################################################## EFwyi ################################################## [tl1_text] [[front cover]] ################################################## EFwyl ################################################## [tl1_text] THOMAS BIRT & SONS Est. 50 Years Tel. No. 12317 Central WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURING STATIONERS & PRINTERS 339 CENTRAL MARKETS FARRINGDON STREET LONDON, E.C. WHEN REORDERING PLEASE QUOTE No. 148 Price 12/6 ################################################## EFwyo ################################################## [tl1_text] [[blank page]] ################################################## EFwyr ################################################## [tl1_text] 1 Page 887 (443 Fd. old Book) [[stamped]] Webster Collection [[/stamped]] [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 33669 | G/-/- | H | | 33670 | G/-/- | H | | 33671 | N/- | Fiji Paddle Club plain | | 12-6 33672 | G/- | New Hebrides Bow. | | 7-6 33673 | /- | Congo Bow. bamboo | | 5-0 33674 | M/- | India Arrows 1 doz. | A14/22-1-14 | 14-0 33675 | Y/- | India Arrows 1 doz. | | 12-6 33676 | Y/- | India Arrows 6 4 inlaid heads. | | 33677 | T/- | Peru Jar dec [[image]] | | 16-0 33678 | G/- | Peru Jar [[image]] | | 8-0 33679 | G/GX/- | Mexico Jar with lid. tortoise on top. | 2-10-0 | 33680 | GI/- | East Indies. Shield inlaid shell Moluccas | | 2-7-6 33681 | GN/- | Tibet Nose Ring? v. large. silver & turquoise | | 1-16-0 33682 | I/- | Fiji Head Rest. [[image]] old rare form. | | 1-5-0 33683 | M/- | Fiji? Bowl. carved rim Woodlark? | | 10-6 33684 | Y/-/- | Mexico Stone Idol & Mask | B44/9-2-14 | 5-10-0 33685 | Y/- | India Dagger. Katar. silvered hilt | J12/8-3-16 | 9-0 33686 | G/- | India Dagger. Katar. old. | | 5-0 33687 | G/- | India Dagger. Katar. unusually small. | | 10-6 33688 | G/- | Soudan Arm Knife & sheath | B45/1-4-18 | 2-6 33689 | G/- | Soudan Hamstringing Knife | 5-0 | 33690 | Y/- | Soudan Dagger Jaalin | 5-0 | 33691 | Y/- | German S.W. Africa Dagger in open Sheath Herero. | | 14-0 33692 | GI/- | India Dagger of horn with loop hilt Bheel. | S35/22-3-14 | 1-12-6 33693 | M/- | Corcassia Dagger & Sheath (Quama) plain. | 1-0 | 33694 | N/- | Persian Dervish Axe roughly dec. silver | 8-0 | 33695 | A/- | S. Africa Thrusting Axe. Basuto | | 16-0 33696 | GG/- | S. Africa Axe. rhino horn haft. | | 3-15-0 33697 | GX/- | North America Pipe Tomahawk | F24/15-1-14 | 3-0-0 33698 | G/- | Australia Waddy. | | 5-0 33699 | G/- | Upper Nile Club Bahr el Ghazel. | | 7-6 33700 | N/- | Fiji Lobe Club short partly carved | | 12-6 33701 | A/- | Nepal Kora Eye on blade. | 1/20/- | [[strikethrough]]1-15-6[[/strikethrough]] 33702 | GA/- | Borneo Parang with shoulder rare form. finely carved sheath | | 5-0-0 33703 | M/- | Mexico Pair Spurs inlaid brass. | | 10-6 33704 | GI/- | Bronze Age. Socketed Celt with loop. Christchurch. Hauti. | | 2-7-6 33705 | /- | Europe XVIII Cent Nut Crack. brass | | 2-6 33706 | M/-/- | Nepal Matchlock Gun. massive brass mounts, t. guard missing | | 6-18-0 ################################################## EFwyu ################################################## [tl1_text] 1 [[stamped]] Webster Collection [[/stamped]] [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 33707 | G/I/- | Arab Dagger (Jambiya) Belt. silver mts. | | 3-15-0 ? 33708 | C/- | Arab Dagger (Jambiya) ivory hilt, silver mts. no sheath. | | 1-16-0 33709 | C/- | Arab Dagger (Jambiya) horn hilt, silver mts. no sheath | | 12-6 33710 | Y/- | Arab Dagger (Jambiya) horn hilt, zinc mts. no sheath | | 8-0 33711 | G/G/- | Benin Fish Slice Sword. | | 33712 | G/G/- | Ancient India Stone (Naga) | | 33713 | T/- | Ancient India Stone (Trimwita) 2 entwined cobras | | 33714 | GG/- | Persia Prayer Rug | | 17-6 33715 | Y/S | Fiji Club root. good specimen. | | 1-12-6 33716 | G/GX/- | Tonga Club rare Melon head. | | 3-5-0 [[strikethrough]]2-17-6[[/strikethrough]] 33717 | GT/- | Fiji Club Fan. | | 1-15-0 33718 | GX/- | Tonga Club [[image]] | | 1-10-0 33719 | G/-/- | Tonga Club [[image]] | 1-15-0 33720 | M/- | Persia Mace. leather wrist loop. traces of inlay. | | 1-1-0 33721 | S/- | Europe Bayonet rare form | | 16-0 33722 | T/- | Persia Dervish Begging Scrip. carved seychele Nut. | | 1-7-6 33723 | T/- | Persia Dervish Begging Scrip. carved seychele Nut. | | 1-0-0 33724 | G/GA/- | Ferdinando Po Cut Shell work on gourd. Exceedingly rare | | 3-15-0 33725 | /- | Ferdinando Po Pair Sandals | 4-0 | 33726 | N/- | Japan Netsuke ivory button. | | 12-6 33727 | N/- | Japan Netsuke ivory button. copper plaque | | 12-6 33728 | A/- | Japan Netsuke ivory button. sparrow metal mount | | 11-6 33729 | GM/GG/- | Constables Staves, Nut Cracks, Jap. Drawings, India Tiger Claw Chinese Shrines 4 Jap Collars 12 Netsuke. | W22/4-2-14 | 16-11-0 | | | | 33730 | | | | 33731 | GX/- | India Composite Bow. Persia | B49/26-2-16 | 1-15-0 33732 | G/-/- | India Guarded Katal | | 3-15-0 33733 | G/-/- | India Mace with axe blade Attached. | S35/27-3-14 | 2-7-6 33734 | G/GX/- | India Shield large. transparent jewelled bosses Kach | | 6-15-0 33735 | A/- | N. America Pair Mocassins | | 17-6 33736 | A/- | Canada Quill Case. | H28/2-1-14 | 1-5-0 33737 | T/S | Canada Quill Box. | H28/2-1-14 | 1-15-0 33738 | Y/S | Gaboon Dagger with human skin sheath. | | 10-0 33739 | Y/GX/- | England Pair Blunderbuss Pistols. brass. | | 33740 | G/A/- | England F.L. Under * over Pistol | | 33741 | G/GX/- | England Pair Pocket F.L. Pistols. rare pans. BOND. | S40/11-3-14 | 3-10-0 33742 | G/GX/- | Brit. Columbia Comb. | | 33743 | Y/- | Jewish Sadduccan Phylactery. Jaffa | | 5-0 33744 | Y/S | A. Egypt Ear Plug of white stone. | | 6-0 ################################################## EFwyx ################################################## [tl1_text] 2 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 33745 | Y/S | A. Egypt Agate Celt. Model. | B48/1-10-14 | 7-6 33746 | Y/- | A. Egypt Model Head rest of stone. | M36/14-3-16 | 6-0 33747 | Y/- | A. Egypt Model Head rest of stone. | | 33748 | Y/- | A. Egypt Model Head rest of stone. | M36/14-3-16 | 5-0 33749 | Y/- | A. Egypt Model Head rest of stone. | | 33750 | Y/S | A. Egypt Jasper Hair Ring large. | | 8-6 33751 | Y/- | A. Egypt Jasper Hair Ring smaller | M36/2-2-16 | 6-0 33752 | Y/- | A. Egypt Jasper Hair Ring smaller | | 6-0 33753 | Y/- | A. Egypt Jasper Hair Ring smaller | | 5-0 33754 | Y/- | A. Egypt Jasper Hair Ring small | | 33755 | G/S | A. Egypt Agate Hair Ring Cornelian | M36/2-2-16 | 3-6 33756 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Pounder. carved butt. | B16/1-1-14 S | 2-10-0 33757 | A/- | New Guinea Axe. Woodlark. | | 8-6 33758 | GX/- | Solomon ? Axe. flat face. fine large. | H36/1915 | 1-17-6 33759 | Y/S | India stone Lingham Yoni. | | 17-6 33760 | Y/- | Jewish Sadduccan Phylactery Jaffa | | 7-6 33761 | M/S | Europe Powder Flask. round. brass mounts. defective | | 10-0 33762 | S/- | E Africa. Wood Fetish. Lukuga No Tanganyika | W22/1915 | 16-0 33763 | Y/- | E Africa Iron Bell. Lukuga No Tanganyika | W22/1915 | 5-0 33764 | G/S | E Africa Charm. horn. Lukuga No Tanganyika | | 5-0 33765 | G/S | E Africa Bag. Lukuga No Tanganyika | | 3-0 33766 | G/S | E Africa Iron Spike Lukuga No Tanganyika { | | 4-0 33767 | G/S | E Africa Snuff Bottle. [[image]] 7/6 { | | 5-0 33768 | S/GX/- | New Zealand Figure. has had mechanical arms. (Keretao) Jumping Jack face finely [[?moks]]. | | 12-10-0 33769 | G/GX/- | Tibet Skull Drum. | | 3-10-0 33770 | GX/- | Tibet wood Drum. painted with skulls. | | 1-5-0 33771 | GS/- | 2 Japanese Pictures | W22/4-2-14 | 14-0 33772 | A/- | China Bronze Shrine modern. | S4/1915 | 5-0 33773 | Y/- | China Bronze Shrine modern. small. | S4/1915 | 4-0 33774 | GX/- | Japan Panel of carved ivory. | | 1-1-0 33775 | A/N/- | Ecuador Shrunken Trophy head Jivaro. | S4/1915 | 10-0-0 33776 | GX/S | New Zealand Hani | | 33777 | GX/S | New Zealand Hani | | 33778 | S/- | New Hebrides Spear head. | | 33779 | M/GG/S | Congo Fetish, Chinese Temple Hanging. 2 Jap Fly Cages | W22/4-2-14 | 4-10-0 33780 | GN/- | New Zealand small Lid # | | 33781 | N/- | Canada Quill Case for visiting cards. | H28/2-1-14 S | 16-0 33782 | GY/S | N. America Pouch dec. quill work | H28/2-1-14 S | 2-2-0 ################################################## EFwyA ################################################## [tl1_text] 2 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 33783 | GT/S | N. America Pair Mocassins. | H28/2-1-14 | 3-10-0 33784 | Y/S | Eskimo Harpoon Arrow Head. | | 33785 | A/S | Europe D.B. P.C. Brass Pistol | E6/1-1-14 | 7-6 33786 | GA/- | Europe D.B. P.C. Revolving Pistol by RIGBY DUBLIN. | H39/25-2-16 | 1-10-0 33787 | Y/GX/- | Europe Pair FL U & O Pistols, inlaid stocks. | S40/13-3-14 | 6-16-0 33788 | G/-/- | Europe F.L. U & O | S40/13-3-14 | 3-3-0 33789 | G/A/- | Europe F.L. U & O all brass | B48/14-2-16 | 2-10-0 33790 | N/GX/- | Europe P.C. Knife Pistol 2 barrels | S54/7-10-16 | 7-0-0 33791 | GY/- | Europe P.C. Pocket Knife Pistol. Union & Rodgers | E6/1-1-14 | 1-2-6 33792 | I/- | Europe Curious FL. Knife | S40/10-8-16 | 5-18-6 33793 | GM/- | Europe 3 bladed Gardners Piercing Knife Dutch. | | 33794 | Y/- | Congo Small Charm. against Fever. | | 12-6 33795 | GY/- | N. America Collar. carved bison hoof. | | 2-2-0 33796 | NM/-/- | Benin Pair Large Plaques. S. | | 9-0-0 33797 | T/T/- | British Columbia carved wood Totem Pipe K | | 33798 | I/-/- | British Columbia carved wood Rattle K | | 33799 | GX/S | Africa Trumpet. horn & gourd, [[image]] | | 2-2-0 33800 | S/- | German S.W. Africa Leg Ornament iron beads. | | 2-2-0 33801 | M/- | German S.W. Africa Necklet iron beads. | | 18-6 33802 | M/A/- | Saracewe Helmet & Arm Guards | S35/27-3-14 S | 4-0-0 33803 | S/- | India Divan Short Sword. brass crutch hilt 23" | | 1-2-6 33804 | GS/- | India Ayda Katti rare type. | S35/27-3-14 | 3-3-0 33805 | GX/- | Borneo Sword. ivory hilt with birds head. Milano Dyak | S35/27-3-14 | 1-7-6 33806 | N/- | Persia Samsher | | 33807 | Y/S | China Pair Short Swords in sheath. | | 1-1-0 33808 | Y/S | China Pair Short Swords in sheath. | sold | 16-0 33809 | G/- | China One Short Sword in sheath. | | 8-6 33810 | N/-/- | N. America Poncho Robe. Canada | H28/2-1-14 sold | 12-14-0 33811 | M/GX/- | N. America Poncho Robe. (Squaw Rain in the Face) | H28/2-1-14 sold | 12-10-0 33812 | G/GX/- | N. America Coat | H28/1915 | 6-0-0 33813 | G/-/- | N. America Coat. plain | | 1-16-0 33814 | G/-/- | N. America Waist Coat. | H28/2-1-14 | 2-12-6 33815 | G/GX/- | N. America Pair Leg Coverings | H28/2-1-14 | 3-13-0 33816 | A/- | N. America Pair Mocassins | | 12-6 33817 | A/- | N. America Whip of hair | | 8-0 33818 | GX/- | N. America Pouch dec. beads | H28/2-1-14 | 1-5-0 33819 | G/-/- | Brazil Club | | 2-7-6 33820 | G/-/- | Borneo Parang Ilang. fine bead work on sheath | | 2-15-0 ################################################## EFwyD ################################################## [tl1_text] 3 [[5 column table]] Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price 33821 | G/-/- | Borneo Horse Collar. wood toggle. | | 2 10 0 33822 | I/-/- | New Caledonia Mask & Dress. | | 33823 | G/-/- | New Hebrides Mask. painted woven fibre | S4/14-3-16 | 1-1-0 33824 | Y/-/- | Mangaia Adze. no binding. stone head. large square haft In Colln. | | 33825 | T/S | Mozambique Musical Instrument. Angochi Dist | | 18 6 33826 | Y/- | Mozambique Knife Makūa Angochi Dist | | 33827 | G/S | Mozambique Club Makūa Angochi Dist | | 33828 | G/S | Mozambique Club Makūa Angochi Dist | | 33829 | Y/- | Mozambique Witch Doctor's Head-dress Makūa Angochi Dist | W22/1915 | 12-6 33830 | Y/S | Mozambique Witch Doctor's Rattle gourd [[image]] Makūa Angochi Dist {| | 7-6 33831 | Y/S | Mozambique Witch Doctor's Rattle gourd [[image]] Makūa Angochi Dist 12/6{| | 7-6 33832 | Y/S | Mozambique Witch Doctor's Rattle gourd [[image]] Makūa Angochi Dist {| | 6-0 33833 | Y/S | Mozambique Witch Doctor's Rattle gourd [[image]] Makūa Angochi Dist 10/-{| | 33834 | GA/- | Ashanti Funeral Mask Galede. | W22/1915 | 1 5-0 33835 | GX/- | N.W. Australia Spear. thrower. carved. damaged. | | 33836 | N/GN/- | Japan 9 Swords. | C7/1-1-14 | 7 15-0 33837 | GS/- | S. India Sword. curious shape Malabar. | S | 33838 | G/-/- | S. India Ayda Katti silver mtd | | 3 17-6 33839 | GS/- | S. India Ayda Katti plain. | | 33840 | GA/- | India Straight Sword gold dec: basket-hilt. Farangi. | | 33841 | T/S | Nepal Kukri. extra thin blade. | | 12-6 33842 | Y/S | Malay Kris. | | 33843 | A/- | India Knife. ivory hilt. inlaid gold | | 33844 | A/- | India Knife. | | 33845 | A/- | India Knife. | | 33846 | G/G/- | Afghan Salawar Yataghan dec. gold | S35/27-3-14 | 2-2-0 33847 | GT/- | Turkey. Pistol Loading Rod. silver. | | 33848 | I/- | Turkey. Pistol Loading Rod. brass | | 33849 | GY/S | England Pocket Pistol GRIFFIN. silver mask butt. | B48/26-9-16 | 1-7-6 33850 | GT/S | England D.B. Pistol | | 33851 | Y/Y/- | England Pair DB. FL Under & Over by Jos MANTON. | S40/1915 | 7 12-6 33852 | A/- | Eskimo Mat. | | 10 6 33853 | GY/S | Eskimo Doll | | 1 5-0 33854 | Y/-/- | Nigeria Pair Large Fetish Figures. yellow. 25 & 22 1/2" high | C30/1915 | 3 5-0 33855 | G/GA/- | Sierra Leone Bundu Mask. | | 3 10 0 33856 | G/GX/- | Sierra Leone Musereh Figure 24" high | C30/1915 | 2 15-0 33857 | GX/- | Sierra Leone Musical Instrument [[image]] | | 1 2-6 33858 | M/- | Fiji Adze. haft damaged. | | ################################################## EFwyG ################################################## [tl1_text] 3 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 33859 | Y/S | Senegambia Fetish Figure narrow | H38/2-11-15 | 12-6 33860 | N/- | Canada. 2 bark chair seats dec quill work. | H28/2-1-14 S | 1-18-6 33861 | GA/S | New Hebrides Smothering Mask Not retd [[?fm]] Berlin M | S | 33862 | G/- | Santa Cruz. Belt. dec tappa. | | 4-0 33863 | Y/S | Europe Snuff Box. painted top | | 4-0 33864 | GX/- | Europe Police Staff. Geo III | | 33865 | T/S | Europe Modern pin fire Pistol | | 33866 | G/GX/- | Persia Sword Stick. steel inlaid gold. | S35/27-3-14 | 3-16-0 33867 | GX/- | Persia Sword Stick. K | | 33868 | Y/-/- | Easter Island Figure. | B16/1-1-14 S | 21-0-0 33869 | S/-/- | New Zealand Figure off a pelaster. | C34/7-4-16 | 7-10-0 33870 | GX/- | Scotch Powder Flask. | | 16-0 33871 | M/- | Eskimo Ivory Kyak. | H28/2-1-14 | 16-0 33872 | M/- | Eskimo Stone Lamp. | K5/1915 | 18-6 33873 | A/- | Eskimo Pair Boots | | 1-5-0 33874 | Y/- | Eskimo Skin Receptacle | H28/2-1-14 | 10-6 33875 | Y/- | Eskimo Skin Pouch | | 4-0 33876 | Y/- | Eskimo Skin Pouch Aleutian Isl. | | 16-0 33877 | G/S | Eskimo Skin Pouch dec. beads. | | 10-0 33878 | G/S | Eskimo Skin Pouch Sealskin. | | 4-0 33879 | G/- | Eskimo Skin Pouch & tooth charm. Aleutian Isl | | 12-0 33880 | G/- | Eskimo Skin Pouch Sealskin | | 4-0 33881 | GX/- |{ Eskimo 1 bone Snow Knife } }| H28/2-1-14 | 1-12-6 33882 | GX/- |{ Eskimo 1 bone Snow Knife }pair. }| H28/2-1-14 | 3-5-0 1-12-6 33883 | GX/- | S. Niger Mask. | | 1-1-0 33884 | M/- | S. Niger Wig or Hat. | W22/1915 | 12-6 33885 | A/- | S. Niger Wood Trumpet. | | 16-0 33886 | /- | Kordofan Tinder Pouch. | | 2-6 33887 | G/-/- | New Zealand Hani. v. fine. | | 4-4-0 33888 | GX/- | New Zealand Hani. smaller. fine. | | 2-2-0 33889 | /- | Africa Bow. | | 12-6 33890 | Y/- | Persia Composite Bow. Turkey? gut cord | B49/26-2-16 | 2-10-0 33891 | N/- | California Bow. | H28/2-1-14 S | 1-10-0 33892 | I/- | N. America Pipe Bowl of hone stone. | K | 33893 | G/- | Herero Wrist Guard of ivory. | S | 33894 | /- | Herero Woman's Charm Case of Tortoise Carapace. | | 5-0 33895 | /- | Herero Gourd Snuff Box. | | 3-0 33896 | /- | S. Africa Cover. | | 3-0 ################################################## EFwyJ ################################################## [tl1_text] 4 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 33897 | M/- | England. Early revolving pistol in case. | J14/27-3-15 | 2-18-6 33898 | G/A/- | England. Geo: II Officer Sword. pierced steel guard 2/10/- & another. felt hilt 12/6 | | 3-2-6 33899 | GT/S | England. Spontoon. | N10/11-12-16 | 1-15-0 33900 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Paddle. partly carved figure on top. | | 7-10-0 33901 | GX/- | Micronesia Adze. (Tokelan?) | 50/1 | 2-16-0 33902 | Y/GY/S | New Zealand Hoe Blade of jade. | | 5-16-0 33903 | S/- | S. America Lasso. | | 1-7-6 33904 | GY/- | S. America Bolas. | | 1-12-6 33905 | GX/- | S. America Deity Stick. [[image]] | | 33906 | GX/- | New Guinea Taffa Mask. Oroholo. | | 33907 | GX/- | New Guinea Taffa Mask. Oroholo. | | 33908 | GX/- | Beuin Bronze Handled Dagger. | | 33909 | GX/- | Tonga Club [[image]] | | 33910 | GX/- | Tonga Club | | 33911 | Y/-/- | England F.L Rifle CLARK. | | 33912 | GX/- | England F.L Pistol. J. WALKER. | | 33913 | GX/- | England Pepper Box. Revolver. new order | | 33914 | M/GX/- | 9 Pistols various. | E6/1-1-14 | 6-15-6 33915 | G/GX/- | 4 Pistols various. | E6/1-1-14 | 2-11-6 33916 | G/GX/ | England Case of DB P.C Pistol. | | 33917 | G/R/- | England FL Pistol. under & over SIMMONS | | 33918 | G/R/- | England FL Pistol. under & over KETLAND.| | 33919 | GT/S/- | England FL Pair. MORTIMER| | 33920 | GS/- | England FL Pair. RYAN & WATSON.| E6/27-5-16 | 1-8-6 33921 | GA/- | England FL (Converted) silver mask built. | H39/29-2-16 | 1-6-0 33922 | G/G/- | France Marriott Revolving Pistol. | S40/11-3-14 | 1-17-6 33923 | GA/- | England Relic Pistol. d.b. FL. | | 33924 | N/-/- | England DB. Sporting Gun. DAVIDSON. | | 33925 | M/-/- | France 46. Sporting Gun. LEPAGE. | S40/11-3-14 | 5-5-0 33926 | Y/GX/- | England 16 Sporting Gun. BRANDER & POTTS. left hand lock. | | 33927 | Y/-/- | America Colt Rifle | S40/11-3-14 | 3-0-0 33928 | A/-/- | England Case of Duelling Pistols WOGDEN + BARTON. | J12/8-3-16 | 6-15-6 33929 | GA/- | England Fl Pocket Pistol | B48/14-2-16 | 1-0-0 33930 | GA/- | England Pepper Box Revolver | S40/11-3-14 | 1-8-6 33931 | S/- | China Composite Bow | | 1-1-0 33932 | S/- | China Composite Bow | | | 17-6 33933 | G/-/- | Malay knife. silver sheath | S35/27-3-14 | 2-2-0 33934 | T/- | Siberia knife. & sheath Tangooses | | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwyM ################################################## [tl1_text] 4 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 33935 | N/- | Morocco Pair iron Clappers [[image]] KARKABA | | 15-0 33936 | N/- | Morocco Pair iron Clappers KARKABA | | 12-6 33937 | GN/- | W. Africa Fetish Figure Pot. | S4/29-2-16 | 1-10-0 33938 | G/Y/S | Japan 2 lac Boxes. | W22/4-3-14 | 2-2-0 33939 | G/A/- | Turkey Pair Saracenic Armguard. | S35/27-3-16 | 2-17-6 33940 | A/- | Japan Belt with stone charm. | W22/14-3-16 | 3-0-0 33941 | A/- | E. Africa Club [[image]] Dinka | | 10-0 33942 | Y/S | E. Africa Club [[image]] Dinka | | 8-0 33943 | GX/- | E. Africa Trumpet wood & hide Dinka | | ½-12-6 33944 | Y/S | E. Africa Flute Dinka | | 8-6 33945 | GX/- | North America Stone headed Club | | 2-2-0 33946 | GA/- | North America Stone headed Club red pipe stone & quill | | 3-3-0 33947 | G/-/- | Korea Bronze Sword ? | 8-10-0 ? | 33948 | G/-/- | Korea Bronze Sword ? | 8-10-0 | 33949 | AX/-/- | Europe 14th Cent Buckler Ireland C | Quarto ±165- | [[strikethrough]]10-[[/strikethrough]] 33950 | GT/S | New Zealand Tewhatewa. | | 1-5-0 33951 |I/- | New Guinea. Dance Shield [[image]] | | 33952 | S/- | New Guinea. Pottery Head. | W33/2-7-14 S | 1-10-0 33953 | S/- | Eskimo Harpoon Head. Cumberland Sound | H28/2-1-15 S | 16-0 33954 | Y/- | North America Paddle. | | 33955 | N/- | Andaman Bow. | | 16-0 33956 | Y/- | Brazil Bow. Rio Napo. | | 12-6 33957 | Y/- | S.E. Asia [[strikethrough]]Malay[[/strikethrough]] Spear. Abor? | | 1-1-0 33958 | GG/- | Soudan Jibbeh. with history attached. | | 2-2-0 33959 | Y/- | China Ivory Box. | | 6-0 33960 | M/- | S. India Set of scales in case. | S50/20-3-16 | 14-0 33961 | Y/- | S. India 2 Weights | S50/10-9-14 S | 12-0 33962 | C/- | Borneo Axe reversible head [[image]] | S | 1-7-6 33963 | C/- | Borneo Axe reversible head | S35/27-3-14 | 1-7-6 33964 | M/- | Borneo Lime Tube. dog motive design. | | 12-6 33965 | M/- | Sumatra Knife & sheath. | | 7-6 33966 | GX/- | German New Guinea Breast Ornament. | | 1-0-0 33967 | S/- | Tibet Matchlock. Fork Rest. | | 33968 | GG/- | England FL Pistol FROST. v. small | S40/11-3-14 S | 1-5-0 33969 | N/- | England FL Pistol JOYNER. cannon barrel. | I4/9-10-15 | 18-0 33970 | /- | England P.C. Pistol rough | W35/25-7-16 S | 4-0 33971 | T/GX/- | West Africa "Shongo" Staff. very fine Yoruba | | 12-10-0 33972 | M/-/- | West Africa Fetish Chief on horse back Yoruba | | 5-10-0 ################################################## EFwyP ################################################## [tl1_text] 5 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 33973 | N/- | West Africa Game Platter carved rim. Yoruba. | | 1-12-6 33974 | G/N/- | West Africa Box in form of head. Yoruba. | | 2-18-6 33975 | I/- | West Africa Small Figures Wand or small "Shongo" Staff | | 2-10-0 33976 | I/- | West Africa Small Figures Wand or small "Shongo" Staff | | 1-10-0 33977 | G/G/- | West Africa Fetish Figure coloured red. | | 2-16-0 33978 | G/G/- | West Africa Fetish Figure later. | L21/22-1-14 | 1-10-0 33979 | A/- | West Africa Ju Ju to prevent feet from peril Ibo. | W22/1915 | 2-2-0 33980 | I/- | West Africa Fetish Figure. 33 high yellow & white Old Calabar | | 2-10-0 33981 | G/Y/- | West Africa Funeral Mask figs & snake on top. Ashanti | | 2-10-0 33982 | S/- | West Africa Funeral Mask Ashanti | | 1-0-0 33983 | Y/- | Ceylon Devil Mask. [[strikethrough]]v. fine[[/strikethrough]] old rough. | | 15-0 33984 | Y/- | Ceylon Devil Mask. v. fine smaller. | | 10-5 [[strikethrough]]12-6[[/strikethrough]] 33985 | Y/A/- | British Columbia Ceremonial Figure. showing C. dress. | | 5-5-0 33986 | N/- | British Columbia Shale Bird | K5/12-8-16 | 8-0 33987 | G/- | Persia Brass Mace head in form of cow C | | 10-6 33988 | GX/N/S | Old Bank Notes. "Sati" Stones. Japanese Carp Gong. Gambling Sticks. | W22/4-2-14 | 11-18-0 33989 | N/N/- | 2 Hindu Lamps 6 Jap. Iuros. | W22/4-2-14 | 3-10-0 33990 | GI/- | New Hebrides Smothering Mask. | B21/14-7-14 | 3-16-0 33991 | M/- | Fiji. Cannibal Fork. 5 prongs. v. large somewhat late | | 2-7-6 33992 | GY/- | New Guinea Pillow. carved. | | 33993 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | 33994 | G/- | Solomon Comb. | B16/15 | 7-6 33995 | GY/- | Fiji Kava Ladle. | | 1-2-6 33996 | /- | Dutch New Guinea Armlet. | | 33997 | G/- | Brit. New Guinea Charm. (Daku Kare) | | 33998 | Y/- | India Minature Dagger. | S35/27-3-14 S | 10-6 33999 | GS/- | India Thrusting Weapon. | | 2-10-0 34,000 | M/- | India Katar. wavy blade modern 27½ | [[strikethrough]]S[[/strikethrough]] | 16-0 34001 | Y/- | India Katar. long blade. | S35/27-3-14 S | 1-2-6 34002 | Y/GX/- | India Rapier. fine long European blade. | S35/27-3-14 S | 4-4-0 34003 | G/GA/- | Europe Rifle Carbine with oval bore. SELKOPF. | S40/1915 | 4-5-0 34004 | G/- | Malay Kris. | | 34005 | M/- | British Guinea Club. iron blade. | | 3-3-0 34006 | GA/- | New Zealand Jade Ear Pendant. | | 3-0-0 34007 | Y/-/- | Japan Wall Piece. Matchlock. 77" long 50 lb | | 7-10-0 34008 | T/S | German New Guinea Mask | | 34009 | A/- | European Gourd Primer. silver mtd. damaged | S | 34010 | I/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon with hand rest | | 3-7-6 ################################################## EFwyS ################################################## [tl1_text] 5 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34011 | I/- | Alaskan Peninsula Hand Spear. fine ivory head | | 2-15-0 34012 | T/- | Alaskan Peninsula Hand Bird Spear. 3 ivory prongs | | 1-15-0 34013 | A/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered for Throwing Stick v. fine. | | 2-5-0 34014 | A/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered 2 lots of feathers. | | 1-18-0 34015 | A/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered }| | 34016 | A/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered }| | 34017 | A/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered }| 5/- | 8-10-0 34018 | A/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered }| | 34019 | M/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon. Feathered smaller }| | 34020 | M/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon Arrow for Sea Otter. defective? | D10/25-3-14 | 1-1-0 34021 | G/- | Alaskan Peninsula Harpoon Arrow for Sea Otter. | | 1-1-0 34022 | Y/-/- | Rotunda Club carved. ex. fine. | | 7-10-0 34023 | M/- | Victoria Spear Thrower. | | 34024 | M/- | Victoria Club. mushroom head. | | 34025 | M/- | Victoria Club. [[image]] | | 34026 | M/- | Victoria Club. [[image]] | | 34027 | M/- | Victoria Club. [[image]] | | 34028 | M/- | Victoria Club. [[image]] | | 34029 | Y/- | Victoria Boomerang | M35/10-11-14 | 12-6 34030 | Y/S | Afghan Shield | S35/27-3-14 | 17-6 34031 | A/- | S.E. Africa Rhino Kervy | | 34032 | S/- | W. Africa Funeral Mask. Galeda Ashanti | | 34033 | GA/- | W. Africa "Egbo" head covd skin. with a Dress No 29490 Complete | | 6-6-0 34034 | N/- | Eskimo Pouch Bear's Foot Aleutian Isl | | 34035 | Y/- | Eskimo Pouch Bear's Foot Aleutian Isl | | 4-0 34036 | Y/- | S.E. Africa Snuff Bottle. | | 34037 | T/S | New Hebrides Dish Araki. Santo. | | 12-6 34038 | T/- | E. Africa. Pipe [[image]] Awemba T. N. Lake Nyassa. | | 18-6 34039 | -/S | E. Africa Crude clay Armlet | | 1-0 34040 | I/- | Africa Slave York. | S4/29-2-16 | 1-10-6 34041 | Y/- | Africa hide Whip | | 34042 | G/G/- | Eskimo Snow Knife Walrus tusk & Caribou horn Southampton Bay Sidlemuts. | H28/1915 | 4-15-0 34043 | G/G/- | Eskimo Copper - C. from Franklins' Ship bottom King Williams Land. Nikekillings | D10/25-3-14 | 6-6-0 34044 | G/- | Eskimo Bone Pin | | 34045 | S/S | C Australia. Tooth Extractor. wood [[image]] | L12/5-6-14 S | 1-6-0 34046 | S/- | Persia Jade Bowman's Ring | S | 18-6 34047 | G/-/- | Japan. Mask. large wood. | W22/4-2-14 S | 2-5-0 34048 | GN/- | New Hebrides Club. very fine. | | 2-2-0 ################################################## EFwyV ################################################## [tl1_text] 6 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34049 | G/- | Eskimo Arrow. bone & copper head | | 12-6 34050 | Y/S | Sumatra Opium Pot & pipe. | L12/1915 | 7-6 34051 | A/- | Fiji Oil Dish. | | 16-0 34052 | A/- | Tonga Pillow. bamboo [[image]] | | 10-0 34053 | S/- | Tonga Nose Flute with written song. | | 18-6 34054 | G/- | New Guinea Armlet. | | 34055 | Y/- | New Britain Armlet. cut shell work. | | 1-0-0 34056 | G/- | Fiji "Kava" Cup. | | 5-0 34057 | G/-/- | New Zealand Model Canoe base v. massive. | | 1-18-0 34058 | I/- | Japan. Iron & Copper Crest. | C7/1915 | 18-0 34059 | GA/- | Pepper Box Revolver [[strikethrough]]Eskimo Arrow. bone & copper head[[/strikethrough]] Rigby Dublin | D6/18-3-14 S | 2-0-0 34060 | M/GN/- | 3 lots of Netsuke. | W22/4-2-14 | 4-10-0 34061 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke ivory | S43/4-6-14 | 6-0 34062 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | S43/4-6-14 | 5-6 34063 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | B42/8-6-14 | 3-0 34064 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | B42/8-6-14 | 2-0 34065 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 34066 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 19-6 34067 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 34068 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 34069 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke Average 8/- to 12/6 | | 34070 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke ivory [[?Senin]] with fan | | 9-0 30471 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 30472 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke ivory large signatures or seal on back | | 12-6 30473 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 30474 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke ivory egg | | 11-0 30475 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke [[image]] | | 8-6 30476 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 30477 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 30478 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 30479 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 30480 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 12-6 30481 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 30482 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 30483 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 30484 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | 30485 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | E. Marriott 15-7-14 | 5-0 30486 | Y/- | Japanese Netsuke | | ################################################## EFwyY ################################################## [tl1_text] 6 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34087 | Y/- | Japan Netsuke ivory | | 34088 | Y/- | Japan Netsuke bone or [[?iv]] Seat. | | 6-6 34089 | Y/- | Japan Netsuke ivory | | 34090 | Y/- | Japan Netsuke ivory | | 34091 | Y/- | Japan Netsuke ivory | | 34092 | Y/- | Japan Netsuke ivory | | 34093 | Y/- | Japan Netsuke ivory | | 34094 | G/S | Japan Netsuke bone. | | 34095 | G/S | Japan Netsuke bone. | | 34096 | G/S | Japan Netsuke bone. | E. Marriott 15-7-14 | 5-0 34097 | G/S | Japan Netsuke bone. | | 34098 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood | | 16-0 34099 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | | 34100 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. basket of wood | | 8-6 34101 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. basket of wood | | 8-6 34102 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. black Monkey on raft. | | 9-0 34103 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. Tortoise signed | | 14-0 34104 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. lac | | 9-0 34105 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. [[image]] | | 9-0 34106 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | | 34107 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. horn | | 10-6 34108 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Amber monkey & nut. | | 15-0 34109 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | | 34110 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. large [[?semi.]] v. old | | 14-0 34111 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | | 34112 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | | 34113 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | | 34114 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | | 34115 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | E Marriott 15-7-14 | 5-0 34116 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | | 34117 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. seated [[?senin]] | | 8-6 34118 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. with Iuro 37539 | | 9-0 34119 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | | 34120 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | | 34121 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. man getting in box. signed | | 10-6 34122 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | | 34123 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | | 34124 | G/N | Japan Netsuke Wood. | E. Marriott 15-7-14 | 5-0 ################################################## EFwz1 ################################################## [tl1_text] 7 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34125 | G/N | Japan Netsuke. wood. old. | | 34126 | G/N | Japan Netsuke. wood. | | 34127 | G/N | Japan Netsuke. wood. | | 34128 | G/N | Japan Netsuke. wood. | E. Marriott 15-7-14 | 5-0 34129 | G/N | Japan Netsuke. wood. | | 34130 | G/N | Japan Netsuke. wood. | | 34131 | G/N | Japan Netsuke. wood. shells Average [[strikethrough]]6/6-8/-[[/strikethrough]] signed | | 6-6 34132 | G/N | Japan Netsuke. wood. | | 34133 | G/N | Japan Netsuke. wood. | | 34134 | G/N | Japan Netsuke. wood. | | 34135 | G/N | Japan Netsuke. wood. | | 34136 | G/N | Japan Netsuke. wood. | | 34137 | Y/S | German New Guinea. German New Guinea Breast Ornament tusks [[image]] damaged | | 16-0 34138 | Y/S | German New Guinea. German New Guinea Breast Ornament tusks [[image]] damaged | | 16-0 34139 | Y/- | German New Guinea. Bowl. oval. [[image]] | | 10-0 34140 | S/- | Admiralty Bowl Fig handles. very dark & old | | 1-2-6 34141 | S/- | Admiralty Bowl Fig handles. [[image]] | | 1-0-0 34142 | Y/- | Admiralty Bowl with feet | | 12-6 34143 | Y/- | Admiralty Bowl with feet | | 12-6 34144 | Y/- | Admiralty Bowl with feet chipps. | | 10-0 34145 | GG/- | Hermit Isl Bowl carved. canoe shaped. | | 1-12-6 34146 | Y/S | Hermit Isl Spatula. [[image]] | 12-6 {| 12-6 34147 | Y/S | Hermit Isl Spatula. | {| 12-6 34148 | Y/S | Hermit Isl Spatula. large 36/- | {| 12-6 34149 | G/- | Hermit Isl Spatula. plain [[image]] | 6-0 {| 6-0 34150 | -/S | New Guinea Dagger. cassowary bone. | {| 6-0 34151 | -/S | New Guinea Dagger. cassowary bone. | | 6-0 34152 | -/S | New Guinea Dagger. cassowary bone. | | 5-0 34153 | -/S | New Guinea Dagger. cassowary bone. | | 5-0 34154 | -/S | New Guinea Dagger. cassowary bone. | | 4-0 34155 | -/S | New Guinea Dagger. cassowary bone. | | 4-0 34156 | -/S | New Guinea Dagger. cassowary bone. | | 4-0 34157 | -/S | New Guinea Spatula. cassowary bone. | | 3-0 34158 | -/S | New Guinea Spatula. cassowary bone. | | 3-0 34159 | -/G | Tierra del Fuego Harpoon head. | | 7-6 34160 | -/S | Tierra del Fuego Harpoon head. | | 4-0 34161 | -/S | Tierra del Fuego Harpoon head. | | 4-0 34162 | GN/- | Fiji? Food Bowl pierced. rim | | 2-2-0 ################################################## EFwz4 ################################################## [tl1_text] 7 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34163 | M/S | New Zealand Kotish small bone | S4/29-2-16 | 1-15-0 34164 | M/S | New Zealand Grave Carving | | 1-15-0 34165 | Y/S | Yoruba Fetish Figures | | 1-16-0 34166 | G/- | North America Pair Mocassins beaded. | | 12-6 34167 | M/S | Japan Lance head very large. | | 10-6 34168 | I/- | S. Africa Collection of 8 Staves. | W22/1915 | 1-4-0 34169 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Trophy Skull complete. Reconstructed head OKARAVI Purara Delta. | S4/1915 | 9-0-0 34170 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Trophy Skull complete. OKARAVI Purara Delta. | S4/7-10-14 | 17-6 34171 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Trophy Skull complete. OKARAVI Purara Delta. | | 34172 | GX/- | British New Guinea Trophy Skull complete. poor. OKARAVI Purara Delta. | | 34173 | GX/- | British New Guinea Trophy Skull complete. carved frontal no 1 jaw OKARAVI Purara Delta. | | 34174 | I/- | British New Guinea Trophy Skull complete. plain no 1 jaw very massive OKARAVI Purara Delta. | | 3-3-0 34175 | T/S | N New Guinea Tappa Beater. wood. OROKOLO Purara Delta | | 34176 | S/- | British New Guinea Bull Roarer. MAIPUA Purara Delta | | 34177 | G/S | British New Guinea Nose Pin shell. RAVIKWAN Purara Delta | | 34178 | G/S | British New Guinea Nose Pin shell. RAVIKWAN Purara Delta | | 34179 | G/S | British New Guinea Nose Pin shell. RAVIKWAN Purara Delta | | 34180 | G/S | British New Guinea Nose Pin shell. RAVIKWAN Purara Delta | | 34181 | G/S | British New Guinea Nose Pin shell. RAVIKWAN Purara Delta | | 34182 | G/-/- | Eskimo Lance. all bone. | | 34183 | A/- | Eskimo Stone Lamp | | 34184 | A/- | Eskimo Stone Vessel. | | 34185 | G/- | Eskimo Horn Bailer. small. | | 34186 | Y/S | Basuto land Skull from war. 18·· Mak - M····· | | 12-6 34187 | Y/S | Basuto land Skull from war. 18·· Mak - M····· | | 12-6 34188 | /- | Zulu Bag. | | 34189 | G/- | Zulu Belt. | | 34190 | G/- | Zulu Double Snuff Spoon | | 6-0 34191 | G/- | Zulu Necklet. ostrich feathers. | | 2-6 34192 | G/- | Zulu Wristlet. old | | 3-6 34193 | G/-/- | Eskimo Lance Yukon R | D10/25-1-14 S | 3-7-6 34194 | GX/- | Eskimo Bird Spear. | | 1-15-0 34195 | G/-/- | Rhino Horn | | 2-15-0 34196 | GX/- | N. America Fire Bag | | 34197 | A/- | N. America Sheath. | H35/5-6-14 | 10-0 34198 | A/- | N. America Harpoon Head Washington. | | 8-0 34199 | N/S | German New Guinea Armlet | | 16-0 34200 | M/-/- | England Ferguson FL. BL. Gun. | C10/31-5-15 | 12-10-0 ################################################## EFwz7 ################################################## [tl1_text] 8 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34201 | C/- | Matty ? Shark tooth Knife. | | 34202 | M/-/- | S. India Jain Stone Column. | | 34203 | M/- | E. Africa Pair Silver Ear Ring Suahili | | 34204 | G/- | E. Africa Pair Wood Ear Extender rare Suahili | | 12-6 34205 | Y/GI/- | 4 Chinese Figures wood 2/10/- Glass Charm | W22/4-2-14 | 4-10-0 34206 | M/- | Brazil Paddle v. Large [[image]] } Putamayo R. | | 34207 | M/- | Brazil Paddle smaller } Putamayo R. | | 2-5-0 34208 | N/- | Brazil Paddle small. dec. blade Putamayo R. | | 1-8-6 34209 | Y/- | Brazil Weaving Beam Putamayo R. | | 1-2-6 34210 | Y/- | Brazil Club [[image]] Putamayo R. | | 2-5-0 34211 | Y/- | Brazil Club [[image]] Putamayo R. | | 1-2-6 34212 | Y/- | Brazil Club Smaller Putamayo R. | | 1-14-0 34213 | Y/- | Brazil Spear Bow Putamayo R. | | 1-2-6 34214 | Y/- | Brazil Bow with cord. square section Putamayo R. | | 16-0 34215 | Y/- | Brazil Bow - oval section no cord. Putamayo R. | | 12-0 34216 | Y/- | Brazil 12 Arrows. various types. Feathers large Putamayo R. | | 1-7-6 34217 | Y/- | Brazil 7 Throwing Lances Putamayo R. | | 11-0 34218 | Y/- | Brazil 7 Throwing Lances smaller Putamayo R. | | 12-6 34219 | N/N/S | Admiralty Sun Shade hat & Drum Lord Erskine Expdn | W22/4-2-14 | 6-10-0 34220 | G/A/- | Treasury Isl. Club Lord Erskine Expdn | | 4-4-0 34221 | G/-/- | New Britain Club Lord Erskine Expdn | | 2-7-6 34222 | GI/- | Argyle Isl. Spear Lord Erskine Expdn | | 1-7-6 34223 | G/N/- | Argyle Spear Animals on blade. Lord Erskine Expdn | | 4-4-0 [[strikethrough]]3-15[[/strikethrough]] 34224 | A/- | New Guinea Bone Lime Spatula [[image]] Small Lord Erskine Expdn | | 12-6 34225 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. wood [[image]] Lord Erskine Expdn | | 34226 | M/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula. clapper carved. Lord Erskine Expdn | | 34227 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula plain Lord Erskine Expdn East Cape | | 34228 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula plain Lord Erskine Expdn East Cape | | 34229 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula plain Lord Erskine Expdn East Cape | | 34230 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula plain Lord Erskine Expdn East Cape | | 34231 | G/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula plain Lord Erskine Expdn East Cape | | 34232 | /- | New Guinea Head Dress feathers Halls Sound | | 34233 | /- | New Guinea Head Dress feathers Halls Sound | | 34234 | /- | New Guinea Head Dress string work Motu Motu. | | 34235 | -/S | New Guinea Frontlet shells Motu Motu. | | 34236 | /- | New Guinea Feather Plume Motu Motu. | | 34237 | G/- | New Guinea Comb. carved. Motu Motu. | | 16-6 34238 | /- | New Guinea Comb. with pendants Kerepuna | | 4-6 ################################################## EFwza ################################################## [tl1_text] 8 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34239 | -/X | New Guinea Armlet Lord Erskine Expdn | | 34240 | -/S | New Guinea Scraper. Kerepuni. Lord Erskine Expdn | | 34241 | -/- | New Guinea Ear Ornament. croix seeds. Lord Erskine Expdn Motu Motu. | | 34242 | -/- | New Guinea Object. [[image]] Lord Erskine Expdn | | 34243 | N/- | Ruk Isl: Necklet. pink shell discs Lord Erskine Expdn | | 1-1-0 34244 | GS/- | Admiralty Isl. Sun shade of carved & coloured wood Lord Erskine Expdn | | 1-15-0 34245 | GT/- | New Guinea Mouth Breast Ornament. tortoise shell ex. perfect | | 1-17-6 34246 | Y/- | New Guinea Bamboo Mouth Ornament | | 17-6 34247 | /- | New Guinea Sago Spoon Halls Sound. | | 3-0 34248 | /- | New Guinea Pair Grass Armlets. | | 1-0 34249 | G/- | Gilbert 2 Whale teeth Charms. | | 10-6 34250 | T/- | New Guinea Carved Case containing bone implements Motu Motu. | | 12-6 34251 | G/- | New Guinea Armlet shell slabs. | | 16-0 34252 | -/S | New Guinea Forehead Band South Cape. | | 34253 | G/S | New Guinea Currency. yellow & black. Bugi. | | 14-0 34254 | -/S | New Guinea Comb. Argyl Bay. | | 6-0 34255 | -/S | Solomon Comb | | 9-0 34256 | Y/- | Treasury I. Torch. | | 6-0 34257 | Y/- | Treasury I. Torch. | | 6-0 34258 | -/S | New Guinea Ornament Boar Tusk Espiegle Bay. | | 34259 | -/S | New Hebrides Armlet of boar tusks. Mallicolls | | 34260 | M/- | New Britain Club [[image]] | | 34261 | M/- | New Britain Club [[image]] | | 34262 | M/A/- | New Ireland Totem. v. large. | | 10-10-0 34263 | N/- | Treasury Isl. Bottle dec clay & beads embedded (Last one sold for /1/15/- | | 1-8-0 34264 | GT/- | Lv Congo Fetish Figure with nombril. | | 1-15-0 34265 | GG/A/- | New Zealand Totem. finely carved head. | | 42-10-0 34266 | N/GX/- | New Zealand Digging Stick Kô | | 8-15-0 34267 | GY/- | New Zealand Wakaiki. modern. | S4/29-2-16 | 11-5-0 34268 | GX/- | Tibet Exorcising Dagger of wood. | P | 1-1-0 34269 | G/GY/S | Tibet Sword. v. fine. | P | 6-6-0 34270 | I/- | India Composite Bow. Cashmere | | 34271 | M/- | Java Knife & sheath | | 34272 | GX/- | N. America Club late. | | 1-7-6 [[strikethrough]]12-6[[/strikethrough]] 34273 | G/GY/S | New Zealand Adze. & Jack black (24161) | | 6-15-0 34274 | N/- | Travancore Shrine of Jaugernaut. | | 10-6 34275 | G/S | Eskimo Ivory [[?Game]]. [[image]] | | 3-6 34276 | Y/S | Eskimo Doll Dress or Necromancer's "Marrionette" | H28/1915 | 16-0 ################################################## EFwzd ################################################## [tl1_text] 9 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34277 | Y/S | North American Cap. beaded. | | 6-0 34278 | G/- | New Guinea Armlet. broad. | | 4-0 34279 | M/- | Tonga Fish-hook & line | | 7-6 34280 | G/- | Tonga Tortoise Shell Scraper. | | 6-0 34281 | A/- | Norway Knife. pierced bone sheath | | 10-6 34282 | Y/- | Gaboon Scoup. handle like knife handle [[image]] | | 5-0 34283 | Y/- | Europe Bone Stay Busk | | 8-6 34284 | G/-/- | New Ireland Chalk Ancestral Figure large. | | 4-15-0 34285 | GA/-/- | New Zealand Jade Teki. well cut. 5" | L2/16-6-16 | 270-10-0 34286 | G/-/- | Brit Columbia Totem Pipe. shale. | H28/12-9-16 | 33-18-0 34287 | G/GX/- | North America Club. wood. [[image]] | H28/1915 | 6-10-0 34288 | GX/- | North America Pair Mocassins. fully beaded. | | 1-2-6 34289 | G/-/- | Ancient Bronze Celt. Scotland Denny Abbey | | 3-10-0 34290 | G/GX/- | Benin Arm in ivory | | 34291 | I/GX/- | German Wheel lock Rifle | S40/1915 | 10-10-0 34292 | G/-/- | England FL Pistol with bayonet | L12/5-6-14 | 1-5-0 34293 | N/-/- | England FL Pistol 4 barrel brass J. PRATT | S40/1915 | 6-6-0 34294 | G/-/- | England FL Pistol all brass. E. BOND. | E6/1-1-14 | 1-7-6 34295 | G/-/- | England FL Pistol silver mask. BLAKE. | B48/14-3-16 | 1-12-6 34296 | N/-/- | England FL Pistols Pair U&O COOK BATH | B48/14-3-16 | 5-0-0 34297 | G/-/- | England FL Pistol one U&O LEACH CHELMSFORD | | 34298 | S/- | England FL Pistol one U&O defective. | | 34299 | CX/-/- | Collection of Arms from the Tangire Armoury. | S35/27-3-14 sold | 510-0-0 34300 | GS/- | Belgian Congo. Wood Drum. [[image]] Bateki | C30/1915 | 2-7-6 34301 | Y/- | Japan Sword Guard. Cranes. | | 10-6 34302 | G/- | Japan Sword Guard. boldly chiselled. Mitsutoki | | 2-2-0 34303 | S/- | Japan Sword Guard. Logs. signed Masakaru. | | 16-0 34304 | S/- | Japan Sword Guard. Tree. Hiroyuki. | | 16-0 34305 | T/- | Japan Sword Guard. Bales. signed in gold. TADATOSH. | | 18-6 34306 | S/- | Japan Sword Guard. Rotten wood. | | 1-1-0 34307 | GY/-/- | 12 Japanese Colour Prints. | W22/4-2-14 | 1-0-0 34308 | GX/S/- | 8 Chinese Lac Boxes 2 Tibet Charm Boxes. Tai Hair Ornaments Cymbals T. | W22/4-2-14 | 12-10-0 34309 | G/-/- | Tibet Sword. very fine. | | 4-15-0 34310 | M/-/- | Tibet Sword. smaller with belt & accoutrements. | | 5-5-0 34311 | G/T/S | China Jade Disc. Currency? [[image]] | | 3-12-6 34312 | GX/- | China Jade Dragon. | | 1-12-6 34313 | T/- | China Jade Mandarin Hat Ornament silver mount | H17/26-6-10 | 18-6 34314 | GX/- | China Bronze Wrist Rest inlaid silver | | 1-6-0 ################################################## EFwzg ################################################## [tl1_text] 9 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34315 | YX/-/- | N.W. Chinese Hills Ancient Bronze Drum. | | 45-0-0 34316 | N/M/- | N.W. Chinese Hills Ancient Bronze Gong. | | 5-5-0 34317 | GX/- | China Clasp. copper gilt. pierced. | | 1-7-6 34318 | GX/- | China Clasp. copper gilt. solid. | | 18-6 34319 | G/- | China Tobacco Box in form of a boot. | | 10-6 34320 | /- | China Tobacco Box of orange peel. | | 34321 | GA/- | China Betel Nut box silver | | 1-7-6 34322 | T/- | China Snuff Bottle of Chalcedony | | 1-12-6 34323 | GG/- | China Mandarins Silver chain Pendant with toilet requisite fishs. | Hor- | 34324 | T/- | China Mandarins Silver chain Pendant with betel net box. | | 1-5-0 34325 | G/GA/- | N.W. Chinese Hills M.S.S. Book. Prayer to Heaven. Mu Su. | S4/1915 | 13-10-0 34326 | G/-/- | N.W. Chinese Hills M.S.S. Book. Prayer to Hills. Mu Su. | S4/1915 | 7-10-0 34327 | G/-/- | N.W. Chinese Hills M.S.S. Book. Prayer to Snakes. Mu Su. | S4/1915 | 5-10-0 34328 | C/- | China Set of curious old Maps in case. (28 sheets) | | 3-15-0 34329 | GA/- | N.W. Chinese Hills Woman's Costume. Emb: Coat. Skirt Apron & 2 scarves Katchen. | | 8-8-0 [[strikethrough]]4-16-0[[/strikethrough]] 34330 | A/- | N.W. Chinese Hills 4 Scarves. 2 Linnen [[strikethrough]]& silk[[/strikethrough]] & embroidered black Katchen | | 3-3-6 [[strikethrough]]1-12-6[[/strikethrough]] 34331 | A/- | N.W. Chinese Hills 2 Warriors Haversacks. 1 dec cowries Katchen | | 1-7-6 34332 | I/- | N.W. Chinese Hills Rug painted design Katchen | | 1-2-6 34333 | Y/- | N.W. Chinese Hills Silk Scarf Katchen | | 16-0 34334 | Y/- | N.W. Chinese Hills Silk Scarf Katchen | | 12-6 34335 | G/GT/S | N.W. Chinese Hills Silver Torque engraved & filled Miao-tze. | | 3-15-0 34336 | G/-/- | N.W. Chinese Hills Silver Torque hollow. larger dia. Miao-tze. | | 2-10-0 34337 | GS/- | N.W. Chinese Hills Pair Hair Ornaments worn over ears. [[image]] TAI | | 2-5-0 34338 | G/-/- | N.W. Chinese Pair Ear Ornaments silver. [[image]] TAI | | 3-3-0 34339 | Y/- | N.W. Chinese Hair Pin [[image]] TAI | | 14-0 34340 | Y/S | N.W. Chinese Hair Pin [[image]] TAI | 14/- | 14-0 34341 | Y/S | N.W. Chinese Hair Pin [[image]] smaller TAI | 10/- | 10-0 34342 | A/- | N.W. Chinese Armlet engraved. [[image]] TAI | | 17-0 34343 | A/- | N.W. Chinese Armlet engraved. [[image]] TAI | | 12-6 34344 | M/- | N.W. Chinese Clasp silver. rough work. Miao-Chiang. | | 18-6 34345 | N/- | N.W. Chinese Armlet silver plain. like Keltic work. Miao-tze | | 16-0 34346 | Y/- | N.W. Chinese Armlet brass hollow Miao-tze | | 7-6 34347 | G/- | N.W. Chinese Armlet ? black lac. Miao-tze | | 3-6 34348 | A/S | N.W. Chinese Armlet silver filigree Mu Su | | 14-0 34349 | A/S | N.W. Chinese Armlet silver filigree rim broken Mu Su | | 10-0 34350 | A/S | N.W. Chinese Pipe Stem silver filigree Mu Su | | 15-0 34351 | A/S | N.W. Chinese Pipe Stem silver filigree Mu Su | | 12-6 34352 | GA/- | N.W. Chinese Pair silver Ear Tubes Mu Su or Miao Chiang | | 1-2-6 ################################################## EFwzj ################################################## [tl1_text] 10 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34,353 | T/- | Tibet Ear Pendant silver set turquoise & red coral beads. | | 18-6 34354 | GN/- | Tibet Ear Pendant a pair | | 1-10-0 34355 | GX/- | Tibet Bracelet. silver 2 dragon head holding hollow ball. | | 1-10-0 34356 | Y/-/- | Tibet Prayer Wheel silver very fine. | | 3-5-0 34357 | GY/- | N. W. Chinese Hills Skin Rug | | 3-3-0 34358 | GG/- | China 9 marble Plates | W22/1915 | 11-8-0 34359 | G/G/- | China Archery Set comprising 4 Composite Bows Target 18 Arrows included 10 whistling & Drum | | 5-10-0 34360 | GX/- | Tibet Gun Stock inlaid v. fine With Persian barrel # | | 6-15-0 34361 | G/-/- | N.W. Chinese Hills. 2 Guns one Match one P.C. silver mtd. v. slender barrels. Miao-chiang | | 5-5-0 [[strikethrough]]4-15-0[[/strikethrough]] 34362 | G/-/- | Java - China 3 Puppet Figures of pierced hide with one head to fit the three | | 2-10-0 34363 | /- | China Artists Palete containing pictures. | | 6-6 34364 | T/S | Mangaia Ceremonial Adze Haft. | | 1-2-6 34365 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Paddle carved. | | 8-10-0 34366 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Paddle carved. | | 8-10-0 34367 | GX/-/- | New Zealand Model Canoe. fine tattoed head on prow. 6'6" | | 57-10-0 34368 | S/- | New Guinea Head Ornament of Toucan beak. | | 16-0 34369 | GX/S | S.E. Africa. Figure. v. large. | S4/29-2-16 | 11-10-0 34370 | S/A/- | New Caledonia Ceremonial Mask & Dress. | 1 | 15-0-0 34371 | M/-/- | New Caledonia Tabu Carving. much weathered. | | 5-5-0 34372 | G/A/- | New Caledonia Tabu Carving. head. | | 4-12-6 [[strikethrough]]3-12-0[[/strikethrough]] 34373 | G/A/- | Tonga. Club. short. carved with figures. chipped | | 3-15-0 [[strikethrough]]2-15-0[[/strikethrough]] 34374 | GS/- | Indo-China. 8 Stone Celts 3 white stone Armlets. | MH 2/10/- | 2-12-6 34375 | T/- | Nigeria Stone Armlet "Akabeg" worn on left arm above wrist, used as a weapon. Tuareg | | 1-12-6 34376 | A/- | Nigeria Stone Armlet "Akabeg" worn on left arm above wrist, used as a weapon. small. Tuareg | | 1-1-0 34377 | Y/- | Nigeria Stone Armlet "Akabeg" worn on left arm above wrist, used as a weapon. disc. Tuareg | | 18-6 34378 | GI/-/- | New Zealand Mokoed Head. Teki & basalt Onewa. | | 36-10-0 34379 | T/A/- | {Europe. FL Gun breach loading. PENDRILL | S40/1915 | 10-0-0 34380 | A/- | {Europe. FL Gun breach loading. PENDRILL | | 34381 | T/-/- | Borneo Bronze Cannon "Lalis" large 49" Currency. sea Dyak | } | 34382 | Y/GA/- | Borneo Bronze Cannon small. 31 sea Dyak | } | 36-0-0 34383 | I/- | Borneo Blow Pipe. curious head. | | 1-8-0 34384 | GX/- | Borneo Spear. silver gilt mounts. fine. Java | S35/21-10-16 | 2-5-0 34385 | M/- | Borneo Sword Handle. black horn & white metal. | | 6-0 34386 | N/- | Borneo Pair Ember Tongs. pierced brass. | | 7-6 34387 | Y/- | S.E. Asia Set of Pan Pipes. | | 10-6 34388 | Y/T/- | India Matchlock. fine barrel. | | 6-15-0 34389 | G/- | China Matchlock crude [[image]] | | 16-0 34390 | C/- | Europe P.C Powder Tester. pitted | E6/1-1-14 | 17-6 ################################################## EFwzm ################################################## [tl1_text] 10 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34391 | G/-/- | Abyssinia Pilgrim Bottle. tinned copper. | | 1-15-0 34392 | T/- | N. America Stone Club | | 34393 | M/-/- | England Pair small bore Duelling Pistols RICHARDS | | 34394 | GY/- | Burmah Bronze group of 4 Avatars. | | 1-5-0 34395 | GA/- | India Gauntlet Sword (PATA) one v old edged blade one loop missing | | 2-15-0 34396 | GA/- | India Gauntlet Sword (PATA) shorter | | 2-7-6 34397 | Y/- | India Dagger (KATAR) | | 17-6 34398 | Y/- | India Dagger (KATAR) | | 16-6 34399 | S/- | India Dagger (KATAR) chiselled | | 1-14-0 34400 | GX/- | India Elephant Goad (ANKUS) | D11/23-3-15 | 1-2-6 34401 | I/- | India Crow-bill Axe (BUCKIE) Knife & Ember Tongs | | 1-16-0 34402 | G/Y/- | India Kukri silver sheath mounts. Nepal. | L25/1-6-16 | 3-0-0 34403 | GA/- | India Dagger (CHILANUM) double blades. Mahratta | S35/1915 | 2-0-0 34404 | GA/- | India Dagger (KHANJAR) fine guarded belt Mahratta | S35/1915 | 3-0-0 34405 | M/- | India Dagger (BICH'HWA) small thick blade Mahratta | | 10-6 34406 | Y/- | India Dagger plain steel hilt. hollow [[image]] | D11/23-3-15 | 1-18-6 34407 | Y/- | India Spear-head | }| 16-0 34408 | Y/- | India Spear-head | }| | 34409 | A/- | India Powder Flask brass, silver ornament. | S35/1915 | 18-6 34410 | I/- | Japan Match lock Gun. inlaid barrel. rough | | 16-0 34411 | G/-/- | Japan Match lock Pistol. | | 2-5-0 34412 | GA/- | England. FL. Pistol s. bayonet HUGHES } | E6/1915 | 1-6-0 34413 | GA/- | England. FL. Pistol all brass P. BOND } | | | 34414 | G/A/- | England. FL. Pistol all brass GREEN. } See Fine Arms Book | | | 34415 | G/A/- | England. FL. Pistol all brass blunderbuss } | | 34416 | A/- | England. FL. Pistol pocket. } | E6/7-11-16 | 12-0 34417 | A/- | France Military Pistol with belt hook. } | E6/1915 | 18-6 34418 | A/-/- | Persia Sword. silver-enamel hilt & mounts. | S35/1915 | 10-10-0 34419 | GX/-/- | India Dagger Agate hilt inlaid gold. | S35/1915 | 16-10-0 34420 | GX/- | Java Knife. sheath of fine silver | | 1-7-6 34421 | G/GX/- | India Helmet of rivetted mail [[image]] | S35/1915 | 2-10-0 34422 | N/-/- | Drum supported by a Baboon. | | 5-15-0 34423 | G/GX/- | C. Australia Stone Churinga Aranda. | K5/22-6-14 S | 4-4-0 34424 | GX/-/- | C. Australia Collection of Aranda Objects. | [[Perm?]] | | 34425 | N/GX/- | New Britain Collection of objects from St Paul, North Baining, Coll by Father Bley | [[Perm?]] | | 34426 | /- | New Guinea Bow Donri Collywood Bay | | [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 12-6 34427 | N/GX/- | England Case of Cock Fighting Spurs. | S4/1915 | 22-0-0 34428 | GA/- | Java King-fisher Kris hilt fractured & mended | S35/1915 | 2-15-0 ################################################## EFwzp ################################################## [tl1_text] 11 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34429 | GA/- | Fiji 'Pine Apple' Club. fine | | 1-16-0 34430 | A/- | Solomon Club [[image]] | | 1-0-0 34431 | G/- | Solomon Shell Ornament [[image]] | | | 34432 | S/- | Solomon Shell Armlet fine | | | 34433 | S/- | Solomon Shell Armlet fine | | | 34434 | /- | New Guinea Armlet cane [[image]] | | 3-0 34435 | G/GS/- | England Blunderbuss TWIGG. iron barrel s. bayonet. | | | 34436 | G/T/- | England Blunderbuss H PICKFORD. brass barrel. | J12/8-3-16 | 1-18-0 34437 | G/A/- | India Dagger "Peshkabz" soft jade hilt. | P. | | 34438 | M/- | Vancouver Fish hook for Halibut | K5/12-8-16 | 6-0 34439 | A/- | Eskimo Model Kyak. | | 10-6 34440 | A/- | New Hebrides Bow & Arrows, one 3 pronged, one fine carved head | | 14-0 34441 | T/- | German New Guinea Breast Ornament | | 1-5-0 34442 | Y/-/- | Large, flat Show Case. | | | 34443 | Y/- | Java Horse Bit | | 1-1-0 34444 | Y/- | Java Pair Cock fighting Spurs. | | 8-0 34445 | G/- | Java Sling. | | 9-6 34446 | G/- | Java Sling. | | 10-6 34447 | G/- | Java Sling. | | 8-6 34448 | G/- | Java 3 Blow Gun Darts with brass points. [[?]] | | 9-0 34449 | Y/- | Java Kris. fine black watered blade. lac: sheath top. Bali. | S35/1915 | 2-0-0 34450 | Y/- | Java Kris. fine black watered blade. lac: sheath top Bali. | | 1-15-0 34451 | Y/- | Java Kris. Brass blade. lac hilt & sheath. | S35/191 | 1-15-0 34452 | M/- | Java Kris. silver covered sheath. carved hilt. | | 2-2-0 34453 | G/- | Java Kris. carved hilt. rough sheath. | | 18-0 34454 | Y/- | Java Kris. plain old. | | 10-0 34455 | Y/- | Java Kris. all iron. sheath covered brass | S35/1915 | 1-0-0 34456 | Y/- | Java Knife silver mounted. European form | | 18-6 34457 | S/- | Java Knife sickle shape. horn spring back to sheath. | | 1-1-0 34458 | G/- | Java Knife curious blade. rough handle & sheath | | 5-0 34459 | G/- | Java Knife horn hilt. uncurved blade. Crutch shaped sheath | | 5-0 34460 | G/- | Java Knife light wood hilt & sheath. good piece. | | 10-0 34461 | N/- | Java Pair Knives. all horn sheaths [[image]] [[th?]] 2 | S35/1915 | 16-0 34462 | Y/- | Java Knife fine [[image]] | | 6-0 34463 | G/- | Java Knife rougher | | 3-0 34464 | G/- | Java Knife rougher | | 3-6 34465 | /- | Java Knife rougher smaller | | 2-6 34466 | /- | Java Knife rougher smaller | | 6-0 ################################################## EFwzs ################################################## [tl1_text] 11 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34467 | /- | Java Bell Hook [[image]] | | 5-0 34468 | Y/- | Java Glaive Blade [[image]] v. fine | S35/1915 | 14-0 34469 | Y/- | Java Spear [[image]] large | S35/1915 | 12-6 34470 | /- | Java Spear smaller | | 6-0 34471 | /- | Java Spear small | | 4-0 34472 | /- | Java Spear [[image]] | | 6-0 34473 | /- | Tennassrim Knife stag horn hilt L Burmah | | 6-0 34474 | /- | Tennassrim Knife stag horn hilt L Burmah | | 6-0 34475 | /- | Tennassrim Miniature Dha. & sheath. L Burmah | | 4-0 34476 | Y/-/- | Java Kris. gold case 4½ ozs gold = 16 soverigns | S35/1915 | 25-0-0 34477 | G/-/- | Java Kris. ivory drill carved hilt. gold mts | S35/1915 | 6-15-0 34478 | /-/- | Java Kris. fine plain specimen. | W34/30-1-15 | 1-7-6 34479 | G/GX/- | New Zealand. Wahaika small. partly carved. | | 6-10-0 34480 | Y/GX/- | Marquesas Stilt Step } | | 34481 | Y/-/- | Marquesas Stilt Step. } | | 8-10-0 34482 | G/A/- | Brazil Club. Etched [[image]] | | 1-18-0 34483 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Knife. carved handle 4-0-0 } | | | 34484 | M/GX/- | New Zealand Adze-haft. 6-10-0 } Brought to England prior to 1860. by the late RW. Crump. Indian Civil Service. Wray Barton, Moreton hampstead. | | 18-10-0 34485 | S/GX/- | New Zealand Wahaika. 9-10-0 } | | | 34486 | T/S | German [[strikethrough]] 'Guild' [[/strikethrough]] Axe. [[strikethrough]] bone [[/strikethrough]] narwhal haft. 17th Cent C | | 1-1-0 34487 | GA/- | German Hunting Sword. ivory hilt. "Andrea Ferrara" blade. | C7/1915 | 2-10-0 34488 | M/S | 'Colt' Revolver in case. | | | 34489 | G/GX/- | Europe Halbard | | 3-3-0 34490 | G/GX/- | Europe Halbard | | 3-3-0 34491 | Y/-/- | Europe Partizan. [[image]] | | 4-10-0 34492 | G/GA/- | Europe Partizan Engraved Arms. | | 4-4-0 34493 | G/Y/S | E Europe Pair F.L. Pistols. NEWARK COVENTRY. | E6/1-1-14 | 2-12-6 34494 | GG/-/- | Europe Pair Forsyth Pocket Pistols. | S40/1915 | 17-10-0 34495 | G/- | Eskimo Bag. | | 4-0 34496 | G/- | Eskimo Bag. | | 4-0 34497 | Y/- | Matty Isl. Fish Hook | B16/15 | [[6-0?]] 34498 | G/- | Millie Isl. Fish Hook modern | | 2-6 34499 | GG/- | S. India Griffin Head brass. C | | 17-6 34500 | Y/-/- | Japan Swords (3) | B48/1915 | 3-0-0 34501 | GX/- | English FL. Blunderbuss brass barrel | | 1-1-0 34502 | S/- | English Military Pistol | | 16-0 34503 | G/- | English Powder Flask | | 3-0 34504 | M/- | India Kukri & sheath. large | [[S19/30-9-16?]] | 18-6 ################################################## EFwzv ################################################## [tl1_text] 12 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34505 | S/- | China Pipe Can shagreen. | | 17-6 34506 | GI/- | Japan Grain Measure. | | 1-16-0 34507 | Y/GA/- | New Zealand Haui. v. fine feather Mat | S51/30-8-16 | 7-10-0 34508 | C/- | New Zealand Haui small | | | 34509 | Y/GT/- | Tibet Rosary Spar Bowl. Buckles. Toe Ring. | W22/4-2-14 | 4-0-0 34510 | GN/- | China Execution Knife. | S4/1915 | 1-5-0 34511 | M/- | Belt. beads with bone bars. | | 1-5-0 34512 | M/- | Belt. beads with cane bars. | | 16-0 34513 | GY/- | Tonga Head Rest. rare form of feet | | 1-15-0 34514 | M/- | Tonga Head Rest. one foot broken [[image]] | | 1-7-6 34515 | A/- | Ceylon Book in pali. | | 12-6 34516 | YT/GX/- | Europe Closed Helm. XVI Cent. C | | 38-10-0 34517 | I/- | Liberia, Pair Carved Tusks. | | 10-6 34518 | GY/- | Eskimo Bird Snare. | D10/20-3-14 sold | 2-0-0 34519 | M/- | North American Bowie Knife. quill dec: on sheath. | H28/1915 | 18-6 34520 | GI/- | East Indies. Bowl. 2 Figs on handles. | | 1-18-0 34521 | -/N | Borneo Cock fighting Spur. Baram R. | | 8-6 34522 | -/N | Borneo Cock fighting Spur. Baram R. | | 7-6 34523 | -/N | Borneo Cock fighting Spur. brass. Baram R. | | 7-0 34524 | /- | Borneo Necklet. brass pendants Baram R. | | 8-6 34525 | G/- | Burmah. Buddha. reclining fig. "Gotama Buddha C | C30/1-7-16 | 10-0 34526 | G/- | New Britain Club-head. | | 4-0 34527 | G/- | Fish hook [[image]] | B16/1915 | 7-0 34528 | G/- | Fish hook smaller. [[image]] | B16/1915 | 6-6 34529 | -/S | Solomon Fish hook | K5/1915 | 3-6 34530 | -/S | Solomon Fish hook | B16/1915 | 7-0 34531 | Y/- | Tahiti Fish hook all shell. | B16/1-1-14 | 8-0 34532 | /- | Borneo 3 Ear-rings. Baram R. dist | | 4-0 34533 | /- | China. set Playing Cards. | | 1-6 34534 | Y/S | W. Australia. Spear Thrower. [[image]] | | 8-0 34535 | Y/- | Eskimo Shoes. | | 6-6 34536 | Y/S | Eskimo Child's Top Boots. | | 10-6 34537 | G/GX/- | Eskimo Narwhal Spear. Ponds Bay | H28/1915 | 7-7-0 34538 | N/S | Canada Bark Box dec quill | H28/1915 | [[17-6?]] 34539 | GX/- | Australia Meat Dish. carved. fine | | 2-2-0 34540 | Y/S | Australia Meat Dish. damaged (Pitchi) | | 10-6 34541 | GY/S | Malabar Nair's Sword. very old. | | 2-18-0 34542 | GY/S | Malabar 'Ayda Kath' very massive. | | 2-18-0 ################################################## EFwzy ################################################## [tl1_text] 12 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34543 | G/A/- | W. Africa Large Mask dec: brass. Zomba | | 3-3-0 34544 | A/- | India Axe. [[image]] Ooviah, Ganjam Orissia. | S35/1915 | 18-0 34545 | GY/S | [[Strikethrough]] N. Hebrides [[/strikethrough]] Sago Charm. N.G NE [[C?]] | W22/14-3-16 | 2-5-0 34546 | T/S | Tonga Fish hook. bone back. | K5/1915 | 1-4-0 34547 | G/GX/- | N. America Club v. fine | H28/1915 | 14-0-0 34548 | Y/S | B. Columbia. Scoup. painted wood | H28/1915 | 16-0 34549 | A/- | Patagonia Bolas. 2 balls. | | 1-7-6 34550 | Y/S | Tierra-del-Fuego Sling. brought home by Comr Graves R.N. | | 1-12-6 34551 | Y/S | Tierra-del-Fuego Sling. smaller. brought home by Comr Graves R.N. | | 1-10-0 34552 | G/T/S | England Pair Duelling Pistols T. MACE. } | | | 34553 | Y/-/- | England Pair Duelling Pistols WILKINSON. } | | | 34554 | GA/- | England one Duelling Pistol HAUGH. DUMFRIES } See | | | 34555 | GA/- | England one Duelling Pistol THOS. ALLPORT. } Fire Arm Book | | | 34556 | G/-/- | England pair Travelling Pistols H. NOCK. } | J12/3-2-16 | 2-12-6 34557 | G/-/- | England U & O GARDNER. } | | | 34558 | G/GX/- | England Pistol brass barrel. silver butt. D. COLLUMBELL } | | | 34559 | GX/- | England Pistol brass barrel. HEYLIN. } | | | 34560 | GX/- | England Govt. Pistol. brass mts dated 1759. } | | | 34561 | Y/A/- | England 7 barrelled Gun by H. NOCK. } | | | 34562 | GX/- | England Knife Pistol with spring knife bayonet } | E6/1915 | 1-12-6 34563 | Y/- | Benin Brass Armlet. [[image]] | | 7-6 34564 | Y/- | Benin Brass Armlet. [[image]] | | 7-6 34565 | /- | Benin Brass Armlet. beaded edge. [[image]] | | 3-0 34566 | Y/-/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. figs. fine spec: 32 figs | [[strikethrough]] 6-6-0 [[/strikethrough]] 12-10-0 34567 | Y/-/- | Harvey Spear Club | | 6-10-0 34568 | G/-/- | Harvey Spear Club v. small. | | | 34569 | G/GX/- | England F.L. Blunderbuss with bayonet. | | 4-10-0 34570 | N/- | Turkey 3 Standard Weights | | 10-0 34571 | Y/S | [[Formose?]] Ingot Money. silver. [[image]] | S50/20-3-16 | 9-0 34572 | A/- | Silver Broach. iron age form | | 12-6 34573 | [[-/S?]] | England. Shagreen Box. containing Hypodermic Syringe | S4/1915 | 7-6 34574 | M/-/- | Mangaia Turret Adze. | | | 34575 | GM/GA/S | Tibet Devil Dagger. Jap Sword Furniture. Tibet Shrine & Necklet. | W22/4-2-14 | 17-10-0 34576 | Y/- | China or Tibet Set Money Scales in case. | | 7-6 34577 | M/- | China Green Shagreen Case with silver Spectacles. | sold | 15-0 34578 | G/- | Europe Ear Trumpet. Collapsable. | | 5-0 34579 | G/G/- | Sierra Leone 'Bundu' Mask | E7/8-10-14 Sold | 3-5-0 34580 | M/- | Sierra Leone 'Warri' Bowl. | | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwzB ################################################## [tl1_text] 13 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34581 | G/GX/- | Ashanti Pair brass Figures. Male & Female Ogboni Staffs. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Yorisba C | | 4-14-0 34582 | M/GX/- | Ashanti Royal Ceremonial Latch Lifter. Male Sir Alfred Maloney Colln C | | 6-6-0 34583 | GS/- | Ashanti Royal Ceremonial Latch Lifter. small Female Sir Alfred Maloney Colln C | W1/30-12-16 | 2-2-0 34584 | G/-/- | Ashanti Royal Armlet cast brass. v. fine. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln C | | 6-6-0 34585 | Y/- | Ashanti Royal Armlet rough. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln C | W1/30-12-16 | 9-0 34586 | Y/GA/- | Ashanti Royal Rattle Collar. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln C | | 6-6-0 34587 | A/- | Ashanti Ceremonial Staff Sir Alfred Maloney Colln | | 1-1-0 34588 | I/- | Ashanti Pair Anklets [[image]] 12¼" dia 4½ lbs weigh Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Anambara. | | 2-17-6 34589 | G/Y/- | Ashanti Hat brass & copper. v. fine. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln | | 2-12-6 34590 | GA/- | Ashanti Pair Coil brass Anklets. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Yorisba. | S4/14-3-16 | 1-8-5 34591 | GN/- | C. Africa Large wood War Drum [[image]] Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Dar Banda Dist | C30/1915 | 3-14-0 34592 | GX/- | C. Africa Cross Bow. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Dar Banda Dist | | 2-15-0 34593 | GX/- | C. Africa Cross Bow. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Dar Banda Dist | {| 2-5-0 34594 | S/- | C. Africa Cross Bow. imperfect Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Dar Banda Dist | 3/10/= { | 1-7-6 34595 | /- | C. Africa Bow. very crude Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Dar Banda Dist | | 10-0 34596 | G/- | Ashanti Quiver of 24 Arrows. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln [[Yoruba or Yorisba?]]. | | 18-6 34597 | G/- | Ashanti Quiver of 17 Arrows. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Haussa. | | 15-0 34598 | /- | Ashanti Quiver of 10 Arrows. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln | | 12-6 34599 | /- | C. Africa 12 Arrows. [[images]] Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Dar Banda | | 1-1-0 34600 | GY/- | C. Africa 15 Spears. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Dar Banda | S49/1-9-14 S | 2-8-6 34601 | G/- | C. Africa Sickle Sword. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Dar Banda | W34/30-1-15 | 10-6 34602 | G/- | C. Africa Axe. (Fan Type) Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Dar Banda | | 7-0 34603 | G/- | C. Africa Knife. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Dar Banda | | 6-0 34604 | G/- | Dahomey Axe. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln | | 10-6 34605 | /- | Dahomey Brass Spear. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln | | 5-0 34606 | /- | Dahomey Knife in leather sheath. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln | | 4-0 34607 | /- | C. Africa Spear head. well made Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Dar Banda. | | 3-0 34608 | /- | Ashanti Gourd in carrier. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln | | 4-0 34609 | /- | Ashanti Guitar. Sir Alfred Maloney Colln Haussa. | C30/1915 | 4-6 34610 | /- | Borneo Spear. v. massive shaft. | S35/21-10-16 | 10-0 34611 | M/- | S. America Arrows. 6 iron & 3 stone headed. & shafts Pilcomayo R.? Bolivia | | 2-0-0 34612 | Y/- | S. America Arrows. 5 stone. 1 haft | | 2-0-0 34613 | Y/- | S. America Arrows. 4 stone. 1 haft | | | 34614 | M/- | Dahomey 5 Brass Bowles. | | 7-6 34615 | /- | Benin Fan | | 4-0 34616 | G/Y/S | Benin Comb carved. v. fine | | 8-15-0 34617 | GX/- | Benin Tusk fine deep colour. carved. | | [[strikethrough]] 5-5-0 [[/strikethrough]] 6-6-0 34618 | G/S/- | West Indies Ceremonial Axe. v. large St Vincent. | H28/1915 | [[strikethrough]] 4-0-0 [[/strikethrough]] 4-4-0 ################################################## EFwzE ################################################## [tl1_text] 13 [[stamped]] Webster Collection [[stamped]] [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34619 | I/- | West Indies Ceremonial Celt. large. St. Vincent. | H28/1915 | 1-12-6 34620 | G/N/- | West Indies Stone Club. [[image]] St. Vincent. | H28/1915 | 3-15-0 34621 | G/ | Paleo | | | 34622 | G/- | Paleo | | | 34623 | Y/- | England Constables Staff | | | 34624 | S/-/- | Java Kris. v. fine carved ivory fig: handle. | S35/1915 | 10-10-0 34625 | A/- | Tibet Powder Flask. portion of antler. | | 10-6 34626 | N/- | Tibet Charm Case silver. | | | 34627 | /- | W. China Hills. Bundle of Rubbrup Portraits of Confucius &c. | | | 34628 | A/- | W. China Hills. Fai MSS of the Pah-Ni. Historical Records. | S4/1915 | 2-5-0 34629 | N/- | W. China Hills. Fai MSS of the Pah-Ni. Historical Records. smaller | S4/1915 | 1-0-0 34630 | S/- | Victoria Club carved 4 points. rare. | | | 34631 | /- | Club Nulla Nulla. | | | 34632 | A/- | N. Australia Hook Boomerang fine. | | | 34633 | /-S | N. Australia Boomerang | | | 34634 | /-S | N. Australia Boomerang | | | 34635 | Y/- | N. Queensland War Boomerang. carved. | | | 34636 | Y/- | N. Queensland Boomerang carved. large. E. Cent. Dist. | | | 34637 | Y/- | N. Queensland Boomerang carved. smaller E. Cent. Dist. | | | 34638 | Y/- | N. Queensland Boomerang carved. smaller E. Cent. Dist. | | | 34639 | Y/- | S. Queensland Boomerang carved. smaller Coongoola Stn. S. Queensland | | | 34740 | Y/- | S. Queensland Boomerang carved. Coongoola Stn. S. Queensland | | | 34741 | Y/- | S. Queensland Boomerang carved. Coongoola Stn. S. Queensland | | | 34742 | Y/- | S. Queensland Boomerang carved. Coongoola Stn. S. Queensland | | | 34743 | Y/- | S. Queensland Boomerang carved. Coongoola Stn. S. Queensland | | | 34744 | Y/- | S. Queensland Boomerang carved. Coongoola Stn. S. Queensland | | | 34745 | M/- | Queensland Axe-head. Atherton | K5/12-8-16 | 14-0 34746 | M/- | Queensland Axe-head. Atherton | K5/12-8-16 | 14-0 34747 | N/- | Queensland Axe-head. Birdsville | | | 34748 | M/- | Queensland Axe-head. Wolri | | | 34749 | M/- | Queensland Axe-head. small. Leichardt Range. | | | 34750 | M/- | Queensland Axe-head. large Coongoola Stn. | | | 34751 | /- | W. Queensland 2 Spin Balls. | | | 34752 | G/- | W. Queensland Dilly Bag | | | 34753 | C/- | W. Queensland Dilly Bag | | | 34754 | G/- | N. Queensland Head Net, Kool-Poo Too. Bonlia. N. Queensland. | | | 34755 | M/- | New Guinea Sword Club Carving unfinished Trobriand | | | 34756 | M/- | New Guinea Sword Club Carving unfinished Trobriand | | | ################################################## EFwzH ################################################## [tl1_text] 14 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34657 | GN/- | Solomon Adze in polished haft. San Christoval | | | 34658 | Y/- | Solomon Armlet. shell [[image]] Malayta. | H36/5-2-16 | 14-0 34659 | Y/- | Admarilty Armlet. shell [[image]] | | | 34660 | M/- | Canada Pair Snow Shoes & Mocassin Boots for same | | | 34661 | G/GM/- | Aleutian Islands Belt wood Figure Mask & toggles attached | H28/1915| 4-10-0 34662 | N/- | North America Tobacco Pouch Cris Indians North [[Onest?]]. | | 1-0-0 34663 | G/S/- | North America Sitting Bull's Grandson's Coat found in S.B. Camp at Standing Rock, Dak 1886. | | [[4-18-0?]] 34664 | Y/S | North America Scalping Knife & hide sheath. | H28/1915 | 16-0 34665 | Y/- | North America Ration Ticket Case dec. beads. | | 10-6 34666 | Y/- | North America Horn Meal Scoup. | | 12-6 34667 | N/GA/- | North America Chiefs Frontlet. Eagle wing bones. 112 pipes Iroquois Chiefs. Accept | [[written over original]] H28/1915 [[written over original GG/GX/- | [[strikethrough]] 11-10-0 [[/strikethrough]] 34668 | [[YM/-/-?]] | Ancient Argentine Collection of Objects less coat Calama | [[written over original]] H28/1915 [[written over original]] Sold | 8-0-0 [[?]] |G/-/- | Ancient Argentine Coat Calama | | 7-10-0 34669 | A/- | Ancient Argentine 2 Fragments of Bows & Quiver of stone tipped Arrows. Calama | | 2-10-0 2-10-0 34670 | GM/- | England FL Pistol Pistol. | | | 34671 | GM/- | England FL Pistol Pistol. silver mask. | E6/1915 | 1-6-0 34672 | M/- | India Krishna as Infant stealing butter. | | 18-6 34673 | GY/- | Tibet Dogge. v. fine. | | 1-1-0 34674 | Y/- | Tibet Dogge. small rough. | | 4-0 34675 | M/- | Japan Dogge fine. | | 10-0 34676 | S/Y/- | Piece of Skin of Dane Sand Picture | [[W?]] W22/4-7-14 | 7-10-0 34677 | G/G/- | North American Chief's Frontlet. Eagle wing bone 110 pipes Iroquois. | | 7-0-0 [[strikethrough]]20-10-0 34678 | A/- | India. Shield iron damasceened gold. 16" dia. border 2½" } | | | 34679 | N/- | India. Pair Armguards damasceened gold. } | S35/1915 | 6-16-0 34680 | G/- | Persia Shamsher. rough Europeanized. | | | 34681 | GX/- | Ancient Peru Copper Mace Axe. | H36/5-2-16 | 3-10-0 34682 | A/- | Ashanti Galeda Funeral Mask. late | | 12-6 34683 | N/-/- | Eskimo Bow Drill engraved. with mouth piece. | | 8-15-0 34684 | Y/-/- | Eskimo Woman's Scraper. [[image]] | H28/1915 | 3-3-0 34685 | GS/S | Eskimo Bone Ornament. | | 1-15-0 34686 | GA/- | Tonga Club. carved very rare work. broken. | | 34687 | GX/- | England Case containing Pepper Box by Cogswell. | S40/1915 | 1-12-6 34688 | G/A/- | England Case containing Pair D.B. P.C Pistols. ROPER HALIFAX | J12/8-3-16 | 2-15-0 34689 | M/GA/- | England 3 barrelled FL Pistol J. COE. | E6/1915 | 5-15-0 34690 | G/-/- | England FL Pistol brass barrel. J. MOORE. | | | 34691 | G/GX/- | England FL Pistol blunderbuss B. RYAN & WATSON | | | 34692 | G/GA/- | England FL Pistol blunderbuss PARKER. bayonet | | | 34693 | Y/A/- | England Blunderbuss. 'FLY or DIE' | | | 34694 | GM/- | England Brown Ben. with bayonet. | | | ################################################## EFwzK ################################################## [tl1_text] 14 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34695 | Y/Y/- | England FL. Pistol. revolving pan. Jas FREEMAN | S40/1915 | 3-7-6 34696 | I/-/- | England DB. Detonator Gun by EGG. | S40/1915 | 16-12-0 34697 | GS/- | England Martini 22 Rifle. | Hollinstead/21-4-15 | 2-5-6 34698 | GS/- | Compressed Air Gun. GIFFARD. | | | 34699 | G/-/- | Europe F.L. Pistol with detachable shoulder piece W. DAVY. | | | 34700 | Y/A/- | Europe XVI Cent 'Morning Star' or Mace. C | | 6-6-0 34701 | GX/- | Saracenic Janizzarian B. plate. gorget & engraved piece. 3 piece. | | [[strikethrough]] 4-10-0 [[/strikethrough]] 6-15-0 34702 | G/G/- | India Katar. gold inlaid hilt. | | 2-2-0 34703 | Y/GA/- | India Tulwar. silver hilt inlaid stones. solid silver | S35/1915 | 14-10-0 34704 | Y/- | E. Indies Pair Smith's Tongs. | | 10-6 34705 | G/- | Queensland. Boomerang East Cent. Dist. | | | 34706 | G/- | W. Australia Boomerang v. fine recurved. [[image]] | H17/20-10-15 | 8-6 34707 | Y/- | Tahiti Bow | | 2-2-0 34708 | Y/- | Tahiti Bow | | 1-15-0 34709 | G/S | Tahiti Bow small. | | 1-2-6 34710 | N/-/- | Bronze Age. Bronze Sword Whitstable Keep | 6/6/- | [[strikethrough]] 8 [[/strikethrough]] 8-0 34711 | N/-/- | Java Kris. blade [[strikethrough]] inlaid [[/strikethrough]] Encrusted gold. | S35/1915 | 7-10-0 34712 | A/-/- | England. Royal FL. Pistol. Wogden | | | 34713 | T/S | England D.B. P.C Pistol | E6/1-1-14 | 16-0 34714 | GX/- | Zanzibar Pair silver Anklets. | | 1-5-0 34715 | GX/- | Ashanti Bronze Staff with birds. C | | 6-6-0 34716 | Y/- | Ashanti Spear with hook. C | | 7-6 34717 | Y/S | England D.B. P.C. Pistol. | E6/1-1-14 | 10-6 34718 | N/- | England FL Horse Pistol | | | 34719 | Y/S | East Africa Quiver of Arrows 15 Shillook. | | 1-1-0 34720 | T/S | British Columbia Bow. } | H28/1915 | 1-10-0 34721 | Y/S | British Columbia 5 Arrows & 1 Haft } 2/-/- | H28/1915 | 10-0 34722 | A/- | British Columbia Bailer. | H28/1915 | 1-5-0 34723 | GA/- | Tonga Club. rare form. figures carved. | | 3-3-0 34724 | G/-/- | Fiji Belt Club. v. large. [[#?]] | | | 34725 | G/GX/- | Europe Hangar. Griffin head pommel. C | | 3-3-0 34726 | GX/- | British Columbia Shale Plate } | | | 34727 | GX/- | British Columbia Shale Plate } | | 2-10-0 34728 | Y/GX/- | British Columbia Shale Carving cracked. | | 4-15-0 34729 | Y/GX/- | British Columbia Shale Carving fine. | | 4-15-0 34730 | G/-/- | British Columbia Shale Pipe Europeans | | 3-12-6 34731 | GY/S | Costa Rica Stone Figure Nicoya. | H28/1915 | 7-0-0 34732 | GA/- | Carib. 5 Stone Celts. St Vincent. | | 3-15-0 ################################################## EFwzN ################################################## [tl1_text] 15 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34733 | Y/- | Ancient Central America 3 pottery Masks. | H28/1915 | 10-6 34734 | /- | India 2 pottery Candlesticks. | | 4-0 34735 | S/- | Uganda 2 [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] Spears. | | 1-10-0 [[?]] | | 2 Spears. | | 1-16-0 34736 | M/- | Brit. New Guinea Tappa Mask. Orokolo | | | 34737 | M/- | Brit. New Guinea Tappa Mask. Orokolo | | | 34738 | M/- | Brit. New Guinea Tappa Mask. Orokolo | | | 34739 | M/- | Brit. New Guinea Tappa Mask. Orokolo | | | 34740 | M/- | Brit. New Guinea Tappa Mask. Orokolo | | | 34741 | M/- | Brit. New Guinea Tappa Mask. Orokolo | | | 34742 | G/- | North West Australia Boomerang native [[?]] | | 5-0 34743 | G/- | North West Australia Boomerang | | 4-6 34744 | G/- | North West Australia Boomerang | H37/20-10-15 | 4-0 34745 | G/- | North West Australia Boomerang | | | 34746 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. carved. | | | 34747 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 34748 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 34749 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 34750 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 34751 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. Jessop. | | 12-6 34752 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 34753 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 34754 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 34755 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. with stone chisel in handle. | K5/1915 | 1-2-0 34756 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 34757 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 34758 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 34759 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 34760 | Y/S | North West Australia Spear Thrower. | | | 34761 | Y/S | North West Australia Magic Stick. [[Spear Thrower?]] Churinga. carved | | | 34762 | Y/S | North West Australia Magic Stick. [[Spear Thrower?]] Churinga. carved | | | 34763 | Y/S | North West Australia Magic Stick. [[Spear Thrower?]] Churinga. carved | | | 34764 | Y/S | North West Australia Magic Stick. Bull Roarer carved | | | 34765 | Y/S | North West Australia Bull Roarer carved | | | 34766 | Y/S | North West Australia Bull Roarer carved | | | 34767 | Y/S | North West Australia Bull Roarer carved | | | 34768 | Y/- | Gilbert Spear-Sword. v. long | | | 34769 | Y/- | Gilbert Sword | | | 34770 | Y/- | Gilbert Knife 3 rows teeth. | | | ################################################## EFwzQ ################################################## [tl1_text] 15 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34771 | Y/S | Japan Short Sword | | 6-0 34772 | Y/S | Japan Short Sword damasceened mts. | F22/30-10-15 | 12-6 34773 | G/Y/- | Tibet Sword. v. fine. iron gilt. | D11/23-3-15 | 6-10-0 34774 | N/- | England F.L. Blunderbuss Pistol iron barrel. | | | 34775 | M/- | New Britain "Duk-Duk" Hat. | | 18-6 34776 | G/- | New Zealand Kilt. | | 15-0 34777 | G/- | New Zealand Kilt. | | 8-6 34778 | G/- | British Columbia Fishing gut Dresser. | | 5-0 34779 | T/S | British Columbia Mask. Eagle | | 3-15-0 34780 | Y/S | British Columbia Totem Post. modern. | S4/1915 | 8-0 34781 | A/S | North American Bark Quill Case. | H28/1915 | 1-2-6 34782 | Y/- | North American Horn Bowl. | | 12-6 34783 | Y/S | British Columbia Bowl. wood Old cracked | | 1-1-0 34784 | Y/S | British Columbia Bowl. wood smaller Old | H28/1915 | 17-6 34785 | M/- | North America Powder Horn & bead sling | | 2-5-0 [[strikethrough] 1-18-6 [[/strikethrough]] 2-5-0 34786 | G/A/- | British Columbia Club. carved. [[image]] | | 4-4-0 34787 | G/-/- | Eskimo Hide Scraper. Point Barrow. | 3/5/- | 4-4-0 34788 | T/S | Eskimo Arrow-head Flaker. Point Barrow. | H36/19-4-16 | 1-1-0 34789 | GN/- | Eskimo Snow Shovel whale bone. | | 2-7-6 34790 | GA/- | British Columbia Pigment Grinder [[image]] | H28/1915 | 2-0-0 34791 | A/- | British Columbia Hammer. [[image]] | H28/1915 | 1-15-0 34792 | M/- | East Africa. Instrument "Mbusi" [[image]] Ukagum | W22/1915 | 1-7-6 34793 | M/- | East Africa. Instrument "Mbusi" [[image]] Ukagum | | 1-7-6 34794 | Y/- | East Africa. Warriors Head Dress Masai. | | 1-1-0 34795 | N/- | East Africa. Woman's Dress of hide Masai. | | 10-6 34796 | I/- | East Africa. Fetish Mask. v. old. | | 2-2-0 34797 | C/- | East Africa. Game Board | | 1-2-6 34798 | -/- | East Africa. 4 small wood Bowls connected. | | 2-0 34799 | S/- | East Africa. Collection Tools. 5 articles. | | 1-7-6 34800 | G/- | East Africa. Collar. dec beads. Masai. | | 5-0 34801 | T/S | East Africa. Musical Instrument [[image]] | | 1-5-0 34802 | Y/S | East Africa. Musical Instrument [[image]] | | 16-0 34803 | GY/- | W. Africa Fetish fine old. Yoruba. | W1/1915 | 1-14-0 34804 | Y/S | W. Africa Fetish not so old Yoruba. | W1/1915 | 18-0 34805 | Y/S | W. Africa Fetish not so old Yoruba. | S4/1915 | 1-0-0 34806 | /- | W. Africa Game Tray? Yoruba. | | | 34807 | M/- | E. Africa Rhino Kerry. | | 1-12-6 34808 | Y/- | W. Africa Idol Old Calabar | | | ################################################## EFwzT ################################################## [tl1_text] 16 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34809 | Y/- | West Africa Idol. Old Calabar | | 34810 | Y/- | West Africa Idol. late [[image]] Old Calabar | | 1-12-6 34811 | M/- | Soudan Pair copper Drums. Southern | | 14-0 34812 | M/- | Japan Arm Drum. | 1/2/6 | [[strikethrough]] 1-16-6 [[/strikethrough]] 34813 | GX/S | Japan Quiver [[?]] | | 1-8-6 34814 | G/- | China Cane Coat. | | 7-0 34815 | A/- | China Shrine Tablet carved gilt. C | | 12-6 34816 | N/- | China Shrine Tablet plain | S4/1915 | 8-0 34817 | N/- | China Shrine Tablet with outer case. | | 10-0 34818 | GN/- | Turkestan Chief's Head Ring | | 2-10-0 34819 | G/Y/S | Afghan Salawar Yataghan gold inlay | | 4-7-6 34820 | T/- | India Tulwar. fine gold inlaid hilt short blade | S35/1915 | 1-0-0 34821 | Y/- | India Tulwar silver plated hilt | | 10-0 34822 | GA/- | Tibet Deity gilt. many arms. | | 6-15-0 34823 | /- | British Columbia? Stone Lamp. | H28/1915 | 8-0 34824 | G/- | Europe Set Money Changers Scales | S50/20-3-16 | 18-6 34825 | N/- | Europe Set Gramme Weights | Dr Stubbs/18-9-15 | 7-0 34826 | /- | China Collection of Chinese Cash See 3 Boxes 251598 & another | | | 34827 | /- | Europe Target Pistol b.P. | E6/1915 | 3-0 34828 | M/A/S | Europe Pair F.L. C.b. Pistols. French | S40/1915 | 6-16-0 34829 | M/-/- | Europe Pair F.L. C.b. Pistols. JOYNER. HOLBORN. | | | 34830 | G/-/- | Europe Headsman's Sword. German XVII Cent | | [[strikethrough]] 2-18-0 [[/strikethrough]] 3-3-0 34831 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Basalt Onewa. | | - - - 34832 | GX/- | North America Banner Stone. Mich. | | 15-0 34833 | T/S | Nepal 'Kukri' & sheath. v. large. with 3 knives sheath. | [[written over original]] F7/30-2-16 [[written over original]] [[?]] | 1-5-0 34834 | T/S | Nepal 'Kukri' & sheath. fine blade. sheath | | | 34835 | G/GX/- | Mangaia Adze Haft. Turret type. no stone. | | | 34836 | Y/GX/- | Fiji Chiefs Paddle Club. v. large carved. fine piece. | | | 34837 | A/- | New Zealand Pigment Grinder & Pestle. | H36/1915 | 1-0-0 34838 | YY/-/- | Tibet Bone Apron. old coarse work. | W22/1915 | 35-0-0 34839 | M/-/- | N.Z. Haui. | | | 34840 | G/-/- | India Aboriginal Tribes Axe. Sonthal | | 1-12-6 34841 | N/GA/- | Europe. XV Cent Dagger. C | | 10-10-0 34842 | GA/- | Europe Pepper Box Revolver in Case | J14/3-2-16 | 2-0-0 34843 | GT/S | Eskimo Cup 2 Seals. | H28/1915 | 2-0-0 34844 | G/C/- | Eskimo Snow Knife. | H28/1915 | 4-0-0 34845 | A/- | Eskimo 5 Harpoon heads | H28/1915 | 1-3-0 34846 | GX/- | Eskimo Necklet Elk teeth. | | 1-5-0 ################################################## EFwzW ################################################## [tl1_text] 16 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34847 | G/GX/- | N. America Sheath. v. fine quill work. | H28/1915 | 10-0-0 34848 | GX/- | N. America Scalping Knife with quill dec sheath | H28/1915 | 2-15-0 34849 | T/S | Nepal "Kukri". sheath knife & purse. Gorkah. | C/23/8-8-16 | 9-6 34850 | G/GX/- | Nepal "Kukri". fine silver hilt & sheath. | | 3-3-0 34851 | GX/- | Nepal "Kukri". fine horn hilt silver mount. | F7/30-7-16 [[SF?]] | 16-0 34852 | GX/- | Nepal "Kukri". Very small ivory hilt sheath & side knife | | | 34853 | T/S | Nepal "Kukri". sheath & side knife brass hilt. | | 16-6 34854 | T/S | Nepal "Kukri". sheath & side knife | F7/30-9-16 | 12-6 34855 | T/S | Nepal "Kukri". sheath & side knife | T.Head/2-12-14 | 16-0 34856 | T/S | Nepal "Kukri". sheath horn hilt | F7/30-9-16 | 12-6 34857 | N/- | Nepal "Kukri". sheath-side sheath. modern | F7/30-9-16 | 10-6 34858 | M/- | Nepal "Kukri". rough | F7/30-9-16 | 8-6 34859 | M/- | Nepal "Kukri". rough | SF | 7-6 34860 | GX/- | India Katar. Grip in form of 2 clasped hands. Silvered | | 1 [[strikethrough]] 12-6 [[/strikethrough]] 16-0 34861 | Y/A/- | New Hebrides Head of a chief } Collected by Miss Beatrice Grimshaw & given by her to Mr Howard Sinclair. Mallicolls | | 8-10-0 34862 | A/- | New Hebrides Armlet. carved cn shell. K } Collected by Miss Beatrice Grimshaw & given by her to Mr Howard Sinclair. Tanna I. k | | | 34863 | GX/- | Fiji Orange Cowry. A Chief's badge } Collected by Miss Beatrice Grimshaw & given by her to Mr Howard Sinclair. | W22/1915 | 1-1-0 34864 | GX/- | Fiji Orange Cowry. A Chief's badge | | 1-1-0 34865 | G/- | Gilbert Shark tooth Sword damaged. | | 7-6 34866 | G/-/- | New Zealand basalt Onewa [[?]] | | | 34867 | Y/-/- | New Zealand whale bone Club | | 6-15-0 34868 | GY/- | New Zealand Paddle carved band. top damaged. | | 2-2-0 34869 | A/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa. plain. |S4/29-2-16 | 1-2-5 34870 | G/- | N. America Quill Case. | H28/1915 | 12-6 34871 | GI/- | Mauzer Carbine. | | | 34872 | GS/- | Martini Carbine .303 | | | 34873 | GY/S | Martini Carbine Service | | | 34874 | GN/- | Martini Carbine Service | | | 34875 | C/- | Martini Carbine Service cut barrel. | | | 34876 | T/- | Martini Carbine Service cut barrel. bolt missing | | | 34877 | GI/Y | Martini .22 Rifle poor barrel | L24/15 | 1-5-0 34878 | GI/Y | Martini .22 Rifle poor barrel | Ayling/16-4-15 | 2-2-6 34879 | GI/Y | Martini .22 Rifle poor barrel | | | 34880 | G/A/- | Martini .22 Rifle good barrel Aying | L24/15 | 1-19-6 34881 | G/A/- | Martini .22 Rifle good barrel See also 34697 | F7/30-9-16 | 2-2-0 34882 | G/A/- | Martini .22 Rifle good barrel with orthoptic sight. | Rogers (V.T.C.)/14-7-15 | 4-15-0 34883 | G/-/- | Martini Orange Free Stats Rifle 49-1/2 | | | 34884 | G/-/- | Mauzer Rifle 49 | | | ################################################## EFwzZ ################################################## [tl1_text] 17 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34885 | G/A/- | Mauzer Rifle new order | | | 34886 | G/-/- | 2 Naval Swords. Goldman | Goldman/15 Sold | 1-5-0 34887 | G/A/- | Toledo Cavalry Sabre & 3 Swords imperfect. | | | 34888 | S/- | Officers Sword. | F7/30-9-16 | 12-6 34889 | S/S | S. America Dress. shell pendants. Ecuador Iquique | | 1-10-0 34890 | G/- | S. America Pendant. bat wing bones Ecuador Iquique | | 15-0 34891 | GS/- | Nepal Kukri. fine. silver tip. horn hilt. | | 2-10-0 34892 | GN/- | Nepal Kukri. fine. quill sheath. | | [[strikethrough]] 2-2-0 [[/strikethrough]] 3-10-0 34893 | M/-/- | India Katar. fine. gilt leather sheath. | S35/1915 | 5-12-0 34894 | G/-/- | India Steel Drums. gilt ornamented borders 9½" dia | | 2-2-0 34895 | GX/- | Loyalty Isl: Adze. jade blade sinnet bindings | | | 34896 | A/- | Tibet Priest's Hair Cap from the Phri Monastry. | W22/1915 | 17-6 34897 | I/- | Tibet Necklet or Rosary. Amber & Coral beads. | W22/1915 | 1-2-6 34898 | S/- | Charm Box, embossed copper | W22/1915 | 16-0 34899 | G/- | Finger Ring white metal. | | 2-6 34900 | M/M/- | Marq. Fan Hands | | | 34901 | A/-/- | German State Execution Sword. C | | 10-10-0 34902 | G/-/- | England F.L. Duelling Pistol by MANTON. | | | 34903 | A/GM/- | Ancient Keys. Chinese Hair Ornament. Yoruba Wands. Jap Pictures & Lamp shades. | W22/1915 | 6-15-0 34904 | GN/- | England FL Pistol by ADAMS | | | 34905 | A/- | England Rapier & sheath. XVIII Cent. | H39/25-2-16 | 12-6 34906 | Y/- | Turkey Yataghan. good. damaged | | | 34907 | I/- | Cambodia Hand Cannon. 3 barrels. (Similar to 14633 37/6) C | | 1-12-6 34908 | Y/- | S. India Iron Trident. Emblem of [[strikethrough]] Vishnu [[/strikethrough]] Siva C | | 10-0 34909 | S/- | Tibet Prayer Wheel. copper. | | | 34910 | Y/- | Tibet Small Temple Trumpet copper & brass. Pair | | | 34911 | G/- | Burmese Trumpet. black & red lac. | | | 34912 | G/- | E. African Trumpet | | | 34913 | G/- | W. Africa Witch Doctor's Double iron Bell [[image]] Yoruba | | | 34914 | Y/- | W. Africa Double wood Rattle Yoruba | | | 34915 | GA/- | W. Africa Medicine Mans Fetish. ivory & Cowries call whistle Biskra } | | 34916 | GA/- | W. Africa Medicine Mans Fetish. cowries & wood emblems Biskra } | | 8-8-0 34917 | GA/- | W. Africa Medicine Mans Hat cowries Biskra } | | | 34918 | M/- | W. Africa Ceremonial Wand "Shongo Staff" [[image]] Yoruba | | | 34919 | M/- | W. Africa Ceremonial Wand "Shongo Staff" [[image]] Yoruba | | | 34920 | Y/- | W. Africa Ceremonial Wand "Shongo Staff" white wood. face Yoruba | | | 34921 | Y/- | W. Africa Ceremonial Wand "Shongo Staff" [[image]] | | | 34922 | Y/- | W. Africa Hook for carrying Packs? Biskra | | | ################################################## EFwA2 ################################################## [tl1_text] 17 [[stamped]]Webster Collection[[/stamped]] [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34923 | /- | W. Africa Comb Biskra | | 34924 | GX/- | W. Africa Fetish Figure Biskra | W1/1915 | 1-4-0 34925 | GX/- | W. Africa Fetish Figure Biskra | | 2-2-0 34926 | G/-/- | W. Africa Pair Figures covered with red Biskra | S4/1915 | 2-0-0 34927 | -/S | W. Africa Pair Armlets inlaid wire Biskra | | 34928 | M/- | W. Africa Throwing Knife. | | 34929 | N/- | W. Africa Rattle "Shegura" very large. Sierra Leone | | 1-12-6 34930 | /- | E. Africa Armlet of Rhino horn [[image]] Wakomba Masai | | 18-6 34931 | /- | E. Africa Pair Ear Extenders. | | 34932 | /- | E. Africa Iron Hip Dancing Bell. | | 34933 | /- | E. Africa Neck Ornament | | 34934 | /- | E. Africa Ear Extender | | 34935 | /- | E. Africa Charm Necklet horn tips | | 34936 | /- | E. Africa Neck Ring hide & beads. | | 34937 | /- | E. Africa Hair Spike of wood used to scratch scalp | L12/1915 | 6-0 34938 | Y/A/- | N. America Indian Cradle. | | 4-15-0 34939 | Y/- | N. America Skin Jacket. modern. | G16/1915 | 1-8-0 34940 | I/- | N. America Fine Belt Quill work | H28/1915 | 10-10-0 34941 | S/- | N. America Hand Wand. horn attachments. | H28/1915 | 3-0-0 34942 | M/- | N. America Hand Wand. smaller | H28/1915 | 1-1-0 34943 | T/S | N. America Head Dress. bear claws of copper. | H28/1915 | 3-10-0 34944 | T/S | N. America Collar. bear's claws. | H28/1915 | 3-10-0 34945 | A/- | Eskimo Necklet. ivory buttons | H28/1915 | 1-1-0 34946 | I/- | Eskimo Fishing Tackle. 3 ivory hooks & line. | | 3-10-0 34947 | /- | Eskimo Woman's Scraper | H28/1915 | 1-5-0 34948 | N/- | Lapp Knife bone sheath. very old. | | 34949 | N/- | Lapp Knife bone sheath. very old. | | 34950 | G/- | Lapp Toggle | | 7-6 34951 | Y/S | Japan Drum. [[image]] | | 16-6 34952 | G/S | India Skin Water Bottle. | | 34953 | M/- | India War Quoit | | 34954 | M/- | India War Quoit | | 34955 | G/- | Japan Shield lac work | | 34956 | G/- | Japan Shield lac work | | 34957 | -/S | East Indies Pali Book | S4/1915 | 10-0 34958 | -/S | East Indies Pali Book | S4/1915 | 10-0 34959 | G/- | India C.N. Husker | | 34960 | G/- | India C.N. Husker C | | 3-6 ################################################## EFwA5 ################################################## [tl1_text] 18 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34961 | Y/- | India Pair Fakirs Sandals with spikes C | | 8-6 34962 | G/- | India Sling | | 17-6 34963 | G/- | China Measuring Beam. | | | 34964 | Y/- | Ainu Moustache Lifter Yezo. | | 8-0 34965 | Y/- | Ainu Moustache Lifter| | 10-0 34966 | Y/- | Ainu Moustache Lifter| L12/1915 | 5-0 34967 | G/- | Ainu Pipe Holder | | | 34968 | S/- | Ainu Tobacco Pipe 2 Mouth-pieces | | | 34969 | M/- | Ainu Tobacco Pipe | | | 34970 | G/S | East India Opium Pot & stem. silver mtd | L12/1915 | 12-6 34971 | G/- | East India Opium Pot & stem. (no pot) | | | 34972 | G/- | East India Tobacco Press? | | | 34973 | /- | East India Iron Lamp | | | 34974 | /- | East India Iron Lamp | | | 34975 | G/- | S Queensland Message Stick large | | 16-0 34976 | G/- | S Queensland Message Stick smaller. | K5/1915 | 10-0 34977 | /- | Iron Object [[image]] | | | 34978 | G/- | England Pair old Apothecary's Scales | S4/1915 Sold | 7-6 34979 | Y/- | England Set old Money Balances. | | | 34980 | G/- | America Dollar Trading Balance Beam. | |4-0 | 34981 | G/-/- | China Suit of Prince Banner Bearer's Armour. | S21/10-8-15 | 6-15-0 34982 | G/-/- | China Suit of Prince Banner Bearer's Armour. | | 6-15-0 34983 | G/-/- | China Suit of Prince Banner Bearer's Armour. | | 6-15-0 34984 | G/-/- | China Suit of Prince Banner Bearer's Armour. | | 6-15-0 34985 | G/-/- | China Suit of Prince Banner Bearer's Armour. | | 6-15-0 34986 | YG/-/- | Brit: New Guinea Head of a Chief Ravikavan | | 52-10-0 34987 | GT/-/- | Brit: New Guinea [[strikethrough]] Large Collection Skulls. 4 reconstituted 2 Masks &c[[/strikethrough]] Trophy skull with jaw bound with cane. (See No 36182 [[?]]) | | 3-15-0 34988 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Bone Club | | 5-5-0 34989 | A/- | W. Australia Saw set quartz. | | | 34990 | /- | S. India Dagger. Parrot hilt pierced & silvered. (Quoted to Mr Stone for M/GX/- Feb 1915) | | 6-6-0 34991 | /- | S. India Dagger. jade hilt. part missing. v. thick blade. | | [[strikethrough]] 2-10-0 [[/strikethrough]] 3-16-0 34992 | /- | S. India Dagger. iron hilt. pierced border. | D11/23-3-15 | 1-10-0 34993 | /- | S. India Dagger. iron hilt. limeth pommel | | 1-1-0 34994 | /- | S. India Dagger. ivory hilt. massive | S35/1915 | 1-5-0 34995 | /- | S. India Dagger. ivory hilt. smaller | | [[strikethrough]] 1-2-6 [[/strikethrough]] 2-2-0 34996 | /- | S. India Dagger. ivory no x guard | | [[strikethrough]] 1-0-0 [[strikethrough]] 1-10-0 34997 | GY/S | Curious Spear Thrower [[image]] | | | 34998 | A/- | W. Aust: Spear Thrower [[image]] | | | ################################################## EFwA8 ################################################## [tl1_text] 18 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 34999 | GA/-/- | Scotland F.L. Pistol by Murdoch | S40/1915 Sold | 22-10-0 35000 | G/A/- | England F.L. Pistol all brass bayonet | B48/26-9-16 | 2-5-0 35001 | T/S | England P.C. Pistol hammer underneath. | S40/1915 | 14-0 35002 | Y/- | Mashena Milk Seperating Bowl. Showing native mend. Makalanga | | 8-6 35003 | Y/- | Mashena Head Rest. carved. Makalanga | | 35004 | Y/- | Mashena Head Rest. carved. Makalanga | | 35005 | G/- | Mashena Piano. Sanza. Makalanga | W22/1915 | 10-0 35006 | Y/S | Mashena Necklet metal beads of graduated size Makalanga | W22/1915 | 15-0 35007 | M/- | Mashena Witch Doctor's Necklet & Thorn Extractor. with piano. Makalanga | W22/1915 | 1-11-0 35008 | G/S | N. America Mocassin. odd. one quill work } | | 35009 | G/S | N. America Mocassin. odd. one quill work } | | 8-6 35010 | G/- | Solomon Comb. inlaid shell | | 35011 | G/- | Haussa Horse Charm. | | 35012 | G/S | Ainu Mustache Lifter Another 5/- 3 C | | 10-0 35013 | G/-/- | Belgian Pin Fire Revolver 7" | P18/7-4-15 | 2-0-0 35014 | G/-/- | Belgian Pin Fire Revolver 7 is shot | D11/23-3-15 | 2-0-0 35015 | G/-/- | Belgian Pin Fire Revolver 20 shot 5" | E6/1915 | 2-2-0 35016 | G/GX/- | Belgian Pin Fire Pistol. horizontal chambers. | S40/1915 | 3-3-0 35017 | GA/- | Belgian 8 barrel Pistol. cartridge | S40/1915 | 2-10-0 35018 | G/GX/- | Belgian 40 Shot Pistol Gay Guenot | S40/1915 | 3-3-0 35019 | GA/- | England 4 barrel revolving hammer Pistol. | S40/1915 | 2-2-0 35020 | GX/- | England Under & Over. | B48/14-2-16 | 2-2-0 35021 | T/GX/- | England Egg inverted FL Pistol | S40/1915 | 16-16-0 35022 | GA/- | U.S.A. Box lock Pistol USR 1843 | E6/27-5-16 | 1-15-0 35023 | GA/- | U.S.A. Box lock Pistol USN 1845 | E6/27-5-16 | 1-15-0 35024 | G/-/- | France Pair P.C. Pistols with T.g. hammers RUBANS | S40/1915 | 2-15-0 35025 | GA/- | France Marriette 8 b: Pepper Box. | S40/1915 | 3-3-0 35026 | G/-/- | England Pepper Box 6 b: in case by RIGBY | S40/1915 | 3-3-0 35027 | GX/- | England Pepper Box 7 b | S40/1915 | 2-7-6 35028 | GX/- | England Pepper Box 3 b | S40/1915 | 3-10-0 35029 | GX/- | England Pepper Box 4 b Cooper | S40/1915 | 2-12-6 35030 | GX/- | England Pepper Box 4 b Baker | S40/1915 | 3-10-0 35031 | G/-/- | American Pepper Box 5 b | D11/23-3-15 | 2-0-0 35032 | GX/- | England F.L. Rifle City of London Light Horse Volunteers 1803 | | 35033 | G/A/- | England Case of Miniature PC Pistols Smith | S40/1915 | 2-5-0 35034 | Y/GX/- | America Knife Revolver. | S40/1915 | 5-5-0 35035 | GG/M | China Suit of Armour Manchurian Prince Yui Bannermen | | 6-15-0 35036 | GG/M | China Suit of Armour Manchurian Prince Yui Bannermen | | 6-15-0 ################################################## EFwAb ################################################## [tl1_text] 19 [[5 Columned Table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35037 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 6-15-0 35038 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 35039 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 35040 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 35041 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 35042 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 35043 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 35044 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 35045 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 35046 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 35047 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 35048 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 35049 | GG/M | China Suit of Bammerman's Armour of the Manchuria Prince Yu. 17th Cent | | 35050 | M/- | Burmah Buddha. bronze. rough c | | 5-0 35051 | G/-/- | England Cross Bow. Early. | [[strikethrough]] C7/915 [[/strikethrough]] Sold | 2-7-6 35052 | A/- | England Sword. | | 17-6 35053 | GX/- | England FL Blunderbuss. iron barrel | E6/27-5-16 | 1-5-0 35054 | GA/- | England FL Air Gun & Pump by MORTIMER.| | 35055 | A/- | Russia Painting of Saint on panel. | | 35056 | A/- | Africa Musical Instrument. rare form. | | 1-15-0 35057 | Y/S | British Columbia Halibut Hook [[image]] | | 10-6 35058 | GT/S | British Columbia Cooking basket. v. fine. 9" x 9" | | [[strikethrough]] 6-6-0 [[/strikethrough]] 9-0-0 35059 | Y/S | British Columbia Oval Basket | | 3-3-0 35060 | Y/S | British Columbia Basket with figures of Animals | | 35061 | G/-/- | N Z Flute k | | 35062 | G/-/- | New Zealand Club of whale bone. | | 10-10-0 35063 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Club of whale bone. narrow. | | 8-8-0 35064 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Club of whale bone. thin old. | | 5-10-0 35065 | G/-/- | Indian Exercising Bow. whale baleen. | S35/1915 | 3-3-0 35066 | A/- | England P.C Revolver (Tranter) in case. | | 35067 | Y/S | S.E. Africa Tobacco Pipe. double bowl. | | | [[strikethrough]]9-6[[/strikethrough]] 8-0 35068 | M/- | Canada Quill Box. Halifax 1864. defective | H28/1915 | | 10-6 35069 | N/- | Eskimo Shuttle Needle of ivory [[image]] | | 1-10-0 35070 | N/- | Queensland Tomahawk. part of horse shoe with withe handle. | | 2-2-0 35071 | Y/- | Queensland Scraper iron | | 10-0 35072 | G/- | Queensland Scraper wood | | 7-6 35073 | G/- | B. New Guinea Jews Harp of palen wood Trobriand | | 7-0 35074 | G/- | B. New Guinea Jews Harp of palen wood Trobriand | | 6-0 ################################################## EFwAe ################################################## [tl1_text] 19 [[5 Columned Table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35075 | M/- | Brit New Guinea Lime Spatula curved whale bone. S.E. Coast | | 1-1-0 35076 | Y/- | Brit New Guinea Lime Spatula wood S.E. Coast | | 14-0 35077 | M/- | Brit New Guinea Tappa Mallet S.E. Coast | | 18-0 35078 | M/- | Brit New Guinea Tappa Mallet S.E. Coast | | 17-0 35079 | M/- | Brit New Guinea Tappa Mallet S.E. Coast | | 16-0 35080 | S/- | N. America Belt leather with squares of thin iron. | | 12-6 35081 | G/- | N. America Shell slab Necklet [[image]] | | 1-1-0 35082 | G/G/- | England. Case of P.C. Rifle with spring bayonet & a Shot barrel. | | 35083 | GT/- | Nepal Kukri. fine. quill sheath & cartouch belt Capt Burnes 3 Light Dragoons | S35/1915 | 2-2-0 35084 | S/- | Tibet brass Matrix for making clay figures. | W22/1915 | 1-10-0 35085 | G/S | Japan Tsuba large Warrior in relief | W22/1915 | 11-0 35086 | G/S | Japan Tsuba smaller [[?S]] & frog. | W22/1915 | 11-0 35087 | G/S | Japan Tsuba inlaid brass. (Yoshihiru) large | W22/1915 | 11-0 35088 | G/S | Japan Tsuba Chinese Cash Encrusted on | W22/1915 | 11-0 35089 | G/S | Japan Tsuba Gold Butterfly & Dragonfly [[?]] | W22/1915 | 11-0 35090 | G/S | Japan Tsuba cast | W22/1915 | 4-0 35091 | M/S | Japan Tsuba Namban Extra large. | W22/1915 | 11-0 35092 | M/S | Japan Tsuba Namban pierced border | W22/1915 | 11-0 35093 | M/S | Japan Tsuba Namban partly gilt. | W22/1915 | 11-0 35094 | M/S | Japan Tsuba Namban | W22/1915 | 11-0 35095 | M/- | Japan Tsuba Extra thick. gilt edge chiselled | W22/1915 | 11-0 35096 | M/- | Japan Tsuba pierced & chiselled | W22/1915 | 11-0 35097 | M/- | Japan Tsuba chiselled & gilt open sides [[image]] | W22/1915 | 11-0 35098 | M/- | Japan Tsuba Namban open sides [[image]] | W22/1915 | 11-0 35099 | M/- | Japan Tsuba Large. chiselled dragon. signed. | W22/1915 | 11-0 35100 | M/- | Japan Tsuba Large. massive. dragon. signed. | W22/1915 | 11-0 35101 | M/- | Japan Tsuba wheel rim damasceened gold | W22/1915 | 11-0 35102 | M/- | Japan Tsuba finely tooled. signed. | W22/1915 | 11-0 35103 | M/- | Japan Tsuba Large Cow & fig raised gilt | W22/1915 | 11-0 35104 | M/- | Japan Tsuba Wood inlaid flowers | W22/1915 | 11-0 35105 | M/- | Japan Tsuba Wood | W22/1915 | 11-0 35106 | M/- | Japan Tsuba Inlaid brass (Yoshihiro) | W22/1915 | 11-0 35107 | N/-/- | Tonga Chiefs Staff. carved full length. | | 8-8-0 35108 | G/A/- | India Sword from Rapier blades 48" long | S35/1915 | 2-15-0 35109 | G/G/- | India Tulwar. gold inlaid hilt fine Persian blade. | S35/1915 | 2-13-0 35110 | GS/- | India Spear head. ornamented with gold | | 2-2-0 35111 | Y/S | India Battle Axe. head inlaid brass. not original shaft | | 12-6 35112 | Y/S | India Battle Axe. plain. not original shaft | | 7-6 ################################################## EFwAh ################################################## [tl1_text] 20 [[5 Columned Table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35113 | G/- | Battle Axe v. heavy. doubtful. | | 10-6 35114 | N/- | India Flail Weapon with charm. | S35/1915 Sold | 1-10-0 35115 | G/-/- | India Katar. hilt etched with animals. silver gilt | | 2-2-0 35116 | GA/- | Dutch New Guinea Club. stone head. carved haft rare. | | 1-15-0 35117 | GA/- | Dutch New Guinea Sago Beater. stone head | | 1-15-0 35118 | A/- | Dutch New Guinea Drum. | | 15-0 35119 | G/-/- | Dutch New Guinea Carved Stand? or Head rest | | 1-18-0 35120 | Y/S | Brit. New Guinea Tortoise shell Breast Ornament [[image]] defective | | 15-0 35121 | Y/S | Brit. New Guinea Tortoise shell Breast Ornament more defective | | 10-6 35122 | G/A/- | American Springfield Pill-lock Rifle | | 1-7-6 35123 | G/GA/- | England Case D.B. P.C Pistols fine finish | | 35124 | G/A/- | France 2 barrelled FL. Pistol | D11/13-3-15 | 2-5-0 35125 | N/-/- | England DB. FL Guns. JOHN MANTON | | 35126 | G/GT/S | England F.L. Blunderbuss. P. BOND. S. bayonet | | 35127 | A/- | England Horse Pistol FL | | 35128 | Y/S | England F.L. Cannon b: Pistol FREEMAN defective | | 35129 | GA/- | France F.L. 2 b. Pistol ex: fine work. | B48/1915 | 3-0-0 35130 | GX/- | England Officers Gorget GR. | | 1-5-0 35131 | G/-/- | Burmah Large Knife. hilt carving ivory | | 3-3-0 35132 | A/- | Burmah Small Knife covered silver | | 16-0 35133 | G/-/- | England Pocket FL Pistol with barrel set to side. HARCOURT. | S40/1915 | 3-3-0 35134 | S/- | America Derringer Pistol. large bore. sliding barrel. | D11/23-3-15 | 12-0 35135 | G/A/- | England Pair Early FL Pistols with cannon barrels. | S40/1915 | 3-3-0 35136 | /- | Tahiti? Pair etched Ladle. N.C.? [[image]] | | 35137 | I/- | N. America Pair Mocassins. dec quill work. unusual Belonged to Sioux Chief Muscoda killed in the Glendine Montana during Louis Reone Rebellion | H28/1915 | 2-2-0 35138 | Y/- | N. America Piece beadwork Montana. | | 6-0 35139 | I/- | England FL Powder Tester | | 35140 | G/-/- | Sierra Leone Bundu Mask with double heads | | 4-10-0 35141 | G/-/- | French Congo Pair Fetishes black | | 3-0-0 35142 | -/ | Congo Fetish | | 10-0 35143 | /- | Cameroon Large Tobacco Pipe Clay black chipped Bali | | 10-0 35144 | /- | S. Africa Wand. | | 5-0 35145 | GA/- | England F.L. Elephant Rifle by MANTON | | 35146 | A/- | Swiss P.C. Elephant Rifle | | 35147 | GX/- | New Britain Mask | | 1-12-6 35148 | G/-/- | New Zealand Tattooing Implement Box. | 10/10/- | 13-10-0 35149 | N/-/- | New Zealand Tattooing Implement Box. | | 35150 | GX/- | Fiji Whale tooth Charm. extra dine colour. | | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwAk ################################################## [tl1_text] 20 [[5 Columned Table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35151 | A/- | Tibet Rosary of bone discs | W22/1915 | 18-6 35152 | GY/- | Japan Amber Seal silver charm | W22/1915 | 1-7-6 35153 | Y/- | Japan Agate Carving [[strikethrough]]clasped hands?[[/strikethrough]] small Citron | 10/6 | [[strikethrough]]7-6[[/strikethrough]] 35154 | GM/- | Japan Comb ivory inlaid butterflies. v. fine | | 1-7-6 35155 | N/- | Japan Comb lac [[image]] | | 10-6 35156 | N/- | Japan Comb lac [[image]] damaged | | 8-0 35157 | N/- | Africa Quiver of 66 Arrows. | | 35158 | N/- | Africa Quiver 32 Arrows | | 35159 | N/- | Africa Quiver 73 Arrows | | 35160 | G/S | Ceylon Elephant Goad. | | 17-6 35161 | G/S | Ceylon Elephant Goad. | | 15-0 35162 | Y/- | Ceylon Spear. painted haft inlaid brass [[image]] | | 17-6 35163 | Y/- | Ceylon Spear. painted haft inlaid brass | | 14-0 35164 | G/S | Ceylon Spear [[strikethrough]]rough haft[[/strikethrough]] | | 10-6 35165 | G/S | Ceylon Small Knife small gold? [[?nit]] | | 16-0 35166 | Y/S | Ceylon Sword. | | 10-6 35167 | GT/- | Ceylon Sword. fine brass work guard | | 4-15-0 35168 | G/Y/- | Ceylon Sword. Curious all brass hilt figure on guard | S35/1915 | 3-10-0 35169 | N/GS/- | Japanese Priests Knife Handles. Netsuké. Babylonian Tablets & Egyptian [[?Cuvin]] | W22/1915 | 5-10-0 35170 | Y/- | England Pair Cock Fighting Spurs | | 10-0 35171 | GY/S | Belgian Congo "Currency" Hoe. Copper | | 1-18-6 35172 | GY/S | Belgian Congo "Currency" Hoe. Copper | 1/17/0 | [[strikethrough]]1-18-6[[/strikethrough]] 35173 | G/GA/- | German Guild Axe pewter blade dated | | 4-4-0 35174 | G/GX/- | German Guild Axe pewter blade dated | | 3-3-0 35175 | G/Y/S | England Case P.C. Duelling Pistols. | S40/1915 | 4-4-0 35176 | N/S | England Pocket F.L. Pistol | | 35177 | G/- | England F.L. Lock. | | 3-6 35178 | GX/- | Sumatra Knife gold mount | S35/1915 | 3-15-0 35179 | Y/- | Sumatra Knife bone hilt Nias | S35/1915 S | 10-0 35180 | N/- | Sumatra Sword carved pommel old Nias | S35/1915 S | 1-1-0 35181 | N/- | Sumatra Sword carved pommel old Nias | | 17-6 35182 | GY/S | Copy Egerton Eastern Arms bound | | 18-0 35183 | T/S | Copy Egerton Eastern Arms Unbound Author's copy. | | 18-0 35184 | T/S | Copy Egerton Eastern Arms Unbound soiled cover | D11/23-2-15 | 15-0 35185 | T/S | East Africa Bow with horn trophies | | 1-7-6 35186 | Y/GX/- | Harvey Ceremonial Spear ex large point damaged | E7/3-9-16 | 7-0-0 35187 | N/-/- | Harvey Ceremonial Paddle v. fine | | 8-15-0 35188 | GX/- | Solomon Figures | | 1-7-6 ################################################## EFwAn ################################################## [tl1_text] 21 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35189 | GX/- | German New Guinea Pestle. Figure on top. | H38/3-11-16 | 1-1-6 35190 | GY/S | S.E. Asia Hill Tribes. Helmet Abor. | S35/1915 S | 2-7-6 35191 | S/- | Soudan Shield. from field of Omdurman. | | 16-0 35192 | Y/-/- | England F.L. Blunderbuss short fore stock bayonet | | 4-15-0 35193 | Y/-/- | England F.L. Blunderbuss spring bayonet. | | 4-10-0 35194 | A/GX/- | Scotch FL Pistol by H NOCK | | 35195 | GX/- | England FL. Tinder Box. | | 1-5-0 35196 | GX/- | England FL. Tinder Box. | | 1-5-0 35197 | A/- | England Under & Over Pistol defective | | 35198 | A/- | England Under & Over Pistol defective | | 35199 | S/N/- | Benin Bronze Plaque in frame | | 14-14-0 35200 | A/- | England Warrant Officers Tip Staff. brass. [[image]] | | 10-6 35201 | Y/S | England Special Constable (Chartiste Riot) Badge. | | 6-0 35202 | M/- | England Set Brass Money Balances. | | 10-0 35203 | M/S | Eskimo ivory button Necklet | Item 18/6 | 18-6 35204 | M/S | Eskimo ivory button Necklet | | 18-6 35205 | N/-/- | Harvey Paddle. ex. fine large specimen. | | 7-10-0 35206 | M/A/- | New Zealand Figure Head. | E7/1915 sold | 6-6-0 35207 | M/- | Canada Quill Pouch | H28/13-1-16 sold | 12-6 35208 | C/- | Congo Currency Spear. all iron. | | 1-0-0 35209 | GI/- | England F.L. d.b. Pistol. TATHAM & EGG. | | 35210 | I/S | England Pepper Box | E6/1915 | 17-6 35211 | M/GX/- | England Pair brass FL. Pistols. I. REA. | S40/1915 sold | 7-18-0 35212 | Y/-/- | Tonga Club. | | 35213 | G/GX/- | Harvey Paddle with binding on handle. | | 35214 | Y/-/- | New Zealand "Onewa" | - | 35215 | Y/-/- | India Dagger. white jade hilt. | S35/1915 sold | 5-0-0 35216 | G/- | China Flute. | | 3-0 35217 | G/- | Tahiti Bow. | | 1-12-6 35218 | /- | Zulu Shield. small. | | 3-0 35219 | -/G | Zulu Stabbing Spear (Baugwong) | | 5-0 35220 | -/G | Zulu Stabbing Spear | | 5-0 35221 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Spear. Assegai (Urukonto) | | 4-0 35222 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Spear. | | 4-0 35223 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Spear. | | 4-0 35224 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Spear. | | 4-0 35225 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Spear. | | 4-0 35226 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Spear. | | 4-0 ################################################## EFwAq ################################################## [tl1_text] 21 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35227 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Assegai | | 3-6 35228 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Assegai | | 3-6 35229 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Assegai | | 3-6 35230 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Assegai | | 4-0 35231 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Assegai | | 4-0 35232 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Assegai | | 4-0 35233 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Assegai | | 3-6 35234 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Assegai | | 3-6 35235 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Assegai | | 3-0 35236 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Assegai | | 3-0 35237 | -/S | Zulu Throwing Assegai | | 3-0 35238 | -/M | Zulu Throwing Assegai short shaft | | 2-0 35239 | -/M | Zulu Throwing Assegai short shaft | | 2-0 35240 | -/M | Zulu Throwing Assegai short shaft | | 2-0 35241 | -/M | Zulu Throwing Assegai short shaft | | 2-0 35242 | Y/S | Zulu Throwing Assegai Set of 5 in skin carrying sheath | | 1-1-0 35243 | /- | S.W. Africa Bow. bamboo | | 6-0 35244 | G/GM/- | Japan Charm & paintings. | W22/1915 | 2-1-0 35245 | GA/- | China Suit of Banner bearers Armour. Prince Yas | | 6-15-0 35246 | GA/- | China Suit of Banner bearers Armour. | | 6-15-0 35247 | GM/- | N. America Sinew lined Bow. | | 2-15-0 35248 | G/- | Africa Bow. | | 35249 | G/- | Crete. F.L. Ornamental Pistol. | | 5-0 35250 | G/- | Crete. F.L. Ornamental Pistol. | | 4-0 35251 | G/- | Africa Bow | | 35252 | Y/S | Gilbert Shark-tooth Knife. | | 6-0 35253 | Y/- | Eskimo ivory charm. | | 3-6 35254 | G/GT/S | Ancient Irish bronze Sword. | W28/17-2-16 | 10-0-0 35255 | GA/- | Ancient Irish Rapier Blade Surrey | B48/20-9-16 | 6-10-0 35256 | G/- | England FL. Pistol ROB GARROOD. LONDON | | 35257 | N/- | N. America Pair Mocassins | | 12-6 35258 | S/- | N. America Pair Mocassins | | 18-6 35259 | Y/GA/- | B.C. Shale Bowl. | | 6-6-0 [[strikethrough]]4-4-0[[/strikethrough]] 35260 | Y/- | Canada Stone Pipe Bowl. moose. | | 4-0 35261 | GX/- | A. Mexico Toltec Stamp Peñon near Lake Texcoca. | W22/1915 sold | 1-8-0 35262 | N/- | A. Mexico Pottery Fig. upper half Lake Texcoca. | | 12-6 35263 | G/- | A. Mexico Terra cotta head Lake Texcoca. | E7/1915 | 4-0 35264 | GY/- | A. Mexico Silver Plaque | | 1-7-6 ################################################## EFwAt ################################################## [tl1_text] 22 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35265 | /- | S. America Number of fake stone carvings. Offered at S. | S4/1915 | 10-0 35266 | Y/S | Congo Ivory [[image]] | | 8-0 35267 | G/-/- | Europe Early Air gun. | S40/5-4-16 | 1-18-6 35268 | Y/T.- | Europe F.L. Brass barrelled guns. | | 35269 | GN/- | Europe Revolver in case WHITTON & DAW. | | 35270 | GS/S | Europe Pair P.C. Pistols with bayonets. | E6/27-5-16 | 1-10-0 35271 | GS/S | Europe Pair P.C. Pistols with bayonets. | E6/1915 | 1-7-6 35272 | G/I/- | Europe Under & Over with bayonet. | | 35273 | I/- | Europe P.C. Pistol with bayonet. | E6/30-12-16 | 18-6 35274 | Y/GX/- | Europe Pair FL. all steel Pistols | B48/26-9-16 | 4-0-0 35275 | M/GX/- | Europe BG. BG. Pistol with bayonet. | | 35276 | GY/-/- | Europe 7 barrelled FL Rifle. | | 35277 | GA/- | Java Knife. silver mtd. | S35/1915 sold | 1-10-0 35278 | Y/GA/- | Europe Pair FL Pistols brass mark hilts. | B48/1915 | 3-15-0 35279 | G/A/- | Europe Bronze Mortar on carriage from Gib: General Merler C 14" x 5¾ Mortar 7¼ x 2¼ bor | | 6-6-0 35280 | M/-/- | New Zealand Axe. carved bone haft. | | 6-10-0 35281 | GX/- | Fiji Spear. [[image]] | | 3-16-0 35282 | GX/- | Tahiti Spear Club | | 6-10-0 35283 | N/A/- | Scotch Claymore & 2 Dirks. | S7/1915 sold | 6-0-0 35284 | M/- | Circassian Small Knife silver [[?]] handle | S35/1915 sold | 8-0 35285 | M/- | Europe core v: P.C Pistol. RYAN & SON. | | 35286 | M/- | Tibet? copper Talisman Box. | | 35287 | G/- | Mashona? Snuff Box. | | 35288 | G/Y/- | Japan Bronze Elephant | | 3-10-0 35289 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand "Teko" Figure. | S4/29-2-16 | 4-16-0 35290 | N/- | Brazil Double Spear? center grip Conibo Indians | | 2-5-6 35291 | M/- | Brazil Bow. bound. showing transition to Spear. Conibo Indians | | 1-10-0 35292 | M/- | Brazil Bow. bound. square section bound dec: cotton v. fine. | | 1-5-0 35293 | M/- | Brazil Bow. bound. square section bound nearly as fine | | 1-1-0 35294 | M/- | Brazil Bow. bound. square section bound dec rubber | | 18-6 35295 | M/- | Brazil Bow. bound. square section bound in centre. | | 14-0 35296 | /- | Brazil Bundle of damaged Arrows. | | 10-6 35297 | G/- | Brazil Blow Gun with liner | | 18-6 35298 | /- | S. Africa Arrow. Bosjesman | | 5-0 35299 | Y/S | "Zchills" Sale Catalogue. | | 7-4 35300 | M/- | India Wood Boomerang. (Katariya) [[image]] Baroda | S35/1915 sold | 1-10-0 35301 | M/- | India Wood Boomerang. (Katariya) [[image]] Baroda | | 1-10-0 35302 | A/- | India Iron Boomerang Guzerat | S35/1915 | 2-15-0 ################################################## EFwAw ################################################## [tl1_text] 22 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35303 | N/- | India Boomerang wood. [[image]] Guzerat | S35/1915 sold | 2-15-0 35304 | N/- | India Boomerang wood. [[image]] Guzerat | | 2-15-0 35305 | N/- | India Boomerang wood. [[image]] Guzerat | | 2-10-0 35306 | N/- | India Boomerang wood. [[image]] Guzerat | | 2-10-0 35307 | N/- | India Boomerang wood. [[image]] Guzerat | | 35308 | N/- | India Boomerang wood. [[image]] Guzerat | | 35309 | N/- | India Boomerang wood. [[image]] Guzerat | | 35310 | N/- | India Boomerang wood. [[image]] Guzerat | | 35311 | A/- | India Bow. iron dec. [[image]] Oressia. | | 2-0-0 35312 | Y/- | India Lathe iron shod | | 12-6 35313 | M/- | Andaman Bow. | | 16-0 35314 | -/S | Andaman Harpoon Arrow | | 6-0 35315 | -/S | Andaman Harpoon Arrow | | 6-0 35316 | /- | Andaman Arrow. | | 3-0 35317 | /- | Burmese Hill Torbes two darts bamboo [[image]] | | 4-0 35318 | G/A/- | India Gauntlet Sword. v. fine pierced hilt. | | 6-6-0 35319 | G/A/- | India Guarded Katar. silver gilt plated | S35/1915 | 4-15-0 35320 | GX/- | India Guarded Katar. iron guard | | 1-12-6 [[strikethrough]]1-15-0[[/strikethrough]] 35321 | GX/- | India Guarded Katar. iron guard | | 1-10-0 35322 | GX/- | India Guarded Katar. iron guard | | 1-10-0 35323 | GX/- | India Guarded Katar. iron guard | | 1-10-0 35324 | M/- | India Katar. pierced | | 1-2-6 35325 | A/- | India Incurved Sword. finely watered blade. | S35/1915 sold | 2-5-0 35326 | A/- | India Shield | | 1-12-6 35327 | N/- | Afghan Salawar Yataghan in pocket sheath. | | 12-6 35328 | G/-/- | India Trumpet used during "Cholera" Epidemics. | | 2-5-0 35329 | T/S | India Reed Pipe | | 1-5-0 35330 | T/S | India Reed Pipe | | 1-5-0 35331 | N/- | India Chain Helmet. rivetted | S35/1915 Sold | 1-10-0 35332 | N/- | India Stone Cannon Ball. Raidrâg, Bellary. granite | | 8-0 35333 | N/- | India Stone Cannon Ball. Raidrâg, Bellary. granite | | 8-0 35334 | N/- | India Stone Cannon Ball. Nagalinne Quartz | | 8-0 35335 | -/S | India Neo Stone Celt. Kapgal. Bellary | | 4-0 35336 | -/S | India Neo Stone Celt. Kapgal. Bellary | | 35337 | -/S | India Neo Stone Celt. Kapgal. Bellary | | 35338 | -/S | India Neo Stone Celt. Kapgal. Bellary | | 35339 | -/S | India Neo Stone Celt. Kapgal. Bellary | | 35340 | -/S | India Neo Stone Celt. Kapgal. Bellary | | ################################################## EFwAz ################################################## [tl1_text] 23 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35341 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35342 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35343 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35344 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35345 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35346 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35347 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35348 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35349 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35350 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35351 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35352 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35353 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary | | 35354 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Kapgel. Bellary Average 4/- & 3/- Each | | 35355 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Adoni Hills. Bellary | | 35356 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Adoni Hills. Bellary | | 35357 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Adoni Hills. Bellary | | 35358 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Adoni Hills. Bellary | | 35359 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Adoni Hills. Bellary | | 35360 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Adoni Hills. Bellary | | 35361 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. fine finish. Peacock Hills, Bellary. | K5/1915 | 8-0 35362 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. fine finish. broken Peacock Hills, Bellary. | | 35363 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. rough, perfect Peacock Hills, Bellary. | 35364 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Raidlûg Bellary | K5/1915 | 8-0 35365 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Shevaroy Hills Salem | | 35366 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Daroji Bellary. | | 35367 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. Arisikerra Bellary | | 35368 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. small. Bellary Rocks | | 35369 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. small. Bellary Rocks | | 35370 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. small. Bellary Rocks | | 35371 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. small. Bellary Rocks | | 35372 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. small. Bellary Rocks | | 35373 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. small. Bellary Rocks | | 35374 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. 8 damaged Celts Daroji & Kapgal. | | 35375 | -/S | India, Nes: Stone Celt. 8 damaged Celts Daroji & Kapgal. | | 35376 | -/S | India Large broken Celt. Râmandrûg. Bellary | | 35377 | /- | India Small Adze. Bellary | | 35378 | /- | India Stone Hammer. Daroji, Bellary. | | ################################################## EFwAC ################################################## [tl1_text] 23 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35379 | -/- | S. India Stone Hammer. Daroji Bellary. | | 35380 | -/- | S. India Stone Hammer. Daroji Bellary. | | 35381 | -/- | S. India Stone Hammer. Kapgal Bellary | | 35382 | -/- | S. India Stone Hammer. Kapgal Bellary | | 35383 | -/- | S. India Stone Hammer. Kapgal Bellary | | 35384 | -/- | S. India Stone Hammer. Râmandrûg Bellary | | 35385 | -/- | S. India Weapon. [[image]] Sevaroy Hills | | 35386 | -/S | S. India Celt Shaper. Peacock Hill Bellary | | 35387 | -/S | S. India Celt Burnisher Kapgal Bellary | | 35388 | G/- | S. India Mealing Stone. Bellary | | 8-0 35389 | G/- | S. India Mealing Stone. Bellary | | 35390 | G/- | S. India Mealing Stone. Bellary | | 35391 | /- | S. India Bone Crusher. Budikanama Pass Bellary | | 35392 | /- | S. India Crystal Ear Plug. Guderade Kristina Madras. | | 15-0 35393 | N/- | S. India Shrine Offering. Clay Buddha. | W22/1915 | 16-0 35394 | Y/S | S. India Shrine Offering. Clay Buddha. damaged | W22/1915 | 8-0 35395 | -/S | Burmese Cigar | L12/1915 | 2-0 35396 | /- | Paraguay. Clay Pipe Lengua Peraguayan Chaco. | | 2-6 35397 | /- | Paraguay. Clay Pipe Lengua Peraguayan Chaco. | | 2-6 35398 | -/S | Paraguay Wood Pipe [[image]] Lengua Peraguayan Chaco. | | 8-0 35399 | -/S | Paraguay Wood Pipe [[image]] Lengua Peraguayan Chaco. | | 10-6 35400 | -/S | Paraguay Wood Pipe [[image]] Lengua Peraguayan Chaco. | | 8-6 35401 | G/- | Paraguay Head-dress. feathers Lengua Peraguayan Chaco. | | 18-6 35402 | G/- | Paraguay Necklet. shell slabs worn by men Lengua Peraguayan Chaco. | | 12-6 35403 | G/- | Paraguay Ear Extender Lengua Peraguayan Chaco. | | 6-0 35404 | G/- | Paraguay Whistle [[image]] | L12/1915 | 6-0 35405 | /- | Paraguay String Bag | | 2-6 35406 | /- | Paraguay Spindle Whorl. | | 4-0 35407 | /- | Paraguay Belt of sheep's wool. | | 6-0 35408 | /- | Paraguay Belt of cotton Northern. | | 6-0 35409 | G/- | Paraguay Stick Diary (Ku yit te tyâsegyak) | | 1-1-0 35410 | /- | Paraguay Arrow-head for Shooting birds | | 2-6 35411 | /- | Paraguay Horn Spoons | | 2-0 35412 | /- | Paraguay Small Snuff? Gourd | | 2-0 35413 | GX/- | Madagascar Trade FL Gun. dec wire inlay | | 1-3-6 35414 | Y/S | W. African Trade FL. Gun BARNETT LONDON | | 12-6 35415 | M/- | Brazil 2 large Arrows. | | 12-6 35416 | GY/S | Malay Shield of wicker. brass pierced bosses. | S35/1915 | 1-10-0 ################################################## EFwAF ################################################## [tl1_text] 24 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35417 | GS/- | India. Sikh War Turban Ornament & 4 Quoits. Akalei | | 2-12-6 [[strikethrough]]1-16-0[[/strikethrough]] 35418 | G/-/- | India Dagger marble hilt. | S35/1915 Sold | 3-15-0 35419 | Y/-/- | India Dagger fine gold inscription pocket sheath. | S35/1915 | 5-5-0 35420 | G/T/S | India Dagger (Katar) gold inlay. very fine. | S35/1915 | 9-15-0 35421 | G/GX/- | India Mace. 8 bladed head. from the Tanjore Armoury | S35/1915 | 5-0-0 35422 | GX/- | Persian Bow. composite. v. fine lac | | 1-18-0 35423 | T/S | Ceylon Knife. small | | 16-0 35424 | T/S | Ceylon Knife. small | | 14-0 35425 | GY/S | Indian Tiger's Claws rough. | | 1-1-0 35426 | G/A/- | Indian Dagger. silver gilt hilt. Catch. | | 2-15-0 35427 | G/A/- | Persian Sabre. | S35/1915 Sold | 3-10-0 35428 | GX/- | Persian Sabre (Shamsher) | | 1-5-0 35429 | M/GX/- | England Case F.L. Pistols. D. EGG. | | 35430 | GY/S | Malay Kris. curious carved wood hilt. | S35/1915 Sold | 1-10-0 35431 | S/S | Italian Pistol Butt. | | 35432 | A/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. curious faces in carving | B16/15 | 9-0-0 35433 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Carved Mallet [[image]] | | 5-15-0 35434 | GX/S | England Pepper Box Pistol in case. AUSTIN. | | 35435 | G/-/- | England Case P.C Duelling Pistols JOHN RICHARDS. | | 35436 | GC/S | England F.L. U & O. Pistol. BASS. | | 35437 | GG/S | England Pair small FL. Pistols. MORTIMER. | S40/1915 | 2-10-0 35438 | GG/S | England F.L. Sporting Gun & Cleaning Rod in case. WELCH. | | 35439 | G/- | England Shot measure of steel. | | 35440 | N/- | England Martini Carbine. govt. reject. | | 35441 | GA/- | Fiji Cannibal Meat Hook. | | 3-3-0 35442 | G/GX/- | Queensland Pick. [[image]] | | 3-3-0 35443 | GY/S | New Zealand Hani. very small. | | 1-10-0 35444 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Carved Head. | | 3-15-0 35445 | G/GX/- | | | 35446 | Y/S | Chinese Wood Syringe. | S4/1915 | 10-0 35447 | G/-/- | India Dagger. [[?lunet.]] ivory hilt. v. fine. | | 2-2-0 35448 | GN/- | Tibet Double Skull Drum. | | 2-7-6 35449 | G/- | India Kettle Drum | | 8-0 35450 | A/- | Eskimo Harpoon Top. | | 35451 | GX/- | N. America Club. with stone head & quill ornament | | 3-15-0 35452 | GA/- | Europe. 12c pin [[?fun]] Revolver. | E6/1915 | 2-2-0 35453 | GA/- | Europe Patent Cap Pistol | S40/1915 | 1-5-0 35454 | GA/- | Europe 5 b. long revolving cartridge Pistol | E6/7-11-16 | 1-10-0 ################################################## EFwAI ################################################## [tl1_text] 24 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35455 | GY/- | Europe Pepper Box 7 b. | | 35456 | GY/S | Europe Pepper Box 6 b. | | 35457 | GX/- | Europe Pepper Box COOPER | | 35458 | T/S | Europe Pepper Box 6 b. | | 35459 | GA/- | Europe Pepper Box MARETTE 4 b. | E6/23-5-16 | 2-7-6 35460 | GA/- | Europe Pepper Box BUDDING. 5 v. rare. | S40/1915 | 7-10-0 35461 | GA/- | Europe 4 b. rev. Pistol | | 35462 | GA/- | Europe 2 b. rev. Pistol | | 35463 | G/T/S | Europe Case P.C. Pistols by RIGBY | | 35464 | GA/- | Europe Breach l. P.C Pistol by Le Page. | | 35465 | GA/- | Europe Revolver with rifled chambers | | 35466 | GA/- | Europe Herder B.I. Army Pistol | | 35467 | GA/- | Europe Smith patent Priming Rifle. | S40/1915 | 2-15-0 35468 | GX/- | Europe Kynock Rifle. | | 35469 | G/-/- | Europe Lee Enfield Mark I. | | 35470 | GA/- | Europe Gibbs Rifle B.I. | | 35471 | A/- | India jade Seal | W22/1915 | 1-1-0 35472 | A/- | India jade Pestle | S4/1915 | 1-0-0 35473 | A/- | India jade Box & cover Powder Primer | S35/1915 | 5-5-0 35474 | A/- | India jade Hooka Mouth Piece | | 1-10-0 35475 | G/- | India jade Ornament. gold mt. | | 1-12-6 35476 | G/- | India jade Turban Plaque Aigret | | 1-7-6 35477 | G/- | India jade Object. square hole. [[image]] Lots | | 18-6 35478 | G/- | India jade Small Sacrificial Bowl. | | 1-6-0 35479 | G/- | India jade Small Sacrificial Bowl. | | 1-1-0 35480 | G/- | India jade Small Sacrificial Bowl. no base. | | 10-6 35481 | G/- | India jade Lid. | | 8-6 35482 | T/- | India jade Divan Crutch Dagger Hilt. | | 6-6-0 35483 | T/- | India jade Divan Crutch Dagger Hilt. light green jade | D15/17-1-16 | 4-15-0 35484 | T/- | India jade Divan Crutch Dagger Hilt. | | 3-15-0 35485 | T/- | India jade Divan Crutch Dagger Hilt. | | 4-10-0 35486 | T/- | India jade Divan Crutch Dagger Hilt. | | 2-15-0 35487 | T/- | India jade Divan Crutch Dagger Hilt. | | 2-10-0 35488 | T/- | India jade Divan Crutch Dagger Hilt. pink | D15/17-1-16 | 3-15-0 35489 | T/- | India jade Divan Crutch Dagger Hilt. | | 2-15-0 35490 | T/- | India jade Divan Crutch Dagger Hilt. Crystal | D15/17-1-16 | 3-3-0 35491 | G/-/- | India jade Dagger Hilt | | 35492 | G/-/- | India jade Dagger Hilt | | ################################################## EFwAL ################################################## [tl1_text] 25 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35493 | G/-/- | India jade Dagger Hilt | | 35494 | G/-/- | India jade Dagger Hilt | | 35495 | A/S | India jade Sword Sheath mount End. | | 35496 | G/- | India jade Dagger Sheath mount. end | | 35497 | G/- | India jade Dagger Sheath mount. end | | 35498 | G/- | India jade Dagger Sheath mount. end | | 35499 | G/- | India jade Dagger Sheath mount. end | | 35500 | G/- | India jade Dagger Sheath mount. end | | 35501 | G/- | India jade Dagger Sheath mount. Top | | 35502 | G/- | India jade Dagger Sheath mount. Top | | 35503 | G/- | India jade Dagger Sheath mount. Top | | 35504 | GA/- | India Tulwar Hilt silver gilt & enamell & sheath mounts, with 32713. | S35/1915 Sold | 9-0-0 35505 | GX/- | Burmah Dha Hill ex: finely carved. & very ancient. | 17 | 3-15-0 35506 | Y/- | Burmah Small Knife, metal pierced hilt. damaged | | 10-6 35507 | M/- | China Jade Ancestral Tablet. | S4/1915 | 1-0-0 35508 | M/- | Morocco Talisman jade inscribed | S4/1915 | 1-0-0 35509 | Y/- | Morocco Talisman Obsidian | S4/1915 | 1-0-0 35510 | Y/- | Morocco Talisman Obsidian | S4/1915 | 1-0-0 35511 | G/- | Morocco Talisman jade inscribed | S4/1915 | 5-0 35512 | G/- | Morocco Talisman jade inscribed | S4/1915 | 5-0 35513 | MY/GX/- | Tibet Bone Apron. | | 46-10-0 35514 | Y/-/- | Arab Silver mtd Jambya & sheath | | 6-6-0 35515 | T/S | England E.I Coy F.L. Horse Pistol dated 1802. | | 35516 | N/- | England FL Pistol silver butt. ANDERTONS & AUSTER | | 35517 | M/S | England FL Pistol cannon barrel. KING. | I4/9-10-15 | 14-0 35518 | S/GX/- | Priests & Wesley Relics | W22/1915 | 7-14-0 35519 | GX/- | Japan Knife inscribed incurved blade [[image]] | | 1-10-6 35520 | Y/- | Somali Dagger & sheath | | 8-0 35521 | G/-/- | N. American Robe dec beadwork. | H28/17-1-16 | 6-6-0 35522 | GM/- | Australian Axe iron head. with mounting Queensland | | 1-15-0 35523 | S/- | Arram Coat. dec Seeds Naga | | 18-0 35524 | /- | Collection of Arunta Ceremonial Objects | C30/1915 | 7-10-0 35525 | /- | C. Australia Insect Larva Hook (Lunka) Arunta | | 10-6 35526 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Object (Gultja) Arunta | | 10-6 35527 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Head Ring (Kanta) Arunta | | 5-0 35528 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Head Ring (Kanta) Arunta | | 5-0 35529 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Head Ring (Kanta) Arunta | | 5-0 35530 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Head Ring (Kanta) Arunta | S4/1915 | 5-0 ################################################## EFwAO ################################################## [tl1_text] 25 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35531 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Head Ring (Kanta) Arunta | S4/1915 | 5-0 35532 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Head Ring (Kanta) large Arunta | | 5-0 35533 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Head Ring (Kanta) large Arunta | | 5-0 35534 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Head Ring (Kanta) large Arunta | | 5-0 35535 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Head Ring (Kanta) large Arunta | | 5-0 35536 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Head Ring (Kanta) large Arunta | | 5-0 35537 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Head Ring (Kanta) large Arunta | | 5-0 35538 | /- | C. Australia Ceremonial Head Ring (Kanta) large Arunta | | 5-0 35539 | /- | C. Australia Girdle (Makurka) Arunta | S4/1915 | 4-0 35540 | /- | New Britain 3 Jews Harps unfinished) | | 16-0 35541 | /- | New Britain Double Shell Beater for Tappa } | | 16-0 35542 | /- | New Britain Double Shell Beater for Tappa } Collected by Father Bley. | | 16-0 35543 | /- | New Britain Sling with bolt } St Paul, North Baining | | 16-0 35544 | /- | New Britain Roll if cord. } See No 34425. | | 2-0 35545 | GS/- | Austrian Silver mtd College Horn. | Sold | 8-8-0 35546 | GT/- | Austrian Hunting Cord & Knife in sheath silver mtd. | | 2-16-0 [[strikethrough]]1-15-0[[/strikethrough]] 35547 | C/- | Austrian Hunting Sword & Knife at back of sheath | | 1-10-0 35548 | G/M/- | Bavarian Rifle ex. fine work. | | 35549 | M/- | England Snider Rifle | | 35550 | M/- | England Snider Rifle small sporting | | 35551 | GS/- liner GX/- | England Webley Revolver in case MARK I. with .22 liner | Wanlen/27-11-15 | 5-5-0 35552 | I/- | England Cavalry Officer's Sword. | Lt Johns/3-5-16 | 1-6-0 35553 | M/- | England F.L. Duelling Pistol by WOGDEN. | | 35554 | /- | England Small Hunting Knife | | 4-0 35555 | S/-/- | North American Coat. dec scalps. | L26/3-10-16 | 30-0-0 35556 | N/- | Harvey Ceremonial Serrated Spear. fractured & mended | | 2-18-0 35557 | A/GX/- | New Zealand God Stick. 12/10/- | | 14-14-0 35558 | A/GX/- | New Zealand Club Wahaika | | 9-0-0 35559 | G/GX/- | K | | 35560 | G/GX/- | K | | 35561 | G/GM/- | Collection of Scotch Police Staves | S4/1915 | 3-7-0 35562 | GX/- | England P.C. D.B. Pistol. | | 35563 | G/- | New Guinea Bow. | | 10-6 35564 | G/- | New Guinea Bow. | | 8-6 35565 | I/S | Burman Hills Mouth Organ Sham | | 1-1-0 35566 | A/- | Borneo Blow Pipe. Dyak | | 1-5-0 35567 | /- | Borneo Blow Quiver of Darts. (damaged) Sakai. | S35/28-6-16 | 5-0 35568 | /- | Borneo Paddle. carved. Modern Sa Rawak River | | 7-6 ################################################## EFwAR ################################################## [tl1_text] 26 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35569 | /- | Borneo Paddle. carved. modern Sarawak R. | | 7-6 35570 | I/S | Borneo Parang Ilang & sheath Dyak | | 1-10-0 35571 | I/S | Borneo Parang Ilang & sheath Dyak best £ 2-2-0 | | 35572 | Y/- | Malabar Sickle Knife. | S4/1915 | 15-0 35573 | Y/- | Malabar Sickle Knife. | | 35574 | G/- | Malabar Sickle Knife. | S4/1915 | 15-0 35575 | GN/- | India Gauntlet Sword; long blade narrow | | 2-15-0 35576 | GN/- | India Gauntlet Sword; large no edged bl | | 2-15-0 35577 | GN/- | India Gauntlet Sword; Pata." Short fluted blade | | 2-15-0 35578 | N/- | India Dagger. Katar. well chiselled Madras | S35/28-6-16 | 2-10-0 35579 | N/- | India Dagger. Katar. | | 18-6 35580 | N/- | India Dagger. Katar. watered blade. | | 16-0 35581 | N/- | India Dagger. Katar. | | 35582 | G/S | India Sword; Tulwar. massive silver plates | | 1-0-0 35583 | G/S | India Sword; Tulwar. | | 35584 | G/S | India Sword; Tulwar. | | 35585 | G/S | India Sword; Tulwar. plain | | 9-0 35586 | M/S | India Incurved Sword with tang on pommel. | S35/28-6-16 | 1-5-0 35587 | G/S | E. Africa Spear. long blade Massi | | 35588 | G/S | E. Africa Spear. long blade Massi | | 35589 | G/S | E. Africa Spear. long blade Massi | | 35590 | G/S | E. Africa Spear. long blade Massi | | 35591 | G/S | E. Africa Spear. long blade Massi | | 35592 | G/S | E. Africa Spear. long blade Massi | | 35593 | G/S | E. Africa Spear. small blade Massi | | 35594 | G/S | E. Africa Spear. small blade Massi | | 35595 | Y/A/- | Borneo. Large Bronze Currency Gong. 23" no tone Brunei. | | 7-18-0 35596 | A/- | New Britain Chief's Neck Ornament cut napa [[image]] | | 2-10-0 35597 | Y/S | Fiji Wood Drum "Lalis" | | 18-6 35598 | -/S | Fiji Whale tooth Charm. | | 17-0 35599 | -/S | Fiji Whale tooth Charm. | | 18-0 35600 | -/S | Fiji Whale tooth Charm. | | 15-0 35601 | G/- | Chiefs tooth Necklet small cut teeth | | 3-5-0 35602 | A/- | New Zealand Adze-head of jade | | 14-0 35603 | A/- | New Zealand Adze-head of jade | | 14-0 35604 | A/- | New Zealand Adze-head of jade | | 12-6 35605 | G/GN/- | Abyssinian Chief's Shield silver gilt mounts 1867 expdn | S35/1915 Sold | 6-15-0 35606 | G/GN/- | Abyssinian Chief's Shield silver mounts 1867 expdn | | 7-7-0 ################################################## EFwAU ################################################## [tl1_text] 26 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35607 | N/- | Early Lighter. silver box. | | 35608 | Y/-/- | India Dagger hilt. jade. horse head. | D15/18-3-16 | 11-15-0 35609 | Y/A/- | India Dagger hilt. jade. inlaid silver | | 10-10-0 35610 | G/-/- | India Sheath Mount inlaid gold & jewelled. | | 2-10-0 35611 | G/GA/- | India Divan Dagger Hilt. inlaid gold & jewelled. | D15/17-1-16 | 7-15-0 35612 | T/S | India Shield; iron brass bosses, inscription. | | 2-2-0 35613 | M/S | Japan Knife. [[image]] | | 10-6 35614 | T/S | England FL Blunderbuss Pistol. RYAN & WATSON | | 35615 | N//- | England Case of Duelling Pistols. WESTLEY RICHARDS | | 35616 | G/-/- | England F.L Picket Pistol. silver mask BUNNEY | B48/14-2-16 | 1-12-6 35617 | G/-/- | England Pair v. small Pocket Pistols. Lord Byron | B48/1915 | 2-0-0 35618 | G/-/- | England Powder Tester. brass | | 35619 | G/-/- | England FL Tinder box. | | 35620 | GY/S | England FL Tinder box. defective | | 35621 | GX/- | England FL Tinder box. defective | | 35622 | GG/- | French FL Pistol. flat-iron butt. | E6/1915 | 17-6 35623 | S/- | England FL Pistol. GILLETT. | | 35624 | M/- | England FL Pistol. RICHARDS | E6/7-11-16 | 8-0 35625 | S/- | England FL Pistol. plated silver. pocket type | | 35626 | M/- | England FL Pistol. PONTEN. pocket type | E6/27-5-16 | 10-6 35627 | M/- | England FL Pistol. AYERS. pocket type | | 35628 | M/- | England FL Pistol. ARCHER. pocket type | E6/27-5-16 | 10-6 35629 | M/- | England FL Pistol. GOODWIN. pocket type | E6/27-5-16 | 6-6 35630 | N/- | England FL Pistol. Unusual form pocket type | | 35631 | I/S | England Pair P.C Pistols. NOCK. | W35/25-7-16 | 1-2-0 35632 | T/S | Belgian Pair P.C Pistols. | E6/1915 | 17-6 35633 | I/S | Belgian Pair P.C Pistols. in case. | E6/1915 | 1-5-0 35634 | GY/GX/- | England 4 barrelled Pistol. GOODWIN | S40/1915 | 17-10-0 35635 | Y/S | New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | 7-6 35636 | M/S | Solomon Club. v. fine binding [[image]] | | 18-0 35637 | G/GX/S | Europe Copy 14 Cent Helm Ex Londesborough Colln } Collection of the late C.T.D. Crews DL., J.P., FRS Bllingbear Park Workingham | } | 35638 | Y/GY/S | Europe Copy 14 Cent Helm [[image]] } | } | 15-15-0 35639 | GM/GM/- | Europe Pair Wheel-lock Pistols } | S40/1915 | 25-0-0 35640 | C/GG/- | Europe Wheel-lock Rifle. stock inlaid } | S40/1915 | 16-5-0 35641 | GS/- | India Pair of Chausse. (Trousers) Rivetted | S35/28-6-16 | 3-3-0 35642 | A/GX/- | India Rapier fine European blade. gilt lac hilt Ex Duke of Sussex Colln. Londesborough C.T.D. Crews Travanen [[strikethrough]]Malabar[[/strikethrough]] | S35/28-6-16 Sold | 10-10-0 35643 | Y/GX/- | England Case of F.L. Pistols by Clarke | | 35644 | N/- | British Columbia Clapper. [[image]] K | | ################################################## EFwAX ################################################## [tl1_text] 27 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35645 | S/- | Persia Dagger hilt, deeply carved ivory. See No 37121 | | 4-17-6 [[strikethrough]]3-13-0[[/strikethrough]] 35646 | S/- | N. America Pipe red stone. old. [[image]] with stem 25425 Hard Hart. | G16/29-5-16 | 1-16-0 35647 | I/S | England P.C. Knife Pistol. | E6/1915 | 1-12-6 35648 | G/- | Australia Club. rare form [[image]] | | 1-7-6 35649 | M/- | Canada Paddle with history | | 35650 | Y/-/- | Japan Matchlock Gun. fine lac stock | | 3-0-0 35651 | G/-/- | Tahiti Adze. with brush. chipped head. | H36/1915 | 4-5-0 35652 | GA/- | Brit Guiania bead Frontlet. dec: ships &c. | H36/1915 | 2-0-0 35653 | GX/- | India. Shield | | 1-16-0 35654 | I/- | India Armguard. fluted [[image]] | S35/28-6-16 | 11-0-6 35655 | G/-/- | India Bill Axe inscription | S35/28-6-16 | 2-5-0 35656 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol. H. NOCK. | | 35657 | I/GX/- | England Wheel-lock Rifle. | | 35658 | GY/S | E. Africa Bow & 12 Arrows. | | 35659 | GS/GS/- | New Zealand Teki. thick very fine. 4¾" | | 32-0-0 35660 | M/N/- | New Zealand Teki. face facing. (broken) very fine. | | 18-10-0 35661 | G/A/- | England 18th Cent Pedometer. | | 3-12-0 35662 | N/- | Benin Bronze Fork. | | 7-6 35663 | GT/S | England FL. Pistol with bayonet. | | 35664 | S/- | Indian Lock. Alwar | L12/1915 | 1-0-0 35665 | N/- | Indian Double Katar. inlaid silver. modern Alwar | | 1-2-6 35666 | M/GX/- | Rennell Island Club. Collected by C.M. Woodford Ex. K | | - - - 35667 | N/-/- | Rennell Island Club. Resident for the Solomons. | | 10-10-0 [[strikethrough]]8-15-0[[/strikethrough]] 35668 | GX/- | Rennell Island Water Carrier | | 18-6 35669 | GX/- | Rennell Island Water Carrier | | 18-6 35670 | Y/S | Rennell Island C.N. Scoup. | | 6-0 35671 | Y/S | Rennell Island Basket fine work. | | 6-0 35672 | Y/S | Rennell Island Basket fine work. | | 6-0 35673 | Y/S | Rennell Island 3 Fishing Nets. in palm leaf wraps. | | 8-0 35674 | A/- | Solomon God. "Luvusi". Guadalcanal. | S4/1915 | 17-6 35675 | GX/- | Solomon Figure-head Rubiana | | 2-18-0 35676 | Y/S | Solomon Fishing Float | | 16-0 35677 | Y/S | Solomon Fishing Float | | 12-6 35678 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook. with back lug. | | 4-6 35679 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook. with back lug. | | 4-6 35680 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook. with back lug. | | 4-6 35681 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook. with back lug. | | 4-6 35682 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook. with back lug. | | 4-6 ################################################## EFwB0 ################################################## [tl1_text] 27 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35683 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook | | 3-6 35684 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook | | 3-6 35685 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook | | 3-6 35686 | /- | Solomon Fish-hook | | 3-6 35687 | S/-/- | Santa Cruz Feather Currency. | | 21-0-0 35688 | A/-/- | Santa Cruz Feather Currency. | W22/25-1-16 | 7-0-0 35689 | A/-/- | Santa Cruz Feather Currency. | | [[strikethrough]]16-16-0[[/strikethrough]] 35690 | GX/- | Santa Cruz Large Clam shell disc Currency. Rubiania. | | 2-12-6 35691 | GX/- | Santa Cruz Large Clam shell disc Currency. Rubiania. | | 2-2-0 35692 | GX/- | Santa Cruz Large Clam shell disc Currency. smaller Rubiania. | | 1-12-6 35693 | A/- | Santa Cruz Large Clam shell fractured. Rubiania. | S4/1915 Sold | 1-0-0 35694 | GX/- | Solomon Large Ground clam shell Ring Rubiania | 2/-/- | 2-2-0 35695 | Y/S | Solomon small Breast Ring with yellow mark Rubiania | | 1-12-6 35696 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35697 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35698 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35699 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35700 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35701 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35702 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35703 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35704 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35705 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35706 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | H36/1915 | 3-0 35707 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | H36/1915 | 3-0 35708 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35709 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35710 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35711 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35712 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35713 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35714 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35715 | -/M | Solomon Armlet ground white shell. Rubiania | | 4-0 35716 | T/S | Santa Cruz Currency Belt on board. Utupusa Rubiania | | 3-16-0 35717 | Y/GX/- | Solomon Currency. red shell 10 Fathoms | | 7-15-0 35718 | Y/GX/- | Solomon Currency. red shell 10 Fathoms | | 7-0-0 35719 | Y/GX/- | Solomon Currency. red shell 10 Fathoms | | 6-15-0 35720 | Y/A/- | Solomon Currency. red shell 9 Fathoms | | 5-10-0 ################################################## EFwB3 ################################################## [tl1_text] 28 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35721 | G/A/- | Solomon Currency. red shell. 5 fathoms | | 2-12-6 35722 | G/GX/- | Solomon Currency. red shell. about 10 fathoms. | | 4-10-0 35723 | G/GX/- | Solomon Belt of porpoise Teeth 944 teeth worth 12/6 100=£6 | S50/20-3-16 | 4-4-0 35724 | G/GX/- | Solomon Belt currency v. fine. | B16/1915 Sold | 4-0-0 35725 | Y/S | Solomon Currency. large disc. short length. | | 14-0 35726 | A/- | Solomon Necklet. small teeth & vertebra. | | 10-6 35727 | Y/S | Solomon Necklet. small teeth & vertebra. smaller | | 7-0 35728 | /- | Solomon Necklet. small teeth | | 4-0 35729 | /- | Solomon Necklet. nut shells. | | 4-0 35730 | Y/S | Solomon Ear Ornament [[image]] | | 8-0 35731 | Y/S | Solomon Whale-tooth Charm. | | 10-6 35732 | Y/S | Solomon Charm of basketry & shell dress. | | 10-6 35733 | Y/S | Solomon Charm of basketry & shell dress. | | 10-6 35734 | /- | Solomon Carved Nut | | 8-0 35735 | /- | Solomon Lime Spatula of bone | | 4-0 35736 | /- | Santa Cruz Belt dec tappa. | | 12-6 35737 | /- | Santa Cruz Belt plain white | | 9-0 35738 | /- | Santa Cruz Belt plain white | | 8-0 35739 | /- | Reef Islands Belt plain white | | 10-0 35740 | /- | Reef Islands Belt plain white | | 9-0 35741 | /- | Rubiania Piece Tappa naturally dyed blue. name (Baka) | | 10-6 35742 | G/GX/- | Ysabel Shield [[image]] | 3-3-0 35743 | A/- | Solomon Canarium Nut Cracker | K5/1915 | 17-0 35744 | A/- | Solomon Canarium Nut Cracker | | 16-0 35745 | GI/- | Solomon Stone Tappa Beater Guadalcanar. | | 2-18-6 35746 | I/- | Solomon Circular Tapering Stone. Guadalcanar. | | 1-15-0 35747 | /- | Solomon Stone Hammer. Guadalcanar. | | 10-0 35748 | /- | Solomon Stone Hammer. Guadalcanar. | | 8-0 35749 | | | | 6-0 35750 | /- | Solomon Stone Scraper? | | 1-0 35751 | GX/- | Solomon Adze-head. large clam shell (fractured) Ontong Java. | | 1-5-0 35752 | N/- | Solomon Adze-head. small clam shell Ontong Java. | | 12-6 35753 | A/- | Solomon Adze-head. med. thick. hollowed edge. Ontong Java. | | 16-0 35754 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head. v. small clam shell. Ontong Java. | K36/1915 | 9-0 35755 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head. stone. Rubiania | K5/1915 | 9-0 35756 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head. stone. | | 9-0 35757 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head. stone. | | 9-0 35758 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head. stone. | | 8-0 ################################################## EFwB6 ################################################## [tl1_text] 28 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35759 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head stone. Rubania | | 8-0 35760 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head stone. Rubania | | 8-0 35761 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head stone. Rubania | | 7-0 35762 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head stone. Rubania | | 7-0 35763 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head stone. very small Rubania | | 7-0 35764 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head stone. very small Rubania | K5/1915 | 5-0 35765 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head stone. very small Rubania | | 6-0 35766 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head stone. very small Rubania | | 6-0 35767 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head stone. very small Rubania | | 5-0 35768 | G/- | Solomon Adze-head stone. very small Rubania | K5/1915 | 4-0 35769 | Y/GX/- | Solomon Stone Beater. Ongtay Java Adze head &c 4 pieces. | H36/1915 | 4-4-0 35770 | G/-/- | Solomon Frontlet. fretted tortoise shell | H36/1915 | 3-10-0 35771 | G/-/- | Solomon Frontlet. fretted tortoise shell slightly damaged | B16/15 | 2-0-0 35772 | /- | Solomon Frontlet. Clam shell base. | | 8-6 35773 | A/- | Solomon Shell disc engraved frigate birds. | B16/15 | 1-0-0 35774 | A/- | Solomon Shell double frigate birds. fretted. | B16/15 | 1-0-0 35775 | /- | Solomon Shell Ornament [[image]] | | 7-0 35776 | /- | Solomon Shell Ornament [[image]] | B16/15 | 12-0 35777 | /- | Solomon Ground Shell Grave Ornament Top [[image]] New Georgea. Rubiania | | 10-0 35778 | /- | Solomon Ground Shell Grave Ornament Top Rubiania | | 10-0 35779 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament [[image]] Rubiania | H36/1-7-16 | 1-15-0 35780 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament [[image]] Rubiania | H36/1-7-16 | 1-15-0 35781 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament [[image]] Rubiania | H36/1-7-16 | 1-15-0 35782 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament [[image]] Rubiania | H36/1-7-16 | 1-15-0 35783 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament small. Rubiania | H36/1-7-16 | 1-10-0 35784 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament (Pow Batona) [[image]] Rubiania | | - - - 35785 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament (Roa Varla) [[image]] Rubiania | | 35786 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament fragment [[image]] Rubiania | | 35787 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament plain [[image]] Rubiania | | 35788 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament fretted [[image]] K Rubiania | | 35789 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament very fine large [[image]] K Rubiania | | 35790 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament perfect K Rubiania | | 35791 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament Rubiania | | 35792 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament (Pango Rear) Rubiania | | 35793 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament perfect v. fine. Rubiania | | 35794 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament [[image]] | | 35795 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament [[image]] v. fine. perfect. Rubiania | | 1-10-0 35796 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament [[image]] £ 1-10-0 to 12/6 | | ################################################## EFwB9 ################################################## [tl1_text] 29 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35797 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. weathered [[image]] | B16/15 | 1-0-0 35798 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. weathered [[image]] | | 35799 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] | B16/15 | 15-0 35800 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] | | 35801 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] | | 35802 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] very large | | 35803 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] | | 35804 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] large weathered | | 35805 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] large weathered | | 35806 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] smaller | | 35807 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] | | 35808 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] perfect | | 35809 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] | | 35810 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] perfect, small | B16/15 | 1-0-0 35811 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] weathered & damaged | | 35812 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] v. damaged. fine piece. | | 35813 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] v. damaged. weathered | | 35814 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] | | 35815 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] perfect. | | 35816 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] perfect. | | 35817 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] perforated. | | 35818 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] perfect. | B16/15 | 15-0 35819 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] perfect. | | 35820 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] perfect. | | 35821 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] large. slightly damaged. | | 35822 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] large. | | 35823 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] | | 35824 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] | | 35825 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] large. more damaged | | 35826 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] more damaged | | 35827 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] more damaged | | 35828 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] perfect small. | B16/15 | 1-0-0 35829 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] perfect small. | | 12-6 35830 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] damaged small. | | 10-6 35831 | Y/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. [[image]] damaged small. | | 8-0 35832 | GY/S | Solomon Grave Ornament. Set of 5 v. fine. | | 35833 | G-/- | Solomon Stalagmite fretted Grave Ornament | | 12-12-0 35834 | G-/- | Solomon Stalagmite fretted Grave Ornament men & birds | | 12-12-0 ################################################## EFwBc ################################################## [tl1_text] 29 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35835 | A/- | Solomon Fragment Stalagmite Grave Orn. | | 1-10-0 35836 | /- | Solomon Fragment Stalagmite Grave Orn. Figure | | 18-0 35837 | A/GY/S | England Lee Enfield 22 | | 35838 | G/GM/- | England Martini Greener Converted (Orthoptic S: taken off) | L24/15 | 1-11-0 35839 | Y/GA/- | England Martini BSA Converted | | 35840 | Y/-/- | England Martini Clayboro & Johnston Converted (Orthoptic S: taken off) | | 35841 | Y/-/- | England Martini Greener (Orthoptic S: taken off) | Snarg/30-9-15 | 3-3-0 35842 | G/GY/S | England Martini Greener (Orthoptic S: taken off) | Clark & Co/19-1-16 | 1-10-0 35843 | G/GX/- | England Martini Greener (Orthoptic S: taken off) | G. Barnes/8-11-16 | 2-2-0 35844 | G/Y/S | England Greener Rook Rifle with orthoptic. | Clark & Co/19-1-16 | 1-10-0 35845 | GA/- | England L.S.A. W.O Miniature with orthoptic. | L24/15 | 1-14-0 35846 | G/G/- | England Martini Bone hilt converted (Orthoptic S: taken off) | FJ Bourne/9-3-16 | 1-16-0 35847 | A/- | England Parker. Hale Orthoptic Sight. | W. Reid/13-10-15 | 11-6 35848 | A/- | England L.S.A. Orthoptic Sight. | /11-10-15 | 11-6 35849 | GT/S | England Brass Blunderbuss Pistol GRIFFIN. | | 35850 | Y/GA/- | England Pair Duelling Pistols TWIGG. | | 35851 | M/GX/- | England Case Duelling Pistols NOCK. | E6/1915 | 4-10-0 35852 | G/GI/S | England 7 FL. Pocket Pistols | W35/1915 | 3-16-0 35853 | A/S | England Cannon barreled Pocket Pistols | E6/1915 | 13-0 35854 | A/- | England 2 barrel P.C. Revolving Pistol. | E6/1915 | 14-0 35855 | A/- | England 2 barrel P.C. Revolving Pistol. | | 35856 | A/- | England 2 barrel P.C. Revolving Pistol. | | 35857 | A/- | England 2 barrel P.C. Revolving Pistol. | E6/1915 | 12-6 35858 | GN/- | England Large Pepper-Box Revolving Pistol. SCOTT | S40/5-4-16 | 1-16-0 35859 | GG/- | England Small Pepper-Box Revolving Pistol. | | 35860 | GS/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol BATEMAN. chiselled | B48/1915 | 1-15-0 35861 | GI/- | England D.B. U & O NOCK. | | 35862 | G/-/- | England D.B. U & O GOODWIN. | | 35863 | M/GA/- | Italy Chiselled F.L. Pistol Pawleghino. | | 35864 | GX/S | England F.L. Trooper's Pistol. | | 35865 | GX/S | England F.L. Pistol. bayonet. | | 35866 | GG/- | England Pair Pocket Pistols WHEELER | E6/1915 | 1-2-6 35867 | T/- | England Pocket. silver plated ASH. | | 35868 | T/S | England Pocket. massive DALTON. | B48/1915 | 17-6 35869 | T/- | England Pocket. rounded silver plate SYKES | | 35870 | T/S | England Pocket. WALLIS. | B48/1915 | 17-6 35871 | A/- | England Pocket. | | 35872 | A/- | England Pocket. | E6/27-5-16 | 10-6 ################################################## EFwBf ################################################## [tl1_text] 30 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35873 | A/- | England F.L. Pistol | | 35874 | A/- | England F.L. Pistol | | 35875 | | England F.L. Pistol | | 35876 | | England F.L. Pistol | | 35877 | | England F.L. Pistol | | 35878 | A/- | England F.L. Pistol | E6/27-5-16 | 10-6 35879 | A/- | England F.L. Pistol | E6/30-12-16 | 10-6 35880 | A/- | England F.L. Pistol rifled barrel | | 35881 | N/- | England F.L. Pistol with trigger guard | | 35882 | N/- | England F.L. Pistol with trigger guard | E6/27-5-16 | 10-6 35883 | N/- | England F.L. Pistol with trigger guard | | 35884 | N/- | England F.L. Pistol with trigger guard | E6/27-5-16 | 10-6 35885 | N/- | England F.L. Pistol with trigger guard | E6/27-5-16 | 10-6 35886 | A/S | England F.L. Pistol GILLINGHAM. | | 35887 | A/S | England F.L. Pistol W. BOND. | E6/27-5-16 | 10-6 35888 | GY/S | France F.L Pistol. silver cap. | | 35889 | GY/S | England F.L. Pistol all brass. | | 35890 | M/GX/- | England Case Duelling Pistols. WOGDEN | E6/18-3-16 | 5-5-0 35891 | M/GX/- | England Case Duelling Pistols. gold t.h. MORTIMER. | | 35892 | M/GX/- | England Case Duelling Pistols. plain MORTIMER. | | 35893 | M/GX/- | England Case Duelling Pistols. gold t.h. HENSHAW. | | 35894 | A/A/- | England Case Duelling Pistols. plat. t.h. WESTLEY RICHARDS. | E6/8-3-16 | 7-10-0 35895 | Y/A/- | England Case Duelling Pistols. CLARK. DUBLIN. | E6/1915 | 5-5-0 35896 | Y/-/- | England Case Duelling Pistols. WHITNEY CORK. | E6/1915 | 4-0-0 35897 | M/S/- | England Case Duelling Pistols. v. large bore MORTIMER. | S40/5-4-16 | 7-17-6 35898 | Y/Y/- | England Pair iron Cannon barreled P. BOND. | | 35899 | G/T/S | England Blunderbuss Pistol iron ringed b. MORTIMER. | B48/1915 | 2-2-0 35900 | G/GX/- | England Pair Pocket F.L. with bayonets. W. MILLS. | | 35901 | Y/A/- | France D.B. Pistol. silver inlaid, flat butt | B48/1915 | 3-3-0 35902 | Y/A/- | France D.B. Pistol. inscription Michel | | 35903 | G/A/- | England Pocket F.L. Pistols. Case CLARKE. | S40/5-4-16 | 3-3-0 35904 | A/-/- | England Pair large brass Pistols with bayonets. Goodwin. | | 35905 | G/-/- | England D.B. P.C. Pistol with bayonet. MARRISON. | | 35906 | M/GX/- | England Blunderbuss in original case. | S40/5-4-16 | 7-7-0 35907 | G/GX/- | Europe. Pistol Wheel-lock | S40/5-4-16 | 2-15-0 35908 | Y/T/S | Europe. Double Wheel-lock | S40/5-4-16 | 6-15-0 35909 | GX/- | Turkey Torque. base silver. | | 1-12-6 35910 | T/S | Egypt Scarab in Syrian silver ring | | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwBi ################################################## [tl1_text] 30 [[stamped]]WEBSTER COLLECTION[[/stamped]] [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35911 | T/S | New Zealand Hani. | | 1-5-0 35912 | N/GX/- | England Case of Duelling Pistols by JOHN MANTON. | | 35913 | M/GX/- | Java Kris. gold covd sheath. blade inlaid | S35/28-6-16 | 12-10-0 35914 | G/M/- | Ceyton Knife silver gilt mts. | S35/28-6-16 | 4-10-0 35915 | G/S | Spain modern Shleth. | | 3-0 35916 | A/- | Persia "Shamsher" Blade finely watered. See No 37048 | | 35917 | G/-/- | New Zealand Paddle. carved head. | | 8-15-0 35918 | N/- | Mangaia Adze-haft. | | 2-15-0 35919 | G/S | B. Guiania Club. | | 18-6 35920 | S/- | E. Africa Rhino Horn. | Sold | 35921 | N/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol JONES | | 35922 | N/-/- | England D.B. Revolving Blunderbuss KING. | S40/10-8-16 | 10-10-0 35923 | S/S/- | Italy. Pair right & left Pistols LAZARINNO COMINNAZO. | S40/10-8-16 | 14-14-0 35924 | M/GX/- | England. DB. F.L. Superimposed G. STURMAN. | S40/10-8-16 | 6-18-0 35925 | Y/GX/- | England. DB. F.L. Superimposed small. WILSON. | S40/10-8-16 | 6-6-0 35926 | Y/GA/- | England F.L. Blunderbuss Pistol with bayonet. | | 35927 | G/A/- | England P.C (converted) Blunderbuss Pistol with bayonet. | | 35928 | Y/GI/- | England Hunting Sword with FL Pistol | S40/10-8-16 | 6-6-0 35929 | Y/A/- | England Hunting Sword with FL Pistol smaller. | | 35930 | A/- | England 4 barrel P.C Rifle. | | 35931 | T/- | China Ancient bronze Weight with inscription | S50/20-3-16 | 2-5-0 35932 | T/- | China Ancient Copper Celt [[image]] | | 1-10-0 35933 | M/- | China Ancient? 2 Halberd heads [[image]] & Knife blade. | | 6-6 35934 | G/- | China Ancient? 4 Bronze plates inscribed. | | 6-6 35935 | GA/- | B. Columbia Knife in sheath. K | | 35936 | GA/- | Tibet Skull Drum. | S4/1915 | 1-10-0 35937 | M/S | England P.C Pistol. silver mask. MASON | S40/5-4-16 | 7-6 35938 | G/S | Canada Quill Box. | H28/17-1-16 | 8-0 35939 | C/-/- | N. America Wampum Belt. | H28/29-2-16 | 60-0-0 35940 | M/-/- | N. America Mound Pipe. frog. green stones | H38/17-1-16 | 6-0-0 35941 | Y/-/- | N. America Mound Pipe. Eagle | H38/17-1-16 | 3-10-0 35942 | G/-/- | N. America Mound Pipe. Toad. ?cast | H38/17-1-16 | 1-0-0 35943 | GA/- | N. America Pipe red stone. Pike Co. | H38/17-1-16 | 2-5-0 35944 | GA/- | N. America Pipe greenstone inlaid lead [[image]] | H38/17-1-16 | 2-17-6 35945 | GX/- | N. America Stone Head. [[image]] Gambia Knox Co. | H38/17-1-16 | 3-3-0 35946 | GX/- | N. America Stone Head. | H38/17-1-16 | 2-2-0 35947 | G/GX/- | N. America Hide Scraper. bone haft engraved. | | 3-3-0 35948 | A/- | B. Columbia Pipe. wood. Toad. | | ################################################## EFwBl ################################################## [tl1_text] 31 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35949 | A/- | B. Columbian Pipe BC Rattle K | sold | | 35950 | G/-/- | B. Columbian Pipe BC [[?]]C. K | sold | | 35951 | GX/- | B. Columbian Pipe Fiji Fork K | sold | | 35952 | GA/- | A. Irish 'Yoni" Amulet. | C33/13-10-15 | 1-15-0 35953 | GX/- | A. Irish 3 'Yoni" Stones. 2 Pipes | C33/13-10-15 | 1-5-0 35954 | GX/- | A. Irish Keltic Saddle Bow. | D17/25-12-15 | 2-2-0 35955 | C/-/- | Greco-Hindoo Stone Figure Excvd by Col. Crosbie. [[Jamalshary?]] Mardan. [[?]] | | 25-0-0 35956 | M/-/- | India. Dagger hilt carved dark green jade. See No. 36662. | | [[strikethrough]] 6-6-0 [[strikethrough]] 35957 | T/S | A. Babylonian Stone Cylinder | S4/1915 | 16-0 35958 | T/S | A. Babylonian Stone Cylinder | S4/1915 | 16-0 35959 | -/- | Zambesi 2 Knives. | | 2-0 35960 | Y/S | Zambesi Thorn Extractor in sheath. Zulu | | 5-0 35961 | -/- | W. Africa Comb. | | 2-0 35962 | GA/- | Abyssinia M.S.S. two rolls in leather cases | | 1-15-0 35963 | Y/S | Albania 17th Cent. Key. | | 5-0 35964 | G/GX/- | Sierra Leone Steatite Figure. Mendi. | | 3-15-0 35965 | G/GA/- | British Guiania Club. engraved [[image]] | | 4-16-0 35966 | A/- | Victoria Lil Lil. [[image]]| | 1-5-0 35967 | -/- | Victoria Nulla | | 5-0 35968 | GX/- | English F.L. Tinder Box brass. pistol type. fair condition. | | 1-10-0 35969 | GI/- | English Colt 22 Revolver. | | 1-5-0 35970 | I/GX/- | English Breach-loading F.L. Pistol. by MORTIMER. | [[overwritten original]] sold [[overwritten original]] S40/10-8-16 | 55-0-0 35971 | T/- | English Cavalry Officers Holster Pistol by TWIGG. fine finish | | | 35972 | GA/- | English Under & Over F.L. RYAN & WATSON. | | | 35973 | N/- | English Pocket F.L. Pistol T.HARRIS B'HAM. | | | 35974 | N/- | English Pocket F.L. Pistol G.WALLIS HULL. | | | 35975 | GT/S | French or U.S.A. Military Pistol As supplied to U.S.A. by JENKS. | E6/27-5-16 | 2-5-0 35976 | G/G/- | French Naval F.L. Pistol dog headed butt. brass barrel. Cassagnau. Nantes. | [[overwritten original]] sold [[overwritten original]] S40/10-8-16 | 2-10-0 35977 | GA/- | England F.L. brass barrelled Pistol PARKES. LONDON. | | | 35978 | GA/- | England F.L. iron barrelled Turkish Crescents [[?]] NICHOLSON LONDON. | | | 35979 | GA/- | French silver mtd FL Pistol | | | 35980 | Y/-/- | English FL. Blunderbuss Pistol with bayonet | B48/26-9-16 | 3-10-0 35981 | GI/- | Indian Dagger. all iron. [[image]] | S35/28-6-16 | 2-10-0 35982 | S/GX/- | Swiss 16th Cent. Windlass Crossbow (Stirrup) | S40/5-4-16 | 9-15-0 35983 | N/GX/- | Europe [[Coch?]] 'Monitor' Rifle by WILKINSON. | S40/10-8-16 | 10-10-0 35984 | Y/A/- | Europe 'Genhardt" Monitor Pistol. | S40/5-4-16 | 6-15-0 35985 | GA/- | Europe Harvey Revolver. | | | 35986 | GX/- | Europe Revolver. curious extractor.| | | ################################################## EFwBo ################################################## [tl1_text] 31 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 35987 | GX/- | Europe. Revolver. Garland patent. | | 35988 | GA/- | Europe. Revolver. Bank of England. | | 35989 | G/-/- | America Revolver. "Shamrock" Colt. 4 chambers | | 35990 | G/-/- | America Revolver. 1868 Covert Colt | | 35991 | G/A | America Revolver. side hammer Colt case. | | 35992 | G/A | America Revolver. side hammer | | 35993 | G/A | America Revolver. Belgian Colt. | | 35994 | G/-/- | America Revolver. | | 35995 | G/A | America Revolver. Mass. | | 35996 | G/A | America Revolver. Colt. 1858. fluted chambers | | 35997 | GX/- | England P.C. Revolver with bayonet. | | 35998 | GA/- | France. Lechafeux Pepper Box. pin fire. | | 35999 | G/-/- | France. Marriette Pepper Box. magazine. 6 barrel | | 36,000 | G/-/- | France. Marriette Pepper Box. pin striker. barrels fixed. | | 36001 | GA/- | France. Marriette Pair D.B. P.C Pistols. ex. fine barrels. | | 36002 | GA/- | England Case Pair DB. Pistols. MILLS. | E6/27-5-16 | 3-3-0 36003 | GX/- | England Pair v. long Pistols. WARD | | 36004 | G/-/- | England Pair in case. C. RUNDWELLS | | 36005 | GA/- | England Revolver. P.C. in case DEAN | | 36006 | GA/- | England Revolver. P.C. in case BAKERS | | 36007 | GA/- | England Pepper Box. pellet. barrels revolve reverse way. | | 36008 | M/-/- | France. 10 barrel "Harmonica" Pistol, pin fire (AE Jarve 1871) | | 36009 | G/GA/- | France. 6 chambered Knife Revolver. DUMONTHIER. pin fire | | 36010 | GX/- | Belgian 6 chambered Folding Knife Revolver. pin fire | | 36011 | GX/- | Belgian 6 chambered Revolver brass mts. pin fire | | 36012 | GX/- | Belgian 6 chambered Revolver with cartridge loading disc. A PLIERS. pin fire | | 36013 | GX/- | Belgian 6 chambered Revolver barrel & Chamber slide forward by leaver. pin fire | | 36014 | GX/- | Belgian 5 chambered Revolver each chamber has separate extractor pin fire | | 36015 | G/-/- | America "Ponds" Patent Revolver with sleeves to chambers | | 36016 | G/GX/- | Germany "Borschardt Automatic Pistol with shoulder stock holster. | | 36017 | GX/- | Germany Sauer Automatic Pistol. | | 36018 | GX/- | Germany Rother Automatic Pistol. | | 36019 | A/- | Belgian "Simplex" Automatic Pistol. | | 36020 | GA/- | Russian Schulhoff Automatic Pistol. early pattern | | 36021 | GA/- | France F.L. Army Pistol | | 36022 | GT/S | England 2 [[?Lu]] Metford Bayonets. | | 36023 | G/-/- | England Martini 303 Carbine | | 36024 | S/GX/- | England Jos Maton Double Tabs Detonator Gun in Case | | ################################################## EFwBr ################################################## [tl1_text] 32 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36025 | G/GA/- | England Case of D.B. P.C Pistols in case. | | 36026 | G/GA/- | England F.L. Breach Loading Carbine. Fergueson patent. repaired. | | 36027 | GA/- | England Cannon Firing Pistol. re stocked. | | 36028 | GS/- | Brit. Columbia Carved shale Pipe. v. fine. | | 3-18-0 36029 | A/- | N. America Pipe of hone stone. figure. | H28/12-9-16 | 2-2-0 36030 | GA/- | India Sword. pierced iron. silvered basket hilt. broad incurved b. | S35/28-6-16 | 2-10-0 36031 | A/S | S.E. Africa Karoso. | S4/1915 | 7-0 36032 | Y/- | S.E. Africa Charm. | S4/1915 | 5-0 36033 | A/- | Tibet silver Charm Box. | W22/1915 | 18-6 36034 | GX/- | New Zealand Hook large barb [[image]] | S51/29-3-16 | 1-6-0 36035 | GX/- | New Zealand Hook large barb [[image]] | S51/29-3-16 | 1-6-0 36036 | G/-/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant. jade. thick. good colour. | | 2-2-0 36037 | GX/- | New Zealand Ear Pendant. jade. poor colour. hole broken. | | 2-2-0 36038 | G/A/- | New Zealand Basalt Club. "Onewa". chipped. | | 3-3-0 36039 | A/- | Australia Shield. [[image]] Victoria | | 1-10-0 36040 | T/S | Australia Shield. [[image]] Victoria | | 2-17-6 36041 | G/-/- | German Mauzer 1910 Rifle. | | 36042 | G/-/- | Sierra Leone Mask used by the Bundu Society. Mendi. | | 3-3-0 36043 | M/-/- | New Zealand Paddle carved end. figure. | | 8-15-0 36044 | G/-/- | New Zealand Paddle small black. roughly carved end. | | 1-15-0 36045 | GA/- | Marquesas Ear Plug. | | 1-12-6 36046 | Y/GX/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. | | 4-4-0 36047 | Y/Y/- | New Zealand Adze head. jade. | | 36048 | G/A/- | B. Columbia Bowl | | 36049 | I/-/ | Fiji Club. ex. rare type [[image]] | | 10-10-0 36050 | G/GY/S | Mangaia Ceremonial Adze-haft. square turret type | | 3-15-0 36051 | G/- | England Tinder Box, striker & muffle with lid. tin. | | 6-0 36052 | /- | England Apple Corer & another ivory Implement. | | 2-0 36053 | G/- | Lapp Spoon horn. engraved | | 2-0 36054 | G/- | India Betel Nut Cutter | | 2-0 36055 | Y/- | E. Africa Finger Fighting Ring [[strikethrough]]Guard for low. Jur.[[/strikethrough]] Wakamba | | 10-6 36056 | /- | E. Africa Charm Necklet Jur. | | 4-0 36057 | G/- | E. Africa [[strikethrough]]Shell[[/strikethrough]] Hippo Tusk Ornament [[image]] Jur. | | 5-0 36058 | GX/- | New Guinea Jade Sago Beater End. [[image]] | H36/1-7-16 | 1-18-0 36059 | Y/- | Fiji Belt Club. | | 8-6 36060 | S/- | Fiji Necklet rounded stumpy teeth. rare | | 3-15-0 36061 | N/- | Ceylon Disease Mask. with moveable jaw | | 1-10-0 36062 | N/- | Ceylon Disease Mask. with moveable jaw | | 1-0-0 ################################################## EFwBu ################################################## [tl1_text] 32 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36063 | N/- | Ceyton Game Board. carved. | | 1-10-0 36064 | N/- | Ceyton Game Board. carved. | | 1-5-6 36065 | G/- | Tibet. Prayer Wheel. | | 17-6 36066 | G/- | Tibet. Prayer Wheel. | | 17-6 36067 | M/- | Tibet. Small Skull Bowl of Copper in form of Skull, silver teeth. | | 1-1-0 36068 | M/- | Benin Sacrificial Bell. leopard mask. | W1/30-12-16 | 1-0-0 36069 | Y/Y/- | Japan Monkeys, [[?Jou/Jon]] Pictures &c | W22/1915 | 2-10-0 36070 | G/G/- | Japan Colour Prints. | W22/25-1-16 | 1-6-0 36071 | G/GY/S | Japan 5 Dolls. | W22/25-1-16 | 1-17-6 36072 | G/S | Norway Knitting holder. carved. | | 4-0 36073 | A/- | Northern New Guinea Adze. carved haft. iron plain Iron blade. Astrolabe B. | | 2-2-0 36074 | T/S | Northern New Guinea Sago Scoup | | 1-16-0 36075 | T/S | Northern New Guinea Sago Scoup | | 1-12-0 36076 | T/S | Northern New Guinea Head Rest | | 1-10-0 36077 | T/S | Northern New Guinea Head Rest | | 1-10-0 36078 | Y/S | Northern New Guinea Bowl. | | 12-6 36079 | Y/S | Northern New Guinea Bowl. | | 12-6 36080 | -/S | Northern New Guinea Hat. basketry | | 12-6 36081 | -/S | Northern New Guinea Hat. | | 10-0 36082 | -/S | Northern New Guinea Hat. | | 7-6 36083 | -/S | Northern New Guinea Hat. | | 5-0 36084 | -/S | Northern New Guinea Hat. | | 5-0 36085 | -/S | Northern New Guinea Hat. | | 4-0 36086 | -/S | Northern New Guinea Hat. | | 3-0 36087 | Y/- | Northern New Guinea War Trumpet. Conch Shell. | | 8-0 36088 | M/- | Northern New Guinea Fish-hook & lines | | 8-0 36089 | G/- | Northern New Guinea Comb. carved bamboo | B16/8-4-16 | 8-0 36090 | -/S | Northern New Guinea Comb. tortoise shell [[image]] | | 2-6 36091 | -/S | Northern New Guinea Comb. tortoise shell | | 2-6 36092 | Y/- | Northern New Guinea Armlet. engraved tortoise shell. | | 36093 | G/S | Northern New Guinea Armlet. engraved tortoise shell. smaller | | 8-6 36094 | /- | Northern New Guinea Armlet. plain tortoise shell. | | 3-6 36095 | Y/- | Northern New Guinea Lime Spatula. carved bone - | | 36096 | Y/- | Northern New Guinea C.N. Cup. engraved frigate Birds - | | 36097 | /- | Northern New Guinea C.N. Water Vessel | | 3-6 36098 | N/- | Northern New Guinea Jade Adze-head in holder | H36/1-7-16 | 1-0-0 36099 | Y/- | Northern New Guinea Jade Adze-head | | 8-0 36100 | Y/- | Northern New Guinea Jade Adze-head | | 8-0 ################################################## EFwBx ################################################## [tl1_text] 33 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36101 | Y/- | Northern New Guinea jade Adze-head. Astrolabe B. | | 36102 | N/- | Northern New Guinea Pounder. granite [[image]] | | 1-5-0 36103 | G/- | Northern New Guinea Lime Gourd & stick | | 7-6 36104 | G/- | Northern New Guinea Lime Gourd & stick | | 7-6 36105 | G/- | Northern New Guinea Lime Gourd & stick | | 6-0 36106 | G/- | Northern New Guinea Lime Gourd & stick | | 6-0 36107 | /- | Northern New Guinea Lime Gourd Stick of bone. | | 3-0 36108 | /- | Northern New Guinea Lime Spatula. | | 2-6 36109 | G/- | Northern New Guinea Lime Spatula with currency cord. | | 7-6 36110 | G/- | Northern New Guinea Charm. cat nafra, feathers & currency | | 10-6 36111 | G/- | Northern New Guinea Cooking Vessel of pottery | | 16-0 36112 | G/- | Northern New Guinea Ladle. carved handle | | 12-6 36113 | /- | Northern New Guinea Drinking Cup. Marovo | | 3-0 36114 | /- | Northern New Guinea Drinking Cup. Marovo | | 3-0 36115 | /- | Northern New Guinea String Bag. v. large. | | 5-0 36116 | /- | Northern New Guinea String Bag. med. | | 4-0 36117 | /- | Northern New Guinea String Bag. med. | | 4-0 36118 | /- | Northern New Guinea String Bag. med. | | 4-0 36119 | /- | Northern New Guinea String Bag. med. | | 4-0 36120 | /- | Northern New Guinea String Bag. small. | | 3-0 36121 | /- | Northern New Guinea String Bag. small. | | 2-0 36122 | /- | Northern New Guinea String Bag. small. | | 2-0 36123 | /- | Northern New Guinea Pandanus Hood | | 3-6 36124 | /- | Northern New Guinea Girls Dress | | 3-6 36125 | /- | Northern New Guinea Girls Dress | | 3-6 36126 | /- | Northern New Guinea Girls Dress | | 3-6 36127 | /- | Northern New Guinea Girls Dress | | 3-6 36128 | /- | Northern New Guinea Girls Dress | | 3-6 36129 | /- | Northern New Guinea Girls Dress | | 3-6 36130 | /- | Northern New Guinea Girls Dress | | 3-6 36131 | /- | Northern New Guinea Shell Back Scratch | | 4-0 36132 | /- | Northern New Guinea Woman's Dress | | 3-6 36133 | /- | Northern New Guinea Woman's Dress | | 3-0 36134 | /- | Northern New Guinea Woman's Dress string fringe, dec. nafra shell. | | 4-0 36135 | /- | Northern New Guinea Basket | | 1-0 36136 | /- | Northern New Guinea Basket | | 1-0 36137 | /- | Northern New Guinea Basket | | 1-0 36138 | /- | Northern New Guinea Large Tappa Robe dec circular design | | 8-6 ################################################## EFwBA ################################################## [tl1_text] 33 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36139 | /- | North New Guinea Tappa Man's Belt. finely dec. | | 8-0 36140 | /- | North New Guinea Tappa Man's Belt. finely dec. | | 8-0 36141 | /- | North New Guinea Tappa Man's Belt. finely dec. | | 7-0 36142 | /- | North New Guinea Tappa Man's Belt. finely dec. thick staff | | 7-0 36143 | /- | North New Guinea Tappa Man's Belt. finely dec. thick staff | | 6-0 36144 | /- | North New Guinea Tappa Man's Belt. plainer. | | 3-6 36145 | /- | North New Guinea Tappa Man's Belt. plainer. | | 3-6 36146 | /- | North New Guinea 5 Turbo & 1 Clam Shell Armlets. | | 8-6 36147 | S/- | North New Guinea Drum, finely carved. old. | | 2-17-6 36148 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. black parasite, woven. | | 2-6 36149 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. black parasite, woven. | | 2-6 36150 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. black parasite, woven. | | 2-6 36151 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. black parasite, woven. | | 2-6 36152 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. black parasite, woven. | | 2-6 36153 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. yellow, woven. nice design | | 4-0 36154 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. yellow, woven. nice design | | 4-0 36155 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. yellow, woven. nice design | | 4-0 36156 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. yellow, woven. nice design | | 3-0 36157 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. yellow, woven. nice design | | 3-0 36158 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. yellow, woven. nice design | | 3-0 36159 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. yellow, woven. nice design | | 2-6 36160 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. yellow, woven. nice design | | 2-6 36161 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. yellow, woven. nice design | | 2-6 36162 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. yellow, woven. nice design | | 2-6 36163 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. fine red & yellow. [[?cated]] work. | | 6-0 36164 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. yellow. currency | | 8-0 36165 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. red & black. | | 4-0 36166 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. red. cane. large. | | 5-0 36167 | /- | North New Guinea Armlet. 3 plain cane. | | 1-0 36168 | G/- | North New Guinea Curious turret-headed Ceremonial Mace. late | | 12-6 36169 | /- | Samoa. 4 fans. | | 10-0 36170 | G/- | Samoa. Chaplet of small shells. | | 4-0 36171 | /- | Samoa. Necklet of small shells. | | 4-0 36172 | /- | Samoa. Necklet red seeds. | | 4-0 36173 | /- | Gargnella Necklet Leopard teeth. | | 15-0 36174 | G/- | Gargnella Axe | | 12-6 36175 | G/- | Gargnella Club [[image]] | 7-6 36176 | G/- | Gargnella Bow dec beads & 2 Arrows [[image]] | | 1-2-6 ################################################## EFwBD ################################################## [tl1_text] 34 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36177 | A/- | Persia Pen Case. lac | | 8-6 36178 | GA/- | India Pistol Whip | S35/28-6-16 | 2-0-0 36179 | GA/- | India Pistol Pike-head Quotes Mr Stone to him 9/II/16 | S35/28-6-16 | 2-0-0 36180 | GS/- | England Case of P.C Pistols. | K7/17-11-16 | 1-10-0 36181 | G/G/- | Tonga Club. lobe type carved all over & inlaid whale tooth. | | 36182 | Y/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea 2 Celts Okaravi. | K5/22-6-14 | 10-0 36183 | Y/-/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Skull with re constructed face. v. fine Kikori Okaravi | | 36184 | G/-/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Skull with re constructed face. v. fine Kikori Okaravi | | 36185 | GA/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Skull with nose damage Okaravi | | 36186 | GA/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Skull partly re constructed Okaravi | | 36187 | T/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull with lower Jaw. black with age Okaravi | | 36188 | T/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull with lower Jaw. carved frontal. Okaravi | | 36189 | T/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull with lower Jaw. carved frontal. defective. Okaravi | | 36190 | T/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull with lower Jaw. carved frontal. defective. Okaravi | | 36191 | S/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull with lower Jaw. plain dec. white Okaravi | | 36192 | S/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull with lower Jaw. plain Okaravi | | 36193 | S/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull with lower Jaw. plain disease marks Okaravi | | 36194 | S/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull with lower Jaw. plain woman's? Okaravi | | 36195 | A/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull without lower Jaw. carved. Okaravi | | 36196 | A/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull without lower Jaw. carved. Okaravi | | 36197 | S/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull without lower Jaw. carved. Okaravi | | 36198 | A/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull without lower Jaw. carved. v. massive Okaravi | | 36199 | A/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull without lower Jaw. carved. Okaravi | | 36200 | M/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull without lower Jaw. plain Okaravi | | 36201 | G/-/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Trophy Skull with lower Jaw. perfect. Okaravi | S4/1915 | 2-0-0 36202 | G/-/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea 3 Trophy Skull damaged Okaravi | S4/1915 | 2-5-0 36203 | G/-/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Tappa Mask. very large. fig. on top. Okaravi | S4/1915 | 2-10-0 36204 | GX/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Tappa Mask. smaller Okaravi | | 36205 | GX/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Ancestral Tablet or "Kohan". ex. fine | | 36206 | Y/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Ancestral Tablet or "Kohan". small from a paddle blade Okaravi | | 36207 | GX/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Bowman's Shield Okaravi | | 1-17-6 36208 | GX/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Bowman's Shield Okaravi | | 1-17-6 36209 | GX/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Bowman's Shield Okaravi | | 1-10-0 36210 | Y/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Ancestral Tablet "Kohan" in carved bark. | | 12-6 36211 | Y/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Ancestral Tablet "Kohan" in carved bark. | | 14-0 36212 | Y/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Ancestral Tablet "Kohan" in carved bark. | | 14-0 36213 | Y/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Ancestral Tablet "Kohan" in carved bark. | | 15-0 36214 | Y/- | N.E. B.N. Guinea Ancestral Figure in carved bark. | | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwBG ################################################## [tl1_text] 34 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36215 | Y/S | N.E. B. New Guinea Ancestral Tablet "Kohan". rare form Kikori. Okaravi. | | 36216 | Y/S | N.E. B. New Guinea War Belt. carved bark. | | 36217 | Y/S | N.E. B. New Guinea War Belt. carved bark. very old & fine | | 36218 | Y/S | N.E. B. New Guinea War Belt. carved bark. | | 36219 | Y/S | N.E. B. New Guinea War Belt. carved bark. small. | | 36220 | A/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Sago Beater | | 18-6 36221 | A/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Sago Beater | | 18-6 36222 | M/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Tappa Beater | | 36223 | GX/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Family Pillow of a branch | | 36224 | M/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Pillow of a root | | -12-6 36225 | M/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Pillow of a root v. massive & old. | | 12-6 36226 | M/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Pillow of carved palen Spatula | | 12-6 36227 | Y/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Tobacco Pipe "Biou-Biou") finely carved mask | | 8-0 36228 | Y/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Tobacco Pipe "Biou-Biou") carved | | 6-0 36229 | M/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer. carved. | | 12-6 36230 | M/S | N.E. B. New Guinea Bow Drill & Bow | | 1-1-0 36231 | M/S | N.E. B. New Guinea Bow Drill & Bow | | 1-1-0 36232 | M/S | N.E. B. New Guinea Bow Drill & Bow | | 18-6 36233 | Y/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Ceremonial Bull Roarer. carved. small. | | 12-6 36234 | Y/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Comb wood. 2 masks hard polished wood Kikori | | 12-6 36235 | G/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Comb wood. [[image]] | | 8-6 36236 | G/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Comb wood. [[image]] | | 7-6 36237 | G/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Dagger of bone large | | 36238 | G/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Dagger of bone small. | | 36239 | G/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Charm "Dakre-kare", carved | | 6-0 36240 | G/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Charm "Dakre-kare", carved | | 6-0 36241 | -/S | N.E. B. New Guinea Nose Pin. shell | | 4-0 36242 | -/S | N.E. B. New Guinea Nose Pin. shell | | 4-0 36243 | -/S | N.E. B. New Guinea Nose Pin. shell | | 3-0 36244 | G/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Stone Axe-head large | | 5-0 36245 | G/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Stone Axe-head metal vein much worn | | 5-0 36246 | G/- | Brazil? Axe mt? in wood haft ?locality (Lavers) | | 10-10-0 36247 | G/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Stone Axe ?locality (Lavers) | | 36248 | G/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Stone Axe ?locality (Lavers) | | 36249 | G/- | N.E. B. New Guinea Stone Axe small ?locality (Lavers) | | 36250 | -/S | N.E. B. New Guinea Stone Axe small ?locality (Lavers) | | 36251 | -/S | N.E. B. New Guinea Stone Axe small ?locality (Lavers) | | 36252 | -/S | N.E. B. New Guinea Stone Axe small ?locality (Lavers) | | ################################################## EFwBJ ################################################## [tl1_text] 35 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36253 | -/S | N.E. B. New Guinea. Axe-head stone. small. Kikori. Okaravi | | 36254 | I/- | Samoa Club [[image]] | | 1-5-0 36255 | GY/- | New Ireland Club. [[image]] carved blade. | | 1-12-6 36256 | S/S | Assam "Rice Bird" Fire Devil. copper with wings. Darjeeling | | 1-1-0 36257 | T/- | Tibet Bell. | | 16-0 36258 | N/- | Afghan F.L. Gun. rough. } | | 10-0 36259 | GX/- | New Zealand Hani head only fine quality } Belonged to the Messr. H & B Godfrey. Fansett 111 St Georges Sq. | S51/30-8-16 | 1-10-0 36260 | GS/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. Teki lid } | | 36261 | IA/-/- | New Zealand Bowl. 2 figures on lid 3'1" x 1-3½ x 10½ } (3'0 x 11 x 10½ SW. Largent Man 1907 March) | | 97-10-0 36262 | G/GX/- | Fiji carved Staff. thin. 5'6" long } | | 2-10-0 36263 | Y/-/- | New Hebrides Adze. shell blade. mask on haft. ↑ Abryon # | | 36264 | N/A/- | New Hebrides Ceremonial Club. v. unusual. bird on top ↑ Abryon | 7-10-0 36265 | GY/- | New Hebrides Sago Beater [[image]] ↑ | | 1-12-6 36266 | GG/- | New Hebrides Sago Beater Collection of the Late Capt. E.G. Rason R.N. Commissioner of the N.H. 1902-8 ↑ | | 1-10-0 36267 | GX/- | New Hebrides Sago Beater ↑ | | 1-2-6 36268 | I/- | New Hebrides Sago Beater ↑ | | 16-0 36269 | N/- | New Hebrides Flute. bamboo decorated ↑ | | 18-6 36270 | N/- | New Hebrides Flute. bamboo decorated different form. ↑ | | 18-6 36271 | S/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] ↑ | | 18-6 36272 | A/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] ↑ | | 16-0 36273 | G/- | New Hebrides Club [[image]] ↑ | | 6-0 36274 | G/GX/- | New Hebrides Sago Dish. v. fine. ↑ | | 3-10-0 36275 | Y/-/- | New Hebrides Shell Adze. very massive & fine. ↑ | | 4-4-0 36276 | GT/- | New Hebrides Pillow? 3 carved pieces. ↓ | | - - - 36277 | M/- | New Hebrides Bone Spear-head. ↓ | | 36278 | S/- | Solomon Bamboo Scoup dec. frigate birds & inlaid shell. # ↓ | | 36279 | A/A/- | British Columbian Tobacco Pipe. wood inlaid shell. bird # ↓ | | 36280 | S/GT/- | Japan Go "Menukis & 2 Doll Screens. ↓ | W22/14-3-16 | 3-0-0 36281 | GX/S | Persia Gun Barrel. chiseled full length | | 1-10-0 36282 | G/GX/- | England F.L. Duelling Pistol MANTON. | | 36283 | GX/- | Denmark Bronze Celt } | B48/26-9-16 | 1-0-0 36284 | A/- | Denmark String Amber Beads } | B48/26-9-16 | 1-10-0 36285 | A/S | Denmark 1 large Amber Beads } | B48/26-9-16 | 2-6 36286 | Y/- | England XVIII Cent. 2 ivory Syringes found in Tooley St. | | 36287 | GA/- | England Forsythe D.B. P.C. Rifle & Gun. | | 36288 | GA/- | England Forsythe P.C. Rifle. large bore. | | 36289 | Y/GX/- | Harvey Ceremonial Serrated Spear. | | 6-0-0 36290 | Y/GX/- | Harvey Ceremonial Serrated Spear. | | 5-16-0 ################################################## EFwBM ################################################## [tl1_text] 35 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36291 | A/- | England Large F:L: for Cannon | | | 36292 | N/S | England Large F:L: for Cannon | | | 36293 | N/- | England Large F:L: for Cannon | | | 36294 | GA/-| England Large F:L: for Cannon | | | 36295 | M/-/- | England Pair of F.L. Horse Pistols H.A.C. 1759. | | | 36296 | M/-/- | England Case of FL. Duelling Pistols. | | | 36297 | M/-/- | England Case of FL. Duelling Pistols. | | | 36298 | Y/GT/- | Europe Large F.L. Wall Piece | | | 36299 | Y/GA/- | Europe Large F.L. Wall Piece | | | 36300 | GA/S | Europe Curious Wheel-lock, self cocking. defective. | | | 36301 | GX/- | Europe Devolving-pan Lock for both Flint & Percussion period 1825 | | | 36302 | GT/- | Europe FL Brass b. Pistol. CAIRNS & CO | | | 36303 | Y/GA/- | Europe Pair FL. brass b: Pistols. MEMORY. | | | 36304 | Y/-/- | Europe FL. gun-metal Pistol BUNNEY | | | 36305 | G/-/- | Europe FL brass Pistol MOORE | | | 36306 | T/- | Europe FL steel cannon barrel I SMITH. | E6/7-11-16 | 18-6 36307 | GY/- | Europe Pair P.C. d b. Revolving Pistol RIGBY. | | | 36308 | Y/- | Europe P.C. Pocket Pistol. CUTLER. | E6/27-5-16 | 4-0 36309 | Y/- | Europe P.C. Pocket Pistol. REEVES & GREAVES. | E6/27-5-16 | 3-6 36310 | Y/- | Europe P.C. Pocket Pistol. BAKER. | E6/27-5-16 | 3-6 36311 | GX/- | Europe Pair P.C. Travelling Pistols REILEY | | | 36312 | GX/- | Europe Pair P.C. [[Travelling Pistols?]] belt hook. | | | 36313 | GA/- | Europe Pair P.C. [[Travelling Pistols?]] W & I RIGBY. | | | 36314 | A/- | Europe FL Pistol RIGBY. | | | 36315 | I/- | Europe Horse Pistol 1775 France. | | | 36316 | T/- | Europe Horse Pistol 1814 France. | | | 36317 | T/- | Europe Horse Pistol 1813 France. | | | 36318 | A/- | Europe Horse Pistol Turkish | | | 36319 | A/- | Europe Horse Pistol curious brass sight. Spain? | | | 36320 | G/G/- | Europe Pair F.L. Oxfordshire Yeomanry. | | | 36321 | Y/S/- | Europe Pair F.L. Pistols with hinged pans. Greek | | | 36322 | S/S | Europe FL chiseled b. | | | 36323 | GY/- | Europe Horse Pistol 16th Light Dragoons. | | | 36324 | N/- | Europe Horse Pistol (Officers) WHEELER. | | | 36325 | GY/- | Europe Horse Pistol France | | | 36326 | G/A/- | Europe F.L. U & O. box lock. WILSON | | | 36327 | T/- | Europe Small Pistol. side lock. DUST | | | 36328 | T/- | Europe Pocket F.L. C. barrel. I. PRATT. | | | ################################################## EFwBP ################################################## [tl1_text] 36 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36329 | GY/- | Europe F.L. Pistol pale brass. FL. STANTON | | | 36330 | GX/- | Europe Naval FL Pistol KETLAND. | | | 36331 | GX/- | Europe Naval FL Pistol France | | | 36332 | T/S | Europe Pistol. fine gun metal barrel. con: to P.C. | | | 36333 | S/- | Europe Adam's Tranter Revolver in case. | | | 36334 | M/- | Europe Kerr's Revolver. P.C. | | | 36335 | GS/- | Europe Case of DB. P.C Pistols. (pair) COLLINS. | | | 36336 | N/- | Europe Case of one D.B. P.C Pistol plated. rifled b. English proof m. | | 36337 | GG/-/S | Europe 76: FL Revolving Pistol HOLLIS. | S40/10-8-16. | 21-0-0 36338 | GX/- | Europe F.L. Carbine Military Austria | | | 36339 | GT/S | Europe F.L. Carbine good finish German | | | 36340 | GT/S/- | America Patterson-Colt Revolver Gun. 1837 model | S40/10-8-16 | 32-10-0 36341 | C/GC/S | America Self loading Revolver Gun Inventor's model. | S40/10-8-16 | 28-0-0 36342 | N/GN/S | England Double Tube Detonator Gun in Case by JOHN MANTON. | | | 36343 | N/- | Tahiti Bow. one end damaged | | 1-5-0 36344 | GM/- | S.E. Africa Rhino Kerry. fluted ball. heavy. | | 2-2-0 36345 | T/- | S.E. Africa Rhino Kerry. fluted ball. light. | | 1-1-0 36346 | Y/GA/- | Saracenic Helmet with Arsenal mark [[image]] | S35/28-6-16 | 12-10-0 36347 | C/GT/- | Stevens Sale. Icelandic Jewellery. 2 Chinese vases. Charm | W22/14-3-16 | 14-3-0 36348 | Y/A/- | Tonga Club. 76 Figs, birds [[&c?]] x | | | 36349 | A/- | S.E. Africa Collar of beadwork | | 10-6 36350 | N/-/- | Europe Case of Duelling FL Pistols by Jos: MANTON. | | | 36351 | M/-/- | Europe Case of Brass B. Pistols with Bayonets WILKINSON. | | | 36352 | G/-/- | Europe Case of Small F.L. Pistols BOND | | | 36353 | GT/- | Europe Case of P.C. Duelling Pistols. PARKER. | | | 36354 | GA/- | Europe FL. Duelling Pistol E BOND | | | 36355 | GX/- | Europe FL. Military Pistol brass sight half way down barrel | | | 36356 | Y/-/- | Europe FL. B.B Pistol with bayonet. W. BOND | | | 36357 | T/S | Ancient Peru Basket of imbracated work Ancon V. | | 16-6 36358 | GX/- | China Ivory Dish. v. fine colour Quoted Mr Stone to [[?her]] March | S35/28-6-16 | 13-0 36359 | GI/- | Assam Shield [[image]] covd tufts red hair 59" x 20" Naga | S35/21-10-16 | 2-5-0 36360 | GI/- | Assam Shield [[image]] covd bear skin 63½ x 25½ Naga | | 1-15-0 36361 | S/- | Assam Spear. haft covd fine red & yellow grass work. Naga | S35/21-10-16 | 1-16-0 36362 | Y/- | Assam Spear. haft dec hair | S35/21-10-16 | 10-6 36363 | Y/- | Assam Spear. haft dec hair | | 10-6 36364 | Y/- | Assam Spear. haft dec hair | | 9-0 36365 | N/- | Assam Pair Leggings woven red & yellow grass work Worn by Buck's | | 1-2-6 36366 | /- | Assam One Legging | | 8-0 ################################################## EFwBS ################################################## [tl1_text] 36 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36367 | N/- | Assam War Head Ornament [[image]] hide loop for head Naga | | 1-8-0 36368 | N/- | Assam War Head Ornament [[image]] wood & hair. seeds missing | | 1-1-0 36369 | /- | Assam Large Hat [[image]] | | 10-0 36370 | /- | Assam Large Hat [[image]] | | 8-0 36371 | /- | New Hebrides Currency Mat v. fine specimen. | S50/20-3-16 | 12-6 36372 | Y/A/- | Europe F.L. Blunderbuss with bayonet rr in butt | | 36373 | G/GA/- | Europe F.L. Blunderbuss with bayonet rr in butt | | 36374 | G/GA/- | Europe F.L. Blunderbuss with bayonet rr in butt | | 36375 | G/A/- | Europe F.L. Blunderbuss no bayonet ringed barrel. | | 36376 | G/GY/- | Europe F.L. Blunderbuss no bayonet v. fine. heavy shot barrel | | 36377 | S/S | Europe Geo IV Police Staff. Arms & dated 1822. | | 1-1-0 36378 | S/- | Afghan Tinder Case. chain 2 Tweezers, Ear Pick &c iron & engd. brass. | | 12-6 36379 | N/S | Afghan Gourd Flask. silver mts. | | 9-0 36380 | T/S | Australia Shield unusually large. old. [[image]] Queensland. | | 1-1-0 36381 | GX/- | Europe. B.L. Rifle. sliding barrel, bolt underneath. | | 36382 | GX/- | Europe. FL. Duelling Pistol. JOHN MANTON. | | 36383 | A/GN/S | 4 Mexican Feather Pictures. 2 Quros, Chinese Jade & 2 Netsuke. | W22/16-6-16 | 6-9-6 36384 | Y/GA/- | Wesley Medal &c Chinese Armlets. | W22/16-6-16 | 3-10-0 36385 | G/GX/- | Pair Polished Hippo Tusks. | | 1-17-6 36386 | A/- | Japanese Dragon Festival [[?Chanfron]] | W22/16-6-16 | 7-0 36387 | M/M/- | England Case of the F.L. Duelling Pistols. WOGDEN. | | - - - 36388 | Y/- | Solomon Club. covd grass. [[image]] | | 12-0 36389 | GY/- | Solomon Club. [[image]] v. old. | | 1-8-0 36390 | M/- | Australia War Boomerang [[image]] | H37/30-6-16 | 14-0 36391 | M/- | Australia War Boomerang [[image]] | H37/30-6-16 | 9-6 36392 | Y/- | S. Africa Spear. Barotze. | | 4-0 36393 | I/- | England D.B. P.C Pistol | E6/30-12-16 | 18-6 36394 | GX/- | England F.L. Horse Pistol | | 36395 | I/- | E. Africa Club carved. [[image]] | | 1-2-6 36396 | G/-/- | Tonga Club long carved. Colld by Rev. Herbt. Brandt. | | 5-5-0 36397 | G/GA/- | Tonga Club lobe. v. fine Colld by Rev. Herbt. Brandt. | | 36398 | G/A/- | New Zealand Hani v. large Colld by Rev. Herbt. Brandt. | | 3-3-0 36399 | M/GA/- | New Zealand Wahaika v fine figure | | 12-10-0 36400 | M/- | A. Egypt Carved wood head. | | 7-6 36401 | GX/- | Korea Trident Spear. 18" Colld by Lt. H.G. Lowder Late Chinese Maritime Customs. | S35/21-10-16 | 1-15-0 36402 | G/GS/- | Korea Ancient Bronze Cannon. "Bamboo Knot Whip." 20¾" | S35/21-10-16 | 6-16-0 36403 | G/GS/- | Korea 3 b. Hand Cannon. 16¼" | | 2-10-0 36404 | N/- | Mandchu Bow. composite. v. massive. 156 lbs. pull. Shantung. | | 1-15-0 ################################################## EFwBV ################################################## [tl1_text] 37 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36405 | M/- | Mandchu Bow. 78 lb. pull. Shantung | | 1-1-0 36406 | M/- | Korea Small composite Bow. Seoul | | 1-6-0 36407 | M/- | Korea Small composite Bow. Seoul | | 1-2-6 36408 | G/- | Chinese Small composite Bow. | | 1-0-0 36409 | GG/- | Mandchu Cross Bow | | 2-10-0 36410 | G/- | Mandchu Cross Bow bow damaged | S35/21-10-16 | 1 36411 | GX/- | Mandchu Cross Bow (Magazine) with 7 bolts. modern. | | 1-10-0 36412 | GX/- | Mandchu Pair Brass Trumpets. telescopic 5 ft 3½" closed | | 1-18-0 36413 | GX/- | Korea Trooper's Helmet iron. gilt lozenge orn: 6 bls 4 oz. | S35/21-10-16 | 2-2-0 36414 | C/- | Korea Trooper's Helmet leather. silver inlaid iron mts. | | 2-2-0 36415 | GX/- | Korea Trooper's Helmet leather. silver inlaid iron mts. | S35/21-10-16 | 2-2-0 36416 | G/GX/- | Korea General's Helmet. gilt. fine. | S35/21-10-16 | 6-6-0 36417 | N/- | Korea Chain Flail 8 jointed 4'8" | | 18-0 36418 | M/- | Korea Chain Flail 4 jointed 2'6½" | | 14-0 36419 | M/- | Korea Chain Flail 2 jointed 2'0" | | 10-6 36420 | GS/- | Korea Execution Knife. hilt wrapped cane. v.f: 34" hilt 23½ blade. | | 2-10-0 36421 | GY/- | Korea Execution Knife. Sheath. 27½ blade. 21" hilt. | | 1-12-6 36422 | GT/- | Korea Pair Halbards, dragon mts. 25" blades. heads [[3'?]]. Full l. 85½ | | 3-18-0 36423 | GX/- | A. Chinese Saddle cloisonné enamel mts | S35/21-10-16 | 3-15-0 36424 | GX/- | Korea Cavalry Armour. leather scales. scales 3½ x 2¼" | S35/21-10-16 | 2-0-0 36425 | /- | Korea Banner. | S35/21-10-16 | 12-6 36426 | GX/- | Canada Quill Tray. Quoted to Mr Stone to [[?here]] June/16 | H28/12-9-16 | 1-1-0 36427 | GA/- | A Chili Bone Implement, [[Aryou?]] tribe. Chipana Bay. Mouth of R. Loa n:side. | H28/12-9-16 | 1-12-6 36428 | Y/-/- | Easter Island Figure | | 8-15-0 36429 | S/- | W. Africa Carved Rattle. Loanda? | | 16-0 36430 | S/GC/- | Grotto. Tobacco Boxes, Chinese Buckle. 2 Naga Knapsacks. 2 Hat. | W22/2-5-16 | 8-5-0 36431 | S/- | England XVIII Cent: Flute. silver Keys. | | 12-6 36432 | G/GX/- | England Carved Box. v. ancient | | 2-10-0 36433 | Y/- | Assam Spear. [[Tobocco?]] | | [[strikethrough]] 10-6 [[/strikethrough]] 15-0 36434 | Y/- | Assam Spear. [[Tobocco?]] | | [[strikethrough]] 10-6 [[/strikethrough]] 15-0 36435 | A/- | Assam Axe. [[image]] [[Tobocco?]] | | 16-0 36436 | A/- | Assam Axe. [[image]] [[Tobocco?]] | | 15-0 36437 | GY/- | Assam Belt. [[image]] [[Tobocco?]] | | 1-15-0 36438 | GY/- | Assam Belt. [[image]] [[Tobocco?]] | | 1-12-6 36439 | G/M/- | Assam Shield [[image]] [[Tobocco?]] | | 2-2-6 36440 | G/-/- | Assam Shield [[image]] [[Tobocco?]] | | 2-2-0 36441 | GX/- | Sikh Quoit with iron stick for throwing. | | 1-6-0 36442 | A/- | Indian Helmet. iron plate with part rivetted chain mail | | [[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 18-6 ################################################## EFwBY ################################################## [tl1_text] 37 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36443 | G/-/- | Circassian Powder Measure. inlaid silver. | | 2-2-0 36444 | GY/S | England. long slender F.L. Pistol. | | | 36445 | Y/GA/- | England. Case F.L. Pistols with bayonets. | | | 36446 | M/GA/- | England. 3 b: FL. Pistol | | | 36447 | G/-/- | England. 2 b. P.C Pistol with bayonet. | | | 36448 | M/- | Korea. Composite Bow. | | 1-2-6 36449 | M/- | Korea. Composite Bow. | | 1-2-6 36450 | M/- | Korea. Composite Bow. | S35/21-10-16 | 18-0 36451 | M/- | Korea. Composite Bow. | | 1-2-6 36452 | M/- | Korea. Composite Bow. | | 1-2-6 36453 | Y/N/N | Benin Ivory Staff/Top. Figure with bell Whisk Handle | | 4-4-0 36454 | S/-/- | England Case d:b. F.L. Pistols. LACY & Co. | | | 36455 | Y/-/- | England F.L. Cranked Gun Stock. BURESEH. | | | 36456 | G/GX/- | England F.L. Sporting Gun FISHENDEN. } | | | 36457 | Y/-/- | England F.L. Sporting Gun JOHN MANTON. } Belonged to the Duke of Devonshire | | | 36458 | Y/GX/- | Marquesan Paddle. v. broad blade. | | 9-9-0 36459 | GX/- | S.E. Africa Rhino Kerry. small. | W23/26-7-16 | 1-0-0 36460 | GX/- | Scotch Knife & Fork | | 1-2-6 36461 | C/- | S.E. Asia. Cleaver. Boomerang blade. [[Quoted?]] | | 1-8-0 36462 | S/- | S.E. Asia. Quiver & 4 Arrows. | S35/21-10-16 | 1-0-0 36463 | G/S | Australia Boomerang. [[image]] rare form | | 10-0 36464 | GX/- | E. Africa Pipe Bowl. v. large [[image]] | | 1-1-0 36465 | Y/A/- | New Zealand Cartridge Maker. | | 3-10-0 36466 | GA/- | Ireland F.L. Pocket Pistol | | | 36467 | GX/S | America Colt Revolver. | | | 36468 | Y/GA/- | Collection of Military Badges. sold | 1-10-0 | 3-15-0 36469 | A/- | Jewish Stand with box. copper silvered 10". Synagogue | | 10-0 36470 | M/- | S.W. Africa Bow. | | 8-0 36471 | S/- | N.W. Australia Churinga. very old. | | 1-8-0 36472 | N/- | N.W. Australia Churinga. | | 15-0 36473 | A/- | W. Africa Ivory Horn. small. very fine colour. | | 16-0 36474 | T/S | W. Africa Ivory Horn. | | 16-0 36475 | T/- | Japan. Mask Overdoor | | 8-6 36476 | M/- | Arab. Dagger. Jambiya. | | 1-1-0 36477 | Y/- | India Double Dagger 'Bich'hawa'. | | 10-0 36478 | G/- | India Dagger. | | 4-0 36479 | G/- | Africa 2 Bone Hair Pins. | | 4-0 36480 | G/A/- | Eskimo Narwhal Spear. | H28/12-9-16 | 8-10-0 ################################################## EFwC1 ################################################## [tl1_text] 38 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36481 | G/A/- | Eskimo Narwhal Spear. | [[written over original]] Hays [[written over original]] H28/12-9-16 |7-15-0 36482 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba. Namban pierced | | 8-0 36483 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba. iron inlaid brass. | | 6-0 36484 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba. basketwork. [[dawase?]] border | | 5-0 36485 | G/- | Japan Tsuba. basketwork. | | 5-6 36486 | G/- | Japan Tsuba. v old iron | | 5-0 36487 | A/- | A. Roman Fish-hook. copper| | 11-6 36488 | M/- | A. South India. Fragment Stone Sculpture. Lord Denman's Coll. | | 14-0 36489 | G/GA/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. v. fine | | 6-10-0 36490 | G/GA/- | England Case P.C. Pistols with extra barrels. | | | 36491 | G/GX/- | England Case P.C. Saw-handled Pistols | | | 36492 | G/-/- | England Pair F.L. Pistols. | | | 36493 | G/GT/G | England F.L. b.b.b Pistol with bayonet. | | | 36494 | Y/GX/- | Harvey Ceremonial Spear. Serrated | sold | -- | 36495 | Y/-/- | Harvey Ceremonial Spear. Serrated | sold | | 36496 | Y/-/- | England. Case F.L. Pistols. | | | 36497 | GA/- | S. Nigeria Idol. moveable arms. | sold | | 36498 | GA/- | S. Nigeria Idol. | sold | | 36499 | G/-/- | Harvey Scoup. | = | - - | 36500 | [[A/-/-?]] | N. America Sheath. |[[written over original]] Hays [[written over original]] H28/12-9-16 | 16-6 36501 | Y/- | England. Brass 'Capper' | | | 36502 | S/- | England. "Pepper-box" | | | 36503 | S/- | England. "Pepper-box" | | | 36504 | S/- | England. "Pepper-box" | | | 36505 | T/- | England. Small F.L. Pistol | | | 36506 | M/- | N.W. Australia 'Bull Roarer' carved. | | 1-1-0 36507 | M/- | N.W. Australia 'Bull Roarer' carved. [[image]] | | 1-1-0 36508 | M/- | Malay Kris. Embossed metal sheath. (Hilt No. 26798) | [[strikethrough]] 2-10-0 [[strikethrough]] 3-3-0 36509 | Y/- | Polynesia. Tappa from Owhye. brought by Vancouver in 1798 | | 1-1-0 36510 | G/Y/S | India Sword Stick | | 3-5-0 36511 | G/-/- | England Pair P.C. under-hammer Pistols | | | 36512 | Y/A/- | Nigeria Mask. remarkable form. [[image]] Exp. of 1902-4 } | | | 36513 | GX/- | Nigeria Witch-Doctor's Cap with horns. Exp. of 1902-4 } | | 11-11-0 36514 | G/-/- | Nigeria Idol Exp. of 1902-4 } | | | 36515 | I/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistol | | | 36516 | G/GX/- | Italy. Short Sword & sheath XVI Cent. Venetian | | 3-3-0 36517 | A/GX/- | Ceylon Sword. silver hilt jewelled, & silver sheath. brass blade. | [[written over original]] Sold [[written over original]] S35/21-10-16 | 12-10-0 36518 | A/- | A. Peru Whistle. pottery. | | 18-6 ################################################## EFwC4 ################################################## [tl1_text] 38 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36519 | GA/- | A. Peru Wood Ladle. [[?]]| | - - 36520 | S/- | Norway Runic Calendar. dedicated to Thor [[image]] | Sold | 3-3-0 36521 | GA/- | Japan Conch Shell Trumpet in Net bronze & silver mouth piece. | | 1-17-6 36522 | I/- | Java Ancient Stone Figure 14" high Ex: Gadelius Col: | | 3-3-0 36523 | M/- | China Rosary. pierced bone. silver filigreed enamel mts | | 15-0 36524 | G/GG/- | 3 Netsuke, Portrait [[&c?]] | W22/16-6-16 | 2-1-6 36525 | GA/- | W. Africa. Helmet with charms. [[strikethrough]] Darfur [[/strikethrough]] Bornu | | 4-4-0 36526 | GY/- | W. Africa. Pair iron "Spur" Greaves. [[Darfur or Bornu?]]. | | 3-15-0 36527 | Y/- | W. Africa. Spur. hide. [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 12-6 36528 | I/- | W. Africa. Chanfron brass. [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 2-7-6 36529 | -/S | W. Africa. Scrip [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 10-6 36530 | Y/- | W. Africa. Trumpet reed [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 1-1-0 36531 | /- | W. Africa. Club rough [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 6-0 36532 | G/- | W. Africa. Tobacco Pipe. brass [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 10-6 36533 | G/- | W. Africa. Quiver & 6 Arrows [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 12-6 36534 | G/- | W. Africa. Quiver & 5 Arrows [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 10-6 36535 | G/- | W. Africa. Quiver & 4 Arrows [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 10-6 36536 | G/- | W. Africa. Dagger with Arm Loop [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 16-0 36537 | G/- | W. Africa. Dagger Nupe type with tweezers [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 1-1-0 36538 | G/S | W. Africa. Dagger loop-hilt for pulling Bow String G Bassa type [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 12-6 36539 | G/S | W. Africa. Dagger loop-hilt for pulling Bow String (Muntshi) [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 12-6 36540 | G/S | W. Africa. Dagger loop-hilt for pulling Bow String [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 10-6 36541 | G/S | W. Africa. Dagger loop-hilt for pulling Bow String [[Darfur or Bornu?]]| | 10-6 36542 | G/S | W. Africa. Dagger loop-hilt for pulling Bow String [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 10-6 36543 | G/S | W. Africa. Dagger loop-hilt for pulling Bow String [[Darfur or Bornu?] | | 10-6 36544 | G/S | W. Africa. Dagger loop-hilt for pulling Bow String v. small blade [[image]] [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 10-6 36545 | GS/- | W. Africa. Charm Toucan Beak. [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 2-10-0 36546 | N/- | W. Africa. Pottery Head. [[Darfur or Bornu?]] | | 1-15-0 36547 | C/- | S. India "Jain" Bronze Figure | | 1-7-6 36548 | I/- | S. India "Jain"? Bronze "Cobra" Anklet | | 1-7-6 36549 | GI/- | S. India Teak Coni Cabinet | W22/16-6-16 | 1-5-0 36550 | A/- | Congo Carved Staff coloured with "Tukula" | | 2-2-0 36551 | M/- | W. Africa Sword & sheath Haussa | | 1-16-0 36552 | Y/- | W. Africa Sword & sheath Haussa | | 10-0 36553 | G/- | W. Africa Quiver of 14 Arrows Hanssa | | 1-6-0 36554 | G/- | S.E. Asia Hills Quiver of 3 Arrows Abor. | | 1-2-6 36555 | Y/- | S.E. Asia Hills Helmet. wicker Abor. | | 2-2-0 36556 | G/- | Persia Composite Bow. | | 1-5-0 ################################################## EFwC7 ################################################## [tl1_text] 39 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36557 | A/GC/- | Japanese Sword Mts. Netsuke. Combs &c. | W22/16-6-16 | 6-15-0 36558 | I/- | Japanese Mask Netsuke. Demon by MASAKAZU | | 16-0 36559 | A/- | Japanese Mask Netsuke. Okamé by GIOKUZAN | | 10-6 36560 | M/- | Japanese Mask Netsuke. Demon black. later | | 6-0 36561 | Y/-/- | Harvey Ceremonial Spear. bound haft. [[m?]] | | - - 36562 | G/T/S | Harvey Stave. [[m?]] | | - - - 36563 | GY/- | England F.L. U & O Pistol | | 36564 | A/S | England F.L. Powder Tinder Lighter. | | 2 36565 | GX/- | England Brass Eprouvet | | 1-1-0 36566 | Y/S | Eskimo 2 Netting Shuttles & Harpoon top. | H28/12-9-16 | 11-0 36567 | I/GX/- | New Zealand 'Toki' blade. | | 16-16-0 36568 | GA/- | New Zealand Small Carved Paddle. | | 2-15-0 36569 | A/- | S. America Gourd & Wood Object.[[image]] for sharpening darts. | | 17-6 36570 | G/-/- | Europe XVII Cent Halbard | | [[strikethrough]] 1-18-0 [[strikethrough]] 2-2-0 36571 | A/- | Europe Midshipman's Dirk ivory grip. W. GEORGE Plymth Dock. | | 1-1-0 36572 | A/- | Europe Pair P.C Pistols C.J. SMITH CITY. LONDON. | | | 36573 | M/- | Europe P.C. gun metal Pistol. mask butt. BRANDER. | | | 36574 | GG/- | India Dagger. Carved horse head horn hilt. | | 4-4-0 [[0?]] 36575 | Y/- | Burmah Knife. ivory hilt, silver mt | S53/14-10-16 | 9-6 36576 | T/- | Solomon Club. black. [[image]] | | 1-1-0 36577 | N/- | B. New Guinea Armlets dec cut pink currency. | | 1-1-0 36578 | N/- | B. New Guinea Armlets dec cut pink currency. | | 1-1-0 36579 | M/- | B. New Guinea Length cut pink shell Currency. | | 1-1-0 36580 | M/- | B. New Guinea Length cut pink shell Currency. | | 1-1-0 36581 | G/- | B. New Guinea Crescent Ornament. [[image]]. | | 6-0 36582 | T/- | B. New Guinea Canoe Bailer. Trobriand | | 1-15-0 36583 | G/- | B. New Guinea Lime Spatula Trobriand | | 7-0 36584 | G/- | B. New Guinea Lime Spatula Trobriand | | 6-0 36585 | G/- | B. New Guinea Lime Spatula Trobriand | | 5-0 36586 | M/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistol. WINTON/RHIMES silver inlay | | | 36587 | Y/S | England F.L. Pocket Pistol. BLAIR brass | | | 36588 | A/GT/- | Various Items | W | | 36589 | G/GY/- | Tonga Club finely carved all over | | 4-4-0 36590 | G/Y/- | Tahiti Adze. stone head | | 4-4-0 36591 | A/- | New Zealand Paddle. finely carved End broken. | | 1-16-0 36592 | M/- | New Caledonia 'Pick' Club. | | 1-7-6 36593 | G/- | Solomon Bow | | 10-6 36594 | /- | Congo Bow bamboo cord. | | 6-0 ################################################## EFwCa ################################################## [tl1_text] 39 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36595 | /- | Brazil 5 Arrows. iron heads | | 12-6 36596 | Y/- | Brazil Club Engraved | | 2-7-6 36597 | GN/- | England. Short Blunderbuss. | | | 36598 | M/- | Soudan Dagger. large | | 8-0 36599 | T/- | Turkey Knife; Kanjar. brass cov'd sheath. | | 18-6 36600 | Y/GX/- | Hawaii Adze. v. fine head. | | 6-6-0 36601 | A/- | Congo Quiver | | 8-6 36602 | Y/-/- | S. India Title Deed to land? Inscribed copper. | | 4-15-0 36603 | A/- | C. Australia 'Churinga' | | 1-15-0 36604 | G/GX/- | Europe Halbard Head. chiselled. Italian.| | 3-15-0 36605 | GY/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box. large | | 22-10-0 36606 | G/-/- | N. America Squaw's Coat | H28/12-9-16 | 13-10-0 36607 | G/-/- | N. America Man's Coat. | H28/12-9-16 | 4-16-0 36608 | A/- | N. America Pair Mocassins. | H28/12-9-16 | 1-6-0 36609 | A/- | N. America Fire Bag/ | H28/12-9-16 | 1-10-0 36610 | GX/- | A. India Stone Sculpture Fragments (12) Mashon Dih. Joharganj, Ashtabhuga. Mitzapur. Pratupa (Oudh) Pasin Hamirpur. | | 2-10-0 36611 | NCA/-/- | N. America. 2 'Pence" Treaty Belts. | H28/12-9-16 | 550-17-6 36612 | GA/- | Rotumah Club [[image]] | | 3-3-0 36613 | M/- | Victoria Club; "Leowel", | | 16-0 36614 | M/- | Victoria Club; "Leowel", | | 14-0 36615 | M/- | Victoria Club; "Leowel", small | | 12-0 36616 | S/- | Victoria Shield [[image]] | | 17-6 36617 | I/-/- | Europe. Pair. D.B. FL Pistols. S. EVANS | | | 36618 | Y/GX/- | Europe. Pair. F.L. silver mtd Pistols GRIFFIN. | | | 36619 | G/-/- | Europe. Pair. F.L. silver mtd Pistols TWIGG. | | | 36620 | G/-/- | Europe. Pair. F.L. silver mtd Pistols dated 1765. belt-hook Spanish. | | | 36621 | G/T/- | Europe. Iron Bow. Cord [[Wells?]] | | 3-3-0 36622 | Y/-/- | Europe. Blunderbuss with bayonet. BOND | | | 36623 | GX/- | Europe. Sword-Stick hilt inlaid shell. | | 1-7-6 36624 | Y/-/- | H k | | | 36625 | G/-/- | F k | | | 36626 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Paddle carved all over. | | 7-10-0 36627 | G/GX/- | New Zealand Staff. [["Powhenia"?]]. 2 masks. | | 6-6-0 36628 | GA/- | New Zealand Haui | | 1-8-0 36629 | /- | New Zealand Club. of horse's Jaw bone. | | 1-1-0 36630 | A/- | New Zealand War Belt | | 1- 36631 | /- | Fiji Belt Club. | | 7-6 36632 | GX/- | Fiji Club. rare type [[image]] | | 2-10-0 ################################################## EFwCd ################################################## [tl1_text] 40 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36633 | G/-/- | Samoa Club. carved all over. | | 2-2-0 36634 | Y/A/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. v. fine [[image]] | | 5-10-0 36635 | G/-/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. [[image]] | | 3-10-0 36636 | G/-/- | Tonga Club. carved all over. not so good. | | 2-15-0 36637 | G/-/- | Vancouver Bone Spear. K | | | 36638 | A/- | Vancouver Bow. fine old specimen. | | 1-16-0 36639 | /-/- | S. America Blow Gun with liner & dart (Whistling Arrow) 36639a 12/6. Brazil Blow Gun | | 18-6 36640 | /-/- | Arancania Whip. | | 5-0 36641 | G/-/- | Europe F.L. Pistol. flat butt Italy. | | 36642 | A/- | Tibet Broach [[image]] | | 18-6 36643 | GX/- | British Columbia Scoup. carved horn handle | | 1-16-0 36644 | GA/- | Java Knife. silver encased sheath & hilt. set one jargoon | 3-5-0 36645 | A/- | Zanzibar Double Musical Instrument. | | 18-6 36646 | Y/GX/- | New Hebrides Smothering Mask. double nose | | 7-10-0 36647 | GX/- | New Hebrides Woman's Ornament worn on back [[image]] | | 1-1-0 36648 | A/- | Masai Ear Plug. [[image]] | | 10-6 36649 | GY/S | New Zealand Hani | S51/30-8-16 | 1-10-0 36650 | GY/S | New Zealand Hani | | 1-10-0 36651 | GY/S | New Zealand Hani | | 1-7-6 36652 | G/-/- | New Zealand Hani with a mat. | | 2-7-6 36653 | G/-/- | New Zealand Hani small. carved blade. | | 3-3-0 36654 | GA/- | New Zealand Hani small. | | 1-10-0 36655 | GA/- | N. America Pipe Tomahawk. brass & steel head. | | 3-16-0 36656 | G/A/- | Korean Hat. copper lattice. black & gilt [[image]] | S35/21-10-16 | 5-15-0 36657 | GX/-/- | N. K | | | 36658 | G/-/- | New Zealand Jade Pendant. | | [[strikethrough]] 1-12-6 [[/strikethrough]] 2-2-0 36659 | G/-/- | Burmah Knife. carved & pierced ivory hilt (broken) sheath covd inlaid silver | } | 6-6-0 36660 | Y/GX/- | Burmah Set of 3 Tobacco Pipes. silver mtd | } | | 36661 | G/A/- | Malta. Knife. fine silver gilt filigree work | | 3-3-0 36662 | Y/-/- | India Dagger Blade. Sheath finely mtd with silver (Cost M/-/- Used with 35,956 Jade hilt.) | | 12-12-0 36663 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Hani. ex. large. [[image]] | | 6-0-0 36664 | G/-/- | New Zealand Paddle Club. | | 2-10-0 36665 | G/GA/- | Scotch? Powder Flask. | | 4-4-0 36666 | G/A/- | India Bronze Cannon. Tiger head at mouth Ivon bore Tippo Sahib | | 4-4-0 36667 | Y/- | W. Africa. Comb. carved wood finely carved. | | 18-6 36668 | S/- | A. Roman Bronze or Copper Fish hook found in Irish Lake. Loch Reval Co [[?Antron]] | | 12-6 36669 | M/- | Burmese Buddha. Alabaster. 9¼" high. | | 10-6 36670 | G/- | India Pavati with attendant deer. 10½" high Arms broken | | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwCg ################################################## [tl1_text] 40 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36671 | G/- | China Painted Composition Figure. movable head. 10-1/2" high | | 4-0 36672 | A/- | Japan 'No' Mask of carved bamboo | | 14-0 36673 | GS/- | Ceylon Figure 22" high painted | | 2-15-0 36674 | GG/- | Ceylon Figure 15" high painted } | | | 36675 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Cow. 23" yellow. } | | | 36676 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Cow. blue. horns cut. } | | | 36677 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Tiger?. yellow. } | | | 36678 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Pig? green. small. } | | | 36679 | N/- | Ceylon 1 Devil Mask Man. have lip & nose cut. yellow } | | | 36680 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Man. have lip & nose cut. blue } | | | 36681 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Man. large turban. eaten with ants. } | | | 36682 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Man. tall hat. [[image]] black. } | | | 36683 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Man. tall hat [[image]] yellow } Collection of 25 L18-15-0 | | | 36684 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Man. skull-cap. pink } | | | 36685 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Man. Turban. blue. } | | | 36686 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Man. Cap & Turban yellow. [[image]]} | | | 36687 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Man. Orn:frontal pink } | | | 36688 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Woman chrome yellow. } | | | 36689 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Woman larger. chrome yellow. duplicate } | | 1-1-0 36690 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Old Man. portrait? grinning, pink } | | | 36691 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask portrait? yellow. } | | | 36692 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask different type yellow } | | | 36693 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask same,smaller yellow duplicate } | | 1-1-0 36694 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask pink. } | | | 36695 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask pink Duplicate } | | 17-6 36696 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask pink. } | | | 36697 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Old Fat Man. pink. } | | | 36698 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Full face yellow. } | | | 36699 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask yellow. duplicate } | | 1-1-0 36700 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask yellow. duplicate } | | 18-6 36701 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Woman yellow. } | | | 36702 | N/- | Ceylon Devil Mask Old man. decayed teeth Green. } | | | 36703 | Y/- | Ceylon Model of Sword & Sheath. painted } | | | 36704 | Y/-/- | Double Rhino Horns on Shield. | | 5-0-0 36705 | N/- | Savage Isl: Club. yellow. [[image]] | | 1-15-0 36706 | M/- | Fiji Club gun stock.| | 15-0 36707 | G/- | B. New Guinea Paddle. carved end (damaged) Woodlark. S.E. Coast. | | 8-0 36708 | G/- | N. Australia Spear Thrower [[image]] | | 8-0 ################################################## EFwCj ################################################## [tl1_text] 41 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36709 | G/- | Victoria 'Weet-Weet' [[image]] | | 8-0 36710 | M/-/- | Filigree Jewellery, Coins. Necklet &c. | W | | 36711 | GS/- | Large Basket. Books &c | W | | 36712 | S/- | Africa Axe. v. fine studded head. Okavango R: Lower Angola | | 18-6 36713 | Y/S | S. Africa Axe Bechuana. | | 10-0 36714 | G/- | S. Africa Axe [[image]] Bechuana. | | 8-0 36715 | G/- | S. Africa Axe [[image]] Bechuana. | | 8-0 36716 | G/- | S. Africa Axe [[image]] Bechuana. | | 7-0 36717 | G/- | S. Africa Axe [[image]] Bechuana. | | 7-0 36718 | G/- | S. Africa Axe Agricultural. Bechuana. | | 6-0 36719 | G/S | S. Africa Axe Mashona. | | 7-0 36720 | G/- | S. Africa Spear. covd brass [[wire?]]. Mashona. | | 5-0 36721 | GS/- | B. Columbia Model Canoe. dec: with paddles. | | [[4-18-0?]] 36722 | M/- | Norwegian Brandy Bowl 1781. Runic characters on bottom [[image]] | | 1-2-6 36723 | T/- | B. Columbia Shale Pipe. | | 2-15-0 36724 | M/- | N. America Stone 'Crescent' Axe. [[image]] | | 18-6 36725 | -/S | A. Carib. Cast of Celt with figure. | | 5-0 36726 | G/- | Nepal "Kora", handle damaged. | | 18-6 36727 | /- | Borneo Axe-head. | | 3-0 36728 | -/S | A. Egypt Bronze Figure. "Osiris". | | 2-0 36729 | Y/- | Harvey? Fish Hook. | | 18-6 36730 | Y/-/- | N. Zealand Paddle. | | | 36731 | A/- | N. Zealand? Paddle. K | | | 36732 | A/- | Fiji Club. Pine Apple. | | 18-6 36733 | GX/- | Victoria Shield. | | 1-1-0 36734 | GA/- | Canada Model Canoe. Bark & quill. old. | 2-10-0 36735 | Y/- | S. Africa Assegai. | | 7-6 36736 | GX/- | England Spontoon. [[image]] | | 1-5-0 36737 | GI/- | England F.L. Saw-handled Pistol. brass barrel. | | | 36738 | G/G/- | America Colt Revolving Rife & mould. | | 4-4-0 36739 | I/-/- | New Zealand Feather Box | | 19-12-6 36740 | I/-/- | New Zealand Canoe Bailer | | 21-0-0 36741 | I/GS/- | Marquesas Club. | | 18-10-0 36742 | Y/A/- | England Pair F.L. Travelling Pistols in Case (Burnt) | | | 36743 | GS/- | England F.L. Pistol. ex. big butt. BOSTON. | | | 36744 | GY/S | England F.L. Pocket Pistol all brass. E. WEBB. | | 36745 | GX/S | England F.L. Pocket Pistol brass l.c BARNETT. | | 36746 | GA/- | Turkey. F.L. Blunderbuss inlaid barrel fine. | | 2-2-0 ################################################## EFwCm ################################################## [tl1_text] 41 [[stamped]]WEBSTER COLLECTION[[/stamped]] [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36747 | GA/- | Turkish F.L Short Blunderbuss. good. inlaid barrel | | 1-17-6 36748 | GY/- | Turkish F.L Short Blunderbuss. good. inlaid barrel | | 1-14-0 36749 | I/- | Turkish F.L (converted) Blunderbuss. inlaid barrel | | 1-1-0 36750 | I/- | Turkish F.L (converted) Blunderbuss. pistol butt. inlaid barrel | | 1-1-0 36751 | GY/- | Turkish F.L Pistol. silver mounts. pistol butt. inlaid barrel | | 2-15-0 36752 | N/S | Turkish F.L Pistol. base silver mounts. pistol butt. inlaid barrel | | 1-10-0 36753 | Y/- | Turkish F.L Gun. poor. | | 18-6 36754 | A/S | England Flute. silver keys. | | 10-6 36755 | GX/- | Tonga Club. [[image]] | 1-2-6 36756 | GX/- | North America. Pair hide Gloves. | | 1-12-6 36757 | Y/S | North America. Pouch. | | 14-6 36758 | M/A/- | Ceylon. Sword. large old. fine dragon hilt. | | 12-10-0 36759 | Y/-/- | Ceylon. Sword. silver hilt & sheath. | | 7-15-0 36760 | G/-/- | Borneo Sword. finely carved sheath. | | 3-15-0? 36761 | GA/- | Borneo Sword. [[image]] | | 2-15-0? 36762 | Y/A/- | Tibet Pair Copper Temple Vessels. 15" high. { [[Mas Larmour?]]. | | 6-6-0 36763 | G/-/- | Tibet Temple Vessel. copper, gilt plaque. { Malvernhurst. Woldingham. | | 2-7-6 36764 | G/-/- | Tibet Rose water Vessel. copper silvered & silver mts. | | 3-17-6 36765 | Y/Y/- | Japan. 6 Netsuke. Box covered with embossed ornaments. | | - - - 36766 | Y/- | Tonga Club. carved. cut down. | | 10-6 36767 | N/- | New Guinea Club. 'Emu Egg.' [[image]] | | 1-0-0 36768 | N/- | New Guinea Club. Flanged ball [[image]] Granite. | | 1-0-0 36769 | Y/- | N. Nigeria Drum. [[image]] } | | 1-1-0 36770 | Y/- | N. Nigeria Arm Drum & beater } Lt Strong. 2 Nigeria Reg: | | 1-5-0 36771 | Y/- | N. Nigeria Quiver & 26 iron arrows. } Expedn of 1902? | | 1-12-6 36772 | Y/- | N. Nigeria Quiver & 14 wood tipped Arrows. } | | 1-7-6 36773 | G/- | N. Nigeria Bow | | 10-6 36774 | G/- | N. Nigeria Bow | | 10-6 36775 | A/- | N. Nigeria Sword. [[image]] | | 2-15-0 36776 | Y/- | N. Nigeria Dagger. loop hilt. [[image]] | | 1-10-0 36777 | Y/- | N. Nigeria Tobacco Pipe iron. | | 10-6 36778 | A/- | N. Nigeria Tobacco Pipe brass, v. fine | | 1-16-0 36779 | N/- | N. Nigeria Medicine Man's Rattle. iron. [[image]] | | 17-6 36780 | M/- | N. Nigeria Medicine Man's Knee Crotals iron (3) | | 17-6 36781 | Y/- | N. Nigeria Medicine Man's Knee Crotals iron (3) not so fine. | | 12-6 36782 | G/S/- | Sundry Coins & Medals. | | - - - 36783 | G/S/- | N. Central Australia Pair Emu feather Shoes. | | 5-5-0 36784 | G/-/- | N. Central Australia Large stone Ceremonial Knife. | | 2-15-0 ################################################## EFwCp ################################################## [tl1_text] 42 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36785 | GX/S | Central Australia Stone Ceremonial Knife & sheath. | | 1-10-0 36786 | GX/- | Central Australia Stone Ceremonial Knife & sheath. | | 2-10-0 36787 | M/M/- | Europe Picture of Louis XVI & Document. | | - - - 36788 | G/GA/- | England FL. Blunderbuss with bayonet. | | | 36789 | N/- | England Pair P.C. Pistols. | | | 36790 | G/- | New Guinea Celt jade. | | 8-6 36791 | S/- | Australia Shield. Victoria | | 1-10-0 36792 | N/- | Australia Club. [[image]] N. South Wales. | | 17-6 36793 | S/- | Brit Guiana Club Engraved. much chipped. | | 1-5-0 36794 | Y/S | England Vet: Surgeon's Mallet | | 7-6 36795 | Y/S | England Vet: Surgeon's Mallet | | 6-0 36796 | N/- | India Sword. Stick? Handle. Tiger termination. | | 17-6 36797 | I/- | Eskimo Skin Coat. | | 18-6 36798 | G/A/- | England Matchlock XVI Cent: | | 3-3-0 36799 | GX/- | Hawaiian Bone Dagger. sting ray point (Spliced by European Sailor. | | 4-4-0 36800 | G/-/- | New Zealand Club. "Wahaika". | | 6-15-0 36801 | G/-/- | India. Spear. fine copper. gilt mounts. [[strikethrough]] Cutch. [[/strikethrough]] Kache | | 5-5-0 36802 | GX/- | India. Shield (unfinished) lac border & centre. v. finely transparent. 22" | | 3-17-6 36803 | G/-/- | England F.L. Duelling Pistol. | | | 36804 | A/- | England P.C. All steel Pistol. curious trgr. ring. | | | 36805 | M/-/- | England Pair F.L. Pistols. chiselled. JOINER. | | | 36806 | G/GI/- | England Pair F.L. Pistols pocket. silver mts. T. SMITH. WORCESTER. | | | 36807 | -/S | Nigeria Celt. [[Jos?]] Tin Mine Area | | 5-0 36808 | -/S | Nigeria Celt. [[Jos?]] Tin Mine Area | | 5-0 36809 | G/- | Nigeria Flute. bamboo. | | 5-0 36810 | G/-/- | Hawaii [["Leuwhoapoloa"?]] | | 10-10-0 36811 | A/-/- | Hawaii [["Leuwhoapoloa"?]]| | | 36812 | Y/-/- | Hawaii [["Leuwhoapoloa"?]] [[image]] | | | 36813 | GY/-/- | New Zealand Teki. 4¼" v. fine thick | | 18-15-0 36814 | A/- | China 'Joi' copper gilt. | | 14-0 36815 | A/- | China Stool | | 10-6 36816 | N/- | Confederate Notes &c | | 18-0 36817 | GI/- | Nigeria Pair Stirrups. brass. | | 2-12-6 36818 | G/-/- | Nigeria Brass Hat. See No. | | 2-12-6 36819 | Y/- | Nigeria Bridle | | 1-7-6 36820 | GX/- | Nigeria Armlet glass. imitation marble v. scarce | | 1-1-0 36821 | GS/- | Benin Beaver Hat presented to Nana Govm of Benin, in tin case. | [[O ? Cambridge?]] | 36822 | /- | Herero Woman's Charm of small tortoise shell dec: beads. | | ################################################## EFwCs ################################################## [tl1_text] 42 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36823 | /- | Herero Woman's Charm Box of tortoise shell. dec beads | | 7-6 36824 | /- | Herero Needle Case of reeds & 4 iron needles. | | 10-6 36825 | M/- | India Stone Cake Mould. foot print of Buddha. | | 10-6 36826 | Y/- | N. Australia Boomerang [[image]] Warramunga T. | | 10-6 36827 | Y/- | N. Australia Boomerang [[image]] Warramunga T. | | 9-6 36828 | G/- | N. Australia Boomerang [[image]] cracked Warramunga T. | | 5-0 36829 | G/GX/- | Benin Armlet. carved ivory top cut. v. fine. pierced. | M W 10/10/- | 12-10-0 36830 | G/GX/- | Benin Armlet. carved ivory perfect fine, not pierced. | | 10-10-0 36831 | GS/- | Scotch Broach. silver. Chisholm family. with letter. XVI Cent | 4/10/- | 5-5-0 36832 | G/-/- | Europe Wheel-lock off a gun. | | 2-17-6 36833 | G/- | English Midshipman's Dirk. 18th Cent. | | 10-0 36834 | G/- | English Powder Flask. horn & leather Jacobean. | | 10-6 36835 | Y/- | Marquesas Ear Plug. whale tooth, rough [[image]] | | 18-0 36836 | GS/- | Burmah? [[?Swork]]. horn hilt & wood sheath in form of a bird. | | 2-5-0 36837 | N/- | China Short Sword. white shagreen sheath. blade inlaid plugs mt? rough | | 10-6 36838 | GX/- | Japan Tanba. signed Saotome Iyesada large. overlaid crest. | | 1-1-0 36839 | GY/- | Japan Tanba. v. large "Oni" head. gilt eyes. | | 1-2-6 36840 | N/- | Japan Tanba. old iron lac. designs & signature. | | 11-6 36841 | A/- | Japan Tanba. iron finely damascened with gold dragons. | | 14-0 36842 | N/- | Japan Tanba. iron finely damascened with grape vine. | | 9-0 36843 | N/- | Japan Tanba. cast white metal. enamel | | 12-6 36844 | GX/- | Japan Tanba. copper, gilt rim. Fox. Lantern & Moon. fine. | | 1-1-0 36845 | A/- | Japan Tanba. pierced brass signed. | | 12-6 36846 | Y/- | Japan Tanba. pierced brass signed. | | 4-0 36847 | M/GG/S | Marquesas Paddle Club. | | 9-15-0 36848 | G/G/- | N. America Bow & Arrows. | | 2-10-0 36849 | GY/- | N. America Pipe inlaid lead. spiral stem. bowl fractured. | | 2-2-0 36850 | M/- | N. America Comb [[image]] Old Calabar?? | | 1-5-0 36851 | N/- GX/- } | Java Kris. hilt of fine drill carved ivory. Blade 32856. | | 6-6-0 36852 | GT/S | Caucasus, Dagger. fine silver mills. | | 2-2-0 36853 | Y/-/- | Ceylon Dagger. v. fine. silver mtd. sheath. | | 5-15-0 36854 | G/A/- | India Dagger. Katar. chiselled blade | | 2-15-0 [[strikethrough]]7-6[[/strikethrough]] 36855 | Y/GX/- | India Sword. Persian blade copper gilt hilt & sheath. Said to have been presented to Clive. Kach | | 12-12-0 36856 | A/- G/GI/- | Java Kris. v. fine blade. inlaid gold. (Hilt No 17265) | | 10-10-0 36857 | GA/- | Java Kris. small woman's silver sheath. | | 1-10-0 36858 | GA/- | Java Kris. Embossed metal sheath. | | 2-2-0 36859 | G/-/- | India Dagger. watered blade. pierced mts pocket s. m. sheath Sind | | 2-18-6 36860 | G/G/- | India 14 Arrows. shaft bound sinew. | | 3-18-0 ################################################## EFwCv ################################################## [tl1_text] 43 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36861 | N/- | New South Wales Fishing Boomerang. [[image]] | | 1-5-0 36862 | N/- | New South Wales Leowel-Boomerang. [[image]] | | 1-5-0 36863 | Y/ | New South Wales Lil-Lil-Boomerang. [[image]] | | 7-6 36864 | G/GX/- | England Cross Bow. original cord. HARCOURT. IPSWICH. | | 3-12-6 36865 | Y/GA/- | England F.L. Gun. JOSEPH MANTON. | | 8-15-0 36866 | GA/- | England Blunderbuss with bayonet. (converted) | | --- | 36867 | GY/- | Japan. Netsuke. round. ivory carved & pierced. v. fine colour. | | 1-12-6 36868 | N/GX/- | China. Prehistoric Bronze Halbard-head | | 8-8-0 36869 | Y/-/- | China. Prehistoric Bronze Celt. | | 3-3-0 36870 | N/-/- | Italy. Prehistoric Bronze Spear-head. v.fine. 13-1/4 quoted Ball L 6-6-0 | | 7-10-0 36871 | GX/-/- | New Zealand. Flute. K | | --- | 36872 | GX/-/- | New Zealand. Paddle. finely carved blade.| | [[10-10-0?]] 36873 | GX/-/- | New Zealand. Figure v. finely carved face | | 27-10-0 36874 | GX/-/- | New Zealand. Figure 2 below | | 32-10-0 36875 | I/S | America 'Pepper Box' Revolver. | | 3-3-0 36876 | A/GX/- | America F.L. Rifle. HARPER'S FERRY. 1803 | | 16-16-0 36877 | GX/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistol, brass lock chamber. silver mask. | | | 36878 | Y/- | N.New Guinea. Carved Charm. Astrolobe Bay. | | 8-0 36879 | A/- | Eskimo Ivory Harpoon head. no point. [[image]] | | 8-0 36880 | T/S | British Columbia Scoup. inlaid shell. | | 17-6 36881 | T/S | Arctic N. America Pair Ear Ornaments. ivory hooks. | | 1-1-0 36882 | GT/S | India Divan Dagger & sheath. | | 1-10-0 36883 | S/- | Java Kingfisher Kris-hilt. of carved wood. | | --- | 36884 | GY/- | Persia Composite Bow. fine perfect specimen. | | 1-8-0 36885 | G/- | Pelew Scoup of tortoise shell. (Korror) | | 6-6 36886 | GY/S | Austria Guild Axe of wood. silver mts | | 1-7-6 36887 | I/S | Masai Spear. head 25 x 4-5/8". palm wood haft. | | 1-7-6 36888 | T/S | Persia Shamsher blade. | | --- | 36889 | GY/S | British Columbia Shale Pipe fractured. | | 3-3-0 36890 | M/GA/- | England Case of FL Duelling Pistols. WOGDEN. | | | 36891 | N/GX/- | England Case of FL Duelling Pistols. PATRICK | | | 36892 | G/GX/- | England Case of P.C. Travelling Pistols. MANTON. (JOHN) | | | 36893 | Y/A/- | England S.M. FL Pistol. brass barrel. EVANS | | | 36894 | G/-/- | England Large Pepper Box. 5/8" bore BAKER. | | | 36895 | T/S | England Pocket Pistol. cannon b. WINFIELD | | | 36896 | A/- | England Pocket Pistol. LANE | | | 36897 | A/- | England Pocket Pistol. WHEELER | | | 36898 | A/- | England Pocket Pistol. RYAN & WATSON | | | ################################################## EFwCy ################################################## [tl1_text] 43 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36899 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol [[?]] WILBRAHAM | | | 36900 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol BATE | | | 36901 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol GEO JONES. | | | 36902 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol JNO JONES. | | | 36903 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol flint t. | | | 36904 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol flint t. | | | 36905 | GY/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol A pair. flint t. HARCOURT. | | | 36906 | GY/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol A pair. t-g W. BRADNEY. | | | 36907 | GY/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol A pair. t-g GRIFFIN. | | | 36908 | GY/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol A pair. t-g W. I.JOHNSTON | | | 36909 | I/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol single flush t. BARWICK. new from order | | | 36910 | I/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol single flush t. HUNT. | | | 36911 | S/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol single flush t. BUSBY. | | | 36912 | S/S | England FL. Pocket Pistol single flush t. T.BAILEY | | | 36913 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol t.g. LONDON | | | 36914 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol t.g. BRASHER. | | | 36915 | A/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol t.g. GREEN. | | | 36916 | N/- | England FL. Pocket Pistol t.g. BISSEL | | | 36917 | N/- | Turkey. stone mouth piece mount. inlaid gold. | | 8-0 36918 | G/A/- | Eskimo Snow-Knife. ivory | | 2-18-0 36919 | G/GA/- | W. Australia Stone for sharpening weapons. MARDA. Lake Way. | | 4-10-0 36920 | M/S | W. Australia Shield. v. good specimen | | 1-1-0 36921 | -/S | W. Australia Club. | | 4-0 36922 | M/S | W. Australia Spear Thrower carved | | 18-6 36923 | Y/S | W. Australia Spear Thrower carved not so fine | | 10-6 36924 | Y/- | W. Australia Spear Thrower plain | | 5-6 36925 | GY/- | W. Africa Sacrificial Stand or Lamp. 9 bowls & spoons. brass. Bornu. | | 3-3-0 36926 | T/- | W. Africa Ivory Horn. silver mt? | | 1-1-0 36927 | A/- | W. Africa Ivory Horn. silver mt? smaller. | | 14-0 36928 | C/- | W. Africa Robe. Tobe. White (Guinea-hen Tobe) fine embroidered crest. | | 3-3-0 36929 | C/- | W. Africa Robe. Tobe. striped blue, white embroidery | | 3-7-6 36930 | T/- | W. Africa Robe. Tobe. striped blue, white embroidery smaller | | 2-0-0 36931 | T/- | W. Africa Robe. Tobe. dark ruby, green embroidery | | 1-15-0 36932 | GS/- | Mendi Steatite Figure (body broken) Pointed head dress, curious Ear Orn | | 2-2-0 36933 | Y/GN/S | Japanese Books, Screen, Views of London & Pompei. | w | | 36934 | G/GY/S | Dalmatia Marriage Belt. set carnelian. ex: fine. | | 3-3-0 36935 | G/A/- | American Colt Revolving Rifle. pitted. | | | 36936| A/- | England 'Witch Globe' silk balls inside | | | ################################################## EFwCB ################################################## [tl1_text] 44 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36937 | Y/S | England Witch Globe. silvered. Fen District | S. | - - - 36938 | Y/-/- | New Zealand 3 Whale tooth Cloak Pins. | | 4-0-0 36939 | G/GY/S | Ancient Irish Bronze Celt. dec: | | 6-6-0 36940 | Y/GX/- | England Case F.L. Duelling Pistols | | | 36941 | Y/GX/- | England Pair Silver Mtd FL. Pistols. one stock broken. | | | 36942 | C/C/- | Scotland FL. Pistol. heart-shaped butt. v. early. | | | 36943 | G/A/- | Europe Hangar. | | 2-16-0 36944 | M/GX/- | Europe Sword. | | 6-17-6 36945 | S/-/- | Europe Halbard. | | 12-12-0 36946 | GN/-/- | Europe Burgonet. Milan | | 27-10-0 36947 | Y/-/- | Europe Pair Arm Guards } | | | 36948 | G/A/- | Europe Pair Knee Guards & a Cabasset } | | 12-10-0 36949 | G/GX/- | Europe Gorget. } | | | 36950 | A/-/- | Europe 2 Gauntlets. | | 11-11-0 36951 | {| Europe Breast & Back Plate } | | | 36952 | NX/-/- {| Europe Breast & Back Plate } | | 66-0-0 36953 | {| Europe Breast & Back Plate } | | | 36954 | A/-/- | France D.B. F.L. Blunderbuss. | | | 36955 | A/-/- | Siam Lac: Shield. 27" dia. | | 14-14-0 36956 | I/- | Nepal Dagger; "Jamdhar Katari", [[image]] | | [[strikethrough]] 1-18-0 [[/strikethrough]] 2-7-6 36957 | GY/- | England Large 'Pepper Box' | | | 36958 | Y/GY/S | England Pair FL. Duelling Pistols. | | | 36959 | M/M/- | New Zealand Bone Club. | | 6-6-0 36960 | M/-/- | Europe Case. P.C Repeating Rifle. | | | 36961 | I/- | India [[Akalie?]] Sikh Steel Turban Ornament. | | 12-6 36962 | GA/- | Tibet Brass Holy water Vessel Mask. Bhotan border. | | 1-1-0 36963 | -/S | England. Brass Chas: I Medallion Case. | | 2-6 36964 | G/Y/- | Siam Priest's Book. illustrated | | 3-3-0 36965 | GY/- | W. Africa. Joss. [[image]] Opobo R: | | 2-2-0 36966 | GY/- | W. Africa. Head. [[Abseocuts?]] | | 2-12-6 36967 | G/C/- | Chili Copper Anvil. 23½ lbs. 2/15/- | | 3-15-0 36968 | GI/- | Chili? Large Pair Blankets. 9 ft x 4'2" | | 6-6 36969 | G/-/- | 3 lots Japanese Prints. | | | 36970 | Y/N/- | 2 lots Tinsel Pictures &c (10) | | | 36971 | Y/S/- | England Case Duelling Pistols FL. BENNETT. | | | 36972 | Y/- | N.A. Small Pouch lined with bark. dec: quill. | | 12-6 36973 | Y/- | N.A. Beadwork Garter. | | 1-1-0 36974 | G/S | N.A. Bark dec quill Needle Case | | 5-0 ################################################## EFwCE ################################################## [tl1_text] 44 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 36975 | /- | S. Africa. 5 Bangles. | | 3-0 36976 | /- | S. Africa. Snuff Box of horn & Gourd Rattle dec beads. | | 2-0 36977 | /- | S. Africa. 2 Snuff box for car & Bead Collar. | | 5-0 36978 | Y/- | India 2 Stone Ear Weights, 2 wristlets in leather Bag. | | 8-6 36979 | -/S | Solomon 2 Engraved Turbo Shell Armlets. | | 5-0 36980 | GG/- | Persia Dagger. watered blade, ivory hilt, silver mtd sheath. | | 2-5-0 [[strikethrough]]1-10-0[[/strikethrough]] 36981 | S/- | Nepal Kukri., quill dec: sheath. iron side knife | | 18-6 36982 | /- | Burmah, small Dhar & Sheath | | 4-0 36983 | T/- | Burmah Spear. massive mount of iron | | 1-2-6 36984 | T/- | Burmah Spear. massive mount of brass | | 1-5-0 36985 | T/- | Burmah Spear. massive mount of brass | | 1-5-0 36986 | T/- | Burmah Spear. massive mount iron damsd silver | | 1-12-6 36987 | /- | Samoa Tappa. dec. large piece. | | 6-0 36988 | G/Y/- | Burmah. Dha Hilt. Carved ivory | | 2-5-0 36989 | M/A/- | Ambreyen? Carved Canoe Prow. | | 12-10-0 36990 | A/- | Eskimo 6 ivory carvings. | | 8-0 36991 | S/S/- | Turkey. Yataghan. heavy silver sheath & hilt. inlaid gold blade. | | 14-14-0 36992 | Y/GS/- | England Case F.L. Duelling Pistols. H.W. MORTIMER. | | 36993 | -/GX | New Zealand Pipe modern | | 2-6 36994 | MG/-/- | New Zealand Pipe modern n s | | [[strikethrough]]3-0[[/strikethrough]] 36995 | GA/- | E. Africa Chief's Pipe. carved bowl. ex: large. | | 1-7-6 36996 | Y/Y/- | India Shield. very fine lac work. | | 5-15-0 36997 | G/G/- | India Dagger hollow hilt [[image]] | | 2-2-0 36998 | G/-/- | China. Bronze Vase. | | 36999 | YA/-/- | England F.L. Repeating Self Priming Gun. | | 37000 | A/-/- | England F.L. 4 barrel Revolving Gun. 5" barrel | | 8- - 37001 | S/-/- | India Tulwar. chiselled blade. damasceened gold. | | 12-12-0 37002 | G/A/- | India Dagger Bich "hawa" guarded hilt. transverse grip. | | 2-15-0 37003 | GX/- | India Combined Pistol Pike-head. | | 2-0-0 37004 | N/- | Carib Greenstone Celt. Guatelmala | | 16-6 37005 | GS/GX/- | N. Zealand Figure v. fine make Taken from the Pah of HONR HEKY by Cap "Francis" Velocity. 1845. | | 35-0-0 37006 | GA/- | N. Zealand Pair Carved Paddles. | | 2-10-0 37007 | M/- | N. Zealand Tewhatewa plain. | | 1-1-0 37008 | Y/GX/- | Mangaia Adze. good head | | 5-5-0 37009 | GX/- | New Caledonia Club. bird head. perfect. | | 2-2-0 37010 | T/- | Solomon Club. black [[image]] Sold | | 14-0 37011 | G/- | Santa Cruz Club. | | 4-0 37012 | G/- | Santa Cruz Club. | | 4-0 ################################################## EFwCH ################################################## [tl1_text] 45 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37013 | Y/- | Gilbert Island Sword. shark's teeth [[image]] | | 12-6 37014 | -/S | W. Australia Spear Thrower | | 5-0 37015 | -/S | W. Australia Spear Thrower | | 4-0 37016 | Y/S | Prehistoric Arrow-head from Lakenheath. | Dr. Fisher | -- | 37017 | G/S/- | N. America Quill Collar.| | 4-15-0 37018 | GX/- | Tonga Club. | sold | | 37019 | A/- | Samoa Club serrated. late. | | 1-0-0 37020 | GS/- | Fiji Club straight. carved all over. v. fine | | 6-6-0 37021 | Y/-/- | Queensland Axe, bent wood haft. | | 4-4-0 37022 | Y/-/- | Tahiti Adze head. v. fine & perfect. 14-1/2 (See No. 33566 L3-3-0 | 4/10/- | 4-15-0 37023 | A/-/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa. v. small. [[brass?]] | | 12-10-0 37024 | GA/- | Eskimo Ivory Necklet. ivory toggles [[?]] | | 1-16-0 37025 | GX/S | England Midshipman's Dirk & sheath. | | 12-6 37026 | GA/- | F.L. Carbine | | | 37027 | G/GY/- | England F.L. D.B. Gun. | | | 37028 | GG/S | Single Gun. | | | 37029 | GC/M/S | Tibet Lots. (Stevens) | w | | 37030 | GX/- | Burmah Lama's Belt. woven inscriptions } | | 1-18-6 37031 | I/- | Burmah M.S.S. Book. boards well ornamented. } | | [[strikethrough]] 16-6 [[strikethrough]] 37032 | Y/A/- | Marquesas Club. | | --- | 37033 | GT/- | Stevens Lots | w | | 37034 | C/- | New Zealand Haui. | | 1-12-6 37035 | C/- | New Zealand Haui. | | 1-7-6 37036 | G/GX/- | S. India Matchlock Gun. silver mounted. | | [[strikethrough]] 3-16-0 [[strikethrough]] 4-4-0 37037 | G/G/- | Ceylon 2 Knives in one sheath. ivory hilts | | 2-18-6 37038 | I/- | France F.L. Pistol with bayonet. | | | 37039 | C/- | France F.L. Military Pistol | | | 37040 | A/GY/- | Stevens Lots. | | | 37041 | GA/- | Scraper of turtle bone. | | | 37042 | C/-/- | Marquesas Club | | 18-18-0 37043 | Y/- | Tonga Club. partly carved. curious figures. | | 6-10-0 37044 | GA/- | New Zealand Bunch of 3 Cloak Pins one shell 2 ivory | | 2-7-6 37045 | G/-/- | Solomon Belt of fine cut shell. | | 4-10-0 37046 | A/- | S. Africa Witch Doctor's Necklet. 2 Rhino horn pieces. Swazi. | | 1-1-0 37047 | /- | Eskimo? Necklet. beat and sinew. | | 1-1-0 37048 | GT/- | Persia Shamsher hilt of copper gilt See blade 35916 | | 8-15-0 37049 | GT/- | India Cartouch Belt & 3 pouches,silver mts. studded gilt nail head | | 1-15-0 37050 | G/N/- | British Columbian Bowl. carved sides. /- | | | ################################################## EFwCK ################################################## [tl1_text] 45 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37051 | G/GX/- | Fiji Shell Trumpet. /- | | | 37052 | GY/S | Fiji Kava Bowl. small. | | 1-8-0 37053 | T/S | Fiji Head Rest. | | 16-0 37054 | GN/- | Fiji Cannibal Fork. | | 1-18-0 37055 | G/A/- | Norway. Tinder Box inscription 1761. | S | 1-16-0 37056 | T/- | S. Africa. Snuff Box Comb of horn. Swazi. | | 18-6 37057 | { | N. America War Apron. Montana } | | | 37058 | { | N. America Pipe Case or Fire Bag. } | | | 37059 | { | N. America Fan. } | | | 37060 | N/GX/- {| N. America Pair Mocassins. } | | | 37061 | { | N. America Knife Sheath. } | | | 37062 | { | N. America Knife Sheath. Sitting Bull. } | | | 37063 | { | N. America Small Pouch. } | | | 37064 | { | Canada Quill Box } | | | 37065 | GN/- | Eskimo Skin Coat. | | | 37066 | GY/S | N. America Charm. Moose Jaw Montana. | | | 37067 | GS/-/- | Eskimo Collection. Quartermaster Spring 1850. - | | | 37068 | A/- | Tahiti Neck Ornament. /- | | | 37069 | G/GA/- | Florida Isl: Ceremonial Club. inlaid shell. | | 3-3-0 37070 | GA/- | Gaboon Helmet of beadwork | | 2-10-0 37071 | GA/- | Gaboon Helmet of beadwork | | 2-10-0 37072 | A/- | Gaboon Cleaver. [[image]] | | 10-0 37073 | A/- | Gaboon Knife & sheath. [[image]] | | 14-0 37074 | Y/S | Gaboon Knife no sheath. | | 8-0 37075 | Y/S | Gaboon Knife no sheath. | | 7-0 37076 | GX/- | Tibet Hat. gilt lac. [[image]] | s | 1-6-0 37077 | MX/-/- | N.Z. Feather Box. /- | | | 37078 | G/I/- | S. India Ayda Kath Holder & Belt. heavy silver mounts & Ayda Kath 25889 | | 6-6-0 37079 | S/- | England Pair 'Police' Pistols F.L. UNION STREET. POLICE OFFICE | | 8-0 37080 | Y/S | England Midshipman's Dirk | | 14-0 37081 | I/- | Bhotan Sword. silver mounts. | | 3-3-0 37082 | Y/S | Bhotan Sword. iron inlaid pommel. | | 1-1-0 37083 | G/GX/- | Artic America Skin Coat. Trousers & Harpoon Ungava. | | | 37084 | M/GX/- | N. Zealand Bone Meri. | | 6-15-0 37085 | Y/GX/- | Fiji Carved Paddle Club. v. fine [[image]] | | 6-6-0 37086 | GX/- | New Britain Sling. | | 1-1-0 37087 | A/GT/- | Lots | | | 37088 | [[GX/-?]] | Mangaia Adze Haft.| | 1-1-0 ################################################## EFwCN ################################################## [tl1_text] 46 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37089 | M/- | Borneo Tube. dec. bamboo. | | 7-6 37090 | N/- | Canada 2 Birch-bark quill dec. Book & Case. | | | 37091 | /- | Canada C. Box. | | | 37092 | M/- | New Zealand Fish Hook. lined halaita shell. | | 10-0 37093 | G/A/- | England Blunderbuss. spring bayonet | | | 37094 | C/-/- | England Double Naval Brass Gun. | S. | | 37095 | M/GX/- | England FL. Pistol Sword | | | 37096 | M/GX/- | England FL Hunting Sword | | | 37097 | M/GX/- | England FL Hunting Sword saw back. | | | 37098 | N/GX/- | England Case Duelling Pistols. D. EGG. | | | 37099 | M/GX/- | England Case Superimposed. | | | 37100 | N/Y/- | Japan Collection of Side-Knife Hilts 48 & Tsuba. 7 | | 9-9-0 37101 | NY/-/- | England Solareth, with spur. belonged to Edward, Prince of Wales. Wrexham 1876 | | 55-0-0 37102 | M/GX/- | N Zealand Onewa. | | 4-4-0 37103 | GA/- | N Zealand Ear Pendant. jade. | | 1-15-0 37104 | G/-/- | Fiji Chief's Necklet of cut whale teeth. very fine. | | 3-15-0 37105 | GA/- | Fiji Chief's Necklet of cut whale teeth. very fine. | | 3-0-0 37106 | GA/- | Fiji Chief's Necklet of cut whale teeth. very fine. | | 2-5-0 37107 | GX/- | Fiji Chief's Necklet of cut whale teeth. small. | | 1-10-0 37108 | G/-/- | England F.L. Take down Gun with extending stock. | | | 37109 | Y/S | England P.C Travelling Pistol with belt hook | | | 37110 | A/- | England Duelling Pistol Case. | | | 37111 | GX/- | England Rapier. blade broad at base. | | | 37112 | GX/- | England Rapier. fine chiselled gilt hilt. blade b. | | | 37113 | GX/- | Tibet Powder Flask. horn silver & bone mtd | | 2-2-0 37114 | GA/- | England Pepper Box in case. Earl of Oxford crest. WILKINSON. | | | 37115 | I/- | England Stay Busk Whale Baleen Engraved. | | 18-6 37116 | T/S | Australia Shield Victoria | | 1 37117 | YC/-/- | H. 1- | | --- 37118 | M/GY/- | England Pair Blunderbuss Pistols with bayonets. | | | 37119 | Y/A/- | England Pair Travelling Pistols v. large bore. in case | | | 37120 | G/A/- | England Pair very small Pistols in case | | | 37121 | GX/- | Persia Dagger. watered blade. Fine carved ivory hilt (35645) | | 4-17-6 37122 | G/GX/- | Ceylon. Sword. copper dragon hilt | | 4-17-6 37123 | G/-/- | Ashanti Bronze Vessel & cover. | | 3-15-0 37124 | G/N/- | S. India Sword. silver plated hilt [[image]] | | 3-3-0 37125 | G/M/- | N. India Knife. pearl hilt. silver & enamel mtd sheath | | | 37126 | GX/- | Philippine Sword. 2 bronze bells on guard. sheath [[Tlanan?]] | | 2-12-6 ################################################## EFwCQ ################################################## [tl1_text] 46 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37127 | T/- | Borneo Parang Ilang. Sheath. v. heavy. Dyak. | | 1-1-0 37128 | G/- | China Set Chop Sticks in carved case. | | 4-0 37129 | G/- | India Sword. incurved inlaid silver animals. late. | | 15-0 37130 | T/S | England Set Horse Brasses | | 1-1-0 37131 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Onewa. black | | | 37132 | S/- | Australia Shield | | | 37133 | N/- | Australia Shield | | | 37134 | N/- | Australia Shield | | | 37135 | A/- | Europe Knife & Fork reversible. horn. pewter mt. XVII Cent. | | 10-6 37136 | N/N/- | Europe Pair Gauntlets. 3 fingers missing. | | 6-10-0 37137 | S/- | Europe Beater [[image]] | | | 37138 | GN/GX/- | New Zealand Meri. Jade. 12¾ x 3½ | | [[strikethrough]] 32-10-0 [[/strikethrough]] 43-0-0 37139 | G/- | Japan Tsuba small inlaid silver | | 4-6 37140 | G/S | England Brass Horse Harness Charm | | 2-6 37141 | S/- | A. Egypt Bronze Seal. | | 7-6 37142 | N/-/- | Turko-Persian Sabre. fine silver mounts. | | 6-18-0 37143 | Y/Y/- | England Pair silver mtd Pistols | | | 37144 | S/-/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa. whale bone } | x | 18-10-0 37145 | GX/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa. wood. } | | 1-8-0 37146 | GX/- | New Zealand Tewhatewa. wood. } | | 1-10-0 37147 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Bone Meri } | | 6-15-0 37148 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Bone handled short Axe, Patiti } Taken at Te Ranga 21 June 1864. See London Illustrated News 24 Sep 1864 | x | 5-5-0 37149 | A/- | New Zealand rough wood long Axe } | | | 37150 | A/- | New Zealand Spear. } | | 2-2-0 37151 | A/- | New Zealand Spear. } | | 1-15-0 37152 | A/- | New Zealand Spear. } | | 1-1-0 37153 | S/- | Eskimo Bone or Ivory Tube. H | | 1-5-0 37154 | Y/- | Eskimo Harpoon-head | | 10-6 37155 | GX/- | England Pepper-box Pistol new. | | | 37156 | T/S | England P.C. Pocket Pistol with bayonet. | | | 37157 | Y/GI/- | Stevens Lots | W | | 37158 | M/I/- | Stevens Lots | W | | 37159 | A/-/- | Stevens Lots | W | | 37160 | GX/- | Benin JuJu Tusk | | 5-5-0 37161 | Y/GY/- | Borneo 'Currency' Gong Embossed lizards. Brunei. | | 7-10-0 37162 | GA/- | Japan Matchlock Pistol. | | 2-2-0 37163 | S/- | India Trumpet of shell, brass mouth piece | | 18-6 37164 | S/- | India Trumpet of shell, brass mouth piece | | 17-6 ################################################## EFwCT ################################################## [tl1_text] 47 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37165 | Y/GX/- | Belgium. Knife Revolver. | | | 37166 | G/GX/- | America. 'Colt' Revolver presentation. | | | 37167 | G/-/- | England. Revolver carved ivory grip. | | | 37168 | Y/Y/- | Brazil Club. Etched. bird design | | 3-18-0 37169 | YA/-/- | New Zealand Overdoor 50 x 16-1/2 | | 52-10-0 37170 | A/-/- | New Zealand Figure. | | 16-16-0 37171 | GS/GX/- | India F.L. Blunderbuss made for Hayda Ali | | 32-10-0 37172 | M/- | Java Sleeve Thumb Knife. | | 10-0 37173 | Y/- | Java Sleeve Thumb Knife. small, sheath. | | 7-0 37174 | GX/-? | Fiji Pottery Vessel. | | 18-6 37175 | GX/- | Japan Box. ivory. carved figure lid | | 18-6 37176 | N/- | Java Spear. silver mount | | 1-7-6 37177 | {| Assam Shield. front dec: red hair Naga | | | 37178 | {| Assam Shield. front cov'd Bear Skin. feather pendants Naga | | | 37179 | A/-/- {| Assam Set. Head, Breast & Pair Ear ornaments Naga | | | 37180 | {| Assam Set. Head, Breast & Pair Ear ornaments Naga | | | 37181 | {| Breast Ornament. Circular. | | 1-2-6 37182 | | Wristlet of bear-skin. | | 8-0 37183 | A/-/- | New Zealand Teki. | | [[strikethrough]] 13-13-0 [[strikethrough]] 17-10-0 37184 | G/GS/- | Japan. 22 Side-knife Handles. (Kozuka. | | 2-18-6 37185 | GN/- | Book. Japanese Arms & Armour. | | 1-6-0 37186 | Y/- | Book. Demmins Arms & Armour. | | 6-0 37187 | Y/- | Book. Boutells Arms & Armour. | | 4-6 37188 | GA/- | Africa Zither. large bamboo. | | 1-12-6 37189 | G/S | England Pair small Pocket Pistols | | | 37190 | N/- | Haussa Priest's Spell Board | | 1-2-6 37191 | I/- | Old Calabar Idol. small.| | 16-6 37192 | N/- | Sierra Leone 15 [[Tnigon?]] Agate Beads | | 1-12-6 37193 | N/- | Sierra Leone 15 [[Tnigon?]] Agate Beads | | 1-12-6 37194 | N/-/- | Japan Pair iron Chiselled Vases. | | 6-15-0 37195 | GX/- | Japan Bronze Rule Chiselled Vases. | | 1-5-0 37196 | GA/- | Japan Wood Panel. | | 2-2-0 37197 | T/S | Japan Sword Guard. 'Tsuba'. 'Shakudo' signed. | | 17-6 37198 | T/S | Japan Sword Guard. 'Tsuba'. 'Shakudo' signed. black & gilt | | 17-6 37199 | S/- | Japan Sword Guard. 'Tsuba'. 'Shakudo' not [[?]] back & gilt. | | 12-6 37200 | A/- | Japan Sword Guard. 'Tsuba'. Iron Bell. | | 10-6 37201 | A/- | Japan Sword Guard. 'Tsuba'. iron encrusted. gilt & copper Kaylin [[?]]. | | 9-6 37202 | GI/I/- | New Zealand Carving. See above | | --- | ################################################## EFwCW ################################################## [tl1_text] 47 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37203 | G/I/- | Stevens Lots. | | 37204 | G/Y/S | Europe Hanger or Hunting Sword Sheath & shoulder belt | | 2-10-0 37205 | G/GX/- | British Columbia Pair Paddles. dec. | | 4-12-6 37206 | G/-/- | N. America Club. ball end. | | 7-15-0 37207 | T/S | Tonga Head Rest. | | 2-5-0 37208 | T/S | Mendi Fetish (Miuserch) Female. painted black. | | 1-5-0 37209 | Y/GX/- | England D.B. Revolving F.L. Pistol KETLAND. | | 37210 | T/-/- | England Case FL. Pistols MANTON. | | 37211 | Y/-/- | India Shield. steel. gold damasceened. 10½" dia. silver ring at back. old. pierced border. | | 4-7-6 37212 | M/-/- | India Arm Guard. v. fine work. | | 4-18-6 37213 | GX/- | India Bullet Extractor. silver handle. brass. Convg. | | 1-2-6 37214 | G/-/- | India Katar. chiselled blade. watered. sheath (modern) | | 3-17-6 37215 | GA/- | India Katar. divided blade. gold dam hilt. | | 2-7-6 37216 | GA/- | India Katar. divided blade. gold dam hilt. | | 2-12-0 37217 | G/GX/- | India Sword. straight blade. v. fine hilt older. plated. | | 3-15-0 37218 | G/GX/- | India Sword. Tulwar, short broad blade. raised design silver g: hilt. | | 2-10-0 37219 | G/GA/- | India Sword. Tulwar, v. fine watered blade [[(Kaw)]] gold inlaid hilt. sheath. | | 3-3-0 37220 | G/GA/- | India Sword. semi Persian type Sheath. | | 4-16-0 37221 | Y/-/- | India State Axe. brass & iron Travancore. | | 5-17-6 37222 | GX/- | Fiji Club straight. large carved all over light wood. | | 1-12-6 37223 | G/-/- | Tonga Club partly carved, warrior. | | 2-2-0 37224 | A/A/- | Java Kris. solid gold sheath mounts weight 203 18d wts | | 37225 | GX/- | Java Kris. notch in blade. silver mount Sheath. | | 37226 | N/- | Java Kris. undulating blade. silver & white nutal mt. sheath. | | 37227 | Y/- | Java Kris. undulating blade. brass mounts. Sheath. | | 37228 | G/S | Java Knife. black wood bird-head hilt. | | 37229 | G/- | Java Knife. wood hilt & sheath. [[image]] | | 37230 | G/G/- | Java Spear. gold mount. 18d wt 2 gar | | 37231 | G/- | Java Spear. copper mount. | | 37232 | G/- | Java Spear. copper mount. | | 37233 | G/- | Java Spear. copper mount. | | 37234 | G/- | Java Spear. iron mount. | | 37235 | G/- | Java Spear. iron mount. | | 37236 | GA/- | N. America Colour Pouch. beaded. | | 1-2-6 37237 | GX/- | Tonga Fish-hook. bone & shell. | | 2-15-0 37238 | GX/- | Liberia. Ceremonial Spear [[image]] | | 1-5-0 37239 | M/-/- | European War Axe. [[image]] | | 4-15-0 37240 | M/-/- | Gothic Globular Tilting Breast plate, main plate genuine Thropston Manor Northampton | | 7-15-0 ################################################## EFwCZ ################################################## [tl1_text] 48 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37241 | G/-/- | England Pair F.L. Travelling Pistols | | 37242 | G/-/- | Fiji Tattooing Implement. | | 1-12-6 37243 | A/- | Fiji Needle of a sting-ray barb. | | 15-0 37244 | Y/S | Fiji Needle of a sting-ray barb. not so fine. | | 10-6 37245 | GA/- | Fiji Cannibal Fork. | | 2-0-0 37246 | GA/- | Fiji Cannibal Fork. | | 2-10-0 37247 | G/-/- | Fiji Cannibal Fork. five prongs. | | 2-7-6 37248 | GY/S | Fiji Cannibal Fork. | | 1-10-0 37249 | GX/- | Fiji Cannibal Fork. light wood rough. | | 1-0-0 37250 | GX/- | Fiji C.N. Scoup with fibre handle. | | 18-6 37251 | G/-/- | Fiji Oil Dish crescent shaped | | 2-2-0 37252 | G/-/- | Fiji Chief's Necklet. whole whale teeth. | | 4-4-0 37253 | G/A/- | Fiji Chief's Necklet. cut stumpy teeth | | 3-10-0 37254 | GM/- | Fiji Chief's Necklet. cut stumpy teeth small. | | 1-1-0 37255 | G/- | Fiji Needle. sting ray. | | 10-6 37256 | G/- | Fiji Needle. sting ray. | | 8-0 37257 | GX/- | Fiji Currency Tooth. extremely large | | 1-12-6 37258 | GX/- | Fiji Wood Implement. 1. | | 37259 | GX/- | Java Kris. very curious watering. | | 1-12-6 37260 | GA/- | India Sword for Child. silver gilt hilt. [[image]] | | 1-12-6 37261 | S/- | India Sword Brass hilt of curious form. | | - - - 37262 | G/-/- | England Air Gun. | | 2-1-0 37263 | G/S | N. America Pipe. [[image]] stone. | | 15-0 37264 | G/S | Ashanti Pipe brass. | | 10-0 37265 | S/- | Fiji Shell Whistle used by children. | | 12-6 37266 | S/- | Fiji Shell Whistle used by children. | | 10-0 37267 | M/- | Fiji Shell Whistle used by children. | | 8-0 37268 | GS/- | Benin Ivory Figure. Virgin & Child copy of Portuge | | 10-10-0 [[strikethrough]]5-5-0[[/strikethrough]] 37269 | C/-/- | Java Kris. gold cased sheath & mount 1½ ozs. (36883 King Fisher Hilt) | | 37270 | Y/-/- | Fiji Cannibal Fork. carved. | | 3-15-0 37271 | GX/-/- | Europe 2 Swords ex: the Morgan Grandville (Breadlebarn) Colln one Lot 55 | | 37272 | N/GA/- | Europe Elizabethian Movion v. fine | | 6-15-0 37273 | T/S | Nigeria Shield circular hide dia 40" Col E.C. Weston | | 3-5-0 37274 | GX/GX/- | India Cost of plate & chain Mail silver plaques &c Oudh. | | 42-10-0 37275 | GA/GX/- | N Zealand Feather Box. | | 37276 | GS/GX/- | N Zealand F. | | 37277 | MX/-/- | N.A. Chief's Eagle feather Head dress. Got from Washington State Museum 30 years ago Otis T. Mason. Cheyenne | | 55-0-0 37278 | M/M/- | N. Caledonia Axe-head of jade. exceedingly large 8½ x 5¾ | | 6-15-0 ################################################## EFwD2 ################################################## [tl1_text] 48 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37279 | M/- | [[strikethrough]]Queendland[[/strikethrough]] New South Wales Stone Axe Local | | 15-0 37280 | M/-/- | N. America Bear-Claw Necklet. | | 5-5-0 [[strikethrough]]4-15-0[[/strikethrough]] 37281 | G/M/- | Bhotan Dagger. fine pierced silver. set turquoise. | | 5-5-0 37282 | M/- | Japan, Pair modern Satsuma Vases & covers | | 10-6 37283 | Y/GY/- | Stevens Lots. 9-36-90. | | - 37284 | Y/GX/S | Stevens Lots. 10-20-230 | | - - - 37285 | A/- | Japan 5 modern Mashe. chipped. | | 8-6 37286 | G/I/- | Stevens Lots 6 & 11. | | - 37287 | YS/S/- | Chinese Bronze Currency Drum. See No 33522. | | 62-10-0 37288 | GS/- | Stevens Lot 41. | | - 37289 | G/GY/S | Steven Lot 342. | | 37290 | G/S/- | England Case F.L. Carriage Pistols WOGDEN. | | 37291 | C/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistol WALLIS. | | 37292 | S/- | England F.L. Pocket Pistol R. WHITEHOURSE. | | 37293 | M/- | Soudan. Arm Knife. silver mtd. | | 37294 | S/- | Fiji Trumpet or Whistle of shell | | 37295 | GA/- | Fiji Mountaineers shoe. green. [[image]] | | 37296 | N/- | Fiji Trumpet or Whistle of shell. | | 37297 | G/-/- | Fiji Chief's Necklet whale teeth. | | 37298 | G/-/- | Arab Cartouch Case silver mtd. | | 2-10-0 37299 | G/GX/- | Afghan Knife. Salawar Yataghan. gold dec. watered blade. | | 4-12-6 [[strikethrough]]4-7-6[[/strikethrough]] 37300 | G/GX/- | Afghan Matchlock Gun. | | 37301 | A/- | Congo Bronze Currency Armlet. engvd v. heavy. | | 37302 | A/- | Eskimo Bone Tool [[image]] | | 18-6 37303 | M/-/- | England Case F.L. Travelling Pistols WILSON. | | 37304 | G/GX/- | England D.B. U & O Pistol with bayonet at side. SOUTHALL. | | 37305 | G/A/- | India Helmet. plate & rivetted mail | | 5-15-0 37306 | G/T/S | England Blass Wool Weight. | | 37307 | GX/- | England Glass Ironer. | | 37308 | G/G/- | England Rifle. 2 triggers. | | 37309 | S/-/- | India 6 chambered Matchlock | | 12-12-0 37310 | G/GX/- | India Matchlock painted. | | 3-7-6 37311 | G/-/- | India Tulwar gold inlaid hilt. Earl of Mexboro. | | 3-16-0 37312 | Y/GA/- | India Shield. steel dec gold gold design Ex. Earl of Mexboro 15" | | 7-12-6 37313 | Y/GA/- | India Shield. steel dec gold studs gold border Ex. Earl of Mexboro 16½ | | 6-10-0 37314 | G/GX/- | India F.L. Pistol brass stock. | | 2-15-0 37315 | S/- | England 5 Nut Cracks. | | 37316 | N/- | England Bone Dier Box Glencairn. Scotland. | | ################################################## EFwD5 ################################################## [tl1_text] 49 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37317 | A/- | Scotland. Police Staff. Midlothian | | 37318 | /- | Scotland. Pair Tiger Claw Charms. | | 37319 | M/GS/- | N. America 8 pieces, Fire Bag. 1-0 Belt. £1 Long Pocket. £1 Mocassins, £1 Sheath, £1 Case &c | | 6-6-0 37320 | S/- | Tibet Dorge | | 1-1-0 37321 | T/- | Burmah Dha. base silver hilt. | | 18-0 37322 | I/- | Abyssinia Sickle Sword. "Shotel". | | 17-6 37323 | I/- | Congo Sickle Sword. Azendeh. | | 1-2-6 37324 | GX/- | India Dagger. "Katar". v. thick heavy blade | | 2-10-0 37325 | G/-/- | India Tulwar. inlaid hilt tiger stripe. fluted back | | 3-17-6 37326 | GA/- | India Tulwar inlaid hilt. | | 2-8-6 37327 | G/GX/- | India Dagger; "Peshkabz" v. fine blade. pearl hilt | | 3-7-6 37328 | Y/A/- | India Dagger; "Peshkabz" crystal hilt | | 4-16-0 37329 | G/GA/- | India Dagger; "Kt ivory "lotus" hilt, cracked | | 5-12-6 37330 | GX/- | India Dagger; watered blade | | 1-5-0 37331 | GX/- | Java Bell-hook, brass & black lac hilt. | | 1-18-0 37332 | S/- | N. America Ration Ticket Pouch | | 12-6 37333 | GA/- | Eskimo Seal Club. whale bone. | | 3-15-0 37334 | G/-/- | Tahiti Tappa Beater | | 37335 | G/A/- | Northern New Guinea Head Rest masks. | | 37336 | I/- | Northern New Guinea Head Rest plain. very old. | | 37337 | GX/- | Northern New Guinea Armlet. tortoise shell. carved | | 18-6 37338 | S/- | West Africa c.n. shell Currency. Sierra Leone. | | 37339 | G/-/- | British New Guinea Mask Torres Isl. | | 37340 | S/- | British New Guinea Club. Torres Isl. | | 37341 | S/S | Vancouver Scoup painted. | | 1-8-6 37342 | GY/S | Ceylon Knife. massive. ivory hilt. Kandy. | | 1-12-6 37343 | MX/-/- | Burmah "Buddha". black marble. From Thibu Palau. 24" x 18" | | 37344 | G/A/- | Burmah Ceremonial Hair Belt | | 37345 | S/- | N. Nigeria Charm. Bell, horn & 3 iron clappers. | | 37346 | N/- | N. Nigeria Tweezers. Pair in leather case. | | 37347 | GX/- | N. America Knife Sheath Iroquois. | | 18-6 37348 | GX/- | N. America Knife Sheath (with 5663 & 23183) Chocktaw | | 2-2-0 37349 | A/- | N. America Ration Ticket Case Chocktaw | | 14-0 37350 | GX/GX/- | Benin Doulble ivory Armlet. | | 20-0-0 37351 | G/GX/- | Benin Ivory Spoon. | | 3-15-0 37352 | GX/- | Bundle Sanwan Fans. | | 37353 | S/GA/- | Tibet Shrine (clay) Large Jap Box Carved Hornbill beak. | | 37354 | GX/- | Japan Silver Coins. | | ################################################## EFwD8 ################################################## [tl1_text] 49 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37355 | GS/- | England 7 pairs Snuffers | W | 37356 | GY/- | America. Engraving. Penn's treaty with Indians | | 2-2-0 37357 | Y/S/- | Japan 3 Iuros. Game Box & Book. | W | 37358 | C/- | England Plug Bayonet. Jacobian | | 18-6 37359 | Y/A/- | India Matchlock. fine inlaid barrel. stock damaged | | 5-5-0 37360 | G/A/- | Afghan Matchlock. deep stock. Sold | | 2-10-0 37361 | GS/- | India Sword. silvered tiger head. hilt. imitation watering | | 1-15-0 37362 | S/- | India Sword. Tulwar. black steel blade. | | 18-0 37363 | S/- | India Sword. Tulwar. watered blade. | | 1-1-0 37364 | S/- | India Sword. Tulwar. watered blade. | | 37365 | S/- | India Sword. straight blade. | | 37366 | G/Y/- | Russia Ikon. | W | 37367 | M/S | Somali Shield decorated at back | | 15-0 37368 | M/S | Somali Shield | | 12-0 [[strikethrough]]7-6[[/strikethrough]] 37369 | GX/- | Siam Shield. wood & sinew covd hide? small silver bosses. 17½. | | 2-15-0 37370 | GT/- | New Zealand Iron trade Meri. painted green. Ex: Jymonach. | | 2-10-0 37371 | G/- | New Hebrides Club. [[image]] poor. | | 37372 | N/- | Australia Parrying Shield [[image]] Victoria. | | 1-1-0 37373 | -/S | Australia Club. Victoria. | | 37374 | -/M | Australia Club. New South Wales | | 5-0 37375 | -/M | Australia Club. New South Wales | | 5-0 37376 | N/- | Tibet Wine Flask black horn brass mounts. | | 2-10-0 37377 | -/S | W. Africa Axe. Angola. | | 6-0 37378 | -/S | S.W. Africa Working Axe. | | 5-0 37379 | GA/S | Eskimo Harpoon Arrow with float. | | 1-18-6 37380 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. Ex. Woodlark | | 37381 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. Collection of the Late Woodlark | | 37382 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. William Lockhart. F.R.G.S. Woodlark | | 6-0 37383 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. China & Blackheath Woodlark | | 37384 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. Woodlark | | 37385 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. Woodlark | | 37386 | Y/- | New Guinea Axe-head. diodorite. Woodlark | | 37387 | G/- | New Guinea Axe-head. black stone. Woodlark | | 37388 | G/- | New Guinea Axe-head. black stone. Woodlark | | 37389 | G/- | New Guinea Axe-head. black stone. Woodlark | | 37390 | G/- | New Guinea Axe-head. in wood holder. | | 37391 | M/- | Samoa Axe-head. ? | | 18-6 37392 | Y/- | Samoa Axe-head. smaller. | | 17-6 ################################################## EFwDb ################################################## [tl1_text] 50 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37393 | Y/- | Samoa. Axe-head (William Lockhart Collection Contd) | | 16-0 37394 | G/- | Samoa. Axe-head small. end broken. [[image]] | | 10-6 37395 | Y/- | Manihiki Shell Celt. Ex. William Wyatt Gill. | | 12-6 37396 | Y/- | Raratonga Smoothing Adze. | | 12-6 37397 | I/- | Tahiti Adze-head. | 35/- | 1-15-0 37398 | GY/- | Harvey Adze-head. very large. | | 37399 | I/- | Harvey Adze-head. v. perfect. | | 37400 | I/- | Harvey Adze-head. large. | | 1-12-6 37401 | I/- | Harvey Adze-head. large. | | 37402 | S/- | Harvey Adze-head. large. worn. with history. W. Wyatt Gill. | | 37403 | A/- | Harvey Adze-head. very chipped. | | 37404 | A/- | Harvey Adze-head. very perfect. small. | | 37405 | A/- | Harvey Adze-head. very small. | | 37406 | GX/- | New Caledonia Jade Axe-head. large poor colour. | | 1-8-6 37407 | GX/- | New Caledonia Jade Axe-head. small pale. | | 1-10-6 37408 | GX/- | New Caledonia Jade Axe-head. good colour. large. | | 1-18-0 37409 | A/- | New Caledonia Jade Axe-head. good colour small | | 1-8-0 37410 | N/- | New Caledonia Jade Axe-head. pale. badly chipped | | 18-0 37411 | M/- | New Caledonia Jade Axe-head. poor colour. | | 10-0 37412 | G/- | N. America. Grooved Axe-head. [[image]] | | 10-0 37413 | M/- | Samoa? Throwing Stone or Sinker of stalagmite? Mauikika. | | 37414 | M/- | Samoa? Throwing Stone or Sinker | | 37415 | N/- | New Guinea Star Club. 6 points Riga | | 37416 | M/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula carved. Engineer Gulf | | 37417 | M/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula carved. South Cape. | | 37418 | M/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula carved. East Cape. | | 37419 | M/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula carved. Brooker Sound | | 37420 | M/- | New Guinea Lime Spatula carved. Bertha Lagoon. | | 37421 | G/G/- | New Guinea Phallic Charm. human Arm bone & stone in tappa | | 3-3-0 37422 | G/- | Savage Island Paddle Club. defective. | | 8-0 37423 | A/- | Savage Island Curious Paddle [[image]] | | 1-15-0 37424 | N/-/- | Raratonga Club. / | | 37425 | GS/- | Raratonga Paddle / | | 37426 | I/-/- | Marquesas "Kava" Bowl / | | 37427 | M/GA/- | Raratonga Adze. carved end. / | | 37428 | N/N/- | Raratonga Adze. Turret type v. fine | | 8-8-0 37429 | I/GY/- | New Caledonia Chiefs Jade Axe "Nbonet" 17/10/- Item | | 18-10-0 37430 | GA/- | New Zealand Feather Box. 2 figs on lid / | | ################################################## EFwDe ################################################## [tl1_text] 50 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37431 | GN/- | Raratonga Fan. | | 37432 | G/- | China Plane. | | 5-0 37433 | /- | China 2 Note Books. | | 1-0 37434 | M/- | Burmah "Pali" Book on palm leaves. | | 12-6 37435 | C/-/- | England Pair silver mts. (1797) brass barreled Pistol. S. BRUNN | | 37436 | G/A/- | England Pocket Pistol (1797) S. BRUNN | | 37437 | GN/- | England Pocket Pistol GOLDWORTHY. TAUNTON. | | 37438 | | England Pepper Box | | 37439 | | Pepper Box | | 37440 | | Pepper Box | | 37441 | | Pepper Box | | 37442 | | Pepper Box | | 37443 | | Pepper Box | | 37444 | | Pepper Box | | 37445 | | Pepper Box | | 37446 | | Pepper Box | | 37447 | Y/GX/- | India Parrying Shield. very large & fine. | | 6-6-0 37448 | S/- | England FL. Sporting Gun | | 1-5-0 37449 | S/- | England FL. Sporting Gun | | 1-0-0 37450 | A/- | Russia FL. Army Rifle. 1832-3 | | 16-0 37451 | M/- | [[?]] FL. Army Rifle. 1820 | | 12-6 37452 | M/- | French FL. Army Rifle. | | 12-6 37453 | M/- | French FL. Army Carbine. | | 18-0 37454 | M/M/S | Solomon Club. finely inlaid shell. | | 5-15-0 37455 | A/- | N. American Indian F.L. Gun. E.I.C. 1800. BARNETT. | | 6-6-0 37456 | G/T/- | Stevens Lots. | W. | 37457 | GT/S | Benin Sceptre. bird. in two pieces. | | 3-15-0 37458 | G/-/- | Benin Sceptre. bird. perfect. | | 5-5-0 37459 | A/- | Benin Sceptre. bird only handles missing | | 2-7-6 37460 | A/- | Benin Sceptre. bird only handles missing | | 1-5-0 37461 | GS/- | B. Columbia Shale Pipe. fractured. large. | | 2-2-0 37462 | GG/- | B. Columbia Shale Pipe. small perfect. end clipped. | | 2-2-0 37463 | GG/- | B. Columbia Shale Pipe. small perfect. end clipped. | | 1-15-0 37464 | Y/S | B. Columbia Shale Pipe. modern defective. | | 10-0 37465 | Y/S | B. Columbia Shale Pipe. modern defective. | | 7-6 37466 | G/-/- | N. America Stone Pipe head | | 3-3-0 37467 | GX/- | Tibet Powder Primer. carved horn. silver mts | | 2-12-6 37468 | GX/-/- | Easter Island "Lizard" God. | | 26-0-0 ################################################## EFwDh ################################################## [tl1_text] 51 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37469 | GS/- | Steven's Lot. | | 37470 | GA/- | India Sword. crutch top [[image]] | | 1-1-0 37471 | GA/- | India Sword. crutch top curious knuckle guard | | 1-5-0 37472 | GX/- | India Sword. straight. silvered hilt. semi basket | | 2-7-6 37473 | N/S | India Sword. Tulwar. plain. | | 9-0 37474 | N/S | N. China Cake Tartar "Currency" Tea. Mantchou character stamped on | | 1-1-0 37475 | -/S | Japan Box of Dominoes. | | 5-0 37476 | /- | China Toy double rattle Drum | | 2-0 37477 | /- | Japan Pottery Altar Emblem Lotus seed &c | | 5-0 37478 | Y/- | China Seal stone | | 37479 | Y/- | China Seal stone | | 37480 | Y/- | China Seal stone | | 37481 | G/- | China Seal pottery | | 37482 | G/- | China Seal pottery | | 37483 | G/- | China Seal pottery | | 37484 | G/- | China Seal ivory | | 37485 | G/- | China Seal Lignum vitae | | 37486 | G/- | China Seal wood "Kaylin" | | 37487 | G/- | China Seal large square wood | | 37488 | G/- | China Seal large square wood Collection of 19 £4-4-0 | | 37489 | G/- | China Seal smaller square wood | | 37490 | G/- | China Seal large 3 character. | | 37491 | G/- | China Seal small 3 character. | | 37492 | -/S | China Seal small 3 character. | | 37493 | -/S | China Seal small dated 1851. | | 37494 | -/S | China Seal small dated 1857 | | 37495 | -/S | China Seal small 37496 | -/S | China Seal small 37497 | G/I/- | Mangaia Adze. v. fine head. 9 x 4½ [[strikethrough]]Turret type binding imperfect.[[/strikethrough]] 3-3-0. | | 3-15-0 37498 | Y/- | Tibet Charm Case. brass [[image]] | | 10-6 37499 | G/A/- | England 2 barrelled P.C. Pistol revolving hammer. | | 37500 | GY/- | Japan Tsuba copper. large 2 Figs, Taken onchi & "Rujins" Attendant. signed Tsuchiya Kazumasa | | 2-15-0 37501 | GY/- | Japan Tsuba Shakudo. v. fine. signed | | 2-10-0 37502 | GY/- | Japan Tsuba Shakudo. v. fine. Diaku on [[?bale]] | | 1-12-6 37503 | GY/- | Japan Tsuba Shakudo. fine. 2 Figs. | | 1-5-0 37504 | T/- | Japan Tsuba Shakudo. fine. grape vine. black & gold signed | | 1-7-6 37505 | T/- | Japan Tsuba Shakudo. Flowers. black & gold | | 18-0 37506 | T/- | Japan Tsuba Shakudo. Flowers & birds black & gold | | 17-0 ################################################## EFwDk ################################################## [tl1_text] 51 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37507 | T/- | Japan Tsuba. Shakudo. black & gold. Flowers. | | 1-0-0 [[checkmark]] 37508 | T/- | Japan Tsuba. Shakudo. black & gold. Thousand Chrysantha | | 1-5-0 [[checkmark]] 37509 | T/- | Japan Tsuba. Shakudo. black & gold. Flowers & butterflies. | | 10-0 37510 | T/- | Japan Tsuba. brass. dragons. pierced. signed. | | 1-0-0 37511 | GY/- | Japan Tsuba. v. fine. v. large. chiselled iron dragon. gold & silver studs signed | | 2-2-6 [[checkmark]] 37512 | GY/- | Japan Tsuba. v. fine. chiselled iron inlaid Warriors fighting. signed. | | 2-12-6 37513 | I/- | Japan Tsuba. v. fine. iron silver Figure & Frog. copper rim | | 1-6-0 37514 | A/- | Japan Tsuba. iron. 2 Figures | | 16-0 37515 | A/- | Japan Tsuba. iron. inlaid gold. Flowers. edge dec. | | 1-5-0 [[checkmark]] 37516 | A/- | Japan Tsuba. iron. gold dragon | | 12-6 37517 | N/- | Japan Tsuba. iron. chiselled Kaylen. gold flowers | | 12-6 [[checkmark]] 37518 | N/- | Japan Tsuba. iron. pierced 4 implements | | 16-0 [[checkmark]] 37519 | N/- | Japan Tsuba. iron. pierced Wasp & wood. | | 16-0 [[checkmark]] 37520 | N/- | Japan Tsuba. iron. gold leaves. silvered rim. v. neat. signed. | | 16-0 [[checkmark]] 37521 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. small iron. bamboo edge. gold & silver flowers. | | 10-0 37522 | N/- | Japan Tsuba. 2 men in boar. silver moon signed | | 10-6 37523 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. Large iron ducks flying. | | 12-6 37524 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. Bird flying in rain? signed | | 7-6 37525 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba. flowers. poor. | | 3-6 37526 | N/- | Japan Tsuba. small Namban. pierced edges | | 18-6 [[checkmark]] 37527 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba. small. encrusted silver. | | 7-7 [[checkmark]] 37528 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba. small. encrusted silver. | | 37529 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba. small. encrusted silver. | | 5-6 37530 | G/- | Japan Tsuba. Pierced iron plain. | | 4-6 37531 | GY/- | Japan Iuro. with netsuke | | 1-14-0 37532 | GY/- | Japan Iuro. with netsuke | | 1-7-6 37533 | GY/- | Japan Iuro. with netsuke | | 1-7-6 37534 | C/- | Japan Iuro. | | 1-2-6 37535 | C/- | Japan Iuro. birch bark lac. | | 1-2-6 37536 | C/- | Japan Iuro. | | 16-0 37537 | S/- | Japan Iuro. | | 17-0 37538 | S/- | Japan Iuro. | | 15-0 37539 | S/- | Japan Iuro. (Nwtsuke No 34118 9/-) | | 1-2-6 37540 | A/- | Japan Iuro. | | 16-6 37541 | A/- | Japan Iuro. | | 16-6 37542 | N/- | Japan Iuro. | | 10-6 37543 | GG/GA/- | New Zealand Carved Masl. V | | 37544 | GG/-/- | England 7 barrel Rifle P.C. by Forsyth | | ################################################## EFwDn ################################################## [tl1_text] 52 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37545 | A/GX/- | Hawaii Neck Charm. "Leiukopoloa". ivory hook | | 9-9-0 37546 | A/-/- | Cabinet of 12 Drawr. mahogany. Ex: R. Ashington Bullen F.L.S., FRTS. | | - 37547 | GS/- | Scotland Powder Flask. Wm Anderson, Surgeon. Wd int 1780. F.L.S., FRTS. | | 37548 | GX/- | England Pair F.L. Pocket Pistols. RICHARDSON. MANCHESTER. F.L.S., FRTS. | | 37549 | A/- | Tibet Priests Diadem. gilt & painted. 5 leaved. F.L.S., FRTS. | | 2-2-0 37550 | Y/- | Tibet Bell. F.L.S., FRTS. | | 8-0 37551 | G/- | Japan Large pierced Arrow head. F.L.S., FRTS. | | 8-6 37552 | GA/- | India Shrine copper & brass. v. old Madras. F.L.S., FRTS. | | 2-5-0 37553 | Y/- | Malay Stone Tin "Hat" Money 1 Ampat = 2½d Tompong. F.L.S., FRTS. | | 8-0 37554 | N/- | Kabayb Silver Broach. old. F.L.S., FRTS. | | 16-0 37555 | I/- | Ancient Roman Bronze Strigel Chiusi (Etruria) F.L.S., FRTS. | | 1-10-0 37556 | M/- | Ancient Peru. Silver Tweezers. Lambayeque Peru F.L.S., FRTS. | | 10-6 37557 | A/- | N. America Pipe. red [[?cathinits]] F.L.S., FRTS. | | 1-8-0 37558 | GX/- | Eskimo Pipe, stone bowl. Plover Icy Cape. Berhing Strait F.L.S., FRTS. | | 3-15-0 37559 | G/- | Vancouver 3 Copper Tubes & Scraper [[image]] F.L.S., FRTS. | | 1-15-0 37560 | /- | Vancouver Fishing Cord. F.L.S., FRTS. | | 7-6 37561 | G/- | S. Africa Bead Dress. v. old. F.L.S., FRTS. | | 10-6 37562 | N/- | Congo 4 Paleos. Ex: Rev Dr Bentley. Kiandu F.L.S., FRTS. | | 1-1-0 37563 | M/- | Congo 3 Paleos. Ex: Rev Dr Bentley. Tumea. F.L.S., FRTS. | | 18-0 37564 | Y/- | Congo 2 Paleos. Ex: Rev Dr Bentley. 20 m. S.E. Tumea. F.L.S., FRTS. | | 12-0 37565 | G/- | Congo 1 Paleo. Ex: Rev Dr Bentley. Mongo F.L.S., FRTS. | | 7-6 37566 | G/- | S. Africa 3 Ex: Prop. Rupert Jones F.R.S., Khami. 12 m from Bulurôago. | | 6-6 37567 | G/- | S. Africa 2 Ex: Prop. Rupert Jones 1891. Barberton, 1' Bulurôago. | | 14-0 37568 | G/- | S. America. Arrow head. Dr H. Woodward 1895. Guano Piohala Rt. Chili | | 7-6 37569 | /- | Turkey Pipe Bowl. large Chili | | 2-0 37570 | C/- | Cent. N. Australia Shield. finely carved. Chili | | 1-12-6 37571 | Y/-/- | Persia Dagger heavy pierced silver sheath. silver hilt | | 6-6-0 37572 | G/GX/- | Eskimo Knife. copper blade. bone haft. Ex Greenwell Sale Copper Muu R. | | 6-15-0 37573 | GX/- | Eskimo Knife. copper blade. bone haft. Ex Greenwell Sale Copper Muu R. | | 2-7-6 37574 | G/T/S | Solomon Canoe Figure Head Rubiana | | 4-15-0 37575 | G/-/- | Solomon Canoe Figure Head Rubiana | | 3-3-0 37576 | I/- | Mangaia Turret Adze haft. v. large haft only | | 3-3-0 37577 | G/-/- | Stevens Sale. | W | 37578 | Y/GM/- | Stevens Sale. | W | 37579 | Y/GT/- | Stevens Sale. | W | 37580 | GX/- | India Tulwar. fine old silver dec: hilt | | 2-18-6 37581 | G/I/- | Brazil Club. Engraved. Ex: Rev. C Crawshaw. | | 4-12-6 37582 | Y/S | Savage Isl: Model Canoe with outrigger Ex: C Crawshaw. | | 12-6 ################################################## EFwDq ################################################## [tl1_text] 52 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37583 | C/- | Hawaii Fish-hook. [[image]] with line Ex: Rev. C. Crawhaw. | | 1-5-0 37584 | C/- | Hawaii Fish-hook. [[image]] with line Ex: Rev. C. Crawhaw. | | 1-5-0 37585 | S/- | Hawaii Fish-hook. [[image]] no line Ex: Rev. C. Crawhaw. | | 18-6 37586 | S/- | Hawaii Fish-hook. [[image]] no line Ex: Rev. C. Crawhaw. | | 16-6 37587 | N/- | Fiji Club. pine. slender. [[image]] Ex: Rev. C. Crawhaw. | | 16-0 37588 | N/- | N. Caledonia Club. black wood. [[image]] Ex: Rev. C. Crawhaw. | | 12-6 37589 | N/- | Solomon Club. v. old cane binding on grip. Ex: Rev. C. Crawhaw. | | 1-5-0 37590 | I/- | Raratonga Spear wood. slender. Ex: Rev. C. Crawhaw. | | 2-2-0 37591 | Y/- | New Hanover Club. carved. Ex: Rev. C. Crawhaw. | | 10-6 37592 | Y/- | New Zealand Adze-head black stone. Ex: Rev. C. Crawhaw. | | 17-0 37593 | GA/- | Australia Stone hammer, mounted. Queensland Ex: Rev. C. Crawhaw. | | 2-2-0 37594 | GY/- | Australia Woman's Dress. [[image]] Stanley Expdn Ex: Rev. C. Crawhaw. | | 1-6-0 37595 | G/GX/- | New Guinea Currency Axe. 12" x 8" Wooklark. | | 2-5-0 37596 | N/- | New Guinea Belt of carved bark. Woodlark. | | 1-1-0 37597 | GX/- | New Zealand Hani. Woodlark. | | 37598 | M/S | New Zealand Paddle Woodlark. | | 37599 | M/S | New Zealand Paddle Woodlark. | | 37600 | GX/- | Fiji Club. rare form. inlaid whale ivory [[image]] Woodlark. K | | 37601 | A/- | Samoa Tappa Beater. Woodlark. | | 12-6 37602 | G/Y/S | New Caledonia Tappa Beater. Woodlark. | | 2-2-0 37603 | GX/- | S.E. Brit. N.G. Tappa Beater. Woodlark. | | 18-6 37604 | G/- | W. Africa Game Board. damaged. Ashanti | | 10-0 37605 | G/- | E. Africa Club. polished, fine specimen Dinka. | | 8-6 37606 | G/- | E. Africa Spear. small head. polished haft. Somali. | | 4-0 37607 | GG/- | England Pepper Box. v. small. finely finished. | | 37608 | Y/GX/- | Belium Pair all steel F.L. Pistols. Liege | | 37609 | G/-/- | Persia Spear. double prong. inscription ex: Earl of Mexboro. | | 2-7-6 37610 | Y/GA/- | India Gauntlet Sword; "Pata", Elephant head guard ex: Earl of Mexboro. | | 6-15-0 37611 | GA/- | India Dagger, "Katar", v. short broad blade. ex: Earl of Mexboro. | | 2-12-6 37612 | G/-/- | India Matchlock; "Toreador"; barrel inlaid full length | | 4-18-6 37613 | Y/-/- | India Powder Primer. Antelope. ivory | | 3-10-0 37614 | S/- | Bronze Age Razor [[image]] Thames | | { 1-1-0 37615 | N/- | Bronze Age Bell. Thames | 5/10/- | { 16-0 37616 | G/-/- | Bronze Age Celt. ex: large | | { 4-4-0 37617 | C/C/- | New Zealand Carved 4 figs | | - - - 37618 | Y/-/- | A. Egypt Boomerang. Ex: Lord Carnarvon's Excrsn Thebes Hatshepset Valley Temple Period XIII XVII dynasties | | 4-4-0 37619 | GX/- | Persia Double Axe. late | | 37620 | G/-/- | 2 Indian Eleaver Swords late. | | ################################################## EFwDt ################################################## [tl1_text] 53 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37621 | G/-/- | 4 Persian Arm Guards late. | | 37622 | A/- | Persian Arm Guard. | | 37623 | A/- | Indian Arm Guard. | | 37624 | G/GX/- | Indian Shield. inlaid. cobra overlay. | | 37625 | A/- | Indian Parrying Shaft. steel shield, brass bones | | 7 37626 | Y/-/- | Turkish F.L. Rifle. Kurd. | | 5-5-0 37627 | A/- | Congo Sword & sheath [[image]] | | 1-2-6 37628 | M/M/- | Persian Shamsher, fine chiselled russet steel hilt watered blade. | | 7-15-0 37629 | GA/- | Indian Shield black. bosses damasd gold 18" | | 3-10-0 37630 | GA/- | Indian Shield black. v. large copper gilt 25" | | 3-3-0 37631 | A/-/- | Indian Arm Guard pierced iron [[strikethrough]]inlaid bra[[/strikethrough]] | | 11-10-0 37632 | GX/S | Indian [[?Aucus]]. all iron. inlaid brass | | 1-15-0 37633 | S/- | Indian Kukri with sheath dec. leather | | 16-0 37634 | S/- | Indian Kukri with sheath one side knife. carved band on hilt | | 16-0 37635 | S/- | Indian Kukri with sheath one side knife. plain hilt - chipped purse. | | 14-0 37636 | S/- | Indian Kukri with sheath slender. carved band. iron cap to pommel. | | 15-0 37637 | S/- | Indian Kukri with sheath hilt damaged. | | 12-6 37638 | S/- | Indian Kukri very fine specimen. carved band. polished rosewood | | 17-6 37639 | S/- | Indian Kukri large | | 12-6 37640 | S/- | Indian Kukri large | | 12-6 37641 | S/- | Indian Kukri large hilt cracked | | 10-6 37642 | S/- | Indian Kukri | | 10-6 37643 | S/- | Indian Kukri smaller blade | | 10-6 37644 | S/- | Indian Kukri smaller blade | | 10-6 37645 | S/- | Indian Kukri smaller blade very old & worn | | 9-6 37646 | GY/- | Tibet Powder Primers. Tinder Pouch &c 6 pieces | | 2-5-0 37647 | A/-/- | Marquesas Slate Club. | | 16-16-0 37648 | G/N/- | Tonga Club. carved figs. V. | | 37649 | Y/Y/- | Mangaia Adze. small. | | 5-5-0 37650 | Y/- | Andaman Harpoon Arrow. | | 10-6 37651 | GX/- | Indian Dagger. ivory hilt. lunette pommel. silver bones. "Khanjar". | | 1-7-6 37652 | GX/- | Europe Folding Cutlass. | | 1-1-0 37653 | GX/- | German French Helmet Sold | | 1-7-6 37654 | GX/- | German French Helmet with [[?]] | | 1-1-0 37655 | Y/S | Brit. New Guinea Adze Axe. | | 15-0 37656 | T/S | Brit. New Guinea Pounder. | Sold | 37657 | Y/GX/- | New Zealand Club; "Kotiati"; - | | 10-10-0 37658 | GA/- | Indian Small Matchlock. inlaid stock | Sold. | ################################################## EFwDw ################################################## [tl1_text] Page 992 53 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37659 | G/G/- | Indian Execution Sword, inscription on blade. | | 2-12-6 37660 | GN/- | Indian Pair large Betel Cutters, very massive. | | 1-2-6 37661 | A/- | Japan Pair inlaid Door Finger Plates. | | 12-6 37662 | Y/Y/- | England Case Duelling Pistols, MANTON. | | 37663 | GY/- | England Case Pepper Box. | | 37664 | A/A/- | America Cochran "Monitor" Rifle. | | 37665 | GY/S | England Under & Over, WRIGHT. | | 37666 | GY/S | England Under & Over. | | 37667 | Y/-/- | England, 3 barrel. | | 37668 | A/- | England P.C. Under & over. | | 37669 | N/- | England P.C. Under & over. | | 37670 | N/- | England P.C. Under & over. | | 37671 | GY/- | China Pair Swords in Sheath. | | 1-1-0 37672 | Y/GY/S | New Zealand Club, Onewa, basalt, Label 1822. - | .- | 37673 | GY/- | Persia Talisman Bowl inscribed & 20 lead charms. | | 2-2-0 37674 | GY/- | Abyssinia M.S.S. 4 pieces. | | 2-2-0 37675 | G/GA/- | India Dagger crystal hilt cracked. | | 6-6-0 37676 | I/- | England "Pepper Box" Pistol. | | 37677 | I/- | England Revolving Pistol. | | 37678 | M/- | Japan Tsuba "Namban", pierced & undercut. | | 1-7-6 [[checkmark]] 37679 | M/- | Japan Tsuba fine pierced. | | 14-0 [checkmark] 37680 | M/- | Japan Tsuba fine pierced "Cubist". | | 10-6 [[checkmark]] 37681 | M/- | Japan Tsuba pierced. | | 6-6 [[checkmark]] 37682 | M/- | Japan Tsuba inlaid edge basket work | | 14-0 [[checkmark] 37683 | M/- | Japan Tsuba pierced. | | 5-6 [[checkmark]] 37684 | M/- | Japan Tsuba slightly chiselled Umetada Shigenaga of Kydo signed. | | 17-6 [[checkmark]] 37685 | M/- | Japan Tsuba slightly chiselled Umetada signed. | | 16-6 [[checkmark]] 37686 | G/-/- | India Clay Charms. | W. | 37687 | G/GX/- | Norway, Pair wood Clappers, very old. | | 2-15-0 37688 | G/GX/- | Show Case, flat, Mahogany. | | 37689 | M/- | Japan Tsuba Namban. pierced & undercut gilt. | | 1-10-0 [[checkmark]] 37690 | M/- | Japan Tsuba chiselled Surface Concave. | | 16-6 [[checkmark]] 37691 | N/- | Japan Tsuba inlaid bran & copper chips. | | 16-0 [[checkmark]] 37692 | M/- | Japan Tsuba chiselled Owari with inlay of Clematis after Nara XVIII Cent | | 18-6[[checkmark]] 37693 | M/- | Japan Tsuba Finely pierced. | | 14-0 [[checkmark]] 37694 | M/- | Japan Tsuba Finely pierced. | | 12-6 [[checkmark]] 37695 | M/- | Japan Tsuba. | | 8-0 [[checkmark]] 37696 | Y/- | Japan Tsuba rough. | | 3-6 ################################################## EFwDz ################################################## [tl1_text] 54 [[5 column table]] [[Stock No | Cost | Item Description | Code of Buyer and Date of Sale | Price]] 37697 | N/-/- | India Standard, fine spear head. | | 7-15-0 37698 | Y/-/- | New Zealand Model Canoe. | | 7-10-0 37699 | GA/- | New Zealand Chief's Staff. "Pouwhenna" or "Turipou". Very old. [[image]] | | 3-3-0 37700 | GA/- | New Zealand Chief's Staff. "Pouwhenna" or "Turipou". Very old. | | 2-2-0 37701 | GY/-/- | Congo Embryo Pigmy | W | 37702 | GX/- | N. America Belt bead work. Canadian. | | 2-2-0 37703 | GG/- | S. America Belt bead work. Guiana. | | 1-15-0 37704 | G/A/- | England Curious F.L. Pocket Pistol. | | 3-12-6 37705 | A/- | England P.C.Copper & Shot & Powder Measure. Sykes. | | 12-6 37706 | M/- | Mille Island Fish Hook. | | 8-6 37707 | S/- | Ashanti Zither, bamboo. | | 17-6 37708 | | | | 37709 | | | | 37710 | | | | ################################################## EFwDC ################################################## [tl1_text] 54 [[multiple calculations]] ################################################## EFwDF ################################################## [tl1_text] 54 [[stamped]] WEBSTER COLLECTION [[/stamped]] [[multiple calculations]] ################################################## EFwDI ################################################## [tl1_text] 54 [[stamped]] WEBSTER COLLECTION [[/stamped]] [[multiple calculations]] ################################################## EFwDL ################################################## [tl1_text] 54 [[no entries]] ################################################## EFwDO ################################################## [tl1_text] [[inside back cover]] ################################################## EFwDR ################################################## [tl1_text] [[back cover]] ################################################## EFwDU ################################################## [tl1_text] [[spine]] LEDGER