England FL. Tinder Box. brass ball stock. [[image]] 20 | L23/3-1-14 | 2-12-6 31513 | G/A/- | England FL. Tinder Box. iron ball stock. [[image]] 21. | L23/3-1-14 | 1-18-6 31514 | A/- | Brit. New Guinea Bull Roarer Orokolo. C | | 16-0 31515 | A/- | Brit. New Guinea Bull Roarer | } | | 31516 | A/- | Brit. New Guinea Bull Roarer | } | | 31517 | G/-/- | Brit. New Guinea Figure modern | | 2-10-0 31518 | GX/- | Brit. New Guinea Drum. | | 1-10-0 31519 | GX/- | Brit. New Guinea Mask modern | | 1-5-0 31520 | T/GX/- | India FL Gun. god inlaid barrel. | S35/30-6-13 | 7-10-0 31521 | G/A/- | Turkey Officers Sword. silver gilt mts inscription on back of blade [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] | | 3-5-0 31522 | A/- | [[strikethrough]] Germany [[strikethrough]] American FL Military type. NORTH & CHENEY. BERLIN | F11/17-9-14 | 3-3-0 31523 | G/GX/- | England FL Pair Pistols BOND. flush trigger. one brass & 1 iron barrel | E6/1-1-14 | 2-16-0 31524 | Y/GX/- | Scotland FL Troopers Pistol | S40/23-6-13 | 5-2-6 31525 | G/-/- | Fiji Paddle Club fine carved blade damaged. | | 3-15-0 31526 | GX/- | Fiji Gun stock Club ex: fine specimen perfect | | 2-13-0 31527 | M/GX/- | England D.B. FL Sporting Gun. barrels re [[brassed?]]. D.EGG | | | 31528 | A/- | Spain FL. with English makers name HALFHIDE. | H39/5-2-16 | 14-0 31529 | GA/- | N.W. Australia Churinga with hair cord. old. | | 1-16-0 31530 | GX/- | N.W. Australia Churinga later. larger | | 1-2-6 31531 | N/- | N.W. Australia Churinga very small | C28/22-1-14 | 16-0 31532 | S/- | Victoria Club. v. large, carved | | | 31533 | Y/A/- | England D.B. long 6-barrelled Pistol BATES. | S40/16-12-13 | 3-15-0 31534 | T/S | Victoria Spear Thrower. v. fine carved. rare type | | | 31535 | T/S | Victoria Spear Thrower. not so fine carved. rare type | | | 31536 | M/- | Victoria Club. Leowel | M35/10-11-14 | 16-0 31537 | A/- | Victoria Stabbing Waddy. | | | 31538 | A/- | Victoria Stabbing Waddy. | | | 31539 | Y/- | Victoria Boomerang. Engraved. | | | 31540 | N/N/- | B.N. Borneo Trophy Skull bound. Ulu Tagul. Clarke Province. Taken near Boundary between Dutch & Brit Borneo | S4/1915 | 8-8-0 ################################################## EFwvo ################################################## [tl1_text] 416 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31541 | G/G/- | B.N. Borneo Trophy Skull. Ulu Tagul Clark Province | | 5-0-0 31542 | GX/- | B.N. Borneo Clothes Peg [[image]] coloured larger Murut | | 1-7-6 31543 | GX/- | B.N. Borneo Clothes Peg [[image]] smaller Murut | | 1-2-6 31544 | Y/S | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Pipe dec. old. | | 1-1-0 31545 | Y/S | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Pipe dec. old. carved bowl | | 17-6 31546 | Y/S | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Pipe plain old. with belt hook carved bowl | | 14-0 31547 | Y/S | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Pipe dec. modern. cotton reel top. | | 9-0 31548 | Y/S | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Pipe [[image]] Ulu Tagul. | | 10-6 31549 | N/- | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Box. double with belt hook dec. rows of heads. | | 1-2-6 31550 | G/S | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Box. with belt stick | | 10-6 31551 | G/S | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Box. with belt stick | | 8-6 31552 | G/- | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Box. modern. | | 6-6 31553 | A/- | B.N. Borneo Pair Boxes containing bullets & cartouche cases. | | 16-0 31554 | GX/- | B.N. Borneo Powder Box. engraved stag horn. | | 1-2-6 31555 | T/S | B.N. Borneo Armlet carved wood dec lead. RUNDUM | | 17-6 31556 | T/S | B.N. Borneo Armlet carved wood dec lead. RUNDUM | | 14-0 31557 | I/- | B.N. Borneo Womans Belt brass rings Dusun. | | 1-5-0 31558 | A/- | B.N. Borneo Bark Coat. decorated Dusun. | | 1-2-6 31559 | A/- | B.N. Borneo Bark Coat. decorated Dusun. | | 1-2-6 31560 | Y/- | B.N. Borneo Pottery large. v. like New Caledonia Murut | | 12-6 31561 | G/S | B.N. Borneo Pottery small Murut | | 10-6 31562 | G/-/- | B.N. Borneo Divining Rod. Used by women to fortell when a woman is going to give birth to a child. | F20/18-6-14 | 2-5-0 31563 | GX/S | B.N. Borneo Musical Instrument. [[image]] Kalur | C30/1915 | 1-6-0 31564 | A/- | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Pipe. carved bowl dec stem | | 1-1-0 31565 | A/- | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Pipe. plain dec belt hook | | 18-6 31566 | A/- | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Pipe. later dec belt hool fig design | J20/19-6-14 | 1-2-6 31567 | M/- | B.N. Borneo Tobacco Box. very fine binding. | | 12-6 31568 | S/- | B.N. Borneo Quiver of Darts | | 12-6 31569 | GA/- | B.N. Borneo Blow Gun rare form of shaft. wood blade. | | 2-7-6 31570 | GA/- | B.N. Borneo Blow Gun steel blade Ulu Tagul | | 1-12-6 31571 | GX/- | Philippine Axe. | | 31572 | GA/- | Gilbert I Ceremonial Stick of shells. | | 31573 | GX/- | Fiji Pottery 4 [[strikethrough]]globes[[/strikethrough]] 4 vessels | B31/25-13-13 | 1-6-0 31574 | T/S | Fiji Pottery smaller 2 vessels | B31/25-13-13 | 17-6 31575 | G/GX/- | N.W. Australia Mans Shell engraved old | | 3-18-0 31576 | G/GX/- | N.W. Australia Mans Shell engraved larger | item | 3-3-0 31577 | G/GX/- | N.W. Australia Mans Shell engraved larger | | 3-10-0 31578 | G/-/- | N.W. Australia Spear Thrower. carved. possibly made from of Bull roarer | | ################################################## EFwvr ################################################## [tl1_text] 416 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31579 | G/-/- | N.W. Australia Bull Roarer v. large. | | | 31580 | GA/- | N.W. Australia Bull Roarer smaller. later | C28/22-1-14 | 1-16-0 31581 | GA/- | N.W. Australia Bull Roarer smaller. | | | 31582 | GA/- | N.W. Australia Bull Roarer smaller. | | | 31583 | C/- | Cent. Australia Bull Roarer | | 1-12-6 31584 | C/- | Cent. Australia Bull Roarer | K5/22-1-14 | 1-2-6 31585 | M/- | S. Africa Charm Necklet. carved horn [[&c?]] | | | 31586 | Y/S | S. Africa Head rest. unusual pattern | | | 31587 | N/S | S. Africa Head rest. unusual pattern not so fine | | | 31588 | M/- | S. Africa Head rest. unusual pattern | | | 31589 | M/- | S. Africa Head rest. unusual pattern | | | 31590 | S/- | N. America Pair Mocassins. beaded. old. | | | 31591 | G/- | N. America Pair Ear Rings | | | 31592 | Y/-/- | India Dagger. v. fine. large lunet pommel. [[image]] | | 5-10-0 31593 | T/- | India Bow Composite. original silk cord | | 1-2-6 31594 | T/- | India Bow Composite. Turkish | | | 31595 | S/- | India Bow Composite. v old quite sound original silk cord | | 1-5-0 31596 | N/- | Congo Pottery Bowl with wood peg. Phoké Bakuba. C | | 14-0 31597 | Y/- | Japan Tobacco Box. Kidney shaped | | 31598 | Y/- | Japan Tobacco Box. Kidney shaped | | 31599 | G/A/- | Europe Wheel-lock | S40/1915 | 2-2-0 31600 | A/- | Europe Patent lock. screw feed to flint | | | 31601 | G/S | Europe Steel double Shot Box. | | | 31602 | G/S | Europe Steel double Shot Box. | | | 31603 | G/S | Europe Steel double Shot Box. | | 7-6 31604 | G/S | Europe Steel double Shot Box. defective | E6/1-1-13 | 3-0 31605 | GX/S | Europe P.C Pistol with bayonet | J12/3-2-16 | 1-1-0 31606 | A/GX/- | Scotch F.L. Pistol. all steel | S40/1915 | 9-3-8 31607 | M/GA/- | Europe 7 barrelled F.L. Air Gun. | S40/16-12-13 | 8-11-0 31608 | | | | | 31609 | I/- | Japan Pair Tsuba. signed arrows. damasca [[bonds?]] | W22/13-10-13 | 1-10-0 31610 | S/- | Japan Pair Tsuba. books on basket | W22/13-10-13 | 1-14-0 31611 | A/- | Japan Pair Tsuba. basket work| W22/13-10-13 | 1-1-0 31612 | | Pottery Vessel. Waran T? Pomeroon R. Brit Guiania. C. | | 16-0 31613 | M/- | Pottery Vessel Tsuba. Cranes signed | W22/13-10-13 | 16-0 31614 | M/- | R Pottery Vessel Tsuba. Cranes signed | F17/25-11-13 | 14-0 31615 | M/- | R Pottery Vessel Tsuba. Cranes signed | | 10-0 31616 | Y/- | Pottery Vessel Tsuba. Cranes unsigned. | W22/13-10-13 | 12-6 ################################################## EFwvu ################################################## [tl1_text] 417 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31617 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/13-10-13 | 11-0 31618 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba. | W22/13-10-13 | 11-0 31619 | I/- | Japan Tsuba. warrior in relief. signed. v. fine. | W22/13-10-13 | 1-1-0 31620 | GX/- | Japan Tsuba. 100 monkeys. probably by Hirita Haruyuki. namban [[?]] | W22/13-10-13 | 1-5-0 31621 | S/- | Japan Tsuba. 100 monkeys. not so fine | W22/13-10-13 | 12-6 31622 | GY/- | Japan Tsuba. warriors in relief. (Ex:Hayashi Col | W22/13-10-13 | 1-8-0 31623 | GN/- | Japan Tsuba. 2 Sages laughing | W22/13-10-13 | 1-8-0 31624 | Y/-/- | R Japan Tsuba. Goldn seal of the Honami Nutsukata. (Ex: Gilbertson Col-L3 | | 3-10-0 31625 | G/GX/- | Japan Tsuba. Gama Senin & frog. Snake around. signed | W22/13-10-13 | 2-18-6 31626 | GX/S | Japan Tsuba. Shakudo. | W22/13-10-13 | 1-1-0 31627 | GY/- | Japan Tsuba. War Guard. v. fine Elephant } | W22/13-10-13 | 1-10-0 31628 | GG/- | Japan Tsuba. War Guard. v. fine Mountain } | W22/13-10-13 | 1-10-0 31629 | GG/- | Japan Tsuba. War Guard. v. fine Warrior } | W22/13-10-13 | 1-12-6 31630 | GX/- | R Japan Tsuba. Cup Guard. | | 1-1-0 31631 | Y/GA/- | Japan Tsuba. War hat. iron. | C7/24-12-13 | 5-5-0 31632 | A/- | Japan Seal Tortoise | W22/1-12-13 | 10-6 31633 | M/A/- | Persia Scrip. chiselled steel C. | | 4-15-0 31634 | GY/-/- | A. Irish Gold Celt | L5/21-6-13 | 21-10-0 31635 | T/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol | J10/3-2-16 | 14-0 31636 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol Oakes. London | | | 31637 | Y/- | India Pair Betel nut Cutters. | | | 31638 | GY/- | E. Africa Arm Shield Akiknyer. Ndomi. | | 2-2-0 31639 | S/- | Tibet Box brass. | | 14-0 31640 | Y/- | Norway Brandy Bowl. | | | 31641 | Y/- | Europe Set of Dental Instruments. | S4/1915 | 5-0 31642 | S/- | Tonga Club inlaid. small. | | | 31643 | /- | N. Guinea Stone Pounder | H36/1915 | 10-0 31644 | G/A/- | Eskimo Tobacco Pipe. | H28/2-1-14 | 3-10-0 31645 | N/- | Eskimo Harpoon Head & base ivory | | | 31646 | Y/- | N. American Bridle Ornament. | | | 31647 | G/A/- | Carved Rhino Horn [[? ]] Society [[?]] | W23/23-11-16 | 3-18-6 31648 | Y/- | B. N. Guinea Scoup. carved. | | | 31649 | Y/- | Europe Set of 2 Knives in case | | 8-0 31650 | Y/- | Europe Pocket Knife. many blades. | | 5-0 31651 | S/- | E. Africa Club [[image]] | | | 31652 | N/- | E. Africa Club [[image]] | | | 31653 | A/- | E. Africa Bowl. large | | | 31654 | GN/- | E. Africa Sling. | | | ################################################## EFwvx ################################################## [tl1_text] 417 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31655 | /- | Cord. | | 31656 | N/- | Swazi Double Steatite Pipe Bowl. C | | 12-6 31657 | G/- | E. Africa Pottery Bowl inlaid beads fig base C | | 6-0 31658 | G/- | E. Africa Pottery Bowl | | 31659 | GX/- | China Figure Copper. | | 31660 | GX/- | Solomon Bowl. inlaid good old work. | | 31661 | A/- | New Zealand Adze head. jade | | 31662 | M/GX/- | New Zealand Paddle. carved. | P16/30-15-14 | 8-16-0 31663 | GX/- | New Zealand Paddle. large. with raised knobs. | | 4-17-6 31664 | A/- | New Zealand Paddle. plain small | | 31665 | G/GX/- | E. Indies Shield. inlaid Ceram | | 31666 | S/- | Burmah Knife silver mt? Malay blade? | | 9-0 31667 | N/- | Bhotan Sword in half sheath. | | 31668 | G/-/- | S.E. Africa Pair Figures. | F7/4-12-16 | 1-18-0 31669 | Y/- | Europe. Dagger Handle. blue glass. Bristol. | | 31670 | Y/S | Europe. Pin for Shawl. Scotch | | 31671 | A/- | Syria Bronze Plaque or Clasp. Early Saracenic | | 8-6 31672 | M/- | China Sword Mount. | | 12-6 31673 | M/S | Tibet Powder Flask. | | 10-6 31674 | A/- | A. Egypt Ring Gold plated | | 14-0 31675 | A/- | A. Egypt Ring Gold plated | | 16-6 31676 | Y/S | A. Egypt Shell Beads Pre dynastic. | | 15-0 31677 | Y/S | A. Egypt Shell Beads Pre dynastic. | | 15-0 31678 | Y/- | A. Roman Bronze Claw. Cologne. | | 31679 | /- | A. Roman Bone Ring. Cologne. | | 31680 | GX/- | Pre historic Copper Celt N. Ireland. | | 1-1-0 31681 | T/S | England DB. revolving P.C Pistol | E6/1915 | 18-6 31682 | A/- | England P.C v. long barrelled Pistol. | E6/2-12-13 | 12-6 31683 | G/GX/- | Ceylon Large Figure with disease masks at sides modern 49 x 28 | S4/1915 | 3-3-0 31684 | Y/- | India Tulwar. silver dec. handle. | C7/1915 | 10-0 31685 | Y/- | India Tulwar. | | 6-0 31686 | Y/- | India Tulwar. | | 6-0 31687 | GY/S | | | 31688 | GX/- | Harvey I Large Working Adze. damaged. | | 4-15-0 31689 | G/-/- | Samoa Club carved all over [[image]] | | 4-15-0 31690 | GX/- | Tonga Club carved all over lobe. | P16/20-11-16 | 2-10-0 31691 | GX/- | Fiji Club carved all over straight star of ivory. | P16/20-11-16 | 1-18-6 31692 | GX/- | Australia Shield Victoria | | ################################################## EFwvA ################################################## [tl1_text] 418 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31693 | I/- | Australia Club. Victoria | | 31694 | Y/- | E. Africa? Nose Ring ivory | | 31695 | N/S | E. Africa? Ear Extender ivory [[image]] | | 31696 | GA/- | Ashanti Mask v. old. damaged. | C31/4-2-14 | 3-10-0 31697 | I/- | Ashanti Mask double-heads. | | 2-10-0 31698 | S/- | Ashanti Mask modern | | 31699 | S/- | Ashanti Mask modern | | 31700 | S/- | Ashanti Mask modern | C31/4-2-14 | 1-15-0 31701 | A/- | Ashanti Figure modern | S4/14-3-16 | 17-0 31702 | Y/- | Ashanti Arm drum & beater. | | 31703 | G/- | Ashanti Small Drum. | | 31704 | G/- | Ashanti Hammock | | 31705 | S/- | Ashanti Pair Tusks. | | 31706 | G.- | Ashanti Guitar. Hanssa | | 31707 | G/- | Ashanti Necklet. snake vertabrae | | 31708 | Y/- | Ashanti Axe. | | 12-6 31709 | G/- | Ashanti Sword or Cane Knife in leather sheath. | | 1-2-6 31710 | G/- | Ashanti Dagger. large | | 18-6 31711 | G/- | Ashanti Dagger. small | | 8-6 31712 | G/- | Ashanti Dagger. small | | 8-6 31713 | G/- | Ashanti Dagger. small | | 31714 | G/- | Ashanti Dagger. small | | 31715 | G/- | Ashanti Dagger. small | | 31716 | G/- | Ashanti Dagger. small Imatation table knife | | 7-6 31717 | G/- | Ashanti Dagger. small | | 31718 | G/- | Ashanti Quiver & 15 Arrows. v. complete Ilorin | | 1-10-0 31719 | G/- | Ashanti Quiver & 8 Arrows. v. complete Nupe | J12/4-7-14 | 1-0-0 31720 | G/- | Ashanti Quiver & 7 Arrows. Hanssa. | | 1-0-0 31721 | /- | Ashanti 7 Arrows Ilorin. | | 12-6 31722 | GY/- | Ashanti Box of various pieces. modern. | | 31723 | M/-/- | N. America Chinkri Stone v. fine. Mandar | | 6-15-0 31724 | G/A/- | N. America Chinkri Stone rougher Cherokee | | 3-5-0 31725 | | N. America Fishing Plumet Monroe Country. | H28/2-1-14 | 3-6 31726 | -/M | N. America Fishing Plumet Nichols NY | H28/2-1-14 | 3-6 31727 | -/M | N. America Fishing Plumet Baldville NY | H28/2-1-14 | 3-6 31728 | Y/- | N. America Hone Etched design. Londonville Ohio | H28/2-1-14 | 1-1-0 31729 | Y/- | N. America Gorget to twist bow strings Londonville Ohio | H28/2-1-14 | 1-1-0 31730 | -/S | N. America Amulet pierced steatite. Missouri | H28/2-1-14 | 10-0 ################################################## EFwvD ################################################## [tl1_text] 419 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31731 | G/- | N. America Stone Ring. Pittsfield Pike Co. | H28/2-1-14 | 6-0 31732 | /- | N. America Stone Pot. | | 5-0 31733 | G/- | N. America Curious pottery object. [[image]] Clinch R. E. Tenn | H28/2-1-14 | 7-6 31734 | GX/- | B. Columbia Celt. fine. jade. G/T/S | H28/2-1-14 | 1-10-0 31735 | A/- | B. Columbia Celt. rough Victoria. | K5/24-6-13 | 11-0 31736 | Y/- | B. Columbia Celt. hard stone perfect thick. | | 4-0 31737 | Y/- | B. Columbia Celt. Fort Rupert. | H28/2-1-14 | 5-0 31738 | Y/- | B. Columbia Celt. soft green stone. [[image]] | | 5-0 31739 | M/- | B. Columbia Celt. jade poor colour. Slave River | K5/24-6-13 | 7-6 31740 | Y/- | B. Columbia Celt. greenstone. small very. Slave River | H28/2-1-14 | 5-0 31741 | Y/- | B. Columbia Celt. greenstone. flat. poor colour. shows grooving Frazer R. | H28/2-1-14 | 7-0 31742 | Y/- | B. Columbia Celt. greenstone. broad. dark Frazer R. | H28/2-1-14 | 7-0 31743 | M/- | B. Columbia Celt. Jade very small. N. Saanich | H28/2-1-14 | 6-0 31744 | Y/- | B. Columbia Celt. Greenstone. Shell Mounds N. Saanich | H28/2-1-14 | 5-0 31745 | Y/- | B. Columbia Celt. grey stone. shows grooving Shell Mounds N. Saanich | H28/2-1-14 | 6-0 31746 | Y/- | B. Columbia Celt. granite. Shell Mounds N. Saanich | H28/2-1-14 | 6-0 31747 | M/- | B. Columbia Celt. jade. small. Mud Bay Inter. Boundary | H28/2-1-14 | 7-6 31748 | M/- | B. Columbia Spear Head. slate. Shell Mound. N. Saan | H28/2-1-14 | 5-0 31749 | A/- | B. Columbia Celt. jade. v. pale green. Alaska. | K5/24-6-13 | 10-6 31750 | /- | B. Columbia Hammer Stone. Port Stewart. | | 3-0 31751 | G/-/- | British Columbia bone Adze head with fastening | | 1-15-0 31752 | Y/GX/- | British Columbia Jade Adze. Caribou bone handle. Lytton. B.C. | S4/15-2-16 | 3-15-0 31753 | M/-/- | British Columbia Jade Maul Head. v. large. | H28/2-1-14 | 8-10-0 31754 | Y/-/- | British Columbia Jade Axe. v. long & narrow. | H28/2-1-14 | 5-10-0 31755 | GY/- | British Columbia Jade Axe. smaller | H28/2-1-14 | 2-15-0 31756 | I/- | British Columbia Jade Axe. smaller | H28/2-1-14 | 1-17-6 31757 | GX/- | British Columbia Jade Axe. very narrow. | H28/2-1-14 | 1-7-6 31758 | M/- | British Columbia Jade Axe. small broken | | 10-10 31759 | A/- | New Zealand Jade Axe. | | 31760 | S/- | Australia Axe head. N.S.W. Coranga. Cobay Dist. Bownes R. | | 31761 | GM/- | Australia Dagger. quartz | | 31762 | G/- | Australia Spear-head quartz North | | 31763 | G/N/- | A. Upper Egypt. Bronze Axe. 13 x 9 cm Ex. Myers Sale 1890 | | 3-3-0 31764 | G/N/- | Sardinia Bronze Axe. | B48/1915 | 2-15-0 31765 | Y/-/- | A. Irish Bronze Trumpet End. [[image]] | | 7-7-0 31766 | G/C/- | [[strikethrough]]America Metal Ornament[[/strikethrough]] [[image]] | | 5-10-0 31767 | /- | N. America Metal Ornament. E. Cayuga or Old Town N.Y. | | 31768 | G/-/- | N. America Tobacco Pipe 2 beavers. | H28/2-1-14 | 2-10-0 ################################################## EFwvG ################################################## [tl1_text] 419 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31769 | GT/S | N.America Pipe.ram on stem Cherokee| H28/2-1-14| 1-16-0 31770 | Y/- | N. America Pipe. greenish stone. Ohio| | 10-6 31771 | M/-/- | British Columbia Pipe v.rare form Queen Charlotte I| N11/7-10-16| 3-3-0 31772 | M/- | N. America Pipe red stone inlaid lead.| | 14-0 31773 | Y/-/- | Eskimo Pipe green steatite bowl. | | 4-4-0 31774 | /- | E. Europe Pipe & 2 bowls. | | 2-0 31775 | /- | England XVII Cent Pipe & 5 Broseley Bowles| | 8-6 31776 | G/- | Collection of Swiss Lake Awls &c.| K5/22-6-14 | 10-6 31777 | M/- | E.Africa Shield pith Awemba T. Loangwa R. No. Karonga N.Lake Nyassa| | 1-12-6 31778 | M/- | E.Africa Shield pith different. Awemba T. Loangwa R. 50" x 4" No. Karonga N.Lake Nyassa| | 1-12-6 31779 | M/- | E.Africa Tobacco Pipe [[image]] large. Loangwa R. No. Karonga| | 1-5-0 31780 | M/- | E.Africa Tobacco Pipe carved small. C| | 1-5-0 31781 | M/- | E.Africa Tobacco Pipe plain small. | S4/29-2-16| 10-0 31782 | M/- | E.Africa Tobacco Pipe plain small. | | 14-0 31783 | Y/- | E.Africa Snuff Box.carved & bound metal. Wankonde No. Karonga N.Lake Nyassa| | 10-0 31784 | Y/- | E.Africa Snuff Box.carved & bound metal. Wankonde No. Karonga N.Lake Nyassa| | 8-0 31785 | Y/- | E.Africa Snuff Box.carved & bound metal. Wankonde No. Karonga N.Lake Nyassa| | 8-0 31786 | Y/- | E.Africa Snuff Box.carved & bound metal. Wankonde No. Karonga N.Lake Nyassa| | 7-0 31787 | Y/- | E.Africa Snuff Box.carved & bound metal. Wankonde No. Karonga N.Lake Nyassa| | 7-0 31788 | Y/- | E.Africa Snuff Box.carved & bound metal. Wankonde No. Karonga N.Lake Nyassa| | 6-0 31789 | Y/- | E.Africa Snuff Box.carved & bound metal. Wankonde No. Karonga N.Lake Nyassa| S4/29-2-16| 4-0 31790 | Y/- | E.Africa Snuff Box.carved & bound metal. Wankonde No. Karonga N.Lake Nyassa| | 5-0 31791 | Y/- | E.Africa Snuff Box.carved & bound metal. Wankonde No. Karonga N.Lake Nyassa| | 4-0 31792 | M/- | E.Africa Body Ring iron Awemba T. Loangwa R. N.Lake Nyassa| S4/29-2-16| 17-0 31793 | M/- | E.Africa Body Ring copper Awemba T. Loangwa R. N.Lake Nyassa| | 17-6 31794 | M/- | E.Africa Body Ring copper Awemba T. Loangwa R. N.Lake Nyassa| | 12-6 31795 | M/- | E.Africa Body Ring copper Awemba T. Loangwa R. N.Lake Nyassa| | 12-6 31796 | M/- | E.Africa Body Ring brass & copper Awemba T. Loangwa R. N.Lake Nyassa| S4/29-2-16| 17-0 31797 | -/S | E.Africa Pelele or Lip plug Awemba T. Loangwa R. N.Lake Nyassa| | 15-0 31798 | -/S | E.Africa Pelele or Lip plug Awemba T. Loangwa R. N.Lake Nyassa| | 14-0 31799 | -/S | E.Africa Pelele or Lip plug Awemba T. Loangwa R. N.Lake Nyassa| | 14-0 31800 | -/S | E.Africa Pelele or Lip plug Awemba T. Loangwa R. N.Lake Nyassa| | 14-0 31801 | Y/- | E.Africa Bark Robe N. Lake Nyassa | | 15-0 31802 | Y/- | E. Africa Bark Robe N. Lake Nyassa | | 14-0 31803 | Y/- | E. Africa Bark Robe N. Lake Nyassa | | 13-0 31804 | G/S | E.Africa Bark Robe N. Lake Nyassa | F20/[[?]]-6-14| 12-6 31805 | G/S | E. Africa Bark Robe N. Lake Nyassa | | 12-6 31806 | G/- | E. Africa Bark Robe N. Lake Nyassa | | 12-6 ################################################## EFwvJ ################################################## [tl1_text] 419 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31807 | M/- | Tibet Small Deity | | 10-6 31808 | Y/S | Tibet Small Shrine Case containing Deity & Seal| | 12-6 31809 | Y/S | Tibet Charm Case damaged silver ? | | 7-6 31810 | Y/S | Tibet Charm Case damaged | | 6-0 31811 | Y/- | Clasp set turquoise | | 5-0 31812 | T/S | A. Egypt. Carved Stick. | | 1-1-0 31813 | I/GA/- | New Zealand Bone Club. Wabaika # | | 31814 | A/- | New Zealand Adze-head Jade. | | 31815 | M/M/- | Japan. Figure. ivory | H28/2-1-14 | 4-4-0 31816 | G/GX/- | W. Africa Fetish Knife C| W22/35-[[1-16?]] | 4-4-0 31817 | GX/- | W. Africa Ivory Horn. very small. C| | 18-6 31818 | A/-/- | India Deity. copper. Elephant| B44/20-10-13 | 10-10-0 31819 | YI/-/- | New Zealand Model Canoe. C| C34/7-4-16| 31-10-0 31820 | G/-/- | Harvey Stone Pounder [[image]] | | 5-5-0 31821 | G/-/- | Tonga Staff carved all over | | 31822 | T/- | Fiji Belt Club # | | 31823 | A/- | Fiji Belt Club | | 31824 | T/- | Fiji Cannibal Fork. # | | 31825 | S/- | Fiji Club. gunstock from UPOLU Samoa| | 31826 | Y/S | Samoa Club. serrated. modern. | | 31827 | GY/- | Nicu Club[[image]] BORA BORA. Society Isls.| | 3-12-6 31828 | GA/- | Nicu Staff very rare. | | 3-12-6 31829 | M/- | New Hebrides Club | | 31830 | G/- | Australia Boomerang Victoria | | 31831 | G/- | Australia Boomerang Victoria | | 31832 | /S | S. Africa Assegai. | | 31833 | GA/S | S. Africa Head Ring. Zulu. | | 31834 | T/- | Borneo. Singing Kettle. Brunei| | 31835 | GG/GX/- | A. Irish Gold Celt. | S49/19-7-13 | 16-0-0 31836 | A/- | England Pair 18th Cent Balances in case| S50/20-3-16| 7-6 31837 | Y/-/- | Harvey I. Paddle. v. long. blade damaged | | 31838 | GX/- | Harvey I. Paddle. small broken | | 31839 | M/- | Harvey I. Paddle. | | 31940 | GX/- | New Zealand Paddle | | 31941 | G/A/- | New Zealand Hani. | | 31942 | GA/- | Ashanti Execution Knife. v.old. One of K. Prempton Ex [[?]] | | 5-5-0 31943 | T/S | Philippine Sword Ilanan| | 31944 | T/S | Philippine Sword Ilanan| | ################################################## EFwvM ################################################## [tl1_text] 420 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31845 | GA/- | Borneo Parang Duntok silver mounted. | | 1-12-6 31846 | S/- | S. America Drum. v large with extra top. Puta mayo R | | 2-18-0 31847 | S/- | S. America Club [[image]] binding Brazil C | | 2-5-0 [[strikethrough]] 1-10-0[[/strikethrough]] 31848 | N/- | S. America Bow | | 18-6 31849 | Y/S | B. New Guinea Bull Roarer. (Aroholo) Ilema. | | 12-6 31850 | Y/- | B. New Guinea Dagger. bone. Ilema. | | 31851 | T/- | Assam Axe. Naga. | | 31852 | T/S | Assam Axe. smaller Naga. | | 31853 | G/G/- | Australia Sword. Scrub natives. Victoria | | 31854 | A/- | S. America Girls Dress. beads [[image]] B. Guinana | | 6-0 31855 | M/- | S. America Girls Dress. beads v. small 5" x 3" | | 7-6 31856 | M/- | S. America Girls Dress. beads v. small | | 6-6 31857 | M/- | S. Africa Woman's Dress. hide & beads. [[image]] | | 7-6 31858 | M/- | S. Africa Woman's Dress. hide & beads. | | 6-0 31859 | Y/- | S. Africa Woman's Dress. hide & beads. not so fine | | 4-0 31860 | Y/- | S. Africa Woman's Dress. hide & beads. not so fine | | 4-0 31861 | GX/- | Solomon Spear. inlaid. | | 1-1-0 31862 | M/-/- | New Zealand Club. "Wahaika." damaged. fine figure. | | 31863 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Club Tewhatewa Extremely large specimen | | 5-0-0 31864 | G/GA/- | New Zealand Hani. extra large & fine. | | 31865 | G/A/- | New Zealand Hani. extra large & fine. | | 31866 | G/A/- | New Zealand Hani. extra large & fine. | | 31867 | G/-/- | New Zealand Hani. extra large & fine. | | 31868 | G/- | Tonga Comb. damaged. old. | | 12-0 31869 | T/- | Fiji Lalis. Drum. | | 14-0 31870 | T/- | Australia Message Stick N. Queensland | K5/1915 | 8-0 31871 | A/- | Australia Message Stick | | 31872 | N/- | Australia Message Stick | | 10-6 31873 | M/- | Solomon Armlet. shell. | | 31874 | G/- | New Guinea Armlet. Turbo shell. | | 31875 | /- | India Set of glass bangles | | 31876 | /- | India Deity. brass Ganesha | | 2-0 31877 | /- | India Deity. plaster | | 3-0 31878 | S/- | Pair v. small Rhino Horns on skin. | | 31879 | GA/- | Figure sheet brass on face | | 31880 | M/- | Gaboon Cross Bow Stock. Fan. | | 31881 | Y/- | Gaboon Sickle Sword. | | 31882 | G/G/- | N.W. Australia Spear Thrower. carved. fine. | | ################################################## EFwvP ################################################## [tl1_text] [[preprinted]] 420 [[preprnted]] [[5 column table]] 31883 | /. | N. Australia Spear Head | | 31884 | GY/. | N. Australia Shield. Victoria | | 31885 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31886 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31887 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31888 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31889 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31890 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31891 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31892 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31893 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31894 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31895 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31896 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31897 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31898 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31899 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31900 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31901 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31902 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31903 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31904 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31905 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31906 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31907 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31908 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31909 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31910 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31911 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31912 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31913 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31914 | G/. | Admiralty Dagger Obsidian blade | | 31915 | Y/. | Admiralty Spear double head | | 31916 | Y/. | Admiralty Spear Single head | | 31917 | Y/. | Admiralty Spear Single head | | 31918 | Y/. | Admiralty Spear Single head | | 31919 | Y/. | Admiralty Spear Single head | | 31920 | Y/. | Admiralty Spear Single head | | ################################################## EFwvS ################################################## [tl1_text] 421 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31921 | G/- | N. America Whip. modern | | 2-6 31922 | GG/- | N. America Pipe Tomahawk. small. [[?]] | | 2-2-0 31923 | I/- | B. New Guinea Adze. | | | 31924 | GI/- | Soudan Doll. (See Man 1903 No.28) Khartoum. | | 1-10-0 31925 | C/- | S.E. Africa Pipe. green stone. | | | 31926 | M/- | Soudan 6 large Spears. | L24/17-1-14 | 1-0-0 31927 | N/- | Soudan 8 small Spears. | L24/17-1-14 | 16-0 31928 | G/- | Soudan Spear. large head 15/- | | 1-1-0 31929 | G/- | Soudan Spear. large head pierced with bullet holes. 17/6 | [[?]] | 1-6-0 31930 | Y/-/- | Harvey I Spear. carved wood. | | | 31931 | G/GY/- | Tonga Club. raised carving. [[image]] | | 3-15-0 31932 | A/- | Fiji Club Pine apple damaged. | | | 31933 | Y/- | Santa Cruz Club | | | 31934 | M/- | B. New Guinea Club stone head. | | | 31935 | GS/T/- | Ecuador. Shrunken Trophy head. Jivaro. C | | 28-10-0 31936 | M/- | Africa Pipe. rough lumps of clay baked C | | 17-6 31937 | M/- | Africa Pipe. rough lumps of clay smaller. red [[burns?]] C | | 12-6 31938 | G/-/- | Solomon Small Canoe Figure Head. inlaid ears broken. Rubiania | | 2-5-0 31939 | GX/- | S. African Doll. | | | 31940 | M/- | S. African Necklet Charm. | | | 31941 | GY/G/S | Pair v. large Rhino Horns. [[40-1/2cm?]] | | | 31942 | Y/- | Ganguella Small Spear | | | 31943 | Y/- | Ganguella Small Spear | | | 31944 | Y/- | Ganguella Small Spear | | | 31945 | Y/- | Ganguella Small Spear | | | 31946 | /- | German S. W. Africa Bow & 1 Arrow | J12/4-7-14 | 8-0 31947 | /- | German S. W. Africa Bow & 1 Arrow [[?]] hide cord | J12/4-7-14 | 10-6 31948 | G/- | German S. W. Africa Club carved | | | 31949 | M/- | German S. W. Africa Staff carved figure top | S4/29-2-16 | 18-0 31950 | M/- | German S. W. Africa Staff carved head top | | | 31951 | G/- | Spear | | | 31952 | G/G/- | China Poison deetecting Cup. Rhino horn. damaged | | | 31953 | S/- | Japan Bow. v. large | | 1-7-6 31954 | Y/- | Japan Bow. 4 Arrows. | | | 31955 | A/- | S. Sea. Bundle of 7 Spears. various | | | 31956 | /- | Zanzibar Fork & spoon carved wood. | | | 31957 | Y/-/- | India Matchlock Gun with bayonet | S35/20-9-13 | 6-15-0 31958 | A/GX/- | England B.L F.L Rifle trigger guard screw early Furgession | S40/16-12-13 | 10-0-0 ################################################## EFwvV ################################################## [tl1_text] 421 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31959 | A/- | Congo Fetish Figure. foot broken | | 16-6 31960 | GN/- | Persia Bow. composite. with silk cord. very fine perfect specimen | S35/20-9-13 | 2-10-0 31961 | S/- | India Bow. composite. | J12/4-7-14 | 1-15-0 31962 | GX/- | Philippine Kris. fine blade wavy. ivory mounts. Sulu. | | [[strikethrough]] 1-10-0 [[/strikethrough]] 2-18-0 31963 | GA/- | India Parrying Shaft. all steel. [[image]] Poona. | S35/30-12-13 | 1-15-0 31964 | Y/-/- | S. India Ayda Katti. silver hilt. v. fine. | S35/20-9-13 | 5-5-0 31965 | GX/- | S. India Ayda Katti. horn hilt. large plain. | | 1-1-0 31966 | GX/- | S. India Ayda Katti different type. thin two edged blade. | S35/20-9-13 | 1-12-6 31967 | T/- | S. India Large Sacrificial Knife. [[image]] | S35/20-9-13 | 2-8-6 31968 | T/- | S. India Large Sacrificial Knife. [[image]] lac handle | S35/20-9-13 | 4-4-0 31969 | S/- | S. India Large Sacrificial Knife. chiselled base. | | 3-15-0 31970 | /- | S. India Knife or Cleaver. very rough | | 12-6 31971 | A/- | S. India Bow. decorated. | J12/4-7-14 | 1-5-0 31972 | /- | S. America Bundle Arrows. Brazil | | 10-6 31973 | GX/- | New Zealand Hani. large. mat. carved face on tongue. 4-10-0 } All belonged to one Chief got by Early Settler | | | 31974 | GX/- | New Zealand Hani. [[image]] 4-10-0 } | | 12-10-0 31975 | GX/- | New Zealand Hani. Tewhatewa. [[image]] 3-10-0 } | | | 31976 | N/- | New Zealand Paddle. | | | 31977 | Y/- | N.W. America Basket Hat. Said to have been collected by Vancouver 1792 California | B21/28-12-13 | 2-0-0 31978 | Y/- | N.W. America Basket Hat. | | 3-3-0 31979 | Y/- | N.W. America Basket Hat. California | 15/15/- { | 3-3-0 31980 | A/- | N.W. America Dress or Kilt [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]] one piece } | { | 12-16-0 31981 | A/-/- | N.W. America Hide Dress. & 1 Kilt } | B21/26-12-13 | 28-0-0 31982 | G/-/- | North America Bow lined gut Plains Indians | H28/2-1-14 | 4-10-0 31983 | GX/- | North America 10 Arrows 5 perfect 4 imperfect glass head iron Plains Indians | | | 31984 | M/- | India Composite Bow. surface perished. | A14/11-9-13 | 1-5-0 31985 | N/- | India 11 Arrows. several with blunt ends [[image]] | J12/4-7-14 | 12-6 31986 | M/- | Brazil Bow. | J12/4-7-14 | 12-0 31987 | G/GA/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant. pale jade. curved [[image]] | | 5-5-0 31988 | Y/GX/- | Germany Pair FL Pistols. BERNSDORFER. large silver crests. | G17/28-8-16 | 4-0-0 31989 | G/I/- | Germany Pair FL Pistols. barrels inlaid. | F11/6-11-13 | 4-4-0 31990 | G/GA/- | Fiji Club. paddle shaped. very rare form damaged. | | 4-15-0 31991 | Y/Y/- | # | | | 31992 | Y/-/- | # | | | 31993 | Y/- | E. Africa Club. Rhino-horn head iron shaft. | | | 31994 | GX/- | N. America Gun Case quill bands | H28/2-1-14 | 4-4-0 31995 | T/- | N. America Gun Case stitched bands | | 2-18-0 31996 | Y/- | N. America Head Band. modern. | | 6-0 ################################################## EFwvY ################################################## [tl1_text] 422 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 31997 | G/- | N. America Dec: Work. modern | H28/2-1-14 | 7-6 31998 | /- | N. America Pair Cloth Leggings. modern. | | 10-6 31999 | Y/- | N. America Large Pouch. dec: quill & beads. semi-modern. | H28/2-1-14 | 18-6 32000 | GX/S | Congo Bronze Torque. | S4/1915 | 15-0 32001 | Y/- | Tobacco Pipe. clay bowl. | | | 32002 | G/-/- | Marquesas Club. fine specimen. | | 18-0-0 32003 | I/S | Tonga Club. carved all over. | | 5-15-0 32004 | GN/-/- | New Zealand. Teki. see history | | [[strikethrough]] 26-10-0 [[/strikethrough]] 34-0-0 32005 | YS/-/- | New Zealand Meri. fine jade 16⅜ or 41.50 cm x 4¼. (With history) | | 100-0-0 32006 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Meri. thin. modern. | | 3-10-0 32007 | GX/- | New Zealand Meri. Fragment of very large specimen. | | 2 32008 | G/-/- | W. Africa Drum. carved & coloured. 3'6" x 16' Tribal Crests Yourabu | | 3-15-0 32009 | GX/- | Congo Small wood Drum. Figure head. | | 1-1-0 32010 | G/GA/- | [[strikethrough]] Ceylon [[/strikethrough]] S India Comb. ivory finely carved. | | 3-3-0 32011 | A/- | Australia Boomerang. enlarged end. [[image]] New South Wales | | | 32012 | M/-/- | Benin Figure of Portuguese Bronze. | | 5-10-0 32013 | M/GA/- | Benin Breast Plaque Aegis | | 6-6-0 32014 | G/GX/- | Benin Bell. large fine. | | 4-4-0 32015 | N/GX/- | Benin Mask. fine. | | 6-6-0 32016 | GX/GX/- | New Caledonia Chiefs Axe. 'Nbonet'. fine specimen. dark green | | 26-0-0 32017 | Y/-/- | New Caledonia Club # | | | 32018 | A/- | New Caledonia Sling. | | 12-6 32019 | G/A/- | New Caledonia Sling Bolt Case & 12 bolts | 2/7/6 {| 2-2-0 32020 | M/-/- | Rotumah Club ex: large. | | 7-7-0 32021 | T/GX/- | Mangaia Adze. v. long. perfect. | | 12-10-0 32022 | A/-/- | Mangaia Adze. | | | 32023 | GX/- | Guiania Club. fine binding Macana [[strikethrough]] C [[/strikethrough]] | | [[strikethrough]] 1-5-0 [[/strikethrough]] 1-10-0 32024 | M/- | Fiji Belt Club. fine old specimen with notch tally | | 1-1-0 32025 | M/- | Fiji Belt Club. [[Jens?]]| J12/8-3-16 | 10-0 32026 | M/- | Fiji Belt Club. | | 15-0 32027 | M/- | Fiji Belt Club. | | 14-0 32028 | M/- | Fiji Belt Club. [[Jens?]] | | 10-0 32029 | GX/- | E. Africa Rhino Kerry. | | 18-6 32030 | A/- | Europe Hunting Sword. | L25/1-6-16 | 18-0 32031 | T/S | Harvey Paddle Staff. fine carving. | | | 32032 | S/- | Ganguella Club. 2 heads fine | | | 32033 | M/- | Ganguella Club. 1 head | | | 32034 | G/- | Europe Curious Powder Flask | E6/1-1-14 | 7-6 ################################################## EFww1 ################################################## [tl1_text] 422 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32035 | Y/GX/- | British Columbia Shale Pipe v. fine. with history | | 32036 | YS/A/- | New Zealand Meri Jade. 13¾. v. old 35 cm 35. | [[strikethrough]]36/-/-[[/strikethrough]] 46 | [[strikethrough]]50-0-0[[/strikethrough]] 48-0-0 32037 | GG/-/- | New Zealand Hoe Jade. 12 x 3½ v. old 21 | | 28-10-0 32038 | GC/GY/S | New Zealand Teki Jade. with toggle. v. fine. 4¾" 28 | £35 | 27-15-0 [[strikethrough]]32-0-0[[/strikethrough]] 32039 | T/-/- | New Zealand Teki Jade. small. v. old. 3½ | L2/16-6-16 | 9-0-0 32040 | A/GX/- | New Zealand Teki Jade. smaller. v. old 3½ | L2/16-6-16 | 7-10-0 32041 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Teki Head Jade. ex: fine work | | 10-10-0 [[strikethrough]]8-15-0[[/strikethrough]] 32042 | A/- | China Jade Carving. | | 1-2-6 32043 | GA/- | N. Zealand Ear Ornament. Whale tooth. | | 2-7-6 32044 | C/- | Tibet Trumpet human bone. cov? velvet. } From the collection of Mr Alfred Water Paul during the Sikkim Expedition of 1888 CIE and the Younghusband Expedition to Tibet Exhibited in the Bristol Museum. | | 1-5-0 32045 | S/- | Tibet Trumpet human bone. v. fine copper mouth } | | 1-16-0 32046 | S/- | Tibet Trumpet human bone. copper mouth } | | 1-7-6 32047 | S/- | Tibet Trumpet human bone. plainer | | 1-1-0 32048 | M/M/- | Tibet Clarionets. a pair. brass silver mounts. v. fine | | 7-15-0 32049 | M/- | Tibet Clarionets. single. plain. | | 10-6 32050 | N/- | Tibet Drum. double. [[image]] | | 7-6 32051 | Y/- | Tibet Drum. small. wood. silver mound | | 1-1-0 32052 | GX/- | Tibet Guitar. fine. painted with deities carved top | S21/28-12-13 | 2-18-6 32053 | M/- | Tibet Guitar. different shape. not so good. | | 1-10-0 32054 | M/-/- | Tibet Temple Ball. v. massive. dec: 55 cm H. 41 cm dia. 60 lbs. Weight abt. dorju base | | 7-15-0 32055 | A/- | Tibet Set of Horse Bells. | | 1-7-6 32056 | GA/- | Tibet Matchlock. forked rest | S35/20-9-13 | 3-18-6 32057 | N/- | Tibet Set Powder Cases. | S35/20-9-13 | 18-6 32058 | N/- | Tibet Powder Flask dec. | S35/20-9-13 | 16-0 32059 | Y/- | Tibet Powder Flask plain. | | 7-6 32060 | M/- | Tibet Powder Flask Primer & Bullet Case. | S35/20-9-13 | 1-7-6 32061 | M/- | Tibet Powder Primer. carved horn. | | 16-0 32062 | A/- | Tibet 3 double Powder Charges [[image]] | S35/20-9-13 | 1-1-0 32063 | A/- | Tibet Bandolier | S35/20-9-13 | 1-5-0 32064 | A/- | Tibet Bullet Mould. | | 12-6 32065 | S/- | Tibet Bullet Mould. double in case. | S35/20-9-13 | 16-0 32066 | Y/- | Tibet Powder Flask. large | S35/20-9-13 | 10-0 32067 | Y/- | Tibet Bullet Flask. large | S35/20-9-13 | 8-6 32068 | I/- | Tibet Bow. Composite with cover | S35/20-9-13 | 1-2-6 32069 | T/- | Tibet Cane Quiver & 8 Arrows | S35/20-9-13 | 1-10-0 32070 | GI/- | Tibet Helmet. steel. | S35/20-9-13 | 3-10-0 32071 | GI/- | Tibet Helmet. Padded Silk. | S35/20-9-13 | 2-5-0 32072 | GI/- | Tibet Helmet. iron plates in velvet. | S35/20-9-13 | 2-15-0 ################################################## EFww4 ################################################## [tl1_text] 423 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32073 | A/- | Tibet Spear. | | 18-6 32074 | GS/- | Tibet Shield v. fine. 22-1/2" dia silver crescent. sold | S35/20-9-13 | 1-15-0 32075 | S/- | Tibet Shield rougher. 19" dia | | 15-0 32076 | G/GX/- | Tibet War Saddle. Stirrups. Bridle. Saddle Cloth [[image]] | | 6-15-0 32077 | GX/- | Tibet Sword. cup guard. inlaid pommel. | S35/20-9-13 | 1-7-6 32078 | I/- | Tibet Sword. v.old. inlaid pommel. | | 1-5-0 32079 | Y/- | Bhotan Sword v. rough | | 6-0 32080 | GX/- | Bhotan Sword small, in half sheath. ivory hilt. | S35/20-9-13 | 1-12-6 32081 | A/- | Bhotan Sword small, in half sheath. silver mtd | S35/20-12-13 | 18-6 32082 | Y/- | Bhotan Sword small, in half sheath. plain | S35/20-12-13 | 8-6 32083 | M/- | Bhotan Dagger. | S35/20-12-13 | 16-0 32084 | A/- | Tibet Spear | S35/21-10-16 | 18-6 32085 | A/- | Tibet Bow composite. | S21/28-12-13 | 1-1-0 32086 | A/- | Tibet Quiver Box & 8 Arrows. green. Bhotan. | S21/28-12-13 | 1-15-0 32087 | A/- | Tibet Shield In stock. | | 1-7-6 32088 | A/- | Tibet Matchlock. no match holder. simply touched off by hand. | | [[strikethrough]] 2-18-6 [[strikethrough]] 2-2-0 32089 | A/- | Tibet Matchlock. Carbine barrel inlaid | | [[strikethrough]] 2-18-6 [[strikethrough]] 2-2-0 32090 | A/- | Tibet Bandolier iron case & primer | | 1-5-0 32091 | N/- | Tibet Powder Flask & primer | | 16-0 32092 | M/- | Tibet Powder Flask x. large [[image]] | | 10-0 32093 | M/- | Tibet Powder Flask small [[image]] | | 12-6 32094 | Y/- | Tibet Powder Primer carved horn. wheel of life Dorgi tc | | 18-6 32095 | Y/- | Tibet Powder Primer fluted horn | | 18-6 32096 | Y/- | Tibet 2 Powder Primer plain | | 6-0 32097 | Y/- | Tibet Bullet Pouch & Bullets. | | 10-0 32098 | GX/- | Tibet Sword. large set with stones. pierced brass | S35/20-12-13 | 1-15-0 32099 | N/- | Tibet Sling. | S35/20-12-13 | 16-0 32100 | Y/-/- | Bhotan Sword Belt. very massive pierced & tooled silver | S35/20-12-13 | 4-4-0 32101 | Y/- | Bhotan Sword Belt. very massive / pierced & tooled base metal | | 1-7-6 32102 | N/- | Tibet Tea & Butter Churn. | S21/28-12-13 | 1-12-6 32103 | Y/A/- | Tibet Lock. finely chiselled iron. v. fine old piece C | | 3-15-0 32104 | G/-/- | Tibet Incense Burner. iron. [[image]] C | | 2-2-0 32105 | -/S | Tibet 'Steel Yard' stone weight covered hide | | 10-0 32106 | -/S | Tibet 'Steel Yard' stone weight covered hide | | 10-0 32107 | -/S | Tibet Whip | | 10-0 32108 | -/S | Tibet Whip different | | 10-0 32109 | G/- | Tibet Carpenter's Square. | | 7-6 32110 | G/- | Tibet Pair Scissors. large. | | 6-0 ################################################## EFww7 ################################################## [tl1_text] 423 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32111 | G/- | Tibet Round iron Box encased in hide | | 10-0 32112 | N/- | Tibet Pair Stirrups chiselled iron partly gilt. | S35/20-12-13 | 1-7-6 32113 | GX/- | Tibet Tea Cup Case tooled iron. v. old fine piece. | | 2-7-6 32114 | GX/- | Tibet Mask. silver mts. | | [[strikethrough]] 1-5-0 [[strikethrough]] 1-12-6 32115 | M/- | Tibet Saddle Pocket. decorated. | | 10-0 32116 | -/S | Bhotan Water Carrier. Section bamboo covd grass work. bound copper | S21/28-12-13 | 8-0 32117 | -/S | Bhotan Water Carrier. Section bamboo covd grass work. plain | | 5-0 32118 | -/S | Bhotan Cushion. basket work. [[image]] | | 5-0 32119 | -/S | Bhotan Cushion. basket work. [[image]] smaller | | 4-0 32120 | S/- | Tibet Collection of 6 pairs Boots & Shoes. some very rare. | S21/28-12-13 | 2-2-0 32121 | M/- | Tibet Collection of 3 Hats. Chinese types. | S21/28-12-13 | 14-0 32122 | Y/GA/- | Tibet Gnomon Stick or Staff Sundial. silver mounted. | | 5-10-0 32123 | Y/Gx/- | Tibet Gnomon Stick or Staff smaller but exceedingly fine. | | 6-6-0 32124 | GA/- | Tibet Gnomon Stick or Staff carved. no mounts. | S21/28-12-13 | 2-15-0 32125 | A/- | Tibet Tinder Pouch large. old | | 1-2-6 32126 | Y/- | Tibet Tinder Pouch smaller. old. | | 12-6 32127 | A/- | Tibet Pen case pierced & gilt iron. v. fine like Jap:'Namban' | S35/20-12-13 | 2-10-0 32128 | Y/- | Tibet Pen case pierced white metal | | 1-1-0 32129 | M/- | Tibet Pen case & small copper Ink Bottle. silver mts | | 1-1-0 32130 | A/- | Tibet Ink Bottle. copper silver mounts. ex fine | | 1-12-6 32131 | M/- | Tibet Ink Bottle. copper. smaller | | 14-0 32132 | A/- | Tibet Harness Mounts 5. iron damasceened silver. | | 1-1-0 32133 | G/- | Tibet Fish Hooks & line. | S21/28-12-13 | 6-0 32134 | A/- | Tibet Shrine. Eleven headed Kwan yin. Massive slate slab carved in relief & coloured | | 4-15-0 32135 | Y/- | Tibet Model Temple with great number of shrines with doors & clay deities. | | 2-2-0 32136 | G/GX/- | Tibet Set of Soldier's Charms. 3 fine large copper cases | | 5-5-0 32137 | G/GX/- | Tibet Set of Soldiers' Charms. 3 smaller copper cases | | 4-4-0 32138 | I/- | Tibet Charm Case copper [[image]] large. | | 2-2-0 32139 | M/- | Tibet Charm Case filled with charm. copper & brass. v. old. [[image]] | | 1-15-0 32140 | M/- | Tibet Charm Case filled with charm. copper v. old. [[image]] | | 1-7-6 32141 | M/- | Tibet Charm Case filled with charm. brass smaller [[image]] | | 11-0 32142 | M/- | Tibet Charm Case containing small deity silver front with seal | | 2-2-0 32143 | M/- | Tibet Charm Case containing small deity silver front with seal | | 2-2-0 32144 | M/- | Tibet Charm Case containing small deity brass with seal | | 1-7-6 32145 | C/- | Tibet Prayer Wheel. covered leather. | | 1-10-0 32146 | C/- | Tibet Prayer Wheel. silver. v. fine. plain handle. | | 2-10-0 32147 | N/- | Tibet Prayer Propeller. wood covd inscription | S4/1915 | 1-7-6 32148 | G/- | Tibet A letter form Monastery. in bamboo case. | S21/28-12-13| 5-0 ################################################## EFwwa ################################################## [tl1_text] 424 [[5 Printing Blocks (for charms?) labelled 32212,32213,32214,32215 and 32216]] [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32149 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms. ex fine. to print 5 separate charms 46 x 14 | | 3-3-0 32150 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms to print 2 21 x 18 | | 2-10-0 32151 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms 2 21 x 21 | | 2-10-0 32152 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms. Wealth Cha 1 17 x 16cm | | 1-17-6 32153 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms. 1 human fig. 19 x 14 |S21/28-12-13| 1-2-6 32154 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms. 1 hand. 19 x 12 | | 1-7-6 32155 | A/- | Tibet Printing Block to print charms. 2 small one. 19 x 13 | | 1-2-6 32156 | M/-/- | Tibet Book Cover.massive wood elaborately carved.74 x 31 x 3.50 thick. v.old 3 large & 26 small att: deities| | 7-18-0 32157 | -/S | Tibet Small Book. printed & written| S21/28-12-13| 12-6 32158 | -/S | Tibet. Small Book. | S4/1915 | 7-6 32159 | -/S | Tibet. Small Book. printed | S4/1915 | 7-6 32160 | -/S | Tibet. Small Book. written MSS. | S4/1915 | 10-6 32161 | /- | Tibet Bundle of writings | S4/1915| 6-0 or 1-6-0 32162 | A/- | Tibet Chalis silver.pierced repousee work at base [[image]] 10cm x 10cm 8p [[lotus?]] |F17/13-11-13| 3-10-0 32163 | G/- | Tibet Tea Cup & Cover silver. v.fine specimen| F17/13-11-13| 1-10-0 32164 | /- | Tibet Tea Cup & Cover silver mt only no cover|S21/28-12 -13| 5-0 32165 | G/- | Tibet Skull Bowl with gilt dorge top.silver base | | 2-5-0 32166 | Y/- | Tibet. Hat Ornament silver. coral at top | | 18-0 32167 | M/- | Tibet Lime Box solid silver.very fine.part gilt.set turquoise| F17/13-11-13| 2-5-0 32168 | M/- | Tibet Lime Box solid silver. very fine| F17/13-11-13 | 2-0-0 32169 | Y/- | Tibet Lime Box copper gilt fine work. silver emblem| | 1-1-0 32170 | Y/- | Tibet Lime Box copper gilt fine work. silver? emblem | | 18-6 32171 | Y/- | Tibet Lime Box copper gilt fine work.silver emblem & chain | | 1-1-0 32172 | G/- | Tibet. Lime Box brass. & copper. | | 12-6 32173 | Y/- | Tibet Lime Box silver different form| F17/13-11-13| 1-15-0 32174 | G/- | Tibet. Charm Box silver [[image]] | | 1-1-0 32175 | G/- | Tibet. Pair Armlets silver dragon ends [[image]] | | 1-5-0 32176 | Y/- | Tibet. Pair Armlets silver chain v. heavy 8 ozs. | | 1-8-6 32177 | G/- | Tibet Set Chop Sticks.shagreen.fine old set|S21/28-12-13 | 16-0 32178 | G/- | Tibet. Set Chop Sticks. iron fret. not so old| | 14-0 32179 | /- | Tibet. Set Chop Sticks. modern. | | 5-0 32180 | /- | Tibet. Set Chop Sticks. modern. | | 4-0 32181 | /- | Tibet. Set Chop Sticks. modern. | | 3-0 32182 | G/- | Tibet. Knife in case old set with stones. | | 12-6 32183 | /- | Tibet. Butter Lamp. brass | | 5-0 32184 | /- | Tibet. Skull Cup & Cover. rough brass modern | | 7-6 32185 | /- | Tibet. Skull Cup & Cover. rough brass modern | | 6-0 32186 | | Tibet. Sac: Vessel rough brass [[image]] modern | S21/ 28-12-13 | 6-0 ################################################## EFwwd ################################################## [tl1_text] 424 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32187 | Y/- | Tibet Eye Shade embroidered Sanskrit characters,to prevent snow blindness|S21/28-12-13| 10-6 32188 | Y/- | Tibet Eye Shade embroidered Sanskrit characters,to prevent snow blindness| | 1-1-0 32189 | Y/- |Tibet Eye Shade Chinese form.not so fine| L12/1-9-13| 5-0 32190 | G/GX/- | Tibet Temple Painting.wheel of life.very minute painting 85 x 108. Overall 175 x 108| | 6-18-0 32191 | Y/- | Tibet Temple Painting. Deities." The four Avatars of Buddha"| | 2-2-0 32192 | G/- | Tibet Picture in black. on roll Sacred Landscape.| | 1-12-6 32193 | /- | Tibet Clay Brick [[image]] | | 5-0 32194 | /- | Tibet Clay Rosace [[image]] | | 2-6 32195 | /- | Tibet Mirror. | | 4-0 32196 | /- | Hone. | | 2-6 32197 | /- | Pipe wood. modern. | | 2-6 32198 | /- | Sacred Book Marker. | | 4-0 32199 | /- | Pendant. | | 3-6 32200 | /- | Scribes Bag. blue. | | 2-6 32201 | /- | Pipe Case black leather | | 2-6 32202 | G/- | Finger Ring silver set coral. old. | | 14-0 32203 | G/- | Ear Ring set stones. | | 16-0 32204 | G/- | Charm Case gilt. red bead. late. | | 7-6 32205 | G/- | Charm Case yellow stone.silver mounts. v.good| B16/1-1-14| 18-6 32206 | | Turquoise. 3. mounted beads | | 10-6 32207 | /- | Tibet Turquoise.2 mounted buttons.set turquoise| | 4-0 32208 | /- | Tibet Clasp. modern. bird design set blue beads| | 2-6 32209 | /- | Tibet Rosary modern | | 1-0 32210 | Y/- | Tibet Mandarins Hat. coral button. ex:fine gold lac: work | | 2-12-6 32211 | G/- | Tibet Set of gilt Characters. | C7/19-7-13 | 8-0 32212 | Y/- | Tibet Monastry Seal. v.fine pierced & gilt steel| | 2-16-0 32213 | G/- | Tibet Monastry Seal. all steel. part gilt | | 1-16-0 32214 | G/- | Tibet Monastry Seal. brass & steel. large | | 1-18-0 32215 | G/- | Tibet Monastry Seal. brass & steel. smaller | | 1-12-6 32216 | G/- | Tibet Monastry Seal. brass & steel. small. | | 1-1-0 32217 | {| Nepal Butter Lamp ex: massive 5 ft high Ganesha top | } | | 32218 | A/-/-{| Nepal Butter Lamp ex: massive 5 ft high Ganesha top Weight of brass about 190 lbs. | } | 10-10-0 32219 | Y/-/- | Nepal Ceremonial Rice Cutter. C| | 4-12-6 32220 | G/- | Nepal Screw Pocket Knife 2 blades. | L12/1-9-13| 12-6 32221 | G/A/- | Nepal Kukri.silver sheath mounts | H30/16-8-13| 2-10-0 32222 | G/- | Kukri.disc guards.brass mtd [[image]]|S35/20-9-13| 1-1-0 32223 | G/- | Kukri. disc guards.| C59/26-6-13| 1-5-0 32224 | -/S | Kukri.in sheath.average good specimen Sold| F9/18-2-14| 10-6 ################################################## EFwwg ################################################## [tl1_text] 425 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32225 | -/S | Nepal Kukri & Sheath.| D11/21-9-14 | 10-6 32226 | -/S | Nepal Kukri & Sheath.| Jackson Warrington/19-12-14| 8-0 32227 | -/S | Nepal Kukri & Sheath.| D.J. Moulds/19-11-14| 8-0 32228 | Y/S | Java Kris. Kingfisher hilt. C| S35/27-3-14| 3-5-0 32229 | G/- | Burmah Book of 16 leaves. fine lac. £33| | 3-10-0 32230 | /- | Ceylon Horoscope. | S4/1915| | 32231 | G/- | Persia Rose water Bottle. silver. | | | 32232 | /- | Persia 2 silver Charm Cases. | | | 32233 | /- | S. India Pilgrim Seal | | | 32234 | /- | S. India Pilgrim Seal | | | 32235 | /- | S. India Pilgrim Seal | | | 32236 | /- | S. India Pilgrim Seal | | | 32237 | /- | China Seal. soapstone. Kaylin top | | | 32238 | /- | China Seal. marble modern. | | | 32239 | /- | Tibet. Vessel. brass. tiger month. to contain holy water | | 1-18-0 32240 | /- | Tibet ? Box & cover in form of a dove. | | | 32241 | G/- | Bhotan Fire Devil or Blower | L12/1-9-13 | 10-6 32242 | /- | Persia Ewer tinned copper | | | 32243 | /- | Burmah Bell. | | | 32244 | /- | Tibet Lantern. | S21/28-12-13 | 4-0 32245 | G/- | Nepal Deity brass. | | | 32246 | /- | Nepal Lingam Shrine | | | 32247 | /- | Nepal Shrine. very old | | | 32248 | /- | Nepal Figures on ass. | | | 32249 | /- | Nepal Ganesha. | L2/20-4-14 | 4-6 32250 | /- | Nepal Pair "Garuda" Figures.rough.Butter Lamps.4 pieces| | | 32251 | /- | Nepal Bull & Horse. 2 pieces | | | 32252 | /- | Bhotan Cup & Cover. horn. | | | 32253 | /- | Bhotan 3 Stone dishes. | | | 32254 | /- | Tibet 3 Ivory dice.Gambling Sticks Peach Stone Counters &c| | 7-6 32255 | /- | Tibet or Bhotan Set Dominoes | | 8-6 32256 | /- | Tibet or Bhotan Set Dominoes | | 7-6 32257 | /- | Tibet or Bhotan Set Dominoes | | 5-0 32258 | /- | Tibet or Bhotan Set Dominoes | | | 32259 | /- | Tibet or Bhotan Set Dominoes | | | 32260 | /- | Tibet or Bhotan Set Dominoes | | | 32261 | /- | English Hunting Sword. fragment of sheath| | 10-6 32262 | /- | Spain Clasp knife Basque| | | ################################################## EFwwj ################################################## [tl1_text] 425 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32263 | /- | Zulu Assegai | W34/20-1-15 | 4-6 32264 | M/-/- | Europe Cannon Linstock.Doge Emblem & 2 Halbards 1 dated 1607,7/15/-,7/0/0 the 2,see another No. 9/15/- & 2/2/- See No. 28768 &c| S40/1915| 21-0-0 32265 | G/-/- | Harvey Processional Spear. v. fine specimen. | | | 32266 | S/-/- | Harvey Processional Spear. | | | 32267 | GX/-/- | New Zealand Paddle carved C| | 17-10-0 32268 | GX/-/- | New Zealand Paddle carved C| | 15-0-0 32269 | YA/-/- | Benin Bronze Head. extremely fine specimen| | | 32270 | N/-/- | 2 large flat Show Cases. | | | 32271 | S/-/- | | | | 32272 | GG/GG/- | Solomon Chiefs Mace. | B16/1-1-14 | 12-10-0 32273 | N/N/- | Fiji Chiefs Necklet. very massive specimen cut whale teeth| | | 32274 | G/G/- | Solomon Ornament. fretted shell. | B16/1-1-14 | 1-15-0 32275 | GA/- | Fiji Ornament. Crab's back. | | | 32276 | GX/- | German New Guinea Necklet.shell slab pendants. C| | 1-2-6 32277 | I/- | Necklet. leg bones, nuts &c.| | | 32278 | S/- | Fiji Necklet snake vertebrae | | | 32279 | M/- | Fiji Breast Ornament. boar tusk. | | | 32280 | M/- | Fiji Breast Ornament. boar tusk. vine cord | | |\ 32281 | S/- | Gilbert Necklet. human teeth. | | | 32282 | G/- | Gilbert Chaplet. | | | 32283 | A/- | Gilbert shell covered Object. | | | 32284 | GX/- | Admiralty Dagger.Sting ray.carved. 16" long. fig handle| | 2-2-0 32285 | A/- | Admiralty Comb. fine specimen. | B16/1-1-13 | 12-6 32286 | S/- | New Hebrides Pan Pipes. Aoba| | 16-0 32287 | A/- | Tonga Comb [[image]] | B16/1-1-13 | 18-6 32288 | G/- | Tonga Comb small | | | 32289 | /- | Samoa Comb | | 5-0 32290 | /- | Samoa Comb | B16/1-1-13 | 7-6 32291 | A/- | Hermit Comb 2 heads. | B16/1-1-13 | 1-1-0 32292 | Y/- | N. Hebrides Comb or Fork. | | 6-0 32293 | G/- | New Caledonia Comb. bamboo | | | 32294 | G/- | New Caledonia Comb. bamboo | | | 32295 | G/- | New Caledonia Comb. bamboo | | | 32296 | G/- | New Caledonia Comb. bamboo | | | 32297 | G/- | New Caledonia Comb. bamboo | | | 32298 | G/- | New Caledonia Comb. bamboo | | | 32299 | Y/- | New Caledonia Armlet vine coil. v. large | | | 32300 | G/- | New Caledonia Armlet A pair. vine coil. smaller| | | ################################################## EFwwm ################################################## [tl1_text] 426 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32301 | T/- | New Caledonia Spear Sling. | S50/10-9-14 | 1-5-0 32302 | T/- | New Caledonia Spear Sling. | | | 32303 | /- | New Caledonia Armlet. shells & flying fox fur. | | | 32304 | /- | New Caledonia Armlet. | | | 32305 | /- | New Caledonia Armlet. | | | 32306 | /- | New Caledonia Armlet. | | | 32307 | G/- | New Caledonia Armlet. green stone | | 15-0 32308 | G/- | New Caledonia Armlet. green stone | | 15-0 32309 | GY/- | Solomon Ornament. turtle shell overlay [[image]] Santa Cruz. | | | 32310 | S/- | Solomon Ornament. with cane head band. | H36/1915 | 17-0 32311 | M/- | Solomon Ornament. very small. turtle shell overlay. | H36/1915 | 12-6 32312 | I/- | Solomon Waist Belt. bead. | | | 32313 | N/- | Solomon Cuff ? cords at end | | | 32314 | M/- | Solomon Wristlet large | | | 32315 | M/- | Solomon Wristlet | | | 32316 | N/- | Solomon Pair Wristlet | | | 32317 | M/- | Solomon one Wristlet small | | | 32318 | A/- | Solomon Wristlet. cut shell. bead fine | | | 32319 | A/- | Solomon Wristlet. cut shell. bead smaller | | | 32320 | A/- | New Britain Wristlet cut shell | | | 32321 | /- | New Hebrides String Shell Money | | | 32322 | /- | New Hebrides String Shell Money | | | 32323 | /- | New Hebrides String Shell Money | | | 32324 | /- | New Hebrides String Shell Money | | | 32325 | /- | New Hebrides String Shell Money | | | 32326 | G/- | Solomon Shell Money | | | 32327 | G/- | Gilbert Shell Money | | | 32328 | G/- | New Britain Shell Money nafra 'Dewarra' on [[cane?]]. | | | 32329 | G/- | Solomon Pair Wristlets. coloured grass. | | | 32330 | /- | Solomon or New Hebrides Necklet. shell beads. | | | 32331 | /- | Solomon or New Hebrides Necklet. vine & shell beads. | | | 32332 | G/- | Solomon or New Hebrides Necklet. cn. shell. beads. | | | 32333 | G/- | Solomon Married Woman's Dress. San Christoval | | | 32334 | M/- | Marshall I Necklet human hair. [[Tarrawo?]]. | | | 32335 | Y/- | New Hebrides Necklet Chief's Wife Erramango. | | | 32336 | S/- | New Britain Deforming Head Ring. | | | 32337 | G/- | Solomon Spinning Top. | | | 32338 | G/S | Solomon Fish hook | | | ################################################## EFwwp ################################################## [tl1_text] 426 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32339 | G/S | Solomon Fish Hook. | | | 32340 | Y/- | Mille Fish Hook. | | 6-0 32341 | S/- | Marshall Fish Hook. [[image]] Sold | B16/1-1-13 | 1-0-0 32342 | S/- | Marshall Fish Hook. Sold | B16/1-1-13 | 16-6 32343 | N/- | Samoa Fish Hook & line | | | 32344 | A/- | Solomon Fish Hook 'Nose'. | B16/1-1-13 | 7-0 32345 | A/- | Solomon Fish Hook iron & shell. [[image]]. | | 11-0 32346 | Y/- | B. New Guinea Fishing Net with shuttle. | | | 32347 | G/- | B.New Guinea Fishing Net with turtle shell guage| | 32348 | GX/- | German New Guinea Breast Ornament. C| | 1-1-0 32349 | N/- |German New Guinea Forehead Ornament.dec nafra shell| | 32350 | N/- |German New Guinea Forehead Ornament.on palm spathe| | 32351 | M/- | German New Guinea Armlet. shell pendant. | | | 32352 | Y/- |German New Guinea Armlet.nafra shell,woven cane base| | 32353 | G/- | German New Guinea Armlet. red cane. | | | 32354 | M/- | German New Guinea Hair Ornament dec shell | | | 32355 | M/- | German New Guinea Hair Ornament dec shell C | | 7-6 32356 | GN/- |German New Guinea Charm. carved wood.v.old.double figure | | 1-12-6 32357 | M/- | German New Guinea Head Charm or ornament. | | | 32358 | Y/- | German New Guinea Hair Pin dec: nafra shell| B16/1-1-14| 7-6 32359 | G/- | German New Guinea Hair Pin dec. Bird of Paridice Plume. | B16/1-1-14 | 15-0 32360 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Hair Comb. | | | 32361 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Hair Comb. | | | 32362 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Hair Comb. | B16/1-1-14 | 3-0 32363 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Hair Comb. | | | 32364 | M/- | Brit.New Guinea Breast Ornament. [[image]] | | | 32365 | M/- | Brit.New Guinea Breast Ornament. [[image]] | | | 32366 | M/- | Brit.New Guinea Breast Ornament. [[image]] | | | 32367 | Y/- | Brit.New Guinea Breast Ornament.Boar tusk C | | 9-0 32368 | A/- | Brit.New Guinea Breast Ornament.shell Boar Tusk[[image]] C| | 17-6 32369 | N/- | German New Guinea Breast Ornament crescent.shell| | 32370 | N/- | German New Guinea Frontlet. [[image]] C| | 12-6 32371 | M/- | German New Guinea Necklet. Pig teeth | | | 32372 | G/- | British New Guinea Necklet.Shells.[[image]] Currency| | | 32373 | /- | British New Guinea Necklet.Shells.smaller Currency | | 32374 | /- | British New Guinea Necklet.Bannana seed. Currency| | 32375 | G/- | British New Guinea Necklet. sea weed & shell bead [[image]] Currency Milne Bay. | | | 32376 | G/- | British New Guinea Necklet.rough chipped shells Currency | | ################################################## EFwws ################################################## [tl1_text] 427 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32377 | A/- |British New Guinea String fine pink shell bead.v.rare| | 32378 | /- | British New Guinea Necklet. black vine. | | | 32379 | /- | (German) New Guinea Necklet cut nafra shell. | | | 32380 | /- | New Guinea Girdle | | | 32381 | /- | New Guinea Necklet, red seed | | | 32382 | /- | New Guinea Head Ornament. | | | 32383 | /- | New Guinea 4 fine grass Armlets. | | | 32384 | /- | New Guinea Armlet. coix seeds. | | | 32385 | G/- | New Guinea Pair Ear Ornaments.dec yellow grass [[image]]| | | 32386 | /- | New Guinea Armlet. turbo shell | | | 32387 | /- | New Guinea Armlet. turbo shell | | | 32388 | /- | New Guinea Armlet. turbo shell | | | 32389 | G/- | New Guinea Ear Ornament turtle shell and seed | | 32390 | M/- | New Guinea Ear Ornament turtle shell engraved [[image]] | | | 32391 | G/S | New Guinea Ear Ornament turtle shell plain [[image]]| | | 32392 | G/S | New Guinea Ear Ornament turtle shell plain [[image]]| | | 32393 | G/S | New Guinea Ear Ornament shell plain [[image]] | | 32394 | G/S | New Guinea Ear Ornament shell plain [[image]] | | 32395 | M/- | New Guinea Nose Pin fine specimen. | | | 32396 | M/- | New Guinea Nose Pin fine specimen. | | | 32397 | M/- | Solomon Nose Pin engraved cane Ysabel I.| | | 32398 | M/- | Solomon Nose Pin engraved cane Ysabel I.| | | 32399 | M/- | Solomon Nose Pin covered grass work. | | | 32400 | G/- |Solomon Pair Ear Rings.shell & t.shell rings. Malaita| | 32401 | M/- | New Guinea Chunam Spatula. | | | 32402 | M/- | New Guinea 'Jews Harp' | | | 32403 | A/- | New Guinea Sling | | | 32404 | M/- | New Guinea Charm. 'Dakre Kave' | | | 32405 | Y/- | New Guinea Forehead Ornament. fret overlay.[[image]]| | 32406 | Y/- | New Guinea Forehead Ornament. fret overlay.| | | 32407 | I/- | New Guinea Lime Mortar & Pestle head. | | | 32408 | S/- | New Guinea Lime Mortar & Pestle | | | 32409 | A/- | New Guinea Lime Mortar & Pestle fine mortar.| | | 32410 | N/- | New Guinea Lime Mortar & Pestle Woodlark| | | 32411 | A/- | New Guinea Lime Mortar only. [[image]] | | | 32412 | /- | New Zealand Bag. 'Kite' | | | 32413 | S/GX/- | 2 Elephant Tusks.weight 52 lbs.| R5/16-12-13| 17-10-0 32414 | Y/-/- | Tibet Box silver. weight 20 ozs. 17cm dia.| | 4-8-0 ################################################## EFwwv ################################################## [tl1_text] 427 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32415 | G/A/- | Benin Ceremonial Sword Handle. | | | 32416 | Y/Y/- | Benin Staff. portion. | | | 32417 | GA/- | Benin Bell [[image]] | | | 32418 | I/- | Benin Bell [[image]] | | | 32419 | GX/- | Benin Bell large. | | | 32420 | GX/- | Benin Bell smaller. skull & Cross bones | | | 32421 | A/- | Benin Bell small | | | 32422 | A/- | Benin Bell small | | | 32423 | A/- | Benin Bell small | | | 32424 | GX/- | Benin Group. Warrior or horse | | | 32425 | A/- | Benin Fragment of Plaque. | | | 32426 | A/- | Benin Fragment of Aegis. | | | 32427 | Y/- | Congo Vessel [[image]] | | | 32428 | GG/GX/- | A. Irish Celt of gold. | F7/12-7-13| 15-0-0 32429 | GA/- | E. Africa Horn 'Torch' or Fetish. | | | 32430 | GX/- | Solomon Steering Club. inlaid. end damaged | | | 32431 | A/- | CN. Bottle. pewter mount. | | | 32432 | GY/S | Europe Cartridge Knife Pistol.| E6/1-1-14 | 17-6 32433 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Feather Box.rough. Ex Chichester Museum| | 4-4-0 32434 | GA/- | W. Africa Charm.ivory.dec cowries.Ex Chichester Museum C| | 2-10-0 32435 | Y/-/- | Tibet Skull Cup on stand | S21/28-12-13| 6-18-0 32436 | G/-/- | Europe Gun Rest containing rapier [[MA]]| | 3-5-0 32437 | Y/S | Europe Curious Pocket Knife. | L25/1-6-16 | 5-0 32438 | Y/S | Europe Pilgrim's Sign. 2 fish (Dolphins) | | 5-0 32439 | Y/S | India Pestle & Mortar. white stone. | | | 32440 | A/- | England. 'Palle Malle' Ball ivory. | | | 32441 | G/GX/- | England. DB. FL. Carbine. | | | 32442 | G/-/- | Circassia Mace & Axe inlaid silver | C7/14-7-13| 2-17-6 32443 | Y/GN/- | Japan set of 18 Printing Blocks. | | | 32444 | Y/S | Egypt Hand Drum. | | | 32445 | A/- | E. Africa Drum [[image]] | | | 32446 | A/- | W. Africa Drum [[image]] Ashanti| | | 32447 | Y/- | W. Africa Bow. | | | 32448 | Y/- | E. Africa Bow. | J12/4-7-14| 14-0 32449 | M/- | Congo Charm of a Reitbuck horn. human teeth embedded C| W22/1-12-13| 1-15-0 32450 | G/- | Congo Knife Copper. | | | 32451 | A/- | L Nyassa Pipe Bowl. [[image]] used Hill Tribes. Amachinga C| | 16-0 32452 | M/- | Barotze Bowl & cover. leopard on top. | | | ################################################## EFwwy ################################################## [tl1_text] 428 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32453 | GX/- | Victoria Parrying Shield | | | 32454 | N/- | Victoria Parrying Shield | | | 32455 | GA/- | Tonga Fish Hook. fine 6½" | | 2-5-0 32456 | M/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | | 32457 | N/- | India Parrying Shield iron overlaid brass. | | 18-6 32458 | G/GX/- | A. India Set of 4 carvings.stone| B44/20-10-13| 7-0-0 32459 | G/- | W. Africa Fetish Bell. C| W22/1-12-13| 6-0 32460 | S/- | Ashanti. War Horn of horn. | | | 32461 | M/- | Madagascar? Musical Instrument. [[image]] | | | 32462 | M/- | England Tinder Box. all iron. | | 7-6 32463 | GX/- | S.America Bow & 6 Arrows.bone tipped| J12/4-1-14| 1-15-0 32464 | S/- | British Columbia Armlet silver engrave. Skidegate| | 18-6 32465 | I/- | British Columbia Harpoon Head. brass Belle| | 14-0 32466 | GX/- |British Columbia Bark Chopper.bone. Alert B.| | 1-15-0 32467 | M/- | British Columbia Currency Shield copper. large| | 12-6 32468 | M/- | British Columbia Currency Shield smaller| | 7-6 32469 | M/- | British Columbia Currency Shield | | 7-6 32470 | M/- | North America. Pair Spoons. fretted handles| H28/2-1-14| 1-15-0 32471 | G/- | British Columbia Mat making Needle. Vancouver| | | 32472 | G/- | British Columbia Mat making Needle.| | | 32473 | G/- | British Columbia Mat making Needle.| | | *av. 4/- 32474 | G/- | British Columbia Mat making Needle.| | | 32475 | G/- | British Columbia Mat making Needle.| | | each 32476 | G/- | British Columbia Mat making Needle.| | | 32477 | G/- | British Columbia Mat making Needle.| | | 32478 | G/- | British Columbia Mat making Needle.| | | 32479 | G/- | British Columbia Mat making Needle.| | | 32480 | M/-/- | | | | 32481 | Y/-/- | | | | 32482 | G/GX/- | Marquesan Leg Ornament. v. fine. | | | 32483 | G/GX/- | Marquesan Feather Ornament[[image]]|[[B16/1-1-14?]]| 4-15-0 32484 | M/-/- | Easter Isl. Figure. | | 12-12-0 32485 | G/GX/- | Fiji Adze. | | | 32486 | N/-/- | New Caledonia Chiefs Axe."Nbonet" head only poor colour| | 5-0-0 32487 | G/-/- | North America Cradle. | | 2-10-0 32488 | G/GX/- | North America Dance Club. Canada| H28/2-1-14| 3-3-0 32489 | GX/- | North America Dance Triple Stick Mogui| H28/2-1-14| | 1-5-0 32490 | G/-/- | North America Girdle. covd. beadwork. Blanket Belt| | 2-5-0 ################################################## EFwwB ################################################## [tl1_text] 428 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32491 | G/Y/S | North America Large Bag. fully beaded. | | 2-15-0 32492 | T/S | North America Pouch. | | | 32493 | T/- | French Guiana Pottery Group. damaged. | | | 32494 | Y/- | French Guiana Dish. Smashed | | | 32495 | Y/- | French Guiana Dish. C| | 6-6 32496 | Y/- | French Guiana Dish. | | | 32497 | Y/- | French Guiana Dish. | | | 32498 | G/A/- | French Guiana Club bound with matting C| | 1-15-0 32499 | G/-/- | French Guiana Paddle } | | 32500 | G/-/- | French Guiana Paddle } | | 3-12-6 32501 | G/GX/- | French Guiana Spear.bone head.bound with matting. C| | 2-8-0 32502 | G/-/- | French Guiana Spear. C| | 1-10-0 32503 | GG/GX/- | New Queensland Mummy of Child in case. 42cm Cairns| S4/1915 Pen| 22-10-0 32504 | GG/GX/- | New Queensland Mummy of Child in case. 40cm Cairns| Frankf| 18-10-0 32505 | GG/-/- | New Queensland Mummy of Child in case. old Cairns| Colog| 20-0-0 32506 | GX/S | Nigeria Pair of Rattles on hide. | | 17-6 32507 | GX/- | American Pepper Box Revolver. | | | 32508 | A/- | England Pellet Gun. | | | 32509 | GA/- | Austria F.L. Army Carbine Rifle | | | 32510 | G/GX/- | Belgium 4 b. FL Pistol | P18/8-7-14| 3-15-0 32511 | G/GX/- | Belgium Pair Gun metal FL. Pistols. | | | 32512 | S/- | Scotland Horn Flask. | | 2-2-0 32513 | N/S | America Necklet. small teeth. B.C.? | | 1-7-6 32514 | G/GY/S | North America Tomahawk.steel head stamped B.WOOD| H28/2-1-14| 3-15-0 32515 | G/GY/S | North America Tomahawk.steel head stamped B.WOOD| H28/2-1-14| 3-3-0 32516 | GY/S | North America Pair Mocassins | | 1-2-6 32517 | T/-/- | North America Coat. dec quill work. Chief Little Leaf, Old Man R:Res: Pagan Indian| | 16-16-0 32518 | Y/-/- | British Columbia Mask. | H40/29-2-16 | 12-12-0 32519 | G/-/- | Belgian Congo Treasure Vessel.bark.carved head top Mangbettu. C| | 2-2-0 32520 | G/A/- | British New Guinea Club star head extra fine | | | 32521 | GT/- | British New Guinea Club pine head extra fine | | | 32522 | T/S | British New Guinea Paddle. | | | 32523 | GA/- | Fiji Club. carved all over. | | | 32524 | A/- | Australian Boomerang.carved. Brewarrana. N.Bourke Dist. N.S.W. Culgoa R.| | 1-1-0 32525 | N/GX/- | North America Silver Broach 17.50cm dia. Penobacst. Maine | | 8-8-0 32526 | Y/A/- | North America Silver Broach 13cm dia. Penobacst. Maine | | 4-10-0 32527 | Y/S | North America Silver Broach 2 dia. plain Penobacst. Maine | | 8-0 32528 | Y/S | North America Copper Broach 4 dia. | | 5-0 ################################################## EFwwE ################################################## [tl1_text] 429 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32529 | GX/- | North America Hair Frame.wood. Hopi| | 1-1-0 32530 | Y/-/- | North America Flute. Chippewa Wisconsin| | 4-0-0 32531 | GX/- | North America Knife. copper blade, lead handle. N.W. Alaska| | 1-1-0 32532 | Y/-/- | North America Saddle.wood covd skin. Sioux| | 3-15-0 32533 | G/-/- | North America Dance Rattle Tortoise shell & hoof. Moquix. Airzona| F24/12-1-14| 2-12-6 32534 | G/-/- | North America Dance Rattle Tortoise shell & hoof. Moquix. Airzona| | 2-5-0 32535 | C/-/- | New Zealand Tattooing Implement Box| B16/1-1-14| 16-0-0 32536 | A/- | Solomon Staff. curious. highly polished wood | | 1-5-0 32537 | G/GX/- | Tibet. Quiver & Bow Case. | S35/20-12-13 Stone| 4-4-0 32538 | G/GX/- | Nepal Kora & sheath silver mounted. C| S35/20-12-13 | 4-14-0 32539 | G/GX/- | Nepal Kora & sheath silver mounted.one present only| | 4-4-0 32540 | GY/- | Java Sword & sheath of one piece C| | 1-8-6 32541 | G/-/- | Java Kris silver sheath C| S35/20-12-13 | 2-12-6 32542 | GX/- | Java Kris broad blade.silver mount curious watering C| | 18-6 32543 | G/GX/- | Afghan or Persia FL. Gun deep stock [[image]] 62" | | 4-4-0 32544 | G/Y/S | S. America Gold Ornament. | W1/29-2-16 | 3-18-6 32545 | Y/-/- |India Spear.all chiselled steel. C| S35/20-12-13 | 4-4-0 32546 | GT/S | S. India Processional Spear 'Ballam' Vizianagram C| | 2-2-0 32547 | Y/GX/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. | | | 32548 | M/-/- | Tahiti Spear Paddle. | | 5-10-0 32549 | Y/GX/- | Tahiti Spear Paddle. | | 4-15-0 32550 | G/-/- | Tahiti Spear Paddle. | | 2-2-0 32551 | G/-/- | Brit: Columbia Spoon. horn. carved. | | 2-2-0 32552 | GA/- | New Zealand Fish-hook. bone back. | F9/18-2-14| 1-5-0 32553 | A/- | New Zealand Fish-hook. barb of iron. | | 10-6 32554 | G/-/- | India 24 Arrows. | | | 32555 | G/-/- | Borneo Sword. Parang Ilang,no sheath. Dyak| | 1-15-0 32556 | NX/-/- | Tibet. Apron of carved human bone. C| | 52-10-0 32557 | Y/-/- | Tibet. Bone Charm. (portion of an apron) C| | 3-15-0 32558 | GY/-/- | Tibet. Shell Trumpet. copper gilt mount set coral C| | 26-10-0 32559 | G/-/- | Tibet. Thigh bone Trumpet covered copper| | 4-4-0 32560 | GA/- | Tibet. Hair Ornament. ivory Chichose?| | 1-15-0 32561 | G/GX/- | Tibet. Wine Flask large. horn. brass mts C| | 3-17-6 32562 | A/- | Tibet. Charm Box | | 16-0 32563 | G/-/- | Tibet. Dorge | | 1-5-0 32564 | G/-/- | Tibet. Exorcising Dagger. v. fine specimen | | 5-5-0 32565 | A/- | Tibet. Tinder Pouch | | | 32566 | A/- | Tibet. Buddha. brass. copper base | | | ################################################## EFwwH ################################################## [tl1_text] 429 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32567 | /- | Tibet. Buddha. Alabaster. modern | | 8-6 32568 | G/-/- | Tibet. Sword | | 4-4-0 32569 | G/GX/- | Bhotan Sword | | 4-4-0 32570 | /- | Tibet. Tobacco Pipe. jade mouth piece | | 1-0-0 32571 | /- | Tibet. Temple Picture. modern. | | | 32572 | GS/- | Sierra Leone Staff. figure on top | S4/29-2-16 | 1-0-0 32573 | /- | 5 Quill Bindings on leather harness. | | | 32574 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Onewa. | | | 32575 | GX/- | New Zealand Staff 'Pouwhenia' | | | 32576 | S/- | New Zealand Stone Adze head with shoulder.[[image]]| | 1-15-0 32577 | G/GX/- | Fiji Necklet. v. fine large whale teeth. | | | 32578 | A/- | W. Africa Rain Maker's Rattle. & Tail Girdle| | 1-12-6 32579 | N/- | E. Africa Horn.top filled with pieces of stick. Akikuya C| | 17-6 32580 | N/- | E. Africa War Horn. | | | 32581 | Y/- | E. Africa Tobacco Pipe Bowl Akikuya C| | 8-0 32582 | G/- | E. Africa Tobacco Pipe Bowl Akikuya C| | 4-0 32583 | X/- | E. Africa Snuff Box. Akikuya| | | 32584 | M/- | E. Africa Hip Bell (Masai) Akikuya| | | 32585 | M/- | E. Africa Womans Belt. large beads Akikuya| | | 32586 | G/- | E. Africa Girls Apron. | | | 32587 | /- | E. Africa Cowry Necklet | | | 32588 | /- | E. Africa Collar. iron charm. | | | 32589 | | E. Africa Pair Knee Ornaments | | | 32590 | Y/- | E. Africa Pair Womans Ear Weights(Old Married Women only)| | | 32591 | Y/- | E. Africa Pair Womans Ear Weights(Old Married Women only)| | | 32592 | -/S | E. Africa Ear Extender | | | 32593 | -/S | E. Africa Ear Extender | | | 32594 | -/S | E. Africa Ear Extender | | | 32595 | /- | E. Africa Basket | | | 32596 | N/- | New Hebrides Club. curious type. [[image]]| | | 32597 | -/S | W. Africa Pair Iron Tongs | | | 32598 | G/- | W. Africa Quiver & 12 Arrows. | J12/4-7-14 | 1-0-0 32599 | /- | W. Africa Bow | J12/4-7-14 | 10-0 32600 | N/- | North America Stone Gorget. [[image]]| H28/2-1-14| 10-6 32601 | G/- | North America Bead work. modern. | | | 32602 | Y/- | India 'Lingham Yoni' light stone. | | | 32603 | A/- | India Sword Belt. watered steel mounts. 18/6 Cat. C| | 1-5-0 32604 | G/-/- | Europe Halbard. XVII Cent.| | 3-10-0 ################################################## EFwwK ################################################## [tl1_text] 430 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32605 | G/GX/- | English Fireman's Helmet. leather. Early XVIII Cent. 1710 C | | 2-12-6 32606 | GY/S | 2 Rhino Horns 15½ x 17½ dia & 10½ x 14. | | 1-17-6 32607 | Y/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | | 32608 | A/- | Gilbert Shark Hook. | | | 32609 | C/GA/- | New Zealand Teki. arm supporting head. | | 30-0-0 32610 | GX/- | Eskimo Necklet 5 Seals [[?]] ivory. | | | 32611 | S/- | India Powder Primer. horn & ivory chipped. | S35/27-3-14 | 12-6 32612 | G/GX/- | India Arm Guard. | | 3-10-0 32613 | M/-/- | India Shield. v. transparent C | S35/20-12-13 | 6-15-0 32614 | G/A/- | India Spear copper repousse mts. v. fine. C | S35/20-12-13 | 5-15-0 32615 | G/A/- | India Spear [[paveil?]] gilt C | S35/20-12-13 | 4-4-0 32616 | Y/-/- | India Axe. [[paveil?]]l gilt C | | 4-4-0 32617 | Y/-/- | India Axe Knife [[paveil?]] gilt C | S35/20-12-13 | 5-5-0 32618 | GX/- | India FL. Blunderbuss. [[EIC?]] Lock 1802 C | S35/27-3-14 | 3-5-0 32619 | GS/- | Congo Charm ivory. | | 1-7-6 32620 | S/-/- | Easter Island Figure Price of painted one in 1908 | | 26-10-0 32621 | G/GX/- | Bronze Age Celt. Orvieto. Italy. |B48/1915 | 3-10-0 32622 | GY/S | Bronze Age Celt. Faversham Kent. | | 2-2-0 32623 | G/A/- | Bronze Age Celt. Clara Kings Co: 1870 | | 5-5-0 32624 | GA/- | Bronze Age Dagger Blade. Clara Kings Co: 1870(-2. | | 3-3-0 32625 | GA/- | Liberia Helmet of basket work Kru. | | 1-8-0 32626 | GA/- | Liberia Helmet of basket work Kru. | W22/16-6-16 | 1-15-0 32627 | GA/- | Liberia Mask. black wood. | S4/15-2-16 | 1-4-0 32628 | GA/- | Liberia Figure black wood. 24" high | S4/1914 | 1-5-0 32629 | GX/- | S.W. Africa Bow with horn trophies. | [[written over original]] J12/4-1-14 [[written over original]] S | 4-4-0 32630 | T/S | Congo. Bowman's Arm Guard Lake Tanganyika | | 12-6 32631 | T/S | Congo. Bowman's Arm Guard Lake Tanganyika | | 12-6 32632 | G/GA/- | Congo. War Horn Ivory. Lake Tanganyika | S4/1915 | 1-18-0 32633 | G/-/- | New Britain Staff [[image]] | | | 32634 | G/GA/- | New Ireland Memorial Figure of chalk. See Cat 42. | | 2-12-6 32635 | G/GA/- | New Ireland Memorial Figure of chalk. 12" high | | 2-7-6 32636 | G/-/- | New Ireland Memorial Figure of chalk. | | 1-16-0 32637 | G/-/- | German New Guinea Head Rest. | | | 32638 | G/-/- | German New Guinea Pounder. Figure on top. | S4/1915 | 1-10-0 32639 | GT/S | German New Guinea Meat Hook. [[image]] | | | 32640 | GY/S | Brit. New Guinea Lime Spatula. [[image]] | | | 32641 | GT/S | Brit. New Guinea Head Rest. fine bird [[?]] design | | | 32642 | Y/GX/- | Admiralty Girl's Dress fine cut shell work | | | ################################################## EFwwN ################################################## [tl1_text] 430 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32643 | Y/T/S | Admiralty Bottle. figure on top. | | | 32644 | GY/-/- | New Caledonia Chiefs Axe "Nbonet" | | 25-0-0 32645 | T/-/- | New Caledonia jade Beads (98) small. | S50/20-3-16 | 10-10-0 32646 | Y/-/- | Hawaii Ring Pounder. | | 4-16-0 32647 | G/GX/- | Hawaii Lamp. | | 3-3-0 32648 | /- | N. Queensland Bag.used to carry [[money?]] in. Cairns| 32649 | GI/- | N. Queensland Set of Ceremonial Fire Sticks. | | | 32650 | GY/- | N. Queensland Set of Ceremonial Fire Sticks. | | | 32651 | M/-/- | Solomon Trophy Skull. *Ex Carton Lee Collec.| | | 32652 | G/A/- | Solomon Club. inlaid shell [[image]] | | 3-3-0 32653 | A/- | New Zealand Comb. wood & flax. | B16/1-1-14 Sold| 18-0 32654 | GX/- | New Zealand Ear Ornament carved bone. | | 3-15-0 32655 | GA/- | New Zealand Carved red tufa. Chatham Isl.| | 4-4-0 32656 | T/O/- | New Zealand Kaka Ring. jade. | | 14-0-0 32657 | GX/- | New Zealand Fish Hook. bone back. | | L1. 32658 | GX/- | Fiji Pottery Vessel. [[image]] | Sold | | 32659 | A/- | Fiji Pottery Vessel. [[image]] | | | 32660 | GX/- | New Guinea Vessel 26 x 17cm | | 1-12-6 32661 | A/- | N. New Guinea Sling. | | 10-6 32662 | A/- | Solomon Bowmans Vine Arm Guard. | | | 32663 | GA/- | German New Guinea Head Rest. | | | 32664 | A/- | Australia "Weet Weet" Victoria. | | | 32665 | A/- | Australia "Weet Weet" smaller Victoria| | | 32666 | A/- | Australia "Weet Weet" smaller Victoria| | | 32667 | G/A/- | Australia Skinning Knife stone [[image]]| K5/12-8-16| 18-0 32668 | GA/- | Australia Skinning Knife iron [[image]] | | | 32669 | GX/- | German New Guinea Club.ball stone head|Sold K5/13-10-13| 18-6 32670 | G/A/- | Borneo Drum.Lizard skin top|[[L20/14-6-?]] Sold| 2-2-0 32671 | G/A/- | S.E. Asia Cross Bow & 10 Arrows. Lau| 3/10/- | 3-7-6 32672 | GA/- | S.E. Asia Musical Instrument[[image]] Lau|C30/1915 Sold| 1-15-0 32673 | A/- | Lombok Trumpet. sliding brass. | | 1-2-6 32674 | M/-/- | Lombok Sword.silver mounts.blade inlaid C| S35/27-1-14 Sold| 4-4-0 32675 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Dish carved. > | | | 32676 | A/- | New Zealand Toggle off a teki. > | | | 32677 | GA/- | New Zealand Haui Head. ex: large. | | | 32678 | G/- | Australia Message Stick | | 10-6 32679 | A/- | Fiji Club [[image]] | W34/30-1-15 | 16-0 32680 | GX/- | Scotch FL. Pistol. v. rusty. silver plate| C7/1-1-14 Sold| 4-0-0 ################################################## EFwwQ ################################################## [tl1_text] 431 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32681 | G/GA/- | England Pair FL. Pistols Ex:large bore. W.BOND. | S40/16-12-13 | 5-5-0 32682 | G/GX/- | England P.C Revolving Rifle. NEILL. BELFAST. | | | 32683 | N/- | England P.C Pepper Box Revolver. | D11/22-3-15 | 16-0 32684 | T/- | England Knuckle Duster Pistol | E6/3-12-13 | 18-6 32685 | Y/S | Spain FL. | E6/3-12-13 | 6-6 32686 | GY/S | England F.L. Pocket Pistols a pair by OAKES | E6/3-12-13 | 1-7-6 32687 | GS/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistols a pair by STEVENS | | | 32688 | S/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistols single by WIGGIN & CO. | | | 32689 | A/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistols single by KNUBLEY | | | 32690 | A/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistols single by RYAN & WATSON. | E6/3-12-13 | 10-0 32691 | N/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistols single by HARCOURT. | E6/27-5-16 | 10-6 32692 | A/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistols single by LEMMON. BATTLE. | E6/1-1-14 | 11-0 32693 | M/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistols single by BASS. | E6/3-12-13 | 7-0 32694 | N/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistols single by BASS. | E6/3-12-13 | 7-0 32695 | S/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistols single by H NOCK. | E6/3-12-13 | 13-6 32696 | GN/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistols A pair. by SHARPE. all brass. | | | 32697 | A/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistols single by PARKINSON. all brass. | E6/3-12-13 | 14-0 32698 | GA/- | Italy Powder Tester. | E6/3-12-13 | 1-6-0 32699 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant. jade | | [[strikethrough]] 2-10-0 [[strikethrough]] 3-15-0 32700 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Cloak Pendant. jade thick | | 6-10-0 32701 | G/-/- | New Zealand Cloak Pendant. jade very long. square section | [[strikethrough 6/15/- [[strikethrough]] | [[strikethrough]] 5-10-0 [[strikethrough]] 8-10-0 32702 | Y/-/- | Rhinosceros Horn Walking Stick. | | | 32703 | GX/- | India Guarded Katar. very long. Madras. | | | 32704 | A/- | India Guarded Katar. short. fluted blade. C | | 1-8-6 32705 | A/- | India Sword. "Pattisa" | | | 32706 | GG/-/- | Marquesas State Club. | S31/12-12-13 | 17-15-0 32707 | N/- | Harvey Ceremonial Spear Club. | | | 32708 | A/- | Gilbert Sword. shark teeth. very fine. | | | 32709 | T/S | Gilbert Scarifying Knife. | | | 32710 | T/S | Gilbert Scarifying Knife. | | | 32711 | N/- | New Guinea Comb. tortoise shell engraved. | B16/1-3-14 | 1-5-0 32712 | G/- | New Guinea Comb. wood. slightly carved. | B16/1-3-14 | 5-0 32713 | S/- | Persia Shamsher Blade signed. | S25/1915 | 2-11-0 32714 | S/- | Eskimo Necklet | H28/2-1-14 | 18-0 32715 | GT/- | Benin Execution Block | | | 32716 | S/- | Benin Ju Ju Rattle. fine | | | 32717 | G/GS/- | Somali Camel Cloth. woven leather. | | | 32718 | GA/- | Large lot Samoan Tappa. mostly modern See No. | J13/11-11-13 | 1-15-0 ################################################## EFwwT ################################################## [tl1_text] 431 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32719 | Y/GX/- | Tonga Club. v. fine. round | | | 32720 | G/-/- | Samoa Club. carved & inlaid. chipped | | | 32721 | GA/- | New Zealand Hani. | | | 32722 | GA/- | Admiralty Dress. large. ornamented cut shell | | | 32723 | T/S | Admiralty Dress. ornamented | | | 32724 | T/S | Admiralty Dress. ornamented, Tappa also dec:| | | 32725 | T/S | Admiralty Dress. | | | 32726 | T/S | Admiralty Dress. | | | 32727 | A/- | Admiralty Dress. ornamented trade beads | | | 32728 | Y/GN/- | Admiralty Collection of 36 Spears. | | | 32729 | GX/- | Admiralty Collection of 6 Knives See No. 28767 &c. Penn| | 1-2-6 32730 | G/GX/- | New Britain Stone headed Clubs 10 3-10-0 | the lot | 3-18-0 32731 | S/- | N. America Pipe. Sling Club & Club | H28/3-1-14| 2-0-0 32732 | M/- | Mashona Axe. [[image]] | | | 32733 | M/- | Ashanti Axe. perforated blade animal | | | 32734 | Y/- | Ashanti Axe. perforated blade plainer | | | 32735 | Y/S | Ashanti Hammer. ? | | | 32736 | Y/S | Ashanti Hammer. ? | | | 32737 | Y/- | Ashanti Bow & Double Quiver of 13 Arrows| J12/4-7-14| 1-8-0 32738 | Y/- | E. Africa Quiver Carved. Ancholi| | | 32739 | G/- | W. Africa 16 Arrows. | | | 32740 | T/- | Congo Knife copper | | | 32741 | Y/- | Congo Knife finely engraved Mobatti| | | 32742 | Y/- | Congo Knife finely engraved| J12/8-3-16| 12-6 or 10-0 32743 | G/- | Congo Knife plainer | | | 32744 | G/- | Congo Knife plainer | | | 32745 | Y/- | Soudan Parrying Shield Spear [[image]] | | 6-0 32746 | GX/- | Soudan Necklet. teeth | | | 32747 | G/S/- | India Dagger (Chillaum) gold & silver dec. C| S35/27-3-14| 2-5-0 32748 | Y/GX/- | India Dagger (Jambiya) silver hilt & sheath. | | | 32749 | GA/- | India Dagger (Pesh kabz) silver mts | | 1-6-0 32750 | GX/- | India Dagger (Sakin) silver hilt | | 1-0-0 32751 | GX/- | India Dagger (Sakin) silver hilt C| S35/27-3-14| 18-6 32752 | GX/- | India Dagger (Khavoll) long. silver mtd C| | 1-6-0 32753 | GA/- | India Dagger Double C| S35/27-3-14| 1-5-0 32754 | A/- | India Dagger deeply curved.semicircular Afghan C| S35/27-3-14| 14-0 32755 | Y/-/- | India Suit Armour. Shirt Gauntlets. Helmet | | | 32756 | A/- | India Hood of mail. | | | ################################################## EFwwW ################################################## [tl1_text] 432 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32757 | M/- | Tibet Broach [[image]] | | | 32758 | M/- | Tibet Broach & chains. smaller. | | | 32759 | GN/- | Arab War Pipes (Mizamar) | | | 32760 | G/S/- | British New Guinea Trophy Skull. | | | 32761 | G/Y/S | British New Guinea Ceremonial Mask | | | 32762 | G/Y/S | British New Guinea Ceremonial Mask | | 2-17-6 32763 | G/Y/S |British New Guinea Ceremonial Mask with arms| | 2-16-0 32764 | A/- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Mask small[[image]]|C31/4-2-14| 15-0 32765 | A/- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Mask small | | 10-0 32766 | A/- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Mask small | | 8-0 32767 | A/- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Mask small | | | 32768 | A/- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Mask small | | 6-0 32769 | A/S | British New Guinea War Belt. carved. | | | 32770 | -/S | British New Guinea Charm: Dakre Kave. | E7/1915 | 10-6 32771 | -/S | British New Guinea Charm: Dakre Kave. | | | 32772 | -/S | British New Guinea Charm: Dakre Kave. | | | 32773 | -/S | British New Guinea Dagger Cassowary bone | | | 32774 | -/S | British New Guinea Nose Borer Cassowary bone| S4/1915| | 10-0 32775 | -/ | China. Carved Junk. | | 18-6 32776 | Y/S | Fiji Spear. bound sinnet | | | 32777 | Y/S | N. Hebrides. Spear. | | | 32778 | A/- | 4 N.Britain Spears.& one Bougainville Spear with double figures| | | 32779 | GA/- | Assam Sword. [[image]] | | | 32780 | A/GX/- | Nepal Execution Knife. inlaid. C| S35/27-3-14| 8-15-0 32781 | T/- | Burmah Dha inlaid copper & brass hilt. blade inlaid. C| S35/27-3-14 | 1-5-0 32782 | G/GX/- | Japan Breast plate. inlaid | C7/1-12-13 | 2-2-0 32783 | A/- | India Dagger. Bich'hawa. good hilt C| S35/27-3-14| 18-6 32784 | G/Y/S | Tonga Club. rare form [[image]] | | | 32785 | G/A/- | Persia Silver Dish | F17/13-11-13| 2-10-0 32786 | YY/GX/- | New Caledonia Funeral Figure 2m 25cm| | 48-0-0 32787 | MX/-/- | New Caledonia Pair Temple Posts 1m 70 x 57| | 64-0-0 32788 | YA/-/- | New Caledonia Pair Temple Posts 1m 22 x 46 scarce v.ancient| | 52-10-0 32789 | GI/-/- | New Caledonia Temple Post 1m 95cm x 47 ex. fine| | 42-10-0 32790 | GS/-/- | New Caledonia Temple Post 1.73 x 55| | 32-10-0 32791 | GN/-/- |New Caledonia Temple Post 1.62 x 45 unusual| | 25-0-0 32792 | GY/-/- | New Caledonia Temple Post 1.66 x 37| | 22-10-0 32793 | GY/-/- | New Caledonia Temple Post 1.40 x 40| | 22-10-0 32794 | GX/-/- | New Caledonia Temple Post 1.25 x 33| | 17-10-0 or 18-10-0 ################################################## EFwwZ ################################################## [tl1_text] 432 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32795 | I/I/- | New Caledonia 2 Massive Heads. 70 x 52 & 60 x 50| | 21-0-0 32796 | A/-/- | New Caledonia Figure. 1.22m x 21cm | | 10-10-0 32797 | N/N/- | New Caledonia Staff. 1.38m x 21cm | | 8-8-0 32798 | GX/- | Barotze Bowl & Cover. | | | 32799 | GX/- | Barotze Bowl & Cover. | | | 32800 | GX/- | Barotze Bowl & Cover. | | | 32801 | A/- | Barotze Double Bowl. perforated borders. | | | 32802 | -/S | Barotze Bowl & Cover. small modern | | | 32803 | -/S | Barotze Bowl & Cover. small modern | | | 32804 | -/S | Barotze Dish wood. | | | 32805 | M/- | Barotze 4 Specimens modern Carving. | | | 32806 | M/- | Barotze 4 Specimens Pottery | | | 32807 | -/S | Barotze Tobacco Pipe. | | | 32808 | -/S | Barotze Gourd Snuff Box | | | 32809 | -/S | Barotze Belt & 2 small Moucha & Finger Ring. | | | 32810 | A/- | Barotze Doll [[image]] | | 12-6 32811 | -/S | Barotze Sweat Scraper. | | | 32812 | -/S | Barotze Knife. all iron. | S4/1915 | 10-0 32813 | -/S | Barotze Dagger & sheath. modern | | | 32814 | G/- | Barotze Double Dagger modern | | | 32815 | -/S | Barotze 4 Bone Pins | | | 32816 | G/-/- | Barotze Witch Doctor's Mask, Kilt & String Covering (See Man 1903. No.38) Valovale of U. Zambesi| | 6-6-0 32817 | GI/- | Barotze Witch Doctor's Figure carved wood face|S4/15-2-16| 2-6-0 32818 | GI/- | Barotze Witch Doctor's Figure face of rope & rubber| | 3-15-0 32819 | GI/- | Barotze Witch Doctor's Figure face of rope & rubber| | 3-10-0 32820 | M/- | East Indies Knife & sheath. [[image]] Sulu| | 18-6 32821 | G/GY/- | New Ireland Mask. very fine| C31/4-2-14| 3-10-0 32822 | I/- | Australia Sword Victoria| | | 32823 | I/- | Australia Shield [[image]] Victoria| | | 32824 | M/- | Australia Club [[image]] | | | 32825 | T/- | Australia Club engraved. | | | 32826 | T/- | Australia Club engraved with figures | | | 32827 | N/- | Brit New Guinea Adze haft. | | | 32828 | I/- | Solomon Paddle 2 frigate birds on blade handle damaged| | | 32829 | I/- | Samoa Club [[image]] | | | 32830 | I/- | Samoa Club [[image]] | | | 32831 | GX/- | Fiji Club carved all over | | | 32832 | GX/- | New Zealand Haui | | | ################################################## EFwx2 ################################################## [tl1_text] 433 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32833 | GX/- | New Zealand Haui | | | 32834 | S/- | Gilbert Sword. shark teeth, rare type. | | | 32835 | S/- | Tonga Spear Staff. | | | 32836 | GX/- | S. America Blow Gun | | | 32837 | T/- | S. America Spear | | 1-18-6 32838 | T/- | S. America Spear C | | 1-8-6 32839 | GX/- | S. America Head dress.[[image]] Umauas Indian C| | 1-15-0 32840 | GX/- | Gaboon Cleaver. human skin sheath. [[image]] | | | 32841 | N/- | Gaboon Dagger human skin sheath. | | | 32842 | S/- | Ashanti Execution Sword | | | 32843 | GX/- | Congo Pestle. ivory. [[image]] Aruwimi| | | 32844 | N/- | Dawara Necklet. human teeth & amber. | | | 32845 | Y/- | Mashona Snuff Box. horn. | | | 32846 | M/- | Dawara Bone Wrist Charm or guard. | | | 32847 | M/- | Dawara Bone Wrist Charm or guard. | | | 32848 | A/- | India Dagger of horn 31cm Bheel C| | 10-6 32849 | Y/- | India Bow. large dec. Assam| J12/4-7-14 | 15-0 32850 | Y/- | India Bow. small. Assam| J12/4-7-14 | 15-0 32851 | Y/- | S.E. Asia Quiver of Arrows (10) Abor.| J12/4-7-14| 1-2-0 32852 | GX/- | S.E. Asia Cradle with carrying yoke Abor.| | 2-16-0 32853 | GX/- | S.E. Asia Sword. 'Dao' fine carved ivory hilt C| S35/27-3-14| 2-10-0 32854 | GX/- | Celebese Sword.silver mounted. horn hilt C| S35/27-3-14| 1-10-0 32855 | N/- | Celebese Kris blade | | | 32856 | N/- | Celebese Kris blade & Hilt No.36851which[[ser?]]| | | 32857 | N/- | Andaman 2 Harpoon Arrows. one stick restored| | | 32858 | Y/S | India Katar. chiselled blade. | | | 32859 | Y/S | India Guarded Katar | | | 32860 | GX/- | Japan Fencing Mask & Cuirass | | 3-15-0 32861 | G/-/- | Circassia Javellin & sword in case.silver mtd C| S35/27 -3-14| 2-5-0 32862 | GX/- | N.Persia Composite Bow & 7 Arrows.5 with points| J12/4-7-14| 4-1-0 32863 | A/- | Africa Quiver, carved & 13 Arrows Uniamesi| | | 32864 | GX/- | England Partly made Gun barrel showing method| | | 32865 | GA/- | England Tube Detonator Gun with spare barrel Mortimer| S40/11-3-14| 7-10-0 32866 | GX/- | England F.L. Gun with stock breaking Swallow| S40/11-3-14| 4-0-0 32867 | G/-/- | France F.L. DB. Carbine. | | | 32868 | GG/- | England F.L. BB. BB Pistol with bayonet| P18/7-4-15| 3-12-0 32869 | Y/S | England P.C Pistol with spring bayonet | | | 32870 | A/- | FL. Pistol brass barrel BARNETT| | | ################################################## EFwx5 ################################################## [tl1_text] 433 [[5 Column Table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32871 | Y/S | England FL Pistol by Westley Richards. | | | 32872 | A/- | Curious FL Pistol, all brass, imitation English, Greek make? | A14/22-1-14 | 3-0-0 32873 | A/- | France Knife Pistol 2 barrels. p.c. DUMOUTHIER. A. MOUDAN. | S40/11-3-14 | 6-0-0 32874 | /- | Ancient Stone Celt. Norwich. | | | 32875 | /- | Ancient Stone Spear head | | | 32876 | /- | Ancient Stone Spear head | | | 32877 | G/GX/- | Canada Large Box. quill dec: | H28/2-1-14 | 3-3-0 32878 | G/-/- | N. America Pipe Tomahawk. | H28/2-1-14 | 2-15-0 32879 | /- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Mask. Orokolo. | E1/10-2-13 | 2-15-0 32880 | /- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Mask. Orokolo. | | | 32881 | /- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Mask. | | | 32882 | /- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Mask. small damaged. | | | 32883 | A/-/- | New Caledonia Pair Temple Door Posts 1.95m x 66cm v. fine | | 90-0-0 32884 | Y/-/- | New Caledonia Pair Temple Door Posts smaller 1.42m x 30 cm | | 70-0-0 32885 | G/-/- | New Caledonia Pair Temple Door Posts smaller 75 x 14 cm |[[?]]| 40-0-0 32886 | GX/- | New Caledonia One Temple Door Post 75 x 38 cm | 15-0-0 | | 32887 | GX/- | New Caledonia One Temple Door Post Like Marquesan 65 x 30 | 15-0-0 | | 32888 | A/-/- | New Caledonia Ceremonial Dress & Mask. Ex: fine specimen. | | 45-0-0 32889 | /- | New Caledonia Ceremonial Mask. K | | 12-10-0 32890 | M/-/- | New Caledonia Funeral Figure on skull 1m 24cm | | 35-0-0 32891 | Y/-/- | New Caledonia Idol. (Cousin) 1m 6cm | | 25-0-0 32892 | G/-/- | New Caledonia Idol. on stake. | | | 32893 | | New Caledonia Idol. post. black. | | | 32894 | | New Caledonia Idol. black. No.10. | | | 32895 | A/-/- | New Caledonia [[strikethrough]] Chiefs Insignia rough wood. [[strikethrough]] Large Temple Figure. cracked. v. massive [[image]] | | 60-0-0 32896 | | New Caledonia Idol. one leg missing 53cm high. | | 3-0-0 32897 | | New Caledonia Pair Figures (Tahiti?) much perished. | 25-0-0 | | 32898 | | New Caledonia Dish with Figure. | S4/1915 | 5-10-0 32899 | | New Caledonia Ceremonial Spatula. | | 3-10-0 32900 | | New Caledonia Model House or Temple | | | 32901 | | New Caledonia Model Hut | | | 32902 | | New Caledonia Temple Top 1.80m x 50cm | | | 32903 | | New Caledonia Temple Top 2m | | | 32904 | | New Caledonia Temple Top 1 m 90 cm | S4/1915 | 3-5-0 32905 | | New Caledonia Large Water Gourd bound sinnet | | | 32906 | | New Caledonia Large Water Gourd bound sinnet | | | 32907 | | New Caledonia Large Water Gourd bound sinnet | | | 32908 | /- | New Caledonia Dress | | | ################################################## EFwx8 ################################################## [tl1_text] 434 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32909 | /- | New Caledonia Dress | | | 32910 | /- | New Caledonia Dress | | | 32911 | | New Caledonia Comb | | | 32912 | | New Caledonia Necklet | | | 32913 | | New Caledonia Necklet | | | 32914 | | New Caledonia Necklet | | | 32915 | | New Caledonia Necklet | | | 32916 | | New Caledonia Exceedingly large Jade Bead. | H36/19-4-16 | 2-0-0 32917 | | New Caledonia Belt | | | 32918 | | New Caledonia Belt M. [[Heim?]] | | 17-6 32919 | | New Caledonia Rattle 3 Shells. | | | 32920 | | New Caledonia Head Plume. narrow feathers. | | | 32921 | | New Caledonia Adze Head. jade. | | | 32922 | | New Caledonia Pair Shell Armlets | | | 32923 | | New Caledonia Armlet. vine coil. | | | 32924 | | New Caledonia Armlet. vine coil. | | | 32925 | | New Caledonia Armlet. vine coil. | | | 32926 | | New Caledonia Armlet. vine coil. | | | 32927 | | New Caledonia Pair Armlet vine coil. | | | 32928 | | New Caledonia Sling Bolt Case & 7 bolts | | | 32929 | | New Caledonia Sling Bolt Case & 7 bolts | | | 32930 | | New Caledonia Vessel. pottery | | | 32931 | | New Caledonia Vessel. pottery broken. top ornamented figures | | | 32932 | | New Caledonia Spear. charm bound on | | | 32933 | | New Caledonia Spear. charm bound on | | | 32934 | | New Caledonia Spear. charm bound on | | | 32935 | | New Caledonia Spear. charm bound on | | | 32936 | | New Caledonia Spear. charm bound on | | | 32937 | | New Caledonia Spear. charm bound on | | | 32938 | | New Caledonia Spear. charm bound on | | | 32939 | | New Caledonia Spear. charm bound on | | | 32940 | | New Caledonia Spear. charm bound on | | | 32941 | | New Caledonia Spear. 3 masks | | | 32942 | | New Caledonia Spear. 1 mask | | | 32943 | | New Caledonia Spear. barbed head. carved band | | | 32944 | | New Caledonia Spear. barbed head. carved band | | | 32945 | | New Caledonia Spear. barbed head. carved band | | | 32946 | | New Caledonia Spear. barbed head. carved band | | | ################################################## EFwxb ################################################## [tl1_text] 434 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32947 | /- | New Caledonia Spear. barbed head. carved band. | | | 32948 | /- | Loyalty Island Spear bone point | | | 32949 | | Loyalty Island Spear bone point | | | 32950 | | New Caledonia Spear curious point, carved band | | | 32951 | | New Caledonia 6 Spear carved collars. | | | 32952 | | New Caledonia 6 Spear carved collars. | | | 32953 | | New Caledonia 6 Spear carved collars. | | | 32954 | | New Caledonia 6 Spear carved collars. | | | 32955 | | New Caledonia 6 Spear carved collars. | | | 32956 | | New Caledonia 4 Spear plain. bindings on. | | | 32957 | | New Caledonia 11 Spear plain. | | | 32958 | | New Caledonia Club. bird head. | | | 32959 | | New Caledonia Club. bird head. | | | 32960 | | New Caledonia Club. bird head. | | | 32961 | | New Caledonia Club. fine fluted head. | | | 32962 | | New Caledonia Club. fine fluted [[head?]] smaller. | | | 32963 | | New Caledonia Club. Mushroom. v. fine [[image]] | | | 32964 | | New Caledonia Club. Mushroom. | | | 32965 | | New Caledonia Club. Mushroom. small | | | 32966 | | New Caledonia Club. Mushroom. small | | | 32967 | | New Caledonia Club. Penis. v. massive [[image]] | | | 32968 | | New Caledonia Club. Penis. smaller | | | 32969 | | New Caledonia Club. Penis. smaller | | | 32970 | | New Caledonia Club. Penis. smaller | | | 32971 | | New Caledonia Club. Penis. curved. | | | 32972 | | New Caledonia Club. fluted. [[image]] | | | 32973 | | New Caledonia Club. fluted. [[image]] | | | 32974 | | New Caledonia Bamboo engraved. | | | 32975 | | New Caledonia Bamboo engraved. | | | 32976 | | New Caledonia Bamboo engraved. | | | 32977 | | New Caledonia Bamboo engraved. | | | 32978 | | New Caledonia Bamboo engraved. | | | 32979 | | New Caledonia Bamboo engraved. | | | 32980 | | New Caledonia Bamboo engraved. | | | 32981 | | New Caledonia Bamboo engraved. | | | 32982 | | New Caledonia Bamboo engraved. | | | 32983 | | New Caledonia Bamboo engraved. | | | 32984 | | New Caledonia Flute | | | ################################################## EFwxe ################################################## [tl1_text] 435 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 32985 | /- | British New Guinea Tobacco Pipe | | | 32986 | /- | British New Guinea Tobacco Pipe | | | 32987 | /- | British New Guinea Tobacco Pipe | | | 32988 | /- | British New Guinea Collection of 7 Fishing Floats. carved | | | 32989 | /- | British New Guinea Collection of 6 Dresses | | | 32990 | /- | British New Guinea Collection of 5 Dresses | | | 32991 | /- | British New Guinea Axe. Trobriand | | | 32992 | /- | British New Guinea " Adze | | | 32993 | /- | British New Guinea Club. fluted. | | | 32994 | /- | British New Guinea Club stone disc head. | | | 32995 | /- | British New Guinea Shield. [[image]] | | | 32996 | /- | British New Guinea Shield. [[image]] | | | 32997 | /- | British New Guinea War Belt. | | | 32998 | /- | British New Guinea War Belt. | | | 32999 | /- | British New Guinea War Belt. damaged | | | 33000 | /- | British New Guinea War Belt. damaged | | | 33001 | /- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Tappa Belt. | | | 33002 | /- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Tappa Wristlet. ornamented | | | 33003 | /- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Tappa Wristlet. ornamented | | | 33004 | /- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Tappa Wristlet. ornamented | | | 33005 | /- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Tappa Wristlet. ornamented | | | 33006 | /- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Tappa Wristlet. ornamented | | | 33007 | /- | British New Guinea Ceremonial Tappa Wristlet. ornamented | | | 33008 | /- | British New Guinea Girdle. coix seed & feathers | | | 33009 | /- | British New Guinea Girdle. coix seed & feathers not so fine | | | 33010 | /- | British New Guinea Girdle. | | | 33011 | /- | British New Guinea Girdle. | | | 33012 | /- | British New Guinea Girdle. | | | 33013 | /- | British New Guinea Girdle. | | | 33014 | /- | British New Guinea Girdle. | | | 33015 | /- | British New Guinea Head dress. red & yellow feathers. | | | 33016 | /- | British New Guinea Chaplet shells Trobriand C | | 4-0 33017 | /- | British New Guinea Chaplet shells | | | 33018 | /- | British New Guinea Chaplet shells | | | 33019 | /- | British New Guinea Currency. cowry. | | | 33020 | /- | British New Guinea Shell Ornament. | | | 33021 | /- | British New Guinea Comb | B16/1-3-14 | 7-6 33022 | /- | British New Guinea Comb [[image]] dec feathers ? Motu Motu | | 8-6 ################################################## EFwxh ################################################## [tl1_text] 435 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 33023 | /- | British New Guinea Comb Kerepuni. | | 4-6 33024 | /- | British New Guinea Dancing Plume. | | | 33025 | /- | British New Guinea Bags series of 5. | | | 33026 | /- | British New Guinea Charm. 'Dacre Kare' | | | 33027 | /- | British New Guinea Lime Gourd. large dec. | | | 33028 | /- | British New Guinea Lime Gourd. small dec. | | | 33029 | /- | British New Guinea Lime Gourd. small dec. | | | 33030 | /- | British New Guinea Lime Gourd. small dec. | | | 33031 | /- | British New Guinea Lime Gourd. small dec. | | | 33032 | /- | British New Guinea Lime Gourd. small dec. | | | 33033 | /- | British New Guinea Lime Gourd. small dec. | | | 33034 | /- | British New Guinea Lime Gourd. small dec. | | | 33035 | /- | British New Guinea Lime Gourd. small dec. | | | 33036 | /- | British New Guinea Lime Gourd. small dec. | | | 33037 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. 12 plain. various shapes. | | | 33038 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. carved. | | | 33039 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. carved. | | | 33040 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. carved. | | | 33041 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. carved. | | | 33042 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. carved. | | | 33043 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. carved. | | | 33044 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. plainer | | | 33045 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. plainer | | | 33046 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. plainer | | | 33047 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. plainer | | | 33048 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. plainer | | | 33049 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. plainer | | | 33050 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. plainer | | | 33051 | /- | British New Guinea Sago Scoups. plainer | | | 33052 | /- | British New Guinea Set of Pan Pipes | | | 33053 | /- | [[strikethrough]] Solomon [[strikethrough]] N. Hebrides Set of Pan Pipes C | | 16-0 33054 | /- | Santa Cruz Lime Gourd. Vanikoro | | | 33055 | /- | Santa Cruz Lime Gourd. Vanikoro | | | 33056 | /- | Santa Cruz Shell Ornament Vanikoro | | | 33057 | /- | Santa Cruz Rasp Vanikoro | | | 33058 | /- | Santa Cruz Bag. | | | 33059 | /- | Santa Cruz Water Bottle & Sling | | | 33060 | /- | Solomon Armlet. | | | ################################################## EFwxk ################################################## [tl1_text] 436 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 33061 | /- | Solomon Armlet | | | 33062 | /- | Solomon Armlet | | | 33063 | /- | Solomon Pair Ear Rings tortoise shell. | | | 33064 | /- | Solomon Pair Ear Rings | | | 33065 | /- | Solomon Pair Ear Rings | | | 33066 | /- | Solomon Pair Ear Rings | | | 33067 | /- | Solomon Pair Ear Rings | | | 33068 | /- | Solomon Pair Ear Rings | | | 33069 | /- | Solomon Pair Ear Rings | | | 33070 | /- | Solomon Pair Ear Rings | | | 33071 | /- | Solomon Pair Ear Rings | | | 33072 | /- | Solomon Club covered matting. | | | 33073 | /- | Gilbert Sword Edged with shark teeth. | | | 33074 | /- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 30775 | /- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 30776 | /- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 30777 | /- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 30778 | /- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 30779 | /- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 30780 | /- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] | | | 30781 | /- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] with loop | | | 30782 | /- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] Tamma I | | | 30783 | /- | [[New Hebrides Club?]] [[image]] | | | 30784 | /- | [[New Hebrides Club?]] [[image]] | | | 30785 | /- | [[New Hebrides Club?]] [[image]] [[image]] | | | 30786 | /- | [[New Hebrides Club?]] [[image]] [[image]] | | | 30787 | /- | [[New Hebrides Club?]] [[image]] [[image]] with shoulder loop | | | 30788 | /- | [[New Hebrides Club?]] [[image]] [[image]] with shoulder loop | | | 30789 | /- | [[New Hebrides Club?]] [[image]] [[image]] with shoulder loop | | | 30790 | /- | [[New Hebrides Club?]] [[image]] [[image]] with shoulder loop | | | 30791 | /- | [[New Hebrides Club?]] [[image]] [[image]] with shoulder loop | | | 30792 | /- | [[New Hebrides Club?]] [[image]] [[image]] no loop | | 30793 | /- | New Hebrides Club Festive Spear Espiritu Santo | | 1-1-0 30794 | /- | New Hebrides Club Festive Spear Espiritu Santo | | | 30795 | /- | New Hebrides Quiver. dec. | | | 30796 | /- | New Hebrides Ireland Mask. | | 2-10-0 30797 | /- | New Hebrides Stone Snake Charm C | B21/14-7-14 | 2-16-0 30798 | /- | New Hebrides Deity C | B21/14-7-14 | 3-10-0 ################################################## EFwxn ################################################## [tl1_text] 436 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 33099 | /- | New Hebrides Deity [[strikethrough]] Stick [[strikethrough]] Bird C | B21/14-7-14 | 18-6 33100 | /- | New Hebrides Stick. double head C | B21/14-7-14 | 3-10-0 33101 | /- | New Hebrides Stick. single head. C | B21/14-7-14 | 1-2-6 33102 | /- | New Hebrides Stick. single head C | B21/14-7-14 | 1-15-0 33103 | /- | New Hebrides Stick. single head damaged C | B21/14-7-14 | 10-6 33104 | /- | New Hebrides Stick. Small. dec. shaft. C | B21/14-7-14 | 1-10-0 33105 | /- | New Hebrides Large Bamboo. dec: slightly C | B21/14-7-14 | 12-6 33106 | /- | New Hebrides Womans Ornament worn behind [[image]] Santo. | | | 33107 | /- | New Hebrides Womans Ornament worn behind [[image]] Santo. | | 1-5-0 33108 | /- | New Hebrides Womans Ornament worn behind [[image]] Santo. C | | 1-5-0 33109 | /- | New Hebrides Womans Ornament worn behind [[image]] Santo. [[strikethrough]] C [[strikethrough]] | | 1-0-0 33110 | /- | New Hebrides Neck Ornament. C | | 16-0 33111 | /- | New Hebrides Basket. | | | 33112 | /- | New Hebrides Currency Mat C | | 8-6 33113 | /- | New Hebrides Necklet. cut shells. | | | 33114 | /- | New Hebrides Armlet. fine carved CN. shell. | | 8-6 33115 | /- | New Hebrides Armlet. fine carved CN. shell. smaller | | 5-0 33116 | /- | New Hebrides Pair Armlet turbo shell. | | | 33117 | /- | New Hebrides Armlet. boar tusk. | | | 33118 | /- | New Hebrides Armlet. | | | 33119 | /- | New Hebrides Armlet. | | | 33120 | /- | New Hebrides Armlet. C | | 8-0 33121 | /- | New Hebrides Armlet. | | | 33122 | /- | New Hebrides Armlet. | | | 33123 | /- | New Hebrides Armlet. | | | 33124 | /- | W. Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 33125 | /- | W. Australia Boomerang. | M35/10-11-14 | 8-6 33126 | /- | W. Australia Tomahawk. damaged. | | | 33127 | /- | W. Australia Stirrer. | | | 33128 | /- | New Caledonia Dress. | | 2-6 33129 | /- | New Caledonia Dress. | | 2-0 33130 | /- | New Caledonia Dress. | | 2-0 33131 | /- | New Caledonia Dress. | | 2-0 33132 | /- | French Soudan Nest of 3 large Baskets. Djonbtil | | | 33133 | /- | Brit. New Guinea 2 Carved Fishing Floats. | | | 33134 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Bundle Carved Fishing Floats plain | | | 33135 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Bundle Carved Fishing Floats plain | | | 33136 | /- | New Caledonia ? Sandal. | | | ################################################## EFwxq ################################################## [tl1_text] 437 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 33137 | /- | Brit: New Guinea Drum. | | | 33138 | /- | Brit: New Guinea Dress. | | | 33139 | /- | Brit: New Guinea Head Ornament. | | | 33140 | /- | Brit: New Guinea Head Ornament. | | | 33141 | /- | Brit: New Guinea Head Ornament. | | | 33142 | /- | Brit: New Guinea Spatula bone. | | | 33143 | /- | Brit: New Guinea String Bag. | | | 33144 | /- | New Hebrides Grass Bag. | | | 33145 | /- | New Hebrides Hair Comb. | | 14-6 33146 | /- | New Hebrides Hair Comb. | | 9-6 33147 | /- | New Caledonia Hair Comb Engraved. figs | | 8-0 33148 | /- | Brit New Guinea Hair Comb | B16/1-1-14 | 1-6 33149 | /- | Brit New Guinea Hair Comb | B16/1-1-14 | 1-6 33150 | /- | Brit New Guinea Hair Comb | B16/1-1-14 | 3-0 33151 | /- | Brit New Guinea Hair Comb | B16/1-1-14 | 3-0 33152 | /- | Brit New Guinea Hair Comb | B16/1-1-14 | 1-6 33153 | /- | Brit New Guinea Hair Comb | B16/1-1-14 | 1-6 33154 | /- | Brit New Guinea Hair Comb | | | 33155 | /- | New Caledonia Double Model Canoe. | | | 33156 | /- | New Caledonia ? Wood Spatula. | | | 33157 | /- | New Caledonia Gourd Carrier sinnet | | | 33158 | I/- | Mashona Head Rest Cow. v. fine. | | | 33159 | Y/- | Mashona Head Rest [[image]] v. fine. | | | 33160 | T/S | Mashona Marimba. | | | 33161 | Y/- | Mashona Sanza 26 keys. | | 14-0 33162 | Y/- | Mashona Axe | | | 33163 | -/S | Mashona Spear | | | 33164 | -/S | Mashona Spear | | | 33165 | Y/S | Mashona Neck Charm of horns | | | 33166 | Y/S | Mashona Neck Charm of horns | | | 33167 | G/-/- | New Zealand Onewa. | | | 33168 | GA/- | German New Guinea Head Rest. | | | 33169 | GX/S | N. Queensland Axe Head. Cairns | | 18-6 33170 | GX/S | N. Queensland Axe Head. Cairns | | | 33171 | GX/S | N. Queensland Axe Head. Cairns | | | 33172 | GX/S | Victoria Axe Head. Carrum Swamp | | 16-0 33173 | GA/- | Nigeria Mask. | C31/4-2-14 | 1-7-6 33174 | N/-/- | B. Congo Cup carved ivory Bakuba | | 7-10-0 ################################################## EFwxt ################################################## [tl1_text] 437 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 33175 | C/S | British Columbia Comb. figure on top. | H28/2-1-14 | 2-12-6 33176 | G/-/- | Tibet Rosary. human bone } | S21/17-2-14 | 1-12-6 33177 | G/-/- | Tibet Rosary. human bone ex large coral bead }5/5/- | S21/17-2-14 | 2-2-0 33178 | G/-/- | Tibet Rosary. white skull. } | S21/17-2-14 | 1-17-6 33179 | G/-/- | Ancient S. India. Stone Carving. large. Jain. | | 4-10-0 33180 | GX/- | Ancient S. India. Stone Carving. Fragment. | | 2-10-0 33181 | A/- | Ancient S. India. Stone Carving. Fragment. Figure. | | 1-10-0 33182 | Y/GX/- | Ancient S. India. Green Stone Shrine. | | 20-10-0 33183 | Y/GX/- | Ancient S. India. Green Stone Shrine. | | 20-10-0 33184 | G/-/- | Ancient S. India. Garuda. pottery. | | 5-0-0 33185 | G/-/- | Ancient S. India. Bronze Shrine. inscription. | | 4-0-0 33186 | G/-/- | Ancient S. India. Bronze Shrine. Female fig.| | 3-0-0 33187 | G/-/- | Ancient S. India. Bronze Shrine. Man. | | 3-0-0 33188 | Y/GA/- | Ancient S. India. Bronze Figure. v fine model | 8-10-0 33189 | Y/-/- | Ancient S. India. Bronze Figure. v fine model smaller. 109 19-0. | | 8-10-0 [[list penciled next to items 33186 - 33188: Large Stone Carving 100 14 0 3100, strikethrough]] 2 Bronze Shrines [[strikethrough]], largest Stone Columns 515 0.]] 33190 | Y/-/- [[image]] | Ancient S. India. Bronze Tope. 4 seated figs. | | 3-10-0 33191 | GX/- [[image]] | Ancient S. India. Bronze Lamp | | 1-0-0 33192 | A/- [[image]] | Ancient S. India. Bronze Figure & Stupa | | 12-10-0 33193 | M/GX/- [[image]] | Ancient S. India. Figure. standing. | | 7-10-0 33194 | M/M/- | Ancient S. India. 1 Large Shrine. 13 Shrine backs [[?]] | | 6-6-0 33195 | GM/- | Ancient S. India. Buddha with shrine back. | | 5-5-0 33196 | GM/- | Ancient S. India. Buddha with shrine back. | | 3-3-0 [[?]] 33197 | Y/C/- | England DB. Sporting Gun by Joe Mauton | S40/11-3-14 | 20-10-0 33198 | Y/C/- | England DB. Sporting Gun by Joe Mauton | S40/11-3-14 | 21-10-0 33199 | N/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol PATRICK | E6/1-1-14 | 7-6 33200 | N/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol HEWSON | E6/1-1-14 | 7-6 33201 | Y/A/- | England FL. BB. B B Pistol with bayonet. | | | 33202 | G/GX/- | N. Brazil Club. carved. [[strikethrough]] C [[strikethrough]] | | [[strikethrough]] 3-5-0 [[strikethrough]] 4-4-0 33203 | G/GI/- | N. America Skin Bag. Ungava. | | [[strikethrough]] 5-15-0 [[strikethrough]] 6-17-6 33204 | Y/- | Eskimo Tobacco Pouch. | | 8-6 33205 | N/- | W. Australia Tomahawk (Cacho) | | 1-1-0 33206 | G/- | W. Australia Knife (Tabba) | | | 33207 | Y/GX/- | W. Africa "Bundu" Mask Mendi | | | 33208 | GS/A/- | N. Zealand Feather Box. v fine Figs. | [[strikethrough]] L22-10-0 [[strikethrough]] | 26-10-0 33209 | M/GX/- | A.M. S.t. # | | | 33210 | GY/S | S E. Africa Kerry rhino horn short | | | 33211 | GX/- | N.W. America Ivory carving | | 1-1-0 33212 | GY/S | N.W. America Whalers Knife | H28/2-1-14 | 1-7-6 ################################################## EFwxw ################################################## [tl1_text] 438 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 33213 | GX/- | Persia Bow. very fine. | S35/27-3-14 | 4-4-0 33214 | G/A/- | Japan Tsuba. shakudo. brown signed | D9/27-10-13 | 2-2-0 33215 | G/-/- | Japan Tsuba. shakudo. black. warriors. signed | W22/6-2-14 | 2-2-0 33216 | T/- | Japan Tsuba. shakudo. signed | W22/6-2-14 | 16-0 33217 | T/- | Japan Tsuba. shakudo. | W22/6-2-14 | 16-0 33218 | G/- | Japan Tsuba. iron. cast. | | | 33219 | I/- | British New Guinea War. Belt. carved. Karema. | | | 33220 | I/- | British New Guinea War. Belt. carved. Karema. | | | 33221 | I/- | British New Guinea War. Belt. carved. Karema. | | | 33222 | I/- | British New Guinea War. Belt. carved. Karema. | | | 33223 | I/- | British New Guinea War. Belt. carved. Karema. | | | 33224 | GX/S | New Ireland Dancing Sceptres. or Wings. | | | 33225 | GX/S | New Ireland Dancing Sceptres. or Wings. | | | 33226 | G/G/- | New Ireland Mask. | | | 33227 | GI/- | Afghan Khyber Knife with guard. C | S35/27-3-14 | 1-12-6 33228 | G/GA/- | Europe Hanger silver inlaid hilt. XVII Cent. | W1/28-10-16 | [[32-15-0?]] 33229 | S/- | Europe Steelyard. XVIII Cent. C | | 10-6 33230 | Y/- | Europe 2 Powder Charges off Bandolier XVII Cent. | | | 33231 | N/- | Brazil Musical Instrument. bamboo. serrated [[?]] | | 17-6 33232 | S/- | Brazil Head dress. feathers. fine. Brit Guiana C | | [[strikethrough]] 1-1-0 [[strikethrough]] 1-8-0 33233 | S/- | Brazil Head dress. feathers. | | 1-5-0 33234 | S/- | Brazil Head dress. feathers. | | 1-0-0 33235 | S/- | Brazil Head dress. feathers. with long cord. C | | [[strikethrough]] 18-6 [[strikethrough]] 1-5-0 33236 | S/- | Brazil Head dress. feathers. | | 18-6 33237 | S/- | Brazil Head dress. feathers. | | 1-1-0 33238 | G/-/- | New Hebrides Adze haft. carved figures. fractured. Ambrym | H38/3-11-16 | 2-12-6 33239 | GX/- | Brit. New Guinea Lime Spatula. whale bone. fine. | | | 33240 | G/- | Australia Boomerang. deeply curved [[image]] etched. fine | H37/20-10-15 | 11-0 33241 | G/- | Australia Boomerang. West Queensland | | 6-0 33242 | M/M/- | N. Queensland Pick. quartz.head [[image]] | K5/22-6-14 | 3-10-0 33243 | M/- | India Katar. | [[W35/?]] | 9-0 33244 | M/- | India Katar. Ex narrow C | | 12-6 33245 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Gourd. shell top. | | | 33246 | M/- | New Guinea Collection of 14 Turbo shell Armlets unfinished | | | 33247 | Y/S | England Straw Splitter Luton. | | 6-6 33248 | Y/S | England Straw Splitter Luton. | | | 33249 | Y/S | England Straw Splitter Luton. | | | 33250 | Y/S | England Straw Splitter imperfect Luton. | | 5-0 ################################################## EFwxz ################################################## [tl1_text] 438 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 33251 | GI/- | England War Hammer Head. XVI Cent. Ludlow Castle | | 2-10-0 33252 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Club. Star. 7 points | W1/1915| 1-1-0 33253 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Club. disc. | | | 33254 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Club. disc. | | | 33255 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Club. disc. | | | 33256 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Club. disc. smaller | | | 33257 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Club. disc. smaller | | | 33258 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Club. disc. smaller | | | 33259 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Club. fluted ball | | | 33260 | /- | Brit. New Guinea Club. fluted ball | | | 33261 | /- | New Caledonia Temple Figure (Fractured in transit to Frank | | | 33262 | A/S | Swiss Lake Stone Axe in bone socket | | 12-6 33263 | A/S | Swiss Lake Stone Axe in bone socket | | | 33264 | Y/S | Coptic Iron Cross. Fayon| H36/1915 | 8-0 33265 | Y/S | Coptic Ear Ring Fayon | | | 33266 | Y/S | Iron Age Bronze Fibula Italy | B48/1-10-14 | 7-6 33267 | Y/S | Europe Part Pocket Sundial | | | 33268 | M/- | Europe FL. Pistol damaged. | | | 33269 | M/- | Europe P.C Pistol | E6/1-1-14 | 7-0 33270 | N/- | Bhotan Knife. | | | 33271 | -/S | Bhotan Lock. | | | 33272 | G/GX/- | Vancouver Skull. | | | 33273 | Y/-/- | Brit. Columbia Skull | | | 33274 | G/GX/- | Sioux Skull. | | | 33275 | M/-/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure. Mendi | | | 33276 | G/GA/- | Dutch New Guinea Head Rest. Douri | | | 33277 | G/A/- | Benin Armlet. bronze. mask | | | 33278 | G/-/- | Bronze Age. Copper Axe. Dunna Pentile. Hungary| | 2-15-0 33279 | G/A/- | Bronze Age. Copper Axe. like stone. Moravia | | 3-3-0 33280 | GX/- | Bronze Age. Copper Axe. Khiev S. Russia | | 1-2-0 33281 | G/-/- |Bronze Age. Socketed Celt. unfinished. S. Russia | | 2-5-0 33282 | G/A/- | Bronze Age. Socketed Celt. fluted fine. edge is ground Comitat Neutra. Hungary | B48/1915| 3-3-0 33283 | G/A/- | Bronze Age. Socketed Celt. fine patina. Comitat Neutra. Hungary| B48/1915 | 2-15-0 33284 | G/A/- | Bronze Age.Socketed Celt.smaller showing wings Comitat Neutra. Hungary | | 1-15-0 33285 | G/X/- | Bronze Age.Winged flanged Celt. [[image]] Prusinovice Moravia| | 1-18-0 33286 | GA/- | Bronze Age. Winged flanged Celt. closed [[image]] Prusinovice Moravia | | 1-15-0 33287 | GX/- | Bronze Age. Winged flanged Celt. Corcelettes Newchâtel| | 1-12-6 33288 | A/- | Bronze Age. Bronze Knife Estarayer| | 12-6 ################################################## EFwxC ################################################## [tl1_text] 439 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 33289 | G/GX/- | Early Iron Age Bronze Armlet. Semlin near Belgrade| | 3-3-0 33290 | Y/S | Early Iron Age Bronze Armlet. bent wire Baja Hungary| B48/1-10-14 | 10-6 33291 | GX/- | Early Iron Age Bronze(imprint of grave cloth) Dunna Peutch Hungary| B48/1-10-14| 1-1-0 33292 | A/- | Early Iron Age Bronze Torque. Carinthia| | 1-6-0 33293 | Y/S | Late Iron Age 2 Bronze Amulets. [[image]] Carinthia| B48/1-10-14| 10-0 33294 | Y/S | Late Iron Age 2 Fibula. imperfect Chalons sur Marne Franc| B48/1-10-14 | 10-6 33295 | Y/S | Late Iron Age 2 Fibula small Baja. Hungary| | 7-6 33296 | A/- | Late Iron Age Glass Paste Beads. found with Armlet #33290. Baja| B48/1-10-14 | 1-1-0 33297 | Y/- | Late Iron Age Bronze Pin. | B48/1-10-14 | 4-0 33298 | I/GX/- | A. China Bronze Celt. | | 12-12-0 33299 | G/-/- | Bronze Age. Celt. Capt Peel Colln. Sardinia| | 2-2-0 33300 | N/-/- | Bronze Age Stone Hammer. v.fine Capt Peel Colln. Swiss Lake| H36/1-7-16 | 6-0-0 33301 | T/S | Paleo Age Kingston. Thames| [[H36/5/?/16]]| 7-6 33302 | G/Y/S | Japan Iron Mask. | W22/4-2-14| 2-10-0 33303 | G/GX/- | S.Sumatra Kris fine sheath.loop.gold plates on hilt. C| S35/27-3-14| 3-5-0 33304 | G/M/- | S. Sumatra Kris Ivory hilt. set jargoons C| S35/27-3-14 | 3-5-0 33305 | GX/- | S. Sumatra Kris remarkable blade.| | | 33306 | M/A/- | Morocco Gun. silver mounts.| A14/22-1-14 | 3-5-0 33307 | A/- | Zanzibar Sword. [[image]] extra large.| | | 33308 | GA/- | India Sword. fine hilt.| | 2-12-0 33309 | G/A/- | Nepal Kukri sheath silver mtd.| | 4-10-0 33310 | /- | S. Africa. Dice. ivory Rhodesia| | | 33311 | /- | S. Africa. Medicine Phial Rhodesia| | | 33312 | /- | German New Guinea Carved Spear head | | | 33313 | G/S | Futuna Isl: Tappa. (Wallis I.| | | 33314 | G/S | Futuna Isl: Tappa. | | | 33315 | Y/- | Tonga Tappa. copy of Samoan design | | | 33316 | /- | Tonga Tappa. Waist Belt | | | 33317 | /- | Tonga Tappa. Waist Belt | | | 33318 | Y/-/- | Collection of 15 Fish-hooks. | | | 33319 | M/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | | 33320 | M/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | | 33321 | M/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | | 33322 | T/GX/- | Tibet Helmet copper. | S35/27-3-14 | 15-0-0 33323 | G/GX/- | Idol black wood.shell eyes. bead work belt | | 2-7-6 33324 | GS/-/- | New Zealand Teki large 4-1/2 x 2-3/4| M37/11-3-16| 25-10-0 33325 | S/-/- | New Caledonia Jade Beads.100 with Fur(Flying Fox) Wristlet| | 16-16-0 33326 | Y/GX/- | Europe F.L. Eprouvette.remarkable form| S40/1915| 5-5-0 ################################################## EFwxF ################################################## [tl1_text] 439 [[five column table]] [[Stock No. | Cost | Object Description | Code of Buyer and Sale Date | Price]] 33327 | T/S | England F.L. Horse Pistol | I4/9/10/15 | 16-0 33328 | T/. | England P.C. Knife Pistol | S40/11/3/14 | 18-6 33329 | T/. | Tibet Exorcising Dagger | 1-1-0 33330 | M/S | Fiji Head Rest | | 33331 | I/. | Java Staff cane with silver mts.| | 33332 | A/. | Java Staff cane with silver mts.not so fine| | 33333 | Y/. | Europe Surgical Instruments or Tattooing| S4/1915 | 10-6 33334 | Y/. | Turkey Mahomedan Copper Charm Foot| | 33335 | G/./. | Solomon Club figure on handle San Christoval| | 33336 | G/GX/ | Solomon Club rare form[[drawing]] one like it sold to Frank for 3/10/0| | 3-5-0 33337 | GA/. | China Double Bronze Dish | | 33338 | N/. | Persia Divan Crutch C| | 7-6 33339 | A/. | Java Spear Head inlaid brass C| S35/27-3/14| 1-2-6 33340 | T/. | Java Kris v.fine carved hilt C| 1-8-6 33341 | /. | C. American Figure pottery Juni| | 33342 | GX/. | S. Nigeria Pair Figures C| | 1-0-0 33343 | A/. | S.Nigeria Mask,round,small,nose broken| L21/22/1/14| 10-6 33344 | A/. | Mashona.Medicine Mans' Charm. Wood or[[drawing]] Divining Tablet| | 33345 | G/./. | North America Pipe Tomahawk snake carved on handle| H28/2-1-14| 2-0-0 33346 | G/./. | North America Scalp Stick| H28/2-1-14| 2-0-0 33347 | A/. | Ceylon Bow, painted| | 1-8-6 33348 | GX/. | Harvey Paddle damaged| | 33349 | A/GX/. | New Zealand Figure five moko on face. Ngaiki on body| | 25-0-0 33350 | G/./. | New Zealand Hani carved on blade slightly| | 33351 | GX/. | New Zealand Hani | F17/10-8-14| 1-5-0 33352 | GX/. | New Zealand Hani | | 33353 | GX/. | New Zealand Hani curious plain tongue| | 33354 | GN/. | Solomon Club shell rings diamond type| | 2-2-0 33355 | G/. | North Australia Spear Thrower damaged| | 33356 | GA/. | C. Australia War Boomerang totem tracks| | 3-15-0 33357 | Y/S | C. Australia Boomerang carved N. Queensland| | 1-2-6 33358 | Y/S | C. Australia boomerang plain,large N.South Wales| | 16-0 33359 | GX/S | Life Adze [[?]]| K5/1915| 1-10-0 33360 | T/GX/. | New Zealand Jade Ornament| | 33361 | G/A/. | New Zealand Carved Stick part of a spear| | 33362 | GX/. | Central America Stone Dish Chiriqui| H28/2/1/14| 4-8-0 33363 | M/. | South America Bow & 2 Arrows Chaco| J12/11/7/14| 1-12-0 33364 | N/. | South America Spear with detachable head Chaco C| | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwxI ################################################## [tl1_text] 440 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 33365 | G/- | S. Africa Assegai. Beira| | | 33366 | GX/- | Australia Sword. Scrub Victoria| | | 33367 | GN/- | New Guinea Drum. | | | 33368 | GX/- | New Guinea Shield. East Cape| | | 33369 | G/- | W. Australia Boomerang.[[image]] v.fine re curved| | 10-6 33370 | G/- | W. Australia Waddy. | | | 33371 | GX- | East Indies Bow & 6 Arrows| J12/4-7-14 | 1-3-0 33372 | S/GY/- | Sundry Lots for M-Wr. | W22/4-5-14 | 8-0-0 33373 | GX/- | Japan Tsuba. fine Shakudo | | 1-5-0 33374 | GX/- | Japan Tsuba. Shakudo rougher work | | 18-6 33375 | I/- | Japan Tsuba. iron copper gilt grapes. | | 17-6 33376 | G/GX/- | Ceylon Devil Mask large | | 4-15-0 33377 | G/-/- | Ceylon Devil Mask smaller. | | 2-10-0 33378 | C/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. 12/10/- | | 14-00 33379 | GI/- | B.C. Bone Scraper. Hand Adze & Club. | S | | 33380 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol | E6/1-1-14 | 9-0 33381 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol | E6/1-1-14 | 9-6 33382 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol | E6/1-1-14 | 8-0 33383 | N/- | Japan Tsuba. shakudo. shells | | 6-6 33384 | N/- | Japan Tsuba. shakudo. figs. | | 10-6 33385 | N/- | Japan Tsuba. Namban. pierced edge. | | 10-6 33386 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba. inlaid gold. Fan design | | 7-0 33387 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba. pierced | | 5-0 33388 | G/GA/- | New Caledonia Adze Head.jade|[[M.Hearn?]]3-12-6| | 33389 | GS/I | B. New Guinea. Modern Lot. | | | 33390 | A/- | Sumatra Spear. silver mount. Atjeh| S35/21-10-16| 14-0 33391 | A/- | Sumatra Spear. silver mount. Atjeh| | 14-0 33392 | Y/S | Sumatra Knife Atjeh C| | 7-6 33393 | GS/- | Harvey I. Paddle. v. fine large| | | 33394 | T/- | Congo Currency Sear. copper.| | | 33395 | N/- | European Carved Handle. Whistle| | | 33396 | Y/S | China Stick etched views.| | 16-0 33397 | Y/S | N. Australia Spear Thrower peg? Port Essington| | | 33398 | Y/S | Samoa Fish Hook | K5/1915 | 5-0 33399 | A/- | Assam Pellet Bow.inlaid silver iron mounts| S35/27-3-14| 1-2-6 33400 | A/- | Assam Pellet Bow. | | | 33401 | A/- | Assam Pellet Bow. | J12/4-7-14 | 1-5-0 33402 | A/- | Assam Pellet Bow. | J12/4-7-14 | 1-5-0 ################################################## EFwxL ################################################## [tl1_text] 440 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 33403 | N/- | Belgian Congo. Axe. Kassai| | 1-5-0 33404 | GA/- | England. BL. Rifle. Storm's Patent.| | | 33405 | G/-/- | Japan Collection of 5 Swords| C7/13-12-13 & S | 3-15-0 33406 | G/-/- | India Gauntlet Sword. "Pata" sheath | | 3-7-6 33407 | GA/- | India Katar undulating blade. C| S35/27-3-14 | 1-12-6 33408 | GX/- | Katar carved blade. Oude C| S35/27-3-14 | 1-10-0 33409 | A/- | Katar. blade chiselled elephants C|S35/27-3-14| 1-1-0 33410 | GX/- | Knife, finely watered blade.inlaid gold. C| S35/27-3-14 | 2-15-0 33411 | A/- | Sword. fine steel hilt. straight blade.| | 2-2-0 33412 | A/- | Dagger,"Bich'hawa" gilt hilt, fluted bosses C| S35/27 -3-14 | 1-1-0 33413 | A/- | Dagger,"Bich'hawa" double blades | | 33414 | GX/- | Parrying Shaft. Poona| | 1-16-0 33415 | A/- | India Ayda Katti. horn hilt. one edged. Coorg| | 33416 | GX/- | India Ayda Katti. wood & brass two edged Coorg| | 33417 | GX/- | Assam Hill Tribes Sword two handed. Khasi Janti| | 33418 | GX/- | Assam Hill Tribes Axe. Ex:fine Naga| | 2-5-0 33419 | A/- | India Axe. Chota Nagpur.| | 33420 | A/- | Burmah Double Dha. | | 33421 | A/- | Burmah Double Knife ivory hilts C| S35/27-3-14 | 1-1-0 33422 | GA/- | Borneo. "Parang Ilang".inlaid blade.side knife| | 2-15-0 33423 | GA/- | Philippine Sword. remarkable marking on blade Ilanan| | | 33424 | GX/- | Timor? Sword. cowry belt. | | | 33425 | GX/- | Borneo Sword. brass hilt. silver mounts. Java C| | 2-18-0 33426 | A/- | Tibet Sword | | | 33427 | G/-/- | Persia Sword fine 'Assad' blade. modern mounts.| | 5-15-0 33428 | A/- | Persia Dagger. ivory hilt| | 1-8-0 33429 | A/- | Assam Hill Tribes. Bow. | J12/4-7-14| 17-0 33430 | GX/- | W. Africa Carved wood Tusk. curious| | 2-10-0 33431 | Y/-/- | N. Zealand Basalt 'Onewa' | | | 33432 | G/-/- | N. Zealand Basalt Onewa small | | | 33433 | G/-/- | N. Zealand Basalt Onewa small | | | 33434 | A/GX/- | Narwhal Tusk. | | 10-10-0 33435 | G/G/- | Sierra Leone Bundu Mask Mendi| | | 33436 | G/G/- | Sierra Leone Bundu Mask Mendi| S4/1915 | 2-0-0 33437 | GX/- | Sierra Leone Pair Fetishes damaged Mendi| S4/1915| 18-0 33438 | Y/GX/- | Gaboon Pair Fetishes. large heavy black.noses broken| S | | 33439 | GX/- | Ashanti Fetish Woman & child| S4/14-3-16| 2-0-0 or 2-0-6 33440 | G/A/- | Ashanti Fetish remarkable dish shaped body. [[image]]| | ################################################## EFwxO ################################################## [tl1_text] 441 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 33441 | Y/GX/- | Benin Mask bronze. [[recleaned?]] | | | 33442 | A/- | Eskimo Model Kyak. | | 18-6 33443 | A/- | Eskimo Harpoon. ? | | | 33444 | Y/-/- | Scotland Dirk & Flask | C7/24-12-13 | 3-0-0 33445 | Y/GX/- | Venice Shiavona Basket Sword| C7/14-3-16| 3-16-6 or 2-17-0 33446 | GS/- | England Fire Blower. C| S54/7-10-16 | 1-8-0 or 1-6-0 33447 | G/-/- | Japan 3 Swords. | C7/24-12-13 | 1-12-6 33448 | G/A/- | India Steel Bow v.fine specimen.watered & fluted| | 5-5-0 33449 | GX/- | Europe Wheel-lock. no main spring.| | | 33450 | Y/S | Moorish F.L. | H39/9-3-16 | 17-6 33451 | A/- | Europe Curious P.C Vertical Pistol. | | | 33452 | Y/S | Europe D.B. P.C Pistol. | E6/6-1-14 | 8-6 33453 | Y/S | England Pepper Box Revolver. defective.| | | 33454 | Y/S | England Pepper Box Revolver. defective.| | | 33455 | A/- | Oriental Jade Pipe Mouth Piece. | | 17-6 33456 | A/- | 2 Japan Side Knife Handles. one iron signed. | | 10-0 33457 | N/S | Japan Tsuba. gilt dragons. signed | | | 33458 | Y/S | Ceylon Lime Box. | | | 33459 | G/-/- | Nicobar? Figure of European. | S4/1915 | 1-10-0 33460 | A/- | Congo Fetish Drum small fine. | | | 33461 | A/- | Congo Fetish Drum larger. | | 1-5-0 33462 | G/A/- | Sierra Leone Figure. fine work. Mendi| E7/11-3-16| 2-15-0 33463 | G/A/- | Lr. Congo Figure. fine. | | | 33464 | G/-/- | B.Congo Figure black wood two heads| W22/1915| 1-12-6 33465 | GI/- | P Congo Rattle. Figure on top. v. rare. | | 3-3-0 33466 | GX/- | B Congo Thief finding [[Palati?]] in form of crocodile| | 3-3-0 33467 | GY/- | Calabar Mask. C| | 2-2-0 33468 | GX/- | N. Nigeria Spoon ivory or bone | | | 33469 | M/- | Benin Carving small. | | | 33470 | M/GA/- | S. Niger Mask.v Elaborate & large.coloured. 98 x 44 cm C| | 6-6-0 33471 | GY/- | S. Niger Bellows. | | | 33472 | A/- | W. Africa Staff carved head | S4/29-2-16 | 10-0 33473 | A/- | W. Africa Staff carved head | S4/29-2-16 | 10-0 33474 | A/- | W. Africa Staff carved head | S4/29-2-16 | 8-0 33475 | G/G/- | W. Africa Board for Grinding | | 3-15-0 33476 | G/-/- | Eskimo Lamp steatite | | 1-18-0 33477 | A/- | N. America Breast Ornament. wampum shells.| | 18-6 33478 | GX/-/- | N.Zealand 'Wahaika' rare form |B16/8-10-16 M.SH/[[?]]| 12-14-0 ################################################## EFwxR ################################################## [tl1_text] 441 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 33479 | Y/A/- | New Zealand Onewa. | | | 33480 | GX/- | Fiji Tappa Beater. | | | 33481 | A/- | Hawaii Tappa Beater. | | | 33482 | A/- | Tahiti Tappa Beater. | | | 33483 | A/- | Tappa Beater | | | 33484 | Y/A/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. figures | | | 33485 | Y/GX/- | Mangaian Adze. | | | 33486 | G/-/- | Manihika Paddle. | | 2-15-0 33487 | GA/- | Brazil Club covered matting. F.Guiana C| | 2-10-0 33488 | A/- | New Ireland False Beard. | | | 33489 | G/-/- | Tibet Temple Picture | | 4-4-0 33490 | G/-/- | Nepal Sacrificial Axe. inlaid brass C| S4/1915| 3-15-0 33491 | GX/- | French Congo Cleaver | | | 33492 | GX/- | Liberia Model Canoe. Kru| | | 33493 | GX/- | W. Australia Tomahawk of seyenite | | | 33494 | GX/- | W. Australia Tomahawk of seyenite | | | 33495 | GX/- | W. Australia Saw. | | | 33496 | Y/GX/- | Mangaia Adze Haft | | | 33497 | Y/-/- | Mangaia Adze Haft | | | 33498 | GA/- | Borneo. Blow Pipe. | | | 33499 | GA/- | Borneo. War Hat. | F20/19-6-14 | 1-0-0 33500 | Y/-/- | Japan 3 Masks. | W22/4-2-14 | 2-12-6 33501 | T/S | Aboriginal India Bow & Quiver of 20 Arrows.| | | 33502 | T/S | Aboriginal India Bow & Quiver of 20 Arrows.| | | 33503 | T/S | Aboriginal India Bow & Quiver of 20 Arrows.| J12/4-7-14| 1-18-0 33504 | T/S | Aboriginal India Bow & Quiver of 20 Arrows.| J12/4-7-14| 1-18-0 33505 | Y/-/- | Arab Dagger. 'Jambiya' fine sheath C| | 4-10-0 33506 | Y/GX/- | Arab long projection on sheath. belt C| S35/27-3-14| 4-16-0 33507 | G/-/- | England 4 barrelled revolving Pistol.brass butt.rough| D6/18-3-14| 1-10-0 33508 | GA/- | England Pair F.L. Pocket Pistols DOUBLEDAY. fine finish| W35/1915| 1-12-6 33509 | GY/- | England Pair F.L. Pocket Pistols GAMBLE|E6/1-1-14| 1-5-0 33510 | T/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol cannon barrel. DALTON| E6/1-1-14| 16-0 33511 | T/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol cannon barrel. COLLIS| | | 33512 | G/Y/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol 4 barrels.| E6/1-1-14| 4-15-0 33513 | Y/S | England P.C Pocket Pistol metal butt.| | | 33514 | Y/S | England Pepper Box Revolver | J14/27-3-15 | 1-1-0 33515 | Y/S | England Pepper Box Revolver | | | 33516 | Y/GX/- | England Pair F.L. Carriage Pistols by ARCHER.silver masks| I4/9-10-15| 3-17-6 ################################################## EFwxU ################################################## [tl1_text] 442 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 33517 | G/GY/S | France, F.L Pistol silver t.g. gold ornament.| S40/ 1915| 2-15-0 33518 | Y/Y/- | Solomon, Canoe Figure Head,fully inlaid, Rubiana| B16 / 4-4-0| 4-7-6 33519 | G/G/- | Solomon, Canoe Figure Head, plain. | | 2-7-6 33520 | N/- | Pair Spurs. | | 18-6 33521 | T/-/- | New Zealand, Teki, small unfinished, 2 5/8 x 1 1/2| M37/4-3-16| 9-0-0 33522 | N/C/- | Southeast Asia,Bronze Drum, Kyi zi, Karens. C| F20/19-6-14 Fr| 57-10-0 33523 | Y/S | Tierra del Fuego, Spear-head small| | 33524 | A/-/- | Narwhal Horn, large. | | 33525 | YA/-/- | Benin, Ivory Figure. | | 33526 | G/-/- | New Guinea, Club-head, rare star, N.E. Coast.| | 2-15-0 33527 | A/- | New Queensland, Axe-head, Cairns.| K5/1915 | 17-6 33528 | GX/- | New Queensland, Shield, Atherton.| | 33529 | A/- | New Queensland, Shield damaged, Herkerton.| | 33530 | GX/- | New Queensland, Sword, very large, Herkerton.| | 33531 | GX/- | New Queensland, Sword, very large, Herkerton.| | 33532 | Y/- | New Queensland, Set of Five Sticks.| | 33533 | -/S | New Queensland,Boomerang,Musgrave River|W34/20-6-15| 4-0 33534 | -/S | New Queensland,Boomerang,Musgrave River|M35/10-11-14| 6-0 33535 | -/S | New Queensland, Boomerang, Musgrave River| | 33536 | -/S | New Queensland, Boomerang, Musgrave River| M35/10-11-14| 5-0 33537 | -/S | New Queensland, Boomerang, Musgrave River| M35/10-11-14| 5-0 33538 | -/S | New Queensland, Boomerang, Musgrave River| | 33539 | -/S | New Queensland, Boomerang, Musgrave River| | 33540 | -/S | New Queensland,Club,Nulla,Bowen Dist.Musgrave River| | 33541 | -/S | New Queensland,Club,Nulla, Musgrave River| | 33542 | -/S | New Queensland,Club,Nulla, Musgrave River| | 33543 | -/S | New Queensland,Club,Nulla, Musgrave River| | 33544 | -/S | New Queensland,Club,Nulla, Musgrave River| | 33545 | -/S | New Queensland,Club,Nulla, Musgrave River| | 33546 | -/S | New Queensland,Club,Nulla, Musgrave River| | 33547 | G/- | New Queensland,Dilby Bay, Between Mulgrave & Johnston River| | 33548 | -/S | New Queensland,Spear| W34/30-10-15[[?]]| 5-0 33549 | -/S | New Queensland,Spear| | 33550 | -/S | New Queensland,Spear| H34/16-2-14 | 2-0 33551 | Y/- | New Queensland, Spear Thrower| | 33552 | -/S | New Queensland, Spear Thrower imperfect| | 33553 | -/S | New Queensland, Spear Thrower imperfect| | 33554 | /- | New Queensland, Mealie Pounder, Mulgrave R. Cairns| | 12-6 ################################################## EFwxX ################################################## [tl1_text] 442 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 33555 | /- | New Guinea Bundle of 4 Bows & 5 Arrows. | | | 33556 | /- | New Guinea Belt. red & yellow feathers. | | | 33557 | G/A/- | Solomon Large Model Canoe. damaged | | 4-15-0 33558 | GX/- | Solomon Large Model Canoe. v. damaged | | 2-2-0 33559 | GG/-/- | New Caledonia Jade Nbonet.fine colour.shouldered| | 38-0-0 33560 | I/-/- | Marquesas State Club | | 14-10-0 33561 | M/A/- | New Hebrides re-constructed Skull.damaged restor C| S4/1915| 9-15-0 33562 | M/-/- | E. Roumelia Skull covered leather. | S4/2-10-14 | 5-5-0 33563 | G/GA/- | Tahiti Pestle. [[image]] v. large. 3-10-0| | 5-5-0 33564 | G/A/- | Tahiti Pestle. [[image]] | | 3-15-0 33565 | G/GX/- | Tahiti Pestle. Coral | | 3-15-0 33566 | GA/- | Tahiti Adze Head. very large chipped.15-1/2" (See No. 37022)| | 3-18-0 33567 | GX/- | New Hebrides Wood Ornament. | | 1-1-0 33568 | G/-/- | England Manton D.B. Elephant Gun. | | | 33569 | M/S | British Columbia Model Canoe. painted | | 1-7-6 33570 | M/- | W. Africa Call Whistle. | | 10-6 33571 | G/- | S. Africa Snuff Gourd. inlaid wire. | | | 33572 | Y/S | Japan Dorje | | | 33573 | Y/S | Japan Dorje | | | 33574 | GT/- | England Pair F.L. Pistols by Richardson | | | 33575 | GX/- | England F.L. Under & Over Pistol | | | 33576 | T/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistol BOND. | W35/1915 | 12-6 33577 | S/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistol TWIGG | E6/2-1-14 | 9-6 33578 | M/A/- | No. 1 Philippine Collection Large Idol.small [[?]]Loin Cloth.Box & 5 Spoons. Stevens| S4/1915 | 7-10-0 33579 | A/GX/- | 2 Philippine Collection Cologne| | 11-0-0 33580 | G/A/- | 3 Philippine Collection 1 Fig. | C31/4-2-14| 2-7-6 33581 | G/-/- | 4 Philippine Collection 2 Spoons| W22/4-II-14| 2-0-0 33582 | N/A/- | 5 Philippine Collection 2 Spoons(one double figs)Large Rice God & 4 small[[Io?]] Pen| S4/12-12-13| 90-0-0 33583 | | 6 Philippine Collection Pen| | 90-0-0 33584 | S/-/- | 7 Philippine Collection | F20/19-6-14| 13-0-0 33585 | A/- | 8 Philippine Collection 1 Spoon | C30/1915 | 10-0 33586 | M/A/- | 9 Philippine Collection Story Blanket| W22/25-1-16| 6-10-0 33587 | GS/- | 10 Philippine Collection 4 small Figures| W1/28-10-16| 1-12-6 33588 | | 11 Philippine Collection | | | 33589 | | 12 Philippine Collection | | | 33590 | | 13 Philippine Collection | | | 33591 | | 14 Philippine Collection | | | 33592 | | 15 Philippine Collection | | | ################################################## EFwy0 ################################################## [tl1_text] 443 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 33593 | | No.17 Philippine Collection. | | | 33594 | | No.18 Philippine Collection. | | | 33595 | | No.19 Philippine Collection. | | | 33596 | | No.20 Philippine Collection. | | | 33597 | | No.21 Philippine Collection. | | | 33598 | | No.22 Philippine Collection. | | | 33599 | | No.23 Philippine Collection. | | | 33600 | | No.24 Philippine Collection. | | | 33601 | G/GX/- |England 2 large & 1 small Case old Surgical Instruments |S4/1915| 2-12-6 33602 | A/- | England Surgeon Lancet in case| S4/1915| 12-6 33603 | GA/- | S.E. Asia Hat.fine work.rare form.| | 2-2-0 33604 | A/- | N. Caledonia Spear with Mask.| | 12-6 33605 | GX/-/- | N. America Figure with quill dec.base not contemporary | | 20-0-0 33606 | G/GX/- | French Congo Mask. ? Gaboon. C| | 3-3-0 33607 | G/-/- | ? Reaping Implement ? carved. Cochin China C| | 1-12-6 33608 | G/-/- | France Bronze Celt. Aveyron S.France| | 2-0-0 33609 | Y/Y/- | Cambodia Glaive. silver mtd. | | 4-4-0 33610 | GX/- | Congo Shield Azandeh| | 1-18-6 33611 | Y/- | Congo Spear Azandeh| | 4-6 33612 | M/- | Gaboon 6 Spear leaf & barbed | | 12-6 33613 | M/- | Gaboon 6 Spear | | 12-6 33614 | /- | 2 fine Mats & Grass Bag. | | 6-0 33615 | T/S | Congo Figure Ivory. | | 17-6 33616 | Y/Y/- | Tonga Club.finely carved. birds &c. on End.(7) | | 7-10-0 33617 | MX/-/- | New Zealand Teki. broken. | | | 33618 | M/-/- | Scotland F.L. Pistol inlaid silver| L23/3-1-14| 26-10-0 33619 | G/A/- | England F.L. Tinder Box folding leg. | | | 33620 | G/-/- | England [[? Tinder Box]] brass | | | 33621 | G/GX/- | England F.L. DB. brass Pistol| | | 33622 | GX/- | England P.C Knife Pistol | E6/2-1-14 | 18-6 33623 | GX/- | New Zealand Hani. | | 1-10-0 33624 | GX/- | New Zealand Hani. | | 1-15-0 33625 | GX/- | New Zealand Hani. | | 1-15-0 33626 | GA/- | New Zealand Hani. fine specimen. | | 2-10-0 33627 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Pouhenia. [[image]] | S4/29-2-16| 1-5-0 33628 | GX/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa. poor. | | 1-1-0 33629 | GY/GA/- | New Zealand Feather Box | 17/10/- | 18-10-0 33630 | C/GX/- | New Zealand Feather Box Square | 12/10/- | 12-10-0 ################################################## EFwy3 ################################################## [tl1_text] 443 [[5 column table]] [[Specimen Number|Seller Code|Specimen Description|Buyer Code and Date|Cost]] 33631 | T/GX/- | New Zealand Flute plain. | 10/10/- | 12-10-0 33632 | GX/-/- | # | | | 33633 | I/S | Carib Celt [[image]] | 10/6 | | 33634 | GX/- | New Zealand Haui | 1-0-0 | | 33635 | GX/- | Upper Nile Club,curved. [[image]] fine| | 2-2-0 33636 | A/- | Short Sword. | | 8-6 33637 | Y/Y/- | Benin Figure bronze. | | | 33638 | G/-/- | N. America Pipe Tomahawk.| H28/2-1-14| 3-10-0 33639 | G/GX/- | India Aucus. pierced head.| S35/27-3-14| 4-10-0 33640 | G/-/- | Japan Sword & Knife| C7/1-1-14| 3-0-0 33641 | T/S | Congo Charm. ivory, small. v. old| | 17-6 33642 | GY/- | Europe Breachloading Pistol, defective.| | | 33643 | G/GY/S | Germany, F.L. Extra fine work| C7/1915| 3-15-0 33644 | M/-/- | England Pair silver mtd. Pistols| | | 33645 | S/G/S | England DB.FL. single trigger Pistol in case by EGG | S44/11-3-14| 12-12-0 33646 | T/S | S.E. Asia Hill Tribes Matchlock|S35/27-3-14| 18-6 33647 | N/-/- | German FL. Pistol.finely chiselled| B48/1913| 6-10-0 33648 | M/- | Austria FL. Pistol.Double super imposed barrels| | | 33649 | G/-/- | India Katar. silver gilt work| S35/27-3-14| 3-16-0 33650 | S/- | India Powder Flask of a shell damaged badly| | 1-5-0 33651 | S/- | Morocco Head Ring. | | 15-0 33652 | T/S | India Composit. Bow, unusual [[lugs?]] like Chinese| | 1-15-0 33653 | G/M/- | England F.L. Duelling Pistol by D. EGG. | | | 33654 | G/Y/S | Afghan Matchlock Jezail with forked rest| S35/27-3-14| 2-12-6 33655 | Y/- | China Folding Head rest| | 5-0 33656 | Y/- | Somali Head Rest. | | 4-0 33657 | G/S | Brit New Guinea Bone Dagger | | 5-0 33658 | G/S | Brit New Guinea Bone Dagger | | 5-0 33659 | G/- | Africa Small Knife [[image]]| | 2-6 33660 | I/- | Africa Trumpet of wood | W22/14-3-16 | 2-0-0 33661 | Y/- | S. E. Africa Snuff Bottle. carved. old| | 5-6 33662 | Y/- | S. E. Africa Beer Mug| | 4-0 33663 | G/S | Ashanti Pipe, human figure, broken | | 4-0 33664 | G/A/- | Fiji Club, gun stock. carved + inlaid teeth| | 5-5-0 33665 | G/A/- | Fiji Club, carved all over. | | | 33666 | /- | Dutch New Guinea Spear. carved. [[Dorey?]]| | 10-6 33667 | /- | New Britain Club. damaged. | | 5-0 33668 | Y/GX/- | Harvey Paddle Exceptionally fine specimen| | 7-15-0 ################################################## EFwy6 ################################################## [tl1_text] Blank No 1526 1819 5775 &c &c 11776 [[strike through]] 1715 [[/strike through]] 6328 30 [[circled]] [[strikethrough]] 31596 31612 28443 [[/strikethrough]] 28744 - 77. (34 blanks) [[strikethrough]] 26972? [[/strikethrough]] [[/circled]] [[strikethrough]] 28737 Nuts no guns [[/strikethrough]] See to 338 London Shield Rees 7932 Aust Churinga, not entered See 4590 &c rubbish for sale See to No 957 Charaim Sold to M. Lowe? Aug/06 £ 4/7/- See 1470 N2 Flax mat ################################################## EFwy9 ################################################## [tl1_text] ^[[Bheel Dagger of horn.]] ^[[ Benin Sacrifical Bronze Sword [[circled]] 10270 [[/circled]] ################################################## EFwyc ################################################## [tl1_text] [[Inner Back Cover]] ################################################## EFwyf ################################################## [tl1_text] [[back cover]]